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tv   News  RT  June 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the rise in taxes, fees and rising pension. one man is reports, at least start getting kenya and pause on the streets over rates increases being post bobby international monitor of funds. we don't need a pre emptive strike yet because our response to any strikes would guarantee the destruction of the enemy. dialing a catastrophic eye for an i love of what it says. there is no immediate need to change russia as nuclear adoption of the president would drop off his agent for a month with the historic visit to the dpr k. a russian
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president also says the moscow is the right to supply long range weapons to countries like the dpi. okay, that's in response to west and escalation of what's going on in the northern east asia, mtv on currently is quite worrying in terms of exponential growth. also military activities by the us. uh and its regional allied the while you're watching our team to national, reaching you from the russian and capital i a michael watching now, whatnot. and has reportedly been shot dead in kenya, and that's a mid boiling anger on the street. silver plans, tax hike, critics a will on friday. but those already struggling to make ends meet of the
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scalar on in the day crowd to demonstrate a set of smoke bombs. and run through the streets of a capital narrow b. they prying the tank. psychic plans authorities used to a gas to break up the crowds. the government has been insisting it needs to raise more funds at home. the crowd, its reliance on the external borrowing arteries novia completely has details. a well mess. purchase, have the rob sitting data games prism william reaches 2024 fine is full in 6 used to access the based off the international monetary fund. the bill proposes a new round of tax hikes ad lives that will increase the price of basic goods. and because of that, in the ruby protest, who pays for the day in a row, which demonstrates has, as you mentioned, taunting who told must go and to riot police society, a guest and used
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a war to cabinets, to disperse tens of thousands of many young and protesting for the 1st time, gathering peacefully near the national assembly. last, bullets have also been reported. lead. i'm used to define is bull is a very brutal attack on the working class. and google mass is ready suffering a solar and cost of living worse. and since the curve of 19 pandemic, it is being forcefully imposed by a ruling elite, the international money to fund. in fact, in april 2021 kenya entered into a 3000000000 dollar deal with the i am if in exchange for savage started c o 2, a has made clear that despite this um, temporary sit back, he will continue to impose more tax hikes and lives by the end of his took me 2027 is committed to increase taxes from the current 15 percent to at least 20 percent of to the piece. and so the protesters accuse kingdom,
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government also overburdening citizens with more texas, despite to the prevailing high cost of living, saying that the government does not care about them. these taxes also punitive and they still not accept them even though reports suggest that a man has died and that's a police watched off was investigating those allegations protested. wow. to continue protesting until the mon submits, have been in 12th, i'm in a bit driver and i'm so bows to be working right now. i have children who am i support through my work and this bill must fail. so again, you have to have peace. please go to moscow. we are saying the m p 's today as they wanted to be and they must see. the need to know is read by pull. let's see. we have no education. well, i live, they cannot size, they cannot see nothing. and the government still wants to pull away the budget of
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education. they want us to, to get a sense of other kind of benefits for me because i know you touch people. we've got to send the government all, you're explain yourself to not all of that stuff, but that leaves us wait for the governments to on the new tech stations. we'll see how the low off creek, financial assistance offered blinds develope nice has to be potential pitfalls of explaining the data. this is particularly due to when dealing with the international money to fund and kayden has experience with the item. it says as a stock, to remind us of the dangers associated with these additional loans and present to has defended these misses, stating that the remedy to solve the debt burdens to pay taxes and become independent in developing the nation with their own money and even get them to a point where instead of borrowing they will be lending to add. the nice is this is the trajectory that they willing to take. the handle the you and says this that's precious from financial institutions,
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pushes countries into further developing countries like rap playing with an international financial architect to whose interests i assume it's race exhausted by the impact of cascade and crises on sustainable development. this system intensifies the death burden by limits in access to affordable development finance and pushing them to borrow from mobile. a tile and expensive sources that you say is global. public dates rose to a $9.00 to $7.00 trillion dollars last year with developing countries always, roughly one 3rd of that amount of credit ping. they ability to pay for basic government services like health care, education, and climate, action, and many, even in tennessee. this is for the, the tax hikes or the pound of flesh demanded by the i a if which backed the finance be fine, is full of 2020 full, stating that to be a star. it sees a, i've taken dice. divisive escapes towards fiscal consolidation
