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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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a desktop out of the the at least 2 people are killed while 7 others may still be stopped inside an office building as pin and golf inflamed just outside of moscow. christy and priest executed. most of them, police officers killed and a synagogue burnout. archie is assessed as the aftermath of the camera attacks in w. scott right now, as i said, the paired whole is almost completely destroyed. all that slipped of these birds sacred text at moscow, someone's b. u. as in baset, half the pentagon supply muscle killed children in the freight in strike on the beach in crimea, the
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by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to the latest news update on our team to national i a michael fortune. now would begin with breaking news. this out from moscow regional, where at least 2 people had been killed after a huge fire tore through one office, building one of the local god, the reports that one fussing has been rescued. while 7 others may remain trapped in the building as a search and rescue operation continues. of the file in golf to the upper part of the buildings reading from the 5th to the 8th floor. a warning that you might find some of the images we're about to show you a disturbing. now, a video speculating on social media shows a bad jumping from one of the upper floors as the ladies rages on. emergency teams are working at the scene. i would stay on the story and we have off correspondent,
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the scene, the nature of the program. so stay with us to get more information on this. the, the 20 people that now known to have died following a series of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues, and the solve and russia on sunday. a 2 christians were among the victims, while the rest were muslims, including the police officers who fought back against the attack. as 5 terrorists were also killed. now for the it shows the asked a mouthful before i figured tack on the church in the box color. the vehicles popped outside and now the dog racks, while the couch territory of what supposed to be a sacred place. now resembles a bottom field with heard from a priest to manage to barricade the doors and protect people inside the building. it is when i closed the church yesterday, some people were running around the territory, i brought them into the deacon has checked everything we stayed inside for 4 hours
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. other regions had, has satanist visited the orthodox church in my class color to express his condolences. now put, it shows its walls and the windows peppered with bullet holes are these women costs are of reports from that this time they were at least 20 worshippers of discharge and much fell out on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity. they on a sunday now that service attacked late in the evening. as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or were written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that security guard came to the door. it was open another time which lead was he closed and the terrace continue shooting. he can see this door is also riddled with bullet
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holes. now the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. now, one of insurance was attacked in the city. all sides are been some 150 kilometers away from a 100, a law survey and sales warning for the worshippers. there's, well, this is what's left. so the prayer holes in the synagogue and the city of their events in russia's republic of the stone, according to officials, the terrorist gardens, the synagogue from the backside, killed 2 security guards as they walked in. and then said this prayer hole on fire . and thankfully, there were no worshippers there at that time, but some number of casualties couldn't be much harder because the evening prayer on sunday was suppose to start for the minutes after the terrorist attack the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, is, has a fair hole, is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text. i mean,
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let's just say suddenly they came from over there and killed the security guard, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline. he killed the other god and wounded the placement, the placement called the swap table. from here we can see where the shooting occurred. that was the moment the terrace fled. all the people of doug, a son of russia, with us. remember what happened. they must go race and they don't know what's going on. people are being killed or the shall god created, people for want to live and brought them the way we all together. we will be together and we will never surrender, shall be what didn't have a couple of those thoughts who didn't. and it's there only a few of them in the republic. it's happened before and it's never had any impact on the overall situation. and on our unity, i'm not sure what do you see to them, and we'll continue to defeat them. like, you know, so some of the level that they want to scare us, but it's one to work on them. but it was a project to built in most a church and the scene that y'all can do, events. i don't even know how to cause these thoughts. there is nothing like that and that must be a religion. it's some group of people control by some wonderful happy people street
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. so that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands by local residents because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument over here we have a representative of judaism, christianity, and islam, and open till sunday. the whole of these people were alive, however, the terrorist ins are bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai. concerning the gulf and say he's been here for 40 years changing to his parish. this people hearings or bents have been bringing flowers, this monument all for out month they hand. it doesn't seem to salt. as people here realize that the only units that you can prevent horse terrorism,
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which is a national vice, so very sorry, of all per se. so you had know him, since i was a child, he was a good con, pests, and what's happening is wrong. and i want to say that the attack is the only small fraction of people in the caucasus, the rest of the stand, that it is wrong. this people didn't give life, so they don't have a royalty kid. they say there are muslims, but there is nothing in this. none that would allow mother or impose something on all those new store. if we looked at most of them, nothing can divide us. it will never happen. whatever happens, we are decent citizens living in a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality. we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism and every force that can try to influence the situation from the outside. and i can say that they will not succeed. now, a monument in that event, which represents the unity of 3 religions, has become
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a focal point of local gree. it's now adorned with flowers and candles. the figure was depicted a rob, i am orthodox, priest and the new law based on real peoples of the priest. and the sentinel was one of those killed father, nikolai fidelity comp. now the russian chief, rob i barrel, laza said that the terrorists are trying to instill fear the public. our entire community is shocked by the despicable crime of the terrorist attack and august on our entire community mullins with the relatives of the victims. i am sure that the integrity of multinational and multi confessional, russia is with the people of tag a stone. today. sometimes terrace covered themselves with nationalist, separatist, or even religious slogans. but the aim is always the same, to kill as many innocent people as possible. and so fear and distrust in the hearts of others. but let's cross now live to alexa and that's different off the russian
