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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the breaking news, this our care on the beaches. 3 people are killed including 2 children after you create a tax, the premier and for the semester people using us supplied long range, myself, packed with left the munitions, a barrage against a raj. ask the breakfast ticket had fall location, plains, maita is to blame for provoking rush. i agree with you, trey, that he says he's only speaking the truth and protesting the protest as can you try to shift the blame onto external forces for mass demonstrations that
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have been go off the country that the locals fees over rising taxes impacts us on the i am at the leading people astray. the boxes administration launches out the media for posting what a bronze cheap fate about the us president trying to make a big deal then to the that this is all the international reaching you live from my new center with moscow . i have my you called port chat with the updates that we start with breaking news . this our had a training and a tap on the prime in port us of us topple has left 3 civilians dead, including 22 children. more than a 100 people, including $27.00 youngs does also winded. as a muscle on the cost of munitions exploded over the city of the russian defense ministries as
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a keeps forces use us supplied weapons in the strike. the responsibility for a deliberate missile strike against civilians instead of stobel, 1st and foremost, lies with washington which supplied such weapons to ukraine and the key of regime from whose territory the strike was launched. now for more than all of us have joined us to do about our t as roman casara for more inside the room. and it's good to have you join me now. now it's just a few hours from this attack at this stage. what do we know? well, at this point, the latest news is that a day of a morning had been declared to integrate me. i because 3 people, including 2 children, were killed and a 124. his latest figures were wounded. now some of the people are in critical condition, 27 kids were going to 5 of those kids are in critical condition. so as these days progress, the number of victims that might change. so are the doctors at the moment working
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non stop in crime here to help those people who were wounded, that according to the local officials, they have all of the necessary medication. they have bloods, they have enough staff on hand to help all these people now as to what happens now. according to the defense ministry, they work 5 ballistic at cms. rockets over crimea for those uh, one kits were shot down. however, one rocket deviated from the flight plan and exploded mid air over some estoppel, and it's a cluster, sabine supp, munitions fell from from the sky onto the city also of a stable and that's why we had so many casualties and displays. now some self fragments landed simple on the beach near the beach in nearby forest was set on fire. nearby apartment building was setting fire. now it is a sunday. it is well the weekend. plus it's a religious holiday, all over russia to date, holiday a whole infinity. so obviously
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a lot of people during this attack and of course everybody had phones and some people began right away to post it and social media. and so this is what it looks like. let's take a look at the whole a very moving horrible picture. they're really horrible. i must say the people on the beach enjoying their day off enjoying this holiday. and all of a sudden it starts reading death from the sky. very difficult. well, for the ministry spokes, woman marie is a car of a, she called vis you creating an attack against civilians. well, original murder or a ritual killing. meanwhile, local governor called it as sneak attack against civilians. and so well, i suggest, let's take a look at this. and so what it says, the car law and the governor said,
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i am absolutely sure the timing of such terror attacks by zalinski building and become regular. this time was not chosen by chance. it's trinity sunday and we understand what's inside of the key of regime a deep hatred to anything linked to russia and russian culture. today on trinity sunday, we have suffered a great grief the enemy hit isn't a sneaky way at the moment when civilians were either going back from work or going to the coast with their children. it's 9 attacks against civilians is always an exact well, etc. so to ask if you will. and so the russian investigative committee have already launched the criminal inquiry into this case on charges of terrorism. so in the coming days, weeks and months bill finds out who was in charge, who was responsible for launching these a missiles against dividend populations on this wish. the space suddenly attack on civilians anywhere in the world is condemned and they should be condemned as well. not the fund that the russian defense ministry has said that the us supplied,
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i've talked to dismissal, was used for this. now, can you take us through that detail? well, the level of american involvement in this case is yet unclear, but we can talk about everything that surrounds that the, this events before the attack. now we do know that the us have imposed restrictions on the attackers, ballistic miss out for, for use on the territory of a russian. now we also know that's got on sunday morning and american net recognizance drones of all the global hawk. it's pretty famous with all about it. well, it entered the area of crimea around uh, 9 o'clock in the morning was over the black seat. and uh, that sack against a snowball against crimea was executed while the american drone was still in the area. in the 3rd story of, of the black sea near crimea. now we also know that according to an associated
