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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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of the the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about today. one new pulse suggest vice president comma le harris isn't performing much better. see, i'm not sure. i saw that coming. i think that's fascinating. so what actually are the vice president's approval numbers? they are good. i'm going to show them to you. i'm rick sanchez. let's do this thing . the ok here we go. once again, it's a topic that's been in the news a lot lately mister by the president of the united states. looks he's got an image problem right now. and, and the problem is what people are seeing on video with their own eyes. the white
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house says eyes and the rest of us in the media who show you these images are distorting reality, that these are fig. pictures is what essentially the white house spokesperson said just the other day. are we really? so once again, there is a video that is being shared all over the country really all over the world, which is very damaging to the president and it's sad, right? i haven't shown you this video because i, i, i just felt uncomfortable. i almost feel like i'm picking on an older person, you know, like one of my parents or grandparents. but now this has become more newsworthy because, well, there's a new report out about the b p. carmella harris. so 1st, let's look at the video here. that's and now you can see everybody there singing and everybody's, you know,
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wide awake and everybody's excited and he's just like, standing there. this is bored. no movement whatsoever. and people have looked at that and said, wow, and now look at the for, look at the, the vice president. she's dancing, she's getting a group on, she's actually looks like she's got a lot of rhythm and she's a pretty good dancer. right? so, all right, that's, that's the picture. i mean, like it is what it is. you are watching a try. you saw the 2 things that you saw come on harris. what appears to be, you know, uh at least compared to the president uh, showing a lot of bigger and you know, she's someone who is moving a lot of but unfortunately, and here's where the rubber kind of meets the road on this story per poll numbers are not that much better than the guy who doesn't move so well. watch this. as concerns over president finds age continue to hang over his re election campaign.
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one new poll suggest vice president comma la harris isn't performing much better. a political morning consult. survey found 52 percent of those asked, viewed, vice president harris on favorably. now of course these rocky numbers can't and won't keep harris off the campaign trail. politicians tend to sold or through such things. soldiers throw such pigs some interesting way. only uh, cbs news, which basically works for the state department would present this story the way they do. and then if you were to watch the entire thing, you'd see that they're rather apologetic and their presentation of the story. but here's the bottom line and they can't deny it. nobody else can. only 40, only 42 percent of americans approve of her performance. this is according to the political and warning console. these are legitimate pulse. that's terrible. i mean, that's terrible. i mean, i don't get it. is she being dragged down by maybe mr. biden's health problems isn't her performance? what do you think, manila, what is it?
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because these are really bad numbers for a, b, p, v, p. usually they don't usually matter enough to get either really good or really bad numbers, but these are really bad numbers. oh, well rick, here's the uncomfortable thing, right? is, has america or the world yet thought that if joe biden wins another term, if he were to die in office, i know that's a crazy thing to say. but if he dies in office and the 2nd term, that means we get a president, comma, la harris. and these polls further go to the bulk this whole ages. i'm saying that all america is hating on an old person. that's not the case because comma harris is young and vibrant. you've even a good looking lady. yeah. still don't like or nobody. and i mean nobody wants combo a harris and i can tell you as a california native, she was a very unpopular ag making. 7 so much good use of the old 3 strikes law that was
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established in 1994 and when she was running against bite and in the, in the 2020 primary destroy. 3 she couldn't when yeah, she called went on home state california because according to polls she had, she dropped out 3 months prior to avoid humiliation. after tolten gabbert aid her lunch at those debates. democrats just have nobody else rec, do you know, would you know what i think what i see her, especially since she's been vp part of that, i barely knew what she was. uh huh. i see someone who is surprised that they're the vice president of united states. i. oh, i'm sorry, but she like somebody who looks in the mirror when it goes, oh my god, i'm much president and she goes around. i can't hear you exactly. maybe is to me, but i mean, she doesn't, her persona doesn't fit the role. she doesn't look like she has any of that drama tough and i'm not. i don't want her to be dick cheney trust me, but there's something in the way she is always laughing. uh huh. i related with joe
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and she's god bless. she just she looks like she's very, very uncomfortable. yeah. i don't know what it is just by comfortable and i think whatever i'm feeling because i'm just an average idiot, right. i think the rest of america looks at that and says, yeah, there's something there that just doesn't add up with her. so anyway, here's, here's something else. this is important. russian, president bush must have been watching my show yesterday. i doubt it, but it, but regardless, he's kind of saying the same thing that i mentioned yesterday when i said that it's amazing. but people who live in western countries know so little about this guy, good or bad? few of any know his actual points of view. do you ever hear him speak? i mean, watch this news conferences or watchers news conferences, i should say that, and that's just not smart, mr. brewton. he's now in vietnam. he is continuing, is his a 0? i am asked me whatever you want to or at any talked about this very thing yesterday
