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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 24, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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must have nothing with him, they shot him directly behind his ear and then shot him again. no one could drag him out as no one could reach him. the ambulance and the young man came over, but it was too late. i ask the woman, if she has any video picture of my food from that day, she said she'll look for it. and later returns with a short clips film from her room. this is dan, just occupation at kills out. children that kills all kids. one doesn't know how to describe them. poor thing, he came by here. my mood became the latest victim of these really rage. not the 1st and locals doubts. he'll be the last. this truth where am i? was killed, hate by several bullets, probably showed by and is really soldier hiding on top of one of those buildings over there. white existence looks different today. off to the boys, das local tongue was between the houses, like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones. according to un human
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rights. as of june, 15th 528 palestinians were killed by his really forces of jewish settlers across the west bank since the war and gaza started 133 of them. children. a ceci percent of the cams population are under 18. it's summer vacation mode children than usual outside of re keyed carries a gun, a plastic toy, one. the only game children here seem to know how to play very well involves these totally arms. i approach them to talk about the war games when the most one to the key to peers mean how the the, the games scenarios, the tactics and even movements all that they take from life the
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when the kids see i would rather than the skies above them boom into can they get agitated? they think it's the idea of these where the army uses drum, the lat, whole kind of sense and shooting this time. it's not with the army and certainly come back marie, if an option a r t reporting from the fed on by the state in refugee camp in the west bank. well, let's hold for me for that. i, as it was, is going to have your company, my calling mazda, of what you will be with you the top of the hour. so i b o, a very good thing, the the
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hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle since the events of october 7th. israel's made a series of strategic errors for the most part. this has occurred because of the strategic blindness and weakness of the, by the administration. and there was no evidence either parties learned anything from these mistakes to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess. good work. i'm also, i'm in berlin is founder of seriana analysis. and here in moscow we crossed to dmitri ball, which is a political analyst. it spoke nic international, regional, across black roles and effect. that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated. hardwood start out in berlin tobacco, you know, in my introduction i talked about strategic errors in one strategic era compounds to another. i mean, which really quite remarkable. in the last few days, we have had the idea of not the government, but the idea of
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a come out and say you cannot defeat from us because of moss is an idea. well, that's kind of elementary to all of us. they've been watching this conflict from the very beginning, and now we see it as a form of risk. i don't know. it could be just smoking mirrors, we've seen these things before. but i mean, if you want to look at strategic cares, that's the number one. and then from there it just compounds itself worse and worse until we get to this point, almost 9 months later, your thoughts actually, i don't want to make any comparisons between homos and other assignments organizations, but the u. s. has already warned israel not to repeat the same mistakes that they have, company that after the $911.00. right. i mean, how much is a natural development of the dictates of suppressing the palestinians at the beginning? the resistance was the left wing, it was a socialist, or sometimes it was a nationalist, and all of them were called to artists. and this has,
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they will look into more different versions that say of an armed resistance against it will condition. i know we have how much because they, it's easy to use religion to cover, to bring the people and unite them together against the enemy. so in this case, the as early as have taken what is called a strategic decision to ethnically cleansed, the palestinians from the gulf industry. this is the decision because in a decade or 2 they cannot sustain israel as an apartheid country. therefore, they want to ethnically cleansed the palestinians, but this is the strategic mistake because they have under estimated the resistance in gaza. and also on the grand scheme they have under estimated the ideology behind the resistance. so now how much is engaged by as an idea, and anyone in the gaza strip any fighting age man could join how much out of frustration out of the grief for the pain that these are it is, are inflicting upon the policy. and so you don't have to believe in how mazda is
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ideal, allows you to join how much you only have to believe that's what these values are doing in the gaza strip is wrong, and they have choose your family and you want to fight against them. so this is the search mistake by the israelis and the americans are working with natania out there . they're walking with him to the edge of abby's and they're taking the people up the region with them to the edge of this. and do we are very, very close to an arm, a good one scenario. and i hope i'm going in this case. well, we'll talk a little bit about that later on. even though in demo and the, the, you know, another strategic areas. i don't know if it's a good cop bad cop strategy where you we have, you know, the bike administration is we're a 2 state solution. you know, i, i, i'm so tired of hearing that and rhetoric it is gone nowhere. and then we have also be israel easily under the premiership of letting you know, saying that what they will be now until they, you know, the, i don't know if they're trying to just make a full lot of us or exhaust us because that's the strategy. exhausting people,
