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tv   News  RT  June 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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finished the genocide again, the sounds like a blank check to cross any and all the rise in taxes fees rising tensions. one man is report at least shot dead in kenya as kind of falls on the streets over the rate increases being post by the international monetary fund. we don't need a preemptive strikes yet, because our response to any strikes the guarantee the disruption valid on that. cuz that's the fig i for right, i got them and put you in said there is go with needed, need to change the roches nuclear doctrine and the russian president also said the moscow was of the right to supply long range weapons to countries like the dpi okay,
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that's the respondents to west and escalation. what's going on in the northern eastern asia? empty, your currently use twice already in terms of exponential growth. all submitted to the activities by the u. s. a, and needs to reach noel live. news yet, or does the french nuclear have flip fuel giant to pack up its page? at least one of those? well, the longest uranium mines revoked is operating license. the others hasanti international reaching you live from my new center with moscow. i a michael, what you are now, what mine has reportedly been shot dead in kenya, and that's a mid saving anger on the street. silver of times the tax hike,
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critics say would on fairly button. those already struggling to make ends meet the barrier in the day crowds have demonstrated a set of smoke bombs that run through the streets of a capital narrow b to decline. the tax side funds or forward easy gas to break up the proud of the government claims. we have to raise more funds at home. the cottage reliance on the accidental borrowing are these note of we'll convey has the details a mess. purchase, have the rob sitting data gains pace, and william boots has 2020 full findings full and seduced at the based off the international monetary fund. the goal proposes a new round of tax hikes and lives that will increase the price of basic goods. and because of that, in the ruby protests to pay for the day in
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a room which demonstrated taunting, who told, must go and to lie a police society, a guest, and used a will to cabinets to disperse tens of thousands of many young and protesting for the 1st time gathering peacefully near the next one of the same deeds live bullets have a sloping reportedly used to define is bull is a very brutal attack on the working class. and google masses, the for radius suffering, a solar and cost of living worse. and since the cause of 19 pandemic, it is being forcefully imposed by a routing elite, the international money to fund. in fact, in april 2021 kenya entered into a $3000000.00 deal with the i am is in exchange for savage started c o. 2, a has made clear that despite this um temporary sit back, he will continue to impose more tax hikes and lives by the end of his term. in 2027
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is committed to increased taxes from becoming 15 percent to at least 20 percent of g d. p and so the protesters accuse canyon government also overburdening citizens with more texas, despite to the prevailing high cost of living, saying that the government does not care about them. these taxes also punitive and they shall not accept them. even those reports suggest that a man has died and that's a police watch. stuff was investigating those allegations protested. wow. to continue protesting and sold it to monta mich evidence to me to this. i'm in and the driver and i'm supposed to be working right now. i have children who my support through my work and this bill must fail. so again, you have to have peace. please go to moscow. we are saying the m p 's today as they want us to be and they must see. the need to know is live by pull. let's see. we have no education as well as i live. they cannot size,
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they cannot see nothing. and the government still wants to to, to pull away the budget of education. they want us to, to get a sense of other kind of benefits for me because i know you touched people, send the government. that's all you explain yourself to most of what's accessible to leave this week for the government still on the new tech space of 10 years experience with the i am is to move the service as a stock remind off of the dangers associated with these additional loans and present to has defended these mrs, stating that the remedy to solve the disparate and to pay taxes and become independent in developing the nation with their own money. and even get you to a point where instead of borrowing they will be lending to at the nations. this is the trajectory that they're willing to take at the hands of the you and say that's precious from financial institutions, pushes countries into food that they have a similar to this developing countries like rob playing with an international financial architect to who's in french. i assume it's race exhausted by the impact
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of cascading crises on sustainable development. this system intensifies the death beds and bi limits in access to affordable development finance and pushing them to borrow from mobile, a tile and expensive sources that you as soon as google public dates rose to a recruit 9 to 7 trillion dollars last year with developing countries owing roughly one 3rd of that amount, crimping their ability to pay for basic government services like health care, education, and climate action and many even in tennessee, this is for the the tech types of the palm to flash demanded by the i am, it's a switch back to the finance design is full of 2020 full, stating that to be a star. it sees the, i've taken dice, divisive escapes towards fiscal consolidation and away from can, you know, russia has no need to rethink its nuclear duction right now to permit the
