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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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of direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the a 5 to are really stuck killed after they conducted the series of deadly attacks on churches and synagogues, and the southern russian republic of august. that the victims included an orthodox priest and several police officers the policy to be installed in russia, ukraine, in for this news, us vessels to conduct the deadliest like on the city of most of olds in cried me off to the boys. the local fire was between the houses, like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones promised to me ends in the
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west bank, refugee camps, seek shelter officer. and these are the rates of the left. several people data including a 16 year old boy, the what considering the reports of the latest trends shape in the world right now. this is our attention optional. i a michael point. now the death toll from a series of terrorist attacks on sunday in southern russia has risen to 20. another 44 people with wounded and that's according to the national logic terrorism committee. 5 terrorists were eliminated in fighting with video forties after this struck multiple churches and synagogues in the republic of august. done a warning. this report contains disturbing images a the
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you thing that's cool the, the, the now this footage was released by a rock to no fault where it is. and it shows some of the scenes of the attacks including a blood stain full and burned out vehicles or the original leader has announced the completion of active combat, the operations against which separate trait is following the 2 types of incidents in the major cities of mass cala and our band with it's not, it's more than 15 police officers,
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became victims of the terrorist attack with weapons in their hands as they were protecting the peace and august on. several civilians also died during the fighting a completely peaceful facilities that were subjected to a terrorist attack. the active phase of operational combat activities in the cities of my hutch, carla and durham bent has been completed. perpetrators have been eliminated, unprecedented in their cynicism. terrorist actions have been committed against places of worship. we know who is behind the organization of these terrorist attacks. we understand what the organizers were trying to achieve. today. we have once again, felt like participants in the incidents that are taking place all over the world. the basement coming in the more images have been coming in from the mac on hand for the terrorist in the regional capital that you're looking at over a dozen security personnel gathered outside the building. as gunfire broke out
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within. now, during the counter terrorism operation, heavy military equipment was sent to the scene of this video shows an ahmed personnel carrier driving through the streets of the regional capital r t. corresponding to remind co, sorry, i have reports on the aftermath from a judge that was attacked for the moment. i'm standing right next to a church in uh much less the regional capital here in, uh, i guess the one of the churches are taxed on sunday, on the day of the holy trinity. you know, one of the churches was attacked in the city all sides or been some 150 kilometers away from my actual uh for sale, 40 for the worshippers there as well. now the church, i'm standing next to right now and i'm a huge color. now it was so full, so attack now some media outlets have said that there are more than a dozen hostages inside this church. on sunday, however,
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it turned out to be full. so they were people in sight by the actually barricaded themselves a way for me. so there were victims here as well. security guard his name is alicia was defending the worshippers. he came out here to close the door, but it was shut off. nevertheless, he did manage to close it. now it's open. you can see the door is riddled with bullets. shots were obviously made from that from inside and from outside as well. and around the church you can see show fragments like these ones there. absolutely . everywhere here. well, uh, the head of the druggist republic, he kind of vaguely pointing to the pointed to who is to blame for these ad tags. but of course, it's all this to everybody's, that's the number one reason for the service is to set this cord among the population here. some of the more muslims christians, jews,
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the republic of the used on is for the muslim, but it's taller and towards the old originally religion. so that could have been the number one reasons, but the russian state do my deputy from uh, douglas time and for many other officials, believe that's the fingers point is only the one that actually supports the. so when there was a situation at the airport and down to stand, there was information ahead of time on telegram channels about folding such events at the airport. but later, after the criminal case was initiated, all these telegram channels were found to be registered on the territory of the ukrainian republic on the territory of ukraine, against the backdrop of the successes of our troops and ukraine. this is an attempt to rock the situation in our country from within. that's understandable. the terrorist attack is certainly under the cover of pseudo religious slogans. all
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religions have co existed and lived peacefully in dag a stand for centuries. at the same time, attacks were made on churches and synagogues. well, it is clear that this has done to cause a clash of people over religion. knowing that all nationalities of all confessions, muslims, christians, and jews, lived there closely and in harmony, and peace and friendship. it is all one chain suffice, depole and august on, and there are 2 cities and august on. but even if the perpetrators are in darkest on, the chain leads to ukraine in all these issues, according to officials, the families. so the next thing is we will receive all the necessary old and he did help from the government. meanwhile, that gets down. it will allow of deserve 3 days of morning for the victims that were killed by the terrorist. a big wall in the nearby city of the bent heavy active stage of a cabin terrorism operation has also come to an end with 2 gunmen killed in that