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but i mean again, you know, there is no coherence here and the as a result, both united states and israel look at fault here and it worked and even worse, fema this low. it's not the 1st time that tonight the states that you send in conflict and signal it's, it's like we can see that the part of china, but we want that part of china to be ready to fight china, approve of this, you know, and, and we have something on say that's part of china against the remainder of the church. that's very strange, but that's what we hear. the same with these 2 stage settings. so i think the history here is very complicated, but if we reduce it to not show, basically what happened was that, uh, not immediately but often age is 67. the west started considering either through a part of itself and the ideology of the more than when i pull it out for the bird
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isn't it presupposes that western c reservation is to be older. all the wives have to be. they have to be, uh and uh, this is a cubic by more delicate means. that means the main consent for you. i mean, there's no need to alter, bye. oh dear. so, you know, if you can just, you know, a g as form, but it wasn't part upfront, but everyone understood that the french that we're going to write equal rights to the arabs even though yes, they are there, but suppressed. so in the same way, uh little by little less uh, the same way as for us abundance of g is the west to view the same colonial border c by nice to meet, you know, upper agents. we broke sales, the operating store, they leads sifting, uh the resources out to offshore accounts. and these are low for several reasons. there's no kind of the free, but it's, you know, ease or right now be, she's like
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a 90 and the same pre colonial fault. you know, and the problem is what's your situation? the problem for is realize there is the internet to today. i've are, i've used the map use that argument before, is it, if this, the 19th century, the genocide would be complete and it would be just left up to historians compared to it's one of the interesting things also is that, you know, because of the way western media has grain the, the conflict, berry on equal conflict at that. i mean, when it's complex he said like, there are 2 sides. well, there are 2 sides. one has the norm is power and the other is an occupied people. and, you know, again, you, i agree with, you can call whatever you want from us, but it's a resistance group at the, at the very least. okay. um, but you know, the, the problem is, is that the united states in israel and it's proxies in the west, they will never consider this as a colonials of colonial settler project. and it's something that doesn't work in the 21st century because of some, and most of the countries,
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the world that we have the day in the united nations were victims of western imperialism. look, it's very normal that the american center it appears, we're not to consider israel as an occupation, older colonial state. because as the be honest case said is rarely presents the eyes and ears of the west and ward and the americans in the middle east. and the americans have implied and employed a very simple strategy that anyone can see true, and that is divide and conquer. and these riley is, have been dividing and come cutting their agent and also inviting american occupation into each end to do the bidding of these rarely as they have done it, any of our we have done it in the regime change. we're in syria and now they are urging the americans to fight their fight against the hezbollah, against eat on. therefore, it's very, it's very easy for me to see this a, the is really intention to bring the americans into the region because they are in a very big by them. uh, the moment they are fighting against an armed resistance in does,
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i call them whatever you want. these people are fighting with this on those and i'm watching the videos and they are shooting is riley forces. they're not killing babies. they're not feeling good. a woman, it shows a bad name because i see if this is what i see from the footage. i like the footage coming from these various sites. it's been easy nowadays in the area of social media to make comparisons and see the different management techniques of different size. and therefore at the moment i totally see that these various are, you know, really big trouble. and they can, they see that the only way out from this is to bring the americans into the region again. but this is not in the interest of the united states. if you think about internationally, the americans have no business at the moment to wage award in the region. their business from their perspective is far east asia of what they see and say, this is the trip coming from china. so they want to contain china. therefore, this war in the middle east, if the americans come in,
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i say that it will be against the interest of the americans in ukraine and also against the american interest in taiwan. they are exhausting their resources by coming to the region again. and this time, the players of the region of the state and non state actors already for the americans. it's not 2000 actually. all the parties, how our military rise and all the parties have gained experience in the past with their case. and they've been preparing for this for a quarter century. if we look at the saw mommy and his strategy, you know, team a, you said something you know, that you know is, will be likes to say there are an extension of the west and the west as israel's, and it's, it is rarely say they are. and extension as well. i mean, but, you know, given particularly the history of the united states with slavery and jim crow, how can be cited states, say that they share our values when it's in apartheid races, supremacist state and, and the whole world sees the hypocrisy about to, oh, well, uh, okay, uh,