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preemptive use of nuclear weapons. have a bladder and put in one to any time around the country. will be met with a devastating response. the way too much, we are still thinking about how nuclear doctrine could be changed. we know that the potential adversary is working on new elements associated with lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. in particular, ultra low power explosive nuclear devices are being developed. and we know that in expert circles in the west. the idea is that there's nothing terrible with using such weapons. it may not be terrible, but we must pay attention to this. we don't need a preemptive strike yet. because our response to any strikes would guarantee the destruction of the enemy. of the russian president's remarks came during the press conference, the rob plot this to rob the dpi. okay, and vietnam, if you only on, on wednesday you've gotten, they've put in then team done on signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership agreement with a feature the provision for military and other assistance in the case of aggression
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against either country, united, exclusive interview with auntie roches. deputy for administer, say it again if you have called, instead of a treaty shouldn't be viewed. as of right now, you should have to deal with young young and russia felt this is the right moments to complete a very important chapter in development. the while we're relationship and the took form of these 3 d and the number of understanding send agreements that we concluded in the recent time. again, this was the very same us and each specialize. it set the lights that preached for decades for us and others that every nation is very free to change or chose it security arrangements. and this is exactly what happened here. deep their key and russia felt free to choose the
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security arrangement, which is not a gave a new one. it's for our deeper partnership that the security better predicted predictability and protection if you wish, against the actions of our adverse or is originally uh they are in the, i would say, a full steam efforts to create a very different boss, chair threatening pushing compared to what was the case before what's going on in the northern east in asia and beyond. currently is quite worrying in terms of exponential growth of military activities by the us, uh and its regional allies. uh, the purpose of this is to folds number one, to detour, china and russia as major adversary's as
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many believe in the us. and unfortunately, the in the region. and number 2, to make sure that growing a growing interaction and cool alteration not least between moscow and fuel and young a would be, uh, you know, uh, and this is upon which further, the restrictive and low for the legitimate measures by washington would be introduced against russia, so this is an escal attorney course uh that we see in a very old us home. and that is the street to use, of course, in a sense of product of these warning development, our 2 countries, the purity and russia, came much closer to one another, the speed to provide for mutual assistance in the case of aggression. and so this provision, i would say, we send the message that this is
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a purely defensive arrangement. a week ago vladimir put input for the piece initiative for you train have a, was swiftly kicked in to talk to by the west with instead pushed forward with, with summit the weekend, although that ended up bearing little fruit. but process dump deep from i've said to get law, prov believes it's time for southern powers to be more realistic, the middle of which just drop it is the sewer. the whole point of the switch divides. wish to consolidate the largest possible number of countries of the world majority. first of all, around the zalinski formula. and the process, they realized that the world majority did not want to sign ultimatums to russia, such as the withdrawal from crime, yet withdrawal from don't best consent to the creation of a tribunal rush. it will be tried consent to the payment of reparations. and many of absolutely unrealistic, i would say, even skits, of frantic bonds. the bald majority did not want to sign up to all this land along
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the way. they quickly changed the agenda, trade, and food security, u. k. a safety and humanitarian issues to the full leaving that such a homeless set of issues would allow them to secure the maximum number of cigna trees. and it didn't work out either. or most the only countries which signed us in facts of fighting the russian federation with the hands of ukraine, which um you crate and then impose sanctions as well. and a few more countries from the global south brush, it will be cold when the west and ukrainian coal formulates its position and presents this position to russia. but this is another ultimatum of this. and you can talk to us like that if they don't understand this, i feel sorry for that diplomatic abilities which they've lost in facts replacing diplomacy with sanctions, ultimatums, black males. the most realistic framework was proposed by president boots and i have no doubt the serious politicians, and there are still some of them left. they understand the need to find the title
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on some of the intellectual abilities and diplomatic abilities before to start thinking about real politics. knots about can cult illusions or the other side. the west. polk peasy seems its actions speak louder than its woods. washington now say that old palletized ministry supplies to your trade, including patriot defense systems and hawks over nato allies. and that's the message from the white house security councils. books, buckley john cubby, united states government is made the difficult with necessary decision to reprioritize, near term plan deliveries. a foreign military sales to other country is of particularly patriot and may say and misses uh to go to ukraine instead of the period of just 12 hours. you created last to $26.00, drove towards the roches belgrade region, and that's according to local authorities who said no casualties were reported.
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since the onset of the war, russia's boarder regence have become a frequent target of keeps forces of the playground, their cats and dogs,
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where they roll with their grandmothers and grandfather. suddenly, all of that, that innocent, blown up in shattered in the arrogant french missiles or british missiles or the american missile. you're seeing this, this active angle that we've never witness. and it's particularly offensive to me as an american, because the people of america have no idea the truth of what's going on. the, i mean, i'm in a civilian neighborhood, this moment. look what is the distributed neighborhood? there is a bomb shelter. this is all the bundle ready?
