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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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who lives on bruce accomplish after the was also is, is i'll just like it's a non stop pleasures of football. but he, the, you impose this new tire of the, against the import from ukraine in the profile of its own domestic industry. gave prioritizes the return of cap to the neo nazi fine to this phone is as over gay, instead of of the re get admitted to personnel the way to the foot community to use to reach at how many of us and lose experience. we understand the country doesn't want to take us back. to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality, it is what it is. we're clear to us or it is on the rise. i'm it escalating changes and 3 nato and most of we discussed with a panel of guest, the possible consequences of the west mongering,
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the life of them are. and so i feel these tend to in go, this is all to welcome to the good news also story the is sent to further reduce it. 3rd input from me including this wife is non stop plugged is of support. the conflict within countries in the book has introduced new tyrus and a range of products including eggs and honey. so the testing is own domestic output to the debt. so length of the claim industry all to contribute to rachel mazda and as the details, well, you probably had a chance to keep flooding the european common market with our farm products that don't even have to abide by you quality standards. and they blew it in absolute record time too. so back in march that you parliament voted to keep excluding your trade in farming products from import tariffs,
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except in the event that those imports go above the average import levels for 2022 in 2023, which just happened to be the same levels that were responsible for sparking the farmers protest in the 1st place that we've seen on and off all over the block for months. so kind of a dodgy great job on behalf of the people who maintain the cloud car for those ukrainian farming products. and that brake job didn't even apply it to all of that you for any rain that was supposed to go to see the roads for. but somehow ended up just getting dumped into your instead, the roles just were going to apply to certain very specific ukrainian farming products. the suspension of import duties and quotas on ukrainian exports to the european union will be extended for another year. the you is thereby delivering, once again on its commitment to support ukraine for as long as it takes. in addition, an emergency break applies to eggs, poultry, sugar oats, mays growth,
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and honey, which will be automatically triggered it's important volumes reach the average yearly imports recorded between versus july 2021, and 31st december 2023. so this move came with the demand of poland in particular and whose farmers bore the brunt of the training and import tsunami. being right on the border. also, france, where things were getting so out of hand that president emanuel mack who walked into the paris international agricultural fair and ended up fleeing an angry farmer as well. right at cops, open fire the cure gas on cows who are totally innocence, except well for maybe their climate destroying, flatulence and dedication. so the basically sold out their own farm is to give you freight a lifeline. but the thing about lifelines is that you don't let the drowning do cling to you if he's just going to pull you down with him kind of basic life guarding 11 rule there. which is what? yeah, wasted, absolutely no time in trying to do these new measures have only been in force since
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june 6th and already have his nice to trigger the tariff. so i think they're clueless or reckless. take a peck, but hey, come on in. it sounds like a great time to formally approve negotiations to integrate ukraine into the you. so it doesn't have parents at all, which is exactly what the blocks leadership just did on friday. voting to officially start those talks, even as kid was busy, openly acting and sounding like a total economic fastcase in public. you and i have repeatedly heard from the finance minister and the defense minister that there was an under funding of military needs in the budget. this under funding amounts to hundreds of billions are free from us. this is a very large amount of money that cannot be raised by simply removing the shadow economy. because those resources are already being used. we have exceeded the budgets, but it is not enough for the current needs. we are waiting for an opinion from the
