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tv   News  RT  June 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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just to touch, see if they can train this along a way to victory. i'm the one to the low even use this with books was the and when also contributed to the post or written covered reading point. even the 2nd, the it is at that time that were laid the foundation for the strong friendship much that's still a guides us in addressing the most vicious objectives so much and so. so the, all right, i, i looked inside the canals, a quick new book. we modem, nope. you can suggest i need you to move it. now my question, you can do audio harsh. i mean, said i can be, that could be ma'am, to be taught to mind on the line. we won't do that when we get away in any cause. don't think about yourself. that's about your kind of human busy. don't even mean to my thought and then the but that about the content. and then you've
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got to be in the 1st rank when your face it challenges and stay in the back. when it's easy, why did you hear me and then be so the settings i will try to follow up to this principle and i shall we might do you see if there's nothing in our calculation was obvious to me as a friend's or unless we will follow this wise look advice on while joined the efforts are designed to prove that well being of our own people we would like to buy because you don't, we don't get them. i'm talking to you like boys on cheap my poor between the 2 or 2 that the south light of the comes on i live where you event yourself should use and we will remain committed to working in the interests of our nations
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and for the sake of of peace and stability in asia pacific back to what they would do. but it literally towards the let me raise this a toast or, and it would be most of the wrong girl friendship and mutually beneficial called duration between russia and viet. um for the prosperity in our relations and for the good health of all the viet nam leaders and for the people of viet a guy welcome back to the studio here in most go which has been listening again to a noise. vietnam was totally down the getting to be as president, held a state reception full visiting russian president vladimir booth and the vietnam.
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these presidents, the only thing be mutually beneficial and deeply understanding partnership. vietnam says, with russia saying the country would expand as cooperation with russia and raising a gloss to toast the deal. the russian president vladimir putin for his paws, thanking the, getting these presidents of the will. welcome praising the developments the country has made over the past 20 years. and he said that vietnam should be viewed as a major, a development power house in the region. he said the history of relations between russia and vietnam date spots and mid 20th century and his laid a very solid foundation for that strong friendship that they shed. he then quoted who, which a man who said to power of res, always think of your countrymen and not yourself. and president putin said that he aims to folder this principle for the sake of peace and stability in the asia pacific. then of course, raising a loss to toast his house so that we have it more progress ahead of for the 2 sides of russia and vietnam, and the 2 sides have chosen to expands the strategic partnership, signing
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a number of defense security and even nuclear cooperation agreements as the president vladimir putin visits the country that's take less than cremmit the recently we celebrated the 30th anniversary of assigning of the treaty on friendly relations between the 2 countries. this founding document opened a wide avenue for developing and strengthening a new array of the ties between our countries. it gave us strong impetus and dynamic to the development of these relations to and today with president, we made joint statement that is going to support the principles of the russian vietnamese comprehensive strategic partnership. the positions of russia and vietnam, overlapping pull very close. when we discussed the situation in the region, we express our mutual interest in establishing a reliable and adequate security architecture in the region. i see, we heard a lot of interesting, interesting things about just how both countries are going to deep and cooperation
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in old spears. essentially. i mean, russian president vladimir putin spoke a lot about how he wants to help vietnam develop joint torres in between the 2 countries. encourage torres in between 5 in the vietnamese people and the russian people as well as cultural cooperation and specifically scientific cooperation as well. we specifically meant the needs to cooperate more when it comes to peaceful atomic energy as well. but the main point of memphis is that the russian president said, are put rather was on economics between the 2 countries. he wants to see a economic cooperation between the 2 countries grow very significantly. and this is something that the really nice present himself echoed. he said that this is one of the main priorities for right now in terms of its foreign policy, specifically russia cooperating with russia and in terms of that cooperation and economic cooperation. he also said that we ease ease very thankful to russia for
