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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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to is, i'm designated for, she's getting the best do what i mean. there's a push out the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle in a very public way. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has demanded the bye, didn't ministration give him the tools to finish the jobs in gaza. is this a demand to finish the genocide? again, this sounds like a blank check to cross any and all red lines. the
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cross talking powers sign. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legally media analyst in want to say we have elijah mcneal. he is a veteran war correspondent and political analyst and in rest and we crossed of michael. my loop is a former pentagon senior security policy analyst, right? gentleman, prospect rolls in effect. that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, well, actually let me go to you 1st and in a lot of say, you know, we have this very bizarre video coming from the prize. rarely prime minister. i've never seen anything quite like it was demanding that the united states do something for israel and basically saying they'll be consequences. it was a very, it was very threatening. and i'm going to ask wine all late or how that's going to be turned into a g o p ad. but what does it mean to finish the job for the, for me that is quite ominous. go ahead and mark say, thank you for having me. first of all, this speech was in english right. therefore it was directed to the english speaker,
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and this case, the united states of america. second, the been a mean that the now has been given plenty of time to finish the war in gods out from the beginning when president biden and then federal by secretary acton it blinking to support is right unconditionally and the americans stopped to talk only after 3 to 4 months, wendy's relays where not finishing the job, were not reaching the objectives to defeat from us and to free all the captives. and then to today, we heard also the spokes best and all these really minute. great. i've heard daniel and gary saying we cannot defeat from us. we all it is. this isn't an ideology. it's an idea. is it potty attacking all of the objectives and dismantling? they mean it then. yeah,
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it was objective for the 1st time since 1948. we see this friction between the all me and the police leadership who are trying to blame the army for the fadia. and the all me saying what know you gave us objectives the are on the table one. and now the americans are trying to, has these read even further when joe biden is asking, been, you mean the thing out to stop the war? because there are other ways to defeat him as he means by reconstruction. you might tell you on a, because they didn't mean that then, you know, has failed to reach the objective. and the only thing is managing extricated trend during the women destroy the infrastructure in gods and destroys all the united nation, a new building and everything. and we had a talk later of and threatening an opening of a new front of new once again says the law michael, you know, they, i'm glad elijah about us there because i, you know, we think of the northern front, the guys upfront. but there's another frontier, it's called the,
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the israel us front right now because this is a, an upfront that we got from the israelis. and it really is really quite telling because after what 9 months now, the by the ministration is never said no to israel's not going to say no. now also this is a war big bite and desperately desperately needs to come to an end. and his a partner in crime, the prime minister of israel isn't going to help him it out at all netanyahu stabs people the back left in, right. he doesn't care. he's a, he's, he's most concerned with his political survivor survival and the survival of zion is and michael yeah, i would absolutely agree with you there because it's not in yahoo has really put the binding ministration in in a head lock. it has no choice and, and unfortunately we're approaching this election time and there's no way that the united states at this point, conceivably,
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can just abruptly stopped any assistance to the story. at least it will create quite a, quite a firestorm. i think particularly congress and, and among, uh, uh, uh, jewish supporters in, in the united states or what's left of them. but, but the reality is, is that netanyahu has every intention of plotting a long no matter whether or not this the united states is going to give any support . and he's made that very, very clear. in fact, by talking about a minute, attacks up north, which is really of concern to me is something that i'm watching very carefully and i think it, it will actually whiten this, this conflict into a regional mater. and that's what we have to avoid. all all that bind is doing bite and needs to just stop. what are what he's doing right now, and quit, providing the arms any arms and, and really become firm. but look, finding is not a control by this, not only it, it could not only not in control of israel,
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he's not even a control of his own administration, right? he is the puppet. we solve that the other night when obama let him off the stage, taking him by the arm to guide him off. he is obama's puckett and, and in a bind is not in control of events. he's doesn't run this administration, it's the people behind the scenes. and this is what makes it more dangerous. they are the faceless leaders there were that were having to contend with. and no one is held accountable as a consequence. yeah. so the longer goes and the more consequences will be for everyone involved in the going forward. and i'm thinking about international judicial proceedings against these people, which i hope will happen. i doubt it will. but i always kind of look forward to seeing anthony blinking in an orange jumpsuit, but we'll see a line. oh, good luck going. yeah, good luck. lydel. going back to knit yeah. who's
