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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, the russian president vladimir put in trouble. it's an old korea and vietnam during his age and full size. and even biological ties and cooperation with p only on handling and critical process will need the breakfast, participation done in the rest. the absence of the lesson for the reason fulton country is refused to sign off on a final declaration from the city. we're creating peace summit in switzerland with boston dorothea of the protective bank. the german authorities say the terrace group. i says katie uses new queen isaac transit points. been you around 27000 people in germany. i suspected the logical portal is,
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is long according to this thing. couple rocks, the hello and welcome to all t into a nice little cost and we live for most of today we're looking at the top story, the sink, the week. i'm literally just news headlines, although, so a lot of input has visited the d p. okay. and for the 1st time in 24 years, receiving a warm welcome by its lead, a team dillman in the national capital film young. the
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visits into the deep, okay, resulted in a new strategic partnership between moscow. i'm feeling young, both sides sighing. they mutual defense pipes, supposing to support each other if is a task team. dillman has insisted that their agreements accelerate the creation of a new multiple world rolled up by the president stated that russell does not exclude the owner of the people peroration with the neighboring c p. okay, a piano young young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability and show a national security and protected southern passivity due to the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today. also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document.
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i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, f. 16 aircraft, and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory in disregard. the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the documents signed today, people are sure this powerful agreement between the dpi, okay, and voss. so he's nothing more than the document until a constructive forward looking exclusively peaceful and defensive nature designed to protect and defend the basic interest of the people. so the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi pull, the world's free from the rule of head, germany and violence relations between all countries have risen to a new high level of large relations, a legal basis has been laid with the help of which it has become possible to put
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them on the grandiose plan, the leadership of 2 states, and all peoples to reliably protect peace and security of the region and the wells, and build strong states in accordance with the common interest of the dpr, k and russia. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century the vladimir potent, the russian president, has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with him, john was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr, k and all the different spears, including culture and education, economics and science. but the main one of course is as we recently heard that of a military cooperation and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west sanctions. and this common western, this coming position in relation to western regression is one of the main points in which the dpr, k and russia are looking to unite and fight against. i'm not sure if the entries
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consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple world or both russia and north korea pursue independent and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and take time. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions. and restriction, these are legitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool. the west is a custom to using to maintain its had gemini in politics, economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different spheres of cooperation. the russian present mentioned economics. the fact that in
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2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now, a 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well as such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other country. and, and earlier i was able to take some uh, videos of what was going on there. i was in the press features right in the middle of the action that i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young young. so let's take a listen. but as you can see behind me, tens of thousands of people from the dpr say, has gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir pool mccain,
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john the victor. karen, well, come on to milton square in the center. just come to an end that the people of the
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democratic republic of korea have organized for this visit. russian president vladimir. there's thousands of them on the square around $15000.00, all happy to war. warmly welcome, the russian president here in po 9, were driving at 2 different location now and so many people from the streets. we've been saying this whole time as any crowd of people down the road for kilometers and kilometers. here to welcome the russian validation and vladimir from here, i mean by aren't even getting tired of waving so much. but is it just only i was a follow by a trip to the vision the means capsule have only for the 2 days to visit the discussions into the the full range of the issue, the russian of it. and then me for to partnership this year. also marks the 30th time of the 3 would treat t on the foundation of for me. what are the ations between the 2 countries. right
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now he's capital is decorated with russian fives lining the streets. expectations were high as but new agreements would be signed experience for the ticket to relation between the countries. here's what we heard from somebody who in how do i am? i'm very happy that the leader of the republic of vietnam, invited, present, put in to visit the country to discuss cooperation. you have a nice people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2 countries will grow day by day so that we move, we love russians, people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported the country for many years. we're grateful to russian people and president, 14, as well. now, in a tense world situation like this, russia in vietnam should strengthen the relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace. there are certain presidents, ramon king driven m b to
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a conference, right? the top his trip, these images off from his visit the vietnam more than 10 documents left and signed at the end for the state visit to that. and i'm including a statement on the team put in the comprehensive strategic partnership of full of it. and them is definitely defense. the so told off to you that the russian president's visit should be put simply charge them by that. so relation to the uh, okay, them go to vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit the president put in, it will reach a new level industry gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped vietnam and to resist new boys against france and especially against the united
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states and in the cutting period, vietnam is very interested in a new technology, a brochure that is for drone, an electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy auxilary, and all the equipment for the army, vietnam and the russian federation are all members of the i. c and block has a very important meeting. that is, it conveys the message the vietnam is a bridge between countries and the region. and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region as a develop world wide piece. the ones i need the planning and piece somebody to sort of been has ended in failure with another pilot refusing to agreeing to the presented good communication was convinced which is close ties to rush. i objected to the absurdity of moscow not be invited to negotiations. now only $78.00 out of the 19 to the states in attendance.
