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tv   News  RT  June 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, the russian defense ministry reports advances on the front lines in, you prayed, about striking the countries energy infrastructure. cut off the key of poll says, hit an electrical substation in place to the south, but all set to that. how the kid is set to feed, prioritizing the retard of captured near non the flight test from a 1000 per days for regular minutes. the tasks and i'll probably stay with the weight team to go get. we are almost you, are you familiar of us or lose experience? we understand that our country doesn't want to take us, but to be honest, we try to lie to ourselves. but in reality, it is what it is. and just talk to
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a lot of my parents and state visit to fed, nom us rushes to annoy, proclaiming relations up to then as with the nation, the palo, you're watching audience, national, coming to live from the russian capital, as always is very good to have you but not smoking. well, it's telling us of the south russian forces have launched a series of overnight strikes the games to ukraine, targeting energy infrastructure as well as i munition on drone installs, long range and c launched weapons we used and what was said to be a response to repeated attacks on russia's energy facilities that keeps poll, says head, so electrical substation in the city of another dog. with this approach that you can a path con, concepts in your largest is situated for full safety operation of,
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of the ponds infrastructure was disrupted church to strike the irish sky all the night. that all has now been in the store to forwarding to the mayor, is that part of the city have to be left without? how are you? we are at the right to get a substation which was a tax my and to be drugs yesterday. as a result, one of the transformers was damaged as a result of this terrorist attack. parts of the city was left without electricity. and recent updates from the defense ministry, most coast troops all set to have made gains in the dumbass ends of prussia regions . while a canadian slide to send it to homage call has been destroyed. the 1st law solve such a vehicle for you, prayed during the war and you have the another d said such and stuff in ukrainian soldiers so rented in the past week, we had from some of them. but just to know a may is be seen on to dress for
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these you whitney into the war for now these over instead of a totally firing pins, they pull on judge bellows. we won't read tons to meet with detain, do canyon tubes. no one we spoke to regretted the decision to surrender. oh yeah. i knew it was. i wouldn't be standing here. i could have been buried somewhere in the ground between the view resident to your parents the to solve. and yes, i wrote to them to congratulate them even send a video in 2023 more than 6 in the hall, 1000 to credit in tubes. who's, who so rented a car and to the pain in russia. moscow doesn't classify them as prisoners of war. now the ukraine, russia has declared war on each of us. officially, they are temporary detainees, 7, the less for the full,
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the ukrainian representatives, the red cross sometimes come to check and make sure they're being treated well. the actually, it's become infected. what happened? did you hit something? there was shrapnel there. they go to that in 2022. so it isn't clear why it's going bad again. this is the result of old trap. no one's which is interesting and the one he's getting better. so he only comes in every other day before, do you get less has to be small but would show up. yes, i go full, it is in 2 years. so i send a letter and get a reply 6 months later, that's how long it takes to get. i don't know, that's just for me, my wife, my mother in my system or the officer. the 1st lesson might be density to gain
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weight. i had t as in my eyes, they say men don't cry, but it turns out they do. security is tight. authorities take precautions against potentially euclidean publications, even attacks, gods in detainees alike a well protected. they also had time to get used to each other. they come from all over some surrender didn't marry you both in boston, most embody and i know most for the grudge such as seattle gate to above who desires to see his 6 children. even if it means becoming a russian citizen, they just sent me the email. i have unpleasant news. you will name has been on prisoner exchange. please send the landscape as administration for 26 months over the course of your name and who will be other guys they don't want to exchange you soon to this in the case,
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i would probably prefer to stay. you get a rush if possible and stay here. if it was possible. what about your family? i think my family would come join me. they see what's happening, know that i don't think anyone could accuse me of anything. and many of us are losing spirits. we understand that our country doesn't want to take us back to be honest, we tried to lie to ourselves, but in reality, it is what it is. ukraine has predominantly exchange nationalists will probably proof all thought of those who just a few years ago. even the wes classified as extreme is such as, as of the, tell me how do you feel, knowing that your own country doesn't want you back? because what do i feel like i feel wrecked? it's painful. i lived in my country, i pay taxes. i was honest, my fault for it and the in my country doesn't want to take me back for reasons i do
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not understand. please man, regular troops expend above have little cause for hope. especially now, given the latest changes, do you want to be exchanged? yes, ma'am. i families in t if of course i want to be exchanged, it's used to be the officer and exchange. you would be to mobilize. now when you create in parliament and the landscape of cost along, which means also you were ton, you do back to the front lines and have you solve that good law force. the point of fighting alongside those who have bands and you way back when any person with us can. why fight for those who use? do you like kind of for the what do you tell them that you're done? and they tell you to go charge of bullets. who are most of these men have seen from blood and come back the full drug that they have
