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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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it is this idea that everybody is deserve and then suggested that virtue of your being here the priest executed multiple people killed and a synagogue the burnout. r t assess this, the after max of the tower attacks and that this died. great. now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these burned sacred text. moscow, someone's the us investor. the house or a pentagon supplied myself kills children the ukrainian stride on the beach and cried me and mine host, what the peace and ukraine loss is out of the mind. who predicted the war far is johnson says, now joe, for august, wrong to suggest
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a native result. russia into the conflict, the what you're watching are due to national, reaching you from the russian capital. hi, a michael, what you now 20 people are now no just a died following a series of terrorist attacks in solving russia on sunday. now the $46.00 people were with that, and that's according to the national anti terrorism committee. 5 terrorists were also killed after they had targeted the number of churches and synagogues and the republic of douglas don. stuff with it shows the aftermath of the heart of a fake attack on the church in my gosh, cala, the vehicle is outside now burned down rags while the cherry tree of what's supposed to be a secret place. now more resembles a buckle field of the windows of the church. i pierced with bullet holes, were heard from
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a priest who managed to close the doors and protect people inside the building. i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory. i brought them into the deacon has checked everything we stayed inside for 4 hours in the regions head has satan's visited the orthodox church and must have called on to express his condolences. now for that shows the walls and windows of the building and peppered with the toner, filed the bird top vehicles letter the bunk yard. archie is roman, close our reports from baptist, that they were at least 20 worshippers of discharge, and much fell out on sunday evening. when they were celebrating the holy trinity and a on a sunday. now that service attacked late in the evening. as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or were written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed
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a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door, it was open another time, which deed was closed and the terrace continue shooting. i can see this door is also riddled with black holes and the security guard. his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. now, one of insurance was attacked in the city all sides, or been some 150 kilometers away from my actual uh, sales morning for the worshippers there as well. this is what's left. so the prayer holes in the synagogue and the city of dirt events in russell's republic of the stone, according to officials, fits terrorist gardens to synagogue from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on fire. and thankfully, the word no worshippers there, that sign, but some number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the eating prayer on
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sunday was supposed to start for the minutes after the terrorist attack of the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. i mean, let's just start suddenly, they came from over there and killed these secures. he got then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline. it killed the other god and wounded the placement, the placement called the swamp table. from here we can see where the shooting occurred. that was the moment the terrace fled. all the people of doug, a son of russia, with us. remember what happened. he must go reason they what's going on. people have been killed. god created people for want to live in brotherly way. we altogether, we will be together and we will never surrender. what did you get? a couple of those thoughts? who did it? there are only a few of them in the republic. it's happened before, and it's never had any impact on the overall situation. and on our unity, we defeated them and we'll continue to defeat them. like they're so some of the
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level that they want to scare us, but it won't work. there is a project to build to most a church and the scene go up and up and i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that and that must be a religion. it's some group of people control by someone, the heavy people's freights. that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument. over here we have a representative of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist inter bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest, whose name was nikolai concerning the gulf. and that he's been here for 40 years.
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changing to his parish. this people here in their beds had been bringing flowers to this monument hole for out monday had it doesn't seem just felt as people here realize that only unit so you can prevent mores terrorism and a monument in that event which represents the unity of 3 religions has become a focal point of local dream. it's now adorned with flowers and candles. a fit goes depicted a rabbi orthodox priest, and the movie to a based on a real people of the priest in the center. it was one of those killed father, nikolai fatality called the russian chief, rob i barrow laza, express condolences over the tragedy and spoke about how terrace come early see tween still here in the public. our entire community is shocked by the despicable
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crime of the terrorist attack and dentist on our entire community mullins with the relatives of the victims. i am sure that the integrity of multinational and multi confessional, russia is with the people of tag a stone. today. sometimes terrace cover themselves with nationalist, separate to store even religious slogans. but the aim is always the same. to kill as many innocent people as possible and so fear and distrust in the hearts of office an independent don't. let's look rivet believes. only a handful of the mountains are enough to of course, any unrest while outside hans may even be involved to it's possible that they could send 3 on as low make gesture off anchor a by, by these extreme as stuff. i'm not very numerous. so just a few, a moms are enough to, to create how often you know, fostering anchored among these people. on bottom of course folders.
