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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, a town to terror operation is underway in the south. the russian city of my french carla, officer of police check point most targeted by gunman. the page judge, i'm 2nd of all come under attack in the nearby city of tough, but with a low cold priest killed by the terrorist. the terror pulling that 2 beaches for people all killed, including 2 children of the you praying attacks the crime in port a spot billfold using us supplied the long range missiles with that the
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allies saw to international very well. welcome to our sunday programs. good to have you with us. well, we're actually yes tossing off this out with some breaking news. at least 6 people . the police offices have been killed along with an orthodox priest and 2 separate terror attacks and the southern russian republic of august on a local in which cala described what he, what should i went out like everyone else to stand here? they don't let anyone in the we wanted to go to see it, but the police wouldn't like to sit and they wouldn't let anyone be on the cold. and they used to be, god said that every day, then with god's that there was even a police woman guarding the place. there was no smoke or fire. there was a smell right in the cold yard. we went out because of that because of the smell as if the wiring was burning that so when we went out to see them, there was a crowd standing here. no,
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but he was allowed any way. nobody was allowed further than this line. i want to tell you, so when you put it in the hutch go out today, there was an attack on a traffic police post. the gunman stood on the street open fire and the police offices and attacked the charge, which is located to close by. at the moment it is not know how many attackers were killed and how many were captured. they didn't manage to get far away. it happened on one of the beaches of my hutch cola. the beach is called beer. jessica. this is all the information we have at the moment. i witness, but it shows panic, taken hold among crowds and a part of each thoughts as police move and to detain some of the suspects in the background. the video is posted to social media, also show huge flames engulfing the synagogue in dub and following the terror attack, emergency services, all of the site putting out the place the
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. well, let's get so all the lights now and speak you on to ortiz, steve sweeney. steve, i mean you've been bringing us the development of the last couple of hours, but it seems that the picture is a bit clearer. now, what's the latest of what, of course, this continues to be developing an unfolding story. more and more news is starting to image. what we do know is these attacks on the 2 cities and rushes darkest on region. they all being treated as terror attacks. it comes off to at least 6 police officers and all the adults police were killed. many more wounded counterterrorism
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measures only in place and rushes. anti terrorism committee has released a statement saying those measures those operations are still under way in for most of the information center of the national anti terrorist committee report. so that in the republic of doug a stein in the cities of my hatch color and uh, vince on man, attacked a judge and synagogue. several police officers were wounded in the course of repelling the attack. type in casualties among law enforcement personnel in order to ensure the safety of senses and suppressed terrors, defenses and apprehend those involved in the on to tack the head of the federal security service at brush or in the republic. all that gets done is taking the decision to conduct the accountant terrorist operation and introduce a legal regime of a counter terrorist operation. the enforcement agencies are carrying out the necessary operational, such and other measures, the operational headquarters of the republic of dentist on coordinates, the activities of the law enforcement forces. so those operations are still on
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the way in the ben. this is where the attack on the synagogue and the orthodox church a took place. this is a course where the priest was killed. sunday is a very important day in the russian. all the adults calendar is the day of hurting trinity celebrations. and according to reports, the assailants into the church, and they split the throats of 66 year old father nicola, in a particularly brutal and gruesome attack. now we've seen the images. the synagogue caught fire during the attack is engulfed in flames. a will source, he's a bad on this thing. they working to keep that plays under control. and they told us he's upset the situation that the synagogue remains under control, defense of cause home to a long standing, an agent jewish a key, bbc situated in the law. is me most name a population of the knows coal cause is region that we do know that the suspects