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let's view it. i don't want you to, you know, there i go with the west east. leave it there. yeah. i'm sure about that. i can give a lot of, oh, you know, such as destruction of history such as uh, finding a group that is supposedly, uh, was so bad there pressed them to boston, every lancaster bowl to the government, which supposedly supposed the represents the group. so it's a 30 there and i go and you are you 50 pounds, a wall that's vibrations and the shuts into the west and that, and i told you about as well, despite it because the bush are very simple. never, it should be a narrative. the dns get upset, so it's a narrative of both. these really was very simple. refugees, you know, with software from, for, for us, the, uh, phones they are fine. oh sanctuary. even meet at least for some reason the locals didn't like them. so there was these unfortunate ethnic yes, there are some ready to go. some of these refugees but call themselves was the only
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know they're more there. this is a simplistic narrative which is of course, on by the it is being repeated all the time. i mean, i'm sorry and rush it would have the same simplistic narrative from the west of all to paint but rashid's a colonial. or as you pray, you'll swear all as a 2nd rate people. this is simply not true green. so if you, if you brain was a part of soviet the lead, you know, i was raised here from crucial, came from ukraine of total about the, because people, most of the people have no time to will uh, do a library of the see for themselves. they, they sometimes, uh, by the west network. what the less than that or the football either it was just getting to address. let me quote the wall street journal. you know, just of a few days ago that it was probably easier i when the surrender of the west, the also is shelby steve here is uh what the, what the rates just very quickly today. williams at west 30 loved some to use all
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made it to white list. we seem embarrassed with friendship they doing forestalling, bought us less. we seem really just the same way like we are trish with them to help these ro last. we seem groups and then they say, but it's telling us i'm not depressed uh with the problems, but it's the issues that they have an internalized sample. your and the greek discover when the order to dissipate that period. so this is a very nice way to explain, you know, uh people see how thousands of children we mail are being killed every day, and then somebody needs to bolster drum says, oh no, no, that's not important. or these people are suffering because they have some type of logical broadwell. yeah, i'm gonna have to jump in here to go to break, but know that there's a psychotic group of people in washington and israel that are doing this. it's about the palestinians general and i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break,
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we'll continue our discussion on some real nice stay with our to the same just don't have to shape house because the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will to part, we choose to look so common ground the the welcome echo across the dock where all things are considered, i'm funeral about you and you were discussing something real news. burke. let me go back to you. we have benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister of israel,
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and invited to address a joint session of congress in july. so when you look at western media, they're looking at the optics of this with, in terms of the american election. well, he embarrassed biden. well he and empower the maga group, you know, how the speaker of the house of johnson will handle. and all that, i find that all very absurd and immaterial because the whole world is going to be watching this with the i. c, j is doing what the icpc is doing, and then they're going to, um, roll out the red carpet for benjamin netanyahu. i can think of a worse sauce power thing for the west to do right now than that. it's really up to 3rd. and it, and it, and if the whatever legitimacy that the west thinks it has left is good to be put on full display for everyone to dismiss. go ahead to i remember when the ukranian
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stopped, it was a brilliant idea to invite, give it to him back to me to wait for it for the rest of them. has it been for landscape? who is the p r guy who told valencia that this was a good idea? i like this is just polarizing the discussion that i even further. and similarly with binge, i mean nothing. yeah. we have considerable number of, of course, the grid that's in big is not to were criminal. i'm not trying to compare her with . i'm just saying in the piano scheme binge. i mean, that's, and you always hate it by many, many people in the united states and including israel, including use. uh huh. i mean, this guy is so full that i think that even if the people who want to support is right when they see events, i mean that then yeah. and people who shake hands with bench. i mean that any are come out of some of a come out of the meeting and say, this guy is a psychopath. this guy can kill thousands of people without blinking an eye. everybody knows who has been. i mean, not then, you know, and she's testimony, it seems to be a t, as in the ninety's and how he shape the or ers,
