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tv   News  RT  June 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the lot of them are put the face. there is no need for pre emptive, you can, are strikes, buying, russia, put, board and stuff. the country will deliver a devastating response. if it ever comes congress such an attack and also a head on the program. come up to mass isn't ideas to mass is a policy. it's rooted in the last of the things we can eliminate to the message. and i believe it's striking statement from the idea of spokes person seemingly come for a good thing. prime minister netanyahu is decisive rhetoric. tell me the feeding i dried the palestinian militant um toyota on the last years audit canada for branding be a really and revolutionary guard court. a terrorist entity runs foreign ministry
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calls that loses the lease of the prostate pm and the russian capital. i'm you know me and this is your r t international. hello. and welcome to the news. our russian troops are making steady progress on the ukraine bustle field. now there's no need to consider a pre emptive use of nuclear weapons. however, any such attack on the country will be met with a devastating response from multiple that is according to president clinton speaking today. after wrapping up his visit to vietnam and before that, north korea, the, we are still thinking about how nuclear doctrine could be changed. we know that the potential adversary is working on new elements associated with lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons in particular, ultra low power and explosive nuclear devices being developed. and we know that in,
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expedite circles, in the west, the idea is that there's nothing terrible with using such weapons. it may not be terrible, but we must pay attention to this. we don't need a preemptive strike yet, because in response to account to strike, the enemy will be guaranteed to be destroyed. well, that's cross live now to anthony webber in the u. k. political commentator, anthony, always good to see you. what do you make the overall of let them or put in stance on the use of nuclear weapons essentially saying today as a country comes under attack the reserve the right to potentially use them. oh, yes, i already know the facts of actual thinking for a country to cite of. most of people actually believe that some president page who's been very restrained over the last year or size of we bought spring garden
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already relation to the ukraine. and so if you go back a few years ago, one side view time to check to, i was very keen, so i have strong relations with, with russia. i'm not very savvy has changed and is a role during because it's those at all by best phone affairs or strategic interests to medi cuz i'm gonna be of russia because we've allowed our defenses to full word free shots. i'm sorry to be offered nitride countries. i don't know, i think most people in the world won't let me just discharge the piece of note for more side. uh, i think a lot of people are grateful, but some custom patient has been restrained, started for a whole lot of people were talk. she's like, how people read is in the west side to speak to be making efforts to have peace
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thoughts. i'm so tired and things style show you that we have a much press a relations with, with russia, and what is happening because of the, of the policies that all governments and a number of all the western countries are tired driven russia away from the west. recently, and so we all of a sudden all correct, but also some were to argue to try not to arrive. and so, um, but what, what does that she will say is that russia is the strength of you guys position in the world is called by strong relations for countries in asia. i'm very much increasing africa. adams are solve america and diesel fingers, which could it be the voice
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a full perfect. so some of the rest of the weight is actually seen in the sense in choking piece. but it's not a fairly blushing rather than trying to pose the russian barriers to side. you guys? yeah, in the past hour. so we heard the russian leader in a press conference in vietnam. see, and it was quite new on on. it was, it wasn't at all come box of went off, for instance, whether rushes, mutual defense packed with the at the p r k, which is a neighbor of rushes. by the way north korean rush, i have a border. what applied to the ukraine conflict, lumber put in stated a very firm. no, no. the, as you know, there were many western headlines talking about this product with nuclear powers, etc. but i wonder will will, will this language today be taken into account? and i think i need saying which if our president page didn't know, and the key foster figure in russia actually says will always be twisted by
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some of the publications where you have to live in the cycle west. i'm protect free by the media who goes and see russian agenda. so sorry for that, or do you think that the public a saw so you can see read between the lines and the city, but some the criticism of russia president page it is, is very much um, either played or making vacancies. right. i've taken care of that will be more of a case when you're crying. i think office 3 gets off all nights. 5, the shop is paid off is for people who are strategic to age. you find was going to use this home to home and some of it is in your thoughts. i think both so stop by billions of pounds of money from various western countries
