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tv   News  RT  June 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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a blank check to cross spinning in the old red line, the new, the old as a french and you can appeal to on to apply compet bains. i'm me one of the walls largest to be rainy a mind as it were, but it's a price nice. the closest as it has the right to supply long range westlan. so allies live still young in response to west an escalation. that would be great. what's going on lower than in asia and beyond. currently, quite boring in terms of exponential growth. also military activities by the us and these regional l
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rising taxes, the right thing that the tenants and one minus reported me shot dead in 10. yeah. as on got boils on the street type a rate increase, present thing, pushed by the international monetary fund. as a senior is really electricity official wounds that the country could be easily pulled to it for me by has o'clock visit our system office. so the allies for myself on the whole team here at our h q and most goes are welcome to audrey international will starting us off this hour. and this as government has with folks the operating license of french, you fill out fuel pressures. so, rondo a one of the wells biggest uranium mines also has the west african nation, continues to comp toys with its full, my colonial power fronts. y'all,
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me says the company has failed to meet expectations by the letter cited in reference. you have been given formal notice for the 2nd time to resume mining work within 3 months, in accordance with the provisions of the mining law, in the feasibility study transmitted to the mines administration and validated by the state of news here. this formal notice expired on june 19 2024. ronald confirmed faced the battle of men. sometimes they say in the board that out of the mind knowing as the 2 more are in my northern be sure would sit on an estimate of $200000.00 tons of uranium, some radioactive metal about it's used to make nuclear power and weapons. now the company says that concerns by the side of the country, the economy is uh, you know, uh, south of rights, you know,
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charlies, besides the season. because it's around a phase to this decision to withdraw the mining permit for the deposit will have a negative impact on the economic, social, and societal development of the region around it remains willing to keep all channels of communication open with the news. yeah, socrates on this subject while reserving the right to challenge the decision to withdraw the money permits before the company, the national international jurisdictions, based on problems on the backdrop of the military government and wanting to move away from, from our polonium power products. last. yeah, for the cool, new jazz store to store 2 for the price on a box that are to make sure that the shortly followed by shutting down of phases of military bases. and these are as well as you fix on our problem chips. meanwhile, i'm a rama. it has to be no printing in the sure. since 1971, despite on, you know,
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i'm saying that the face, logistical i'm difficulties, but that's not the only problem inside each. i do want the closure of mind in the town of holly, you know, less local population in drafting these there with around 20000000 tons of radioactive mod, on the mind side on business, according to price, they use the independence of research and information commission, product investigation by on radioactivity on precise and these are where ways beyond the internationally recommended levels, particularly since the waste produces a radioactive gas, known as rate on the strong wind of the desert spreads a radioactive dust, which has been inhaled by the surrounding population. the waist will be radioactive for hundreds of thousands of years. o'rando should have sealed it off on a secure site. but this was not done around. it says if he wants to leave, will leave or channels of communication spoken with these as
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a for the work that he will not um. but also said that he would resent the rights to the chalet, the cecily court. so i, i just guess we have to wait to see how these ends up in the coming days. we had from the head of the renaissance on the phone policy in news. uh, besides that the government is only putting his country's interest fast when it wants to diversify is economic office. so not because of the window rama started operating in year, greatly harm the low configuration of even today. many are still feeling the effect there many visually impaired and hard of hearing people amongst us. you know, some of my friends believe in those parts. i lost their eyesight completely. i know a lot of people whose children have birth defects. it's a lot of people who have to leave with diseases. in general, the country's population has suffered significantly in those places even difficult to get drinking water would not be contaminated radiation and they put all the countries leadership had decided to turn to the story. and no one was financial
