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tv   Documentary  RT  June 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, what is part of the, the employee would post good isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of as the russian states never see as tight as on one of the most sense community best. most all
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sense i'm up in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russian, excluding and supports the r t supposed neg. keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say they would put you on the oh, what else? they just don't have to shape
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out if it comes to after care and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the a gun or some uh, is uh, import on the country from portland over uh, joining the fight against terrorism and drugs. therefore, uh since uh, this is a billing issue for, i'm not sure and secure with, i mean for a say it will be a rather much on both them to have, you know, friendly and constructive ties and relations. so we cut them through us or gather some economically i've gotten this done. first of all, as a company has
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a bridge and natural resources that may be met or reinforced, or russian business. and besides important that juggling from a position now regardless um, as a breed sure between the north and south and the so all these are moments and considerations maybe so i've got some important documents from i'm on come and where are we are at now. where is russia ads in terms of establishing that contact via geopolitically speaking or economically speaking? uh, well, uh we are, our relations is on the rise. uh, we uh, despite, oh, when the technician politically over uh, new government, i've got a some, uh, we uh, stopped up to a long time ago or through stablish our business relations like templeton,
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based way. we're in very involving both russian states or wrong uh, business as well as private one. all right, and that sounds sure we uh what relations and compensation is on the rise and a very seminal uh, type of se x, uh, or uh, minister will become the lease of the all. or you're calling. i'm returning the 3. the is about $700000000.00, but i've gotten a some statistics says about more than $1000000000.00. of course it's a modest figures, but the it, the indicates the data. but there, there is a potential and the governor. some is interested in men or things to buy from brochure. it's really fluid, so long least over our group so that the of the market
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for feels deficit. the foot stuff for of oil lot and or a little bit of guns. and a lot of all the things in the hide the want in this country as well. uh, regardless of them is interested in russian market to, to export it said domestic production, which is which may find the market the outcome to how based is this relationship on the recognition of the russian government of the telephone role. it's our mission is position and import importance, but at the moment the sides of the decision was taken by an russian leadership. but we are now considering listing tell, and one from russian nation the old fetters least, which will help, of course, model and politically. uh, i've gotten
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a strong government not to be seen as that. there are some reservation this 1st i'm sort of facing both a moment for russian business. so they would prefer on to have relations and corporation was government and government the institution. so regardless them yeah . which sure is not a suspect that to be part of the power it is my and the other things this news that you just mentioned, rush applied it to the list the taliban as a terrace organization within russia. made headlines, of course, around the world. did russia, did the government receive any messages or hence, from other countries potentially that this could signal a problem? an issue if russia recognizes how the vendor list them as long as we haven't going to shoot? and a few sure, let least. i've seen the speculations for what if you mean the or pre cheryl notifications?
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no, we haven't received that in terms of the top of on so far has been empowered for quite some time. what can we say based on that time? can we predict that they are there to stay? i believe of that uh they have come uh for quite a long time and very serious. sure. uh they are trying to rebuild and reconstruct her administrative structure of this country. of course, they have a lot of things to be done um and they are sharply almost 3 years in power. many things have been destroyed. all this showed up the top of the american departure and change your over uh previous pop it through june. us. um, they have
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a go select or efficient the management i'm finished about then learning, learning and bad things to build the nation. know um the government and it told me would share will make i've got a son, a self sufficient answer. state who's tends to benefit from top to bottom newsday from taliban leaving power. for example, we know that this how about not currently fighting a terrorist and the country will get to that in the 2nd, but who stands to gain from them being defeated? of course, the role it's so cold, the argument sucks from a risk to because the existence sure of all of them is a problem for their my, the because her baby lawyers, the, they have lost their position military and political position i got or something which helped them to project power and influence on the surround that raise your
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saw dollar on the pride them i'll be so putting them trapped bescedy, therefore, that bragging to ring. sure. and using all possible instruments to insular and spell a bomb in order to have what that old baze and position to look be able to, to my la, to fret them are all very german and to indicate that they are the decision maker for very few interest that'd be always impressed. better. rather simple and simplistic. stand. so you're saying that behind telephones and then these are the anglo saxons trying to retain their power there. yes. so the perfect so sides about it because we understand that the anglo saxons. uh uh, sponsoring uh such sure,
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the international terrorist groups, like i said, it is a very much in decades are from the when the american then late there's a whole and stated and i've gotten a son for 20 years. i shall do that tag them on to march. sure. and that's all about being in a position. i haven't got gabriela miller, the position they for a this i so and the in some cases one, they a core, not the i so for so seeing there's several different i'm the pod. so i've gotten a some, a metric and helicopter. sure. and bait the shuttle bus came to risk you ice from fighters went on hats, is incredible. and now we're seeing the different sides of ice as we have is logic state for us on provence. and they are the ones currently battling the taliban in