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. coincidentally, here it is c, as in settlement them in level them, most of them got a new point in front of months. i'm going to need you to close the book and girl and i'm about to go in front of months. it was more than the item, what you still got a games for some really and you get to me and then see if they can see us in the i even the we, when you will be due to the mean, the instruments on the important he's saying russia and he in particular, i think, has an information problem, not the i think what he's saying is how do we get this message out and how do we get people to pay attention to at least our point of view, even if they disagree? well, i mean, look, wrecked. the tucker interview was really the 1st major exposure put in got to a western audience for years. western media had maligned him as some sort of like a dr. able character and, and had in effect,
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banned him from their airwaves. and as with any russian related media, right, just as those tensions with ukraine ramped up, i had a b, s, m, o, back in february. and by the way, back, when did you by the way, the current of your to as soon as the interview was over every wester, news media said, oh my god, can you believe i right, the shortened tucker. 7 that after that without it was my joy, right? that's my boy who is messaging problem is not that of his own creation in the american strangle hold on hollywood and on media. and furthermore, furthermore, rick, the prudent style. what we saw on that tucker interview blunder put is very nuanced in very detailed. yeah, the west, we would call that long winded but western audiences view of the world in 15 seconds to flip them sound by that's our culture. and as a result, our political discourse has also been reduced to this. i'm not saying i agree with it, but no matter what it is. so if the russians or the chinese or north korea wish to
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be more impactful in reaching western audiences, they'll need to get more adept at what appeals to those cultures. and it's if these quick snappy little sound by some portion. yeah, i get to see, put in doing a tick, tock, video every day. i mean, i know i know, but i know you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're making the point to make a point. i don't think that's because of just the but it actually is true sadly enough that the fact that the guy doesn't want an hour, hour, an hour and a half long interview details the history. yeah. and, and, and, and then people say, oh i was boring, is like, what do you want? all right, here's a shocker to read it as well, or maybe just a fake announcement. i can't tell at this point, but a ukrainian ambassador, a woman named katarina, letting go. she has come out on the record and said something that i didn't expect . she says ukraine would be willing to attend a peace summit sponsored by china,
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where you, courtney, and officials would be face to face with russian officials to negotiate a peace deal. here's a statement. i'm going to read it to you. it goes like this. ukraine would consider participating in a basing led peace summit with both warring sides present so long as the talks are based on the rules and the principles and try and in the un charter and international law. manila, are they bluffing a well look wreck there are mixed signals coming from key of on these proposed china talks. first. this is not a china only proposal. let's get that clear. this is co sponsored by brazil and the pitch that idea back in early may, i had of zalinski is lots of a summit in switzerland. it is a 6 point plan that has been endorsed by a 100 countries premier. 6 early in the global south is backer. say it's a path to ending hostilities. it's critics say. china is doing russia's bidding now
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. state department spokesman, matt miller is spinning all of this and saying china is just trying to undermine key and steal the stage. the seeing the new power broker. so while you have the ambassador or calling china a friend of ukraine, you have the so called president of ukraine, who his, i would say you search power for the last month. say he's going to follow the lead of his finance years, namely the us and u. k. so the question is whether or not the, the interest in attending these new round of talks is sincere. i can't answer that . i don't know the master. i can't get it or had, but my read is that she's expressing what the parliament of ukraine wants, those who are still in their official capacity and saying what zelinski can't say. yeah. and i think it may have something to do with the unmitigated disaster. as you mentioned, that was, that's with the summit, where they invited a 160 only 9. the showed up of those $9080.00 of them signed the
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a court to have now backed out. china wasn't invited, russia wasn't invited, i mean the china was invited and they just to the general they said, if you're not going to have rush to hear what the hell you're doing, right. and i mean, yeah, we're wasting our time, which is kind of a general question. we're going to have a fight between 2 great boxers, but only one of them is going to show up who wants to go? i mean, what if it, if it is interesting that this is being presented now with follow it, we'll see if it's legitimate. let's see what happens up as usual. have a great weekend partner. i appreciate you bank sharing your thoughts. take care. all right, i'm going to join a guest here real quick and i'm going to be talking to him. now he's got a different explanation than i do regarding why mister pool has visited and sign a pack with north korea pod, castor and journalist or rick. sarah will be joining us here. in fact, uh there he is going to be having a conversation in just a little bit and i look forward to it cuz this is one really smart guy who writes
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some pretty interesting stuff. we will be right back. the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send, send up the consumer to progress be the one else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the