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because the around the companies, french in our management did not want to go against various districts. also be remembered that at the time there was a lot of corruption to use your personal interest or above the state. only the remaining population of the countries synthesized with the victims residents of new jersey to the street. so many times we need to find a solution. relocate the population by or compensate for the damage. because what around the problem is to do what is the most of the victims were stolen while the population was still suffering from the consequences. we cannot blame a specific person, but the population of the country, blaine to the french government, france has shown us its true face, that in our people does not like this kind of friends. therefore, to date, we want to diversify our corporation in order to understand how we can find economic and financial resources, as well as new solutions that will help achieve what development of this year right now. it is the state interest that are above all for us. a washer has no need
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to rethink, gets for the adult between right now to permit the preemptive use alternate should a weapons. however, it's not going to fix room that any attack on the country would be met with a devastating response too much. we are still thinking about how nuclear doctrine could be changed. we know that the potential adversary is working on new elements, something associated with lowering the threshold. for the use of nuclear weapons we have in particular, we have ultra low powered explosive nuclear devices are being developed and we know that in x but circles in the west side, there are ideas that there's nothings terrible with using somebody with reunion. it may not be terrible because we must pay attention to this. we don't need a preemptive strike yet. because our response to any striking to would guarantee the destruction of the enemy. the russian president from all came during a press conference that wrapped up his asia tool and killed young on wednesdays, automatic boots and, and kim jong and signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership agreement that feature that
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a provision some minute train of common assistance in case of the direction inside the country and then to move onto the rushes deputy for a minute to set the traits i shouldn't if you'd of i should just go to. yeah, both the young young and russia felt this is the right moments to complete a very important chapter in development the while we're relationship. and the took form of these 3 d and the number of understanding send agreements that we concluded in the recent time. again, this was the very same us and each elyse it set the lights that preached for decades for us and others that every nation use very free to change or choose feed security arrangements. and this is exactly what happens here. deeper key and russia felt free to choose the security
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arrangements which is not a gave a new one, eats for our deep partnership, better security, better predicted predictability and protection if you wish. a gaze. excellence of our dresser is originally uh they are in the, i would say, a full steam uh efforts to create a very different posts. sure. threatening posterior compared to what was the case before. what's going on in the northern east in asia and beyond. currently is quite worrying in terms of exponential growth of military activities by the us, uh and its regional allies. uh, the purpose of this is to folds uh, number one, to deter china and russia. as may your adversary's
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as many be leaving the us. and unfortunately, the in the region and number 2 to make sure that growing a growing interaction and cooperation not least between law school and fuel and young a would be, uh, you know, and this is a point in which, so they're restrictive on low for the legitimate measures by washington with being should use a gaze thrush. so this is an s go to the course. that's b. c, in a very old just full. and that these 3 to ease, of course, in a sense of product of this warning development, our 2 countries, the purity and russia, came much closer to one another. the speak to provide for mutual assistance in the case of aggression. and so this provision, i would say,
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we send the message that this is a purely defensive arrangement that you might remember that a week ago, president pitching, put forward a piece initiative, save crane. however, it was physically kicked in touch by the west, which instead pushed ahead with its with some that weekend, although that ended up our initial fruits roches popped up. not so. okay. no problem. leaves us time for some powers to be more realistic, a little which just lump it is the sewer. the whole point of the switch divides. wish to consolidate the largest possible number of countries of the world majority for the 1st of all around the zalinski for me that see more of them in the process . they realize that the world majority did not want to sign ultimatums to russia, such as the withdrawal from crime, yet withdrawal from don't bass consent, where the creation of a tribunal that rush it will be tried to present to the payment of reparations. and many of the absolutely unrealistic guy would say, even the skins of frantic devolved, developed majority did not want to sign up tool. this is
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a for land along the way. they quickly change the agenda, right, and food security, u. k. a safety and humanitarian issues to the full, leaving that such a homeless set of issues would allow them to secure the maximum number of signature, easy to zip, and it didn't work out a 1000. plus almost the only country switch sign dashing facts, but a fighting the russian federation with the hands of ukraine, both of which mom you crate and impose sanctions. good, well, and a few more countries from the global style, if the pressure will be cold when the west and ukrainian cool for the lights is position, it presents disposition temperature. but basically is another ultimate separate as soon as you can totally watch it like that. they don't understand basically, i feel sorry for that different magic abilities, but which they've lost in the facts. replacing diplomacy with sanctions. this ultimatums, black male, the most realistic sprague was proposed by president fruits and i have no doubtless, serious politicians. there are still some of them left with you. they understand the need to find the title on some of the intellectual abilities and diplomatic
