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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the 5 terrorists killed also, they conducted a series of deadly impacts on churches and synagogues in the southern russian republic diagnosed on that attempt included an orthodox priest and several police offices. the poles in southern russell, you quit and full of use us in this house of conduct and deputies to mind on the city of sylvester and by mail off to the boys. the local fire was between the houses, like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones. policy is in
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a westbank refugee camp. sick shelter often is really worried because i left several people days, including the 16 year old boy, the almost go to the world. this is all to you and it's good to have your company today . my name's what are some of our top story. 5 terrace sla killed in russia's southern republic. that gets done. often. they conducted a series of deadly attacks on churches and synagogues fax information coming from the national auditing tourism committee. a warning this report contains disturbing images, but it's for visual is released by russian authorities. it shows some of the seen though, the impacts, including a blood stain full. i'm bumped out vehicles. the regulator has a now's the completion of zip code, 5 of races against the public ideas off of the tragic incidents in the major cities
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of much color and data. but we're, it's not citizens, more than 15 police officers became victims of the terrorist attack with weapons in their hands as they were protecting the peace and august on several civilians also died during the fighting a completely peaceful facilities that were subjected to a terrorist attack. the active phase of operational combat activities in the cities of my hutch, carla and durham bent has been completed. perpetrators have been eliminated, unprecedented in their cynicism. terrorist actions have been committed against places of worship. we know who is behind the organization of these terrorist attacks. we understand what the organizers were trying to achieve. today we have once again, felt like participants in the incidents that are taking place all over the world. the more
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images have been coming in from the manhattan. so the terrorist and the regional capital, you are looking at over a 1000 security personnel gathered outside of building is government. 5, broke out with it. that's called the the the during the counter service operation, the equipment was sent to the see if it is so it was an almost personal carrier driving through the streets of the region capital. meanwhile,
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in the nearby city of that event, the ad stage of the townsend says operate and has also come to an end. with 2 gunmen killed at the location of the service began advertise in both the my color and dad, but at nearly the same time, the following for this gives a c sense of the violence. but the rump, this the, the, the, it is a most on social media showing a prominent synagogue on fly elsewhere. an old hood of priest was killed. we've all
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said the terrorist side slashed his throat. his ard has declared 3 days of morning for the entire region. all the details as well as live down to all to carlos slogan, rolled on across the road in one of the cities with this identity. so it's robin good to see of that, but those high risk, the service of tax and good on sunday during and then just a celebration we believe. what are the details are on the the, the right now i'm in the regional capital, i'm just on of the city of much color writes outside the church show where a people barricaded on the sunday. as you can see behind me, the door is riddled with the foot at holes and to the side sofa show fragments. kendra found absolutely everywhere around this church. and now the
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are the attack against the civilians here and much collab beginning with the attack against the traffic police post where the terrorist continued all the rest of the city. the fact is, synagogue attacks and a russian orthodox church. you could see people running from sealants on the beach . so generally was a very chaotic, very dangerous situation. and the moments all of the religious leaders have expressed their concerns with everything that happens and not. now let's take a listen to what they say. the radicals want to pay this against each other and burn the bridges between the denominations. but they will not succeed since time immemorial, we hold traditions of peace and it never happened and won't happen, that muslims attack people of other religions, the cold blooded cruelty and stunning cynicism of those conducting the terror
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attack. on the day of the great orthodox celebration, the trinity sunday, once again shows the abyss of spiritual and moral decline of the perpetrators and masterminds of the crime would truly have nothing sacred left for them. we ask law enforcement agencies to strength and security measures at religious sites. uh well uh, the most obvious reason for everything that's happening here, of course, that this happened on the holy trinity sunday when many here were celebrating of this sacred day. unfortunately, we didn't come way without any casualties as so they have been reported on sunday. the cheese have made some the well they haven't made any statements yet, but during the move my to the full this crime will be august 1 of course that would be to
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a to so discord among the people here. and i just thought, of course, that gets done and to a neighbor and chase that are kind of mona se sick republics. and most of the people here are most of them, at least to 95 percent. according to the latest information that i read. however, they're all very, everybody's very folder, and here they have 5 synagogues, they have a mazda for, of course, and they have churches and the people here in my high school have been living together in peaceful always. and of course, the number one reason is to set this religious discords, 1st of all but so they had the biggest thought was uh, speaking earlier and he vaguely said that they understand who behind the organization leads that service attacks and everything that we have seen on the roof overrode, uh, have been leading to p. let's take a listen to what do you think would support the so when there was a situation at the airport and down to stand,
