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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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this year we discussed the wheel and the priest in priest executed, lost the police officers killed and a sent a good bunch out our de assessments, the aftermath of the tara attacked in august, not the right now. as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left about these birds sacred text. moscow sub runs, the us in, back to the author of the pentagon, supplied myself, kills children at the straight and stride on the beach and find me at the manual for the peace in your trade. last is out of the mine who predicted before. bars. johnson says now joe, for raj, it's wrong to suggest data to vote russia in to the company.
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the others is, are teaching national reaching you live for my new center in moscow. i a michael porter with the updates i like to bring you some breaking news. this. our 2 people had been killed after a huge fine golf and administrative building of the moscow region of the local government report. the one passing has been rescued. file 7 others never named shopped in the building of the fire, has engulfed the upper part of the buildings. writing from the 5th to the 4th of the set for victims continues. emergency team. the working of the scene will be staying across the story to bring you updates from that. the uh 20 people are now known to have died following a series of, of service attacks on, in churches and synagogues in southern russia. on sunday,
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a 2 christians were among the victims, while the rest were muslims, including the police officers, who for uh, back against the attack as 5 terrorists were also killed. that's what it shows the aftermath of the horrific attack on the charge in the montage. color of equals comp outside and now the tiles, wrecks while the territory of what supposed to be a secret place now resembles a buckle field, were heard from a priest to manage, to barricade the doors and protect people inside the building. i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory, i brought them into the deacon has checked everything we stayed inside for 4 hours . other regions had his friends visited the orthodox church in my class, kyla to express his condolences, that's what it shows its walls and the windows peppered with bullet holes. are
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these women closer? i have reports from that gets done. they were at least 20 worshippers of discharging much color on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity. they on this sunday now the terrorist attacked late in the evening. as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or were written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door, it was open another time, which deed was closed and the terrace continued shooting. i can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes and the security guard. his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. now, one of insurance and was attacked in the city all sides or been some 150 kilometers away from a 100 a law survey and sale morning for the worshippers. there's, well,
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this is what's left to the prayer holes in the synagogue and the city of dirt bent in russia's republic of biggest stone, according to officials, 5th terrorist guarding specific called from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on the fire. thankfully, there were no worshippers there at that time, but the number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the, the prayer on sunday was supposed to start for 2 minutes after the terrorist attack of the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. i mean, let's just say suddenly they came from over there and killed the security comp, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline hit, killed the other god, and wounded the placement, the placement called the swat team. from here we can see where the shooting occurred. that was the moment the terrace fled. well, the people attack us dawn of russia with us. remember what happened. they must go
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racing. they don't know what's going on. people have been killed. so god created people for want to live in browser, the way we altogether, we will be together and we will never surrender, shall be what the cause of those ducks, who did it. and it's there only a few of them in the republic. it's happened before and it's never had any impact on the overall situation and on our unity and that's what defeated them. and we'll continue to defend them like a so some of the level that they want to scare us, but it's one to work. there is a project to build to most a church and the scene a girl can do a bent. i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that and that must be a religion. it's some group of people controlled by someone. happy people street, so that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents because for them it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument. over here we have
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a representative of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, the whole of these people who are alive however, the terrorist hands are bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was uh, nikolai, concerning the golf and that he's been here for 40 years changing to his parish. this people here in their bands have been bringing flowers to this monuments whole for out months they had, it doesn't seem to stop as people here realize that only unit so you can prevents morse terrorism which is a national vice so very sorry of all permits. so yes, you've had no him since i was a child, it was a good contest and what's happening is wrong. and i want to say that the attack is only
