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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 22, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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when 27000000 russians were killed by nazis the most out of any allied country. this just weeks after russia was banned from you. not ceilings, frances, the day commemoration. earlier this week, there was panic in nature, legacy media, or of opinions, visits north korea. despite these attempts to reach out to hand to face, the russian president's cool versus east fire, and ukraine was rejected by a nature that continues to facilitate is really pm netanyahu's genocide and gaza. one of the world's greatest journalists as being painlessly reporting on garza and ukraine and reading fluids. the nature of so called main stream media is trying to silence. he's editor in chief of the grey zone, co director of kenning garza and best selling author of the 51 day will ruin and resistance in gaza. mex blumenthal joins me again from washington, dc. thank you so much. mike's for coming back to on. i mentioned all of that to the day of remembrance and sorrow, not because this program also goes out on a t. but because a, i think most people around the world,
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the grateful the soviet union play the part in defeating the nazis. you meanwhile, for all of your work over so many is have been attacked for years. i understand social media is banned. you funding is being tried to have taken away from you. and now on all the golf course, a newspaper goal, the washington post. it is published at so many lies over the decades, has attacked to just quickly summarize what, what they've done to try and destroy you your organization and try to capitalize perhaps we have 3 i or the, or the police to a rest your stuff as well. this is the 2nd intelligence inspired attack on the gray zone this year by the washington post. think the 2nd largest paper in the united states, owned by one of the world's 3 riches ben, jeff bezos. who signed a deal with a c, i a to host it's cloud for $600000000.00 at amazon,
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just days after you purchased the washington post. in both cases, these attacks relied heavily on fronts for us. it is rarely intelligence. this article, this most recent article by the washington post so called digital threats editor, joseph men, cited current, us current and former us intelligence officials, as one of its sources against us. and it represents an escalation against independent journalism. and specifically independent media that is busting lies and propaganda that israel has distilled since october 7 to justify genocide, which was really the topic of our last conversation, which went viral in so many different formats and which has been confirmed and corroborated not only by as rarely, media, but by the latest, independent un reports. and so what we're talking about with this article as an escalation is a reporter from a paper that boldly declares the democracy dies and doctors trying to stick to the
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f b i. and other 3 letter agencies on our editor wyatt read simply because 4 years ago, wyatt listed himself as a producer for press tv, which is the ronnie in state broadcast. or i should say, i work for it, i should say i, i worked for it up to the bbc for a short time quick, and they never told me what to do compared to the bbc when i worked there on the today program. sorry, go ahead. well, according to the washington post and the various books it mobilized, you violated us sanctions simply because you did work for press tv. uh they relied on hack documents to expose a legit payments made to wyatt and they framed it as iranian government payments to a leader of the great zone know and initially to leaders of the greys own as though i were on the i was on the take from iran,
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they retracted that as well on the taking the payment for journalistic. so it's like cnn paying for someone. exactly, i mean, so he did honest journalistic work when he was starting his career according to even the washington post, had nothing to do with the gray zone at the time. and yet the post, the way they frame it, is that the iranian government is actually paying the gray zone. and so since this articles come out, i've had to, for example, address this with like college buddies who say. so the washington post says that iran controls the gray zone. what's up with that is really media i 24. and it's really the government linked media's out media outlets reported that iran and russia are funding the gray zone in a bold print headline. a complete lie that's not even backed up by this washington post article. so the point of the article is to create a kind of steel darcy, a situation where they slap together enough innuendo. outright lies and smears to
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convince people in the 3 letter agencies that maybe they need to get a fight as a warrant on us. maybe we need to be investigated, maybe f b i agents need to show up at my door, but certainly i need to be harassed because as this article explicitly acknowledges, i personally in the great zone have published reports about israel targeting its own citizens on october 7th, something that was deeply damaging to is really propaganda about that day because as we all know, they're trying to concept crate and consolidate october 7th as a kind of new holocaust and strip it of any context or any history. and according to the washington post, what i've done is spread misinformation when in fact, this united nations investigative report last week corroborated the fact that is rarely generals,
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like general brock here on ordered. it is really tacked to fire into a home. it is rarely civilians because they were being held captive. this is what's called the hannibal directive. something i've been writing about since 2014, when i 1st witnessed it in the aftermath of the black friday attack in rafa where the is really military deliberately killed. one of its soldiers adar golden because he was held captive. so what we're seeing here is the washington post acting as one of the greatest propagate areas of misinformation falsely accusing an independent website that takes no money from russia or ron has no relationship to these weren't foreign governments of essentially being a foreign intelligence weapon. and trying to get its editor jailed. if not all of us investigated, journal is trying to get a journalist trying to get actual independent journalists in prison and all because we upset is real coming given you a reason why they're doing it well you, you printed
