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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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on the the on the hole then the enemy knows well, we have prepared ourselves for the worse and no place to be spared. no rockets, israel must wait for us on land by sea and by their that's the warning from the leader of hezbollah coming as the idea of savings prepared to invade. levin onto attack the militant groups following months of mutual across the border, strikes. not him or putting arrives in vietnam on his 1st visit there since 2017, to talk security and economic cooperation following is historic trip to the dpr k. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document in north korea. it's not in my opinion, hale,
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then you mutual defense, steel between the 2 nations as the strongest such st. pete, since the end of the cold war plus some of the coming up the international federation of journalist, decrying their resume killing up to russian reporters while ukrainian media stuff, slums, p. s for cracking down on critical coverage of the government. that hasn't been in freedom of action for john this to be trained for many, many years for i talk to the to i was present finance, christopher washington. so my don x is most of my coverage for my civic position. the from must go to the world, this is our to you. hello and welcome to the program. the leader of the his ball, a militant group, has warned, is real that nowhere in the nation will be spurred from its weapons in the offense of a full blown war. that fiery comment came in response to his really threats to destroy
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the part of military organization. it was, i know who the enemy knows well, but we have prepared ourselves for the worse and that no place will be spared. all rockets is real. it has to wait for us on the ground in the year, and then to see we have said this before, and that will say it again today. if more is impose than that on. the resistance will fight without control without rules, and without assuming well has suddenly trellis space a is already making headlines around the world. the key messages, the attacks on northern israel, where his viola and the idea of have been exchanging fire since the war in guys has started, will continue in order to we can as well as the souls on the pallet stated in clay what, what's more important. his ball is preparing for war. the group has weapons, but is ro hasn't seen yet, and might face. so the forces now those things, some 100000 soldiers ready for battle had in the van to res road attack. his follow
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will invade gelham and region in northern as well as role. i also talked a lot about is really military capabilities, decrees and dramatically closes to hezbollah. as leader and as role of sad, the enemies image of the turns is collapsing. and these really army appear is defeated and collapse, unable to wage a war on several fronts. but again, in case of an all out for his bolas response will be huge. ms rela, went further than just tracked. and in israel, he warned cyprus that it will also be attacked if it decides to help as well. let's take a listen. you guys have the slippery with airports and bases to is really and meet the target lebanon would mean that the central government, the spark of the war and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war. and we already hear reactions from elaborate on to that particular part of his fellow speech leader health. one of the question for it is in the country rejected the
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messages of miss rawlins say to humiliated the state, the foreign ministry and author is to issues, life threatening, cypress and neighbor 11 on has good relations. while the news, real sports minister, a cold on the prime minister and yahoo to show no trauma, who is the boss and the neighborhood pushing to respond accordingly. it's important to understand that his follow leader gives speech is very often, but this recent one is particularly alta of ordinary and it's tones that came up to earlier in tuesday. these really military and nouns that it's ready to invade lab and on with quote, operational plans for tag approved threatening to destroy his public completely. his bola that is faced in lab, but on also israel's chief of staff visited the north and met soldiers there. and again said that israel hasn't shown all of its weapons yet to the enemy, but those will be demonstrated if his full attempt to use the test as well. and politicians joins the choir of military officials,
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warren and his beloved peace is rarely for administered speaking. let's take him to some we are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against hezbollah and they've been on it all for has will, i will be destroyed and level and will be severely hits. the foreign ministers commons came has a reaction to his bola drone photos demonstrating its surveillance of multiple locations and israel. the almost 10 minutes long day time video shows, haifa, israel's 3rd largest city, less than 50 kilometers from the lebanese. both the both civilian and military air is filled, including an arms manufacturing complex with me, sol defense systems indicated and, and his speech early on wednesday and his role is said, but heifer is far from the only c t in his role. they collected information about surprising to see actually this escalation does days off to us, special envoy visited the region, both israel and lab and on trying to is the tensions between the size. given the
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rather military speech of miss rolla and the very clear message, israel is sending to his ball why it seems that these efforts i'll fall for working . let's take a listen to the us and voice. but let me be clear of the conflict along the blue line between israel and it says bella has gone on for long enough. innocent people are dying, property is damaged, families are shattered, and the lebanese economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically added to these recent escalation is really defense minister assess the situation in lab. and on this evening with i d. f chief of staff had of northern command and had of these really air force and we heard from that meeting, but the military has to ensure its readiness for continued operations. we are
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preparing and assessing our capabilities again. anything that make. com defense minister said which indicates that a bible of harsh words and warnings that we see now could potentially lead to real actions. what earlier on when say the idea, if i'm hezbollah, extremes, the fresh series of strikes across the border. the good, according to these really military, some 15 projectiles were detected. switch the id, a free tally a to, to by shelling the source of the launches inside lebanon. there's no word as yet, about any casualties on either side. handles out a series of deadly or strikes by israel was cardiology on southern babylon.