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there was information ahead of time on telegram channels about folding such events at the airport. but later, after the criminal case was initiated, all the these telegram channels were found to be registered on the territory of the ukrainian republic, on the territory of ukraine, against the backdrop of the successes of our troops and ukraine. this is an attempt to rock the situation in our country from within. that's understandable. the terrorist attack is certainly under the cover of pseudo religious slogans. all religions have co existed and lived peacefully in dag a stand for centuries. at the same time, attacks were made on churches and synagogues. well, it is clear that this has done to cause a clash of people over religion, knowing that all nationalities of all, concessions muslims, christians and jews, lives there closely and in harmony and peace and friendship. it is all one chain survosity pools and august on,
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and there are 2 cities and august on. but even if the perpetrators are in darkest on, the chain leads to ukraine and all these issues the, let's get back to where we started. and so this uh church in a hutch fill on out according to the people that i spoke with, one security guard was killed here by the terrorist. and the information was the surfacing of acts of the sales and said service will holding people hostages. however, that was not confirmed later, people over doesn't have simply barricaded himself with the site inside the church . and the security guard was helping them to see the terrors fixable. and unfortunately, he was killed. so the locals that i spoke with a here he said they said that he died carelessly and saved and full of the people who are very candid and restrict it's terrible, devastating use overall. but thanks for that update on seeing. correspondent, romano, closer to the for us, live fax again. now those terms of that and so to on the same day
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as a massive you class flight but tall, is it a civilian area? no southern city or southern russian to the so i say also festival in crime in all started he said full civilians were killed including children, and more than a $150.00 people. what ended the russian defense minister, he said, but american me solidly used in the strike. and it is called the knowledge that us sense was facilitate text with what kind of weaponry. the key of regime has conducted a deliberate terrorist strike on surface staples using 5 american tactical ballistic attack m. s. missiles loaded with cluster munitions for the more into set to while the will head of the face exploded in the leading to mass casualties among civilians. also like co ordinates for tactical ballistic attack chemist mississauga rented by americans specialists based on us satellite reconnaissance. so i'm glad
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that was a 2 mind calling, i think was one of donald is one of the in the see to don't was good to see terrible times that way sort of witnessing here we sold what's happened in and douglas time happening also in crimea. us and the solve a tell us about it. well, as we heard from the russian ministry of defense, they are, these were us made attack comes long range missiles armed with cluster munitions aimed at a highly populated civilian area using american intelligence and targeted by americans. specialists, one of these missiles was able to get close enough to cause serious damage, killing 4 people, including 2 children and injuring over 150 other people. as you could imagine, this was a day like any other right. people went from enjoying a day on the weekend at the beach to living through a heretic nightmare and just a split 2nd. we were able to get some reactions from people who live through this
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project moment the yeah, the highest on the bottom. i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out into the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people were screaming, i saw something full into the building. it was about the size of a bed. people were shouting your fire, your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people around with everything they could to put out the flames, go into the failure. we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way. we heard a rumbles and then ran under a beam for protection. i shouted to everyone to stand under the balcony and just then the shards began to fall. great, thank god, no one was handed to the children were all safe. then i dropped them off at the hotel. we heard screaming, one boy was left alone in a room. i ran to him to calm him down. then his parents came and said there were
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a lot of injured people on the beach. i'm a medic, myself. i work in an ambulance, i ran there to the beach to see whether they needed medical, how many people went to the beach. they help the victims, as they could, is they took them to the clinic and people were dying. they simply could not survive those injuries. there was such a commotion, people were running screaming. if it weren't for the efforts of ordinary people, there would have been a lot more victims to ours. has ministry of defense is of course, place the blame on washington because this terrorist attack wouldn't have been possible without help from the us military and russian media is also reached out to the pentagon for comments. but they've since said that the officials, they're refused to say anything like this. so the us was involved in this strike directly below that. i mean, is that what the defense minister said? yep. and was it, there's no reaction from the united states until well,
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there's been reactions from individual people. of course, many people in the west have seen the outrages. and if so, what happened? really, i mean, many are asking, could people imagine if russia launched a missile at miami beach? i mean, could you imagine how washington would react to that? let's take a listen to some of the reactions this should not be happening. imagine as russia using a russian satellite, 5 cluster munitions on a florida beach. imagine the outrage, if a russian we saw with cluster munitions guided by russian satellite would kill americans on miami beach. that's what ball i didn't just did to russia. every american must understand the job, i did. his gambling with american lives. russia isn't nuclear power. people who think that the momentous risk is evident from this tweet. to was it all to keep a few totland pointless will going out of the who rules. a few problem susan, eastern ukraine, have completely lost any sense of rationality or sobriety. look at the do range game you're playing. it goes without saying,
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this is more than just the us supplying ukraine with long range weapons and giving them the green light to hit russian territory. this is us military intelligence and us personnel being used to kill civilians on russian territory. it's not out of crime that's not going to go on, answered by moscow. mister, interesting. just see how much good does it react, so gonna have to leave with the o. t cause want, don't cause the in the pseudo thanks. again. a good sounds x on showing says the synagogues in southern russell, a have said some ways to look into more detail that much about the tragedy, mr. roberts. okay, so that you can find the latest updates on our website up the top. com, the right, that's the toner i sense is now to the middle is, is reading false, is a conducted strikes on pots of southern lebanon. last, often,
