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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news, that's how i need to pick police offices of kills along with an adult priest in 2 separate territories in southern russia. the tara on beaches for people are killed, including 2 children off to you, praying the types of the crime and for to the bus stop hold using us applied for a long range missile, packed with scott and says the eyes of k, tara griffith. using ukraine has a transit point in europe. around 27000 people in germany, all suspected to be logical followers of islam supporting tool,
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thoughts. the hello and welcome to watching international well sundays. we do a round up of the big headlines last 7 days, plus with the very latest to we out to you all sorts. and as i was breaking news, coming out of south and russia to separate to terror attacks have left at least 6 police offices dead. along with an adult priest. both incidents happened in the republic of stock of stone. without jesus save sweeney has seen keeping cross a story for us. i mean, steve, we know that this is still developing some things to clear some things a bit more ma to i'm just bringing uh, the updates that we know so far. official. yes. as you've said, this is a developing story, more details all set to in the we do know the account of terrorism operation is
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underway in the russian druggist on region. this is off to 6 police officers and, and all the adults priest were killed and many other wounded in attacks on 2 cities in the bands and time to place on a synagogue and an orthodox churches. hey, where the priest was killed a cool sunday, a very important day. and the russian orthodox calendar is who the trinity die. and we know that the assailants slip the throats of 66 year old father nicole on a particularly gruesome and brutal attack. now the synagogue was on file, so ortiz have said that that place is now under control, depend, of course, holding to a long standing in ancient jewish community within the predominance, the most the most cool cause is region. now the assignments i believe to still be launch. this is one of those counts of tyra operations underway. they a power knee flight in a white volkswagen polo and the law enforcement officers are currently searching
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for the i'm for the assignments with the i'm of neutralizing them in my heart because i we know that i police road check point came under attack at least one police officer was killed in the incident. several others were wounded. and according to reports, 2 of the assignments in my heart's color have been eliminated. now the druggist on governor has an appeal for calm. he said that uh further details of both the incidents will be revealed once investigations have kind of we don't, they work the cover only on the see now. course law enforcement is on incredibly high alert and i was not clear at least stage whether the attacks on both those cities all linked in any way whether they being coordinated. further details will emerge over the course of the evening as we suspect, cause those investigations all carried out. and so far, no group has claimed responsibility for either a top o q correspondence, dc,
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and bring us the very latest on the situation in southern russia. thanks steve. so what a resident dog much color describes the situation on the street off to the attack on the police station. yeah. will show cause issues. i went out like everyone else to stand here. they don't let anyone in that we wanted to go to see it, but the police wouldn't like to say they wouldn't let anyone be on the cold and they used to be gods that every day they went gone, say there was even a police woman guarding the place there was no smoke. oh fire. there was a smell right in the cold yard. we went out because of that because of the smell, as the wiring was burning that so it means we went out to see them. there was a crowd standing here. nobody was allowed any way. nobody was allowed further than this line. while another tragic story today, a ukrainian attack from the crime in port of savannah still pole has left full civilians dead among them. 2 children. more than a 100 people,
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including thousands of youngsters, also wounded as a missile, armed with cluster munitions exploded over the city. the russian defense ministry says keeps full, says use to us, supplied weapons. and the strike the responsibility for a deliberate missile strike against civilians instead of stobel. first and foremost, lies with washington which supplied such weapons to ukraine and the key of regime from whose territory the strike was launched. according to the defense, but it's free. they were 5 ballistic attacking rockets over crimea. 4 of those uh rockets were shot down. however, one rocket the visas from the flight plan and exploded mid air over some estoppel. and it's a cluster subbing sub munitions. so fell from from this guy onto the city also stobel. and that's why we had so many casualties in this place now. so michelle fragments land digital on the beach near the beach in nearby forest was set on fire
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. nearby apartment building was 7 fire. now it is a sunday, it is uh, well the weekend plus its a religious holiday, all of the rest of today all the trinity. so obviously a lot of people during this attack and of course everybody had phones and some people began right away to post it and social media. and so this is what it looks like with the people on the beach enjoying their day off enjoying this holiday. and all of a sudden it starts reading this from this guy very difficult. well, for the ministry spokes, woman marie is a car of a she called vis you creating an attack against civilians. well, it ritual murder or a ritual killing. meanwhile, local government or gold, it is sneak attack against civilians. i am absolutely sure the timing of such terror attacks by zalinski,