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a lot of stuff about the new york times i think you force the salzburg or families in new york times after withdrawal, fake rape allegation. sex crime, orient, was propaganda brought around the popular october the 7th, but just on the washington post then, i mean i t is connected to the russian television state. uh, company press tv. similarly with the uranium television you what you just said about that is on and what you said about jeff bezos, do you think the washington post should say democracy, guys and douglas? and it is literally as a cut out if i'm is on and the money that helps fund it comes from the links to the c. i is amazon servers. that's how pays the wages of the washing about stuff. in this article, the washington post sites, the atlantic councils digit or digital forensic research lab, a central arm of the censorship, industrial complex to falsely claim that wyatt read has deep ties to iranian media
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. deep ties because he allegedly did some freelance work for them 4 years ago on the funds the atlanta council. while the washington post doesn't tell you that the united states government funds that the state department, it takes money from the arms industry, the, the big 5 manufacturers that are making a literal killing and ukraine as well as off the genocide in gaza. it's funded by the united arab emirates, an adversary of iran. and so i wouldn't say there have this right now and i made a deal. they made a deal with a run. it's all broke and now has regard syria too, and actually come to think of it on the side of the washington post. they did give a what read a chance to they obviously go to journalism school to do this. i understand they told them to to call his lawyer or the initial email that y read received from joseph mann is demonstrably mendacious. washington post reporter asked to speak to his lawyer about why it's a legend,
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sanctions violations. when was the last time you heard about a journalist asked, asking to speak to another journalist lawyer, he then amended that email and removed that request, which is highly unusual for a journalist. but this is what you could call a journal cop or a journo snitch, who's relying entirely entirely on sources that are connected to the us government . including a known f b, i, informant neil rout. houser who supposedly obtain these hack documents which were themselves hacked by the m e k. a coltish, or anti, or ron regime change organization sponsored by as rarely, and saudi intelligence. and which told people something that wyatt had already been public about, which is that he, it had been a producer for prestige that he put that in his twitter by him. he can no longer respond to by saturday. of course, after the deal that was broken in china,
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but usually funded by historically they have been west and the governments because they didn't. and when i was living in tyra and they were bombing the terrace back by european countries, i mean i want to go into the latest a doubling down on the gray zone, about their accusations, against israel, and all the proxy media or about the october 7th. but i mean, we know what they did to julie and assange when they're doing him. uh, this is now profit because they going to go for you because your exposing them not actually about the, the lives being told the to keep the american people poor the working classes of america. but for israel, more than anything. yeah. for, for a lot more in apartheid state. i mean, the 1st attack on us, which was written by reported eliza dry skin, who, while she was a college reporter at columbia, referred to palestinians as desert veterans, with no national identity to justify zion as colonization of palestine. something i
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asked her about when i called her and, and spoke to her live on one of our grades on live streams. her main stores of research on us that the grades on accusing us of spreading misinformation about october 7th was something called the national contagion research institute. okay, this is housed at the miller's center at rutgers university. the miller center is heavily funded by the office of the director of national intelligence. it is a recruitment farm for the c i a. if you look at the n c r i national contagion research institute staff, it's all former spooks. and there is someone who has advised them named sema voc and in gill, who was the key as rally intelligence agent working to neutralize the boycott. the investment in sanctions movement inside the united states, someone whose job was to meddle in us politics, attack college students as terrorist and prevent americans from exercising their
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constitutional rights to boycott, apartheid israel. she was advising this group. that was the main source of research for the washington post against us, which obviously inspired the attack on us. the director of n c r. i drove finkelstein was the a former research director for the anti defamation league. so putting the pieces together here you see the washington post is nothing more than a laundromat for the 3 letter agencies and israel's most side, mexico to all your help you a copy of that more from the founder and editor in chief of the greys on after this break the
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the the the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with the founder and
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editor in chief of the greys on next blumenthal, co director of caitlin garza. max you were talking about one about the b links between intelligence agencies and the attack on the greys only attempt. so i'll give you the rest to you your stuff and shut you down. what have you made about the grudging acceptance of revelations that you were 1st to make when you came to the studio actually about the lives being told about sexual violence used to stomach me on october, the 7th, as positive. what you were saying was an oriental is racist. attempt to demonize arabs as part of the app as bar a campaign to justify genocide. why don't know if we talked about the a moss written math rape hoax. when i was in studio with you that hadn't really been deployed yet by israel. it was, i think we just need to add it