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afghanistan. but apparently, ever since the us withdrew its forces, they switched their strategy. it seems as it is logic, state horse, on province. they are targets now are non western countries, non western people. why is that? you're all right. first of all, i don't very much like these metric and in mention about the ice is part of some, it's very much out there for you. sure. on what are some is a part of the original and share the by haven't gotten a son. i me around is a historical name, but doesn't mean too much. it's 1st. second, but i says as targets, not in the west. the country suggests because they are not the original building and therefore they don't have the stock can send i. so i, in there from the beginning, was the us be had that's a gains sudden through
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a shirt and run by shirley parker stump. uh, this is main task or for an ice or to this stop and this, the bit wise central a sure. in order to demonstrate the same for the lesions, loop, guys, you behave, you know, if you don't have prob, i'll, uh, and we are here to monitor for late to those style bullets in your favor or against. so what do you think it will take to eliminate then i so i says with enough guidance on what will it take to eliminate that? oh tyler, bottom government is doing to is utmost to do or to and they are way quite successful just by that as a fact i will take on the capacity of i shall during american stay
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a was that they have their own 12 solve them fight. that's in their ranks, but as a result of the taller bon fight, they have them now. we believe of them might, is around 3 itself is a by itself, speaking very evidently about to tell them on success, but all these kind, oh wow. rest them restrictions on kind of government makes it difficult, the budget laid difficult for a government to manage and to have enough count authorities room for us to accomplish the one that makes a lease quite low. uh then uh we would refer you to have, you mentioned some of the restrictions, for example, we know about the frozen assets the, the us. so that froze the, i've got an acid. is that making the situation worse? and is that intentional?
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perhaps? yes, of course. i believe it's intention just by americans. why is it a leg illegal? step of they want to show the dollar bomb. the guys, your money is in our hands. if you don't behave your role, no, no, get them back. and the extra li, uh, they are doing everything to recon, told one financially and their call and likely to deprive them based possibility to strand from a back to me. and the thought is them are capacity, someone would argue. but isn't that understandable that washington doesn't want to approve of the taliban as well. but uh, this is a different of the larger different i'm from. uh, uh, humans, iron, uh and leo international law. i mean, uh, poke pork and its uh that are evident wire lotion. oh wow. uh,
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international. as you mentioned, making mandatory initially there is a switch from the tire in crisis from a way i understand and the scanner's done. and this is also something that is helping fuel terrorism in the country. right? uh, but again, uh, the screw been throwing problems and the gun has been one of the main reason is social economics ration both stayed on what a call, let me make sure a lot of people are, droplets are, and many people may drawing a and me some of these are government and the different kinds of groups just for the sake of money to provide their families, was brad in that sense? yeah, sure. all right, so what have to do, we are, we haven't seen different in the united states for, for many decades. so what can help the tell about escape this in the way one could argue
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a lose lose situation. international leave speaking when it comes to the west because they're not helping the humanitarian crisis, they're making it worse, the frozen the assets. so what can be a way out? we are, what is most thing original 3 or we're style a bottom 2 uh and give them an opportunity to develop their calling on me and for original corporation they can expand there. are you calling to me and the export photo so, so as well as informed the on verizon origin and support their role and they call them and paypal. uh that's uh their only reasonable what you can do, but that's just our 1st of all, we believe that's a leg earlier lego action on why united states on, i'm gonna national assets should be removed based mind,
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me should be returned to the central bank. have our gosh them in order to support the national account currency and not only and we the mom, the old westland congress, including your s a to lift on illegal son from the same forest or another gunner, son of a sanctions are competing many aspects of life and these are poor country, including a banking transaction system, which sure of course no big obstacle for trade relations. so i've got a son reason both on the neighbors and then they own the neighborhood the had besides, it's her, it's the international. uh, yeah, the st. louis, united, the nation, the institution or better. so i'm going, i've got a, some of they have to bring cash or money. and now the world provide them cover their budget kind of budget,
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the vickers or the station in portable or to learn the against international law. or 0 and trump, or perhaps in the future now that we'll see russia and the china building and alternative solution for countries that don't want to abide by the west or washington's rules, perhaps in the future. what could see of gotten this done join in something like, for example, brooks, where they will have their own financial payment system, their own banking system. you're all right, so they have to come a long way to achieve draining many international this say to sions by the police were already doing. we know of a russia is ready to invest and run us fun. but by me, it's not my position to say something, get a russian business should say, whether it's in percent,
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the instruction and investments as faster or less y, as i know, i'm gonna officials, whenever they talk to me, they are confer many times so that they would welcome russian business in west thing the in regard to sunday, call unlimited. besides where we, you know that the china is uh, interesting cuz significantly in i'm gonna spend me call me if there's not only a famous paper sites and i've got us on the east or got us them. but some oil side sides. and we know the central asian stage, so please some of them are, is interested in investing in the relevance of logistic lines are growing for i've gotten us from the into solve. i love to be to back to stand and they are on the so these exxon's put the together may create the create the
