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tv   Documentary  RT  June 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
and used to be a magnet to for attention. locals have been standing in line to get a photograph with the presidential in a lot of a putin on kim duncan took a civil, a call for a ride during the restroom. presidents a visit to the d. k, a full of young ladies deputy defense. minnesota told us that the russian president visits could supercharge biological relations treat them good. vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industries, gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons. that helped me. and now i'm going to resist new boys against france, and especially against the united states. and in the cutting period. vietnam is very interested in a new technology of russia. that is for drone,
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an electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy artillery, and all the equipment for the army did convey some message. the vietnam is a bridge between countries in the region and countries in the world. rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region as you develop world wide piece. great to have you with us on our international as a ways that so for me today, but they stick around that, you know, now we'll be here with the latest news updates in just a few minutes posted on the the
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h o c a or tv or whatever details in vegas, a 1000 cows come from l a. h or ever? cuz philadelphia they think is a good area just to get good drugs. and so you come down from so you come down or you start to k. no back anal wayne. tell me that you use, you know, family members know you down here or stuff like that. that's why i was saying that
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there was a kid to lay right there at both where shit, that's snowball with them via the 21 sitting down. this is the trenches. we gotta show them. this is like little we sit like this is a little we live in them. yeah. i can tell you, i can't tell you too much, but yeah, this is how we live because the government no law give us no money. faith, no bonus, faith. and they say nothing though, homeless people was in this building, homeless who were living in a building, they had to shut it down, covered it up. there was a, they got to the point. they got to a point they, they were living so hard. they had to break in a band ability because the government don't want to give us no money. no,
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it's period. we. but in general, in general, how follows if i did them there almost died bullet who below the other. it's a voice. yeah. oh, my brother in law died. january 24th 2019 the i shot 30 times and actually kind of scared because i was only 13. i went to the window from upstairs and my mom's and opened the window, looked down. i'll just see his body just so we have a new young person in group today. and so we wanna start with you. what's your name? how do you, dana? what's the um, what, what are you here for? a vain wow. view the the, you know,
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she must them as i'm know. so that's the case. you would have a door vehicle. the 1st learning and nobody ever really moved vehicle a just maybe like right so he didn't just like you know to solve them. i wouldn't do that anyway. anyway. that's the only vehicle. okay. now what are you and i am i'm 1515 and were you here? for the wrong place at the wrong time. okay. i'm here for carrying a legal fire um outside of i've only been here for think of a month. i've been on house arrest bracelet for a month in 2 days. i got my account was to and then and i forgot all righty for like how long by like
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a year. yeah. i've been tell it and he's gone like so. retail is on gama program pass and mr. dan, have his out, the miss sandy loan investment level that got in love with that man. cuz when they doing the, they help me out when you get this message, this case, since the shot to die, i gotta i gotta talk to possibly to the body to body, but i didn't understand it right now. a lot of the following up to the job part, the daughter do want to come and pick up all my name. i'll come inside the genetic king. i get his name from my crew. it's
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really sleep modern. basically, if i could pay you right, just enough money for you to just sleep, wake up and eat and go back working for me. it's flavor instead of, you know, locking up a sleigh. if you just give them enough money for them to be need, you know, to come back as only result, like you jobs the decent around here. that's why i have to cities pull because you saw a lot is free right? pop up up. cuz the cup to the biggest children are in are in there. so that was the only excuse to do was just trying to find the excuse to lose. and regardless, everyone joined the kids, you know, and it just goes to show like, are these people really needing a lot of a more, a lot of mark by it
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a say this, how do you live in this is how is that going? yeah, we live is so good that, that there's a whole, that's a hole in the window. they do think they know they get back in or they get back in their the favorites again, back in for show us people how most people is getting back in there and here for, for sure. it's like they got ways of getting in there. they got ways of thinking in going to in kid about the only things and stuff in say we gotta, we gotta hardaway live, you know, say a highly the just tell you all know sit there going to left, ok, 0 right here. so guy are not selling. so i, i think i've seen you before. used to come out here on, on, ever used to buy. so now i used to use it.
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and look at what you are bro, what's that? what actually works. $6.00. i'm at 6 for $1.00 and i'm making a fire. this is crazy man. this is crazy. the used to be a security guard. nice guy, the guy that does best wire by coming down for just to test that out or see where was. everything's was, i was a hyperbolic in philadelphia, or it gives it to an area and i say the name for hot
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punch in a visa, i'm like, oh, trying all sides. ok, i did cries, i say the closest word and as a rule it is a really hot dog. hot dog. yes. mm. the smile which makes it look like its own beast. yes. they will guide is um, an aspect as i get that uh the why they using i've been trying to figure it out to the, to many of the live questions so. so if i'm a all right, if i've even been doing it or they tried it when they was kids and then try to dictate how know how to get on. know, i want to say is of the
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i should all grow. i should up all to look st. cloud state gloves. let's think well, stay you said the fox jeremy. i know you heard me. i see we've got an is here. we got is a volt. april l. crash. you question guys? real quick question. what makes you feel and do you say thank you mom did it to you.
