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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 20, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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sedition and some passion and purity of soul, and flint, and, and love. he will live a long time and his legacy will live forever. to you, president of china, you'll be gone and nobody will give you credit for anything. now people will see the form of you as all the golf course. so when we signed on my voice style, she's now in china meeting the in the new town of that i'm showing the is essentially the way that they saw. so where do you measure leadership? and e zine has their offices need. yeah. now the stock level by thought is on us that edition that came to india on tuesday. identities in comprising both of democrats and republicans, is that she was not to show solidarity with the dimension sign of the season. i not houses that are just need to be weekdays meeting.
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china also reacted shop decision by the 14th dalai lama is not simply a religious figure, but a political exile, engaging in anti china, separate dest activities. these guys as a religious figure, were gravely concerned about the relevant reports and thursday us to fully recognize the insight china, separate this nature of the delilah. i'm a group honor, it's commitments on 2 bit issue. refrain from any form of contact with them and stop sending the wrong message to the outside world. these also the us awesome. know the result. stupid has been signed by the president yet, but essentially what this is showing not to re engage with the better need to re engage with them. they are trying something that we cannot let them get away with. now in the spirit of his holiness, i'll be spacious to the chinese people. i don't know that they're up to this,
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but we do know that the chinese government is and we do know that they must get the message. and this legislation sends the message, the house and the senate, and soon to be signed by joe biden, the president of the united states country, boston, yours for a different country. what does that mean? it simply means that it holds no significance, no bearing one shot. no, so let me come steve. the full of the line. all minds used to drive him to the us. he's going to afford a nice so to be the all new designed engagements that aren't here yet, where there would be any form and meetings with the us officials he will be the us to back, you know, to be out this point that believes in the one china policy, india, that has been a facility for this particular meeting of the was engaged in that have shut off for
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now has been quiet so you people have died in heavy rain sounds hurricane like conditions in most sco, 18 more have been hospitalized high winds, mixed with rain have been whipping the readings trees and tearing off pieces of roots on signs along the roads. raging streams of water pulling on some roads and sidewalks of the flooding. some underground for things. emergency service is a serious me working across the city to clear daybreak. always good savvy with us here, and i'll say international. i'm back with some of the latest in 30 minutes. see you then the the here we go, everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about. the that's
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impressive, isn't it to look, no, they're not applauding for me. president clinton is welcome, like a conquering hero. i know what you think. right? sure. of course, he is a dual career. they have to apply, i get it. but there's more of this than just the applause. i promise you, i'm gonna tell you what it is. i'm rick sanchez. let's do this thing the . all right, let's take a look at this one more time here real quick. uh, what you're about to see is the reception the russian president boynton gotten gone young. he had been there since 2000. is he really going there because he needed for people to applaud him? no, not really. but here it is. the
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you pick somebody just want a super bowl. right? so here it is to be fair. you are, i would probably have gotten a similar applause in a country that is very afford, terry, and let's face it with the president pen. did not go there to receive a message. he went there to deliver a message and be seen with that man. and the message he is delivering is meant to be seen and heard by members of nato. and it's pretty much what he said recently that his message would be, it goes something like this, and these are my words not hits. if you attack my country, if you send muscles into my country, if you kill my people, if you threaten this, i'm shame yours, and you work with proxies to go after my country. well, then, i to have proxies. i do have missiles, i do have friends, and i do have assets that i can use and do something similar to you than what you're doing. to me. that is why vladimir putin said chips the matter. that is why
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he's suddenly doing military drills in the caribbean, and that is why we suddenly see him in north korea. that's my analysis. by the way, this is what i believe is going on is what i believe that we're seeing mr. brewton and north korean leader kim jong did also sign a comprehensive strategic pack yesterday, where they're pledging to come to each other's aid and case. i wonder what they're thinking about in case there is a military attack on either country. so that's the news headline per say. here's something else i wanted to share with you. what is the us state departments spin on mr. perkins visit to young young? well, they put out a statement saying that russia is illegally getting weapons and ammunition from north korea. and that, that's just not kosher is what they seem to be saying. which is, i thought,