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away from africa. russia has no need to rethink. it's nikki adoption right down. depending on the pre emptive use of nuclear weapons, have a lot of to put in one to any attack on the country will be met with a devastating response. it does not too much. we are still thinking about how nuclear dr. and could be changed. we know that the potential adversary is working on new elements associated with lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. in particular, ultra low powered explosive nuclear devices are being developed and we know that in experts circles in the west. the idea is that there's nothing terrible with using such weapons. it may not be terrible, but we must pay attention to this. we don't need a preemptive strike yet. because our response to any strike would guarantee the destruction of the enemy. the russian president's remarks kayden during the press conference. the rob top is dpr k in vietnam to in feel young on wednesdays, like them and put in and kim don't own signed the comprehensive strategic
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partnership agreement, a feature the provision for military and auditor assistance in case of aggression against the country. again, an exclusive interview with our team rushes deputy for administer say to get we have called said that the treaty should not be viewed as of right. you know, i don't think it's mama said most young young and russia felt this is the right moments to complete a very important chapter in development of our relationship. and the took form of these 3 d and the number of understanding send agreements that we concluded in the eastern time. again, this was the very same us m e l i is it set a lights that reached for decades for us and others that every nation is very free to change or choose each security arrangements. and this is exactly what happened here. deep their key and russia felt free to
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choose the security arrangement which is not against any one eats for our deep partnership, better security, a better predictive predictability and protection. if you wish a gaze, the excellence of our dresser is originally uh they are in the i would say uh, full steam uh, efforts to create a very different bus chair threatening pushing compared to what was the case before . what's going on in the northern east in asia and beyond currently is quite worrying in terms of exponential growth of military activities by the us, uh and its regional allies. uh, the purpose of this is to folds uh, number one, to detour,
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china and russia as major adversary's as many be leaving the us. and unfortunately in the region and number 2, to make sure that growing a growing interaction and cooperation, not least, between law school and feeling the young a would be uh, you know, uh, and is loose upon which further, the restrictive unlawful illegitimate measures by washington would be introduced against russia. so this is an escal attorney course that we see in a very of us full. and that the street is of course, in a sense of product over this warning development. our 2 countries, deep purity and russia came much closer to one another. the speed to provide for
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mutual assistance in the case of aggression. and so this provision, i would say, we send the message that this is a purely defensive arrangement. a week ago got them to put input for the piece initiative for ukraine. however, he was swiftly kicked into into touch by the west, which instead pushed ahead with it so as somebody to have the weekend. although that ended up burying literally a fruit, a rough as top dip them, i've said get, live it off. believe it's time for a sudden past to be more realistic, a little which just left it is the sewer. the whole point of the sports events was to consolidate. the largest possible number of countries of the world majority. first of all, around the zalinski forming up in the process, they realized that the world majority did not want to sign ultimatums to russia, such as the withdrawal from crime, yet withdrawal from don't best consent to the creation of a tribunal rush. it will be tried consent to the payment of reparations,
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and many of the absolutely unrealistic, i would say, even the skits of frantic the bones devolved majority did not want to sign up to all this. then along the way, they quickly changed the agenda, trying food security, u k. a safety and humanitarian issues to the full, leaving that such a homeless set of issues would allow them to secure the maximum number of cigna trees. and it didn't work out either almost the only countries which signed to us, in fact, a fighting the russian federation with the hands of ukraine, which um ukraine then impose sanctions well and a few more countries from the global south brush, it will be cold when the west and ukrainian cool formulate says position and presents disposition to russia. but this is another ultimatum of this. and you can't talk to us like that. if they don't understand this, i feel sorry for that diplomatic abilities which they've lost in fact replacing diplomacy with sanctions, ultimatums, black male, the most realistic framework was proposed by preston foods. and i have no doubt the
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serious politicians. and there are still some of them left. they understand the need to find the turn on some of the intellectual abilities and diplomatic abilities, and start thinking about real politics nots about can cult illusions. see what the spot, the west port peasy seems. it's actions speak louder that needs words. washington now says it's power t's military supplies to your trade, including patriot defense systems and hawks over it's nate to a law allies. and that's the message from the white house secuity to cancel the spokesperson john cubby. united states government is made it difficult but necessary decisions to reprioritize near term plan deliveries, a foreign military sales to other countries of this ticket. only patriot and nieces and misses uh to go to ukraine instead within the period of just 12 hours that ukraine is launched. 26 drones towards rochester. busy garad region and
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thats according to local authorities. he said that no casualties were reported since the onset of the war. russian border regions have become a frequent target of keeps forces on the
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playground. there cats and dogs where they scroll with their grandmothers and grandfather suddenly all of that you know, that innocent, blown up and shattered in the arrogant french missiles or british missiles or the american missile. you're seeing this is an active role that we've never witness. and it's particularly offensive to me as an american, because people of america have no idea the truth of what's going on. the,