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though they have become regular. this time was not chosen by chance. it's trinity sunday and we understand what's inside of the key. every theme, a deep hatred to anything linked to russia and russian culture. today on trinity sunday, we have suffered a great grief. the me hit isn't a sneaky way at the moment when civilians were either going back from work or going to the coast with their children and attack against civilians is always an attack for a terrorist attack if you will. and so the russian investigative committee have already launched the criminal inquiry into this case on charges of terrorism. so in the coming days, weeks and months still finds out who was in charge, who was responsible for launching these a missiles against the bidding populations on this wish. the space, the russian defense ministry has said that the us applied, i've talked to dismissal, was used for this. now can you take us through that detail? the level of american involvement in this case is yet unclear, but we can talk about everything that surrounds it's the vis events before the
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attack. now we do know that the us having posed restrictions on the attackers, a ballistic missiles for, for use on the territory of russia. now, we also know that's on sunday morning and american net recognizance drone. well, the global hawk, it's pretty famous with all about it. well, it entered the area of crimea around uh, 9 o'clock in the morning was over the black seat. and uh, that sack again, civil stobel against crimea was executed while the american drone was still in the area in the 3rd story of, of the black see near crimea. now we also know that according to an associated press article i, i believe it came out just a days ago. ukraine insist on lifting the american head restrictions on the use of long range missiles on the russian territory. well, earlier this year to you,
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of us somewhat succeeded in receiving permission to strike a russian. that's there. it's already from the european leaders, the subject. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically, the military sites from which you crane is attacked within the several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few posts covered on them because of always weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not have any use restrictions through creating as can fight the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. the associated press article, it's quoting you, creating commanders has said that without the ability to use a long range, missiles to attack targets inside the russian territory. the hands of the trade
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know commanders are pretty much side. while the article does not say what decision the americans have amazing in regards to the list and the restrictions. however, knowing the fact that the old flight missions for the american attacking missiles are answered by american specialists using american intelligence from the us satellite system as well. it's kind of hard not to point to who is to blame for this late this tragedy in crime. the russian defense industry launched groups strikes using using high precision weapons, and they have actually destroyed a trading site of flights and the technical personnel of air forces of ukraine. now the russian defense ministry also said that the last 24 hours more than 9 hundreds of ukrainian soldiers that had been killed in action. and also
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a russian ministry reporting that they can destroy the multiple native supplies weapons to ukraine over the last 24 hours. and if we were to, we'll point them out. we'll take 75 unmanned aerial view of vehicles. 33 high morris rockets, which had been made in america as well, which has been used as a lot as well. i receive anti aircraft ms. all system launcher. and of course, the plenty of british and american made how that service and other needs are supplied weapons as well, had been destroyed of last 24 hours. while we heard from the locals who actually witnessed the deadly mishondra tech. everything went up in smoke. people screamed, people shouted that your house is on fire, it's on fine. and from all the neighboring houses, also from the residential complex. could people run with everything they had with 5 need to bottles and 20 to bottles. bucket sail around to extinguish the fun we had
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the rumble were in just under the balcony. i show to the different everyone to stand onto the balcony. and just as the shopper found st. got no one go ahead on the paramedics myself. i work in an ambulance, i run down there to the beach in case all those needed medical health, extra hands, so to speak. with, of course, could be just one of the most popular places of risk, not only for so vast couple residents, but also for guests of the city of what people saw, of course, shot them many immediately rushed to escape the next to the residential buildings on the northern side, the forest burst into flames. that's the pine grove behind me. it became the area on which the cluster munitions fell, which instantly burst into flames, and residents of nearby houses were forced to extinguish it as a matter of urgency. at this stage, no one is allowed them to be much of their sappers and military personnel working there. in addition to the police forensic experts or working the beaches cordoned off public transport is not working and police officers are regulating traffic. but
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one thing a certain sylvester pool has been subjected to a large scale psychological attacks during the entire period of the special military operation. the explosion of the missiles in the summer at the height of the season over the cities. most popular beach, of course speaks volumes, and most importantly, it shows that not only various means of destruction are used by ukraine, but also in humane. one of the public says it's a barbaric way of targeting people with cluster munitions. above all, those who launched the missiles knew perfectly well what they were filled with, and that in case of getting a nation in the air, or in case of veering off, they would hit the nearest objects in any case now, so the hospitals are working to receive the wounded and bags on children's toys remain a little across the beach left behind us, locals a flag. the scene in panic following the tragic requirements, had declared monday a day of morning and the republic. in the meantime, doctor smaller cost crossover arrived to help treat the wounded, including from the capitol itself. we had from
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a mother and child with some nations. it was the most terrifying the loudest people were panicking. q 2 was very scared when the forms in locus to sign independent political research. a greg simon says the united states on is the western partners shared responsibility. if this attack has been polio the bugs, but us and but you guys have been assisting you, brian and targets a russian, a areas civilian and military and decided that this is dawn, say, so that's my beliefs. but as i knocked on the complicit, but that also directly involved the piece of light the target against the motion. you are no longer among the leisure you are a belligerent because you facilitate the military action against them. of a motion like will probably say are the nothing or like will just give