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little appetite smith, who are you willing to go back to the trenches store? i am not just honestly, i don't understand. i will do everything to avoid it. yeah, sure. i am a religious man. i trust in god's plants who do not believe any official in ukraine gets to decide whether i or any one of us lives. i believe in god issue that used to be that say, i don't and waited. now, they only ways coalesce, jump in years, and i would like to call them out governments to end this conflict. so they can sit down and negotiate. and of course, bear us in mind because we hear and russian soldiers are also prisoners and ukraine . we will have families, mother assistance. we will need to go home more, i guess the oxy within the country is carney helping to um ukraine there. all those hoping for peace as well demonstrate to strict history, it's close to the john usaa base of ramstein in germany. a waived pac calls
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criticising nato, includes the peace talks with russia. they also denounced the continuing supply people aid to ukraine. this year alone, invalid has provided 7000000000, yours watts of military assistance. germany's also recently given care of the green light to use the donated almost to strike deep inside russian territory. despite civilians ending up often in the firing line, we hard for me head of the job and peace council. they're organized protests and he spoke about how more and more people oppose balance policies. a steeple is vicki long. the, i think the german government will soon have to revisit its policy towards russia and policy of supporting ukraine. we have a long way to go. since the very beginning we conducted rallies for peace and called for rallies with many organizations. it developed gradually in the beginning because the government tried hard to split the peace movement. the government
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successfully use propaganda to convince people that they can end the war sooner by supplying weapons. now the idea that this is a wrong policy, and that the war cannot in sooner with supplying arms, is gradually come into the people. and then the most important thing is that we shouldn't take the side of ukraine. we can see that most of germany's population is against this war. and at the end of the day, against the support, you will take a little bit more time and means a longer way to go. because propaganda is, of course, very strong in germany. and this war, as we already know, is at the end of the day and natal conflict and ukraine's abuse against russia. one of the case chief political trouble makers is on to it again, right. such as eating big had knife of fraud has started up something of a hornet's nest by suggesting that nato is to blame for provoking russia in twits was with you quite. and i stood up in the earth impala month in 2040. and i said, i like quotes that will be
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a war in you cried. have we taken leave of all senses, do we actually want to have a. busy with pacing, because if we do, we're certainly going about it the right way. we directly entire edge, the uprising of the ukraine that led to the toppling all the president. yeah. like a bitch. i'm not let a pulse into divided man who's in reacting on the model of the story is if you put the russian bag with a stick, don't be surprised when you were yes. why do i say that? it was obvious to me, but the ever east with expansion nights i and the european union was giving this man a reason to his russian people to say that coming for us again and to go to war. we provide this war is i get it. of course it's his fault, he's use what we provide you the invasion to try and very interestingly, once again, 10 years ago when i predict that there's the way i'm the only person in british
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politics that predicted what would happen. so ross has faced a back class at high minus his comments mainly from his opponents in the upcoming general. and next, what do you said was completely wrong and only plays into patients hands, and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for breast and security for all just comments about russia and ukraine all disgraceful. however, despite the criticism coming from the case to biggest policies on the prime minister themselves as he does, the vote is like what that harry farces relatively young reform. a u. k policy is actually polling high in sud. place is even projected to steal seats from the routing conservatives in the july election, which is for a bit of biography. fraud, says the carnita and co founder of the reform hue k policy. he has been labeled the face of your skepticism and thought to you that the campaign. so the you case withdrawal from the you. we have from john rocks and electra and politics and
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history. he believes or fires the opponents of smearing him, to make sure knows you passes the main stream, echo che, and you realize that these people, at what, at least i assume that they have not even heard this argument before. do they also blanket that they have not even considered whether or not uh, uh, the west and a policy of expansion of nato in the european union. much of take your role in all of this. and that is extremely dangerous. i think that it's possible that british people have a better understanding on the other hand, in the media world and in politics. uh there is absolutely only one view allowed apart from a radical distance like george galloway. so whether he's done this because he has his finger on the pulse, or whether he simply reply to a question,
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because you see the interview on friday, it was one of those. gotcha interviews. that's what so british journalists do, they, they, they, they think they're incredibly cover and they, they put things into the conversation, which they think the 1st interview is not expecting. and i suspect that's what nick robinson was doing. he was dragging up a tweet from 2022 and 16. i'll get charge on this one. that's what they do all the time. they're not interested in debate that just interest and try to catch these people out. so with a federal judge brought this up because he thinks that that's how the british people think of whether he was simply asked the question and, and replied to it. i don't know, he hasn't really made. i can't say that he's made a big issue of the ukraine more um, in this campaign. so i suspect it's probably the latter vladimir putin feet in vietnam, badly had a chance to go cold before. it was immediately filled by us state department