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i mean, i'm in a civilian neighborhood, this moment. look what is the distributed neighborhood? there is a bomb shelter. this is old in abundance already because of the chevy. the ta, this is civilian the, the, they have to go to the united nations. and, uh, you know, the best thing it is to say, i want every single one of you, nato e. u members. the united nations here or the united states. here's one for you. france, here's one for you. germany, you are nazis ones. now you're not to use again. here's another one for you. i want you to have the stuff, toys, of the children that you murder the
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way from the regions. now review his announce it's imposing it 1st sanctions against the rafters liquefied natural gas industry. of the metro is part of the blogs for teams, packages, restrictions on moscow. and while that could end up having so many economies in asia, the european block is granting itself dispensation with hard take on the story here is archie, contribute to rachel mass that so the big headline with these new sanctions is that b e u is now apparently going to do something really new and finally hit russian l n g. it may come as a surprise to some folks playing along at home that they weren't actually already doing that. in reality, they were ramping up in ports of russian liquefied natural gas. jumping by 41 percent between 20212023. that's according to u energy regulator data. and maybe it will come as an even bigger surprise that
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well, they still really aren't going to be because of russian l. n g shipments of gas for use in europe still are not going to be impacted. what's new is that the ships that bring the rushing gas into european ports now just aren't allowed to transfer it to ships so they can leave for other countries. the package includes bundled fronts, shipment of russian hill and g to 3rd countries via the u, including a prohibition on reloading services as well as ship to ship and ship the shore transfers imports into the you are still allowed. so what's been happening is that russian gas from siberia has been coming into the you in 2 countries like france, belgium, spain, and the netherlands. and then it gets turned around and sent right over to places like turkey and china or elsewhere in southeast asia. the e u is now saying that can't happen anymore, but what is still entirely possible under these new rules. it's for the russian l.
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n g to be dropped off in europe and stay there for a little while and maybe enjoy a buy gets and a rose a somewhere in a french cafe before deciding that it's no longer self with that defying as russian elegy, but rather european analogy and well that you can then make a profit from selling it to asia. why is that you even bothering putting on this for so anyway? because virtue signaling for crane is a whole lot less damaging, then actually carrying out the kind of self owning it is see they displayed earlier on in this conflict. like when they said they do something that sounded suicide like cutting themselves off of russian pipeline gas. and then they actually did it, and every day the repercussions of that are still felt as this industrial founder just explained this week, your semester federal kind of goes to everybody's leaving patch chemicals in your says, i've never seen him on working for america or in
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a great place manufacturing because she knows that, but she punches i know colvin texas is really important for an economy at the end of the so it looks like the figures that as long as it makes enough noise about anti russian sanctions and sticking it to fortune most people probably just don't bother to look beyond their words. so following through with something stupid and self serving isn't really all that necessary. and in fact, they might even be able to find a way to make some money off of some scamming games that they happen to come up with. as a result of all this strategic policy or research, a positive weak pain believes are the you seeking to secure its own interest, be expensive office. even though we have been one of the biggest import the while for a long time during the period that they impose sanctions onrush and loyalty became one of the biggest exporters. because the samuel young congress,
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whether buying that virus, generalized by india. so the more i shall know, i was coming to india and get things to find you and then it was being sorted to you to be on countries. similarly, were never done this time is that they are ensuring that the most generally that option gas comes on. and the reason why they will only prevent is that the option. busy that you will be enforced, cannot exported to full of poor countries. so, you know, with they asked, ignoring themselves while ensuring that doesn't get home, which is very unfortunate. and that's why i read through it that i don't think that the government's up in the sanctions. they're going to find some of the gun isn't full and ensure that in the s of energy back. so what they, what they are with the she off or other countries will continue in spite of these functions. i don't think that we will just be new to abide 100 percent of buy one of the inside of the west decide. i think that it is born and i think you're not indications have been given by the government or the last few years that'd be on
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the next step. and then probably that's one of the reason that we have a legit lisinopril into fat is from the west when it comes to the indian addiction this time because what happens, they don't like it, but it isn't the interest of india that india has to take strong snacks on until the middle is now, dozens of civilians have been killed a many more when did after the residential block in gather city k monitor a heavy use really bombardment, and that's according to local media reports. a video posted online shows smoking dots in the aftermath of the attack. people running tiny cloud bodies was counted in the streets which would turn red because of blood. so fall, the typical desk told and gather since october the 7th has passed. 57400, according to health officials, had deadly strike on the city of rafa resulted in thousands of victims.
