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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the russian defense ministry of the 4th advance is on the front lines in the grey striking the country's energy is destructive. that's out the key, of course, it was paid on the electrical substation. those 2 minutes approach at the power of a cube is set to be palletized in the return of the cap to a new and that's the finance from. it's as all the gate over regular military personnel. some of them have been waiting to go home for the year, 2 years, some of them to look at the applied research ever familiar of us to lose experience . we understand that our country doesn't going to take us back. to be honest, we try to lie to ourselves, but in reality,
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it is what it is. intentions rotted up between india and canada after new gallia mchugh this auto i allow that you come to of also separate is movement to operate with impunity. audits territory the what is our team throughout the nation at reaching you live from my new center with moscow? i a michael question. now rush on the forces of launch the series of overnighted strikes against you, train targeting energy infrastructure as well as immunization and drug stores, long range air and sea launched weapons. we used in what was said to be a response to repeated attacks on the block. us energy facility earlier keeps forces, heads in the electrical substation and the safety of and that'll go down to where these up with all she has a nuclear power plant, which is europe's largest is situated they opperation of some of the plants infrastructure was disrupted due to the strike and that's according to the local
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administration. repair works is a currently underway with the mayor, confirming that parts of the city was left without power of course. and we wrapped the red to get a sub station which was attacks by enemy drugs yesterday. as a result, one of the transformers was damaged. now work is being carried out to fix the damage. as a result of this, terrorist ex parts of the city was left without electricity at the moment. as soon as the work is completed, the city will be back to full power. in recent updates from the defense ministry, moscow's troops said to have made gains in the dumbass inseparable here, regents. while a canadian supplied sydney to alma the car has been destroyed. the 1st loss of such a vehicle for you trade during the war area, the m. o d said the 57 ukrainian soldiers have surrendered in the past week or 2 is
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more august, yet spoke to some of them. for these, you put in to the war for now these over, instead of a totally firing pins, they pull on judge bellows. we want all foot red tons to meet with detained ukrainian troops. no one we spoke to regret at the decision to surrender. oh yeah. anymore. at worst i wouldn't be standing here. i could have been buried somewhere in the ground. have you written to your parents the to solve and yes, i wrote them to congratulate them. even sent a video in 2023 more than 6 and the hall 1000 dual credit and troops who was, who so rented according to the paid in russia. moscow doesn't classify them as prisoners of war. now, the ukraine, russia has declared war on each of the officially. they are temporary detainees,
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step of the less forwarded for the ukrainian representatives, the red cross, so sometimes come to check on them, make sure they're being treated well. the actually, it's become infected. what happened? did you hit something? they was shrapnel there. they go to that in 2022. so it isn't clear what's going bad again. this is the result of all trap. no one's which is a dressing on the one. he's getting better, so he only comes in every other day before do you get less? has to be small forward. sure. yes, i go full. it isn't 2 years. so i send a letter and get a reply 6 months later, that's how long it takes. i don't know that's just from my wife. my mother in my system. off to the 1st letter might be density to gain weight. i had
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t as in my eyes, they say main don't cry, but it turns out they do. security is tight. authorities take precautions against potentially euclidean publications, even attacks, gods in detainees. the like a well protected, they folks who had the time to get used to each other. they come from all over some surrendered in mary. you both in boston most embody and i know most for the grudge such as she had a gay who above, who desires to see his 6 children. even if it means becoming a russian citizen, they just sent me an e mail. i have unpleasant news. you will name has been on prisoner exchange lives in the landscapes administration for 26 months. your name and who are the other guys?