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situation which helps i'm gonna spend a to be less dependent on west, on the market and to have access to a better routes. and servers, one of the criticisms against have guidance on and against countries who choose to do business, where they've got us on and the tell about leadership is there treatments of human rights a news of violations of human rights women's rights. in particular, what is rushes of attitude towards that of the few speak about the human rights as a whole. uh, it's skirt, quite ridiculous from west them. con proceeded to the united states to speak loudly about human rights as i was starting looking in the mirror in order to understand why the they are full of stake me for one or when they were in the restaurant for
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a minute. i c. s. for women and girls, we should not forget. uh, one thing that i'm gonna son is a traditional site. the reason it's specific, religious and cultural customers, uh, of women and girls. it was not only when americans in way that's our youngest son, but before when, sorry to young, exist on the call. 30th of because i've gotten so sort the number investment the lot the modernization of organic calling me on the of the, of those conditions. a lot of women and girls are got access to education or job and other things. but a base, i think,
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was pretty dominantly limit to big cities when there were in the weather the suburb. so it was uh, dictated to, so let alone deep our, our pots on gun or some women had the same conditions, told them on now. impulse and shy so. okay. uh, i also have a wife and daughter as i care about how much we have our own culture and society. we my dislike for what i'm gonna assume i've got us doing. but for, since we can see that i'm going to send to be a solid and state that we're have to respect rules and position. so sort of state because i'm going to never criticize the russia of, for it's a society of maybe they dislike a matter of things here in all other countries as well. and that's where we've got
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a much important point there. we should try to understand that. i'm gather some of the sites are all these 2 women and girls has a have a the fathers, brothers, husbands are while i'm guns are many of them may be a part of the bottom of things may be not of a of height. there is. uh they are, they have arms if they believe that the conditions for the women and girls is an appropriate vehicle to have taken arms to or indicate that to our government. but they didn't do it and they don't dirt. let's not to be more uh, gone, then i'm not sure. so once again,
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we've seen that all this talk about the human rights violation of women's rights and they've got a son perhaps that is also another tool that is being used to fuel tensions. and they've gotten his son by the wes potentially west. uh, actually uh, doesn't care of raymond, some girls quite on gun or some like in case of full freight. and it's just the products to, to impose something on somebody. so therefore we are, of course, reach that i'm going to spend the german change is approach an additive, but we are a pretty free guy in favor. this process was to be a revolutionary rather than revolutionary as the rest of them this one from them. so moving forward, it seems that russia acknowledges the issue that exist and have gotten this done.
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it wants to help or i can business was jump politically speaking and it's open dialogue with the leadership. and i've gotten this done right now. that's holly bond and moving forward, hoping for it to be more fruitful. anything else you'd like to add? the crew were yes, of course you are moving forward. and when i say a russian president, they bruise, listing goes down the bunk from 1st to our nation. that has least logically a next step for our imagine there will be regression. um, i hope that the real, every uh, based boy in the sooner rather than later. and it will help to establish, you know, even better understanding of the relation between 2 nation. so russia, as well as every honest one last question, recognition don't,
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might heard prussia in other ways from other, from the west, because of my get punished again. not that russian at this point maybe doesn't care anymore because we really don't care anymore of the having 17000 or more restrictions. it are real and not to hurt us any way. we don't read and much care the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the sick awful lot go that you got to get better you you go to the hospital. yeah. what you need to do to help you a say, i mean would, would you need to walk up to people that are drug addicts because keep going cold.
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turkey is like going to withdrawals and a lot of these for people to withdrawal, giving them money will kill them. so you just gotta give him the government. i don't want go as no one. not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. as we go, the, [000:00:00;00] the, at the end of the 18th century, great britain began to conquer and colonize australia. from the very beginning of the british penetration to the continent,
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natives were subjected to severe violence and deliberate, extra patient. according to modern historians, in the 1st 140 years, there were at least 270 massacres of local b. both any resistance to the british was answered with double cruelty. hundreds of natives were killed for the murder of one settler. indigenous australians were not considered complete people. no wild beast of the forest was ever hunted down with such unsparing perseverance as they are. men, women and children are shot whenever they can be met with squatter, henry, my rake wrote in a letter to his family in england, in $1846.00 plus strategy as fast as these rightly described as blood soaked and races. if at the beginning of colonization, there were one and a half 1000000 indigenous people living on the continent, then by the beginning of the 20th century, their number had degrees till 100000 people. despite the indisputable historical
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facts, the problem of full recognition of the crimes of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. the, the. i'm the old woman, the enemy knows well, but we have prepared ourselves for the worse and no place to be spared. old rockets . israel must wait for us on land. why seat and bite there. that's warning from the leader of has the lodge coming, as the idea of says is prepared to invade levon on to attack the militant groups. the following months of mutual cross border stripe, russia and vietnam signed a number of cooperation agreements and multiple fields, including security as president vladimir putting visits the country and former us.


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