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so i need to submit this by move back to reason error. i couldn't do it and refused to do so at the very last moment. a total of 14 countries both seem from the global south included south africa, revealed india and saudi arabia did not agree to sign the document. now let's take a look at the community k itself, which the so called peace summits came up with by the end of 2 days of talks about little don't coolant coal fold. the resolution of disputes to peaceful means. yes. at the same time, washington approved more than $1500000000.00 in murphy agencies. the committee k also cool for rent dialogue between policies, though not all but disciplines were on board with a for new declaration. here's what i have for my indian ambassador to russia. pop, i'm couple of said good,
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let me can all of you on the those options acceptable to both parties can lead to a binding piece? in line with this approach, we have decided to avoid association with the joint communicate or any other document emerging from the summit. they didn't need to hold this conference in order to make any fresh initiative, which would be acceptable to the international community. the whole purpose was to get on board to the global major global south countries, which is why the sweet spot in minnesota travel to india. uh, the uh, the farm and as of you can travel to india and so uh, did everything possible to uh, to uh, make sure that we attended. so we do the big uh, the real magic set back that these countries having attended the conference in good faith and, and expecting that the final communicate would be much more status and would take
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into consideration some of the basic needs of the situation, which is that any east, triple village would be acceptable to both sites. they simply cannot be initiated by one side and present it to the other side. that's something you have to accept. which is the reason why in india, as it said, very clearly in a state one that we cannot be a body to the joint communicate some of the but this one. so let's see that's a sign of community k waste questions about the summit process. and in particular, besides that, russia was excluded on the negotiations. a lock i use around these tables because we want to support every piece initiates body. it is necessary to have old stakeholders involved in the process. and here it is a central to emphasize that any credible process will need russia's participation. gonna request the absence of the russian federation and the people's republic of
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china. at this, we saw many people there being more resolve oriented. if the other cross you to the conflict, the restaurant plus present in the room, a bunch of countries were invited but flat out even refused to make the trip a sense. it seemed like a long way to go, i guess, to basically just hang out. the setting of the switch form is not the freeform to discuss path for peace between russia and ukraine. its conclusions are already predetermined. i suspend my trip to the medium in switzerland, and i ask you up to discuss the ways to cease the war and not to extend it. it was an opportunity for western countries that have been using the conflict and ukraine as a pretext to wash tax their cash into making weapons at home that particularly benefit military, industrial, complex profiteers and shareholders to for 10 for the folks at home that they're really just doing it all 4 piece representatives of $92.00 countries attended this
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ukraine peace summit organized price with the officials at the request of you for any president, bly, mayor zalinski, notably the global south, refused to sign the summit file declaration, which really didn't have much in it. beyond buzz words about ukrainian territorial integrity and committing to hanging out again soon and talking about peace again by the way, kosovo, and israel both did sign the declaration you think they might not want to go there when it comes to issues of territorial integrity, they might just want it back around the room, but no, the communicate also noted that piece, quote, requires dialogue between all parties. that's nice. do all part is also include russia, yet 2 members of the global community are fighting and you team up with just one have done deliberately flew the other and think that you're actually going to get anywhere besides maybe further up your own back sides. you frame reacted to the final declaration saying that it was quote, balance, and that all of its positions were taking into account. yeah,