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reportedly concrete as bullet fighters is the 2 sides have been exchanging cross border rocket attacks per month with these really military. and one thing on tuesday that it's ready to invade lab along with quote, operational plans for an attack approved. well, joining us now from bay roots history list malik colored, who has worked for the has been associated. i'll my a dean channel. welcome to the program. give us a sense perhaps firstly, i bought the new the reaction in beirut to her son. this relas tele, by speech today. uh, this is one of the most partial speeches that most of the fellow has delivered in a long time. this reminds us about the 2006 more speeches at that to read, ready to be. and so i think the board boundaries for that is right is to carry on that a board against slipping. and so today, yeah, the,
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the mood of receiving or that action towards the fellow speech was the egg, with a great feeling of all it. and the great feelings of 5 died on what the law has come to. because often did you the 9 minutes? did you that's was the published yesterday of writing a very wide area of the noise that in palestine with naming many locations a, the military and civilian locations as a possible, as possible targets all possible. and there's a sense of the being a close to the is really powered and military and security. and that's how the laws come a long way to become an i q and a phone and so as right and as well. so this has been saying that the exchange of dockets, as you said, that those, the board there's has been going for 9 months now and the feeling that we are
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supporting that people of that stuff by, by giving lot advice like the 1st thing i would ever villages is something that gives us a sense of solidarity and, and blog and, and, and building c s h, because this is something that the other, the other, the whole other was, is just watching inside. that's why we are actually supporting desktop. so in this sense, the speech and what's the said that is right. you didn't have to expect us and the in the see and the, and the, i'm the on the get on this is not something to come across. is any, this is something that, to me, is that over the systems has been developing its powers and it's capable of stopping that is really from going crazy and attacking lebanon as it has. yeah. that then for the $200.00 times since the beginning of this year on the yeah, the language is certainly ramping up. but can i put to you with the
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economic issues in lab and on perhaps memories of the last time is real. i noticed on how to war on lab and on a sort of 2006, the amount of people killed this place. is there public appetite for another war with israel as well? and as a soft southern end, we have always been saying that the price of being neighbors to an occupying states, such as is ryan, is that he needs no excuse to bump us or to cause us last as an economy. and when it comes to witnessing a genocide, i'm not doing anything about this. economy becomes less important when it comes to the feeling of dignity we have faced awards with as right. and we have faced and invasions for know the reason a just know we know that we are supporting the people of good size and order enough
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to get killed in the general side. that is and is sending good wage. it's been ongoing for the nice months when 40 plus thousands kids. imagine if the, if the drums are flipping on was not active and was not causing that is right. you need to really create a arms and the, and the, you know, it's, it's military equipment. if everything was directed to goes up the test in getting more than 100000 people as it is economy a close to getting people out, it's more important to getting thousands and thousands of people. but oh yeah, sure, i, but i'm just wondering about the actual reality. you're all on the ground because we've been hearing from other guests and 11 on that. there's some divisive opinion on whether or not the lebanese army would, would support his black if awarded brick or would it?
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yeah, there is. and they, the that are some people who will oppose this spot. let me remind you of that. how's go as a part of the government on the part of the problem and given the golden triangle, which is the people that is a stance and the army. so if someone is suggesting that the item you would get has will lock up and such a confrontation, that's which was thinking because this, this is the base of being and, and the government and of being a part of the, and political life 11 on. if this is the change, it's going to change and plus that it would be a political change and that, but i'm based on it. this is something that would, people should uptake like each because this has been getting live in and i kind of secure and stable at political state within all the changes that we have been with this thing. and then you jump in closing wars and is that you just set that up on your mind? you have something they go on just of this 9 months and months way before the is
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there is use the bomb or our yeah, electricity effect, it is 11. and this was an ongoing practice or the is that you know, this, the end to end up doing it was because they don't know what does the it is this, those live i don't have and it, it seems. and now we know that it has so much to be, to be closing pay and for the is that you and your, we saw it yesterday with the carrier. and the number of people in that gives you 200. $60000.00 is that, you know, sets it is, this is something that's to say to likely this to me is if we started bumping. yeah we, we, we just hop candidates simply because of a time like we're just to over. but thank you so much for coming in the program. journalist muller college who has worked for the has ball that associated l. minding so many things. you know, i, russian president vladimir putin has touched on in a noise where he's being warmly welcomed by top vietnamese officials. this,
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the russian leaders 1st visit to the southeast asian nation since 27. the 2 countries have a long history of close relations that thursday is full in holloway are expected to focus on expanding security economic cooperation. i had all mr. fitness arrival a senior meeting. these official said the russian leaders visit confirms the southeast asian nations course towards an independent unfriendly foreign policy focused on self reliance on cooperation. mr. brewton does praise henry's advocacy for a just world order. in an article he wrote earlier for the vietnamese newspaper, vietnam is an ancient civilization that is vibrant and unique, adding to the tapestry of a multi polar will annoy the susan independent foreign policy in the global arena and strongly advocates, a just world order based on international law and principles of equality for all states and non interference in the internal affairs. we see it now as