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they don't want to exchange you in that case, i would probably prefer to stay in the restroom possible and stay here. if it was possible, what about your family? i think my family would come join me. they see what's happening, know that i don't think anyone could accuse me of anything. and many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality, it is what it is. ukraine has predominantly exchange nationalists will high profile thoughts of those who just a few years ago. even the wes classified as extreme is such as, as of the, tell me how do you feel knowing that your own country doesn't want you back to. i feel like i feel wrecked. it's painful. i lived in my country, i pay taxes. i was honest. i fought for it,
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and the in my country doesn't want to take me back for reasons i do not understand . please man, regular troops expensive us have little cause for hope. this, especially now, given the latest changes, do you want to be exchanged in? yes, ma'am. i families in t if of course i want to be exchanged, it's used to be the officer and exchange. you would be to mobilize. now the you credit in parliament and the landscape of cost along, which means also you were ton, you do back to the front lines. you have, you solve the good law. what's the point of fighting alongside those who have bands and you way back when any person with us can? why fight for those who used to you like kind of for the what do you tell them that you're done? and they tell you to go charge of bullets. most of these men have seen from john, come back,
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the full odds of it. they have little appetite smith, who are you willing to go back to the trenches store? i am not just, honestly, i don't understand. i will do everything to avoid it. yeah, sure. i am a religious man. i trust in god's plan for me. i do not believe any official in ukraine gets to decide whether i or any one of us lives. i believe in god issue that used to be that say out and waited. now, they only ways coalesce dump in years. i would like to call them out governments to end this conflict. so they can sit down and negotiate. and of course, bear us in mind because we hear and russian soldiers are also prisoners and ukraine . we will have families, mother assistance. we will need to go home more, i guess, the seat and the bed to swear lights dwindling. rags. key of is now set to be seeking the use help in extra dining, a team craniums who entered the block immediately to evade ministry service. but
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you can read more on the story by heading over to a website r t dot com the. now inc has expanded a huge fire, has sticking the controller taking cold in a $26.00 stories chi square per and the capital s donna smoke could be see below it from this doctor and drifting towards some of the cities. lot mob buildings, a number of people way evacuated from the sides of the mill casualties have been reported. emergency services blade to the clouding on the building for how quickly the fire spread of the course of the blazes yet unknown, will be staying across the story. and bring you any updates. attentions, uh, anything up between india and canada, you daily's been outraged over a controversial separate his group known as a cat. instead bisman, i was given permission to book an effigy of the indian from minnesota. as of the
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calculating the cools up, that the incident pay my day off, the india strongly criticize the canadian parliament for declaring a minute's silence for a deceived separatist leader. who now who knew daily could sit as a terrorist. india claims canada has allowed extremists to operate with infinity in the north american country, as we naturally oppose any moves, giving political space to extremism and those advocating violence. time again, we have said that this is a matter of serious concern for us colostomy activities. we have been repeatedly calling upon the government of canada to take action. we have said that political space that is provided to extremes, defending the elements, and those advocating violence must stop and the must take action was
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easy to see the canadian ball. how the same new jersey this number a jersey here in july, the government was denied over charges. what was the city of moment of silence? a moment to silence the memory of hardy seeing is your assassinated siri, british columbia. one year ago today, i now invited, honorable members twice a week or so. so for the post this more designs for designate now this is
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not just on the mileage, but it is signed on by the office. well, no, this not the signature he was using with the deputy thomas instead of that. so those to us because this is for his us as she was saying that he doesn't go virus and his phones. so susan and i know someone's age for jews. it was important to have a moment of silence to recognize this was the murder of can be in canada, on canadian soil,
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and that that is entirely possible. so i want to start with um, 2nd of all, i do want to say i was very proud of the prime minister and of the strong position he took after the letter. and it was the right thing to do. ready and more secure, knowing that she will stand for canadians and against the chillers of canadians. no matter what, no thing by sharing my heart of rage, these extremist evans exposed the canada is only lean. what's that what it takes now there's no out of us viva. perhaps can show the member and that's the billing all the in the,
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in this month. 1985 like through college sunset may be but as i thought, a nice menu there because he was 10 or something. so i was excited to canada. that has to be about that. now, despite in the shop reactions, condemnation when blown out, the black showdown is, seems that's kind of the questions. obviously, that's just not getting the problem because done not despond, claiming you have ukraine's back no matter what the you use. and now is the range of new tires on the countries food exports in a bit to protect its own domestic output. with our take all the development here is already contributed rachel masted. well, you probably had a chance to keep flooding new york in common market with our farm products that don't even have to abide by you quality standards. and they blew it in absolute
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record time too. so back in march that you parliament voted to keep excluding your training farming products from import tariffs, except in the event that those imports go above the average import levels for 2022 in 2023, which just happen to be the same levels that we're responsible for sparking the you farmers protest in the 1st place that we've seen on or all over the block for months. so kind of a dodgy great job on behalf of the people who maintain the plan car for those you for any in farming products. and that great job didn't even apply it to all of that you training, right. and it was supposed to go to see the world's for, but somehow i ended up just getting dumped into your instead and be around. just we're going to apply to certain very specific ukrainian farming products, the suspension of import duties and quotas on ukrainian exports to the european union will be extended for another year. the you is there by delivering, once again on its commitment to support ukraine for as long as it takes. in
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addition, an emergency break applies to eggs, poultry, sugar oats, mays growth, and honey, which will be automatically triggered it's important volumes reach the average yearly imports. recorded between 1st was july 2021 and 31st december 2023. so this move came into demand of poland in particular and whose farmers bore the brunt of the ukrainian import tsunami. being right on the border, also france where things were getting so out of hand that president emanuel mack, who walked into the paris international agricultural fare. and ended up leaving an angry farmer as well. right at cops opened fire with tear gas on cows weren't totally innocence, except well for maybe their climate destroying, flatulence and dedication. so the basically sold out their own farmer is to give you train a lifeline. but the thing about lifelines is that you don't let the drowning do cling to you if he's just going to pull you down with him. kind of basic life guarding one a one rule there, which is what?
