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tv   News  RT  June 20, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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of my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the what do i know when the enemy goes well, but we not prepared ourselves for the worst and the no place will be spared o rockets, israel must wait for us on land by sea, and by their that's the warning from the leader of hezbollah coming, as the idea of says is prepared to invade levon onto attack the militant group following months of mutual cross, the border strikes russian president vladimir put and receives a warm welcome from his counterpart in vietnam. as official talks between the 2 leaders are in full swing and the country's capital a farmer bit. that means deputy defense minister says ties with russia would help bring peace to the region and the world. brushing viewed now will contribute to building trust stability of the region as a developed world wide base and former us. how speaker nancy pelosi takes
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aim at the chinese president as aging and slams. washington's delegation for meeting with the dalai lama, who is considered a separatist in china, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. the leader of the hezbollah minutes in group is warned as well that nowhere in the nation will be safe. in the event of a full blown war, that start warning came in response to is really threats to destroy the paramilitary organization. what was i know, let me do you have any nose well, but we have prepared ourselves for the worse and up. no place to be spared. oh rockets. israel must wait for us on land by sea and by their earlier on wednesday, the idea found hezbollah exchanged refresh a series of strikes across the border.
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the, according to the as rarely, military, some of the 15 rockets were detected which the idea of retaliated to by showing the source of the launch is inside 11 on head of that a series of deadly earth strikes. but israel was try it out on southern 11, on a quarterly killing. 3 has full of fights. the 2 sides had been exchanging cross border salvos for months with the as rarely military announcing on tuesday that it's ready to invade levon on with quotes operational plans for an attack approved or to use noise bureau chief maria the notion that has more on the latest spiral of mutual threats and attack as well. has sun trellis space changed already making headlines around the world. the key
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messages, the attacks on northern israel, where his bela and the idea of have been exchanging fire since the war in guys of started will continue in order to we can is relative souls on the palace stated in place. but what's more important, his ball is preparing for war. the group has weapons, but as ro hasn't seen yet and might say soon, the force is now boasting some 100000 soldiers ready for battle had in the event of res rose, attacked his fellow will invade gelham at region in northern as well as role. also told a lot to balk is really military capabilities, decrees and dramatically closes his bowl as leader. and that's for all of sad. the enemies image of the turns is collapsing and these really army appear, is defeated and collapse, unable to wage a war on several fronts. but again, in case of an all out for his fellows, response will be huge. ms rela, went further than just tracks. and in israel he warned cyprus that it will also be
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attacked if it decides to help as well. let's take a listen. you guys have an opening slippery of airports in the basis that is rarely and meet the target 11 on would mean. but the central government as part of the war and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war. and we already hear reactions from lab and onto that particular part of his fellow speech. i lead to our health. one of the question part is in the country, rejected the messages of ms rela, say, take you many a to the state, the ford ministry and other institutions life threatening, cypress and neighbor 11 on has good relations. while the news, real sports minister, a cold on the prime minister, and can you hold to show no trauma, who is the boss in the neighborhood? pushing to respond accordingly. it's important to understand that his leader gives speech has very often, but this recent one is particularly out of ordinary in its tones as came of to earlier in tuesday. these really military announced that it's ready to invade lab
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and on with quote, operational plans for an tag approved, threatening to destroy his public completely, his bow that his face and lab, but on also israel's chief of stuff visited the north and met soldiers there. and again said that israel hasn't shown all of its weapons yet to the enemy, but those will be demonstrated if his full attempt to use tests as well. and politicians joins the wire of military officials. morning, his beloved piece is rarely foreign ministers speaking. let's take him to some we are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against hezbollah, and they've been on it all out or has will, i will be destroyed in lebanon, and will be severely hits. the foreign ministers commons came has their reaction to his bow, a drone photos demonstrating its surveillance of multiple locations and israel. the almost 10 minutes long day time veto shows, haifa, israel's 3rd largest city,
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less than 50 kilometers from the lebanese, both the both civilian and military areas field including an arms manufacturing complex with missile defense systems indicated and in his speech. early on wednesday, this rolla said the high for is far from the only c t in his role. they collected information about, surprising to see actually this escalation, his days off to us, special envoy visited the region, both east row and lab. and i'm trying to is the tensions between the size given the rather military speech of ness rolla and the very clear message. israel is sending to hezbollah, why it seems that these offers are far from working. let's take a listen to the us and voice. but let me be clear. the conflict along the blue line between israel and his butler has gone on for long enough. the innocent people are dying, property is damaged, families are shattered, and the lebanese economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good