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a like minded partner in shaping a new architecture of equal an indivisible, your ration security. on an inclusive and non discriminatory basis, we are grateful to a vietnamese friends for the balance position on the ukraine crisis. and the desire to facilitate the search for practical ways to settle it peacefully. all of this is fully in line with the spirit and nature of our relations as well. the vietnamese capital has been decorated with russian flags lining the streets. the heads of the rival expectations are however, new agreements will be signed, expanding, strategic cooperation between the countries. here's what we heard from locals in henry i'm very happy that the leader of the republic of vietnam, invited president, put in to visit the country to discuss cooperation yet. and then these people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2
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countries will grow day by day. so the most, we love russians, people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported oak on she so many years. we're grateful to russian people and president, 14. for now, in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen the relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace the on the streets, while a former vietnamese deputy defense minister told us that the original president's visit could market turning point in by law for relations to i think i'm good vietnam and the russian federation on taking the new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industry gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now
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historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped me. and now i'm going to resist new boards against france, and especially like in the united states. and in the cutting period, vietnam is very interested in a new technology of russia. that is, for drew, an electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy artillery, and all the equipment for the army, vietnam and the russian federation are all members of the i. c and block has a very important meeting. that is, it can be some message the vietnam is a bridge between countries in the region and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust. stability of the region. as it develop world wide piece. the bottom are put in, flew to vietnam directly after wrapping up eventful visit to the dpr k, north korean leader kim john wooten. so on this, you put your 1st name on what was driven to the airport in a russian mood, iris and the missing of the visiting president gifted to the nation. during the
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trip, the 2 country signed a new partnership agreements which includes a mutual assistance clause. the russian leader expanded all, i'm not saying it entails a commitment to defend each other should either come under threat pm. young young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected southern piece of it. each of the comprehensive partnership agreements signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document is think of it the i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, f. 16 aircraft, and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory in disregard. the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance
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with the documents signed to the people. so this powerful agreement between the gps k involve choice nothing more than the document until the constructive forward looking exclusively peaceful and defensive nature designed to protect and defend the basic interest of the peoplesoft. the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi pull the world free from the rule of head gemini and my legs. relations between all countries have reason to a the high level of allied relations. a legal basis has been laid with the help of the ways it has become possible to put them on the ground g o supply. and they'll delete the ship of 2 states and all peoples to re live. we protect peace and security in the region and the wells and build strong states in accordance with the common interest of the g p. okay. and brochure or from just respond to those remark 2 weeks prior to his growing young trip. mr. put in warrant that if weapon supplied by western countries were used to strike russia,
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moscow has their right to respond by providing military a to any country on those arms could be used against the west e double done on those remarks today is why am i made you feel can, this is in your actually is good, great. let me that you want them with thinking that if someone believes it is possible to supply such weapons, to a war zone, in order to strike our territory and create problems for us, then why do we not have the right to supply our weapons of the same class to those regions of the wind, where they will be strikes on the sensitive facilities of those countries that are doing this against russia. so the response could be a symmetric, we'll think about this, and of course, such actions will finally destroy international relations and undermine international security. ultimately, if we see those countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way all in all. this is a fact, a very serious problems on you. well, we discussed the prospects all the new security pack between russia and north korea,
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with international security consulting, or rozmini's. and he speculated on what most school could potentially provide to young young under the i think the percentage side, i think we've got some other uh, maybe stealth capability. uh, i mean, obviously korea has the nuclear capability, but perhaps long range more long range ballistic missiles to support that. so there's a lot of the technology bases. you can then use that. i think rushes more advanced and they can reach another stage easily. so it's, uh, yeah, the, the distance on these are thousands, tens of thousands of kilometers. so it's on the west coast of the us. definitely would be in range. so and probably more that is the positive moved from uh you know, and i like to highlight that i think this of the biggest benefit of this is the economic and the trade aspect of it. that could be very beneficial. obviously the,
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the defense of cooperation and, and the central to use north korea as an 8th of a, some metric, a extension of, of russia's military defense strategy is a major consideration to so it's something the west needs to be aware of. and um, yeah, and i think the, for the most part, the west has decided that they can do whatever they want and they can make out the rules and things like that. and it's not really that way anymore. no, the international federation of journalist has condemned the killing of to russian reporters over the past week to russian journalists have been killed in separate incidents in a domestic region. the international in europe, in figuration of journal, is strongly condemned. these killings and urge the authorities to conduct the sweet investigation into the death of the journalists. of the victims were
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a camera mom who was struck during shelling and a war correspondent killed by drones to both. and that then yet public, more than 30 russian journalists covering the conflict of not being killed. russian president vladimir putin says none of those dads are allowed to be investigated. the following is footage from 2022. when the hotel ortiz, senior correspondent was staying and was stopped by rockets in the middle of the night, was prepared for the truck where it's about 2 years. what would be the yep. to pick up for me. sure. welcome. this is this is my room.