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oh, you fell. your mom did it. my mom told dad. sorry to hear that. sorry to hear to the so have you seen the liberty bell already? yes. so what do you think about it? what do you think and what, which kind of impressions did you have and what kind of quotes if, as well as part of our history, you know, it's a big part of our history. and why is it so important? and why is that simple exist as an array of designs? i think it has something to do with our freedom and slavery, and george washington has origin. mm hm. and it's been cast it twice. i know that why to adult that is important to country. why this thing is not for our founding
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fathers or from the constitution was written here, i believe, right? yes. but a lot of american history or i from here. i know i'm not from here. i'm full stay. i don't seem to have that much. the rosie says they seemed a is a fast nails this still beeps races? nope, that's open as they seem to be my country. a newborn country compare with european sizes. so like the social rights difference between classes. so there's a tier, let's be friends. when you're from one race to clearly per things, one class social class, the
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list to the so your is your girls really want the one that we just had an amazing time. we had a house here, so that's our annual house here. we do it once a year, around the same time of the year, which is why we want to do october. there's a lot of children and adults with mental illness. the main purpose that we have this event every year is because we want our neighborhood to, you know, start working together, getting it. i don't know if you guys noticed on a news in philly, but we have a lot of crime. but we're trying to join the older people with the younger people, so that was all understand what's going on. is that a you yelling at a young person and being disrespectful because i was raised where i just, i respect, do you respect me?
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that's just how it goes. so i think that the gap is not bridge anymore because there was like my age, i'm 57. and now those that are to him as all he is doing, the stuff that they're doing because they're not doing the same thing. we were doing at home, i am jenner, how is your day and what did you do today? let's watch a movie desperate again, they're not doing that. and i think that happens a lot with these families. they need to start being together again and working together said this is always wanted to be respect. love a lot of young people, the a lot of love that they're not getting. so we're just trying to bridge to get the gap. does not bridge right now watching a little minute to minute, minute to minute. one is days when you come without having to speak to me too. so this will be going to do, right? i'm gonna say a prayer over used to you for years and they won't be the next biggest oxford norse . the next big is one of that's going to change our community. the next biggest ones that the you go look up to the next biggest one of the 2 i or was it a cali?
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cali was in a car. the cost, let's say all the adults why her tale is the top. i need you all to pour into whatever 3 they got, and these are the poor and soon to them so they can change the generation y'all with me. so we go and pray for these 2. i hear your father, god. thank you right now for the god. this is the day that you had made right now. father got i got to special you right now? probably guy in the city of philadelphia for the guy you 3 over there life right now for the guy. did you say that you keep their families by safe? i know by the guy that people come important to the life right now for the guy the, the cheese, the world right now, while the guy was doing the thing that you need to change the world right? now probably got to change the generation right now for the guy to the double, the double think that the piece is lost right now while the guy, but we got suppose to do right now for the guy, the guy you turn around right now, why the guy we got you the corporate to the originators, right? nobody got the break, the right now for the go to the just feel real life right now. finally, got the overall that you've been on is always you for the city of the guy. would
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you please durham and tell you right now, father got the or what is part of the leg? is it the party would posted isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's talk about it. what does it wallet?
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oh oh, push that. oh, you got me while you got me. you got there is no, it is nice. this nice thanks. well, thanks for our appreciation. we right now, and she has sent me your body to give back to some homeless and people that needs to be doing this for the q man, because our communities were really up to the point to have nobody to give back every day shift. so i'm gonna go back there again. uh, you know, all the homes that he let me go, go right here. speak where you see. you see it the driver side, the
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visa visa piece are too much. it's a good, bigger, pretty go for you. go, do you want me want to size? what size piece she want one? yeah, it sounds good. yeah. no problem. what size? well what size is? yeah, it's close to very guy we do. we just grab a mom drive. i mean what, what can they do lock up. the people that are drug addict, there's a victim, you know, their victims. if you lock them up, you gotta lock them in a clinic or somewhere like somewhere where they can rebuild. it saved themselves by just certain drugs they take, they can go cold, turkey go cold. turkey is like going to lift draws and
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a lot of these trucks supposed to withdraw. so it's really hard giving them money would kill them. you know, like if you would give them any form of money, they'll die. so you just gotta give them back to the n. oh, i'm sorry. of the we need more people say, oh, shoot me an e the now now, how many years here in the name of the 1990?