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a vague statement sign your brain as to the right. so the self defense which of course, obviously it was most of the bands, the, it is in a very aspects of the whole, the whole box of a terrorist bags. a dog is a civilian structure. it's for political, a big says the military effects of the b. i says k territory fuse is ukraine as a stepping stone into the heart of europe. that's according to a senior security official in berlin. jeremy now reportedly hub is more than $27000.00 radical photos of islam, representing potential security threats all to use more. i guess the of us be looking at this complex story just to warn you, you may find someone is following images to stopping. the crew is city v masika on most schools, outskirts was a travesty. the wanton slowest of civilian men, women, children,
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rattles russia to the cool the, the terrorists lead immediately. they would track cuz they hated for ukraine and was detained. a me, a, i was drive from the boulder, even as the ruins of crew could city who smelled it. with many of the victims, buried under the rubble of the united states rush to assure the world was who i says k. no, there is no whatsoever any evidence and in fact what we know to be the case is that i c k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happened,
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the literally sort of harriers had liberated virtually 100 percent a vice. is it a rack and syria? you don't hear that from me. except that easy. what's nice is k believe's,
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the blame that defeats and syria on russia officially claiming that most schools intervention change the course of the rule for years? terrorists, be the obsessed with revenge on russia, in rods and publications and posts that it is believed that the united states has supported them in the hatred of russia. i personally believe that nato, the united states in western intelligence, were aware of this attack. and it's done. and the evidence is that the united states off the citizen, to avoid crowd in places and gatherings in moscow in the suburbs. how lat pull up had the syria has personal experience regularly isis fight. stage attacks and mastic is that um with west and weapons and foreign west and supplied shelves. and i munition immunization which they never seem to run out of the taliban,
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who ruled with ices k for years. and then it just holds the same opinion. excellent . so it would k, it is a proven fact. they are being supported and financed by the western powers. they were used as a proxy to engage the taliban and a war. they wanted chaos in kimball to divert the taliban to attention from reforms and peace. there are plenty of reasons why many countries in southwest asia hold the same view. they began with mysterious american helicopter floods to ices, k control territory in moves and they've got a strong isis. k 5 has spotted with american weapons, the spot, the fact that it was the taliban would seize those weapons from the gun on me. is it collapse? i'm dollars from the isis recruiters. lots of thomas. we draw attention to the continuing evidence of, if not direct,
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then in direct links between americans in isis. we're talking about a recent statement by the taliban. about a targeted raid by american special forces to capture one of the taliban prisons in the ask in province of bias, which contained isis militants captured in northern afghanistan in august 2018. all these persons were taken away by special forces in an unknown direction. so according to some reports, citizens of russia and central asian states could be among them. such an interest in isis suggests that the united states, by taking such action was trying to prevent a leak of information that the mentioned isis militants could have reported about their real sponsors. ever since america's withdrew from a guy that started in 2021, i says k, his dramatically changed the targets have become almost exclusively organizations in countries which the united states doesn't like. brazen
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suicide. the tax or the memorial to and the radius general 100 dead. an attack on a hotel, popular with chinese workers. and the tie colored chinese delegation bombings, targeting the policy of form of packet started the prime minister in. but on con, who the united states viewed with distaste and countless attacks targeting the tyler by the tyler bond. uh, absolutely. sure about who backs these terrorists? i'm candidate for what is it we engaged them in all provinces and destroyed their safe havens? they were still hiding in some provincial capitals, protected by the west and tomatoes, and most of these people forces were protecting ices, except as i use them for their nefarious design. while they've been in, when our army was fighting nicest. several us helicopters landed on lloyd the terrorist that's significant when there was fighting between our forces advertisers in july,
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the body and we had it for most of the next hour job was aircraft appeared in the sky and bombed our soldiers. some of the idea with the united states has supported ad to tell about elements even isis kate is gave the regional attraction, certainly refined in the last 2 years. i escaped has moved from hopkins. see it here too hard region. i don't know how they did that or who brought them in a holiday emerging. and apparently there seemed to be really well financed, well organized. and we are also seeing that this deep destabilization is they are not focusing on risk and targets. they're focusing on the reach of muslim countries or countries like china and russia. we have seen the equipment and focused on security forces have captured some of the, the government. and most of it is american equipment are left behind by the