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yeah, wasted, absolutely no time in trying to do these new measures have only been in force since june 6th, and already cube has noticed a trigger. the tariff, so i think they're clueless or reckless. take a peck, but hey, come on in. it sounds like a great time to formally approve negotiations to integrate ukraine into the you. so it doesn't have the terrace at all, which is exactly what the blocks leadership just to get on friday. voting to efficiently start those talks, even as cube was busy, openly acting and sounding like a total economic fastcase in public. you and i have repeatedly heard from the finance minister and the defense minister that there was an under funding of military needs in the budget. this under funding amounts to hundreds of billions are free from yes, this is a very large amount of money that cannot be raised by simply removing the shadow economy. because those resources are already being used. we have exceeded the
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budgets, but it is not enough for the career needs. we are waiting for an opinion from the cabinet ministers on how to cover these expenses. considering that the situation is quite serious, we expect their proposals in the near future. i am not ready to say what those proposals will be, but i understand that they will be quite radical. great sounds like more miles to feed for european tax stairs and what better way to help out then for you frame one of the perennial black sheep of the global correction index to promote the need to raise money for reconstruction in the middle of a war. so people can pay to build stuff that just gets blown out, i guess. and also looks like they need to reconstruct the 20000000000 all or decimals that they've dug. because repayments on that are coming due this summer . and there's a lot of international bonds in play there. it's kind of like that movie inception
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except with that, that section. as we approach the deadline, we must urge our bondholders to continue productive in good faith negotiations with more substantial debt relief to be reflected in their proposals. in line with the i m f parameters and ukraine's current macro financial situation, it seems like you frames predators from washington to france, germany and the rest of the 22 nation parish club need to keep this rate going. so they can crank out enough weapons for the russians to blow up in ukraine to make back in military industrial complex revenues. what they've been handing over to key f. oh, but it gets even better. you tack stairs and entire european countries were already going into debt for you frame. so why don't europe and bags join them to clean? ursula announced earlier this month in berlin that european banks would be able to get quote, budget support totaling $1400000000.00 euros from the european tax stares when they
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invest in equity funds active in ukraine, so that the risks are removed and by risk of being removed, she means transferred to the european tax there, who's also on the hook for another 1900000000 euros 40 a from the ukraine facility fund. they used to have a habit of calling those bottomless standing pits piece facilities. but since piece is nowhere in sight, just some rebranding was needed to avoid reminding tax stairs of their very poor return on investment in crossing the china now where 47 people had been killed as deadly flocks of lawn slide. select the nation south authorities, one of the extreme weather is set to move across other parts of the country in the coming days. this for 3rd shows be off the math for the reading power. and so for task lobbying residential areas,
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local media outlets reported that over 170000 people had been effected. and over 600 homes were damaged or destroyed. over $10000.00 people had been evacuated from the areas and thousands of room. ready were closed after being washed out. 6 talking trade. now with keep piece of the jigsaw that is the international north south transport card that has slotted into place this week. to ron's open the new real line which will connect russia iran in india and allow them to trade goods much faster and considerably lower cost. ultimately, the trade card is set to move goods and from india. iran is that by john and russia via road rio and c, one decided the route begins are the indian port of mom, buy from bad goods, can be delivered to the iranian, and ports and the patient golf and then transported by real to russia via as i by
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john or shipped across the cost be and see with all the details here is are to use use of july. the march separated for rash task me away away in nor the water was finally inaugurated on thursday. in the process of there was caretaker presidents, how much more fair and high ranking officials from russia and azerbaijan, the 37 kilometer away away lines connecting the caspian sea. and the soviet wrong through the country is re weighed net worth of projects more see significant milestone for regional phrase representing the final piece of the new trade routes known as the north south us ford, florida. this for caesar transits have establishes a vital link between eastern europe, russia, india, and the 1st nations. it was most the ones that won't have to enter this trade route in the wake of restrictions face and the global shipping green a as
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a result of western sanctions. so the i n s d c is why we seen by both sides as an alternative trade networks and bypasses the challenges of sanctions. this one and therefore remains immune to for an intervention. it also offers a more cost effective, efficient alternative for the source canals, which is now closer washing shipment and search are safe for transportation awards from india to wash off this quarter will be approximately 30 percent cheaper. 40 percent faster than the competing route to this wes canals fuel cell florida or comprises multiple modes of transportation including ships, railways and rolls. it was initially launched in 2000. i mean, initiative over there on russia and the extent of this raise to 11 additional countries, including church here as r, y john g commercial. and also offers significant benefits from various functions. all countries,