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abilities. the photo start thinking about real politics. the knots about can compensate illusion for changes to the football pads on the ongoing. your a 2024 tournament all during a match. the sol ukraine's face almost against slovakia. the ukrainian flag, the spotted in the spouse, but with the twist and description on it demanded elections. co oil say for yourself. and all the so good written in english was a great day over the front row for 25 minutes during the fast hoff of the game before being taken away by game officials. just as a reminder, the presidential election in ukraine was scheduled for the last 8 pro, but to spend and definitely by and increasingly unpopular. not him is a landscape. his cited war time, marshall one mine has unfortunately been shot dead in the tenure. i've submitted saving on the, on the street, so it's not
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a contract site that protects se would on file the bobs. and those wedges struggling to make ends meet the during the day crowd them demonstrate to assess all smoke bones and round through the streets of the capital library. sorry, changes take assets to break up the proud. the government claims that has raised whole funds at home to caught its reliance on external borrowing. autism, the conga, how's the details? a mess. purchase, have the rob sitting data games. pace and william boots has 2020 full findings full in seduced acts of the based off the international monetary fund. the bill proposes a new round of tax hikes and live he's the increased the price of basic goods. and because of that in there will be approaches to pay for the day in a room,
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which demonstrates is haunting who told must go and to riot police society, a guest and used. i'm a will to can use to disperse tens of thousands of many young and po testing for the 1st time. i'm gathering peacefully near the national the same the last bullet to have to be used to define is bull is a very a due to attack on the working class and who, who masses, ready suffering is sold in cost of living verse. and since the cause of 19 pet damage is being seriously imposed by using the international money to fund, in fact, in april 2021 came into it into a $3000000000.00 deal with the i am is in exchange for savage started to go to a has made clear that despite this temporary state back, you will continue to impose more take sides and lives by the indices told me to the 27 is committed to increase taxes from becoming 15 percent to at least 20 percent
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of to the piece. and so the protesters accuse kingdom, government also overburdening citizens more texas despite to the prevailing high cost of living, saying that the government does not care about them. these taxes also punitive and they shall not accept. and even those reports suggest that a man has died and that's a police watch stuff with investigating those allegations protested wow. to continue protesting and sold it to monta mit. haven't listened to this. i'm in a good trevor and i supposed to be working right now. i have children, my support through my work, and this bill must fail for kenya to has to be sent. please go to moscow. we are saying the m p 's today as they walked at 2 pm, they must see the live by pulled by 2. we have no education course, the people i live, they cannot size,
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they cannot see nothing. and the government still wants to pull away the budget of education. they want us to, to really said, so all that kind of benefits for me because i know you touch people, we've got to send the government audio, explain yourself, not all that stuff, but the lease this week for the government still on given you access to obtain his experience with the i am mister mussa, serves as a stop to remind us of the dangers associated with these conditional loans and prison who to has defended these misses, stating that to the remedy, to solve the district and to pay taxes and become independent in developing the nation with their own money and even get you to a point to wait to see the following day will be lending to at the nations. this is need to dig to read that they're willing to take the hands of the you into tax pieces from financial institutions, push the country into food that they have a similar to the developing countries like rap playing with an international financial architect to who's in trends i assume it's race exhausted by the impact
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of cascade and crises on sustainable development. this system intensifies the death beds and bi limits in access to affordable development finance and pushing them to borrow from mobile, a tile and expensive sources that you it says google. public bits rose to a $9.00 to $7.00 trillion dollars last year with developing countries owing, roughly one 3rd off back a month. i'm cramping, the ability to pay for basic w services like health care, education, and climate action, and many, even in tennessee. this is for the, the tech types of the palm to flash demanded by the i am, it's a switch back to the finance design is full of 2020 full, stating that to be a star. it sees the i've taken the devices. um the steps towards fiscal solicitation, where it's ro could be brought to it's me, it's just a matter of days and a full blown deal with has the law. why?