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including the country are these are the because of that support for you. right. he got, he bought it in the meantime. uh, game rest, you've tried in large hall, las vegas freight other cool. so most is from the russian. when superior as well. i visual a pointless conflict. i have, i think some of the people who are funding you prayed just wants to try and we can russia, and i think i will become more office just on you guys fine. and one of the they, well, a lot of interesting things came in fact, from the last, the 34 days i've learned recruiting strips. but he said an in north korea that's actually said a few weeks ago, but also reiterated that russia is considering supplying long range weapons to other countries. which would be if, since the tit for tat, for, for those western countries. giving those weapons as you being saying, to ukraine,
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who were then firing them into russian cities, lives are being lost there as well. what message do you think that is sending to the us particularly saying that? well, if, if you keep this influx coming, we have got the right to do that to it, that, that equivalents the other direction. well, i think the united states, certainly this pricing is i'd be concerned about united states, but more about that about of a stretch to buy. if i know you try countries, i mean it's like, well, they wouldn't been charging the, the use of our rights. our country's weapon is uh, being used on a russian russia. i could well be that was going on with our key, but that might lose money. well, uh, like the american administration turned around walked uh, jerry, uh,
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project america, also beach sidway respects age in the interest of well beats, the old countries get along the best uh in the future. and they should be making efforts to ensure that we go down the road to face, not this height. so, you know, for the wal mart we, i'm going to, you, you've said the word there a piece are you, you're somebody who, who, you know, well versed in political comment tree and world the 1st for a long time. that word piece. and i can't remember the time when it hasn't been used as much in regards to, to any conflict, but especially when it comes to what's happening in ukraine, the left at central risk, even though it was on the right. you know, i understand that the, historically, there's a lot of money to be made from, from, and from the military being linked to, to sending weapons a lot of jobs at stake. but are you surprised that the piece is not being talked
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about more not as well? i think a lot of people are surprised. i don't particularly be chris for those from dr. boost vested interests at stake. and those are lots of manual and major cultural wealth are able to ukraine. and in fact, some of the key, 8 people in american politics i, she admitted this is about, um, you know, the wealth of ukraine. and it's, it's very sad i, but you call and have a situation where the wealth or countries can be tried aids in a 5 by the do you have one large company to our country, you're trying to mobilize slats back to it and try so there, because we've got so you're a private equity companies and a major drivers, corporations buying out the commercial interests and the land of ukraine
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basically, you know, i haven't really got much to fight for. well, because i've sold off the items for a to these outside interest. so it's always full party side sites with professors and somehow we, we need to get this change, but we go to a situation with a general election to try where they will offer you some papers of the site. well, a far as i saw my administration though behind the optimal agenda against russia and uh, reminds me of your life as christ, full button about that they can be clear within, you know, some of the sites could psyche office. one of the big challenges seventies would be, you try with the election might be is to get the issue of ukraine. russian comb
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freights pack. she divide you to because lead you asked for certain certain the subjects. sorry. the fact that in the u. k. e, the main reasons for rising taking costs, so right big costs of energy has been a big so for policy, so very few take off man's on a 2nd shouldn't. so can you structure rooms for them so that he is not getting sleep the public, the public are told that it smashes phone we have to arise. united is a rising cost so that the law told fred ross is quite happy to trade with us. so we have a loss of miss trees gifted into all population bar. in fact she who the media. i'm a huge to be called a situation where we're not having a 5 i prince. or you have to adjust selection because the key politicians who avoid doing the values issues, i think just the fates would be nice to have,
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just getting people discuss about it, negative or positive. just let people decide for themselves on 3. thank you so much for coming into progress while that short notice for responding at to that speech. they very interesting points as well as any web or political commented or live from the u. k. thank you very much. thank you. all right, well let us cross no to annoy, were our t correspondence. donald cord her joins me not. we were just discussing the problem or putting that question and answer session there. i'm gonna do this last 3 days at don't put the last hour or so some very interesting answers at from the russian liter is yeah, definitely. there were a lot of good interesting questions journal escaped the russian president, especially after this very significant, very historic, a political tour that the russian present made 1st to the dpr k. and now to hear