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interesting one that was given that, you know, here is the state department complaining that he's getting weapons from another country that he might use when we're giving weapons to a country that they are already using. in fact, they're firing missiles into russia. it just seems silly, but it is what it is your reaction. all right, well, so a couple of things here. i think your assessment is pretty accurate. it's pretty fair. look at the, the north koreans made such a hub above about this because like you said, it's been almost a quarter century since any russian leader which is vladimir putin has been there. so can drone hasn't been ruling that long. so this is the 1st for him to host the russian leader. that's why you know, the, the big hub bug. but on this new security pack, we have to 1st underscore that this is strictly a defense packed of mutual aid and assistance. should one or the other come under attack? this is not very different than pledges that were made under the seo the shanghai
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cooperation organization. when you 1st came into force back in 2023. so it's kind of like seo white. what the, why didn't foreign policy has effectively done here. rick is further divide the world rather than bring it together, you know, with the increased use of sanctions rather than dialogue with states that the us deeds hostile. i mean, we thought totally different tack, right? coming from trump like him or hate them. he made waves by visiting the dmc and then stepping over the line and north korea proper. i think moves like that showed the greater strength of your nation and resolve than a bully move. yeah. like we've seen bite in take over and over the state department can make whatever claims it wants, the russia has shifted their economy and needs of production to a war footing, which means ramped up production of materials needed to fight. the us is just angry rec, that russia doesn't buy american made weapons and they are jostling with russia to be the top supplier of arms around the world. that's really be here. by my point,
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i agree with everything you said. my point is this was less about king john moon, this was less about p on yang. this is less about signing that in, i guess, important decree, they sign. this is more about message sending on the part of blood and we're putting the kremlin and russia to the world that says to who can play at this game . and i think that's kinda where we are right now. probably, but by the way, europe is punishing china now to with a crazy tariff. i don't know if you've heard about this, but so it's, it's about 40 percent on their newly designed electric cars. so china is making these eaves right. uh, the e u is telling the chinese no way are you allowed to ship your cars into europe with without us putting some crazy tariff on it. so what i'm trying 40 percent, that's almost half right. so now i'm trying no seems to be saying okay, to can play a bad game as well. so basically, i'm just considering hitting europe with
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a tariff on their own. a tariff on pork products. china gets half of its pork products from europe, especially spain. that would hurt farmers and other small businesses. here's the european commission spokesperson. all but daring china to go ahead and do this. this port care of. if they want to hear it is, we're not the least bit for each because not all subsidies are the same. and any subsidies that take place under the common agriculture of the policy, or indeed in any other policy area in your opinion, are strictly in line with our w. 2 obligations. and we put the strongest possible emphasis on ensuring that this is the case is obviously not a farmer. i mean it easy for him to stay private. you don't care. what about the poor guy in spain is oh, it was a big farm road. suddenly going to have no business. oh, so what ever happened? a fair trade and democracy and open markets. i'm just asking manella as
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well. we already know that there's farmers protest happening all across the e. u and it's not for nothing. and so they can view this as a tit for tat if they want. china's argument to this whole thing is simply that the was dumping their pork products into the chinese market. now this week, just this week, the chinese ministry of commerce launched an investigation into these practices that could last up to 18 months. a chinese a fall say they have levied complaints with the world trade organization, which both chinese and w. t o reps they, they, they are request needs both parties criteria for such an investigation. a copy of that complaint was actually made public by the ministry of commerce accusing the pork industry of creating over capacity or over supply we might say, and benefiting from those huge subsidies that he was just talking about, which they say has impacted china's domestic pork industry. now on the flip side,
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the temp level such a complaint against the chinese e b because those are only just beginning to roll out into the global market reco. i want to share something else with you now. um, during the segment during our morning editorial meeting this morning, as we are preparing this show and we always have these very involved conversation where everybody gets to share their opinions, some members of my team, our team. and these are people's, the people that i trust and i think the world of and, and that are very smart they, they told me i should not run the segment that i'm about to show you. they said don't, don't run this, this is stupid. and, and the reason they said this is because the guy you're about to see is a guy named many hassan. this guy was fired by m as nbc, 1st, centrally telling the truth, which makes me like him. because i was fired by cnn for essentially telling the truth. but here's what members of my staff, our staff here on this show direct impact set. they say that. 1 this is