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a video presentation? did he cut this for donald trump in his campaign? because i'm, i can, i can guarantee you that this is going to be edited and it's going to be played for the next few months before the general election. because and, and i think it's quite a, the spickle, but i think the, you know, this is, this is dirty politics and they're going to use that netanyahu was a willing participate in all of this line on the 1st we use is term the us and is real, it's nothing yahoo, it do we, we talked about this model listed. this unified, everybody thinks in lock step is netanyahu? that's number one. number 2. why in the name of god? did he come out with this ham fisted approach? when he was going to get it anyway. yeah, that was the send the message either to his, to his allies or, or his those question to human israel or to his american contingent or somebody. i
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would have told him, you don't have to make any statement, just be quiet. this the democrats or him or this far away. and not only that, a little behind the scenes. the person that you, one time you really aided, who happened to be running their show in many respects as obama. he'll never forget what you did, never. and now there is a talk about moving, buying around, which i have been talking about for now, 7 years. but believe it or not, as, as, as obama is more and more movie. and remember the old contingent of victoria nolan's out. we have a new way of people trying to re solidify. remember peter, as we said, it's the great reset. nothing is the same. everything has changed everything, so you have to ask yourself, what are you doing? and people who never so much is karen a, a linkable was having these real. now they're saying you what this guy talked to
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was about this. even zelinski was at least polite. he acted. thank you. america. zalesky knew how to do it happening handy. thank you very much. we're on the same deep sea. never threatened you. we never said, well, i mean it, it is. yeah, well like, oh, i don't think it was that was great, was twitching is know so much of those last public appearance. i think you have something else on his mind. i liked it. um, you know, loved none is very much front and center is michael is pointed out here and we had the us in void this in b route. i mean, it was expounding to me. here's a quite important mediator. and at the end he says, if it's real at a tax level, we will be supporting israel. i what kind of mediator says something like that. i mean, it's just, you know, diplomacy is just disappeared from this administration. go ahead and mark say, as we have seen the hot stain on the soft stem from the 1st day, he landed because he went 3 times to lebanon for this kind of supposedly mediation
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. for the 1st time he came and he said, i am here to listen. the 2nd time he said, what about stopping the will in exchange of d that we can stop and says, well, i said not interested, go ahead and stop the war in. gotcha. and the last time he went is just to say what these ratings are increasing the threat. but i understand that your intention is not to stop unless the bullying guys that we have an increase of but then shot a deal for war. and we don't know where this is going to go. so this is not the mediator as you right. you said the someone who was showing how the us administration is just following been here. mean that then you know, whatever he want them to go. and he is the one who understands very well that the differences between the and is really a prime minister and an american president doesn't change anything in the strategic
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american support is ray, because this is not the 1st time that they mean that then you hope lashes with a democratic president is a 3rd time clinton obama, and now by didn't blow for 11. it's is a completely different game. yeah. because i've been on is not an open eh, concentration can happen on a supplied by the most sophisticated weapons. it has a production, 9 of weaponry or the most modern one. and also it has a very experience and train people who have fought in syria and in rot on more than 80000 square kilometers. and they have a seat, a city on the ground that guides it's done. those look like a jo. and this is why for 9 months is already did know that to
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a dock lab and more than with as well law has set the limits. and when done, you had gary came out and said, is there a headboard or launch $5000.00 rocket beside andrew on the against is read. has more law has given 5000 reason for his right to stop the war and it didn't. and now because it isn't the thing, yeah. who was war? nathaniel doesn't have many options if he needs to stop the war in god. yeah. because he fades in these objectives. and now the only doesn't know, one doesn't know what to do next. and if they went to the know they went to the south that went off off back to the know back to the south, still and rough off. and now great. you have the lodge. i have to have to jump in here. gentlemen, we're going to go to waste hard break, and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion of palestine. stay with our team,
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the hi. i'm receptive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to
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make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say 6 off of what go that you got to get better. you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you say, i mean with what you need to lock up, the people that are drug addicts, just keep going cold. turkey is like going through withdrawals, and a lot of these trucks supposed to withdrawal, giving them money will kill them. so you just gotta give him the government. i don't want to go as no one, not very good,
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but truly getting worse and worse every year. as we go, the, the welcome back across stock where all things are considered. i'm peter the bell to remind you were discussing palestine. the, let's go back to michael. you know, michael, you, it was already brought up in this program to do it least the perception that there is a risk going on between the id f and the end of the, the government itself. we always have to be very, very careful. sometimes they want to take us out and we always catch them out when they try it. but nonetheless, on all counts, there's failure on it with as rarely policy. they haven't gotten rid of him off. now they're admitting after what, almost 9 months,