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press article act, i believe it came out just a days ago in ukraine insist on lifting the american head restrictions on the use of long range missiles on a russian territory. well, earlier this year to you of us somewhat succeeded in receiving permission to strike a russian the territory from the european leaders and said, well let's take a look at houses that i'm folder too long not long ago as the subject. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked within the several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few them both come belong to
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them both and stuff. we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions since the green is can fight the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation donuts. and i'm like the associated press article. it's quoting you, creating commanders has said that without the ability to use a long range missiles to attacks or gets inside the russian territory, the hands of the pre no commanders are pretty much outside. uh well, the article of the associated press does not say what decision the americans have amazing in regards to lifting the restrictions. however, knowing the fact that's all flight emissions for the american. that's atkins that miss files are answered by the american specialist using american intelligence from the us satellite system as well. it's kind of hard not to point to who is to blame for this slate,
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this tragedy in cry. me are. so given all of this information that we have, i believe our viewers can both made or make up their own decision as to who's to blame. in this case. of course, everything is obvious out there, but talk to us basically this old commons. i made a rush in advance is on the front lines, dr. watson. basically, what is the ministry of defense saying about that? well, in, in that regard to the ministry of defense have already said all the details as to what happened. it was an attack against civilians, but the russian defense ministry are holding print, press briefings on a daily basis and their most recent one on sunday decides information on what happened in crimea. they said that the russian defense ministry launched a group strike using using high precision weapons, and they have actually destroyed a trading site of flights and the technical personnel of air forces of ukraine. now
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the russian defense ministry also said that the last 24 hours more than 9 hundreds of ukrainian soldiers had been uh, killed in action. and also a russian ministry. a reporting that they encountered destroyed multiple native supplied weapons to ukraine over the last 24 hours. and if we were to, we'll point them out. we'll at least $75.00 unmanned aerial view of vehicles. 33 a. hi, maurice rock is so we should be made in america as well, which has been used as a lot as well by iris t anti aircraft ms. all system launcher and the for so plenty of british and american made home it service and other needs was supplied weapons as well. had been destroyed, of last 24 hours. well we, if we still have a lot of them part of the pipe to pump, put better out there and maybe more would join them. thank you so much. we have to leave here now. uh,
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remind go start with thanks for bringing us up to speed here. right news just reaching is now the god of crimea says that the death toll from the ukrainian attack on the beach has risen to 5, including 3 children. be a tankless carried out by the us, made 80 comes meso will. secondly, bring you details more as we get them now has been the for the thought of the british political establishment for he is now the breakfast, cheer leading figurehead. nazzo for raj is i think again, his claim nature is to blame for provoking russia into its war with your trade. and having roused the roof of the media meets with his comments. the reform u. k. part the need is double down these words. i don't blame me for telling the truth about previous war in ukraine. the west errors in ukraine have been catastrophic. there was no easy solution to the war,
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but facing up to the truth about the causes and consequences must be a start. that is why i simply want to tell it as it is, and have done for a decade. those slanders who claim the telling the truth makes me a mouthpiece for prudence, only revealed the weakness of their own case. not the prices of mine. anyone who knows them. uh and i, i do some was uh a nose. he's a very pragmatic, he's a good speaker, and he has no problem. courtney conference back a controversy. he's happy if you like to stick his ground and dig his heels in a little bit, and he's doing that at the moment. and this all comes into context. remember, off a u. k. general election. and it's a general election where the governing party originally soon faces complete a devastation if we listen to the pulse liquid. so for the biggest, the feet in living memory, certainly even back as far as 19 o 5, they could lose dozens and dozens of seats. i think the majority that they had asked this of a listen to some of the criticisms of knowledge of raj as
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a position and we'd take from there what. what do you said was completely wrong and only plays into putin's hands? and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for personal security for all just comments about russia and ukraine, all disgraceful the predictable outrage from the establishment that the leader of the labor party there and the leader of the government right now we see through not very, very energetic supporters of ukraine, and i think what the reality is, is that an a for i just connected with the british public on the reality around you fight on many other farm part policy. s groups, if you like, that the british are following the american lead in europe. i need to ukraine and on fire. and what, let's listen to the actual statements from arise to actually lead to this spot. and i feel like i stood up new jersey impala, and in 2014, i said, i quotes that will be a war in you cried. have we taken leave of all senses? do we actually want to have a war with pacing?