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and this particular, young girl says good bye, as her mother's body has taken away such scenes of grief or a daily occurrence of the bodies of 11 victims from on he's ready air strike and rough i lee and the mob all the european hospital and 1st day had broken relatives gathered to bid farewell while morning as outside offered price, and these are the governments spokes bus and meanwhile, claim the adf is liberating palestinians from us. for this rule to end, we insist that won't end until about goals are met. that is the return of all of our hostages, dismantling how much is governmental and military capabilities and removing the terrorist threats. and we will not allow this genocidal terrorist organization to
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remain in power in gaza. in a certain sense, we are liberating garza from a mouse to let's assess the scale of the destruction. a rough policy of media reports say more than 70 percent of the other cities infrastructure have been destroyed since the idea of expanded this operation into the area. well, them half of guys, us 2300000 residents had previously sold refuge in the city, but it's now virtually dissolved on the widest scale. the red crescent reports a 90 percent of the children in guys are severely malnourished in the densely populated region. more than a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases, especially a big fight is, had been identified with heard from palestinian red crescent societies, folks, buses. now bill firefox to all lined the scale. all the current strategies, the most and many other people were forced to please, as from alpha bought houses,
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others are 10. they are in the box shop and the relentless blue bars, man that is taking place day and night. thousands of people could not leave around by thousands of people. they do have indirectly, people sick people as well as people with disabilities. so they couldn't sleep it off. i, as you know, there is no transportation on, they have to evacuate themselves on foot on the same time. there is no available show to spence or whatsoever. so i'll come with these are kindly, these are the members who are at people with disabilities or the lead people so that, well, that's why they have no other options. they just to stay there in the ha, under a very dangerous conditions, whole bergman's that has taken place day and night. and at the same time, many people are trapped in certain areas which is considered our military areas. where over teams i pad is kind of depressing teams. judas is cannot even reach
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certain areas to the box you. we have the kinds of where that is. most of the hospitals now, and i mean, all of the hospitals were completely out of service at only one or 2 teams. hospitals are celebration its own profile. major hospitals were completely taken off of service. so we can't even imagine how the situation when we talk about on the, when you talk to them to provide medical services to thousands of people pull out of 10, it drops and drove by the american author and blogger, max blumenthal has the, revealed all about the washington post the recent attack on these investigative news outlet. the greys of the post head piece, coal for its employees to be investigated by the federal government or arrested for exposing israel's propaganda to justify its warrant. guys that are the optical,
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also links the grey zone to the russian. iranian government marks the men's, all sides of those claims are a complete lie. and not even backed by the article itself is the guest on the latest episode of going on the ground. everyone's talk today on r t dot com. but here is a preview. this is the 2nd intelligence inspired attack on the gray zone this year by the washington post. think the 2nd largest paper in the united states owned by one of the world's 3 richest men, jeff base. those who signed a deal with the c i a to host it's cloud for $600000000.00 at amazon, just days after you purchased the washington post. in both cases, these attacks relied heavily on fronts for us. it is rarely intelligence. this article, this most recent article by the washington post so called digital threats editor, joseph men, cited current, us current and former us intelligence officials,
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as one of its sources against us. and it represents an escalation against independent journalism. and specifically independent media that is busting lies and propaganda that israel has distilled since october 7 to justify genocide, which was really the topic of our last conversation, which went viral in so many different formats and which has been confirmed and corroborated not only by as rarely, media, but by the latest, independent, un report, the post, the way they frame it is that the iranian government is actually paying the gray zone. and so since this articles come out, i've had to, for example, address this with like college buddies who say, so the washington post says that iran controls the grade zone. what's up with that is really media i 24. and it's really the government linked media's out media outlets reported that iran and russia are funding the gray zone in a bold print headline. a complete lie that's not even backed up by this washington
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post article the well, we can go for the details of all the stories we're following on r t dot com. i'll be right back with more stories at the top of the i'll see you again. the in the, in 1960, the americans launched the huge bellwether operation documents most of the, of the reading found that way online. the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more
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logical field testing techniques designed to premiere to the quantity of evaluation of into a logical munitions of these tests formed the basis for developing offensive, biological weapons, no withstanding that in april 1972, the us britain and the soviet union signed a convention strictly prohibiting such developments. and many con, seamless money on the 2nd year coming in super village with action. the model you see in utah seems that all the put the she or say stand lights for the use of the building, scalable authorities, tickets the full may end. an easy and health minister city if i deal so potty trying to find out what was going on in the mysterious number to us lab opened in her country in the early 19 seventies. surely if the less for me is to do for our position, it shuts until pico infectious this.


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