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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the with the, i'm sorry, this how this fight is still played is a simple so t of the game you imposes new tires again for me to play in order to pull up its own domestic industry. prioritizes little bit of track to the new lawsuit. flights is from it's handled brigade instead of of the regular minutes. we both know some of them have waited for. they need to use 3 to and how many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back to be honest. we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality it is what it is. everyone opens a career showing you a waiver in the north, south thomasville condo presenting the brand of engine nation from russia to india
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. the very well what do you mean by f r. c. into the national news thing we're coming to live for almost a 2nd. what's up? so is this all the is set to further reduce its food input from a queen? this bike is non stop pleasures of support. the comfort within the country. the book have introduced new tires on a range of products, including eggs and honey, to protect its own domestic output to the debt. so months of, of the pain in the industry. i'd say it's going to be rachel miles and as the details. well, you probably had a chance to keep flooding the european common market with our farm products that don't even have to abide by you quality standards. and they blew it in absolute record time too. so back in march that you parliament voted to keep excluding your
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training, informing products from import tariffs, except in the event that those imports go above the average import levels for 2022 in 2023, which just happen to be the same levels that we're responsible for sparking the farmers protest in the 1st place that we've seen on and off all over the block for months. so kind of a dodgy great job on behalf of the people who maintain the clown car for those ukrainian farming products. and that great job didn't even apply to all of that. you for any rain that was supposed to go to feed the world's for, but somehow ended up just getting dumped into europe. instead, the roles just were going to apply to certain very specific ukrainian farming products. the suspension of import duties and quotas on ukrainian exports to the european union will be extended for another year. the you is thereby delivering, once again on its commitment to support ukraine for as long as it takes. in addition, an emergency break applies to eggs, poultry, sugar oats, mays growth,
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and honey, which will be automatically triggered it's important volumes reach the average yearly imports recorded between versus july 2021, and 31st december 2023. so this move came with the demand of poland in particular, and whose farmers bore the brunt of the ukrainian import tsunami. being right on the border, also france where things were getting so out of hand that president emanuel mack home walked into the paris international agricultural fare and ended up fleeing an angry farmer as well. right cops open fire with tear gas on cows who are totally innocence, except well for maybe their climate destroying, flatulence and application. so the, you basically sold out their own farmer just to give you freight a lifeline. but the thing about lifelines is that you don't let the drowning do cling to you if he's just going to pull you down with him. kind of basic life guarding 11 rule there. which is what yeah, wasted,
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absolutely no time in trying to do these new measures have only been in force since june 6th and already have as nice to trigger the tariff. so i think they're clueless or reckless. take a peck, but hey, come on in. it sounds like a great time to formally approve negotiations to integrate ukraine into the you. so it doesn't have the terrace at all, which is exactly what the blocks leadership just did on friday. voting to officially start those talks, even as cube was busy, openly acting and sounding like a total economic fastcase in public. you and i have repeatedly heard from the finance minister and the defense minister that there was an under funding of military needs in the budget. this under funding amounts to hundreds of billions are free from us. this is a very large amount of money that cannot be raised by simply removing this, removing the shadow economy because those resources are already being used. we have
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exceeded the budgets, but it is not enough for the current needs. we are waiting for an opinion from the cabinet ministers on how to cover these expenses. considering that the situation is quite serious, we expect their proposals in the near future. i am not ready to say what those proposals will be, but i understand that they will be quite radical. great sounds like more miles to feed for european tax stairs and what better way to help out then for ukraine, one of the perennial, black sheep of the global corruption index, to promote the need to raise money for reconstruction in the middle of a war. so people can pay to build stuff that just gets blown out, i guess. and also looks like they need to reconstruct the $30000000000.00 decimals that they've dug. because repayments on that are coming due this summer. and there's a lot of international bonds in play there. it's kind of like that movie inception
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except with debt debt section. as we approach the deadline, we must urge our bondholders to continue productive in good faith negotiations with more substantial debt relief to be reflected in their proposals. in line with the i m f parameters and ukraine's current macro financial situation. it seems like you frames, creditors from washington to france, germany and the rest of the 22 nation parish club need to keep the charade going. so they can crank other enough weapons for the russians to blow up in ukraine to make back in military industrial complex revenues. what they've been handing over to keep if to oh, but it gets even better. you tax stairs and entire european countries were already going into debt for ukraine. so why don't europe and bags join them to clean? ursula announced earlier this month in berlin, that european banks would be able to get quote, budget support totaling $1400000000.00 euros from the european tax stairs. when