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where we are right now in vietnam. and i think the, the, the main subject that was probably one of the most important ones during this question and answer regarding the agreement, the new agreement on strategic cooperation that vladimir putin signed with the leader of the dpr. take him john on because it had a has a clause there that says that in the event of aggression against one of the signatories, the other signatory is to enter into is to step in militarily, to defend and help that, that other countries. so this is a serious step, of course, and journalists have a lot of questions about that. but the russian president said that the door had been open for north korean volunteers, for example, to fight in the ukraine conflict for a long time now. but they haven't shown any uh, sort of interest in doing that, but it's a different story with a weapon is deliveries. lot them are put in said that of moscow is not ruling out
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the potential of sending weapons to the d p r. say, on the basis of this new agreement, let's take a listen to what is that the lowest and supply these weapons believe they are not that well with us. i said that we then reserve the right to supply weapons to other regions of the world. bearing in mind or agreements with the democratic people's republic of korea, i do not exclude this either and where they will end up next. we can also say in the same way to hear the west supplies weapons to ukraine and says that they are out of its control. and it doesn't matter how they are used. we can also say that we have delivered something to someone, and then we have no control over their use and let them think about this stuff. so at this stage, the most important task for us is to repel these attacks. of the now of course the ukraine conflict was also discussed. there's no getting around that. russian president vladimir putin spoke about the heart of offensive. the reason harker of offensive by russian forces saying that there's, there are no plans to actually take or make an approach on the regional capital
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park of the reason why russian troops needed to take territory in that region is because it is to basically put the ukrainian artillery positions farther away from civilian targets in russian territory to prevent them from being shelled like belgrade for example, which is pretty much under constant showing by ukrainian artillery pieces. but the russian president also spoke about the russian nuclear dr. and essentially, because there are, are talks in the russian government about potentially revising it right now. the russian nuclear dr. and only allows for the launching of nuclear weapons in the event of this being a retaliatory nuclear stripe. or in the event that the russian government's very existence is at stake. and vladimir putin said that it seems like the west is trying to accomplish just that threatened the actual existence of the russian state
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. no, do send him with the agent. they also say that they want to achieve the strategic defeat of russia on the battlefield. what does this mean for russia? for russia? this means the end of it states complete is what it means by this means, the end of the 1000 year history of the russian state. like i think this is clear to everyone's people. and then the question arises, which, why should we be afraid is, isn't it better than to finish it? so when you is now it's an extra nuclear policy, i was even able to ask my own question. i asked the russian president about current talks within nato to put its nuclear warheads at the ready, which is considered by many to be a provocative step from the western military military alliance. but let them are put and said that the russian government is not worried about that, because russia is more than capable of defending itself in terms of nuclear capacity. and it's more than capable of responding to the or in any sort of nuclear threats. so this, these talks and nato,
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about doing that are not really the start of not really anything that startling, anyone in the russian government, but the ukraine, conflicts back to that he or he also talked about negotiations, right? the russian present, again reiterated that moscow is, is, and has always been ready for negotiations while it's ukraine, that has been consistently rejecting them under the supervision of their western patrons, of course, in the united states and the u. k, etc. but he also spoke about the fact that the russian present doesn't really see the lensky last thing much longer than the 2nd, then the 1st half of next year in office because of the fact that he has absolutely lost his legitimacy since his presidential term has expired. and the russian president referred to a specific ruling by the ukrainian constitutional court that took place in 2015 a pc. and you say there's
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a decision from the constitutional court in 2015. so that's what it is directly written, that the president's term of office is 5 years. and that's what we'll do the sheets just that the west doesn't want to change that. let's you know, all the time is not right. it is obvious. all the unpopular decisions, much including lowering the conscription age will be blamed on ahead and try to up to that and then they'll change it. but actual now sanctions was also a big topic of discussion, specifically when the russian president was in the dpr k. because as we know, the dpr k is also a heavily sanctioned country and russia now after the launching of the west sanctions after rushes launch, russell launched his military operation rush. it became the most sanctioned country in the world. so there was a lot of talk about that throughout this political tour. and even at this press conference and especially at this, caught a press conference as well, of journalist asked the russian president about what he thought about that. and he said that the, the sanctions against the dpr k specifically are quite strange. they really hurt
