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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the breaking news, this al serra, on the beatrice. 5 people are killed including 3 children after you create a tax, the cry b as portal. so best of both using us, supplied long, great vessels packed with boston, munitions. a lot to move within the head south, how the road, how the tour of asia pulling in on the vietnam and striking a mutual defense agreement. this young yeah. lots to be on the west of protesting the protest as carrier twice to shift the blame onto external forces from last demonstrations up in golf to the country. that's a local fees over rising taxes and the price of the on the i am at the,
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at a $6.00 p. m. in moscow. welcome to the latest news of data in arch international i a mike of point you. now we start with breaking news. this our had a ukrainian attack on the crime in port sylvester. apple has left 5 civilians dead including 3 children more than a 100 people, including thousands youngsters. also, when did as a muscle on this talk to munition exploded over the city of the russian defense ministries. as kias forces used us applied weapons and dislike the responsibility for a deliberate missile strike against civilians instead of stobel. first and foremost lies with washington, which supplied such weapons to ukraine and the key of regime from whose territory the strike was launched. according to the defense ministry, there were 5 but a sick attack him. so rockets over crime in 4 of those rockets were shot down,
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however, one rocket visas from the flight plan and exploded mid air over some estoppel. and it's a cluster sabine supp munition, so fell from from this guy onto the city also of estoppel. and that's why we had so many casualties in this place now. also missile fragments land example on the beach near the beach in nearby forest was set on fire. nearby apartment building was 7 fire. now it is a sunday. it is well the weekend, plus it's a religious holiday, all of a rush to today. oh the trinity. so obviously a lot of people during this attack and of course everybody had phones and some people began right away to post it in social media. and this is what looks like the people on the beach enjoying their day off enjoying this holiday and all of
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a sudden it starts reading this from this guy very difficult. well, for the ministry spokes, woman marie is a car of a. she called this you trade in which i can get pretty of the original murder or a ritual getting. meanwhile, local government or gold, it is sneak attack against civilians. i am absolutely sure the timing of such terror attacks by zalinski though they have become regular. this time was not chosen by chance. it's trinity sunday, and we understand what's inside of the key, every theme, a deep hatred to anything linked to russia and russian culture. today on trinity sunday, we have suffered a great grief. the enemy hit is in a sneaky way at the moment when civilians were either going back from work or going to the coast with their children and attack against civilians is always and attacked uh for a terrorist attack if you will. and so the russian investigative committee have already launched the criminal inquiry into this case on charges of terrorism. so in
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the coming days, weeks and months bill finds out who was in charge, who was responsible for launching these a missiles against civilian populations on this wish. the space, the russian defense ministry has said that the us supplied, i've talked to dismissal, was used for this. now can you take us through that detail? the level of american involvement in this case is yet unclear, but we can talk about everything that surrounds it's a vis events before the attack. now we do know that the us have imposed restrictions on the attack of the ballistic missile to for use on the territory of russia. now we also know that's on sunday morning and american recognizance drawing well, the global hawk, it's pretty famous. we know about it. well, it answered the area of crimea around uh, 9 o'clock in the morning was over the black seat. and uh, that sac again,
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service stobel against crimea was executed while the american drone was still in the area in the 3rd story of the black sea near crimea. now we also know that according to an associated press article i, i believe it came out just to days ago. ukraine insist on lifting the american. it restrictions on the use of long range missiles on a russian territory. well, earlier this year, a key of a somewhat succeeded in receiving permission to strike a russian that's there. it's already from the european leaders looking to invest exact. and although we're seeing exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically the military sites from which you crane is attacked. the several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory,
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but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few bolts couple don't get them because of always weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions trainings can fight the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. the associated press article, it's quoting you, creating commanders who said that without the ability to use a long range missile us to attacks or gets inside the russian territory. the hands of the criminal commanders are pretty much outside. uh well, the article does not say what decision the americans have amazing in regards to the list and the restrictions. however, knowing the fact that the old flight missions for the american that's atkins, that miss files are answered by the american specialist using american intelligence from the us satellite system as well. it's kind of hard not to point to who is to blame for this late this tragedy in crimea, russian defense ministry launched