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official, promptly proclaiming washington's relations with henry have never been best. the only vietnam can decide how best to safe guard sovereignty in advance its interest . we continue to believe that the us vietnam partnership has never been stronger. all that confidence could be based on the fact the vietnam, elevated washington to comprehensive strategic partner states as last year, 5 bought no new deals way during this late there's, there's something that's johnson stock controls to a lot of my pollutants trip, which sol, 15 agreements reached and that's not, of course, forgot america's history with annoying, which still costs the shadow today to what's the us record on that was regard to be. so obviously we have were involved in a conflict in vietnam many years ago, ancient history. and we're glad to see the spots. so a, we mean we are i,
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we're live during it. yeah. or maybe the others approved for, but i, i but it's not ancient. it's not agent. i wasn't, i wasn't trying to insult you, man. to be watched. uh, i mean we're, we're in the early 19 sixty's, i was actually went in to vietnam. it is, and i, and, and, and stayed there until 1975. so aware of the long historical record between our 2 countries and in the year sense you're seeing of ron reconciliation. okay, what are the mean time between our 2 people when you say that you want the russians to respect the un charter as it relates to vietnam and lot of speaking with respect . so you create with respect well, or to the anywhere? yeah, um, as it relates to vietnam, you don't exactly as the best record. so uh right. as usual, i'm not going to litigate the full history of americans. the foreign policy from
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the podium, especially as the representative and administration that has been charged for in charge for 3 and a half years. and i think i'll leave that around to 60000. americans died during that ancient history, the vietnam, which ended less than 50 years ago. while the death toll of vietnamese people stands in the millions and the exact number of little crimes committed by the us army against them is difficult to calculate. what is just to remind you of that doc chapter in history. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready the
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well, that's plus i've now steve gail, radio host and political commentator. steve, it is always a pleasure to see your face on all of our we might come sort of last thing. i mean, not have to ask you. hold on putin's hills. he obviously was received very well, not just in the dpi. okay, but will said vietnam. i mean, what do you make that nobody's american officials not even letting the dust set so before they try and replace a. and i think that fortunately, the, the approach to vietnam was almost to get a check mark and the bar exit. okay, we did that took care of that. let's move on and do the follow up with the
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transactions the deals that it should have followed on the heels of, of those meetings. brussard goes in and they not only can check the bar, say we're going to work together when they produce actual economic deals. now vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies, one of the fastest growing manufacturing bases in the, in the asian region. and the us should be big paying a lot more attention to it. again, i think we're, we're walking behind, but others take the lead and in the us these to be more aggressive. not only there africa and south america, we need to get back to the, to the business of doing business and, and back away maybe from, you know, in still in still a conflict in some places like ukraine and funding that war. i mean, it's interesting because from what you're saying, it sounds that you think it was more kind of p all stone than anything that was actually going to bring any fruit. and what's interesting is that we have been us some positive to japan saying the purchase visit to north korea and vietnam has
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made washington's was fishes coming to life. i mean, what kind of fish he talking about? well, 1st of all, the reason you're seeing these movements between russia and india, russia, and, and, and the dog in, in south america, in africa, between russia and china, we have pushed russia to folks that have been our adversaries, not necessarily our interviews, but certainly economic and political adversaries, we have pushed russia in that direction and now washington is promoting the steps that the rest is taking to take advantage of those opportunities when when americans backed off and we pushed russia into the arms of these so called adversaries. and in some cases, i guess with north korea actual enemies, your thought the i've said for a while, but my problem with the state department and to some extent are other international folk experts. is it? these are mainly academics. they haven't spent time in the trenches,
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in business or involvement in these countries. they simply understand them from a book standpoint. and it is kind of like somebody that studies become a sutra for decades and written papers about it, maybe got a ph, d, but they never actually have sex with anybody. these people go in and think they can do business internationally. and they've never actually done any business. i mean, you talked about the trenches, i mean, obviously i am just not much for it as well, but in kind of more natural sense. we did head matthew made out that way. thing off, the questions regarding the vietnam rule, i mean dentist and the scale of human law smart just obviously the means, but also just from a pure american perspective, i'm not even going to get into oglesby you had talked to. i mean, what's your reaction to what i mean? i paused me perceived is quite a dismissive attitude towards the very blog page in history as well. and i'm not
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going to excuse the tragedy in the car, the expense, but one of the reasons the numbers are so high with respect to the database is that they run both sides of that conflict is kind of like the american civil war. the death toll is extremely high because both sides were americans, both the eyes for via the beast, but you can't just count the recent history and how we overcome that. the fact that americans are welcome to do business in vietnam. the fact that it is a very good trading partner growing as a trading partner and a and the allies of it's, it's again fundamental that the state department wants to just kind of dismiss the past too easily, rather than build on the present. and looking to the future, and i think there are huge opportunities for america and americans in vietnam. but we got to take advantage of that and we've got to do more than just talk about it and do more than have a photo long. i mean is interesting because i was also listening to um, rob, but uh, kennedy junior and he was at one point he said that the vietnam will change the