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a small fraction of people in the caucasus. the rest on the stand that it is wrong because which these people didn't give life. so they don't have a royal take care of. they said there are muslims, but there is nothing in this. none that it would allow me to or impose something on all those new to me pretty. who looked most of them. nothing can divide us. it will never happen. whatever happens, we are decent citizens living in a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality. we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism and every force that can try to influence the situation from the outside. and i can say that they will not succeed. that's right. and that's a monument in that event, which represents the unity of 3 religions, has become a focal point of local grief. it's now adorned with flowers and candles, as if it goes depicted a rob i, orthodox priest, and the new law. uh, based on real people, of the priest tennis center was one of those killed father, nikolai cortez because of the russian chief,
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rob i barrow laza. i said that the terrorists are trying to instill fear in the public our entire community seat is shocked by the despicable crime of the terrorist attack and august on our entire community mullins with the relatives of the victims. i am sure that the integrity of multinational and multi confessional, russia is with the people of tag a stone. today. sometimes terrace cover themselves with nationalist, separate to store even religious slogans. but the aim is always the same. to kill as many innocent people as possible and to so fear and distrust in the hearts of others. all the terror attacks in douglas, dawn came on the same day as you create in force as low as to you. as my cells. i cried mia, the stride called the peninsula kills for civilians including children the
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beach remained lifted with belongings, all left behind us. panic spread among people who moments before had been enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the sunshine. 2 children were among the victims. more than a 150 people were injured, monday has been declared a day of morning. there are the russians. they do much at claims that the case is in columbia and that you started the buildings. these are in few main crimes. each of them is under investigation. it is possible that in both cases, the organizers will turn out to be the same. now after the attack on this, the best of all, the rush of the foreign ministry, some of the us invested a moscow to convey its own good. now the ministry describe it as quote, a new bloody problem of the washington to, to an odd key every she a, the also stress of the us has become a party to the conflict by supplying you trade with weapons that were used against civilians. and stated that the attacks on russian territory would not go without
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the response on the on bus it. it was informed that such actions by washington, which are intended to encourage the probably not seal socrates in ukraine to continue fighting until the last ukrainian by authorizing strikes deep into russian territory will not go unpunished. retaliatory measures will certainly follow, well, as we heard from the russian ministry of defense there, these were us made attack comes long range missiles armed with cluster munitions aimed at a highly populated civilian area using american intelligence and targeted by americans specialists. one of these missiles was able to get close enough to cause serious damage killing for people, including 2 children and injuring over 150 other people. as you could imagine, this was a day like any other right. people went from enjoying a day on the weekend at the beach to living through a heretic nightmare and just a split 2nd. we were able to get some reactions from people who live through this
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tragic moment. yeah, because from the body i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that a 2nd explosion understood something, flew into the building from the sky. i went out into the balcony to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people were screaming, i saw something full into the building, it was about the size of the bed. people were shouting your fire, your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people around with everything they could to put out the flames. moving to the we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way, we heard a rumble and then ran under a beam for protection. i shouted to everyone to stand under the balcony and just then the shards began to fall. okay, thank god. no one was had the children were all safe. then i dropped them off at the hotel. we heard screaming. one boy was left alone in a room. i ran to him to calm him down. then his parents came and said there were
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a lot of injured people on the beach. i'm a medic, myself. i work in an ambulance. i ran there to the beach to see whether they needed medical health. the people went to the beach, they help the victims as they could, is they took them to the clinic. people were dying, they simply could not survive those injuries. there was such a commotion. people were running screaming. if it weren't for the efforts of ordinary people, there would have been a lot more victims. rushes ministry of defense is of course, place the blame on washington because this terrorist attack wouldn't have been possible without help from the us military and russian media is also reached out to the pentagon for comments. but they've since said that the officials, they're refused to say anything like this. so the us was involved in this strike directly below that. i mean, is that what the defense minister said? yeah. and was it, there is no reaction from the united states until well, there's been reactions from individual people. of course,
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many people in the west have seen the outrages witness of what happened really. i mean, many are asking, could people imagine, is russia launched a missile at miami beach? i mean, could you imagine how washington would react to that? let's take a listen to some of the reaction. this should not be happening. imagine if russia using a russian satellite 5 cluster munitions on a florida beach. imagine the outrage, if a russian we saw with cluster munitions guided by russian satellite would kill americans on miami beach. that's what ball i didn't just did to russia. every american must understand the job identities, gambling with american lives. russia isn't nuclear power. people who think that the momentous risk is evident from this tweet to was it all to keep a few totland pointless war going out of the who rules a few problems. there's an eastern new crane have completely lost any sense of rationality or sobriety. look at the do range game your playing. it goes without saying, this is more than just the us supplying ukraine with long range weapons and giving