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fled in a white box or po to call. that's why these counterterrorism measures remain in place. the assailants are believed to still be lower. so those measures arrange either detaining on, utilizing the, the suspects. now, in the regional capital, we know that a police check point came under attack. again at least one police officer was killed. then we do know, uh oh, there, all reports coming through that a number of worshipers have barricaded themselves into one of the churches. want a gun bottle continues to rage outside. they believed to be safe. at least 2 assignments understood to be killed in my, in my hutch color, the regional capital that we don't know anything about their identities. yet, of course, investigators will be working on that to see if they can uh, shed light on uh, the reason behind and the attacks of the criminal cases. happy now opened into
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those and incidents investigators remain on the state is not clear at this stage whether these attacks are linked in any way whether they've been coordinated. of course, that will be one avenue of investigation. now we do know, we've seen the video footage, which appears to show the assignments holding what appears to be an a all 15. now a game is reported that the suspects all members of an international terrorist organization. but so far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. was all she correspondents days, so you bring us all the latest on not developing store. thank you for the chair of doug, a stones, public monitoring the commission shall know how july of believe that the 2 attacks well coordinated on how to symbolic meaning. this she suggested i
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was informed about the death of an orthodox clergyman and by a colleague of mine says with whom we had a telephone call. who was also a clergyman. he told me that the ship nikolai was killed in durban. he said his throat was, i told him, what are you saying? are you sure you said yes. it's information from their sources. they have their own sources. well, there's a connection between priest of different dies. yes, in churches and so now this information has been confirmed. he was 66 years old. father nikolai, in german, was a very old man who was already sick. he was already sick. this is a coordinated action. of course. it was on this particular day sunday afternoon as if nothing foretold trouble. and this is what happened today simultaneously in different places. i'm sure it's coordination because it's impossible. my cards pull off derby and send the guards and churches at the same time. of course, it was made on such a day. it is, let's say, probably some kind of symbolism, it couldn't just happen in different places at the same time. muslim on orthodox
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christian need is have condemned what they call a cynical attack, saying that any attempt to ignite to religious conflict will not succeed. to the bless them is events this evening, horrify us by their cruel cynicism. muslims would never attack innocent and unarmed people radicals, one to pick us against each other and burn the bridges between the denominations. but they will not succeed since time immemorial, we hold traditions of peace and it never happened and won't happen, that muslims, the tech, people, of other religions. our country is conducting a special military operation. and this is an attempt by our enemies to ignited war by any desirable means possible. we, the muslims, will preserve peace in russia, ending carcasses by any means possible. the cold blooded cruelty and stunning cynicism of those conducting the terror attack on the day of the great orthodox celebration. the trinity sunday, once again shows the abyss of spiritual and moral decline of the perpetrators and
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masterminds of the crime would truly have nothing sacred left for them to the russian state. during the deputy from dyke the stone question, whether that might be power, those to previous incidents in the republic with the just so when there was a situation at the airport in dog a stand there was information ahead of time on telegram channels about holding such events at the airport, but later, after the criminal case was initiated, all of these telegram channels were found to be registered on the territory of the ukrainian republic on the territory of ukraine, against the backdrop of the successes of our troops and ukraine. this is an attempt to rock the situation in our country from within. that's understandable. the terrorist attack is certainly under the cover of pseudo religious slogans. all religions have co existed and lived peacefully and dag a stand for centuries. at the same time,
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attacks were made on churches and synagogues. well, it is clear that this is done to cause a clash of people over religion, knowing that all nationalities of all concessions muslims, christians and jews, lived there closely and in harmony and peace and friendship, which it is on one chain, vosta pools and august on. and there are 2 cities in august on, but even if the perpetrators are in august on the chain leads to ukraine in all these issues. or joining me now as a rasmussen, international security consultant of a good to see you. i wish all this you on the best circumstances, i mean foster parts. do you want to get your initial reaction to the attacks in august on i understand that this is a lot of sort of speculation. but generally, all these things coordinated all the time in advance. one thing it was shocking at my, my heart goes out and prayers go out to the all those that have been involved and