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location. a group of terrorists began their attacks in both my scholar and the band of nearly the same time of the following foot. it gives a sense of the violence very abrupt at the now those terrorist attacks occurred on the same day as a massive ukrainians drive the target to the civilian the area in the southern russian city of us. double in try me a forward, he said. false civilians were killed, including children, and more than $150.00 people were injured. the russian foreign ministry has some of
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the us and baset over the use of american nestles and the strike. a moscow has made it clear the washington's involvement will not go on punished the us, which is waging a hybrid war against russia and has, in fact become a policy of the conflict by supplying the ukranian armed forces with the most moulding weaponry base equal responsibility with the key of regime for this atrocity, the ambassador was informed that such actions by washington, which are intended to encourage the, probably not siegel sorry, teasing you, trying to continue fighting until the last ukranian by authorizing strikes deep into russian territory, will not go unpunished. retaliatory measures will certainly follow the the, the attack left the hand bags and children's toys scattered across the beach as local slab, the scene in panic, leaving behind the belongings. following the charge of the, the top officials in crime me a decree head monday. the day of morning,
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adopters of all silver arrived from nearby regions to help treat the wounded of the russian defense ministry said that the american muscles were used and this dried and it is common knowledge that us experts facilitate a tax with that kind of weaponry. the key of regime has conducted a deliberate terrorist strike on surface staples using 5 american tactical ballistic attack m. s. missiles loaded with plus the munitions. 4 of them were intercepted while the will head of the face exploded in the leading to mass casualties among civilians. also like co ordinates for tactical ballistic attack m . s missiles are rented by american specialists based on us satellite recognizance . well, as we heard from the russian ministry defense, they are, these were us made attack comes long range missiles armed with cluster munitions, aimed at a highly populated civilian area using american intelligence and targeted by american specialists. one of these missiles was able to get close enough to cause
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serious damage killing for people, including 2 children and injuring over 150 other people. as you could imagine, this was a day like any other right. people went from enjoying a day on the weekend at the beach to living through a higher risk nightmare and just a split 2nd. we were able to get some reactions from people who live through this tragic moment. yeah, because on the bottom, i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out on to the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people with screaming, i saw something, flew into the building, it was about the size with the people shouting, josiah, your employer from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people run with everything they could to put out the flames. go into the we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way. we heard a rumble and then ran under
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a beam for protection. i shouted to everyone to stand under the balcony and just then the shards began to fall could thank god no one was handed to the children were all safe. then i dropped them off at the hotel. we heard screaming. one boy was left alone in a room. i ran to him to calm him down. then his parents came and said they were a lot of injured people on the beach. i'm a medic, myself. i work in an ambulance. i ran there to the beach to see whether they needed medical health. i'm a people went to the beach. they help the victims as they could is they took them to the clinic and people were dying. they simply could not survive those injuries. there was such a commotion, people were running screaming if it weren't for the efforts of ordinary people, there would have been a lot more victims was actually administrative defenses. of course, place the blame on washington because this terrorist attack wouldn't have been possible without help from the us military and russian media is also reached out to the pentagon for comments. but they've since said that the officials,
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they're refused to say anything like this. so the us was involved in this strike directly below that. i mean, is that what the defense minister said? yeah. and was it, there's no reaction from the united states until well, there's been reactions from individual people. of course, many people in the west have seen the outrages and as of what happened really, i mean, many are asking, could people imagine if russia launched a missile at miami beach? i mean, could you imagine how washington would react to that? let's take a listen to some of the reactions. this should not be happening. imagine as russia using a russian set, slide 5 cluster munitions on a florida beach. imagine the outrage, if a russian we saw with cluster munitions guided by russian satellite would kill americans on miami beach. that's what ball i didn't just did to russia. every american must understand the joe biden, his gambling with american lives. russia isn't nuclear power. people who think that
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the momentous risk is evident from this tweet to worth it all to keep a few totland pointless war going out of the who rules. a few problem susan, eastern ukraine, have completely lost any sense of rationality or sobriety. look at the do range game you're playing. it goes without saying this is more than just the us supplying ukraine with long range weapons and giving them the green light to hit russian territory. this is us military intelligence and us personnel being used to kill civilians on russian territory. it's not a crime that's not going to go on, answered by moscow. and to the middle east now we is ready. tanks of reports, at least around to the tent camp and the safe zone for civilians near the city of rafa in southern gaza. and i followed an attack in which at least $25.00 bodies stevens were killed. being while the death stole from these riley's flags on the central part of the region as gather city, have risen to with least 42. a red cross representative said that the aftermath of