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them the green light to hit russian territory. this is us military intelligence and us personnel being used to kill civilians on russian territory. it's not a crime that's not going to go on, answered by moscow. until the middle east. now 2 ships have been attacked by the young lady who lives in the red sea, the indian ocean, according to the groups both by setting the ships belonging to the companies, the valley to the band on entering use ready ports. now, one of the ships attacked was a cardboard vessel which was targeted in the red sea with a surface drove at the us. many tree confirmed the software, the moderate damage, or the 2nd vessel. a tanka was attacked to the indian ocean with a number of cruise missiles. meanwhile, former congressman ron paul, has hit out the washington's efforts in the red sea, branding them a failure. the, according to the wall street journal, the pedagogy spend more than the $1000000000.00 come back into the movies. but it's
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failed to stop the attacks or restore food navigation in the red sea. or that is not the only washington's efforts in the red sea, which have provoked ross of the us politician. he also cold out the $230000000.00 spent on building a temporary p, a off the coast of gaza to deliver humanitarian aid. but just 10 days after opening stormy weather cost it to break apart, they had to be towed to easel for repair of the cost of more than $20000000.00. but let's cross live to reach that block for more republicans, virginia state center to it's nice to have you join me right now. now the who these have repeatedly attacked ease, ready, lead ships in the red sea. and off, do you have any post in the gulf of items? is the group a complex thing, any of its political goals? what do you, if they, and i think that the,
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the who days of very streamlined successful are the, the problem is that there's a major water way that provides uh, shipping out of the flowing out of the red sea. and it has a choke point at the strait of horror movies, which is controlled by hearing on the, the forces of young men. so they have been fighting a war for, for many, many years. and they're very battled hard and they're very tough. and they, the terrain of the a man is extraordinarily difficult for uh, for attackers. and so the, the main forces have been able to target shipping coming through the straits or from harbors. they have sunk a number of vessels and, and made it very difficult for shipping to flow through there. on the united
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states. so stationed a jury or task force in the area. they have responded. and they shot down a great many of the drones that the hudy's have used, but they have not been able to completely control the situation. as a consequence. it the, the cost of insurance for the ships are carrying goods from, from is really porch is very, very high. and so it, it has created a, a real drag on the, on the is rarely economy. i know there the united states should have understood the difficulties that they faced with this war against the hudy's. because we a,
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we assisted the saudi arabians in trying to invade and crush a man. are they, they explore it for many years. the saudis and the u. a, they sit army store and they, they worked along with the, with the terrorist, isis, and outside are very active in the a man. and the, the hoodies are quite against these terror groups. but i, but sort of this us, uh, sure, sorry you heard alliance but to help by the us. uh so what uh against a, uh uh it gives the hoodies that they say on the new time the who it is. i havent charged themselves. i to true the capital of sign off, and uh, and so they really have a controlling influence over there for the stray of hormones. it is
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a major problem. the west i don't state will, will re gain or complete control of the straight food farmers. and this is predictable because we tried to, to control what when the, when we were helping the saudis, it didn't work there and it's not going to work now. and now a former member of the us has a representative on port last semester. the area has criticize washington is a patient in the red sea saying that it's failed to stop the who'd be attacked about business while be us eisenhower is now leaving the area. now, what are your thing washington is doing, destabilize the region. is there any efforts in that direction? i really don't think that there is. i don't think there's an effective answer to how you can do that. um, so long as the the war and go out as it goes along the,
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the hoodies are sworn to support the the error population in the gaza strip. and of course, it is rarely a tax on garza continue. tremendous slaughter or civilians taking place there just on a daily basis. and i don't see any way until until is real, closes down at operation against the people in regards of strip. i don't see any possibility there is to 50 hudy's, well, voluntarily suspend their operations against the shipping in the straits or that they will be forced to do so. i don't think that we have the military ability to do it. the terrain in, in gaming is just unbelievably difficult for any forces that are
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trying to suppress these. now what scenarios do you see going forward with this confrontation between the oppression prosperity god and disease it could you repeat that, please? yeah, i'm saying, well, what scenarios do you foresee going forward with this continued confrontation between the us coordination on one hand and the who these on the other hand, a lot, i think good as to long as, as we are cooperating with the israel is so long as the israelites continue the attack on the gaza strip, i think the situation is just something we're going to have to deal with them. i think the shipping through the coming out of the red sea,
