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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the, the russian defense and ministry reports advances on the front lines in ukraine and striking the country's energy infrastructure. that's oper keeps forces kate, the need that trickle substation close to this upper row here. nuclear power a key of is set to be prioritizing the return of chapter new nazi 5 is from it's as off the gate over regular military personnel, some of whom have been waiting to go home for nearly 2 years. some schools are applied such as many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back, to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality, it is what it is at tensions locked it up between india and canada. after
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new deli, a keys is auto a. how? but now like a condo, vazo would separate this live been to operate with infinity audits territory the but this is our team to the option of reaching you live from a new center with moscow. i have mike, a quick chat with the updates. now russian forces have launched a series of strikes against ukraine's in energy infrastructure, and it comes in response to keeps forces hitting an electrical substation in the safety of the border. why these are photos yet? nuclear power plant would just europe's largest is situated in recent updates. from the defense ministry moscow's troops, i said to have made gains of the dumbass ends up. what was your regents while a canadian supply decided to i'm a car has been destroyed. the 1st loss of such a vehicle during the war or the m. o. d said 37 ukrainian soldiers have surrounded
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in the past week and already is more, i guess the spoke to some of them. and so these you put in to the war for now these over, instead of a totally firing pins, they pull on judge bellows. we want all foot red tons to meet with detained ukrainian troops. no one we spoke to regret at the decision to surrender. oh yeah. anymore. at worst i wouldn't be standing here. i could have been buried somewhere in the ground. have you written to your parents the to solve and yes, i wrote them to congratulate them. even sent a video in 2023 more than 6 and the hall 1000 dual credit and troops who was, who so rented according to the paid in russia. moscow doesn't classify them as
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prisoners of war. now, the ukraine, russia has declared war on each of the officially. they are temporary detainees, step of the less forwarded for the ukrainian representatives. the red cross sometimes come to checking them, make sure they're being treated well. the actually it's become infected. what happened? did you hit something when they was shrapnel? there they go to that in 2022. so it isn't clear what's going bad again. this is the result of all trap. no one's which he's addressing on the wound. he's getting better, so he only comes in every other day before do you gets less is still to be small forward. sure. yes, i go full, it isn't 2 years. so i send a letter and get
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a reply 6 months later, that's how long it takes. i don't know that is from my wife, my mother in my system. the last of the 1st less a big density tim gain weight i had t as in my ice, they say main don't cry, but it turns out they do. security is tight. authorities take precautions against potential ukrainian publications, even attacks gods, indeed a needs a like a well protected. they folks who had time to get used to each other. they come from all over some surrender, didn't marry you both in boston, most embody and i know most for the grudge such as she had a gay to above or desires to see his 6 children, even if it means becoming a russian citizen. they just as me use the email, i have unpleasant news. you will name has been on prisoner exchange lives in the
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landscapes administration for 26 months. your name and all the other guys. they didn't want to exchange. you see to this in the case. i would probably prefer to stay, so you get a russian fastball and stay here. if it was possible. what about your family? i think my family would come join me. they see what's happening know that i don't think anyone could accuse me of anything. and many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality it is what it is. ukraine has predominantly exchange nationalists will probably proof all thought of those who just a few years ago. even the wes classified as extremist, such as, as of the,
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tell me how do you feel, knowing that your own country doesn't want you back? cause because people before do i feel i feel wrecked? it's painful. i lived in my country, i pay taxes. i was honest, my fault for it, and the in my country doesn't want to take me back. for reasons i do not understand . these man, regular troops expend above have little cause for hope. especially now, given the latest changes, do you want to be exchanged? yes, ma'am. my family's in t if of course i want to be exchanged, it's used to be the officer and exchange. you would be the mobilized. now the you create in parliament and the landscape of cost along, which means also you were ton. you do back to the front lines. it's not a good law. what's the point of fighting alongside those who have bands in the way back when any person with us could why fight for those who use? do you like kind of for the what do you tell them that you're done and they tell
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you to go charge of bullets. for most of these men have seen from blah, i'm come back. the full brunt of it. they have little appetites left. so who are you willing to go back to the trenches? i am not here. honestly, i will do everything to avoid it. yeah, sure, i am a religious man. my trust in god's plans. i do not believe any official in ukraine gets to decide whether i or any one of us lives. i believe in god issue that used to be that they hoped and waited. now, they only ways collect stump in years, and i would like to call them out governments to end this conflict. so they can sit down and negotiate. and of course, bear with in mind because we are here and russian soldiers are also prisoners in ukraine. we will have families, mother assistance, we will need to go home more, i guess the of the the big just swell it's dwindling. rags key of it's