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attack was like nothing he had ever seen as there was masses of death, bodies, or dead bodies on the streets. there has been many terry at organizations of warranty. there is no longer any safe place for civilians in gaza but is there any forces the not only active in gaza but also with the west back while the cd is seeking shelter in refugee accounts are being subjected to ever more frequent. the idea of raids, which can often be deadly, the r t, mid leaf bureau chief my, our financing that reports on this, a dead body of a teenager line in the middle of a street. the picture was taken in the unsolved palestine in refugee camp in the west bank have to what the idea of calls accounted. terry smoke duration. we come to the ground to investigate what happened to the boy and said i is one of many camps built after the 1948 arrow is really worth to shelter palestinians expelled
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from the land. as the state of israel was created, what it was meant to be temporarily accommodation became the home for decades. c signs of these really armies, recent raids are everywhere. military operations, all across the west bank intensified after the war and gonzo started the armies searching for him. asked supporters or sympathizers. we see bern houses damaged buildings including one under wash school, bullet holes in the walls. pictures of local men who lost their lives in idea of raids. one of them is the one we need the dead corpse from the picture. 16 year old my food number you see in this we do my phones family, provided the boy a smiling. it was taken just days before his death in the camp who easily find the lane where my food was killed. we also found a man from the corner of the picture, a paramedic who was with much mood that fatal morning. according to an under walk
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profile, holidays, one of just 12 health personnel for an almost $11000.00 strong camp population. somebody that can come early in the morning, the idea of withdrew from the outside camp, the residence sold. the operation was over and went out to see the damage caused by these ready all me? well, the troops were retreating. we know just some snipers on the rooftop, but the community sent for people with disabilities. people sold this and children started running in all directions left and right. the only open fire we was standing there and i was informed that was severe injury in the community club area . i had to move from the red crescent building towards the wounded person. my mood was beside me. there's not carrying anything, no bullets or anything. i stopped him for moving forward because there was gun fine . and he was just a child who tugged the gun 5 and you it was his relative who was injured. so he moved in and came out. these really military, a categorical,
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instructed to open fire only in case of an immediate threat. visuals show my mood was empty handed when he was shot at from his back. and this is what i witnesses on the ground, confirm for them, and har walker phone was out of luck of heart. he came out and stood here from the sou. nancy stood hey, in front of me. he was shots in the lower parts of his head. after this entry took 2 steps and fell to the ground. he thought he could move quickly, but the sniper was ready. he suffered severe brain injury and internal bleeding, and he died. locals tried to reach out to my move to try to help him, but the gunfire wouldn't stop. a lot of the problem, the hawk of didn't a language that was direct shoots and get anyone approaching. and there was no way we could pull him away from the place, but he was showing trouble. the neighbors opened the gary's door to block the bullets. so we could take my move and get him into the ambulance. when we were filming, we noticed and movement in the window, we knocked and we went inside,
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agreed to talk to us. she saw what happened that day. so he multiples, finely. i told him not to goes out, but he started so okay. and asked me for will to i gave him will to them all, to have nothing with him. they shot him directly behind his ear and then shot him again. no one could drag him out as no one could reach him. the ambulance and the young man came, but it was too late. i ask the woman, if she has any video picture of my food from that day, she said she will look for it and later returns with a short clip stealing from her room. this is beyond just occupational kills out children that kills all kids. one doesn't know how to describe them. for thing he came by here. my mood became the latest victim of these really rage. not the 1st and locals doubts. he'll be the last, the straight away my what was killed hate by several bullets, probably showed by an israeli soldier, hiding on top of one of those buildings over there. a white existence looks
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different today. off to the boys, das local tongue, a close between the house is like a person to protect themselves from snipers and drones. according to un human rights. as of june, 15th 520 age palestinians were killed by his really forces or jewish settlers across the west bank since the war and gaza started 133 of them. children. a 60 percent of the cams population are under 18. it's summer vacation. more children than usual are outside of re keyed carries a gun, a plastic toy one. the only game children here seem to know how to play very well involves these totally arms. i approach them to talk about the war games when the most wanted the key to peers mean how the the games scenarios,
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the tactics and even movements all that they take from life. the when the kids see i would rather than these kinds of bunk them, boom into can they get agitated? they think it's the idea of these really army uses drones, a lot of recognizance and shooting this time. it's not with the army, certainly come back a marie as an option, a r t reporting somebody set on palestine in refugee camp in the west bank, away from the middle east. now india has once again criticized canada for what he has called the lenient approach to terrorist forces. this is on the anniversary of the 1985 bombing of an air india flight of montreal. of the attack is widely
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believed to have been carried out by a 6 separate is group operating in canada. new daily believes that the north american countries current lead harboring seek separatist who want to com and independent and region out of india, a cold callous then the area india bombing is considered the deadly is terrorist attack in canadian history of 329 people including 86 children were killed at the main, the suspects with 6 separatists residing in canada. or they have been claims that there were seeking revenge for an indian army attack or the temple in punjab, during which 6, wherever moved from the premises of the canadian government has set up a memorials in the cities of toronto, vancouver auto. i am one true to on of the victims all the tragedy now let's trust live to not have a not up on to other read up to of 5 the department,