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because if we do with lee coming about it the right way, we directly encouraged the uprising in the ukraine that led to the toppling all the president. the other guy, which i bought, lot of calls into a divided man who's in reacting on the model of the story, is if you put the russian band with a stick, don't be surprised when he reacts. why do i say that? it was obvious to me would be ever east with expansion, nato. and the european union was giving this man a reason to his russian people to say that coming for us again and to go to war. we provide this war. i get it. of course, it's his fault, he's use what we provide you the invasion to try. and very interestingly, once again, 10 years ago, what i predicted is the way i'm the only person in british politics that predicted what would happen. so the seems to be very common sense objective views and analysis. you're headed by many analysts and myself include many observers and many
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more people now around the world that in europe. and we see this is the european election spring. more people have connecting with knowledge of roger's view. maybe that's why it's such a for us to be established with a view. all of the things that he says do make sense, but who is nozzle for us? i mean, you and i know who is off view as may not, i mean wants his reputation. like as a politician, is this, the only comment is that he's made it just the, any controversy that's really easy to sponsor lena people's types in here? well, for us is, as i said, a from point a rock on to our he's a great speaker and he's been around for quite some time since the 1990 since 1990 . he's been a very big euro sceptic into u. k. and the british have traditionally been quite skeptical to the european product. the less that after all, and slash, of course, was at central to the us a departure from the european union. he led the u ship u. k, independence party f pete for
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a period. he was in the european parliament where he continually was this stone and issue for the establishment, challenging that corruption any point about some very, very valid points as well. so you can see, this is really the reality of, of why right now as the british election comes as the project. you train, it gets uh, worse and worth the slow motion car crush. that's a great point. that's really what it's all about. you know? yeah. so it interesting, um, you know, there's a flaws in a recent optical shade talks about all the mistakes the western powers are, may think in terms a little bit about. but yeah, i mean, no to french, has continually held up to the british on american foreign policy record, which for anybody who could read anyone who understands this, the can see this catalogue of interventions, this intervention list attitude to foreign policy. he's discuss, maybe he's discussed the rack syria, and he's a skeptic of that. and also he's also
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a very prominent influence in the united states and the my guess comp it with president from present to him as asked him to appear at various events. and he's been a champion for the phone and he's also needing to make britain great, a grant again movement. a part of that is saying, look, we don't need these forever wars. he's basically pointing to the fact that some of this, we have witness vanity taking the place of reason and foreign policy. and the result has been to destabilize a series of countries with dire effects both there and here. we should recall how around the same time as tensions with russia were being ramped up. us president obama and his secretary of state hillary clinton, with the full support of david cameron's tory government reduced libya to a smoking room. and in order to remove the dictator good off fee. so you know, this common sense approach, fact based approach. and i think the viewers should understand in the bigger picture the why the picture as to why now,
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why certainly with the british press on the 2 big political parties into you gave me so interested in like a for i just s view pointing to position on ukraine on british american foreign policy. you sell these of you since the 1992 spoken about them again and again. it wasn't convenient for the british press and the establishment media to highlight that it seems to be now in an effort to undermine his growing popularity in the u. k. as you k reform party looks to challenge the conservative, i could take up to 10 seats in the election. so it's important that people understand what the motivations may be in the british press right now to certainly start talking about nigel for i just added you to the forever war. we've heard something from a british ambassador and proud, but he says for us, opening the debate between arrival parties and the u. k. over support. the train that no one had dad to talk about you know, people actually, you know,