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the americans to go into words in indonesia. and i think this will also send a very, very bad signal to the vast majority of the global styles who are watching what's happening in the guys. i see it as the microscope with microscope and seeing that this could be the same. this same example could be normalized ended on countries because if they can kill depaula, cnn's like the flies on this of humans, they can do the same thing in africa. they can do the same thing and other, those of me that isn't conscious, i mean, is yeah. so inviting that anyhow, despite all his crimes, stands the signal to the rest of the world that the americans are not interested in human rights and democracy. and all the key shows that they have been pitching in the past decades. and this is also going to have the alternative powers in our shop . and in china, many people support the restaurant and ukraine, not because they love the shot or what the restaurant is doing. and you can, because they see truly this conflict that this is a proxy war against the nice dates and against me too. and they want to be
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liberated in their own country, of some american imperialism. therefore they support they, they support the us and especially a military offensive in ukraine. so i don't understand who is really advising that by the administration or the congress in this case. but this is very comfortable. that's giving my opinion. i don't know. i don't know who, who's calling the shots, so i'd hear more and more often it seems like it's some of the political a lead to in the, in, in israel, in a pack in the, in it. and it's equivalence all to the western world. that's the only explanation. let me demo anthony, blinking the i can figure out a piece of the us secretary of state, or he's the foreign minister of israel, i think. and a lot of off the cuff comments are coming out of the region after, i don't know, he's been there 8 times on the shuttle stuff. you know, i mean nobody, they don't think he's, you know, he, why is he speaking when he's, when they couldn't listen to what the israelis have to say, he has nothing original to say and he won't even defend the interest of his own
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country. it's really exasperating for a lot of people demo. oh, coming back to the idea that we felt didn't do it, begin. oh, i can position. is there a is behavior on the right? the 19th century, western colonial power. so, but in, during the last 100 years, the west has become so much more critical. i mean, you cannot just be when we say that google suppress nice of humans, you'll have to use some of the phrases uh, you know, talking about smoky. it is nice, you'd be talking about mountain counter really is right of the problem uh of the west is the israel is not using the center meant the rhetoric, you know, you're just saying outright what the west wanted to do and what they want to do. and, and brand new space with a diagram here is the country that we have to support about the, you'll stay low around 3 proud you deal with that us and the, you know,
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do them the, well, the day is somebody turns out that the west is arranging to support israel, it's like, you know, when the, the west is just about ready to abandon israel is, or it was saying where i bought a box with you a lot. you know, i so i can be surprised built into the j guilt. well, i forget the, my, my, you know, but overall impression for the last, almost 9 months is that the new will look at people like jake sullivan and, and, uh, anthony, blinking and who knows what biden thinks about anything. but, i mean, what, you know, when you look at these policy makers, you know, what, where is the most, is the perception of what's going on, not what is happening. it's the way people see it, correct. let me go to you back in berlin can be a good that if you'll give it, you can go ahead the crime if it's not, if it's not revealed. if in fact you, if you perhaps they strive inmates record and no one knows, do it. you know, that's the fastest one. that's my point. the. it's some good sir. do you know the,
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the special envoy of by the administration? i most folks stein is it was in the region last week and yeah, but now you say i, i'm going to top you, i'm going to tell you something, you probably don't know, at least i hope you don't know. keep going. i most of stein is a former idea of soldier as he was a tank crew. he was in but is really made it to me and he is a double citizen. he is a dual citizen. he has in is ready passport. and he was a live on, on delivering a message to the regional conscious telling them that it has well, a has to be true to the north stuff late on it or else what's that as he is it's a invasion of the is right. well, i think we've talked about that, which i want to do. there's another thing you forgot about his, um, um his cv, did you know that he was a director on of the energy company? very small. no, but uh i saw i the i only learned bad yesterday. okay. i get with you. you've touched on 11, all right, day with it. let's stay with web and on here. so the only way, okay,
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you is realize it has a experience as a teacher to fake it in gaza. okay, and so well that, that's not gonna hold them back. the only way that they can move forward is to expand the complex and they've given what we've seen the last 9 months or like since 1967 or, or 1948. but i can pick whatever year you want. but the united states is going to fight for israel when they are in a, in lebanon. and i think the united states is going to be very surprised. said other way, you better keep your aircraft carriers as far away as possible because they're going to be targets your thoughts on this because i think we're all resigned that is it one way or another? there's going to be a conflict in the north. go ahead. do you agree or disagree with has well you have to give them the credit that when they say we're going to do something, they do this and they said we're going to completely destroy the air basis of israel and also the ports, which means the is right is now have to use this uh the airports in cyprus.