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the fact that it supports vietnam's foreign policy goals that are focused on solve written decision making an independence. and he said that vietnam is going to continue that line of political thought, which i think we're always grateful for the help and support that the russian people have provided to us, you know, struggle for freedom and independence in the last century. we had done was pursuing independence, silver and peaceful foreign policy. and one of our priority is, is relations with russia. we would like to enhance the friendship between our countries that has been developing for many years. we plan to enhance strategic partnership relations between vietnam and russia. the part is agreed to extend cooperation in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual respect, known interference in internal affairs. we're not going to make any alliances with 3rd parties as not to inflict damage to the independence and sovereignty of both our countries. now, the russian president, for his part, also uh, spoke
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a little bit about how agricultural the supply of agricultural supplies to vietnam has been increasing from russia, as well as a cooperation done through the going bank between vietnam and russia that's existed for over 20 years. now and the russian president said that it's seen significant successes over that time period, and we'll see more in the future at the beginning of the, of, of today's programs, the vietnamese officials and the parts of the evenings military. welcome to the russian delegation with a bit of a military parade tenants going off the russian anthem be of the means and so many, even as the military songs as well. it was quite a grandiose welcome in itself, and i even got the chance to speak to a couple of the v as in these are locals here. some of the police officers even supervising the events. and they said that they were happy to see russian delegates here with lot of air pollutants. just got having discussions with the enemies government on how to deepen cooperation and make both of their countries and the
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multi polar world that are in general. and they're, they, they, they see russia as a friendly nation. there were also other videos that the journalists were able to pick up on, on the reading, the run up to this program that we're going through right today. so let's take a listen to what they had to say. i am very happy with the leader of the republic of vietnam, invited president putin to visit the country to discuss co operation vietnamese. people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very low and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2 countries will grow day by day, says the women, we love russians. people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported. oh, can she so many years we're grateful to russian people and president, 14. in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen their relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace for the russian made over. his talk continues to
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be a magnet for attention, low cost of being standing in line to get us those across with the presidential limits. boots in on came to, i'm going to a similar call for a ride during the russian presidents visits to the depot. all the rest of need arrived in vietnam, totally off the wrapping up his historic trip to the dpi. okay. and was also met with a red carpet and greed think of the 2nd post office agents all or the
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form of it. and it means deputy defense minister told us that the russian presidents visits could supercharge by last will relations. okay, from the vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas, in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industry gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped vietnam and to desist in voice against france, and especially against the united states and in the cutting period, vietnam is very interested in a new technology of russia. that is for drone electronic welfare, as well as other areas such as the air force, navy artillery, and all the equipment for the army did convey some message. the vietnam is
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a bridge between countries in the region and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region. as we develop world wide piece, st garza now dozens of casualties have been reported in the southern. the city of rafa, as is where the tungsten dwellings are pushing deep into its western neighborhoods on wednesday. is video kept at the moment to this wally? well, kids has a residential building in the area. the dead and wounded has been transferred to a hospital in neighboring hong kong. eunice rescue was assessing for those still trapped under the rubble. the total death toll since october. the 7th has risen to more than 37390. most of them women and children. well, let's take a look at the scale of destruction these satellite images of rafa speak louder than woods. local media reports today, but 70 percent of the cities infrastructure has been destroyed since the idea of
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expand it is authoration in the area. rafa which was hosted over 1500000 displays, palestinians is becoming into by the day, according to reasons. united nations dates and most of the families have flooded the area within the last 6 weeks. it's estimated around $65.00, thousands palestinians remain in rossa. a stark contrast to the 1500000 who previously left the. those have decided to stay despite the horror as best advising danny. most of the sudden we heard the missile strike and we all came out of our tents. we found the fire bringing in his and his son's beds. even the iron caught fire the pots. every thing in the flower, there was nothing left, everything was burned. and i mean, so were sleep at 1 o'clock at night when suddenly we heard the sound of screaming. we went running outside, grab the children and ran. and we found a big fire burning in front of us and there was shooting. we are staying on the