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they invest in equity funds acted in ukraine so that the risks are removed. and by risk of being removed, she means transferred to the european tax there, who's also on the hook for another $1900000000.00 euros 40 a from the ukraine facility fund. they used to have a habit of calling those bottomless bending pits piece facilities. but since piece is nowhere in sight, just some rebranding was needed to avoid reminding tax stairs of their very poor return on investment. well, some forces have continued to make certain gains on the front alliance with the defense, but as appraising their prowess in reason involves as well. so if it was so kinks all over the pals of a circle and know well, well, co square on the done by funds that if i said the $37.00 new cleaning, so just times the rented over the past week,
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i think it was one of the guys have had a chance to speak with some of the is detained. a for these you, brittany, into the war. for now these over, instead of are totally firing pins, they pull on judge bellows, we want all foot red tons to meet with detained ukrainian troops. no one we spoke to regretted the decision to surrender. oh yeah. i knew it worst. i wouldn't be standing here. i could have been buried somewhere in the ground. says, have you residency, your parents the to solve? and yes, i wrote them to congratulate to them even sent a video in 2023 more than 6 and a half 1000 dual credit and troops who was, who so rented according to the paid in russia. moscow doesn't classify them as prisoners of war. now, the ukraine,
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russia have declared war on each of the officially. they are temporary detainees, nevertheless, forwarded for the ukrainian representatives. the red cross sometimes come to check on them, make sure they're being treated well. the initially it's become infected. what happened? did you hit something because they were shrapnel, there they go to that in 2022. so it isn't clear why it's going bad again. this is the result of old trap. no one's which he's addressing on the wound. he's getting better, so he only comes in every other day. do you get less has to be small forward? sure. yes, i got full. it isn't to use. i send a letter and get a reply 6 months later, that's how long it takes. i don't know that's just for me,
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my wife, my mother in my system. off to the 1st letter i began to eat and gain weight. i had t as in my eyes. they say main don't cry, but it turns out they do. security is tight. authorities take precautions against potential ukrainian publications, even attacks gods in detainees, a like a well protected. they've also had time to get used to each other. they come from all over some surrender, didn't marry you both in boston, most embodying i know most or the grudge, such as a set of game to above or desires to see his 6 children, even if it means becoming a russian citizen. he just says, i have unpleasant news. you will name has been on prisoner exchange lives in the landscapes administration for 26 months. your name and all the other guys.
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they don't want to exchange you me to. in the case, i would probably prefer to stay in a rush as possible and stay here if it were possible. what about your family? i think my family would come join me. they see what's happening over there. i don't think anyone could accuse me of anything. of the, the 2nd was that many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves. but in reality, it is what it is. ukraine has predominantly exchange nationalist will high profile, such as those who just a few years ago. even the wes classified as extremist, such as, as of tell me how do you feel, knowing that your own country doesn't want you back long, for course,
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because people before do i feel i feel wrecked? it's painful. i lived in my country, i paid taxes. i was honest, i fought for it, and the in my country doesn't want to take me back for reasons i do not understand . please man, regular troops expend above have little cause for hope. this, especially now, given the latest changes, do you want to be exchanged? my family's in t if of course i wants to be exchanged, it's used to be the officer and exchange. you would be the mobilized. now the you credited parliament and the landscape of cost along, which means also you were ton. you go back to the front lines. it's not a good law. what's the point of fighting alongside those who have bands in the way back when any person told us can why fight for those who use? do you like kind of for the what do you tell them that you're done and they tell you to go charts and bullets for most
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of these men have seen frontline come back. the full brunt of it. they have little appetites lift. so who are you willing to go back to the trenches? i am not. yes. honestly, i will do everything to avoid it. yeah, sure. i am a religious man. i trust in god's plans. i do not believe any official in ukraine gets to decide whether rice or any one of us lives. i believe in god issue that used to be that they hoped and waited. now, they only ways collect, jump in years, and i would like to call them out governments to end this conflict. so they can sit down and negotiate. and of course bear us in mind because we're here and russian soldiers are also prisoners in ukraine. we will have families, mother assistance, we will need to go home more, i guess the oxy green glowed,
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unable to stem the phone. people try to free the country. kids is now thinking the eas help in. and so the, i think a new thing is i've, and to the broke the legally as they did emergency service. tomorrow the story had to our website, all the stuff going but i said, oh, this is into the applicant, confident one. mine has repulsively been shot dead in 10. yeah. but as a mid season i'm, the thing is over a plan tax side because i couldn't say would on saturday. but in those already struggling to make ends meet the crowds of them. and so it has set off a suitable environment run through the seat of the capital nairobi denouncing the plans like plans. so he's used to guess break up the clouds. the government pays it
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has to raise, move funds at home to cut its reliance, but external borrowing, all tease annual income guy as the details. a mess, purchase, have the ruptured in data gains, prison. william boots has penetrated, full fine, is full in seduced acts of the paste. i'll seek international monetary fund. the bill proposes a new round of tax hikes ad lives that will increase the price of basic goods. and because of that, in the ruby protest, who pays for the day in a row, which demonstrates is haunting who told must go and to lie a police society, a guess and use the i'm a war to can use to disperse tens of thousands, many young and protesting for the 1st time, i'm gathering peacefully near the national assembly the last bullet to have a slope and reportedly used to be 5 minutes. bull is a very brutal attack on the working class, and google mass is already suffering