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2 people were wounded by i'm, i'm to kind of miss all 5 of the lebanese group is bluff, and then is waiting for the town. they said, it's a fight to dest, struck casual move installations and beat them both in level earlier. the is really all me announced approval for pass, conducting the offensive into the country for a wise impulse for the showing a u. s. military officer has wound that time is ready and these and on level 2 to book a major rainy and response triggering a why no more in the middle east. this was, it shows the off them, off of the, is where the strikes smoke billowed over when it is in the south of lebanon. as i'm building says move along as, along a road near the border with israel revolt. the said the tax in danger, the lives of civilians and cold was in the border re
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is there any things have reported this around it a 10th time in a safe zone foot. so that is near this at the rasa, in southern gaza that followed an attack in which at least $25.00 palestinians were killed. meanwhile, the death toll from is what he strikes in essential parts of the region, gaza city have risen to at least $42.00, a red cross a represent who said the off them off of the task was like nothing he had ever seen as the masses of dead bodies on the streets various. somebody's had open eyes. asians have warned that there is no longer any safe place for civilians in gaza. is there any forces are not only active in gaus uh, but also in the west bank capacity is seeking sheldon rest of the v comes up being subjected to as the more frequent i d. f raise which can often be dudley. all
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st. middle east and bureau chief more if an ocean now revolts a dead body of a teenager line in the middle of a street. the picture was taken in the and fed on palestine in refugee camp in the west bank have to what the idea of coals account of terry smoke duration. we come to the grounds to investigate what happened to the boy. on said i is one of many camps built after the 1948 arrow these really war to shelter palestinians expelled from the land as the state of israel was created, what was meant to be temporarily accommodation became the home for decades. c signs of these really armies, recent raids are everywhere. military operations all across the west bank intensified after the war in gaza, started the army, searching for him as supporters or sympathizers. we see bern houses damaged
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buildings including one under wash school bullet holes in the walls. pictures of local men who lost their lives in idea of raids. one of them is the one we need the dead corpse from the picture. 16 year old my food number you see in this video and i was family, provided the boys smiling. it was taken just days before his death in the camp who easily find the lane where my food was killed. we also found a man from the corner of the picture, a paramedic, who was with much mood that fatal morning, according to an underwater profile holidays, one of just 12 house personnel for an almost 11000 strong camp population. somebody that can come early in the morning, the idea of withdrew from the outside camp, the residence sold. the operation was over and went out to see the damage caused by these radios. while the troops were retreating for, we noticed some snipers on the rooftop of the community sent for people with
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disabilities where people sold as children. startled, running in all directions, left and right. the all me i can fly up and we was standing there and the phone that was severe injury in the community club area. i had to move from the red crescent building towards the woods cousin. my mood was beside me and there's not carrying anything, no bullet. so anything at all, i stopped him for moving forward because there was a gun, fine. and then he was just to charles and hugged the gun and fox knew it was his relative who was injured shabby. so he moved to there came out these really military, a categorical, instructed to open fire only in case of an immediate attract visuals. show my mood was empty handed when he was shot at from his back. and this is what i witnesses on the ground, confirm what that meant. har walker phone was out of luck of heart. he came out and stood here in front of me as soon as he stood, hey, in front of me. he was showing in the lower parts of his head. after this entry took 2 steps, one fell into the ground. he thought he could move quickly,
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but this night was ready. he suffered severe brain injury and internal bleeding, and he died. locals tried to reach out to my move to try to help him, but the gunfire wouldn't stop. a lot of the problem, the heart of didn't to allow which it was direct shoots and get anyone approaching for. and there was no way we could pull him away from the placement. you showed in this have all the neighbors open to gary's door to block the bullets. so we could take my move and get him into the ambulance. when we were filming, we noticed and movement in the window. we knocked and we went inside the greek to talk to us. she saw what happened that day. so he multiples. finally, i told him not to goes out, but he sided so. okay. and also me for to i gave him to the multi, i have nothing with him. they shop him directly behind his ear and then shop him again. no one could drag him out as no one could. we came to the ambulance and the young man came over to him, but it was too late. i ask the woman,
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if she has any video picture of my food from that day, she said she'll look for it. and later returns with a short clips film from her room. this is beyond just occupation of kills out children that kills all kids. and one doesn't know how to describe them. poor thing, he came by here. my mood became the latest victim of these really raids, not the 1st. and locals doubts. he'll be the last, the straight away my what was killed hate by several bullets, probably showed by and is really soldier hiding on top of one of those buildings over there. white existence looks different today. off to the boys, das local tongue was between the house is like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones, according to un human rights. as of june, 15th 520 age palestinians were killed by his really forces or jewish settlers across the west bank since the war and gaza started 133 of them children.