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a bit because i, i'm not sure whether it was before then, but that is really just as minister walked out of grades or i was out of going underground interview on camera. when i talked to him about the, some of the revelations you made about the organizations, like zachary, involved with creating this propaganda. the time us use rape is a systemic weapon on october. the 7th. right. well, what, what was what had fallen apart or what was falling apart by the time we met? were these really claims of beheaded babies? on october 7th, the baby baked in an oven. the feed is cut from the pregnant woman. these sorts of grisly snuff film like allegations had fallen apart. and so is real decided to move on. israel's international propaganda machine moved on to a new and even more extreme allegation. and i was able to,
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through our reporting at the grace zone, explain why. one of the top pollsters in america who has done lots of work for is real and is real lobby. frank lines conducted a series of, of polls and focus groups and found that the most powerful allegation against the mosque that cause people in both republican and in the republican and democratic party to support israel's assault on gaza was the accusation of rate. so israel made the accusation then decided to work backwards to find the facts, to support it. and this was something at the greys on that we began to instantaneously dismantle. i think we were one of the 1st outlets with any platform in the west, in the english language, to start ripping this to shreds. we did so once the new york times released what was to be the crown jewel in this propaganda construct the screams without words article by jeffery, get them in and not schwartz and noted food blogger adams,
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seller this, the, the debunking of that article which we conducted over several weeks and which has also been dismantled by electronic intifada. mando weiss, the anonymous twitter account z squirrel. it has led to the firing of a knot schwartz was jeffrey, get them ins is rarely fixer, the times of london. not exactly and depended river mode on the side. finally, rupert murdoch's side a favorite of the m, i. 6, has published a full page take down of these really lie of mass rape on october 7th. that relied obviously on a lot of my research and the research of other independent journalists without citing us. but it was fine. the united nations report by miller patton, which she stated was not an actual independent investigation,
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was unable to find any survivor of sexual assault on october 7th and was blocked from visiting anyone at rape crisis centers of physicians for human rights is real, has retracted its report alleging mass sexual violence on october 7th and a new united nations human rights council reports after the united nations report on sexual violence on october 7th found no evidence. the united nations human rights council report has accused israel of systematic gender based violence and sexual torture. in its prisons where the new york times in a paragraph buried deep in a report about israel's stay came on concentration. camp in the negative desert found that palestinians who have been kidnapped in gaza, palestinian men and taken to this camp are being sought. amazed with the tons systematically by female guards, there is even testimony by palestinian former prisoners of dogs being used by his
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rally tortures to sexually assault palestinian man. and of course the orthopedic surgeon. at that there's a sheep, a hospital near bars, a very prominent doctor and gaza was tortured to death at that facility as we now know. so it's very clear we have clear documentation of sexual violence being, webinar used against palestinians. these rarely allegations have been debunked, and yet what is the white house doing? what is the us administration doing? they're continuing to push this lie. vice president comma la harris. this week is hosting a major event at the white house to screen cheryl san birds. propaganda tell us about the experience before 5 months, maybe to win an oscar like the mariel pool one. that is a finance by apps, links to facebook matter. well, 1st of all, meta is, you know,
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a lot. heavily invested in is real. it's really sensors work closely with met at a sensor pro palestine opinions. marx is accurate, berg and meta issue to statement supporting is real on october 7th. along with, you know, private spies like palin tier, which we're working for contracts for targeting and gaza. they're heavily involved, cheryl sandburg was the long time c o o chief operate officer of operations at facebook. and she herself, personally, is a liberal scientist who played a key part, enrolling out these bogus rape allegations with hillary clinton at the is rarely mission. not the us mission, but the, as rarely mentioned at the united nations. and she, you know, is the pioneer of lean in feminism that you can work 16 hours a day and still, you know, be a mom, you know, so she's, she's like, she's clearly a prominent and wanted
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a state gear for is real to exploit here. she conducted a series of interviews with women and is real making allegations without any forensic evidence, any evidence at all. and relied heavily in this film on something which is a violation of the geneva conventions which is confessions by palestinian detainees which were clearly extracted through torture. and there's one hideous confession which has been pushed out by the murdock pressing to us the new york post, especially in which a father and a son can fast to raping a couple to death in keyboards near us. now why would have father and son confessed to such a thing unless they had been ruthlessly terrorized and tortured and at the grace own right now at this date, i may have come out by the time of airing. we're working on an investigation with this rarely researchers that demonstrates that it's simply impossible that any
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couple could have been raped and killed at this keyboards. because we have the list of people who are killed there. and no such a couple matches what was described in this confession. so there's clearly a false confession and these false confessions obtain through torture. populate cheryl sand birds. propaganda hooks. documentary screens before silence, which is public on youtube. it's free on youtube. but if we even mention these kind of allegations on youtube, our video gets suppressed and demonetized by the sensor. so what's going on here? going on the ground can obviously not independently very verified that but then what about the fact that when the allegations of rape a continue to be made. so they talk about videos that was seen by some journalists. we've had people on this show that say i think i would do it should be