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land near them. and people started screaming and running in the street. and i'm not the how, how long will this be last? how long will the displacement loss? this is on the 7th displacement so far. we have been on the run since october 7th. we have from the east of con eunice, and now we will return to the eastern area and we will donate that and will not leave. it is our area and we will settle the need for that because this is north of life. what happened here tonight is a disaster, shooting of the tents with their children, insurance for women and children. mazda is, as israel has been, pushing is operation in rough thought, despite warnings by the un onto the international community, in stark contrast to be as way to government search and see you at the elimination . come asked, the id of sports person stays at the minutes. one group is impossible to destroy and any other claims to step safe towards the public. to come us there to say we're
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going to make a mass disappear, limit please, simply throwing sand in the owners of the complex law. come asked is an idea. a mass is a policy, it's rooted in the home, so the people have to have a thing so we can eliminate the mass is wrong. a storm here and israel following how guys interview his capitalism over israel, kansas to destroy him us 8 months after the war started cause and a pro and social media with users question. and if this person actually could represent a body that fights have mass and that is responsible for elimination is probably to come. the public lift be done to prevent concerns over potential split between military and the government isn't. yeah. whose office was quick to respond. that's one of the key goals of the worrying guys of wasn't, remains the destruction of how mass is military and governance capabilities on. but the army is, of course, committed to this. and the idea of was also pushed to respond. they confirmed the fight, they fights $2.10 mazda in the palestinian and clave. clarifying that gary is concerns,
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touch the pool in her mouth as an ideology, as an idea, as if any, all the claim is taken out of context. but despite these attempts to switch, the issue on to the call said this is not the 1st time that we see sort of tension is between provenance there until the defense officials over the these approach to the goal is a conflict. a may is really mills resources reported. it may, it may take up to 3 years to the size of the defeat, have mouse and god. they also complains that there is no conclusive political solution regarding cause of war and that the armies achievements are eroding. and also when the army that started the war i have from the north of the gaza strip. as you remember, illuminating all gradually, pushing militants to the south to the egyptian boys ahead to return to areas previously cleared off. have mass gary, idea of spokesman again hang to the lack of political strategy is to play. and also
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the defense minister earlier urgent is on the yahoo to present plans for post for governance of gaza warning that all army efforts will be fruitless if there is no clear understanding of what is the alternative to the military. and the growth of has been ruling the street for more than 15 years in the so called day after. but from in a sense and yeah, with all the politicians. same, not to cut too much about any officer, despite also global concerns of a post 4 scenarios. they keep rates or rating. the goal is to destroy from us, whatever that means, and whatever comes after that's they can listen to these by the heavy and unsettling price. we must clinch to the goals of the war, the destruction of the mass, military, and governing capabilities. the return of all of our hostages, making certain that gather will never again constitute a threat to as well. and the return of our residents securely to their homes in both the north and the south. and we will continue with our mission to destroy some
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us the prominence was very clear about that and we will continue on. so rough uh we will destroy from us 1st tracing enough 9 months into the war. none of these announced goals has yet been achieved. not only the country's military question, the government's strategy, or lack of stress and chain guys are certainly public discontent. grows thousands of and reinforced, afraid that is really stick to the streets in the last month, almost daily, demanding prime minister to step down, accusing him of being unable to finish the war. he started failing to defeat him, us and bri hostages. back home. there is a feeling that israel is stuck and goes on and people blend. the government for that, of course, and lack of strategy was among key reasons. also for prominent opposition leader and unity policy leader. former defense administered guns to withdrawal from the countries emergency decision making, center war cabinets that was indicating clear or disagreements with the political
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circles. as role is a very hard situation right now. and of course, the pressure on attend yahoo to find a way out of all this, all out crisis from politicians, from military and from or do we citizens continues mounting to wrong. that has sounds kind of dis, decision to list be as nomic, revolutionary dog. cool. as a terrorist, the entity would be rainy and foreign ministry. spokes pass insane. the move goes against international law dispute because these are the decision of the canadian government. is it style move and country to the accepted standards and principles of international law? these you are responsible and provocative move follows the wrong path that the canadian government mistaken for more than a decade under the influence of warmongers unreal violators of human rights and the main founders of terrorism. one does not seem to be surprised by canada, is move to blacklist. these allow me to have a lucian gar score as a terrorist organization since the to science. i've had this long standing castillo,