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the rules of barely started the inside, that's the box removed and that someone trapped in the next room so suddenly to love to get through. at this point, we are told the most expensive, downstairs trying to help those youth double is willing to stay with 3 employees of the migration service team or for people to local residents. working with the reception the warhead flew straight into them. it went through the 2nd floor and they were killed. the minutes he left this place yesterday, maybe the strike was trying to hit the iphone is very afraid of a 2nd strike. there was often the 2nd attack within 30 minutes. we got reaction to the journalist killing and trust your reaction from it. tell you more correspondence. on 3 of the cheating. he asked why it took global journalist groups over 2 years to recognize the targeting of reporters in the ukraine complex. and i
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don't have any thrust in such organization like this international. so the restaurant of journalists, because only now they start to come, then the baby or of you have against the i'm not totally against that are actually on your notice, but against jermel is because, oh we or correspondence journalist independence from the nationality. we are a target or the ukranian army on the ground and nobody wants to speak about it. of course. so it's, it's good for, for us as a, i mean, as a german always on the field on the ground that some european organization starts to be interesting to what's happened to us. that they ask us about some investigation for such a case where the journalists are killed by ukrainian forces. but this are coming
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only now after 2 years. um and the spies out of june. and elizabeth are dying in this conflict to do the action of key of so you practically say the for the german is that are working you, you can't, it's not possible to be free to call the other evans because we are strictly under control. andrea lucida. meanwhile, in new york times article has cited ukrainian journalist sounding the alarm about the key of government imposing increasingly draconian restrictions on the for journalists and groups monitoring press freedoms are raising alarms over what they say are increasing restrictions and pressure on the media in ukraine. under the governments of president's what demands the landscape, then go well beyond the countries war time needs. before february 2022, ukraine had a long track record of tolerating a pluralistic media environment,
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maintaining that culture has been one challenge of the war. well, the article mentions key of is cracked, done on any criticism of the government or reports about corruption among authorities wherever some of your printing and journalists say the problems with free speech and the country started long before the ongoing conflict. you go is the, the hasn't been any freedom of action for joan list and you train for many, many years. you've has have been, it's media to cover events in the east in any way that shows don't bus and the positive light. and i want to remind you that just recently it was the 10th anniversary. one of the 1st rush consume crews because of everything keep didn't is even then ukraine shows the tactics to show up the most of anyone's. there isn't under its control and tried to kill every once or twice to report the truth from the other side. and they keep doing it to this day. however, 10 years ago and not to it was try could be blamed for not knowing where it was
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head. but now to him this a haunted using thrones is operates or is well aware who he's targeting. right. talk to the coo, i was threatened by your training and security forces, and so hold my down next to this most of my coverage, but from my civic position, which the new york times article says nothing new. i think it's one of washington's moving the training and political game. all this is something like a game of trans atlantic pain. calling the washington uses to ensure that the landscape easily controlled and key if use this to prevent the west from just walking away and writing off the training and case to send to you on a pop. know, a new survey created by the university of warsaw has revealed of the polish people's attitude towards the premium. refugees has changed drastically. the result show 95 percent of polls. believe that social benefits were you printing asylum. seekers should be drastically reduced while only 17 percent would welcome the refugee is asked to do. so that's less than half of the number. who responded positively 2 years ago. on the 5th or so of respondents think the polish government
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should stop ating, ukraine, completely in neighboring ukraine. men are fleeing a new conscription law that came into effect loss of them. footage emerges daily on social media, people being forcibly taken away by draft officers. a bbc and a few details how key of executes the mobilization policy. so these were thing, it wasn't just the weather. they didn't go to plumb houses. the guess didn't show up of going out in public is now too risky for men who don't want to enlist. are you afraid that you might be courting consent? no, no, no one is so pretty. i don't to walk outside at all now unless i'm with my daughter and that is because they don't take people with the children recruitment posters, knowing the streets of a desa the message.


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