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reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically added to the recent escalation is really defense minister assess the situation in lab. and on this evening with idea of chief of staff had of northern command and had of these really air force. and we heard from that meeting, but the military has to ensure its readiness for continued operations. we are preparing and assessing our capabilities again. anything that may come, defense minister said, which indicates that a bible of harsh words and warnings that we see now could potentially lead to real actions. affairs are now growing and israel and then western media. the israel's famous iron dome air defense system could be caught off guard by has well as low tech drones. the trouble group is believe to be using quote,
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a deceptively simpler weapon. able to operate independence of radio signals of high speed flight close to the ground. and maneuver to avoid israel is detection system . these capabilities allow hezbollah to accumulate information and drop explosives on his rarely soil. in total, the group is believed to have up to $100000.00 fighters at his disposal and up to $200000.00 rockets, missiles, and bombs. we spoke with sudden em or a specialist on his rarely palestinian relations from the westbank. who says that despite his rhetoric, the idea may not have the capabilities to wage war against living on from the side . do you know that the. busy in the meaning given that the. busy full on once we finish how much, well, we need just to remind them not so much if you want to show that that is i took them 9 months as they even do now and how much and
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you guys know he's in the army and the army is in a very bad situation at the same time, get the deal law is far more down to the better business terms and get down some should have the more, you know, have 3 access to really very good. it keeps any size for them. and okay, and yeah, most of these markets are. busy enormous, i mean all tensions are also heating up on another front, open against israel and its allies in the red sea. the latest video published by the who sees feature bostwick some tact by the group on a greek owned carrier that was sailing under a library and flag. the assault was carried out using 2 unmanned boats resulting in large explosions. the best was known to have sunk a few days after the boat carrier was left to drift and its crew evacuated.
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this latest attack is a part of the campaign against israel and all ships affiliated with it. mainly american and british fees are targeting shipping through the vital port or in an attempted maritime blockade to support palest time. so far the number of such attacks has surpassed 50 but casualty numbers remain low. ecuadorian journalist and head of news at the cradle. esteban korea says the tensions and the red sea are a result of resistance to western policies. a typing, what's happening in the red sees a clear sign that the west doesn't know how to the escalate. they only know how to use military force and even bodies failing then at this point, when we refer to the human needs to twice that a law and went into west day, they get called the cookies. we're talking about i receive the test for that has been in war for the past 9 years, a country that is designated, they are rules for this country. and yet they are the feeding the mind of the west
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. the in particular that you is maybe in the red sea. i may destroy it any worse. it is not, they have it, but they keep them on their toes. they deem they as the comments from commanders of these warships tell the whole story. they say that in every watch 247, they cannot keep their guard down because the damage is non gene fears that tax, they gain and they are the main and they out. so, you know, i think if anything game and has become that, because maybe it's already a success story from this call conflict because they are the one state actors that came in to try to stop the genocide in big hub completely. and virus the u. s. navy, in the red sea russian president vladimir putin received a warm welcome in hanoi, where he met with his vietnam. his counterpart official tax between the 2 leaders are in full swing in the country's capital. the welcoming ceremony for the rest and later took place in the country. his presidential palace,
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the vietnamese president greeted flat him and putting in person and the 2 gave each other a tight hug. the russian and victim is national anthem is replied by a live or 1st, before the leaders proceeded to the palace for talks. all right, well let's cross now to our correspondence in. no, i don courter. don, can you take us to the talks? what were the key takeaways of the rates of? well, the opening statements made by bought them are put in and the being to be as president, have just come to a close before their their negotiations. their 1st round of negotiations are going to happened behind closed doors. and we heard from the vietnamese president, he 1st of all thanked windermere, put in for congratulating him on his recent election uh, bottom are put in said that he remembered when the current president was still the minister of social security when he visited russia last time in the vietnamese president said that he's
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a very excited looking towards the future and in terms of developing further cooperation with russia across all spears. and he also thank the, the russian federation is general policy of supporting the independence supporting the sovereign decision making and foreign policy of vietnam. now vladimir putin, for his part uh once again congratulated the vietnamese president on his election. victory said that these got big plans for developing further cooperation between the 2 countries, specifically in the sense of a strategic partnership between vietnam and russia. and he said that the use, he's also looking forward to what's going to come out of these negotiations and what they're gonna lead to in the future. now, before this trip to how do i made by russian president vladimir putin. and he actually wrote an article that was published in the vietnamese media on the uh, on the eve of this uh, this event. so let's take a look at what he wrote in that article. as vietnam is an ancient civilization that