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people who are struggling the most to feed their families and take care of them. and even compared it to the lennon drug blockade through which his own family had suffered during world war 2. i think it was a good idea of what i said then that some of the sections that were imposed against the our, to, to put it mildly look very strange to and what leningrad experienced during the great patriotic for everyone knows very well. this was a blockade when people were starving to death. what's going on in north korea now? yeah. is this, you may know that the sanctions that are introduced by merrily for political reasons, of course, externally still must correspond to the current level of human development, which you're kind of charisma. so this political tar that vladimir potent has been on in the dpr k in vietnam, had involved a lot of important negotiations. a lot of important documents were signed and this press conference essentially went through the outcomes of these historic work events. and the main takeaways from what we can expect in the future. as
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a result of these newly sealed agreements, you can all have a good sleep. now, after all, i've traveled from north korea to vietnam and all that in between our 2 correspond donald quarter. thanks for taking us through. all. that's alright. to gallons. were dozens of casualties have been reported in the southern most city of what office says really tanks um drones pushed deeper into neighborhoods on wedding stay this video just as you can see behind me in the corner tops for the moment. and there's really rocket hit a residential building there. well, the dead and wounded help being transferred to a hospital in neighboring ton unit. some rescuers are searching for those still dropped onto the rebel local authority. save a total death total in the enclaves since october 7th has risen to almost $37400.00 people. most of them children well we can take a look now at the scale of destruction in the rough palestinian media report states
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that over 70 percent of the cities infrastructure has been destroyed since the idea of expanding its operation into the area. uh rough uh, which ones hosted over $1500000.00 display scouts and is it becoming empty or every day? according to recent united nation states and most of the families have slept the area have done this. so within the past 6 weeks, it's estimated that just some 65000 people remaining rough or those who decided to stay helping describing the scenes they were facing daily. a mess the said we heard the missile strike and we all came out of our tents. we found the fire burning in his and his son's beds. even the iron caught fire the pots. every thing in the flower, there was nothing left, everything was burned. and i mean, it's our sleeve at 1 o'clock at night when suddenly we heard the sound of screaming . we went running outside, grab the children and ran with it. and we found
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a big fire burning in front of us. and there was something we are staying on the land near the end, people started screaming and running in the street to get shit like that. how, how long will the visit mean long? i know how long is the displacement? this number is, this is on the 7th displacement, and so far we have been on the wrong. and since on the type of simmons we have from the east at home units, and now we will return to the eastern area and we will definitely the remotely is area and we will settle it because this is normally what happens here tonight is it is often choosing the channels where there are children for insurance, for women and children, much as we heard from palestinian red crescent society spokes person about far as i q. shared the challenge is the organizations teams need to overcome to provide those remaining and they're off. i would much need a date almost as many as you can were forced to please. as from alpha bought houses, others are 10. they are in the box shop and the lens less large man that is taking
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place they. i'm not thousands of people. you could not leave around thousands of people, they do have indirectly, people sick people, as well as people with disabilities. so they couldn't sleep it off. i, as you know, there is no transportation and they have to evacuate themselves on foot of the same time. there is no available shelters tense or whatsoever. so i'll come with a very kindly these are the members who are at people with disabilities or they're the lead people so that, that's why they have no other options. they just to stay there and on that very dangerous conditions, whole, boardman, instead of taking place, day and night. and at the same time, many of the for the auto traps in certain areas which is considered our military to areas where our team. so kind of kind of depressing teams,