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a good the about this guy that you're about to see. many has they say that he rarely cared about us. busy in policy abuses, why did effect in other countries even supported, for example, what the u. s. has been doing in ukraine, but yet when it comes to palestine because he has relationships there and, you know, adheres to that particular um, id, ology. his pro state department stands suddenly changes drastically, maybe a fair criticism. i think people should be allowed to have different opinions and even be wrong about some things and maybe be right about something else. so many hassan, i believe, is right on israel. and and this take down of is really commentators at an online debate and i think it's legit and i think it's worth watching. so here it is. let me just deal with something you just said. you talked about the bunk propaganda, federal. you caught it and get it ready from again to straight. these are the government's own security agencies. shouldn't that investigated what you're just
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settings? and no, we found no evidence. the work is from dollars or more involved in the october some of the time you got it. all right, let me finish when you know, 5 minutes be from your side. okay. that's, that's, that's true. let me just deal with the white a point here. the, the types of i want to make some tiny bit of october, i get it as harsh. but that's what the debate the debate was about. aside from it tells you a lot that they can't find any arguments to say as giddeons as why we can't be allowed to criticize a political ideology to the 150 adults. the many jewish people have criticized from the beginning and continued to do so. they called to tell you why that is. so they focus on october the 7th, which is fine. but if you're going to focus on some of some of the most, i focus on what happens since october, the 7th, the razor of palestinians in this debate. the boeing, when didn't mention is what happened to palestinians. shameful, i'm sorry to say is absolutely shameful in telling about what friend of mine, american doctor, goes to guns and many talk to the building because you've seen them on the new their own lives and how most of our friend of mine went to gaza. he's,
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he's being sued on he doesn't just use it for one about as a month. douglas, he thinks of it on he's being tough guy just thought he was there to turn back from dollars or. and so i've never seen atrocities like i've seen him. this is what some of the children that he's the to the saw children with bone wounds like he's never seen children with drama. so points to that head to the head, but that's almost as full and everything as possible. so let's talk about who it is . amazing that every human rights group in the world including is really human wants to. but best of them do say yes, but all documenting this stuff, but you guys think it's all imaginary. so i've done, it tells you about what sign is, is this is not about some abstract ideology. all people trying to settle the land in front of it. but i didn't, didn't said it was an argument to be heading the $194030.00 for the design. and today is what the the stadium during during on a daily, nightly basis in the, in the west bank in this truism in israel itself. i mean, razor of that tells you everything about why we need to be able to talk about what
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scientism does to the palestinians without being familiar, doesn't look he, he may be wrong on some things. i'm sure i am to, but that's a very convincing argument that he just made right there. i played you about a minute and 45 seconds of it. he goes on for about 4 minutes. i would encourage you to go see it, listen to it because it, the man has something to say. i don't know. we're down to about a minute and a half for the segment manila did you want to take this? take us out on this? well, 1st of all, hot damn, looks like many got his group back on this one red apart from medi being. the number 2 russia gate are behind rachel, matto and m as in dc. he's got this hot take on guys a for sure that he's inconsistent on his foreign policy views. he's been very sustained care pointing out, you know, the non partisan aid organizations who are calling this agenda side and calling for immediate ceasefire. and i agree that there is a difference between being critical as the is really government and being an anti
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semitic somebody. i think the distinction needs to be made. and because one is simply a political discourse, right? and the other is racism. you cannot conflate the to saying benjamin netanyahu is a jerk, is not the same thing as saying you hate old jews. and i've heard you say the jewish rabbis say similar things about zionism and judaism that zion is a, is a geo political hijacking under the guise of religion. and then we try to do here and why people all over the world say they like watching our show is because we try and be as transparent as possible. i am not going to can them someone for their ideology on something i disagree with. it's ok. you can be wrong and it's from wrong that we often get to right. and if it takes many a little longer than the rest of us to understand the world in total and not just the israeli palestinian conflict correctly, then. so be,
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it will be sitting here waiting mattie, in fact, you're welcome to come on their show and talk to us to manila, not about this. how's that? very fair. thank fair. thank you. all right, so listen, when we come back, i'm going to talk to somebody who just returned from ukraine and you're going to be surprised to hear what she saw. what she visualizes and what she shares about places were told are not the way she saw them. i'm going to put this all together for your it's eva bartlet. she's going to join us in just a little bit to talk about this stuff, go away. i own the moon. what else? they just don't have to shape