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is vibrant and unique, adding to the tapestry of a multi polar world noise. the susan independent foreign policy in the global arena and strongly advocates, a just world order based on international law and principles of equality for all states. and non interference in the internal affairs. we see it now as a like minded partner in shaping a new architecture of equal an indivisible, your ration security. on an inclusive and non discriminatory basis, we are grateful to a vietnamese friends for the balance position on the ukraine crisis and the desire to facilitate the search for practical ways to settle it peacefully. all of this is fully in line with the spirit and nature of our relations. a lot of our put and also said that dialogue between the russian federation in southeast asian nations is very important to moscow and economic cooperation between vietnam and russia is going well. you mentioned that uh, just last year, uh, the trade turnover between vietnam and russia increased 8 percent visited indicator
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that the rest of the present said was good. and with further negotiations, perhaps those that are gonna take place today. it's likely that increase in trade volume and cooperation in all different spheres, culture, science, etc, are going to expand as well. this is just over 24 hours ago that we saw that very warm and grand welcom for putting in the p r k. can you tell us how the russian presidency visit is being treated there in, in vietnam? the that's right. well, if for our viewers that were watching earlier in the program, we were lucky enough to talk rachel when the initial welcoming ceremony had actually begun when the columns of troops were lined up in the floor in the square behind me, which is in front of the this building, which is actually the presidential palace where the negotiations are taking place. they played the russian national anthem, the, the of the muse national anthem, and had
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a grand welcoming ceremony for president vladimir putin and the delegation that he brought along with them as well. even afterwards, i was actually able to speak with some of the via them use locals that spoke a bit of english. they said they were really happy that the, the, the russian president, this delegation was here for negotiations and talks with their government because they view russia as a friend, a long time friend. even back in the times of the soviet union, of course, and soviet union supported vietnam and uh, in the vietnam war as well. so this is a legacy that goes back a long time in the vietnamese. remember this, their, their 6th, they're excited about the what's going to come out of these, these negotiations talks documents, agreements that are signed off on. and we even got video of people in the streets of uh, how do i to see what they had to say about the upcoming visit from the russian delegation and the russian president. i'm him, i'm very happy that the leader of the republican. yep. now invited president put in
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to visit the country to discuss cooperation. yeah, not nice. people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2 countries will grow day by day season. so the women will love russians. people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported the country so many years . we're grateful to russian people and president, 14. so now, in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen the relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace. so like i said before, this is a really important meeting, the 2 leaders and not just the 2 leaders, but why them are putting in the number of other v in the muse officials as well have a tight schedule today, a lot is set to be accomplished and we're going to be on top of that. all right, now the initial negotiations are going on, so we're waiting for the outcomes of that. and we'll of course, keep you updated on all the updates on all the details as we get them. but
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definitely stay tuned. because why they are putting this set to speak at a press conference at the end of the day here at the end of the negotiations and the end of the agreements that are signed. and i'm gonna have the opportunity to ask him a question. so definitely stay tuned. it's going to be really interesting, right? we will certainly look forward to that and we'll be carrying that live here on archie international as well done. thank you. so russian president leonard put and arrived in vietnam shortly after wrapping up his his start trip to the dpr k. i also met with the red carpet greeting and the 2nd part of his agent or the
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farmer vietnamese. deputy defense minister told us that the russian presidents visit could supercharge bilateral relations. uh huh. okay. the good vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas, in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industries, gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped vietnam and to resist new boys against france and especially against the united states and in the cutting period, vietnam is very interested in a new technology,
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a brochure that is for drone, an electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy, artillery, and all the equipment for the army, vietnam and the russian federation are all members of the same block. it has a very important meeting. that is, it conveys the message the vietnam is a bridge between countries in the region. and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region as it developed world wide piece. the infamous for heating up american tensions of china. a former us house speaker, nancy pelosi is taking shots that chinese president, she didn't paying saying his legacy will pale in comparison to that of the dalai lama that says the us delegation met with the exiled tibetan spiritual later, despite warnings from aging of his holiness the dalai lama was his message of knowledge and tradition and compassion and purity of soul, and clint,
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and, and love. he will live a long time and his legacy will live forever to you, president of china. 6 you'll be gone and nobody will give you credit for anything. now people will see the phone with you as all the golf course. so when we joined on my voice, i was, he's now in china meeting that the in the, in the town of that i'm showing the is essentially the way it is a new state, sol. so where do better leadership? any zine has their offices need? yeah. now the stock level by vault is on us that edition, that key to india on tuesday, identities and comprising both of democrats as actually they moved to not to show solidarity with the dimensions. so i know that sees an i not houses that are just need to be weekdays meeting. china also reacted