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balance in the sense that they just acted as to nar, refers all these countries for ukraine's demands. then they merely alluded to the fact that there's a whole other sides of the conflict being russia. yeah, that's super balanced. it's not like russian president vladimir putin didn't literally layout russia's own peace proposal. the day before this summit, which the by administration dismissed out. right. because having to actually have ro, real piece would be tough, probably that's a hard thing to do. and it would also really apply that their big virtue signaling show and switch. and then it didn't take long after the crumbs offer was back handed for it spokesman to weigh in with a reality check. i just did ask that every time poor and speaks of peace initiatives. and when attempts are made to enter the political diplomatic channel. and there are certain conditions on the ground because each time they get worse for ukraine, united because the current dynamics of the situation at the front clearly demonstrates
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to us that it will only get worse for ukrainians. but probably a politician who puts the interest of the mother land above his own and even above his master's. i'm, but would think about such a proposal. let's see what happens. i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum. here. this is precisely a peaceful initiative which, which is made taking into account the realities on the ground. one put in does not reject anything. he does not reject the possibility of negotiations. oh, come on now. why actually hammer out real peace when you can just be pretending to meet about peace. so basically, a bunch of western leaders got off at this meeting, italian prime ministers, yours and maloney served up some philosophically abstract word salad about peace, not being confused with the concept of taking control german chancellor. all actual said the persians, idea of you prayed, abandoning the 4 provinces that rushing out planes along with its native land.
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visions was just meant to take attention away from the conference that shots himself get out early and build french president evaluating back home, said that more countries should be involved in peace meetings like this. just talk russia, i guess us president joe biden didn't even make fee of that. but vice president cromwell harris was there to say how much you pray means to him, president biden. and my support for the people of ukraine is unwavering. we support your claim not out of charity, but because the people of ukraine and their future is in our strategic interest, just apparently not as much of a quote, strategic interest as a hollywood fundraiser with obama and a bunch of celebrities which is where biding was instead of being in attendance at this particular joke or rodeo us joe biden chose to fill out all the summer tires. instead visit to the fundraising event in hollywood
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for his re election campaign that was on the list of buttons does still needing to be pulled off stage by one of his previous services. for reco bama, we discussed the p some. it was done coverage, senior edits over the issue inside publication, who unlike biden, was at the summit in switzerland. it's on some to some delegates and told us that they expressed king lee yet another in plain centric a bench. while their own national interest being down played i was able to interact with a good number of the delegations that different levels and also interact with some of the journalists covering the event. and from the delegation perspective, you can raise you there. i think overall most were kind place looking at the performance,
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the statements that they read over the 2 days basically were written in advance and there were no changing of minds. and the delegations basically said that, you know, we, we know we're not going to change any minds. this is an event, it's a spectacle, it's to, it's designed to show solidarity in unit indemnity, etc. but there was also vice president, a, an exhaustion part of it, which is fine. you know, how much of this do we have to continue to go through? and every meetings, g 7, g, 20, nato, you, in general assembly, your, which all zalinski, ukraine's zalinski ukraine and there is a 15. and that's, i think if there's one word that describes what i heard most from delegations is they're tired. and also, there is
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a resentment that the russia, ukraine war is absorbing so much oxygen when they have the shoes or with respect to their own countries that they feel are being pushed downward on the list or ignored because of the rush or you create a more v i says k terrace group was installed for a new roof using u. k. as a gateway that's according to the chief over jimmy's federal office for the constitutional protection. if it still states it does act on tuesday, i mean now reportedly called as molden, 27000 radical follow up with a visit representing potential security threats. all the guys do unravels the complex web, blinking the tara group to us. samson's a warning. you may find some of the following images disturbing of the crocus
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city who masika non most schools outskirts was a travesty. live on to the laws of civilians, men, women, children. it rattled russia to the cool. the, the terrorists lead. immediately. they would track cuz they hated for you grade then what detained a me a, i was drive from the buddha, even as the ruins of crooked city who smoked it with many of the victims buried under the rubble of the united states. rush to assure the world was who isis