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30 percent of the camps population are under 18. its summer vacation mode children than usual are outside of re keyed carries a gun, a plastic toy, one. the only game children here seem to know how to play very well involves these totally arms. i approach them to talk about the war games when the most wanted key to peers mean how the the, the, the games scenarios, the tactics and even movements all that they take from life the that when the kids see, i would rather than these kinds of bunk them boom into can they get agitated?
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they think it's the idea of these really army uses drum the lot. so it kind of stands and shooting. this time it's not with the army and certainly come back marie, if an option a r t reporting from the fed on by the state in refugee camp in the west bank. the real form u. k. policy data. nigel for ours has called west city to negotiate with moscow to restore peace in ukraine, but has added feel to a controversy among the european political establishment. as the british politician, as also is, does that name to function prove to russia to enter the conflict? i stood up in the european parliament in 2040 and i said, i quotes that will be a war in you cried. have we taken leave of all senses? do we actually want to have a. busy with pacing,
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because if we do with suddenly coming about it the right way, we directly into the ridge, the uprising of the ukraine that led to the toppling all the president. you have like a bitch on that let of close into that. it may have who's in, reacting on the model of the story is if you put the russian bag with a stick, don't be surprised when you were yes. why do i say that? it was obvious to me that the ever east would expansion of nato and the european union was giving this man a reason to his russian people to say that coming for us again and to go to war. we provide this war. i get it because it's his fault, he's use what we provide you the invasion of. yes. right. and very interestingly, once again, 10 years ago when i predicted there's the way i'm the only person in british politics that predicted what would happen. so guess who was in trouble again of the u. k. yep. you guessed it. good all nigel for raj from on the british political
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establishment just last to aid is back in the headlines. well for telling lies what for the great political crime of telling the truth and surprise, surprise, his critics are lining up to put the boot in. what he said was completely wrong and only plays into putin's hands. and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for personal security for all just comments about russia and ukraine. all disgraceful. well, what's it all about? i hear you as well. nigel in true for raj form has do because he is in regarding comments he made during a bbc interview about ukraine to the call for escalation more more, more weapons. oh, she called out the western farm policies that have led us into this situation in boulder, words, he's guilty of the terrible crime of deviating from the narrative that the west is blameless in ukraine. don't blame me for telling the truth about prisons, war and ukraine. the west errors in ukraine have been catastrophic. there was no
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easy solution to the war, but facing up to the truth about the causes and consequences must be a start. that is why i simply want to tell it as it is, and have done for a decade. those slanders who claim the telling the truth makes me a mouth piece for prudence, only revealed the weakness of their own case and isn't at all so strange that certainly for as long held views on the ukraine war, making the headlines. maybe it's something to do with his reform parties rising popularity in a concrete increasingly tired of the forever war machine when it comes to challenging the establishment. narrative for rush, certainly as for, i knew i wouldn't be welcome back in brussels having one then you can. so like i, i could live with that. but for tuesday, news, the county council is absolutely outrages what you've seen. the best live on the land today is an attempt to the european medium to take control of every single
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aspect of our lives. she wants to build a centralized and democratic outdated form of communism. let's not forget the recent rushing europe's pro war. i'm pro ukraine parties talk in the elections. it seems the obvious that ordinary europeans are tiring of the forever war and ukraine, and they're making their feelings known at the ballot boxes. he's now only in office as it will and begging presidents, but to ukraine does not need what president now, it needs that piece president who's willing to negotiate so that the dine stops and the country has a future. president zalinski is currently contributing to a highly dangerous spiral of escalation and is accepting the risk of a nuclear conflict with devastating consequences for the whole of europe. obviously, you will have to negotiate with the russia in order to try and secure a positive solution for ukraine in this conflict that is clearly cannot win. so as
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the u. k, electric goes to the poles, it seems almost certain that british p m. we, she soon, i will soon be losing his job. i labor leader to your spam or will be the you guys, new prime minister. well, well, many will be watching is just how well knowledge of a rise reform party doors in the vote. as hungry victor o'bonham, slovakia as well, but fee. so as view of europe may be taking a foothold in the u. k. of all around this. he is always good to have you with us here on all the international i've seen with tennessee is on the ground on next. we'll be back in about 30 minutes. the
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