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through the straits or performers will be effectively interdicted. i don't see a practical military solution to it. it is very difficult even if, even if the united states were to, to uh, to drop american troops into game. and that's why she's for, to be a slaughterhouse over many, many decades. the injections water war there many years ago, and i couldn't even give you the date, but it's been decades decades. and it was a very bloody unfruitful war. so these are just sort of concluded a long running more very on for him, for. and certainly the last time in the world, the united states would want to do, would be to deployed ground troops against the, against the main is the hudy's, because it would,
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it would simply meet with this aster. i think it's one of these things that so long as the warrant goes on and gaza, it's just a situation that the west will have to live with. all right, let's talk about some developments within ross and not moscow says you create and use long range us weapons in this attack and step by step, all which makes americans equally responsible for the attack. now the pentagon said it's aware of the attack, but no more. cummins has followed so far. do you think they'll be any further reaction from washington on this development in, in southern russia? you know, i, i don't know what more the united states to the side of the it present it to the former president. trump is pointed out the job. i and you said joe joe biden should be,
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should not be dragging us further towards world war 3 by sunday cluster munitions to ukraine. now the, the attack dismissal said that his crime a, uh and uh and insured such a tremendous number of, of people out on the, on the beach. this was apparently involved cluster munitions which are so sort of they scatter land mines all over the place. they're, they're very dead wait for many years. many countries are considered at the lowest level type of wiping, to use um by the present, by an order the use of cluster munitions. understanding that the civilians would be killed in large numbers or overcoming years. and i think you
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use just made a decision that to you out in the united states where you have a lot of very bad publicity and but we were just going to do it anyway. or i think the timing of this was very bad. but by firing the time comes, vessels are on holy trinity sunday, right? all of the, all of the people, the civilians were out on the beach and enjoy sunday at the beach and using the cluster munitions. because it, it just shows that there's, there's an increasing reckless as to the, to the actions being taken by the public gone to support what the president board is trying to do. the, the objective 1st and foremost is to keep your crate afloat until
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the after the presidential elections this november. i would really be a disaster for, for the presidency. if, if you cree, simply so far before before november, so they're going to do everything possible. and even if it, even if it means the death of a lot of innocent people, i don't think they deliberately targeted the beach doors. but i think they probably did this, knowing that there was a pretty substantial change because of the flight to the munition. choose the cluster munitions because of that there was a pretty high chance that the, the beach doors on holiday would, would be killed. and i think it was just a chance they were willing to take on. so we see we see
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a lot of things being done these days and i can't tell you whether we had anything to do with with the killings in august. so i don't do certainly as motors for the c i a to conduct operations. that would be the stabilizer again, doug. a, sam, we've done it before and trash here. and so i think we're just doing things that are very reckless and very d, stabilizing president trump has. so just just recent way, i really mean i, i a bombshell announcement he did it 3 days ago during the 21st. when he told the pod cast called all in. and he made the
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comment. basically, he was saying that by means merge about ukraine joining nature were what pro vote for president politi to to go into a war added to the course i've been so i guess for a long time it is, it's very clear in the record. but uh, but the former president trump said he should for, for 20 years. i've heard that if you, craig gross ended nato, it's a real problem for russia. i've heard that for a long shot. and i think that's really why this war started. wine was sided while the wrong things, and one of the things you were saying was, oh, your crime will go into nature. trump said, and then true for the under side. this guy is going to start the war. he said, when i listen to him speaking, i said this guy is going to start more and indeed, he did. so now, for wordpress, are you trying to not so me because
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a little too in politics is that it goes beyond that because in 2014 on, during the tribal expression, obama pricing and obama gave the green light or a true that over throw the legitimately elected government of ukraine here, and we helped to over throw president on a co rich and drive him from office. and we installed a revolutionary photo and it was not an elected government. it was, it was a government really installed by $400.00 total insurance agencies. and then we began to build up the, the ukranian army for attacks on the russian speaking areas adjacent to the russian border. and so we, we forced roches and
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a refresher who had no choice on to but to launch the special military operation. and it is very interesting, this, this discussion divided by president of the former president, trump, saying that the reason for the war is because president biden provoked. good. this is, this is quite a bombshell announcement from the man who may very well become the next price. and i and, and it's interesting, it is, it came out 3 days ago. it was, it was known to the media has been totally suppressed by western media in the united states with the nato. but it's a very big deal here. president trump, sorry, they know that the war was not something that was initiated.


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