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cabinet ministers on how to cover these expenses. considering that the situation is quite serious, we expect their proposals in the near future. i am not ready to say what those proposals will be, but i understand that they will be quite radical. great sounds like more miles to feed for european tax stairs and what better way to help out then for ukraine, one of the perennial, black sheep of the global correction index to promote the need to raise money for reconstruction in the middle of a war. so people can pay to build stuff that just gets blown out, i guess. and also looks like they need to reconstruct the $20000000000.00 decimals that they've dug. because repayments on that are coming due this summer. and there's a lot of international bonds in play there. it's kind of like that movie inception except with that, that section. as we approach the deadline,
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we must urge our bondholders to continue productive in good faith negotiations with more substantial debt relief to be reflected in their proposals. in line with the i m f parameters and ukraine's current macro financial situation, it seems like you frames predators from washington to france, germany and the rest of the 22 nation harris club need to keep this rate going. so they can crank up enough weapons for the russians to blow up in ukraine to make back in military industrial complex revenues. what they've been handing over to key if. oh, but it gets even better, you tax stairs and entire european countries were already going into debt for you frame. so why don't europe and bags join them to clean? ursula announced earlier this month in berlin that european banks would be able to get quote, budget support totaling $1400000000.00 euros from the european tax stares when they invest in equity funds active in ukraine. so that the risks are removed and by risk
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of being removed, she means transferred to the european tax there. who's also on the hook for another 1900000000 euros 40 a from the ukraine facility fund. they used to have a habit of calling those bottomless funding pits piece facilities. but since piece is nowhere in sight, just some rebranding was needed to avoid reminding tax stairs of their very poor return on investment was that was what was this have continued to make southern gains on the front lines where the defense but as a prison, the prowess in reason of the boxes off the suit, couldn't photo the towns of sako and noble pope co square on the done by front the defense and as he said, the 37 you put in. so this have surrendered over the past week. oh think i was wondering what i've got. you had a chance to speak with some of those details. for
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a, for these, you put into the more put now these over, instead of a totally following pins, they pull on judge bellows, we won't oh, for read tons to meet with detained ukrainian troops. no one we spoke to regret at the decision to surrender. oh yeah. i knew it was. i wouldn't be standing here. i could have been buried somewhere in the ground between those of you written to your parents the to solve. and yes, i wrote to them to congratulate to that issue even send a video in 2023 more than 6 in the hall, 1000 to credit in tubes. who's, who so rented a car and to the pain in russia. moscow doesn't classify them as prisoners of war. now the ukraine, russia has declared war on each of us. officially,
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they are temporary details needs, some of the less forwarded for the ukrainian representatives. the red cross sometimes come to check on them, make sure they're being treated well. it's become infected. what happened? did you hit something? of course, there was shrapnel there. they go to that in 2022. so it isn't clear why it's going bad again. this is the result of old shrapnel ones, which is interesting and the one he's getting better. so he only comes in every other day before do you gets less has to be small but would show up. yes, i go full. it is in 2 years. so i send a letter and get a reply 6 months later, that's how long it takes. i got the message from my wife, my mother in my system. the last of the 1st lesson might be density to gain weight
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. i had t as in my eyes, they say men don't cry, but it turns out they do. security is tight. authorities take precautions against potentially euclidean publications, even attacks, gods in detainees, a like a well protected. they folks who have the time to get used to each other. they come from all over some surrender didn't marry you both in boston, most embody and i know most for the grudge such as she had a gay blue above his eyes to see his 6 children, even if it means becoming a russian citizen. they just as anybody ever use the email, i have unpleasant news. you will name has been on prisoner exchange. please send the landscape as administration for 26 months over the course of your name and who are the other guys. they don't want to exchange you soon so that