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a solar and cost of living worse and since the curve of $19.00 damage it is being forcefully imposed. but it really needs the international money to fund. in fact, in april 20 suite one, can you entered into a 3000000000 dollar deal with the i am if in exchange for savage started to go to a has made clear that despite this temporary sit back, he will continue to impose more tax hikes and lives by the end of his term in 2027 is committed to increase taxes from the current 15 percent to at least 20 percent of to the people. and so the protesters accuse kingdom government also overburdening citizens with more texas. despite to the prevailing high cost of living, saying that the government does not care about them, these taxes are also punitive and they shall not accept them even though reports suggest that a man has died. and that's a police watch stuff was investigating those allegations protested. wow,
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to continue protesting until the mon submit evidence to to this i'm in and with driver, and i'm supposed to be working right now. i have children who my support through my work and this bill must fail. so again, you have to have peace. please go to moscow. we are saying the m p 's today as they walk at 2 pm, they must see the live by pull. let's see. we have no education. also what we, what i learned that they cannot size, they cannot see nothing. and the government still wants to pull away the budget of education. they want us to, to really get a sense of how they can benefit from it. because i know you touch people. and the government cuts audio, explain yourself most of my check stubs the lease. this week, for the government still on the face of the chain is experienced with the i am is to move to serve as a stock to remind us of the dangers associated with these additional loans and
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prison who has defended these lives is stating that to the remedy to solve the difference, to pay taxes and become independent in developing the nation with their own money and even get you to a point where you get a borrowing. they will be lending to add the nations. this is need to dig to read that they're willing to take the handle, the u. n. c. that's precious from financial institutions, pushes countries into that they have a similar to developing countries like rap playing with an international financial architect to who's in trends. i assume it's race exhausted by the impact of cascading crises on sustainable development. this system intensifies the that burden by limits in access to affordable development finance and pushing them to borrow from more volatile and expensive sources. the global public goods rose to a victory 9 to 17 and done this last year with developing countries owing roughly one 3rd of back amongst cramping. the ability to pay for basic services like health
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care, institution, and climate, action, and many, even in tennessee. this is for the tech types of the palm to flash demanded by the i am to switch back to the finance design is full of 2020, full, stating that to do as far as ease of uptake and divisive sticks towards the sole source of the they should try and use out iran opens a new a rail road roots a crucial piece of international and. busy of south transport board, which will connect russia ever on an india and allow them to trade independent, new phone, west nation lunch, foster. i'm at considerably low cost. ultimately, the 3rd quarter is sent to the goods to learn from india, iran. as of a john and russia through railways, highways, and series, one side of the route begins the indian pool to them by from that goods can be
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delivered to iranian pause in the persian gulf, and then transported by rail to russia. why as of age on all ship across the caspian sea, i think i was limit is of dudley brings us the details. hey, much anticipated rash, cassey in way away in nor the water was finally inaugurated on thursday. in the process of there was care, take her presidents, well, how much more fair and high ranking officials from russia and azerbaijan, the 37 kilometer way away lines in the caspian sea, in the south of the countries a re weigh net worth of project marci, significant milestone for regional phrase representing the final piece of the new trade routes known as the north south us ford, florida. this cesar transits have establishes a vital link between eastern europe, russia, india, and the persian gulf nations. it was most,
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most the ones that won't have to enter this trade route in the wake of restrictions face and the global shipping green a as a result of western sanctions. so the i n s d c is why we seen by both sides as an alternative trade networks and bypasses the challenges of sanctions is one and therefore remains immune to for an intervention. it also offers a more cost effective and efficient alternative for the so as canals, which is the russian shipment exercise, which transportation awards from india to wash off. so this quarter will be approximately 30 percent cheaper, 40 percent faster than the competing route through this wes canals. no south florida or comprises multiple modes of transportation including ships, railways and rolls. it was initially launched in 2000, i mean, initiative of the wrong washington area. since then, it has extended histories to 11 additional countries, including search here as r,
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y john g. because the commercial link also offers significant benefits from various persian gulf countries such as kit tower for man to wage the way. and sonya maybe sending over 70 to 100 kilometers this smoking model. trade route surprises. 3 main sections originating from russia, rushing through the caspian sea as one of his eastern and western shores to reach it was november 4th. first thing it wrong. why i swear we did work and other countries, southern fords, including walls and charlotte har before reaching to me and for rush, i need the i've been collaborating to expand the infrastructure of d, i n s d c. to facilitate seamless trade along this for a 2 day transit fast in here recently invested $370000000.00 to enhance it was for, for saw the har,