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the families that have lost the members as well. so, but this is, and i have friends, some dogs, then this is a very, very unusual with the it's, they've had very little type of buying a violence to estimate, buy one for religious buy one spot rate for decades. it's not century. so i may have some issues in the ninety's but, but uh, it's long been passed and it's just very unusual. what's interesting here is the targeting religious activities, religious a facilities and, and right around the same time too. so this is it really, i mean, what to lift the investigation a hand through and get completed. and hopefully we'll, we've got a couple suspects that already, but hopefully we'll have some captured and in some of derogation, and we'll let the investigation go through. but my gut feeling is that these are,
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these are somehow coordinated and i think they've got outside backers potentially trying to create the stabilization at the core religious kind of conflict, mistrust amongst the population. i don't think it's gonna be successful, but, but that looks like it. so did attempt to destabilize the region wide to promote the greater conflict. well, that was, that's one thing that i did want to ask you. i mean, obviously we had the horrific terrace tacit pro kosicki in, in march, and that outside influence has been ascertained. and it really made one thing that the lows the people will go to an old uh uh, to destabilize a reach and kind of be started with a realization. any human cost resulting to terrorist message suggests that people are not succeeding in bringing, in this case,
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russia to its needs and all the ways. is that a fair assessment? but yes, i would say that uh, easily uh, more often will see terrorist activities or, or elements turn to terrorist activities to attract attention or to, to show some type of success to frustration. uh, panic. uh, basically uh uh, you know what the i can't, they're not being successful. they're failing. in other words that the battlefield is not a place to be, is not successful. and so those, you know, you could have that same areas, but there could be elements there that are coordinating or supporting or seeking a terrorist organizations to assist in and creating some type of, uh, the stabilization. i mean yet, so it's just,
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i would agree with your assessment that, that basically, or they're not being successful in other ways. so we turned to terrorist activities . is that as a mechanism to, to last out and to create some type of um, you know, social unrest uh, within the, within the region or other time frame. okay. do you find it a coincidence that what's the 2 things i mean in cro kosicki we still but what links to radical is the most uh in the, in just last week we saw an attempt to buy ices. terrorist breakout of jail in russ stall, spot ended on successfully. now we're seeing this in a predominant new obviously muslim area. is this just a cynical, a b use of a, of islam is um and uh, some of the tendencies towards radicalism within it. and i think that yes, i think what's happening is if and i, it's not islam itself is not
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a violent type of religion. and as the tested by the century, the big clock they live together with other ethnic groups, especially in this region. and uh, i think uh what, what's happening is we've got, we've got other elements that are attempting in using radical portions of the is almost a religion to, to execute and carry out these things. i, i think without those instances i don't think would happen. i think they're being encouraged, i think, uh, i really need to go through the investigation. see where the linkages are. we saw the linkages. um, in the crocus city attacks the you know, linking back to ukraine. um, so it would not surprise me if uh, if there's
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a linkage, definitely to an outside group with the ukraine. is it some other group? you know, i think without investigation we wouldn't necessarily know but, but i, i just find this very surprising for that area. and in the, the timing of this is just very, very uh it seems, it seems very much synchronized and coordinated, you know, aside from the fact that it's lives in the same timeframe is that as our global hawk and the tech comes to attack on the, on civilians in joining the beach in the last of all as well. i mean i, i did want to ask you about that. i mean, what was your reaction to that? because when i mean, i look to that, i mean, and what has to us, the question is, what is being realistic for as long as keith has a military has made military capabilities. is it within striking distance? i mean, does that mean the rushes it was going to be at risk?