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stuff is the is the silver thorn machine philadelphia such as you the show color the vehicle. is it the economic model have new with the 100 more them it's different this time next time and see if it's doesn't figured tested by the next 2 weeks or even though is the new months. so i was unable to deal with a company, anthem,
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village, developing bio, chemical weapons inside of the guns. got to watch the news, move in a solution, you know with some cheaper to use the white glove service. you cost, but he's because of the 2nd 6 offer what go that you got to get better. you go to the hospital. yes. what you need to do to help you say, i mean would, would you need to lock up the people that are drug addicts because keep going cold . turkey is like going through withdrawals and
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a lot of these for people to withdraw giving them money will kill them. so you just gotta give him the government. i don't want go as no one. not very good, but truly getting worse and worse every year. as we go the, the, hey, welcome back, i'm rick sanchez and joining us now is drake 0 amar? he is a pod, castor and the journalist writes with a very fresh perspective about global affairs. you can read his material on the 9th . wait, that's who he uh, what, what's he right? what he writes as in sub stack, i am a subscriber. so i've had
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a chance to read some of his writings and i, and i think it's kind of fascinating. let me start with what i mentioned as we were going to break. i was reading with interest your article about why mr. clinton went to north korea. i have been sharing my opinion that he went to north korea because he simply messaging, same reason he's on ships and to have and the same reason he's doing military exercises off of the caribbean. he's basically telling the world, look, i do have muscles and i'm going to show them to you. you're saying it's something else. it's about satellite communications with north korea. explain um, my, my main argument is that uh, there are many reasons why event and nice things. i actually really feel one reason this offers the what everybody has been pointing out in the west and the russians have some of the rise in would be f be talking about and the own media, which is that is a gesture towards the best. and generally in particular to the rest of the asia
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pacific region that suggests that towards the united states, it's a tester towards south korea, japan, maybe to an extent, australia, all of these things in play here. but i think what has been overlooked is something that is again, which is that my sense is that it's in particular also aiming itself career. because south korea in recent years has really ramped up. it's almost exports, oscar. we have a very serious military industrial complex pocky because of its own geo political situation on this, you know, fault line, but most career and it has a very substantial, almost industry. and it, since the ninety's, it has made an effort to make a technologically cutting edge of this basically it seems succeeded and materialism tested. but they can bid, 4th generation fighter jets. they can build networks,
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i'm sure it's the tags and so on and so on. and the 2 things about south korea that i think doug, certainly important for russia. one is that south korea as i'm officially, but it's very likely that they've already applied supplied military supplies to ukraine and of course, versus 5 to train by now. but the other thing that is often overlooked is the poland is wrapping up. it's military massively holding this plumbing in a relatively short time to dump as a size is actually more than double the size of its length. forcing is a and it is also taking them out this as last year, extremely high cost for this position. so i've talked about spending at least 4 percent, maybe 5 percent of g d, p on this new arguments problem and, and a very large amount of these weapons of these advanced button systems is going to come from south korea to give you just one figure. it includes 100-1000
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main, better tanks. all right? that is an extreme number i think. so it's $58.00 1st generation pilots. it includes almost $300.00 howard. so systems and so on and so on. and so i'm more over pulling that south. korea have already agreed that much of these materials in the bid, it's actually important on the license, right. so that's also technology transfer from this volume on south korean house industry to poland and poland. do live with the is planning already to use this. know how that they've been acquired and is process improve which the dealer to become and even stronger on exports or to the rest of nate to you. you're let me stop here, let me just stop you for a minute because i have a question about what you just said because i find what you're saying to be absolutely fascinating. what you just described,
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this confluence between south korea and poland, which sounds like a bit of an arms build up. is this being done at the behest of nato and washington, or are these just 2 countries that are figuring out a way to make money off of ours, which they have every right to do? it was a koreans, it certainly is making a lot of money. i mean, it's almost these contracts of gone to almost a month, almost $15000000000.00. i think the rights of was norm is. but on the other side, all of these items will be made to compatible. right. and if you think about the politics involved, it's very easy to see that non officers could be happening if the united states was not in agreement on both sides of. so united states was not in agreement with south korea delivering and was pulling and taking this initiative to business. it's enormous land on it. if you think about what this looks like from russia's