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but they can't destroy it. that's really an amazing admission here. the hostages are still there, and here's the law, is made it very clear that if israel wants to fight, it will step up to the plate. and we had israel attacked for the 1st time by iran. and the re, the reaction to that was quite new to it. maybe the reaction is still coming, but this is where we stand right now. what my point is here is that for every failure of the, of the netanyahu government, it is a failure of the biden government as well. michael, you know, i absolutely agree. and as long as the united states, as we pointed out, or continues to supply the arms, that netanyahu feels he has a, a green card to continue doing this. if we stop it, it's going to impair him. now, as you point out, he has that now who has problems dealing with thomas. what do you think this is his, his uh, chances are going to be a guess us the law. it's going to be outrageous. now what's interesting is that,
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how's blood just released a, a video showing a drone flying over hyper undetected, undetected? and i think that was a signal well, and my goal, my goal, if you it with me in reference to that video, the video i had over superimpose on top of it. the description of installations of the video was actually like it. so they know what they're looking at, i'm sorry, keep going. yes. no, that's true. i mean, they, they, this must in to me a message by, by those rather, to netanyahu. we've got your number. if you want to escalate, which you have promised to do and, and go log has done the same thing. then we're, then we're ready for you. i just had a, a text from a friend of mine who has a home in southern lebanon, which was bomb just yesterday. and she, in the reaction to what net, what those routes that she said, bringing on,
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bring it on because they're ready. and they, she, they are, they are united, it seems between how's the law and the lebanese army, what she said, it doesn't have much. but it, that the point is, is that the love of these people now are united. and that's what's key be, i guess, israel and i think that of a site and those rolla has shown restraint. and by releasing that bill, many promises to said other films out release other films to show to the israelis. and to this rarely people that they have that capability undetected. now, by the ministration just doesn't get it. they, they, they, they lost hochstein who is useless. and he absolutely, uh, showed his colors by, by pointing out. but he, the with back is real, as was pointed out and he might as well just stay home. these are,
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are so called diplomats, which i have a question about, just have not showing any imagination any creativity. they haven't been blunt whatsoever with netanyahu. in fact, all stein had just visited netanyahu before he went to loveland on, so he got his marching orders in effect and, and got the, and got his talking points from that in yahoo, in order to present to the lebanese. and i think that this, this really is a failure of, of, well, it's, it's one matter shop. it could catastrophic failure. perhaps i relate to another. it's just, it's, it's, it's truly astounding to observe, you know, line well, i guess joe biden is running as a war president because of what we've been just talking about. there's a, a trip wire when it comes to hezbollah. i mean, this is going to be a regional war, and the united states is going to be in the thick of it do how aware are, because you're, you're in the face bowl. that's what you're here for. how aware of the american
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people, how close we are to being involved in another major regional war vinyl? well, i've never seen anything like this gentleman like i'm seeing now. for the longest time, the stalwarts, the base of the democratic party were and i'm going to use terms that make no sense . young, liberal, hip educated, the usual suspects climate change. they were there, they were there, they were just assume we are there for you. okay. all of a sudden now enter new platforms, digital media, the internet. as you can not even put up, you can't even 25. the main impact this is people who, 8 months ago, 9 months ago didn't know were guys are from a hole on the ground, which is a terrible expression. because right now it's starting to draw a hole in the ground. all of a sudden are talking about things, but but peter,
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not just what's going on now, but the history, the word i have never heard the word zionism mentioned yet half as much. that's right. so you have this because remember, if you're in the 1st ball here and you focus on the regular cable news world, you'll think everything is groovy. if you look at what the world is watching it and what young people are watching you have, it may not be now, but you are creating a new iteration, a new generation that has completely changed the political calculus. when it comes to middle east and what's going on right now, and they don't know what to do because dave, assume that all of these favor demographics throughout the years would always be there. well, guess what? it's a new world. it's a new platform and a new time, and they are going to be very surprised. what happens is has how any read these people are and how they're going to vote, either. not necessarily for trump, but not even showing up. watch what have you. well, i say it's really interesting that you know, the,