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this southern shape of the northern side of the corridor structure of air was caspian force, which seems to me worse, improvement or finest. highlights the swift evolution shifting juvenile dynamics. sugars refer to the emerging commercial link as the news road of the eastern hemisphere to replace the western dominated trade networks . routes, goods of developing economies is not just sensitive inside of it and is meant the state is what between the cities as well. but was the aim all of a form hosted by the central russian city of cuz i'm, it's miserable. lead us on china, india, south africa, it wrong to the kia and the d. u a e. were among those taking pods to improve the cities with innovative solutions as well as create job opportunities. it was of one
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of the big series of events leading up to the brick summit and cause i'm in upset about how sudden we'll have the, the head of the mush. how does not make city council said rich, the platform that couldn't false the development of large cities? biddicks, betty brooks is a very important to us. and one of the reasons that we have come with a full team, even with agents from the minister of foreign affairs, is the balkans we give to breaks. we want to play a special role in it. breaks is a platform that can provide a very good future. the big cities, especially like ours mashhad, which is a big city with about 4000000 people. this experience may be used in the future. we can create a union that can help our needs. actually we would like the next breaks plus summit to be held in our city, in around almost 80 percent of variety and population lives in cities, and we have to meet their needs. so brakes can help in this way,
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the population and city deserves to live comfortably and peacefully and then meets in the city, be fulfilled of the today. russian logs of the rim, the anniversary of the no see job, an invasion of the so the union during world war 2 russians throughout the world, commemorate losses and flying. so the full fathers, the great battle against the axis powers, the russian. i'm to see and view as traditionally holes the sullivan ceremony monkey and the exec. our with nazi jim, both is attacked this the union describing the fight i gave assume they do that the as the great pink children will, the russian boss us to the americans have lots of the soviet union dealt the ultimate blow a days. notice them to end the conflict, and you can also commented about the unfortunate and twist tons in biological domestic relations. similar to what that score 19 today on this day of
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sorrow, the anniversary of one degree patriotic war broke out. i want to tell you that the life of russian diplomats in america has become difficult. every day we find ourselves under attack. just today an hour before this event, the americans told us they are closing down our visa center. so russian diplomats and consoles are going to feel extra pressure. when i am telling you, we're going to continue our work here. we will not abandon our compatriots. the americans are trying to break us to influence our foreign policy, to make our diplomats hide behind the embassy walls and to stop working and communicating. this will not happen. we will continue for filling our mission here to the last on voice. the u. s. policy of dictatorship, it's policy of sanctions has utterly failed. the global south is paying greater
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attention to what russia is doing. they are coming closer to us. look at what is going on wherever our representatives go, especially our president, the us emissaries follow. they are trying to sniff out and forth the positive results of russian foreign policy. well, this is always good to have your company up next guy on the ground with the option with tennessee. i will be back on the, with the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, so the high, all you need polarity i, velocity is,
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has actually colored out the, the will spring, no state craft type abilities within the institutions of the american political system. and it has essentially leaves off the vipers of x and mary tom, the mass junior cent fee. and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east, while the us and its allies continued juanza lensky, a new crane. and that's and yahoo! in israel president vladimir persian today observes russia's day of remembrance and
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sorrow. the anniversary of the soviet union's victory in world war 2 and 27000000 russians were killed by nazis. the most of them in the allied country. this just weeks after russia was banned from you. nazi linked, frances, the day commemoration. earlier this week, there was panic in nature, legacy media or of opinions, visits north korea. despite his attempts to reach out to hand to piece, the russian president's cool overseas fire and ukraine was rejected by a nature that continues to facilitate his writing, the vm, netanyahu's genocide and gaza. one of the world's greatest journalists as being painlessly reporting on gaza and ukraine. and reading fluids, the nature of so called main stream media is trying to silence. he's editor in chief of the great zone, co director of killing garza and best selling author the 51 day war, ruined and resistance in gaza. mex blumenthal joins me again from washington. dc a thank you so much max for coming back on. i mentioned all of that to the day of remembrance and sorrow, not because this program also goes out on
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a t. but because i think most people around the world uh, grateful they sylvia union played a part in defeating the nazis. you meanwhile, for all of your work over so many is have been attacked for years. i understand social media is banned. you funding is being tried to okay. have taken away from you and now on all the golf ground newspaper goal, the washington post that is published at so many lies over the decades has attacked . you just quickly summarize what, what they've done to try and destroy you your organization and try to capitalize perhaps the f, b i or the, or the police to arrest your stuff. well, this is the 2nd intelligence inspired attack on the gray zone this year by the washington post. i think the 2nd largest paper in the united states, owned by one of the world's 3 richest men, jeff base. those who signed


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