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house after and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground the you are welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. you know, it's funny we were just talking about how we always try to be really transparent on the show. well, continuing the path of transparency. i had just promised you a while ago that we were going to do this really good interview. i've been looking forward to doing with a reporter. her name is eva bartlett. and eva has been following the story and covering it courageously. right there on the border between ukraine and russia. in fact, she's filed some recent reports from mario poll. america pool is a port city right on the edge of ukraine. that is now really more
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a part of russia ever since is conflict again. it's currently controlled by russian forces. what's fascinating about this is that the media has reported this as a city under seas where the people are miserable and the people are extremely unhappy and the people are apparently apprised and the city isn't really. and so she, this reporter who the twins about these episode of direct impact to take you to vietnam, the russian president vladimir, pursing his address the media in hanoi as he wraps up his official trip to vietnam . certainly off the visiting the d p r k. so let's listen in one of the secretaries of disagreement. if the 3rd party is attacking one of the signatories and theater, i've got a question and he calls this monthly rates or did you hear what when it shifted to go? this part of the training could be enacted, federal process to get to secondly,
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what do you concerning the situation in the, in your crane grading? what would cover the best situation? you can, whether you trained or this thing here was what the, what it was for. so that the screen there could be volunteers and soldiers from north kerry be used to the special military operation. and the 3rd question, 1st part of this question in the course, which is to reduce mean russia and the d p r k are the most part, the most heavily sanctioned countries. i'm going to shoot you a couple of those. and for some reason the sense that small sco plan is to lift all the restrictions, imposing well internationally into develop the cooperation with the dpr k in falls . well, there is a vast array of questions, so allow me answering parts. so the 1st question is under which conditions, so certain articles of disagreement that covers some mutual aid in the military of military affairs will be inactive. the 1st thing that i would like to speak about,
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i didn't know if the analyst for experts note is bad, but never the last. i would like to draw your attention to the following thing. ok, disagreement is nothing. and you know, we signed a disagreement because the old agreement simply exists. and in our old agreement, i'm sure i'm 1962. it contains all the same already goes, there is nothing in union that of course under the current conditions that plugs in you mean you move on to pretty urgent, but we haven't changed it almost anything. can. the democratic people's republic of korea has such agreements with the other countries as well. next, full as for the yeah. same the way we publish the reasons or a grounds to provide me with 3 assistance. it says clearly indicate you told them you look through the direction that now when you're about to train the crane, start the big rush and not against russia. it started
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a direction but using less than i mean again. so does skis on your skin. the login's conductive people's republic, so that's where you recognize before they became part of the russian federation. now about the disability will go with them. come all foot using the capabilities of each other. in this counseling, we do not ask anyone, no one offered thousands to add to so we see no need in that. what else was there in your question? about the 70 us about the sanction? no ranking functions for now lose on as for the sanction. and as i mentioned before, i believe in from i sent that during the meeting with the hands of the international news agencies. because of i mentioned that certain sanctions that were introduced, imposed on north korea mildly speaking, they looked a fairly odd, settled on, was that even going to that? as you know, i was born in lending pratt and we'll defend, we made a warrant deal, lending grant winfrey during the great, but we already war during world war 2. everyone is well aware of with that about
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the siege of lending brand. so you're blending breath when people start to death, even when you see me. and in my family we had people who died. do you did these? my brother start to death as a ring? the sage of landing, grow a social studies and what's happening is now we've been north every year, not my seats. so you can use, you know, by discussion. i'm not going to be sure to think what you want to found, the regime between for the use and i'm never going to use restrictions on it. look, 1st of what it looks odd because it's resolved seen the fact that the family. so flipping a police ringing with you the are in dire financial situation, the, they weren't able to get through to make a living to provide for a 3rd family as a cause it remind you of anything. is it really humane? so this sanction sort of being composed due to the political abrasions, the must can respond to the modern level of the yes, go development of mankind. that's why i mentioned when i spoke and at young gang