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now set to be seeking the use, helping make to diving 80 ukrainians. who enter the block you legally to evade medic tree service. you're getting read more on the story by heading over to our website, r t dot com the. now, despite claiming you had ukraine's back no matter what, watch that the you use and now is the range of new tires on the countries food exports and a big to protect its own domestic output. now with our take call to develop and here is our to contribute to rachel. nice to a well, you probably had a chance to keep flooding the european common market with our farm products that don't even have to abide by you quality standards and they blew it in absolute record time too. so back in march that you parliament voted to keep excluding your trade in farming products from import tariffs, except in the event that those imports go above the average import levels for 2022
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in 2023, which just happened to be the same levels that were responsible for sparking the farmers protest in the 1st place that we've seen on or off all over the block for months. so kind of a dodgy great job on behalf of the people who maintain the cloud car for those ukrainian farming products. and that great job didn't even apply it to all of that you for any rain that was supposed to go to see the roads for. but somehow i ended up just getting dumped into your instead be around just we're going to apply to certain very specific ukrainian farming products, the suspension of import duties and quotas on ukrainian exports to the european union will be extended for another year. the you is thereby delivering, once again on its commitment to support ukraine for as long as it takes. in addition, an emergency break applies to eggs, poultry, sugar oats, mays growth, and honey, which will be automatically triggered it's important volumes reach the average
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yearly imports recorded between versus july 2021, and 31st december 2023. so this move came into demand of poland, in particular of who's farmers bore the brunt of the training and import tsunami. being right on the border. also, france, where things were getting so out of hand that president emanuel mack who walked into the paris international agricultural fair and ended up leaving an angry farmer as well. riot cops open fire the cure gas on cows who are totally in this sense except, well, for maybe they're climate destroying, flatulence and application. so the basically sold out their own farmers just to give you freight a lifeline. but the thing about lifelines is that you don't let the drowning do cling to you if he's just going to pull you down with him. kind of basic life guarding 11 rule there. which is what yeah, wasted, absolutely no time in trying to do these new measures have only been in for since june 6th and already have has nice to trigger the tariff. so i think they're
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clueless or reckless. take a peck, but hey, come on in. it sounds like a great time to formally approve negotiations to integrate ukraine into the you. so it doesn't have care at all, which is exactly what the blocks leadership just to get on friday. voting to officially start those talks even ask you have was busy, hopefully acting and sounding like a total economic fastcase in public. you and i have repeatedly heard from the finance minister and the defense minister that there was an under funding of military needs in the budget. this under funding amounts to hundreds of billions are free from us. this is a very large amount of money that cannot be raised by simply removing the shadow economy because those resources are already being used. we have exceeded the budgets, but it is not enough for the current needs. we are waiting for an opinion from the
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cabinet ministers on how to cover these expenses. considering that the situation is quite serious, we expect their proposals in the near future. i am not ready to say what those proposals will be, but i understand that they will be quite radical. great sounds like more miles to feed for european tax stairs and what better way to help out then for you frame one of the perennial black sheep of the global correction index to promote the need to raise money for reconstruction in the middle of a war. so people can pay to build stuff that just gets blown out, i guess. and also looks like they need to reconstruct the $20000000000.00 decimals that they've dug. because repayments on that are coming due this summer. and there's a lot of international bonds in play there. it's kind of like that movie inception except with that, that section. as we approach the deadline, we must urge our bondholders to continue productive in good faith negotiations with
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more substantial debt relief to be reflected in their proposals. in line with the i m f parameters and ukraine's current macro financial situation. it seems like you frames, creditors from washington to france, germany and the rest of the $22.00 nation parish club need to keep this rate going . so they can crank other enough weapons for the russians to blow up in ukraine to make back in military industrial complex revenues. what they've been handing over to key if. oh, but it gets even better, you tax stairs and entire european countries were already going into debt for ukraine. so why don't europe and bags join them to clean? ursula announced earlier this month in berlin that european banks would be able to get quote, budget support totaling $1400000000.00 euros from the european tax stares when they invest in equity funds active in ukraine, so that the risks are removed and by risk being removed she means transferred to