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ambulances cannot even reach certain areas for the boxes with that kind of what it is. most of the hospitals now and drop off. i mean, all of the deals with completely out of service, only one or 2 teams, hospitals. i sent operations, but all of these are hospitalized were completely taken off of service. so we can't even imagine how the situation when we talk about on the, when you talk to them to provide medical services to thousands of people for oddison, it drops into as well. israel has been pushing its operation in rough at the spike warnings by the un. i'm the international community of large. but while the, it's really government expresses certainty over its plans to eliminate come off the spokesperson for its military has made a striking statement saying the militant group is impossible to destroy on any other claim is deceptive towards the public to come us, hey, we are going to make
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a mass disappear, limit please simply throwing sand in the honest a little complex law for last is an idea across the mass as a policy and it's received in the house of the people. the other thing is we can eliminate the mass is room a. so our, i'm here in israel following how guys interview his capitalism over israel, kansas to destroy from us 8 months, up to the restore the costs and a pro and social media with users. question, and if this person actually could represent a body that fights have mass and the eyes responsible for elimination is probably to come the public lives become to prevent concerns over potential split between military and the government isn't. yeah. whose office was quick to respond. that's one of the key goals of the word guys of wasn't, remains the destruction of how massive military and governance capabilities and, but the army is of course committed to this. and the idea of who is also pushed to respond. they confirmed the fight. they fight to and have mouse in the palestinian
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enclave. clarifying that gary's concerns touch the phone, her mouse as an ideology, as an idea, as if any, all the claim is taken out of context. but despite these attempts to switch the issue under the cost, so this is not the 1st time that we see sort of tension is between provenance there until the defense officials over the baby's approach to the goal is a conflict. a may is really mil to resources reported. it may be, it may take up to 3 years to the size of the just see time us and god. they also complains that there is no conclusive political solution regarding does a war, and that the army is achievements, are eroding. and also when the army that started the war i have from the north of the gaza strip. as you remember, illuminating all gradually, pushing militants to the south to the junction for the head to return to areas previously cleared off. have mass gary, idea of spokesman again hang to the lack of political strategy is to play. and also
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defense minister earlier urgent is on the yahoo to present plans for post war governance of gaza warning that all army efforts will be fruitless, as there is no clear understanding what is the alternative to the military. the group of the building this 3 for more than 15 years in the so called day after the prom and a student and yeah, with all the politicians. same, not to cut too much about any officer despite also global concerns of a post 4 scenarios. they keep rates are waiting for, the goal is to destroy from us, whatever that means and whatever comes after that. so they can listen to despite the heavy and then certainly prize, we must come each to the goals of the war, the destruction of the mass, military and governing capabilities. the return the phone over our hostage making certain that gather will never again constitute a threat to as well, and the return of our residents securely to their homes. in both the north and the south. we will continue with our mission to destroy some us the prime minister was
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very clear about that and we will continue on. so rough, uh, we will destroy from us pretty crazy enough, not enough money into the war. none of these announced goals has yet been achieved, and ultimately the country's military question, the government's strategy or lack of stress and chain guys are certainly public discontent. grows thousands of and reinforced fated as really speak to the streets in the last month, almost daily, demanding prime minister to step down, accusing him of being unable to finish the war. he started failing to defeat him, us and bri hostages. back home to raise a feeling that is really stuck and goes on men. people blend the government to that, of course and level strategy was among key reasons. also for prominent opposition leader unit to policy leader, former defense minister guns to withdrawal from the countries emergency decision making, center war cabinets that was in taking clear or disagreements with the political
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circles as well is a very hard situation right now. and of course, the pressure on the attend yahoo to find a way out of all this, all out crisis from politicians, from military and from ordinary citizens, continues mounting to run. how slum canada is decision to list the as low make revolution regard court as a terrorist entity runs foreign ministry spokesperson stays, the move goes against international dispute. because isn't the decision of the canadian government? is it how style move and country to the accepted standards and principles of international law? these you are responsible and provocative move follows the wrong path. that the canadian government mistaken for more than a decade under the influence of war mongers unreal violators of human rights and the main found herself terrorism. that one does not seem to be surprised by canada's move to blacklist these womic oceans are.


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