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a group strike using using high precision weapons. and they have actually destroyed a trading site of flights and the technical personnel of air forces of ukraine. now, the russian defense ministry also said that the last 24 hours more than $900.00, that you create new soldiers had been killed in action. and also a russian ministry reporting that they encountered the fords um multiple native supplied weapons to ukraine over the last 24 hours. and if we were to for point them out, we'll see at least 75 unmanned aerial vehicles. vehicles. 33 high morris rockets, which had been made in america as well, which has been used as a lot as well by iris d n. c aircraft missile system launcher. and of course, the plenty of british and american made of it service and other needs was
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supplied weapons as well, had been destroyed of last 24 hours. now form a pentagon, the secuity list of market models believe that today is the top means the water is only heading in one direction and that's further escalation. a cluster weapons are just outrages and, and it is stain in this case because it was named over a civilian population. there was no, there was no military target, a visible that does that seem to be the case. and i think that this is going to raise the anti i was just on the escalate matters. this not only us weapons news i had against civilian populations which violated the us restriction on the use of all of us weapons russian territory. but the, and in front of you today is russian territory as a factor that's,
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that's clear that but, but just because united states and ukraine don't recognize it, that doesn't mean it isn't a fax, but it is, it is a fact. now washer washington's only permitted limited strikes in russian border areas, but some european countries have green lift. it strikes much deeper into russia. does that only increase the chances of such incidents as today happening again? no question about it. clearly what, what's, what's happening in inside the weeks when it goes deeper into russia, they're getting mostly of apartments in front of mind that you've had on their spend minute as a documented like the number of videos showing that the targets were ultimately survey in apartment buildings these were not military targets, so there's of the station that has to be made. you're gonna have a conflict and, and you've got to restrict it to the,
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to the military targets. but this is clearly now being expanded to include the civilians and especially people out on the beach and whatever it is not right i, i clearly fight that whenever i say now russia is going to perhaps consider in any country that sends their weapons, they are going to be subject to reprisals themselves. not the notorious, neo nazi crazy. and as of the gate is once again in the spotlight has the units well now directly receives us weapons in training, which had been prohibited earlier that the us state department set, the weapon shipments would now go forward. after the little review of this law refers to provisions prohibiting the us from providing military assistance to foreign groups that i've been implicated in, quote, gross validations of human rights. 5 at washington has apparently filed the
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loophole, stating that the eyes of the gate as a new unit, separate from the old as of battalion. and the prohibits and does not apply the spot the lift looked at them at the unit posted last december. that america was already sending weapons its way. now for more on the story lights across live to alexander michael vix, head all day. so we're all based the dude i like that is good to have you drive me now. evidently what a difference every branding it can make about, even if the unit has new and not the roots, they're still guessing weapons pump in from the state. well, what are your thoughts on how washington is turning? what seems to be a blind eye? i think that's it's not unusual for washington to arm nazis and i think we even don't have to go back to the old days of opperation claudio in europe,
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where they basically ops new, fastest militias in order to fight the us as our in the case of the pots, cold war too, but we can also, um, looks back of course, to guess where they actually arms. not only are those spots also other fashions delicious, like type pieces and others. and of course, the united states have from a long history of arming extremes, groups all around the world, as long as they fits the cheer political agenda. so, arming as often as just the logical consequence off on us foreign policy, which also with that which actually wants to do every he knows prime only in order to photo the ideological aim. soft washington to wall street. and of course of this um, springs new brand of liberalism,
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which is not accepting any ideological low to political opposition at all. now there has been some evidence provided by the group itself that the us supplied them with weapons even before the so called law review. so why does washington even jump through the legal loophole if he was already supporting them anyway? well, i think at least some people in washington have bad thoughts about breaking their own ideological boundaries. because of course, insights the us itself, the us government, despite thing, at least the slaves through 5 being um, every form of extremism of racism, etc. and when those are least thoughts to officially arm the races, been fast as groups outside of the united states. of course, go through some quotes, the past lights on the politics of deep by them administration,
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but not as set before the united states. so doing things like that anyway. but i think that's the mazda as being at least some pressure on done to stop this policies. um, since they are suddenly changing the branding of the house of battalion. but of course, this doesn't change the fact that as of still all fashion that they are still national socialists, especially since they are the same. so they are themselves on planning steps they are showing themselves with swastika, goes with was the annual symbols and other image or re, um, reminiscent of the so it dried and of course the, or somehow trying to continue with the and so i rushed and policies of the for drugs not only and all of us, but now in the whole east of ukraine, and even it was on boarder regence of russia. so i don't think that's through us actually 10 whitewash as of but of course they are trying in order to say face me.