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want to know tend to view points and flaws his unique. so the point is that he's always offers no offensive. the point from the states as close as much fulton policies in london. so. so i think you can make to devise a month is kind of find based if you liked. i think that can any, be a good thing for him because of the name is very, very different scale sense of the boys knowing what's happening in the claim for the price and for the fiscal policies. the reason there's been a big accident is the nice thing is that you know, to bite. and then count general election campaign between the 2 main policies as the labor policy, essentially policy about ukraine and the war business. bizarre kind of blank sides in which they don't even talk about the billions of pounds. if you k text based money and then be pumped into ukraine every, it's as simple as i'm going well, you know, with a piece of wood clearly before august. the 4th best hopes inside you. his comments have been seized upon by the toys by the labor of coffee by the mainstream press, was up. so, you know, i've been device about whether the case,
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the device thing and the to the on him. because he's saying, actually he's still see a debate in circumstances where there is no debating u. k, a by u k phone policy, you know, ukraine. and i think there him doing that is actually a positive post assigned that democracy is starting to by kind of to have an election and the over the can get now while got been spokesperson has tried to deflect blame for a so just mass protests that they've erupt that in east africans est over a high gain taxes. how about he could not decide who exactly to point the finger on russia for the war, the drain, or the west, which locked the country into a deck trap. with all the details. here was ortiz, no, we'll come gay. the big events, the rocking kenya, the government of william o toe, some say, is the faithful servant of washington. the if and the royal bank is attempting to solve punitive texas down the throats off of the masses. and this has reaped an
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explosion of the youth which has so i did the streets of every major town and city in kenya, but now government spokesperson isaac model that has come out with confusing statements where he is accusing foreign powers of a sponsoring j, a z protest against the fine is below the different parts of the country, according to most of those sponsoring the protest. i'm happy with the router is the recent stand on the international stage, pointing out to the recent remarks at the ukraine p summit, which to quote on russia to stop it. secretion, a gaze ukraine, as one of the reasons before empowers were finding the demonstrations at the same time. what were allege is that some foreign power was not happy with those efforts to enter the light is on the us store lot. as the main current seats for international trade, it seems like kenya is trying to find something with someone to blame. and this is not the 1st time the government has used to blame. rochelle called to ignore the
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outcry 6 people. and this whole blaming thing is, so is fielding, the whole program, which is a government misses the package in finance board 2024, which represents an onslaught days the pauper's method of getting you a new debt to being taken onto pitbulls did at even a higher interest rate and with the i am if and the whole bank is stepping in with loans to help. i'm kidding, every page create it is. and they come with one condition attached to that the dates are repaid by introducing these mess of tech fights on ordinary kidney is and following the i miss instructions, kenyon, paul, them and comfortable with. what's this fine is full and now with also leaders in the individual political parties, large crowds the see to the road in the cities of the slogans was seeing the slate such hatred with the routing kick at the head of the country with 12 crowds reading slow to my school, but the mass is also
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a way that kenya is key to the strategic interest of us control. and that's been need is emilia being instructed by the i m if and that's why some of these prop costs are written, kenya is not to the i am. if lab reps, the no good on russia has been opted by the protesters instead, the flow cuz we're seeing reflect the feeling that this is more than just a protest movement. especially with those top cards, calling for the rejection of the fine is full 20 to the full and full who to n b. i may have to go because even the spokesperson himself admits that maybe they
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shouldn't have loaned that much. look at the de dollarization. if the taller strong effects or economy negatively, he president routes so. so we find new finance infrastructure internationally. that makes it extremely difficult to pay those loans. that is why we are in a tough trap. we take 48 percent of what we collect and pay those people. they would not want us to get out of that slavery. but president who to and being tie administration has shown clearly their determination to plow ahead. would be fun in school, trinity before, without even thinking of the ordinary citizens. now let's head to the us now, when we said weeks, he's been seen the freezing on stage of a fund raiser. apparently wandering off at the g. several photo call and getting lost mid sentence. i did locked, less locked in, but just 5 months before america goes to the polls and the by the administration is