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such as car tower or mountain to wage the way and saudi arabia starting over 7200 kilometers. this multi modal trade routes comprises 3 main sections originating from russia, rushing through the caspian sea as one of his eastern and western shores to reach it was november 4th, 1st thing it wrong. why i swear we did work in the countries southern ford, including a boss and charlotte har before reaching to be enforced rush. i mean, the, i've been collaborating to expand the infrastructure of v i n s d c to facilitate seamless trade along this for t. j transit fast. and the reason for you invested $370000000.00 to enhance. it was all she saw before. the southern tip of the northern side of the corridor
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infrastructure of air was cast, reinforce, which seems to me worse, improvement or finest, highlights the swift evolution. sure thing. juvenile dynamics. sugars refer to the emerging commercial link ads. the news road, the eastern hemisphere to replace the western dominated trade networks. now the fall through all the indian platform things start up sanji via she vash. believe that the new trade cargo will have to political as well as and cannot think benefits. this is off on great significance, so not sized cargo is coming up with things that show and india, the trend between the restaurant and the a much clearer the now was this kid who before, it has a massive viewpoint that goes significant because what it does is it brings from level by greece and economy is much closer because relies markets that are iris markets around around because they don't and,
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and then we have this large mining uh bag we have uh places which are cleared into sources and different markets. so that's gonna be, can, can reimburse to diet trade. so it's not brewed a seamless and rely on life in the close off what china and you knew has done from germany to, to uh, things on. know if we had a similar in seamless integrated network that's connecting with this much, much faster you can reach from i'm, i would say right from my mind screen one way is the i live in the line in less than 8 days and to the middle east now more than 20 people were killed and another $45.00 wounded in the strike and sovereign, gaza where displaced, palestinians had been sheltering. and that's according to the red cross of the age group, condemned the attack saying that because many terry in the area had been clearly
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marked and known to both sides of the conflict of firing so dangerously close to humana, terry and structures of whose locations the parties to the conflict are aware and which are clearly marked with the red cross emblem, puts the lives of civilians and red cross staff at risk. we decry these incidents that put the lives of humanitarians and civilians ad risk. the palestinian health ministry. 725 people died and the incident and the have miles is accused is ready forces of conducting the attack. but the idea is denied involvement of the incident in the town of milwaukee was just one of a number of attacks on refugee areas in gaza. earlier this month, more than $270.00 palestinians were reported to. busy and then these ready raid, all the news, arrived refugee camp at washington's role and then use the roger offensive has come
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on the scrutiny. as these rallies reported, the use to us build the dock to conduct the attack. while the americans have denied direct involvement in the bloodshed, they are providing the middle east and the ally with the military aid us officials of even admitted that the weapons might have been used to commit the war tribes. so you're just saying that we don't know if is really for set committed war crimes in the or not. but you said we don't know, i would go a bit further and say that we said in the we all know the definitive answer to it. but the same 20 reports that it's reasonable to of to conclude that they may have given this year number of incidents. but we need to finish these processes to have definitive answers to the question. in your view is coming to $170.00 for palestinians, including many children, unacceptable. price to pay for the freeing of full is earnings. like i said, i, i don't, this is what you want a clear answer. you want to make up. you want to make this black is the rest of it
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it's. it's an unacceptable price, but i think it's a price that has to be paid. now we spoke with the odd nimrod political science professor. he is convinced that the us is complicit in the war crimes in gaza. yeah, yeah. marriage, and i've seen, you know, it was right in the state in america. it's. busy so the issue was and they were. busy they are probably be the american of us. we was one little somehow is always where our support if the administration in the united states, one that just wants to stop the story. busy buying, you know, forcing the search, the generals type there, and you guys continue and shop even if the price for the tv as far as it would cost. the 1st thing in this case,
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price is the same time of the finance distribution, or who will you give me? i'm trying to send because we somehow today. so a property of the word, but uh, do you see that most of their soldiers is that correct? uh, damage, but it is the 31st that's the only thing they have is the only bags. ready and billions and confines so i don't see 10 or 15 of those decision years because from their point of view, from the very beginning of your work the they do one nice. the nice thing is,


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