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it's on this. you said i've seen the video i, they all lying, all these people who talk about the secret video that the israelis were showing to joe. that is, it's so ironic that allan dose you it's someone who was like a vip, the gas don epstein island who had as his defense, that he kept his underwear on while receiving a massage from one of apps. dean's young leaders in fan is any top flight billy lawyer or crescent in your country. uh you can probably do something i've seen connection. he doesn't want to defend junior designs, but this video, there's so many people i would just, i guess i find it ironic that that darcia, which is at the center of accusing a mosse of sexual violence, given his, his own checkered history. and the allegations made against him by virginia do for a, and it always just seems like there's so much there while he did not utilize all of
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that. but regardless of the fact that you and this we came out with the, you know, the human rights council report came out with the, in the in fan is a kind of exaggeration of the raisins was a bit too late. some would to so might say, what about the video that was screen was in the whitehouse premises for the student government office. yeah, i see you're trying to move away from from that, from darcia with. so let me know, i would guy here is anybody with the video of ahead of may. first of all there's, there's this are 2 separate things happening here. there's a 43 minute video snuff film that has been shown since late october to selected audiences including intellectual power houses like dr. phil and chris cuomo, who all come out and say that they were shocked at the holocaust level of violence in october 7th. and to be sure, atrocities were committed against civilians on october 7th. but that 43 minute video has never been made available to the public. i've seen many of the photos and
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videos that is real shows and some of it actually contains footage of dead bodies and vit. and photos of dead bodies of palestinians were killed by as rarely a pass she attack helicopters. then there's this other video of how much fighters supposedly raping, is really women on october 7th. now let's think about this for a 2nd. israel is in an existential war, not just militarily, but politically and its propaganda wars paramount. why would it hold on to the most devastating video that would demonstrate to the world that it needs to do anything possible to prevent this from ever happening again? why would it hold on to that and only allow select people to see it? why wouldn't it send it right to cnn and the new york times and the entire us media, which is slowly turning critical of israel's military operation? the answer is, it doesn't exist. we saw angelina barrow bach. the german foreign minister claimed
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to have seen such a video. she can not produce any evidence that this video is real. w wasserman schultz. most recently on cnn. the top democratic member of congress claimed to have seen this video, but can't describe what's in it. and comma la harris is supposedly overseeing this event where might be seen at the white house to show us the video. why can't we see the video? just find that because it doesn't exist. there's no such video. there never has been, and it's all been debunked already. and just finally on cost cause roll in this genocide, i'll just say are doing valuable reporting from the gaza strip. amazing report. he's on the best i've seen in my lifetime. but single chain use the reporting lies against syria, against russia, against venezuela. what's happening when people are watching l g 0? well then i'll just, there's also been supportive of regime change in the opposition and venezuela. and
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i think it's model expose is not just some of the hypocrisy of caught are these are the, the palestinians, but of western liberalism because it tends decatur to western liberals. and what you have with so many western liberals as well as with cut our, which hosts the us air base, is sympathy for the palestinians on a human rights basis that there this dispossessed abuse people who are getting slaughtered at an industrial rate not support for the wider access of resistance and so, and then general support for the whole western system of imperialism that sees a hi tens of billions of dollars, forked over to ukraine. or forked over covertly or semi covertly to jihad his death squads in syria. one of possibly the last independent arab state in order to or one of the last independent arab states in order to preserve the same system
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that protects is real. and it's this hypocrisy that needs to be shattered for palestine liberation to ever be achieved. people need to see palestine as part of a wider picture and use it as a prism for understanding us empire. i think my own in my own work on palestine. that's how i was able to begin to unpack the contradictions the wider contradictions of us empire maximum and all. thank you. thanks a lot action and that's the show. i'll continue condolences to those very valued k u. s. u, i'm genocide. on monday, i'll be joined by phone when they do analysts posted to ukraine. little jack bo is just publish revelations about the october 7th attack on these rel until then. keep in touch, fire will that social media of its authentic knew a country natural channel going on demand tv, on mobile. com to watching, you know that sense of going on demand. to monday, the
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russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best, most all sense and up the speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say they requested the,
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the russian defense ministry report advances on the front lines. the degree striking the countries energy infrastructure that's out. the key of course, is caitlin electrical substation, post events of corrosion power plants like here the set to be palletized. the testers, neo nazi fide estimates as all the gates of a regular military personnel. some of the who have been waiting to go home for the nearby 2 year old to look at the applied research and we're familiar of us solution spirits. we understand that our country doesn't going to take us back to be honest, we try to lie to ourselves. but in reality it is what it is intentionally took off between the.


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