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insisting that there's nothing wrong with the guy at fox. the claims if there's a cheap fig videos that is giving the wrong impression, that's what they say. the audience steve sweeney picks up the story from here. we've all seen the footage of us president joe biden, a file oxygen evian, whose gas and blonde is on the wells stage, have made him a lot of things stalk closer and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the, you know, last. so, you know, so long as you know, i, but now the white house has hit barked st. videos of paving to show the bottom freezing or wondering what for his own, how being manipulated to undermine him. ahead of november's presidential election. washington has an even cooling, didn't you? phrase for the footage, cheap sites there seems to be a rash the make for them here. especially for now or
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use. i'm wondering it the way i was especially yeah, we and i think you all of called is the cheap fix video and that's exactly what they are. they are cheap fix video, and they are done in bad faith. even the bodies provide in american media cannot keep quiet about it any more. for instance, throughout his tenure, the wall street journal has been c as pro biden, and is held in high regard by the white house. puts a recent article, questioning the president's mental capacity has placed that relationship on the strike. yeah, complete and utter editorial failed by the wall street journal makes you wonder who they're taking orders from. ultimately, how the president performs in high profile moments like the debates will be exponentially more impactful than some clips circulating on tip top. the middle outlets are so desperate to distract from the president's record that they just lie
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. here they use an artificially narrow frame to hide from view as that he just saw a sky diving demonstration. he's saying congratulations to one of the divers. i'm giving a thumbs up. the white house isn't such a title, spain that senior deputy press secretary under bikes alone has posted about the so called cheat fight videos more than 60 times in the past week. not the only is that when you phrase cheek fight, but washington is so worried about the impact of the videos. they've set up a new task force a by an official says that social media platforms on media around this must show the responsibility. vote is does of accurate information to inform the choice this november. and all campaigns will be vigilant and cooling out the slice when we see them. we have media organizations and others with influential platforms follow all lead. some have made that makes it a little effort and not the gold x. full many noticed twitter has posted community
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notes on the embarrassing video. is it by then saying the footage has been cropped, will come to notes. let's take a look at some of the items gas over the past week or 2. the is not just the white house, the is seeking to reassure the public over the c one year old president's ability to serve in the country's top job even by didn't himself, was claimed that he's mentally fit in a bizarre response. which here is to say, he could take a group of journalists, i can do it better than anybody. you know, you're looking at me, i can take you to watch me look, they may have president that's golfing as much down as i've gotten done in my 1st 3 and a half years. but his mental state continues to come under quite screwed to be earlier
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this year. special counsel robot who is report concluded off the fight and was accused of leaking confidential information to go straight to that he was a well meaning. elderly mom with a pool memory on that full security thing him would be on warranted. it would be difficult to convince the jury that they should convict him by that a former president well into his eighty's of a serious felony. the requires a mental state of wilfulness. so was the race of the white house. hate sought both sides of throwing everything. i'm the kitchen sink at their respective campaigns, the dams for that part of trying to ensure the former president donald trump is locked up in jail. well, part of himself seems to be pressing the self destruct button, paving a file and capable of mentally incapacitated the videos seem to tell their own story, but shape fight. so notes you decide. and before we go, a reminder of a breaking news. why the god of cry me assess of the desk told from the ukrainian
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attack on the beach has risen to the 5, including 3 children of the attack was carried out by the us made on comes nestle. now russia says that the washington be, is responsibility for the strike. i will bring to you updates and more details as be on the folder now to the audio companies where you can get more details at the store res, what follows? let's see you again at the bottom. the


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