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americans when they withdrew from a plan, a son on the 15th of august 2021. so it strained that the equipment was lifted in the finest on. and a cooper noise in the hands of phaedrus, who had attacking the countries. i don't know if one is the, the isis case of today seems very different to the power sell a 2021. back then, they went off to if we went to the, gave you the new license, key fluid states lost the tax on american troops. and indeed, the american interest, 3 years ago since then, prices k in america's enemy lives seem to have become one and the same cementing
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the regional belief that washington has managed to model and reach the murderous hound, these isis k. for i guess the of all the moscow the torres near not to ukrainian as also brocade is once again in the spotlight as the unit now directly receives us weapons on training. something which would be bind audio with the usa department said that it's partnership with a group now has a green light of to let you know with you how basically refers to provisions prohibiting the us and providing ministry a to far and full says that have been implicated in, quote, gross violations of human rights. however, washington authority has found a loophole stating that fee also for gauges a new unit separate from the old as of the time in. and so the prohibition doesn't apply outside the unit, types of loss to solve the surface. the sign was listed that america was already sending watson's its way out of a small kind of its head with
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a subarus institute highlights the long history of the us all being extreme. i think that's, it's not unusual for washington to arm nuances. and i think we even don't have to go back to the old stay. so for operation, claudio in europe, where they basically ops new, fastest, vicious, in order to fight lose us as our, in the case of, uh, pop's, cold war. but uh we can also um, looks back of course, to guess where they actually arms. not only are those spots also other fashions, alicia's, like type, but the fish and others. and of course, the united states pass along is 3 of our main extremes, groups all around too old, as long as they fits though to your political agenda. so our main us office trust, the logical consequence of u. s. foreign policy,
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which also with that which actually wants to do every, he knows prime only in order to photo the ideological aim, soft or 16. the wall street. and of course of this um, strange new brand of liberalism, which is not accepting any ideological low to political opposition at all. returning to our breaking news, at least 6 police officers have been killed, pos and orthodox priest in 2 separate terror attacks and southern russia. they happens in the republic of jack installed the russian best, which he has launched criminal cases on terra charging, the investigative director, it to russia's investigative committee for the republic. all the tag histone does initiated criminal cases on to optical to a 5 at the russian criminal code terrace tax on the facts of on the tax and the buttons and much cloth, which left police officers and civilians killed and in good eye witness puts it
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shows products taking hold on the crowds on impact and feeds thoughts as the police in the background move in to detain some of the suspect for some more the latest video coming in from social media, the attack on the synagogue and up and has left the building in flames, emergency services, a car, and it almost seems putting out late for let's get the quotes. get a wrap up on the latest. now it's me talk to you, steve sweeney. steve, we seem to be getting a bit more reaction, especially from the committee. just take us to the latest developments as well. yes, this is a developing unfolding story more and more details and now starting to emerge. what
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we do know is that counter terrorism operations, counterterrorism measures all in place in russia is at the guest on region. this is officer, the killing of at least $66.00 police officers and an orthodox priest. these are parks taking place in 2 states. he's one of those being at the ben. this is where the attack on a synagogue and an orthodox church took place. of course, this is where the priest was killed according to the author, warranties, the assailants enter the building as they slip the throats of 66 year old father nicola, it is a particularly gruesome attack. and of course, today is a particularly important day in the russian orthodox calendar. today is hardly trinity at day, as we stay in the images of the synagogue, which caught fire during the attack. that the look forward to the cover, the tackling that plays
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a site like what the situation on the control depend of course, is home to a ace of ancient long standing jewish community in the largely, mostly in north cool, cuz he's region of august. i'm now the silence. i'll still believe to be lost. that's why the counterterrorism measures all in place. i apparently made their escape and i want volkswagen, probably low socrates or course searching for that vehicle on the site and sweetie . i am of detaining them on utilizing them in the regional capital. my hutch cut off, we know a police road to check point a came under attack again at least one police officer was killed during the attack of several others, all believed to be wounded. now the authorities have said that 2 suspects to a silence at that time attack, kathleen illuminated the identities of those assignments all unknown at this stage . of course investigators will be trying to work out exactly who they all say. they can build
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a picture of what took place now we said the game counter terrorism measures are in place. this is being treated as a terror attack. now the latest that we have is up, foreign weapons. all police are being used in that attack. on the silence again, we as we understand, they are members of an international terrorist organization. so far, the no group has claim responsibility for either a top. steve much appreciate your time. i'll pull this up. as prospect was all the correspondent steve sweeney. while the local in my house to color described what she had witnessed following the attack that i'm sure, yeah, will show cause issues. i went out like everyone else to stand here. they don't let anyone in that we wanted to go to see it, but the police wouldn't like to say they wouldn't let anyone be on the cold and they used to be going to bed or that every day then went go and say, oh there was even


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