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in that case, i would probably prefer to stay in a rush as possible and stay here. if it was possible. what about your family? i think my family would come join me. they see what's happening, know that i don't think anyone could accuse me of anything. and many of us are losing spirits. we understand that the country doesn't want to take us back to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality, it is what it is. ukraine has predominantly exchange nationalists will probably proof all thoughts of those who just a few years ago. even the wes classified as extreme is such as, as of the, tell me how do you feel, knowing that your own country doesn't want you back? because what do i feel like i feel wrecked? it's painful. i lived in my country, i pay taxes. i was honest, i fought for it,
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and the in my country doesn't want to take me back. for reasons i do not understand . please man, regular troops expend above have little cause for hope. especially now, given the latest changes, do you want to be exchanged? yes, ma'am. i families in t if of course i want to be exchanged, it's used to be the officer and exchange. you would be the mobilized now, the you credit in parliament and the landscape of cost along, which means also you were ton, you do back to the front lines and have you solve the good law. what's the point of fighting alongside those who have bands and you way back when any person told us can why fight for those who use? do you like kind of for the what do you tell them that you're done? and they tell you to go charge of bullets for most of these men have seen frontline come back the full drug that they have
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little appetites live. so who are you willing to go back to the trenches store? i am not. yes. honestly, i will do the same. i will do everything to avoid it. yeah, sure. i am a religious man. my trust in god's plants, who do not believe any official in ukraine gets to decide whether i or any one of us lives. i believe in god issue that used to be that say i'm and waited. now they only ways coalesce down can yes, mr. jones. but i would like to call them out governments to end this conflict. so they can sit down and negotiate. and of course, bear us in mind because we are here and russian soldiers are also prisoners and ukraine. we will have families, mother assistance. we will need to go home more, i guess the of the main roy using couldn't. so the potential for nuclear well water and put the as emphasize that russia is put
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pad to conduct pretty sol, suite mutual said good to meet with you and, and nathan member states, if they already did that, one of the features recently in a meeting with the leadership of the foreign ministry, i outlined a vision for working to create equal and indivisible security in your ration, we are ready for a broad international discussion of these key vital issues. both with colleagues in the shanghai cooperation organization. the commonwealth of independent states, the region, economic community, brakes and other international associations, as well as european and native states of course when they are ready in the process of such a close ally of loss, go as also circling about the day and give us the world war, it's all right and fighting breaks out the same. gosh, i'm less than pounds me. well, nato members, a potent under the said that the west must help you plane defeat russia, or else there is a potential from the comfort to flood elsewhere in europe. the u. s has gone as far
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as to say, there is a possibility for the west end up fighting against not only russia, but also iran and china, perhaps as soon as within the next 5 years. members of the interests of campaign to bodies, nuclear weapons have a few native escalating patients with russia that says the head of the nato installed the most as insisted that by boots is only capable of seas. the bronx is preventing a broad conflicts. they were implemented the biggest reinforcements i'll collect the defense in generations which for the 1st time in naples history, calling about the new troops, nissan, parts of the lions with hire and the sort of forces. now we have 502 troops on fire, redness and uh with significantly more defense spending, investing in advanced aircraft as 30 fives ships bought some things a lot of uh for some high end cuz it could be this
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sold. so we can do all of this not to fight the war, but to prevent the war on the, on to remove in the room for me. so i'm just standing or miscalculation most go about hour and this to protect every night dialogue. so as i discuss this lie with palo guess. so i'm got this research on the bill, but it isn't you. you have been studies and martin and j doing us of them are going to be the full gentlemen. thank you so much for joining us here today. on i'll see and to show, as we can see times is do seem to be on the rise itself. and if i may saw it with you, what are your thoughts regarding the growing nuclear tensions in the world? so i think that's uh they are growing indeed and that is because. busy of the, the irresponsible language to be here. uh from what sort of visuals it seems to me that maybe jeffrey sachs really got the points in their need to be with dr.