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everybody wants to live in peace. so did off which to prop the fact that they might just drop for the cro console. oh, so you're holding in a multiple that they could have some other purpose advantages sonic terrorism and the find it in the case of the prophets hold on the same spray. the back on your crank was involved in may be to go father, a few crane to sing i so it could be the same here. i'll throw on. one of the pressure was involved enough. got us on the americans providing what funds and, and financing to the town the box off the back. of course they have to leave. oh, they have to be about gas dining. all right, but um, all right, but, so it's possible, it's very possible. then you have to kind of washington, somewhere behind there, even in the spot waiting complex for us europeans, most people, we don't know anything about that. it's not, we hold for
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a long time that the of the terrorism had been the product take that involve costs by moscow and, and it was a long period of calm, but not seems that is sort of surgeons. again, it could be due to just a few months. now the terrorist attacks in douglas done came on the same day as the 3 and 4th is use us myself to target premiere of a strike called the police, are killed for civilians, including children. the the attack left 10 bags in children's toys scattered across the beach as locals, flab the scene in patrick leaving behind their belongings. not 2 children who were among the victims more than a 150 people were injured. monday has been declared a day of morning. there are the russians, they do my share claims of the cases in crimea and back the stag may be linked
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these are in 2 main crimes. each of them is under investigation. it is possible that in both cases, the organizers will turn out to be the same. the after the attack on the step by step all have a russian foreign ministry. some of the us ambassador in moscow to convey it's under the ministry. describe it as quote, a new bloody crime of the washington to tug at on the key every gene. it also stretched they use the us had use of you actually become a party to be a coffee by supplying your trade with weapons that were used against civilians. i've stated that a tax on russian territory would not go without the response on the on bus it. it was informed that such actions by washington, which are intended to encourage the, probably not siegel sorry, teasing you, trying to continue fighting until the last ukranian by authorizing strikes deep into russian territory, will not go unpunished. retaliatory measures will certainly follow. well,
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as we heard from the russian ministry of defense there, these were us made attack comes long range missiles armed with cluster munitions aimed at a highly populated civilian area using american intelligence and targeted by american specialists. one of these missiles was able to get close enough to cause serious damage, killing 4 people, including 2 children, and injuring over 150 other people. as you could imagine, this was a day like any other right. people went from enjoying a day on the weekend at the beach to living through a heretic nightmare and just a split 2nd. we were able to get some reactions from people who live for this tragic moment. yeah, because i'm about him. i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out on to the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people with screaming, i saw something full into the building, it was about the size of
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a bed. people were shouting your fire, your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people around with everything they could to put out the flames. go into the pin a. we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way. we heard a rumble and then ran under a beam for protection. i shouted to everyone to stand under the balcony and just then the shards began to fall. could thank god no one was handed to the children were all safe. then i dropped them off at the hotel. we heard screaming. one boy was left alone in a room. i ran to him to calm him down. then his parents came and said there were a lot of injured people on the beach. i'm a medic, myself. i work in an empty when i ran there to the beach to see whether they needed medical help. how many people went to the beach. they help the victims as they could, is they took them to the clinic, people were dying, they simply could not survive. those injuries, there was such
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a commotion. people were running screaming. if it weren't for the efforts of ordinary people, there would have been a lot more victims. actually, administrator, defense is of course place the blame on washington because this terrorist attack wouldn't have been possible without help from the us military and russian media is also reached out to the pentagon for comments. but they've since said that the officials, they're refused to say anything like this. so the us was involved in this strike directly below that. i mean, is that what the defense minister said? yeah. and was it, there is no reaction from the united states until well, there's been reactions from individual people. of course, many people in the west have seen the outrages initiative. what happened really, i mean, many are asking, could people imagine if russia launched a missile at miami beach? i mean, could you imagine how washington would react to that? let's take a listen to some of the reaction. this should not be happening. imagine as russia using a russian satellite, 5 cluster munitions on
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a florida beach. imagine the outrage if a russian we saw with cluster munitions guided by russian satellite would kill americans on miami beach. that's what by didn't just did to russia. every american must understand the job identities, gambling with american lives. russia isn't nuclear power. people who think that the momentous risk is evident from this tweet to was it all to keep a few tall and pointless war going on? who rules? a few provinces, an eastern new crane, have completely lost any sense of rationality or sobriety. look at the do range gain your playing. it goes without saying this is more than just the us supplying ukraine with long range weapons and giving them the green light to hit russian territory. this is us military intelligence and us personnel being used to kill civilians on russian territory. it's not out of crime, that's not going to go on, answered by moscow. but let's head to britain now for my british prime minister boris johnson is the latest to wait in to the funeral. that's wrapped around jeff