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shops by the 14th dalai lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti china separate dest activities. these guys, as a religious figure, were gravely concerned about the relevant reports and birds. the us to fully recognize the inside china, separate this nature of the delilah. i'm a group owner. it's commitments on the 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. these also the us boston the result stupid, has been signed by the president. yes. but essentially what this is showing not to re engage with the bathroom, need to re engage with them. they are trying something that we cannot let them get away with snell and the spirit of his holiness shall be gracious to the chinese people. i don't know that they're up to this,
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but we do know that the chinese government is and we do know that they must get the message. and this legislation sends the message, the house and the senate, and soon to be signed by joe biden. the president of the united states country, boston, yours for a different country. what does that mean? it simply means that it holds no significance, no bearing one shot. now also me comes these the full use of driving to the us. he's going to for the nice to be the all new designed engagements that aren't here yet. whether there will be any form and meetings with the us officials why he will be the us, the back. you know, to be out with this for the that believe the one china policy, india that has been a facility for this particular meeting. we'll see you was engaged in that. and shawna for now has been acquired the isis k terrorist
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group has infiltrated europe using ukraine as a gateway. that's according to the chief of germany's federal office for constitutional protection. germany in our quarterly harbors over 27000. and this mom is representing potential security threats, ortiz, or are, does the of unravels the complex web linking the terror group to us actions. a warning you may find some of the following images disturbing of the crocus city who masika non most schools outskirts was a travesty. long, thin, slower of civilians, men women, children. it rattled russia to the cool. the,
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the terrorists fled immediately. they would track cuz they hated for ukraine and was detained a me a i was drive from the boulder, even as the ruins of crew could city who smoked it with many of the victims buried under the rubble of the united states rushed to assure the world it was who isis k. no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happened. the
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literally saw draven carriers have liberated virtually 100 percent. the vices interact in syria. now you don't hear that from this except that isn't what sizes k believes they blame the defeats and syria on russia officially claiming the most schools intervention, change the course of the rule for years. now, terrorists be obsessed with revenge on russia. in rods and publications and post that it is believed that the united states has supported them in the hatred of
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russia. i personally believe nato, the united states and western intelligence were aware of this attack, and that's done. and the evidence is that the united states off the citizens, to avoid crowded places and gatherings in moscow and its suburbs. hold up all i've had, the syria has personal experience regularly, ices sizes, wood stage attacks and massacres, that with weston weapons and foreign west and supplied shelves. and i munition munition which they never seem to run out of the pallet. bob, who bowed with isis k for years, holds the same opinion, except i'm concerned with k. it is a proven fact. they are being supported and financed by the western powers. they were used as a proxy to engage the taliban and a war. they wanted chaos in kimball to divert the tell a bands,
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attention from reforms and peace. there are a plethora of reasons why many countries in southwest asia hold the same view. they began with mysterious american helicopter flights to ices, k control territory and move that they've got a strong isis k 5 has spotted with american weapons despite the fact that it was the tyler by. let's seize those weapons from the app. gotten on me as it collapse. i'm dollars found the isis recruiter has lots of dollars. we draw attention to the continuing evidence of, if not direct, then in direct links between americans and isis. we're talking about a recent statement by the taliban. about a targeted raid by american special forces to capture one of the taliban prisons in the ask in province of bi guess which contained isis militants captured in northern afghanistan in august 2018. all these persons were taken away by special forces in
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an unknown direction. according to some reports, citizens of russia and central asian states could be among them such an interest in isis suggest that the united states, by taking such action, was trying to prevent a leak of information that the mentioned isis militants could have reported about their real sponsors ever since america's withdrew from a guy that started in 2021, i says k, his dramatically changed the targets have become almost exclusively organizations in countries which the united states doesn't like. brazen suicide, the tax memorial to and the radio in general. 100 dead, an attack on a hotel, popular with chinese workers. and the tide could of chinese delegation bombings, targeting the policy of form of packet style, the prime minister in, but on con,
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who the united states viewed with distaste and countless times targeting the tyler bon. the tyler bad? well, absolutely. sure about who backs these terrorist function? and they are, what is it? we engage them in all provinces and destroyed their safe havens. but they were still hiding in some provincial capitals, protected by the us, and, and nato. these evil forces were protecting ices, to use them for their nefarious designs. when our army was fighting isis, several us helicopters landed and deployed to the terrorists when there was fighting between our forces and isis in july le bod. and we had almost finished our job. you was aircraft appeared in the sky and bombed our soldiers. the idea that the united states has supported add to tyler by elements even isis k is gain the regional attraction, certainly refined in the law.


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