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now, stanford university has removed the as of the gate from its government funded list of extremist organizations with some sources indicating that key of pressure at the university to do that. now, is this part of controlling the narrative for political purposes? of course, this is part of controlling the political narrative and we know from history that us intelligence and us who diversity are closely aligned with each other. also, you'll still have to ask yourself road to all these to revise to just get their funds and stuff, or do you have to, as follows, suits, politics is united states. and of course, the united states can make, for example, the proxies like to frame with the official pressure on these universities. so that they are more easily following the directives from washington. but of course,
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we have to offer you a realistic, it's not supreme pressuring american university, but it's actually the united states and the secret service agencies, pressing your train to press your supervisor to in order to change um, the politics regarding extremism. and i think it's also a beautiful example of how close on the one hand welcome this on the, on the, on the, on the other hand, um, this kind of western races ma close to the lines. and this is just another example of the identity between west but impossible. positivism and solving isn't which both kinds tolerates a 2 political suburb and an independent dresser that we have to leave here. now will extend a buckle of x head. all the silver, all based you too. thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you for the invitation right now, the red carpet was road out. fort loudon will put it in feeling again this week
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asked the president and bought the short tour of asia that he was welcomed by the deep yard case leader came jump on the now put it into the visit resulted in the new strategic partnership between moscow and killing yeah, both sides side, the mutual defense pledging to support each other in the face of any aggression keeps humble and sad. exhilarated the move to a multiple world for that. why was that them to put in to say that russia doesn't
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exclude the development of many tree cooperation with its neighbors because is still young has the right to take reasonable measures to strengthen its own defense capability. insure national security and protected sovereignty. the comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this document. i would like to draw your attention to statements by the united states and other nato countries about the supply of high precision, long range weapon systems, f. 16 aircraft, and other high tech weapons and equipment for striking russian territory in disregard. the russian federation does not exclude the development of military technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea. in accordance with the documents signed today, people are showing this powerful agreement between the dpi, okay, involve show, he's nothing more than a document until a constructive forward looking exclusively peaceful and defensive nature designed
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to protect and defend the basic interest of the people. so the 2 countries have no doubt that they will become the driving force accelerates integration of a new multi pull the world free from the rule of had gemini and violence relations between all countries have risen to a new high level of large relations. a legal basis has been laid with the help of which it has become possible seem putting on the 20 s plan of the leadership of 2 states and all peoples to reliably protect peace and security in the region and the wells, and build strong states in accordance with the common interest of the dpr, k and russia. this is the 1st time and nearly a quarter of a century the vladimir potent, the russian president, has touch down in pyongyang. and this meeting that he had with him, john was all about establishing a new, basically a new era of cooperation between russia and the dpr, k and
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a military cooperation. and it has to do with the fact that both countries are in a very similar position with respect to the west sanctions and this common western . this coming position in relation to westman regression is one of the main points in which the dpr, k and russia are looking to unite and fight against not listed on the increase, consistently advocate for the formation of a more just and democratic multiple world or both russia and north korea pursue independent and autonomous foreign policies and reject the language of blackmail and take time. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions. these are legitimate actions only to stabilize the global political and economic system. we will also continue to resist the practice of sanctions as a tool. the west is a custom to using to maintain its had gemini in politics, economics, and other areas. in this context, i would like to note that the indefinite restrictive regime of the un security
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council against north korea inspired by the us and its allies, must be reconsidered. military cooperation was not the only sphere that was covered in these negotiations. this was an agreement that was signed across many different squares of cooperation. the russian president mentioned economics. the fact that in 2023 trade volume between the 2 countries grew to nearly $35000000.00 worth, that's a 9 fold increase from what it was in 2022 and the educational spear that's also expected to grow. the russian president said that right now, 130 students from the dpr k are studying and russian institutions as part of the joint programs between the 2 countries. but that's expected to grow as well as such a grandiose welcome like the one that we received in pyongyang, i have never received ever before in any other country. in 10, earlier i was able to take some uh, videos of what was going on there. i was in the press bleachers right in the middle
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of the action. i was able to get up close and personal with some of the residents of young yang. so let's take a listen. i could see behind the ends of thousands of people from the deep york city has gathered here on the most on square to celebrate this meeting between vladimir putin mccain, john, the
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dignitary. welcome on to middletown square in the centre. just come to an end that the people of the democratic republic of korea have organized for this. russian president vladimir put their 2 thousands of them on the square around 50000, all happy to warm, warm, warm would welcome the russian friends here in po 9 for the event we're driving at 2 different location now so many people from the street. so you've been saying this whole time as any crowd of people down the road. 4 kilometers the kilometers here, to welcome the russian validation in flooding near here, i mean my arms even getting tired of waving so much the after peeling young. the russian president, headed to vietnam discussions very included the full range of issues, a spot of