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global perspective of the moral need to ship of the united states. i mean, how far to agree with that kind of comment? i think i fortunately the dog as i look at it from historical perspective, was a precursor to how we have handled our, our allies. we've, we've abandoned them too often. we, we leave these conflicts in disarray as we've done in afghanistan, as we've done it in interact as, as we continue to see time and time again the, the, the worst brand. so many of our friends is america, whether we don't stick with them or, or whether we as we leave, leave them to the enemies that are there to, to didn't carry on. we saw that in cambodia. we saw that in the wake of the vietnam conflict. and again, that's kind of been the, the for shadowing of what we seen in american foreign policy and military policy ever since. was always, we really appreciate having you on program and getting your thoughts and all of us . oh steve, go raise your host on political commentator, thanks very much to ex,
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ask a key piece of the tech soul that is the international north south transport. pardon, was locked into place this week, tyrone safe and a new rail line which will connect russia, iran and india, and allow them to trade goods, not just much faster, but also a considerably lower cost. but ultimately, the trade car to a set to move goods to and from india, iran, as by john and russia, multiply road but also rail and see one side of the route begins at the indian port of money by from that it's can be delivered to a range in ports in the persian gulf and then transported by rail to russia file as a by john, which is shipped across the caspian sea with more details his all to is use of july, a launch anticipated rash task being way away in northern water was finally inaugurated on thursday in the process of the wrong caretaker presidents.
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well, how much more square and high ranking officials from russia and azerbaijan, the 37 kilometer way away line serves as a whole show length, connecting the caspian sea for the persian gulf, and the solace over the wrong through the country is re weighed networks of projects next, a significant milestone for regional afraid representing the final piece of the pivotal new trade routes known as the north south transport corridor. this strategic transit tap establishes a vital link between eastern europe was shot india and the persian gulf nations. so it was both, most the ones that won't have the turn to this trade route and the waco restrictions face and the global shipping green a as a result of western sanctions. so the i n s. pc is why we seen by both sides as an alternative trade networks as bypasses the challenges of sanctions as it passes to a wrong and therefore remains in you and to for an intervention. it also offers
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a more cost effective and efficient alternative to the so as canals, which is now closed door washing shipments. nurture for the transportation of goods from india to wash off to this quarter will be approximately 30 percent cheaper and 40 percent faster than the competing route through this. so as canals north south corridor or comprises multiple modes of transportation including ships, railways, and rose that was initially launched in 2000. i mean, initiative over there on the washington area. since then, it has expanded its ways to 11 additional countries, including surprise band church here as our by john. and so jake has done commercial and also offers significant benefits for various persian gulf countries, such as kit tower or man to wage the way and solve the way the scanning over 7200 kilometers the smoky model. trade routes comprises relays sections originating from
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russia, searching through the caspian sea, as long as its eastern and western shores to reach. it was northern forests traversing it wrong. why i swear we have work and terminating other countries, southern ports including button that our boss and shop a har before reaching indian ports around rush i in india have been collaborating to expand the infrastructure of the i n s d c. to facilitate seamless trade along this for to check transit fast and here we simply invested $370000000.00 to enhance it was sol or fee on the 4th of shaw the heart of the southern trip of the routes on the northern side of the corridor washer has also been working with a one through a real big infrastructure of eros, caspian fords, which continuous improvement itself in us can see for, for, for highlights the swift evolution of global trade routes. and then shifting geo political dynamics. and observers refer to the emerging commercial link as the news
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sales road of the eastern hemisphere. so to replace the western dominated trade networks. now let's look at some, using brief, from around the world, starting in has like stone, where a massive fire insult the 26th story, residential apartment tower in the nation's capital asked or not of the place has now been puts out, bought audio smoke. you can see what seemed filtering out destruct. chuck will socrates for bolted and nothing about all the paperwork, punctuated no, say todd of cheese. and the cause has not yet team to thomas 12 hopes that are before the end to china. web 47 people have been killed. destiny plots of land slides swept through the nation. south authorities won't extreme whether it's set to move across all the parts of the country in the coming days. this footage shows the optima of the ranges, horace, sledging residential areas. the media houses are full today of a 170000 people get affected for the 600100. besides
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a damaged or destroyed funding and is right in the city and has shopped at his vehicle buying on the government in the west find the splits, it shows his vehicle set a place off to the shooting is where the forces have blocked the entrance to the city of car. yeah, i launched a mind haunted his pavement administrator, his tools reported to the media that it appeared to be a tara that is all signing off the sophomore on those as boys of send to besides, i don't know, talk, you know, come and have a good the the
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in 1960, the americans launched the huge bill with the operation documents. most of the of the reading.


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