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ross after the breakfast. cheer leading figure ahead. suggested last week that nathan had provoked russia into its way. busy with your trade, johnson claim of the reform you came upon to lead. it was now easily spreading k crumley propaganda. this is nosy, 18. a historical drizzle in mole kremlin propaganda. nobody provoked pollutant no, but he poked the bag with the stick. there was only one person responsible for russian aggression against ukraine, both in 20142022 that is put in to try to spread the blame is morally repugnant and power thing pretends lice. so guess who's in trouble again in the u. k. yep, you guessed it. good all nigel for raj from on the british political establishment just last to aid is back in the headlines. well for telling lies, what's the great political crime of telling the truth? i stood up in the european parliament in 2040 and i said, i quotes that will be
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a war in you cried. have we taken leave of all senses? do we actually want to have a. busy with pacing, because if we do with lee coming about it the right way, we directly into the ridge, the uprising in the ukraine, that led to the toppling all the president. the other guy, which i bought, lot of calls into a divided man who's in reacting on the model of the story is if you put the russian band with a stick, don't be surprised when he right. yes. why do i say that? it was obvious to me that the ever east with expansion, nato and the european union was giving this man a reason to his russian people to say that coming for us again. and to go to war. we provide this war just i get a cause, it's his fault. he's use what we provide you the invasion to try. and very interestingly, once again, 10 years ago when i predicted there's the way i'm the only person in british
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politics that predicted. but what happened? surprise, surprise, his critics are lining up to put the buddhist. what he said was completely wrong and really plays into patients hands. and this kind of appeasement is dangerous for breast and security for all just comments about russia and ukraine. all disgraceful . well, what's it all about? i hear you as well. nigel into 4 eyes form has to because he is in regarding comments he made during a b, b. c interview about ukraine to the call for escalation more, more, more weapons. so she called out the western foreign policy instead of led those into this situation. in other words, he's guilty of the terrible crime of deviating from the narrative that the west is blameless in ukraine. don't blame me for telling the truth about prudence war in ukraine. the west errors in ukraine have been catastrophic. there was no easy solution to the war, but facing up to the truth about the causes and consequences must be
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a start. that is why i simply want to tell it as it is and have done for a decade. those slanders who claim the telling the truth makes me a mouthpiece for prudence, only revealed the weakness of their own case and isn't at all so strange that certainly for as long have views on the ukraine war, making the headlines. maybe it's something to do with his reform party's rising popularity in a country, increasingly tired of the forever war machine when it comes to challenging the establishment. narrative for rush, certainly as for, i knew i wouldn't be welcome back in brussels and having one venue can. so when i die, i could live with that. but for tuesday, news, the county council is absolutely outrageous. what you've seen to us live on the land today is an attempt to the european medium to take control of every single aspect of our lives. she wants to build
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a centralized and democratic outdated form of communism. let's not forget to read some flashing europe's pro war pro ukraine parties talk in the elections. it seems obvious that ordinary europeans are tiring of the forever war and ukraine, and they're making their feelings known at the ballot boxes. he's not only in office as it will and begging presidents, but ukraine does not need what president now, it needs a piece president who is willing to negotiate, so that the dine stops and the country has a future. president zelinski is currently contributing to a highly dangerous spiral of escalation and is accepting the risk of a new killer conflict with devastating consequences for the whole of europe. obviously, you will have to negotiate with the russia in order to try and secure a positive solution for ukraine in this conflict that is clearly cannot win. so as the u. k. electric goes to the poles, it seems almost certain that british pm wishy soon i could soon be losing his job.
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i labor leader to your spam or will be that you guys new prime minister. but well, many will be watching is just how well knowledge of a rise reform party doors in the vote as hungry victor o'bonham, slovakia as well, but fee. so it's view of europe may be taking a foothold in the u. k. now let's cross live the job list and the host of going on the ground option read time. so you to delve deeper into this topic option is really nice to have your job me right now. now, so i, they have been following this development. so bob has just said, there's the latest heavy weight to condemn for roger's woods about the ukraine war being provoked by nato expansion. so what do you make of the former prime minister comments or yeah, i mean bar as johnson the equally pro genocide as other candidates in this election . it's important for him to regain this narrative that the establishment that
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controls britain have. where is for a jazz j, the mentioned broke through the narrative and said, oh, it wasn't unprovoked fusion's decision to finally have alleviate the pain and misery of so many years since the us back to a new crane and protect the people if they don't bass. so it was so important for johnson in from us for blocking the negotiated peace settlement and the stand bowl which was recently published in the new york times of all places. so important to re gain the narrative. because for rogers allowed to say these comments on the mouth piece of propaganda, media organization, the bbc where i once worked, we've got to remember, there is no media freedom in britain. that's why this election, there is no democracy really. so that wasn't even elected to be prime minister in the 1st place. but st gas tama was replaced because jeremy colbin was there. the