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engineer has the secretary general offer as well as it is, is what i use as the airports, ive cypress. then they will be closer to a legitimate target to enter a profit to you. they are able to ship this august there for israel at the moment. they haven't only failed to ethnic the canals. that palestinians, they lost the turn in space, that'd be their enemies. they also lost the, the equation of that is where it is a safe haven for the jewish people. therefore they have to expand this war or x or defeat. because if they expand the war and the americans intervene because hope for the better outcome of this conflict, but a long themselves, they are unable to decisively finish the they have an amazing cool thing come us or cause, well, that's why their interest. this is how they see it is put in by american intervention, and the americans are going to fight for it is right. and debates are going to fight for these, right? so this is a very dangerous escalation into each and nobody wants is what you're writing is, we're not to want this or the syrians don't want this war. even here's what i told
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the americans, we don't want to expand this. what we want to cease by adding garza and we will finish the operations. so impulse who's fighting goes on. we end this policy that this against these, right? but these are, it is last, this part in, in, because us for you, because they have strep digit goal was to push the policy and us to sign a and the addictions blocked the board as they didn't accept the processing. and so, you know, you know, decade if, if this apartheid is called has we collapse then what is going to be the fate of any democratic one state solution, the arrow. so it'd be the majority. and in any election they could get the prime prime minister shape, right. so this is a dangerous situation afford. well, i mean that's, that's assuming that the, the west will well ever live up again to it's a principles of democracy because democracy in the west is crumbling as well. so maybe maybe it will be a better chance also. do you know the, the, it's interesting. well, well our guest in berlin said because it is very much like the ukrainians,
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the zalinski crowd. they were given a, they were given a good deal in 2020 me to, i think, 5 times the russian. so it was kind of, i propose negotiations. we had that also it last week. so, but the longer it goes on like for is really the longer the hook comes with goes down, the more dangerous it is for israel, the longer it goes on for ukraine, more dangerous for ukraine. uh. oh, well, uh, apparently it was even mailed is when his rate is uh, a basic boot rather than to use the cypress. uh, as an database. i was just like very much like what we hear uh like the f sixteens that the west will give your brain. they may not even the b service that, that sealants in ukraine may be in poland during the lane yet. then russia says they will get the judgment targets of the west to sit on a row. this is an attack against day to don't do is uh so it's a boy, i suppose people proceed. but basically, i think that the of these for the past age is very important. russia to down
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the on the back all the from us on the 7th to the, to. but with chris blah, it's a different story. was bought the defendant, the never and the well objective west of the get they arrived that festival. i did not that, that be true has why he's responding to a post directions by israel. and what is the alternative, if i mean, when the israel says something by the state, so say, well why don't, why don't that are just surrender? well, if you must know the situation that it'll be dress and steven is throwing a lot of it. and the in, in the, the part of your brain which is still controlled by silly s t e with liberal russians and they get a reference leave with their say, this is a bach rush as needed. and it's the one you leave step or in front of the store in the west rides the ball with it is used papers and supports it. i mean read what
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the right the ball display agreement. we have written, we have run out of time, but i'm glad we ended on that. do you know the west that supports apartheid? many a part tides throughout the world. apparently, that's all the time we have gentlemen. i want to thank my guests in berlin and in moscow and of course, so when i think our viewers for watching us here are the see you next time. remember cross samples the, the hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the a 5 survey stuck killed after they conducted the series of deadly attacks on churches and synagogues, and the southern russian republic of august. that the victims included off of the priest and several police officers. the policy in solving russia ukrainian forces us vessels to conduct the deadly supply, comma, city of that must, upholds and drive me off to the boys. the local fire was between the houses like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones.


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