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because it's power systems also follow both. how's the warning from a senior electricity official on the country up to $72.00 and was without the electricity? it is real. living kit will be impossible. we know it's in a good stage and unprepared for a rail bowl. if not friendly, wants to take down his rails power grid. you have any needs to make a phone call to the person in charge of pay roots power system, which looks exactly like israel. he doesn't even need a drone taking cold, a 2nd get electrical engineering student elsewhere. the most critical points in his right lot. everything is on the internet website here, but anyone who goes on the internet can find it as well. as i mentioned, ministry dismissed, put claim, saying the national bread is robust and ready to deal with all possible scenarios on this phone call from you guys. do you happen to have for large chains, a fresh round of costs for the strikes this week? what it was a freshman twin i like to shop on and i made the 10 situations on the border. it
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seems that some is where the departments all preparing for full scale because obviously i'm sad to show that we're busy with many things related to the war. the religious services ministry entrusted with burials is preparing itself for major scenarios in the normal. we are having meetings for big things in the north shore. well, let's take a look at has the last minute treat capabilities. so in total, the group is believed to have up to a 100000 fighters that it's disposal and around 200000 bulkheads, missiles and phones. so quite a power for rifle, especially considering much all this routes pulses are currently tied up in gaza as well. with all this current around all of escalation, french officials had proposed to they talked about supporting lebanese forces and a buddhist security mission. it comes as the one security in general, the secretary general, all the war and the fighting between is route and hezbollah would be catastrophic.
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i felt compelled today to voice my profound concerns about the escalation between isabel and isabella, belonged to the blue line escalation in continue the exchanges of fires and escalation in bel, it goes with 40 from both sides is effect all out. war was the means, the risk for the conflict seems to me the least to why than is real. as must be avoid is when dress move, when miscalculation. good, good, good. best of the fee that goes far beyond the board of this. and frankly, beyond imagination. let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the world cannot afford 11 on to become another gaza. meanwhile, us officials are reports of a concern that is roused and done, would be overwhelmed and a war with has blah,
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we had from a board member of the piece now move from the arab oppenheim who says the thought is a real possibility. as we see the every day the a misses and dogs being sent to please read about his beloved and the ability to take them down these limited res, seem to mr. dissolve, give the name and man making the damage and even given the soldiers and these are the citizens. so and so then i'll make a way it's not the best way to, to protect and to a face. i'm kind of entitling done that would achieve or the 30th or friesland or so we know that there is a elements and that is very a quotient mute and this is demo. so for me, so is that though being fired into use, what we have talking about if you don't even know where the dates, so it's, i don't think that the system can handle it. but when you're talking about bigger numbers, even files as a day or 10 process a week. so this is something that you can not really cope. we, we don't, don't,
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i don't know, it seems like it would be, i mean it's me, but definitely the days and the ability to use. but i have to strike is way to hardly. and to make it that i see you of a most of these where it is totally i, i'm accepted, but it falls for me to effect they chose that increase at the end of all to these to elements that are very valuable. and these are the system is what it is, a small country, it doesn't take, but also for spare energy. and everything is a pretty exposed also to the issue of water, most of the days where the water is coming today from the plans that make se walter and able to be available for drinking water. this is something that you can, that very easy to find design, it's very, it's a, it's already known where these the pacific, these big facilities up and down the boat. while heading to the us now why you'll pay this compares might cost you your tool. the american israel,
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public affairs committee or a 5 has reportedly splashed out over $14000000.00 to oust of democratic congressman who was the question of the war in gaza. all teeth can hope and has more as well. you have a situation where you've got the american israel, public affairs committee, a pack and they've spent over $26000000.00 to target. mostly progressive democrats who are critical of israel to activities, are called for a ceasefire. call for more human rights, etc. now, this individual who's being targeted here is jamal bowman and jamal bowman. he's being targeted not just by a pack the by united democracy project, which is a super pack connected to a pack. they've spent $1500000.00 to oppose them with ads, etc. now, jamal bowman has promoted a ceasefire, and he's basically accused in these ads of not being an ally at present bite and