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entire media is banned from talking about what was happening after the made on cool of 2014. you're not allowed to say there are not sees you're not allowed to show the nazi and sydney arrows and skis troops. there is no free press in bread without it for you press that can be no democracy. the whole country is a sham because of this. and it has to be said that for raj pool is populism, maybe try to outline george galloway. hey i know for i just doing very well indeed in the latest opinion, balls you i'm pulling higher than the income. increasing galloway also is a piece candidate. as regards the proxy war through ukraine. so perhaps for roger's doing a bit of manipulation that only galloway, as opposed to the genocide in garza sacked by snack. that's a raj. i'm sick. yes, tom, a persecuted, juliet assigned you into the state and the rest. all right,
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that talk to us base get, what's your personal interpretation to nigel for august statement that nato's expansion provoked rasa into war. does he have a point here? so everyone button cuz that's the gaze jeffrey sachs, i'm going underground recently. he's a former advisor. didn't know fewer than 3. you and secretary generals, including the present one antonio gutierrez said, why do they use the phrase unprovoked? why do they always say the unprovoked invasion of ukraine? all nature propaganda, media organizations. because it's almost like a talking point given to them by the intelligent services, the control of the military industrial complex in western europe and in the united states is so all encompassing, so much like a panel to call. it is terrifying it inmates musically, arts, literature, poetry, both music. so the popstars can't even be against the proxy war ukraine. so that's the reason that uh,
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provoked it and how the phrases are always wheeled by all your b and union politicians on key. they just told to do, want to just they just do what they're told to do. and of course there hasn't been reporting about that. i really think events and some basketball. and the fact that these are american attack comes that was used to kill people on the beach civilians on a beach. that's what we're going to be reported. just as the word provokes is all going to be reported just as the way ices dash and, and i'll try to afflict on like a switch by my 6 and c. i a, as we know they have been in syria. they don't, they're supposed to be most slims. why don't they help their brothers and sisters in palestine know they'll do everything to fight the russian people to fight anything that is against nato interests. me. alright, let's turn to all the topics that especially some of the developments from within
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russia. yes. to then the long stuff from the baptist on. yes. that a brutal terrorist attacks left multiple casualties in august on. yes, today, given that this republic is a multi, it's making multi confessional one. the thing that the attack on really just size was a deliberate step, aim that in finding inside ethnic discord and religion to create some kind of fear and pension. we're seeing this playbook is american western back playbook. i refer to the carry out these kinds of attacks and syria, which judges and synagogues, i don't think even the nato countries, they know that there are jews in the wrong. what kind of terrorism was sponsored by the americans and the british for their proxy m e k fascist organization. in iran, they are able to carry out these a symmetric long range campaigns to stir up trouble,
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right across the world. it's something that china knew very well when the light that there was a genocide in jane jane was being being pulled cost all around the nature of propagandized world. yes, i think of everyone is aware of what the c i a the cuts out. so the c, i a, the circles, human rights organizations run by the united states and learn in my 6, the intelligence agencies, all the western europe. we know what they're capable of, the peoples of the united states and western europe. know nothing about it. they're not allowed to know about the cobra attempts. all they have to worry about is the blow back. because there have been terror attacks and the like in western europe as well. and when these groups get tired of following orders from langley and from london to go back and they hit back at home. now the attack in douglas done. com is the same days of us. couple came under
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a mess all attack that. do you think this 2 events link well, i think this is part of a if you look at what we see on the news and remember ativa instrumentals band across western europe. so they kind of even know about what is being going on. but if you watch the news, if you see what's happened, it all seems coordinated. no less then the chief of stuff at the us state department under president obama came on going undergrad recently and said that victorian newland was famous phone cool. that describes the 2014 c i a back to in ukraine to kicked off the events that the binders of thousands of ukrainians have died for victoria noon. and according to the pharmacy, to soften you by mistake. department was 5 by even on to the blinking and joe biden, because the crow cuz of the musical attack was one attack too far. it's time i think, and the global south must be saying this to the russian government full listing
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arrived and get to grips with what is really behind this. i know that the russian foreign ministry aust, for the us are invested in moscow in the past few. how is to see them about the fact that us soldiers, what targeting the use of asked of old i attacked them strikes? i think some people around the world will be wondering whether russia the time is come to exit gains. the enablers of genocide in west asia, specifically let alone the enables of the mass. murder attempted mass would suddenly mud in suggestible in the last 48 hours. we have to living here now john, lift and going on the ground host option read time. seeds really great. so to have you on my show. thank you so much. thank you mike. great of the not, let's bring the some brick news just reaching hospice. our had a huge fire hasn't gone to administrative building in the moscow region. the local
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government reports that one fussing has been rescued while 7 others never need traps in the building. the fire has involved the upper part of the building, reading from the 5th to the a floor. now the search for victims containing or the emergency team. so working at the scene will be staying across the street and to bring you any updates from there . or you can get further details of all the stories were following and r t dot com. i'll see you again on top of the out by now. the hello and welcome to the cross, the full board here we discussed some really of
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the man the northern tabs we have now right here. now why why, why, why being genuine, labeled on monday. the only problem about week of told me .


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