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the european tax there, who's also on the hook for another 1900000000 euros 40 of from the ukraine facility fund. they used to have a habit of calling those bottomless spending pits piece facilities. but since piece is nowhere in sight, just some rebranding was needed to avoid reminding tax stairs of their very poor return on investment a away from be easier now to the magic around the tensions heating up between india and canada. new delhi has been outraged over a controversial separatist group known as the kylie started movement, was given permission to burn an after g of the indian prime minister outside the consulate in vancouver. and that incident came day off the in the strongly criticize the canadian parliament for declaring amended silence for defeat. separate just lead to, to new delhi considered as a terrorist. india claims canada has allowed extremists to operate with infinity in
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the north american country. we naturally oppose any moves, giving political space to extremism and those advocating violence. time again, we have said that this is a matter of serious concern for us colostomy activities. we have a being repeatedly calling upon the government of canada to take action. we have said that political space that is provided to extremes and being the elements. and those advocating violence must stop and the must take action. and the guy know was for, or do you see separate to see, to me you, how do you say new jersey, this number a jersey here in july the government deals with you was you had denied all the charges. one,
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the hours of the all. the city of wilson moment of silence. a moment of silence. the memory of hardy seeing teacher assassinated siri, british columbia, one year ago today. i now invited honorable members to ice the so you really see something that is happening. jesus regions shares in or models so, so for you the most this more designs for designate now this is not just on the mileage but it was signed on by the office. well no, this not the signature. he was also
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use it when i asked about that the deputy province in canada. so who was good for his us as she was saying that he doesn't go virus and his phones. so susan and i know some change for g. it was important to have a moment of silence to recognize this was the murder of the in canada on canadian soil. and that is entirely possible. so i want to start with um, 2nd of all, i do want to say i was very proud of the prime minister and of the
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strong position he took after it was the right thing to do. and more secure. knowing that he will stand for canadians and against the chillers of canadians. no matter what, no thing by changing my heart of rage, these extreme, this to ammons exposition, canada is only lean, watch that one takes. now there's another kind of us vision perhaps can show the member, and that's the billing all the in the, in this month. 1985. my role colleagues. sunset may be, but i thought a nice menu of them was 10 or a task, something to do. so i was just flash canada that has 3 z one about that. now this 5
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in the shop reactions, condonation one blown out the life shown down. it seems that kind of the western countries that's just not getting the problem because done and talking trade. now a key piece of the jigsaw that is the international law. south child support card that was slotted into place this week to ron has opened a new railroad route, which will connect russia iran in india, and allow them to trade independently from western nations, much faster and custody to considerably lower costs. ultimately, the tree of colorado is said to move goods and from india, iran as a by john and russia via road rail and c. a one side of the route begins, are they, india, and port of mon bye. from that goods can be delivered to iranian ports in the persian
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gulf and then transported by road by rail to russia, avaya as i by john or shipped across the caspian sea. and with all the details here is are these use of july a. marsha anticipated for rash cas paying way away in nor the water was finally inaugurated on thursday. and the process over here was caretaker presidents, how much more fair and high ranking officials from russia and azerbaijan, the 37 kilometer where we live in the caspian sea, in the south of the country is re weighed net worth of project marci significant milestone for regional phrase representing the final piece of the noun, phrase known as the north south, trans ford, florida. this for caesar tries, it's half establishes a vital link between eastern europe, russia, india,
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and the 1st nations it was turned to is afraid route in the wake of restrictions face and the global shipping green a as a result of western sanctions. so the i n s d c is why we seen by both sides as an alternative trade networks and the bypasses the challenges of sanctions. defense is one and therefore remains in new to for an intervention. it also offers a more cost effective and efficient alternative for the so as canals, which is close to russian shipments exercise which transportation awards from india to wash off. so this quarter will be approximately 30 percent cheaper, 40 percent faster than the competing route to this wes canals fuel cell 4 or comprises multiple modes of transportation including ships. railways rose it was initially launched in 2000. i mean, initiative over there on the washer, in the system, and it has extended histories to 11 additional countries,
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including search here either by john g, because the commercial link also offers significant benefits for various versions of countries such as kit tower or mountain wage. the way and sonya maybe sending over 70 to 100 kilometers this multi modal trade route surprises. 3 main sections originating from russia, rushing through the caspian sea as one of his eastern and western shores to reach it was new order forms from nursing it wrong. why i swear we did work and other countries, southern fords, including walls and charlotte har before reaching to me and for rush, i need the i've been collaborating to expand the infrastructure of d, i n s d c. to facilitate seamless trade along this for a 2 day transit fast. and the reason for you invested $370000000.00 to enhance it was for solving are the southern tip of the northern side of the corridor