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spinning controversy. and conspiracy theories are some of the ad being paid for by a foreign lobby to target a member of the us congress. jamal bowman keeps attacking president bar and it's hurting new york roman called president the voted against the presidents infrastructure against rebuilding roads and bridges in new york against replacing tankers left by tomorrow. bowman even voted against president biden's 10. let me putting social security and medicare payments at brace bowman has his own age and, and he's hurting new york jamal. i'm bowman was one of the 1st people to come out after the october 7th attacks and say that the widely circulated claims about be headed babies did not match reality that these, this claim that a mazda it'd be headed babies. that was just everywhere. he came out and he said that that was not the reality of the situation on the ground. here's what he said
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at the time. the now a democratic hardy figure named mark mel mess whose targeting jamal bowman has talked about how supporting use rail and aligning with israel in the united states can be quote, smart politics. and he's going after bowman in coordination with the american israel public affairs committee. here's what he had to say, assuming the outcome is as we expected, the message is going to be that being prize real is not just twice policy. it's smart politics. the influence of the american israel public affairs committee is pretty wide spread. for example, you have valerie fallacy of the republican party. she travelled to israel to meet with prime minister benjamin netanyahu as part of a congressional delegation that went to israel in january. now she went there at
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the same time that netanyahu was asking for help from the united states, to quote, ensure, guys, it doesn't pose a threat to israel ever again. uh and valerie its out, she, uh, when she gets confronted about her relationship with this for an lobby. uh, she kind of runs from the question. this is the republican leader who led a delegation of members of congress over to israel to meet with the is really how to state this is a reacting to being confronted about it. i can see it showing my eyes on july. is she? yes, and i just wanted to let you know, i really appreciate your cost for ceasefire and she managed here indeed and nonsense. um i do have a question for you. um we are aware of once i do understand the funds and endorse the may not hack and i'm just calling to see inquire, right? yeah. so do you think that the so with all the tacos for and meddling in the
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united states, it's certainly interesting to see a publicly admitted for an lobby group go after and target members of the us congress try to get them on. so you did and removed from office because of their views for empower was the issue, but it looks like as the prevailing trend of u. s. foreign policy is to align with israel, there seems to be a tolerance or some foreign lobbies behaving in this manner. but right now we've got this race here in new york with jamal bowman basically being targeted pretty heavily with lots of money being spent to remove them. because he has criticized israel and finishing up in south africa where just in days into being part of the country is near unity government. the democratic airlines policy has suspended one of the tone and keys up to an old clip with himself is making racist comments. there's a couple of things i want to say, again,
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kill kill. while the class in question was hosted by ronald, if it was back in 2010 before he'd joined, it sent him across the alliance. the day was found to move in 20 years ago with its roots coming from the anti apartheid progressive party races video clip is the fast major scandal to rocks, the new national unity government, the recently re elected president. so wrong affairs, a has proclaimed exclamation as the beginning of a new era amc national states passed my claim to fame. doing what series says. there is no room in the country and particularly the new government for any form of discrimination. with land that has been suspended by his party. and um and certainly um we can have a member of parliament conducting themselves in that min. it's an insult to the
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people. most of the car particularly deflect people of certification applicants in particular philadelphia guys, the constitutional democracy. i don't think i has a bill of rights. so the guy who's 7, a lot of a big paid speech. and i know that he's already been reported to very upset human rights institutions. and he wouldn't have to face the full him . i talked a little where this would be going, escalating into the future. i doubt it very much because this country is very intolerance, ofa, racist behavior. secondly, we would say that sort of kids are supportive of the government of national community because i'd like to see the country that works. the country that leave us services for, for the people in the country that maintains our strong geo political.


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