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a strategic partnership. this year also bots, these 30th anniversary of a treaty on the foundation of friendship and relations between the 2 countries. about flags were flying throughout the capital, noisy to mazda visit. i expect patients with a high that new agreements will be signed expanding cooperation between the countries. a, we got reaction from local the. i'm very happy that the leader of the republic of yep. now invited president put in to visit the country to discuss cooperation. yeah, not nice. people are very welcoming and happy because the 2 countries, vietnam and the russian federation have a very long and strong friendship. i also hope that the ties between the 2 countries will grow day by day. for the most. we love russians, people very much the people of russia very kind. they have supported the country so many years. we're grateful to russian people and president, 14. for now, in
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a tense world situation like this rusher and vietnam should strengthen their relationship because there are many threats to the security and peace. some more than 10 agreements with inc todd, the end of which ends visit to vietnam, including a speak for them further deepening the cool, comprehensive, strategic offers. if you have a form of getting them these deputies defending, administered, told already that the trip in the ladies the ground was greatly enhanced by logic. were relations attempting to man. i'm trying to take them go to vietnam and the russian federation are taking new developments at a higher and more practical level in old areas in politics, culture, trade, science and technology. and i also expect that after the visit of president food and it will reach a new level industry gigi partnership, the comprehensive cooperation between the russian federation and via now historically, vietnam was very interested in russian equipment and weapons that had helped
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vietnam and to desist. new voice against france, and especially against the united states and into cutting periods me and i'm, is very interested in a new technology of russia that is for drew, an electronic welfare as well as other areas such as the air force, navy artillery, and all the equipment for the army, vietnam and the russian federation are all members of the i. c and block has a very important meeting. that is, it conveys the message the vietnam is a bridge between countries and the region. and countries in the world rushing via now will contribute to building trust stability of the region. as you develop world wide bees and over to can you now, what are a governments books? boston has tried to deflect blame for a so just mass protest that'd be wrapped in the east african country over a hike in texas. how about he could not decide who exactly to point the finger at russell for the woman you trade or the west, which lots of the country into
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a dead drop. with all the details here is archie is known to be ok. the big events a rocking kenya as a governmental for them to host some say, is the faithful serve until for washington, the i am if and the will back, is attempting to solve punitive texas down the throats off for the masses. and this has reaped an explosion of the youth which has so i did the streets of every major town and city in kenya. but now government, suppose this an isaac model that has come out with confusing statements where he is accusing foreign powers of sponsoring james the protests against the finance. both the different parts of the country, according to most of those, sponsoring the protest i'm happy with, which was the recent stand on the international stage, pointing out which is the recent remarks at the ukraine. p. submit, which to quote on russia to stop. it's a question, a gaze, ukraine's as one of the reasons before empowers were finding the demonstrations at
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the same time. what we're on a ledge is that some foreign powers. i'm not happy with who to see if it's true in the light is on the us store lot as the main current seats for international trade . it seems that kenya is trying to find something with someone to blame. and this is not the 1st time the government has used the blame rochelle called to get more the outcry for people. and this whole blaming thing is so shielding the whole program, which is a government ms. is a package in finance board 2024, which represents an onslaught days the impoverished messages of k. yeah, a new debt to being taken onto pitbulls did at even higher interest rates. and with the i am if, and the whole bank is stepping in with loans to help. i'm getting a v page created to is and they come with one condition attached that the dates are repaid by introducing these mess of tech side. so unfortunately, kenya is and following the i miss instructions, kenyon, paul, them and comfortable with. with this fine is full and now with also leader in the
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individual political party, large crowds, the c to the road in the cities. the slogans were seeing the slate such hatred with the routing click at the head of the country with 12 cards. reading slow to him, i school for the mass is also a way that kenya is key to the strategic interest of us control. and that to be lead is emilia, being instructed by the i m if and that's why some of these prop costs are written . kenya is not to the, i am, is not brett. the no good on russia has been opted by the protesters instead,
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the flow cuz we're seeing reflect the feeling that this is more than just a protest movement. especially with those top cards, calling for the rejection of define is full 2024. and for who to n b, i may have to go because even the spokesperson himself admits that maybe they shouldn't have loaned that much. look at the de dollarization. if the taller strong effects or economy negatively, he president routes so. so we find new finance infrastructure internationally. that makes it extremely difficult to pay those loans. that is why we are in a death trap. we take 48 percent of what we collect and pay those people. they would not want us to get out of that slavery. but president who to, i'm being, ty administration has so clearly it's their determination to plow ahead with the findings for 2024 without even thinking of the ordinary citizens at the fall would go over a month.


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