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the fuel politics and international relations. demonte paul academy of higher education is nice to have. you drive me right now, but have now 1st of all, what are your thoughts on india is creative is a month canada, as approach towards the kind of stand movement, is the criticism of, you know, is it justified? what's your assessment as well? uh, i'd like to say that uh uh, i want to 1st express of part is great sorrow and condolences to the innocent people in doctors thought it was software because they were cut on a tag. in the same way. actually, i would not call them seek separators, go to seek sort of a glorious religion, but they're basically, unfortunately, that they are aided, equipped by, by a state, a neighborhood we'd get to the west. and they'd been involved in creating kelvin may have the industry to for john is not going to happen. but devil who did,
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that's for the a 100 times more attractive. a broad been down india. and the frustrating point is that there are a handful of people who do try to conduct general operations in india. and these people are getting funding. they're getting other kinds of support from individuals settled in canada, the u. k. and the us has enough ground to some extent, australia is very surprising actually because they should be 0 dollars. whatever there is of anywhere is up tend to countries every way. so india, it was quite surprised by the very, very been i not to do off canada and you're talking about the can you scope only is the $39.00 was to the guns cup on the 3rd to please 3rd yesterday, if i recall and up to date know that there is no justice in the future in genetic victims, in joining them about 200 canadian citizens,
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nor just as a door, one individual was due and he was ready to be released of a very, very quickly he was released. nobody knows what to do. i'm, i'm the most horrible thing about this is that this was a doug that could have been for stuart. they're very well, but they weren't individuals from the canadian security services for the following . but 3 or 4 individuals on the board up to solve some issue and they hold a load explosion and they just ignore it and walked back. and dr. young, this individual, who by the way, was the ringleader, public underscore operation, a new directory cost. all those just visit, don't we talk me because of a gunshot with even a gunshot in good canada. there's something to investigate but no one in by you certainly not to the security services. certainly not. i mean, anyone,
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most of all the age of a 5 or 6 or 7 can disappearing, cannot distinguish between a gunshot and an explosion. osborne explosive, and that was what it was. and they were testing the explosives, they were going to use when they brought donors elegant acro. it's absolutely good to negligence on the part of the canadian authorities. and i've started to say the so called investigators who investigated this. they also shared the gift of the blame, but so far, no punishment has been admitted out to any of them. in fact, individuals who go around openly propagating, for example, do you know the death of the indian prime minister and who basically daughter for the very tragic death of a bribe. interesting that a guntee of in 1984 for peace people are not only adult
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struct, very savvy places, their honor. and you have actually groups going around with the, with the, with terrible images. all of them is gone. the line, you know, of the growing dr. being sort by products, it's absolutely frightening of scary to even see these images. i had bought a surprising news, the canadian government, the prime minister justin google is doing absolutely nothing about stopping this. they're calling it freedom of speech. i have no idea frankly, but loving the planting of bulbs, dusting all the bones of openly, boasting about trying to kill. that's beautiful, also friendly countries. all this is part of freedom of speech. i mean, i do, it's a very, very expensive view of freedom of speech. now on the advisory, all the area india flight bombing members of the 6 foot just is organization came
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with colleagues down the flags just down to install the diary to with families of the victims. but at the same time, the presented the folder of the bama as a supposedly mater for the referendum campaign in india. talk to us about the contradictions here. you know, the 6 foot, just as it is well known, is that an organization committed to violent a activities against the indian people, especially berkeley in the straight up a job, which fortunately has been enjoying bees. since the 19 ninety's appeared, a very intense of the problems created by a tenant as well, who came across the board of the seeks for justice board on board. they're not even . you cannot even call them 6 because that's such a noble spread. it's meant to defend and protect the innocent. it's meant to defend them, protecting the do you of a, in the individuals. and that, you know,
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the doors will belong to that very, very, very wonderful religion. well, no, joining this kind of activity such a complete mission over the realities. this particular organization is doing this to show a kind of rush or to basically give what kind of support but in albany. but the reality is they are backing biden's there in private, and frankly, they are backing the very same individuals. well, they're friendly with the know the very same individuals who don't know what the responsible for the countries got a bowman. oh hi. be wondering. it all really in canada with, nor justice of the 29 years i've gotten for 6 for justice consorts with the very people who basically plot plotted data,
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not the kind of scope on being and they're going up or do you know at this memorial for the victims of the activities of individuals while they're doing springs as well. get partners in trying to create environments and they've been so i think you're perfectly right. it's uh, it's much more bucker's easy. it's actually terrifying. but the level of, oh oh, for the seat that is being c, i'd what is the clinic notifying is the fact that neither of united states nor in canada has any action being taken against individuals who have been promoting the violence. despite the very sudden, deli for email and possibly direct conversation in regards of their involvement in activities related to trying to create violence in the job. fortunately, they have failed the project.


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