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gallstone, where he says that they're trying to block, they, they're way through and uh, they hope that russia would love to call the bluff and they don't have a plan b. so this is why it is in importance due to stress. it is really a dangerous moment. we live in because maybe there's a calculation on somewhere in washington that the europe might be burning in flames, but that this will not reach the american coast. and that is probably a very dangerous because it seems to me that the politicians are not listening to the people from their military and talking about american politician. yeah, so interesting. lots and if i makes sense, you know, southern president i was on there which is predicted a for the world war perhaps in the next 3 or 4 months. emphasizes that no one in
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the west, rudy totes about. uh no talks about peace anymore. what, what do you make of his addictions? he might be royce, we're living pretty scary times and i think is definitely pointed out, you know, the, he says that people, the government's not listening to the administrators, but also the governments aren't listening to the people. and the problem with nuclear escalation caused me to them, but new to ohms. is that the if you think there was a lack of consultation with the public on defense strategies in general, you couldn't even go to another extremely talk about nuclear on sale. so we'll pull the information we, there's just no way that people can actually make a comment for the school statement to learn about some new concepts. it's, you know, the swedish institute recently, um the colors these things um, published a report and it showed that the actually all of the main nuclear power is in the world, spending more on nuclear arms and modernizing their existing fleets,
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which is particularly worrying. and it's something like 90 percent of the rooms are owned by russia and in america. um, but there is a, we don't have a safety valve. we don't have a sort of a break in your like in your fuse box, a new house, you know, where the escalation continues and continues and the west is losing a new crime. is my question about the i'm when we get to a point where we start talking about nuclear interaction. we don't have that political throwback switch which says stop, you know, to politicians on unfortunately, that's why we go into this incredibly dangerous situation that we have now. where the possibility of a new cable is now a reality, who would have thought we couldn't imagine that just talking to a few months ago. but we're at that point now. as far as the 7 days, you know, 7, let's talk on international piece research institute said and is, i know you a little bit and diplomatic efforts to control nuclear suffered may just sit in the
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box amid the strange, international relations over the confidence of ukraine and gauze of these is there any to uh, what a 2nd to is that i have. so what brought us to this situation right now or other, other uh, aspects involved here. uh, yeah, i would agree with this assessment sir. the problem i would say with the policy now is that the west has blown to, to peel or bill, or is that it will standing on for centuries. basically, it is this secrecy of the private property and uh, it is uh, the rule. so what we see that uh not this shouldn't start with russia, but the seizure let's say. busy the property of yugoslavia, the rock of libya and the other country that the west was sanctioning. that is where, where they started the erosion, a one cooler and the other is, uh its,
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it's obvious that there is no rule that former president of the united states can be retains and, and so on. so i think that even with diplomacy is in, in, in, in action we really don't know what to think of it because. 1 because the west is show that it can constantly break the deals. so even if it isn't uh, something is signed, what is the worst on it? and that is why i think that the lack of trust is now the biggest problem that locally blown was he had, because it seems that the west and the rest are speaking to complete the different languages and mazda you, to mazda. and you told a little bit about a fusion, i think it's pull the fuse and then it will be over. but you know, concerned that was at such a point in his, the way it seems diplomatic. negotiations of have no way. i mean,
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what could or should be done moving forward? i mean, we still have a plan that we'd like to move on the way, what should be done? it was the needs to be a political upheaval. i think um to full swelled leaders to talk to one another. it's just preposterous and worrying that we can invent the so called peace conferences and not invite the major players to them. that gives you a really cool, well good indication i should say of just how backwards and how restricted this whole process is. i mean, when we talk about nuclear diplomacy, it has taken a hit. definitely, i mean, the russians very recently pulled up the test ban treaty of course, because of the situation in ukraine. the americans haven't reading on it and since 1996 on that report makes that point. you know, um, but we have at least we had dialogue, at least we had a civilized communications channel to exchange data and loud examinations and so
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forth. assume the thing happens with your, with, with a run, you know, until october the 7th. the americans had an informal arrangement with the writings, and now that's been put on the back burner because of the time us and guns. so now we have no diplomacy left. and if you add to the mix of the li on the unintended consequences of the ukraine war is the minus to galvanize a great part of the global south to leave. it's conventional relations at hand with washington until the east towards forming a new bricks which is now happening a phenomenal rate. and so what do you have now is obviously the end of the old world, older america no longer has the gym and that it once had. but, but you know, you have now and emotions of an eastern power block that pushes a number of wisdom leads only in one direction, which is to spend more on defense. and it goes,