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perspective, from us coast perfect perspective lines only like this, right? this basically you better bring ram, a mean not only at ross so, but at russia is most important region of allied eastern europe, which is below rooms. and of course pulling has very complicated relationships instead of hers. so i think that all the factors that you have in human rights, i'm right. i don't doubt that. but that as a very specific agenda here on moscow's product concerning specifically south korea and then 16 costs on south korea for this type of engagement. so what's interesting about this conversation that we're having is we often here are leaders here in the west and certainly in washington. and we've heard this from the white house and most definitely from the state department. when putting or when she or other leaders like that, say we have to defend ourselves because it looks to us like these guys are doing
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some things that make us feel like they're getting ready to knock on our door or worse. right. and then the state department of washington always says they're lying, that's not true. they're using that as an excuse. they're making stuff up there, crazy, etc. or whatever it is that the reason is, and you're saying there is, as we say in law prima fall, she evidence that the west is in fact doing this. and that it is a direct threat to russia and perhaps other countries as well as you stay with beller is yes, i mean look, it's a classic this alone, right? as long as the state can um, it serves. and it may even actually mean these elements to sort of defense, but from the side, from the perspective of another state, that states cannot tell if these are going to be used only for defense or for offensive purposes as well, right? and this dilemma is always in playing the problem is the west, is that via and denial about this fact we expect that china or russia
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for instance, simply take all words, but no longer government in history has taken the words of a potential problem. yeah, in this regard, would simply not be normally a security do you didn't, you know, it wasn't full hard. it's very important. and the fact that our adverse or the, or the guy somebody has a side simply take all word for it. that doesn't make any sense. i could speak to, to a physician, i could listen to you forever because you, you obviously think a lot and write some interesting stuff about this. and it is a fresh perspective. but i've got to ask you about germany. i, as i'm hearing you say that as i've read what you've written about germany and israel, for example, but now i want to ask you, what is germany stand and all of this the other day, the ukrainian strong man who's i'm elected by the way, just for the record went to germany, and apparently half of the pm's didn't even show up. they protested his speech. i
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didn't want them there. what are the germ, how much are the germans like the polls or not like the polls in this situation? i would say they're going to be like suppose, but there are not. um, when you look at the german minister of defense, they've got a cardboard. is the stores, i'm sure it is incredibly jealous of what his police call you can do. right. but the german situation is that the rhetoric is sometimes to them, but the lights, the opponents, right to break now they enter russian. very decisive and so on and so on. but the germans don't actually want to pay for this. they've been talking about this, but them not making this type of financial effort. no, the gentleman on me right now is around 200000 soldiers during the cold war restaurant with a low and have 500000 and peace time. if you edit the east germans get 200001 this
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side, you had 700000 terms constantly on the us, among other things to go off each of the j as well. right? so right, that was the avenue driven spot. now can't even find a way to expand the homie completely unlike the polls. so i think that from most cost perspective, hold on looks like a much more serious adverse of a right now. in germany, not the germany looks benevolent, but germany probably from the russian perspective doesn't look serious. pulling does actually look serious while um, drake 0 amar is a podcast or a journalist. you could write, you can read him at 9th wave on a sub stack. and we thank you, sir for taking time to take us through this explanation. please come back. i'd like to talk to you again. i think, you know, that's, that's a, that's our show. remember once again that we always believe that truths don't live in boxes. so we should look for truths in boxes, and when i say boxes,
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i mean only what we think and what our friends think truths are everywhere. that's what we believe that's our mission. i'm rick sanchez. thank so much for being with us. we're looking for you again, right here on direct impact until next time to the stuff for the summer shift for the picture. so should the show should the get our daughter should do this vehicle? is it the economic model have us it's different products come and see if it's doesn't figured that's what i understand. so we'll say august,
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even though is a new much sort of deal, one gives us the compliance. i'm bill gage goes up developing bio chemical weather's inside ukraine. also going to watch news will when a student should, you know, wasn't cheap with the white glove service but he's because of the sandwiches. the in a very public way. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu as the amended the by didn't ministration. give him the tools to finish the job in dallas. is this a demand to finish the genocide? again, this sounds like a blank trip to cross any in the red line. the
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russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. most all sense i'm at the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the tenant services for the question, did you say steven? twist, which is the,
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[000:00:00;00] the rise in taxes fees, rising pensions and the boys on the streets of kenya over, but national reforms being pushed bobby international monetary fund. we don't need a preemptive strike yet, because our response to any strikes would guarantee the destruction of the valiant carpets traffic i for the i put in says there is no immediate need to change in rochester, the adoption of the president's woods drop off his agent to


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