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sized spokes sincerely. i assume sat that we got all of us, we need to think about what and how we should be changing the sanctions regime. considering the modern requirements, the modern demands, nobody's into the kind of stuck, right? there's no incentive based on to the extent intervention code, but we want people to give me call. can you come into the reaction of the western countries? the refusal to accept the conditions of the peaceful resolution. nobody conflict in ukraine because that you probably do not expand that reaction to one wasn't behind your decision to publicly meet and it was a gift senior from peak about the conditions for the peaceful resolution of the conflicts. and the fact were supposed to be. and then you've discounts behind closed doors of that is, or there are no more hopes for these kind of discussions anymore. you took a lot of the, you know, we have it with these discussions and face and talks it behind the closed door. and yeah, but i would the any ride visit, i'd say, actually expect patients were not matched and that's for the reactions of our so
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called western park hertz now. but you mentioned that i did not expect that reaction. no, that was the reaction i expected to add the 1st stage, but what happens next? click on the time will tap. it will all depends on how the situation changes on the ground and do much thoughts. then you'll go there instead of when we see and i believe that they'll do more. so to those petitions who have common sense, they will bring about the suggestions of the proposal that i made. there is the community. so objective whether they can respond to the interest, suppose that part is easy to you, little and of the system which direction in its entirety. if you really want to see these a conflict with them across more than you would need to to and, or will see the answering your, i'm not sure that these kind of illusion attitudes, measuring him to the proposal that we made will remain like face forever or something we already here at certain points. there's
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a certain politicians who say that may be as the demands or excessive. it looks like an ultimatum, but we cannot. let's say, you know, right away, we need to look into ways. we need to think it over budget for the formulas that our partners came up with ease and that the ultimatum we've been billed there has been and outcomes all of our talks in eastern bill wise. they know when with remember that i said that hundreds repeated times. we had an agreement and the document was assigned to the store by the ukraine and representative as well. you can see it immediately better agreements reached and they simple right? except to go for the training and science. so once happens on the ground, on the battlefield, it, when you get kicking back, now allows them cuz it makes them the image additional, some way to split. yep, thank you. to match that. had nothing to do with the talks and eastern bull and show up at the north star model, but these are was not things that could have changed their position with all the
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other party in this case of the train. yeah, you do more expense so i don't think it isn't bad for you much, but there's nihilism towards our proposals will remain. it's not going to go like that. ward attorneys or something and seeing that your muscle change and our conditions will change as well depending on the situation on the ground, them into the car. so yeah, what's comfortable, great with the rest of it to the general levels or how long will these conditions will remain inside if i'm it's functional because said the conference in switzerland, there were some messages that at the next conference, if it is to take place. rochard must be present or at least a lot of possible details, but would crush. i agree to such an invitation. i sent a bad weaver into the ones who refused to be part of the negotiations. the training and party band or you know, these negotiations for themselves. we haven't refused to do that, but not least under any kind of firm. elizabeth, based on the agreements once again. if i repeated you brought us to these
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agreements, the lease agreement was reached during the difficult talks that night at the bank almost one month and a half. and we are ready to go one on the, on the lease foundation to go on the with these don't like with a crane inside and the, whatever it happens, it doesn't matter and meets in eastern bull or in switzerland. and that's a, it's a pretty leisure new, there's nothing, not for how long police i conditions are true, then we have to send you a proposal on the table. it doesn't depend on us anymore. when we all member interested parties, what does it take? what they have on their table and with the will engage in the dogs so they can do it tomorrow. you might think it's up to them instead of one day. you will express that as well. to do that, it will all depend on what happens in real life, and then we will know that companies from base. but that's our principles approach with units that are associated with the president. hello. they know who?
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yeah. the model, i'm not sure i've got a question about nuclear weapons. you're going to have this you union mostly i just spoke about the possibility of for introducing changes store in a clearing talk training. i would like to improve stand on what conditions it is possible and what circumstances or, and what kind of adjustments it loose could be made to the judges. mean you, do you believe that in long as easy to get it on the adjustment on our next, the pre might have an article about dealing preemptive nichols and drawings. are you looking for them? i think you, i mentioned that that we are a rated thinking about what could be changed to declare a document in our initial literacy strategy. and it has to do with the emergence solve what's name, store, and police. we are aware that our potential adversary's were huge ones, that there are a certain elements in your opinion that will be using it by to reduce the threshold of using the nuclear weapons. certainly your.


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