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funding on defense is somewhat disingenuous because we know very well for most of those western european countries. that means also the sweet enough to spend a more defense is to a road of civil liberties at the same time. because a big part of the whole nuclear sure on is that you create a state of fear and in that state of fear, you will, if you chip away a civil liberties and that's what's going on, i think. but i think to add to that mix is what if i may, if i have time, is that in my experience, in my career of i was such a use, what i've seen from west and the lease was based in brussels for 11 years. and what i've seen from european government is, is all stand of the governance is being a road. it will have less powerful, less influential this charismatic unless genuine and sincere politicians running countries. now we have cowards now running on countries who are afraid of developing a study, but any policies, the afraid of public opinion,
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they can't move in any direction. i'm so, and you can see the, the political crisis in the moment, we have a new k, it's a synonymous with a new level of almost a 0 governance. now in that arena, in us fear of 0 governance, it's natural that most of these country is, will try and struct the public away from the big issues environment's health education, economy to towards a new crisis of defense. and so defense spending a nuclear spending more nuclear is a little bundled into that area. so that's also a big part of the problem. and i'm what i consider a governess, right? so uh, when i come back to you for a 2nd, we talked earlier about so the, so come international piece of research institute now they, but they have, they made a very day. they said that we were in dangerous times. i mean, this is quite an important mist cleaning. listened into that and then we'll,
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i'll come back to you. while the global total of nuclear warheads continues to full is cold war era wetlands, a gradually dismantled progressively, we continued to see year on year increases in the number of operational needs. they will head. we're now in one of the most dangerous periods in human history. so so let me go say the what uh the answer to this i but some $12000.00 plus uh, new plan will, has okay, in total, $9500.00 on the active and ready to go. but what do you make? cuz i sent that statement that they made and why now the statement is extremely important, but i think there's, there's one thing lacking here. uh, it is the advantage that russia and also china, iran and north korea have over the west at this moment. and that is that they are in possession of hypersonic rockets of hyphens of hypersonic weapons. the west
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still did not develop. 2 brandon, but inside that, over the years, this will change, of course, that the united states is capable of creating hybrid sonic lessons. however, we are in the moments where actually countries that are in a conflict with the west, you know, iran is definitely one of those china and that will being sanctioned more and more . he's also there not to speak of north korea, as, of course, russia. they are the ones who have the upper hand and at the same time it is not that have of course strengthening uh, with the new curious installation. but the west, you know, with the sending an hour officially data troops to your grain, which makes this more in your brain. uh, not a proxy war or russia and a natal, but they direct conflict. so they're the ones that are escalating. and at the same
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time, uh, at the same time, they lack the capabilities to defend themselves in a situation on actual escalation. so this is some kind of a, a suicide and emission that the politicians and the parts of uh, lets say um, the powerful structures are in and uh, i think that is probably the most dangerous components here, the soonest. it's probably the top batch of that. however, i think that these 2 things, the existence of hypersonic weapons on one side and the madness of the other are a combination that are there that is very lethal. and i hope that by god's intervention there won't be no 3rd escalation because i don't know really what is going to stop this gentleman, i'm going to have to leave it there. sadly,
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i appreciate you both. joining me today on august international as the villas. thanks again for your time while i was of this and use as always, great to have your company here on, on the international uh do check out all to come that a lot of great stories that and will be back at the top of the, of the i'm asked sooner than say, and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east, while the us and its allies continued juanza lensky, a new crane, and this and yahoo! in israel president vladimir persian today observes russia's day of remembrance and
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sorrow. the anniversary of the soviet union's victory in world war 2 and 27000000 russians were killed by nazis, the most of them in the allied country. this just weeks after russia was banned from you. not ceilings, frances, the day commemoration. earlier this week there was panic in nature, legacy media or of opinions, visits north korea. despite his attempts to reach out to hand to piece, the russian president's cool proceeds fire and ukraine was rejected by a nature that continues to facilitate these rarely pm netanyahu's genocide and gaza . one of the world's greatest journalists as being painlessly reporting on gaza and ukraine. and reading fluids, the nature of so called main stream media is trying to silence. he's editor in chief of the great zone, co director of killing garza and best selling author the 51 day will ruin in resistance in gaza. next movement told joins me again from washington dc. thank you so much for coming back on. i'm in.


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