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well, i think that because that's, again, that's a chair. it. yeah, it's the military facilities were, were clearly there since i saw the videos of it that there was no military facility on the, on the beach with got uh, we've got a global hawk which is very sophisticated. we've got a launching of a tech comes missile from that and then an air burst of cluster bombs, which are the most part, considered illegal internationally over a people in joining themselves on the beach. this is, this is discussed. and it did. i think it reflects back on the character of those people behind those elements. but yeah, we don't know if these 2 are or linked at all, most likely not but, but we'll have to look and see what the investigations find. so, but it's, it's interesting on the timing and, and one of the things happened like this around the same time. it's usually not coincidence on the final thing i did want to get, you'll take on all, i mean what you expect the west reaction to be to this,
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not just to the tragedy in the box to pull him up cuz it's more complex up because if us weapons, why use that? obviously it's quite difficult to all fuel condolences will say, oh well, i also also to, you know, the means by which this was allowed to happen, but also to dr. stone. yeah, i don't know if we're going to see much. uh, i mean, obviously we've had someone else to 0 brought it up. uh, the guardian brought it up cnn. i don't know if you're gonna see much of a follow through on this at all. so it's uh, i think i'll be surprised if we see anything. maybe there'll be something uh, a paragraph and the new york washington post tomorrow or the new york times. but i do not think there's going to be an outcry of, oh my gosh, what happened here? so i'm just guessing but, but maybe i 11 whole from a diplomatic perspective, you'd see some type of a outreach from the state department that i would uh right now i wouldn't hold my breath so well as that. so we always appreciate getting your insight and we
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appreciate your time. those are ross from citizens national security consulting. thank you. fix was all and i were just discussing all the big story of today, a ukrainian attack on the crime in port a stop poll has left full civilian stead among them 2 children. well that a 100 people, including dozens of youngsters, also wounded as a missed saw on with cluster munitions exploded over the city. the russian defense ministry says the cube forces use to us supplied weapons and not strike of the responsibility for a deliberate missile strike against civilians instead of stobel. first and foremost lies with washington, which supplied such weapons to ukraine and the key of regime from whose territory the strike was launched. according to the defense, but it's free. there were 5 ballistic attack him. so rockets over, cried me a form of those. what kits were shot down, however, one rocket deviations from the flight plan and exploded mid air over some estoppel
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. and it's a cluster, sabine supp munitions fell from from this guy onto the city also stobel. and that's why we had so many casualties in displays. now some missile fragments landed symbol on the beach near the beach. nearby forest was set on fire nearby. uh, apartment building was 7 fire. now it is a sunday. it is uh well, the weekend plus its a religious holiday. all of a rush of day old a trinity. so obviously a lot of people during this attack and of course everybody had phones and some people began right away to post it and social media. and this is what it looks like . the people on the beach enjoying their day off enjoying this holiday and all of a sudden it starts reading death from this guy. very difficult. well for the
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ministry spokes woman murray is a car of a she called this you create an attack against civilians. well, original murder or a ritual or killing. meanwhile, local governor called it as sneak attack against civilians. i am absolutely sure the timing of such terror attacks by zalinski building and become regular. this time was not chosen by chance. it's trinity sunday and we understand what's inside of the key of redeem a deep hatred to anything linked to russia and russian culture. today on trinity sunday, we have suffered a great grief. the any hit is in a sneaky way at the moment when civilians were either going back from work or going to the coast with their children and attack against civilians is always an exact for a terrorist attack if you will. and so the russian investigative committee have already launched the criminal inquiry into this case on charges of terrorism. so in the coming days, weeks and months bill finds out who was in charge,
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who was responsible for launching these a missiles against civilian populations on this wish. the space, the russian defense ministry has said that the us supplied, i'm talking to myself was used for this. now can you take us through that detail, the level of american involvement in this case is yet i'm clear, but we can talk about the everything that surrounds it's the, this events before the attack. now we do know that the us have imposed restrictions on the attack of the ballistic missile just for, for use on the territory of russia. now we also know that on sunday morning and american recognizance drawing well, the global hawk, it's pretty famous. we know about it. well, it entered the area of crimea around 9 o'clock in the morning was over the black sea. and that sack again, 7 stobel against crimea was executed while the american drone was still in the area