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the, especially in the past decade when they broke off diplomatic ties. of course, canada has long been seeking to designate the r g c as a tower group. and now it's made the announcement on wednesday saying that the move will help or ta, well with countering terrorist finance and can slip it runs human rights record as well as the r g. c is links to groups such as comments to be among the key factors behind this decision to blacklist the revolution guards that our government has made the decision to list the islamic revolutionary guard car as a terrorist entity. under the criminal code. this action sends a strong message, the canada will use all of the tools at its disposal to combat the terrorist entity of the i, r g c. the uranium regime has consistently displayed disregard for human rights
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both inside. 9 and outside of iran, as well as a willingness to destabilize the international rules based order. canadian for administer melanie, julie asked canadians not to travel to iraq because of what she described as a potential risk of quote, arbitrary detention with this decision. today, there is a heightened risk of arbitrary detention entered on. so my message is clear for those who are in iran right now to come back home us and for those who are planning to add on to go to it on, don't go tensions between the 2 sites have been over the past decade on a steady rise since canada severed diplomatic ties with one back in 2012 and shut down, it's to run embassy hiding places such as it was support for serial presidents a shuttle assad uh its nuclear activities and sweats to israel, canada as own human rights. roger, it won't cause the list, think
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a bitter joke counted up has become be, go to a place where migrants from across the world, including refugees, from comfort zones, but among them, there are a number of terror operatives ranging from ices, just really line cause liberation, tigers, of tiny lum. i'm pakistan's, that's kind of table. and j shim, well, how much to have also filed with canada as a backyard for clandestine activities. that's why oh tom was moved to list the i r g c. now we've seen it that wrong, as ironic with official saying, the force has in fact been fighting terrorist which happened to be on canada as team. but regardless of the motivations candidates decision definitely indicates that there's no sign of subsiding and the tensions between or taiwan cetera. so it is the university of to own political communications, professors say z i o g c has been fighting against isis since its creation and
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hardly deserves the grounds of terrorist. that's just the deadline. and examples of the canada is records and human rights and the support for terrorism. despite all of us, you know, for the last 8 months to have been supporting the state terrorism conducted by, is there any regime, the genocide that's taking place and as it is conducted to the health, this is, are, these are getting from the american. it's from the canadian and the number. you can governments so, so this is so popular. see the statements that the canadian has taken in the past. it says they put, so i'll just see on that list there because i'll be honest support for how was it i or do you see, you know, a couple of years ago was the main force fighting isis. and if you sanctioned a part of united military that is fighting isis,
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then you could be classified as a government that's supporting terrorism. and this is, but the canadian government has been doing for many years well known for staring tensions with china when we us how speaking nancy pelosi is this time taking shots of the chinese presidents saying his legacy will pale in comparison to that as the deadline long as the us delegation met with the tibetan, the spiritual leader wednesday, despite warnings from badging, his holiness, the dalai lama was his message of knowledge and tradition, and compassion and purity of soul, and clint, and, and love a hey, will live a long time and his legacy will live forever to you, president of china. you'll be gone and nobody will give you credit for anything. now people to see the former us all the golf course. so we,
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we joined on my voice. i was, she's now holding showing up by meeting the in the, in the town of that i'm showing the is essentially the way it is a lie on the state soul. so where do you measure leadership? any zine has their offices, e. yeah. now the stock level by vault is on us that occasion, that key to india on tuesday, identities and comprising both of democrats, republicans essentially they moved to to show solidarity with the debate and china the season. i nama houses that are just need to be weekdays, meeting showing us also reacted shop decision by the 14th dalai lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti china, separate dest activities. these guys as a religious figure, where gravely concerned about the relevant reports and thursday us to fully recognize the insight china, separate this nature of the delilah. i'm