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because of the chevy, the top the, the, they have to go to the united nations and then, uh, you know, the best thing it is to say, i want every single one of you, nato e. u members, the united nations here or the united states. there's one for you, france, here's one for you. germany, you are not, sees ones now you're not to use again. here's another one for you. i want you to have the stuff, toys, of the children that you murder the and to west african. now the jazz military government has revolt the operating
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license of french sneaky, a few produce el reino, at one of the, well, the biggest uranium mines. and that's as a west african nation continues to cut ties with its former colonial power funds. miami claims that the company has failed to meet the expectations, but the letter cited in reference to have been given formal notice for the 2nd time to resume mining work within 3 months. in accordance with the provisions of the mining law. in the feasibility study transmitted to the mines administration and validated by the state of news here. this formal notice expired on june 19 2024 by let's cross now live to nigeria based journalist to move you will be as a team which is good to have you join me now. so this friends mining giant has been told to pack up his page and clear out the means. yeah. can you take us through the developments? yes. the leader rando confirmed base the bottle based on thursdays saying that 3 to
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4 that hours are from the mines. don't want to as the bar in mines in northern be sure, which sits on an estimate of 200000 tons of uranium bucks. i'm a radioactive metro, but it's used to make new plan our and weapons. now the company said stop, it is concerned, practice, the son could aspect the country's economy. i need to step back. it's this reserved, you know, for each cell provides, you know, charlie box to see some color sit around. it says that this decision to withdraw the mining permit for the deposit will have a negative impact on the economic, social, and societal development of the region around it remains willing to keep all channels of communication open with the needs. yeah, so it's, he's on this subject while reserving the right to challenge the decision to withdraw the money permits before the compass. a national or international jurisdictions based all comments on the backdrop of new jersey and military
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government wanting to move away from, from our colonial power products. last year i put a cool be josh storage. the board for the price on. i'm box it out to make sure i'm back with shortly, followed by shutting down of phases of the military basics. and these are as well as you fix on our problem chips. meanwhile, i'm a rama has been creating a new sure. since 1971, despite sparkling. no, i'm saying that bit of space, but just a goal, some difficulties. but that's not the only the worst. it produces a rate many but that's not the only problem. i mean, so i need to, i did want to close the mines in, but not a town of ali, you know, less local population, an exam in the share with around 20000000 tons of radioactive mark on the mind side
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on business, according to price based in dependence on research that information can be some product investigation. 5, bob group, i found out the top radioactivity on, besides, and these are where wayne be gone. the engine actually recommended levels take on listing the waste produces a radioactive gas known as rate on the strong wind of the desert spreads a radioactive dust which has been inhaled by the surrounding population. the waste will be radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. oriano should have sealed it off on a secure site, but this was not done around. it says it wants to lead or channels of communication spoken with these types of parties and what that it. well, not of that, but also said that it would result the rights to charlie's practice. usually board . so i, i just guess we have to wait to see how the stands out in the coming days. all
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right, so both your b as a base and a blue does. thank you so much for bringing us up to speed on this. thank you. and to jump the now the family tree of the vice chancellor had he cannot make mistakes deeply rooted in the nazi past. but how big a self proclaimed fighter for democracy. and i defy shift said that these ancestors actions have been very distressing to him. it has shaped his political views today . even as a teenager, i've dealt intensively with the history of my family. there was a very personal confrontation with a guilt, but my great grandfather and grandfather. this personal debates are shaped my political thinking actions and speech continues to hold me accountable for my political commitment to this day. i is a big of a background here. how big great grandfather walter. graham's though was a brigade leader of the ss and the close confidence of the minister,
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but by god of joseph goebbels that he even kissed straight at his wedding. and the witch adelphi blow was the best man a fast forward to the end of the 2nd world. war runs, it was convicted as a war criminal and demanded an intelligent cam for his assets, membership, habits, grandfather, hud. gonzo was also a member of the nazi party, an officer, and they as a part of military cool. now while the car and german vice chancellor apparently regrets is nancy, heritage is a strong supporter of ukraine. hand is blamed russia for the ongoing conflict. all the while moscow has underlines the peasants of matches and in the gray habit gives visit the tea of several times to show building support. last year he even apologized to let him, is it ascii that his government didn't promptly agreed to send more weapon supplies to key if we started in germany that future reference germany
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or willing to do that, that time. i mean change position, but it took too long and last night i think not all of which would say the same, but i, here's the position that is for today also. and what correspondence almost threw a bar highlights that the west is ignoring the facts on the ground as this supports key of which has the same types of in trans sold as the jump the had in the 2nd world war. and i also the 740 is trying to do that because, well, ok, we have to over that. and we have to keep in mind the western propaganda, which denies any connection, often as it was usually makia with, with any nephew, symbols of our ideal logy. but then, well, if you have been, i have been that i've seen all this life at the form of ukraine, ukrainian bases and so on. so i think they're really living in their own. but