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infrastructure of there was caspian force, which seems to me worse, improvement, or finest, highlights for swift evolution. sure thing. juvenile dynamics. sugars refer to the emerging commercial link ads, the news road of the eastern hemisphere to replace the western dominated trade networks. other found, do all the indian platform thing. stop signs evolve. chavez, the lease of a new trade cargo? well, the only, we're not only be, you know, making it beneficial, but we'll have a major jo, political impact as well. this is also a great significance, so not south cargo is coming up with things that show and india, the trend between restaurant india and much clearer the. now, once this page will be open, it has left message,
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uniform and it goes significant because what it does is it brings from level batteries. and the funding means much closer because of a large markets that are iris markets around around because they don't and, and then we have this large mining uh, base we have uh places which are cleared in the sources and the market. so that's gonna see with the can can reimburse to diet trade. so it's not brewed a seamless and rely on life in the close off what china and you knew has done from germany to, to uh, long not know if we need a single and seamless name. the network that's connecting with things much, much pasta. you can reach from i'm, i would say right from my mind it's the one way is the name of the line in less than 8 days not today marks the grid minus. busy 3 of the,
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not the invasion of the south is somebody in the union at the beginning of a great picture of the water in which medians of lives. when last, i saw them ceremony in moscow flooding and putting late flowers near the kremlin war. on this day russians throughout the. busy world commemorate the losses and triumphs of their fathers and the great battle against the axis powers. elsewhere in the capital, a candle lightning service was held, the the subordinate submitted nearby on the eve of remembrance and morning day across the country we are honoring days. he fell at the hands of the nazis and holding event, titled the fiery pages of will pick. jack is dedicated to the home front watches
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and that contributions to the victory. this is a nationwide event that shows the unity of the entire country. and that we remember the sacrifice of every passenger in the world. each year on the 22nd of june, the russian marks i'd say all morning and remember and imagined 41 on the estate. nazi germany attacked russia at 4 o'clock in the morning, instantly killing thousands of associates. people stormy. what's in my heart? of course festival greece, which my grandfather fulton, the will you told me many things when you think about the number of that. of course you feel sorry, and you wish it would never happen again. now on the eve of this is a, a morning russia host, a several events throughout the country like this one, for example, as the a rough shot expo in the most cold, where people with lights hundreds of candles to create a fiery fixture office. remember, and remember and say that this one in particular says that russia remembers so now
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there are at least 2000 and various places around the country where this event is being held on the eve of the 83rd anniversary of the start of the crate. a few arctic war, answer lighting the candles that will form a fiery a remembrance fainting here at the russia, ex colts. the volunteers here and to the visitors will observe a moment of silence the later on. they will read memories of those people in care for the 1st moments of the great, basically for on the 22nd of june, 1941. there are at least 2000 spots in russia or this, remember,
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and save will be observed. but people overseas will be a marketing this a to 3rd anniversary as well as and in just a few countries as well. australia and brazil are probably the 4 of us and other countries on the coming welfare depending states will also be marketing. the state for monica forever. artsy must go across the atlantic, the russian embassy, the united states, traditionally holds its own. the ceremony mocking the exact hour when nazi german forces attack the soviet union. now speaking of the event to be a mass of this, at the many americans have forgotten the vital role soviet troops played and had less down for. he also commented about the unfortunate twist and tons in current biological relations. see what to do with that score. my team today on this day of sorrow, the anniversary of one degree patriotic war broke out. i want to tell you that the life of russian diplomats in america has become difficult. every day we find
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ourselves under attack. just today, an hour before this event, the americans told us they are closing down our visa center. so russian diplomats and consoles are going to feel extra pressure. when i am telling you, we're going to continue our work here. we will not abandon our compatriots. the americans are trying to break us to influence our foreign policy, to make our diplomats hide behind the embassy walls and to stop working and communicating. this will not happen. we will continue for filling our mission here to the last on voice. the u. s. policy of dictatorship, it's policy of sanctions has utterly failed in the global south is paying greater attention to what russia is doing, but they are coming closer to us. look at what is going on. wherever our representatives go, especially our president,
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the us emissaries follow. they are trying to sniff out and support the positive results of russian foreign policy. and that is a line up a survey this i'll see you again with more updates in about 15 minutes by now. in 90 to 60 the americans rollers, the huge bellwether operation. documents smote the of the reading, found that way online. the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to commit to the quantity of evaluation of into a logical munitions. these tests form the basis for developing offensive biological weapons. no withstanding that in april 1972 the us britain and the soviet union.


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