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a group on it, it's commitments on 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. these also the us awesome. know the result. stupid. hasn't been signed by the president yet, but essentially what this is showing not to re engage with the bathroom, need to re engage with them. they are trying something that we cannot let them get away with. now in the spirit of his holiness, i'll be gracious to the chinese people. i don't know that they're up to this, but we do know that the chinese government is and we do know that they must get the message. and this legislation sends the message, the house and the senate, and soon to be signed by joe biden, the president of the united states country,
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boston, yours for a different country. what does that mean? it simply means that it holds no significance, no bearing one shot. no, so this means guns thieves, the full of the line. all mines used to drive him to the us. he's going to put a nice so judy, they all new designed engagements that aren't here yet, where they would be forming meetings with the us officials. he will be the us but that you know, to be off this point that believes in the one china policy, india that has been a facility for this particular meeting of the west of eastern in that of shauna for now has been quiet. so the people have done and heavy rains on hurricane conditions in most good 9 move has been injured. high winds mixed with the rain of being whipping the regions trees tearing off pieces of roots and signs along the roads. waging streams of voicemail pulling onto roads and sidewalks and the
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flooding some on the ground crossing emergency services off. seriously. working across the city to clear day for the us state department is raising eyebrows with a new partnership with you to best positive a global music diplomacy initiative, lowest by the countries secretary of state on to me blinking the official statements. they use the partnership 6 to use music to promote peace on democracy. under the blankets, remarks with outline the global scope of the state above and support issue with youtube. to further the united states elevated commitment to use music to promote base and democracy, a blanket will expand on the program and denounce a new roster of the us global music home. bassett is an event next week. the cultural diplomacy initiative was launched. a joint state department of recording academy partnership in 2023. as off the present, enjoy 5 and signed off on the bi partisan promoting piece with music diplomacy act
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. the initiative is actually most old on the cold war era, so called us jazz diplomacy, which started in 1956 is sold to elevate music is a diplomatic total to promote peace and democracy. what are the same time? supposing us foreign policy objectives we had from zillow and then host of the conservative daddy paused costs, and he says, the partnership between the state departments on youtube is it good as to promote peace and democracy? the us respects of the states suffering to it didn't work the way back when it's not like they were. they were talking about in the news, how music saved the day ended the cold war. this is an absurdity. the just again creates as corporate talk or see where they're connecting to youtube. and you know, this is the same thing as blanking going into into ukraine and going into a bar and playing some sets in a bar there. so disconnected with reality. if you want to get to promoting piece
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and diplomacy, how about we start by talking about peace and not talking about not respecting the solvency of other nations, the absurdity of what we're talking about, that music somehow is going to say today is it just shows you how just mentally ill or disconnected with any type of reality. these people are so the, the idea that social media platforms, they are afraid of the truth. matter of fact, you can see that because they are targeting individuals that are of the coming, what i call captain, obvious, they're just pointing out the obvious truth of what's happening in the united states and, and i don't believe that you're going to see any sort of change or, or strategy that's going to work that the radical left or the, i should say establishment because of it. but i don't even know if you could name it that anymore. just a group of people that want the american people to go back to sleep. i don't think you can create a strategy right now that will return trust to the government for you most space
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continues to be a talk is in the us, but the source of the attacks is changing. american journalist also, i'm for my lawyer. glenn green won't explain, doing an interview with tucker calls and the people are being manipulated. and the precious principal is now code for having fascist values. i think the primary, the 2 primary views that i heard that used to be identified with the laughter now identified with the right is free speech. yes. and now free speech codes as a fast as value. and then the 2nd is this critical scrutiny and then focus that i've always had on the ca, the api i the anessa. and that to now codes as right waiting. and the reason for that is so disturbing, it's because those agencies became among the leading enemies of the trump campaign and on the trump presidency. that's where a rush gate came from us from the bowels of the ca, that b i. they were anonymously. we can you every day the new york times in the washington post, all kinds of information that turned out to be false. but that was designed to sabotage chomsky.


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