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i can't, i really can't explain this because what you did, this is quite stupid to you. nobody is guilty of what his grandfather's did. and, and now supporting more about expressing his support for ukraine with the, with what he grabbed his grandfather's did. why ukraine, the soul just fighting under the same symbols as his grandfather's it's yeah, it's stupid. if you look at the german society, which is part of from school already, that all germans are guilty and have to be ashamed and all this stuff. although it was maybe left for generations before the breath already. so i'm the, this uh, influence of this might be from the, from, from a such a german point of view might be again, somehow logical. but again, you should ask him because i really don't know the step to step or he he made. and for me it's, it's quite stupid into the middle east now usual to be brought to its knees
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in just a matter of days and a full blown. busy busy with has been lost because its power systems are still vulnerable. that's a warning from us, you know, electricity, awful in the country. up to 72 hours without the electricity. these ropes living here will be impossible. we know it's in a good stage and unprepared for a rail bowl. if necessary, wants to take down his rails power grid. he only needs to make a phone call to the person in charge of pay roots power system, which looks exactly like israel. he doesn't even need a drone taking cold, a secondary electrical engineering student elsewhere, the most critical points in his right lot. everything is on the internet website here, but anyone who goes on the internet can find it is roles, energy, administrative, dismissed the plane, saying that the national grid is robust and ready to deal with all possible scenarios. it all comes as the idea and has the likes change the fresh around the
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across the board of strikes this week while also threatening to on, on your late each other. and i'm going to 10 situation on the board at the same. some of these really departments are preparing for full scale war because of say, i'm inside the show that we're busy with many things related to the war. the religious services ministry entrusted with burials is preparing itself for major scenarios. in the north, we are having meetings for big things in the north. now let's take a look at has plus military capabilities in total, the group is believed to have up to $100000.00 fight is at its disposal. and around $200000.00 rockets, missiles and bombs. so quite a possible arrival, especially considering much of israel's forces currently involved in gaza. nevertheless, the un secretary general onto new with that as the one that the fighting between ease with and has. but i could bring immense suffering to level down let's
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be clear, the people of the region and the people of the wills cannot afford 11 on to become another god. so let's get some more perspective on all of this now and speak to a publicist and commentator and board member of the piece. now movement. yeah, the whole point, how much is good to have you join me now. you're here bear with me. all right, great. i know you've been following this development career really be so easy for hezbollah to bring these alternate needs by crippling is power grid? is it really that vulnerable? hey, i don't know. it seems like it would be a need and it's nice but definitely the days and the ability to because but i have to strike is right in the hardly. and to make the last few of a, most of these where it is totally and i, i'm accepted. but if for some, for me to effect, they chose that it was at the end of all to these to elements that are very
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valuable. and these are the system is what it is, a small country. it doesn't have the face fair energy. and everything is the put the expose also to the issue of water. most of the days where the water is coming today from an plans that they make is the water and able to be available for drinking water. this is something that you can make that very easy to find it. you think it's very, it's, it's already known where these, they have to think that these big facilities up and down the but we saw in this the best case that we are expiry experiencing in the last few months that these are, there's no real answer to the drones into the actual, me sort of thing. and this is just a test case. it's not the full scale, it will, they'll pull, it's pretty said that if this situation would escalate and there will be a decision to start a reasonable between these will come by a in a case, but i eventually also never know they've been on. so the easy way, they probably,
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we haven't on billable life, you know, one, we'd be able to really survive. you know, my way not to 11 on just to be would it become doesn't. but also maybe both of these where it is where we'd not have to say no internet. and maybe even though it's a binding, what right now us officials are reportedly concerned by the easels ion, dom defends, could be overwhelmed in a wall with has black. do you share those opinions to receive the glad? definitely data a misses and blogs being sent said please read back is by law and the ability to take them down is limited. we see that they mr. dissolve, give the name and name making the damage, and the even given a is what it is. so just let these are the citizens. so it's nothing i meant the gateway, it's not the best way to, to protect and to a very so i'm kind of entitled and done that would achieve or the 30th or friesland or so we know the days a and elements and this is very a quotient mute,
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and this is the most of me. so is that the being fired entries? we're not talking about this, you know, even a 100 a day. so it's, i don't think that the system can handle. that's when you're talking about bigger numbers, even files as a day or 10000 as a week. so this is something that you cannot really hope we, we don't, don't, i window is a very expensive, expensive system to me since the very expensive and the ability to, to shut down all the nice. it is almost only possible for definitely, for, for the long run, not just below when, what, when strikes like we as a, for me, you, on the, for the, it was a really a reason to be concerned about a and well between these items. because but us live and we also suffer, it's not just that these are, it is good to get all of them. he says, and they'll do anything better. both sides of the software love but different people use where they might be a too much at the 88 months. so fav.


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