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k? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens, the literally saw dr. harriers had liberated virtually 100 percent
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of prices interact and syria. you don't hear that from this except that isn't what sizes k believes they blame the defeats and syria on russia officially claiming the most goose intervention change the close of the war for years. terrorists, be the obsessed with revenge on russia, in rods and publications, and posts that it is believed that the united states has supported them in the hatred of russia. i personally believe that nato, the united states and western intelligence, were aware of this attack and at dunham, the evidence is that the united states off the citizens to avoid crowded places and gatherings in moscow and its suburbs. hold up all i've had, the syria has personal experience regularly. i suffices with stage attacks and mastic is that um with the west and weapons and foreign west and
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supplied shelves. and i munition emulation, which they never seem to run out of the taliban who bowed with eyes. this k for years holds the same opinion except on say, with k, it is a proven fact. they are being supported and financed by the western powers. they were used as a proxy to engage the taliban in a war. they wanted chaos and couple to divert the tell a bands, attention from reforms and peace. there are a plethora of reasons why many countries in southwest asia hold the same view. they began with mysterious american helicopter flights to ices, k control territory in move and they've got a strong isis. k 5 has sponsored with american weapons, despite the fact that it was the tally by. let's seize those weapons from the app.
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gotten on me, is it collapse? i'm dollars found the isis recruiter has lots of dollars. we draw attention to the continuing evidence of, if not direct, then in direct links between americans and isis. we're talking about a recent statement by the taliban. about a targeted raid by american special forces to capture one of the taliban prisons in the asking province of bi guess which contained isis militants captured in northern afghanistan in august 2018. all these persons were taken away by special forces in an unknown direction. according to some reports, citizens of russia and central asian states could be among them. such an interest in isis suggests that the united states, by taking such action was trying to prevent a leak of information that the mentioned isis militants could have reported about their real sponsors. ever since america's withdrew from a guy that started in 2021, i says k,
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his dramatically changed the targets have become almost exclusively organizations in countries which the united states doesn't like. brazen suicide, the tax memorial to and the radius general 100 dead. an attack on a hotel, popular with chinese workers and the tie could the chinese delegation bombings, targeting the policy of form of packet style, the prime minister in but on con, who the united states viewed with distaste and countless of times targeting the tyler bond. the tyler bond, uh absolutely sure about who backs these terrorist function and echo what is it? we engage them in all provinces and destroyed their safe havens, but they were still hiding. and some provincial capitals, protected by the us and nato. these evil forces were protecting ices. to use them
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for their nefarious designs. when our army was fighting isis, several us helicopters landed and deployed the terrorists when there was fighting between our forces and isis in july le bod. and we had almost finished our job. you was, aircraft appeared in the sky and bombed our soldiers. the idea that the united states has supported ad see tyler by elements. even isis k is gain regional attraction, certainly refined in the last 2 years. i escaped has moved from hopkins. see if he has to hydrogen, i don't know how they did that or who brought them in a holiday emerging. and apparently there seemed to be really well financed, well organized. and we are also seeing that this deep destabilization is they are not focusing on risk them targets. they are focusing on the reach of
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muslim countries or countries like china and russia. we have seen the equipment and focused on security forces have captured some of the, the government. and most of it is a medical equipment left behind by the americans when they withdrew from a politeness on, on the 15th of august 2021. so it's strange that though it girlfriend was lifted enough when it's done and it cooper noise in the hands of phaedrus, who had attacking the country's. i don't the finest on the ice is k, as today. seems very different to the carousel of 2021 back then they went off to everyone. the the, we would then i just came news states last attack on the american troops. and indeed the american interest.


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