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right. how was the 1st security guard when he 1st started back in? and now the thing it's changed throughout the years whether sewage, trash glad got worse to get a better grace of god. and our community maybe are in this area is a full desert. and so we distribute food at least twice a month. and we care about we have a full distribution that gives out so much for uh, over to tons of food. so the community and we have over 3 or $400.00 people that come out ever since about $500.00 people that come out to the, to the full distribution. and today we have our annual community
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events. and when we do the community day, we have the fully market. we have choirs come out, we have food trucks come out. and we advertise to the community for about 2 months . and we advertise to the congregation without giving all a rob the, the save our children, and to save them and deliver them out of during the day with
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a badge that to kill that goose fail it to destroy the deep depression that comes with poverty. and i think that like you asked, is it isn't worse today than it was yes to years. i would think that it has gotten worse because the population is growing in the course. and if you look around as many neighborhoods that are the plight of that has gone many more banding buildings and, and in the, in the city. and the economy is say, we need more money to, to operate. this is all it takes is the bottle giving checks for respect. so we get a bit of that by till tomorrow. gives me that the small and there was a 0 with the mall. that's always, always on the wall. no,
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i can't. i didn't want to say we had no words there now, but yes, we then are, wears here right now. look this up. i know a little bit of research on it and looked up as an area as i want to see, or from like 19 something this whole area just been they've been stuff gone. even people ever in this area for years. so it's like a taps been around for as long as they're what they do and you said they were trying to do with me with every human animal in minnesota. they had a few scenes out here. they have a bonus class of others. they're kind of do it as cash and black and ready to use as the one house you god, curve you. but we're still don't a finding a way around that i think was really there's a where is area because you know, where is the area? cuz as i they, they got as
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a got as light saved types it till they got it to the point i liked the houses. how is it down here is, is, is discussed. i'm say, you think and then it's freedom, kansas turn. yeah. yeah. do you ever heard there's, would you rather were freedom or um safety? which one safety safety? oh well we got freedom but but kind of be safe and 3 at the same time. you heard of north korea. they're not free. barely any crime though. i mean, they're say you're not free, they're all, they're not free to get their own haircut, their stop, they're safe. it's enough freedom to where they feel like they can sleep on the street. they feel safe, and there is almost like big group together where he feel free, you know,
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so many people die there. yeah, that's true. what do you say? that's freedom. ok, there is a fireplace, curious as to what ways we get on edge all of a major gatorade she make me do it much a try that behind it and try that. i think we've got to look at what the difference between freedoms of and freedom from is. i feel like recently a lot of the freedoms from we are losing, you know, we, we shouldn't have to or in the richest nation on earth, die of diseases because of our health care system as of broken. right. so, you know, freedom from unnecessary suffering for, you know, medical hardship because of a lack of money, you know, or insurance. what have you sick offer what
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go got. you got to get better, you mean go to the hospital yet what you need to do to help you. okay. is that with a kind of a libertarian unregulated capitalism that we're falling into. i think, you know, you have a few people that are able to exploit the powers that money gives them to negatively impact, very large numbers of people by removing or decreasing their ability to afford the kind of lives that they want to live go. that is like, go look, ms. our lives like we normally stays in because these are these. he normally leaves
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me steve plans to lose ample, if used to have funds as now to the point. look at it, was there running or tech came running there? you can't do nothing in there is like fairly getting worse and worse every year. and as we go on, would you like to leave this area? i would love to leave this area are visit a color space, but i would definitely love to leave this area. i can't leave this area cuz it's like my asset cuz family, my own business has why i'm using i to my body here. legal make it all the legal, make it out. you know, if you do for you is a lot easier to call my brothers boy jarvis now are you talking to the guy in our time? ain't gotta shadley losing this problem as people living here die here. this,
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this is so my home right here. this is the one this is so my lady has got to eat sleep. take a p, a number 2. that's what they do all here right here. this is the house, the bill to shine. do like to rainy days. this they home i or anything i will 0. see they land on the floor. i got to it's the government staff that they want staff that food states. i mean so it means i just don't want to stop the problem. i think the
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on the bottom or put the face there is no need for pre emptive you can are strikes buying brush and put board and stuff the country will deliver a devastating response. if it ever comes congress such an attack and also a head on the program to mass is an idea, is since the policy of come on, it's rooted in the last of the things we can eliminate. so nicely striking statement from the idea of spokes person seemingly come for a good thing. prime minister netanyahu is decisive rhetoric. part of the feeding i dried the palestinian militant um toyota on the last years audit canada for branding be a really and revolutionary guards.


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