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in the territory of the black sea near crimea. now we also know that according to an associated press article, i believe it came out just a days ago. and ukraine insist on lifting the american it restrictions on the use of long range missiles on the russian territory. well, earlier this year, a key of a somewhat succeeded in receiving permission to strike a russian that territory from the european leaders looking to invest exact. and although we're staying exactly within the same framework, we think that should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired. and basically the military sites from which you crane is attacked. the several countries, including germany, have reached cleared agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. few bolts, couple of them because of always weapons that we're transferring to ukraine to not
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have any use restrictions. mccraney is can fight the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of this donation. the associated press article, it's quoting you, creating commanders who said that without the ability to use a long range, missiles to attack targets inside the russian territory. the hands of the trade, no commanders are pretty much outside. uh well, the article does not say what decision the americans have amazing in regards to lifting the restrictions. however, knowing the fact that the old flight emissions for the american attack and ms files are answered by the american specialist using american intelligence from the us satellite system as well. it's kind of hard not to point to who is to blame for this late this tragedy in crime. the russian defense ministry launched a group strike using using high precision weapons. and they have actually
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destroyed a trading sides of flights and the technical personnel of air forces of ukraine. now, the russian defense ministry also said that the last 24 hours more than 9 hundreds of ukrainian soldiers had been killed in action. and also, a russian ministry are reporting that they can destroy the multiple nature supplies weapons to ukraine over the last 24 hours. and if we were to of will point them out . we'll 75 unmanned aerial vehicles. vehicles. 33 high morris rockets, which had been made in america as well, which has been used as a lot as well. i receive anti aircraft missile system launcher. and of course, the plenty of british and american made how that service and other needs are supplied weapons as well, had been destroyed of last 24 hours. we had from locals who witnessed the actual
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measurement of the deadly masonic talk. everything went up in smoke. people screamed, people shouted that your house is on fire. it's on fire. and from all the neighboring houses also from the residential complex. people ran with everything they had with 5 lead to bottles and 22 bottles, buckets. they were around to extinguish the fine. we had the rumble were in just under the balcony. i show to everyone to stand onto the balcony. and just as the shop a file, think i know and go ahead on the paramedic myself, i work in an ambulance. i run down there to the beach in case all those needed medical help, extra hands, so to speak. with, of course, could be just one of the most popular places of risk. not only for so vast couple residents, but also for guests of the city. and what people saw, of course, shocked them. many immediately rushed to escape the next to the residential buildings on the northern side, the forest burst into flames. that's the pine grove behind me. it became the area
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on which the cluster munitions fell, which instantly burst into flames. and residents of nearby houses were forced to extinguish it as a matter of urgency. at this stage, no one is allowed on the beach there sappers and military personnel working there. in addition, police forensic experts are working. the beach is cordoned off. public transport is not working and police officers are regulating traffic. but one thing a certain sylvester pool has been subjected to a large scale psychological attack during the entire period of the special military operation. the explosion of missiles in the summer, at the height of the season over the cities, most popular beach, of course speaks volumes. and most importantly, it shows that not only various means of destruction are used by ukraine, but also in humane. one of the public says it's a barbaric way of targeting people with cluster munitions. above all those who launched the missiles knew perfectly well what they were filled with. and that in case of detonation in the air, or in case of veering off, they would hit the nearest objects in any case now,
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so the hospitals are working to receive the wounded. a ton box and children's toys remained lifted across the beach, left behind as locals fled to the scene in panic. following the tragedy, crime is head declared monday, a day of mourning and the republic. in the meantime, doctors rushes nearby regions have arrived to help treat the wounded. we heard from a mother and child who with a munitions it was the most terrifying the loudest people were panicking. i was scared to. i was very scared when the bombs and rockets we're flying independent, political researcher greg simon says the united states on its west and partners, shared responsibility for this attack. it's been player that bugs with us and that you guys have been assisting you, brian and targets or russian areas. civilian and military
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decided that this is dawn space of its my bill instance. i not on the complex that, but that room side directly involved the, the supply, the target against the motion. you are no longer a non belligerence. you are a belligerent because you're facilitating military action against above a motion, but will probably say are the nothing or like will just give a vague statement saying your brain is the, it's the right. so the self defense, which i suppose obviously it was most of the bands, it is, and every aspect shot of whole, the whole box of a terrorist bags. dog is a civilian structure. it's for political, a big says the military, if it's not, is our rundown often use our fall this sunday. will the dates of those toys both much, much for when an officer come home i'm to the restroom.


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