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the anger that lionel is expressed here about how people are reacting to this complex. but that's how the region is spelled for a very long time. i mean, it's finally waking up to seeing how, you know, the, how many times the has israel violated lebanese aerospace syrian aerospace attack of scientists into ran. and it's all with american backing. but now you have this genocide which you can't hide from. i mean, you have to stick your head in the ground now, you can hide from it. it's, it's in everyone's face right now. and you know that the region itself is changed a lot. a line was saying, you know that these, the demographics, the democrats could always rely on, but the middle east has changed immensely to hezbollah is a potent force. go ahead and mark say, not only that, i absolutely agree with you, but we have southern bay on solomon law. the hotel is in yemen, joining in an inc,
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control of america in passage one of the most vital passages. and then we hear the pets that go just a few days ago saying we have manage to stop the yeah. many from stopping us. so we see the poor as country in the mid eighties, or at the equally as the level of the american and the navy and the british navy, in the red sea. and they all say no to that they're the many. so it is really devastating to see the awareness that is happening and then with the lease and how in that speech of sight and the strong biased the date. he was bringing also the method to re in. and he's saying the military and watch it because it guarantee the target. so he's talking about the show or by this time and did you brought up what's good to happen to your appear in the economy? what's going to happen to the economy of the what if the radians only grow the
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strength of homeless, just as the who talks to base it in the red t n a wrong policy based only in the math. i'm sure that they control it. this what the americans want. yes, the awareness today is everywhere and it has started by the un secretary general antonio good. there's from the one who said this conflict did not stop on the 7th of october that 50 years ago. and this is what everything has stopped it. and yes, it is true. people today are much more aware of what's happening. they understand in the name of any party, any nation, anything. you can not continue. getting people pretend to have the most more on the army in the web, be at democratic nation, and then say we're on the sides of the right. but then united nation coming off, i'm putting is read on the same level as isis. a guy dot and book of era. you know,
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this is what it is today. it, you know, i'm michael. most americans are not even aware of the potential of being part of a brought into a conflict like this. i mean, the way i look at it is, has been met and yeah, who wants to buy the administration to back israel and it's conflict in lebanon so we can continue the genocide and cause the do i have that right. and that seems to be the case it's, it appears that even though the united states claims it doesn't want to war with uh, to, to spread into 11th. okay. but it's not going to do anything to stop at night. but i think it's no longer in control. it's no longer in control. that's why net. yeah . who was a that's why, uh, another iowa is now threatening cypress because he knows the brits well continues. finally got goods to israel through cyprus. it's, it's going to be a likely target and, and that's why this whole thing is going to spread out of control. and it's going to become regional. the united states has gotta wake up to the reality that it's no
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longer it no longer calls the shots. it is no longer in charge of the, the rules based order. it is and faithful. and that's why you're saying the emergence of a multi pull the world order as we talk. and i wouldn't doubt very soon that if level non is attacked, you're going to see syria come into this. and then you're going to say turkey. turkey is going to come in and, and, and again, i guess israel and then it's just that it really will be region wide in a major way. not to mention the fact that iran will have already begun. yep, lebanon is attacked and that will then really raise a raise the weight. so elijah, we have one minute, i saw you nodding your head, we have one minute please finish off the program for us. go ahead and i think this war is not going to end as long as it then, you know, is in pilot. he is giving the power to the far right wing. he's bringing them even close uh,
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with the mini government. he's making them the decision makers because he wants to survive. he doesn't have enough support. among the opposition is really faulty. but with the video that we've seen coming out of hezbollah, that was directed to the people in his red. does the society tending them? if you keep supporting the warmongers, then this is where you're going to end up and you're going to be a hit, a new old settlement. and in the strong this area that the all night petrochemical product in haifa, that is equivalent to the explosion or item on this very possibly mistake, but very realistic. no gentleman, we've run out of time. i want to thank my guest and want to say new york and in restin and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc unix time. and remember across stock.
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the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so short or is it conflict with the 1st law? should we live in justification? we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have so many with the in the a robot must protect this phone, existence was on exist, the, the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power type vision, with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can the stuff for the store. so i'm a shift towards the picture. especially for the show called the convolution to get our daughter should do this vehicle. is it the economic model?
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have us do this for the next time and see if he doesn't figure it out. ok. even though is the new much sort of the old server. it's a company in some village, developing bio, chemical weapons inside you can use the solution, you know, wasn't cheaper to use the white glove so that the customer bodies because of the same as your state because the the, there we go our buddy, i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about.


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