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military x. but i think that is good to have you join me right now. now that his dad is the multi ethnic and multi confessional republic, do you think about the attack on religious sites? was it did a break step a, him that inciting into f b. i didn't really just, uh, this quote in the region of the, oh yes. hello mike. first of all, i would like to express my condolences to the family, so the weekends, all this dread of jim and shirley, if we will analyze the situation in the broad focus, we will see of the call go through generation. part of the region is very jo, politically important for russian for duration, and surely our up on that is a trying to this the lies this region and the flow. remember the last uh uh, ninety's for example. busy when to groups, what did the,
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where are your thoughts on the control of western intelligence services or so of to the contract service operation? we find out i brought the piece to this region but now or using at our attacks as a means for miles of few brit wolf. busy we can see that it's now bought of foreign policy. i'll, i'll finance festival of united states. i'm sure the london of that must have minded all the to a text. do you already know these 2 years, for example, a tax on north stream, a tax on uh, crime me a breach, and surely distributed you in a crock of cd hold. uh so now we can see that losing losing on the front lines, losing the control. busy the key or 3 gym, and that is really all on the last weighs all with so surviving. they are
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trying to use your option solve, keep it in formats, and surely the total reason why that gets done. uh, showing that i get done is very important because it just situated on the bank of the caspian sea and as i or dimensions the it's very important. so for russian economy, we are now developing all saw solace glassford kara door with the, our indian and do ronnie and partners. and surely, you know, the most important for our off and on is to destabilize, so there's region, there's multinational multi or religious regions. and uh, if we could see all that tax were made and very important the for our russian orthodox church on a holiday. i mean it's a holiday. uh and uh, under attack or russian orthodox churches. uh, seeing our goals. so they are trying to provoke into religion,
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conflicts to international conflict inside russian federation. but surely it won't work because now we're united. uh and we are trying to fight with move our ball way against our wisdom in him is i should say that there is because uh those uh open and so thats i used to use instruments of terror attacks surely. uh there will be sooner or later. uh, punished and uh they will feel, oh, on the firewall flush unfortunately, because now in the sense that they're trying to deal uh, surveillance and as a matter of fact or capital to analyze. so the same time it was not the current incidents that tackle for tara key or through jim to the sample. stop all to the people who. busy or um, no, just relaxing on the beach, us of see of us softball,
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and that we're using a, a ballistic missiles. was the last of munitions that were earlier provided by the united states. so were the must the mind of those combined attacks on the south spot, the russian federation on premier. surely we can understand that he saw up on us from united states, 1st of all, the civilized from the nato countries and losing a re, a wall losing on the front line in the grania. now, in the green. uh now uh they are trying to disturb allies situation in the russian federation. and surely not only using the attacks, but using all the financial instruments, sanctions so that no full sanction, surely. and i'm not going through all actors that are widely spread, the media, all aboard else are you who posts. so we have gone through years. so it's
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a systematic, it's very careful of land uh launcher operation by the western intelligence services. shirley uh, headed by the central intelligence agency m i c. and as you know now that form and the 5 islands fire ice intelligence, allen's that is controlling to those operations on the not only are in the russian federation by the in china as well. and move the context of global styles where uh, where some companies are starting to lose their head good money. but could see a search actual for example, in africa, latin america, in other countries off a show for example. and all that trying to use law for instruments. i'm
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not of turning point on the international law, but so that trying to establish some rules rules that only goes account with their own national interest. so i think that those in, for most surely want work uh for a long time and a rush of duration can protect the national interest, will be all there. so a mass of sources about half hour armed forces. uh, surely we will take care about, uh, the terrorist organizations uh, that are now being controlled by the western countries. so now both soviets or countries and other countries, for example, in central asia and new de la. sure. and uh, we can see that, oh there at tax uh tablets uh by some international of known international terrorist uh, organization. but surely they have only one and the main come to. busy center they
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have one organization um man organization of uh with some intelligent services that control them that uh being uh the main sponsor. busy and we can see of the state uh, sports of terry is more right now. uh that is a lot of cheaper. it was a waste and compass. all right, we have to leave you here. now. thank you so much, alexander, i step and all the russian ministry experts. thank you for your insights. now the terror attacks in august don came in this on the same day as ukrainian force as long as the us muscles. i've tried me on the slide called depending through the killed 4 civilians, including children. the, the other beach remained. the less had to his belongings all left behind his panic
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spread among people who cummins, who moments before had been enjoying and relaxed and afternoon in the sunshine that 2 children were among the victims. and more than a 150 people were injured. monday has been declared a day of morning that the russian stay do much more than a claims of the cases in premiere and douglas done may be linked these are in few main crimes. each of them is under investigation. it is possible that in both cases, the organizers will turn out to be the same. the also the attack on the step by step on the russian foreign ministry, some of the us ambassador in moscow to convey it's under the ministry. describe it as quote, a new blah blah, the prime of the washington to to it and on the key every gene. it also stress the us has become a party to the consulate by supplying ukraine with weapons that were used against civilians. i've stated that the tax on russian territory will not go without the
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response as the advice that it was informed that such actions by washington, which are intended to encourage the pro nazi. oh, sorry, teasing you, trying to continue fighting until the last ukranian by authorizing strikes deep into russian territory will not go unpunished. retaliatory measures will certainly follow. well, as we heard from the russian ministry of defense there, these were us made attack comes long range missiles armed with cluster munitions aimed at a highly populated civilian area using american intelligence and targeted by americans specialists. one of these missiles was able to get close enough to cause serious damage, killing 4 people, including 2 children, and injuring over 150 other people. as you could imagine, this was a day like any other right. people went from enjoying a day on the weekend at the beach to living through a heretic nightmare and just a split 2nd. we were able to get some reactions from people who live through this
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tragic moment. yeah, because on the part of you, i was relaxing at a result when i had an explosion that a 2nd explosion, i said something flew into the building from the sky. i went out to him to the balcony, to see what was going on. everything was covered in smoke. people with screaming, i saw something full into the building. it was about the size of the bed. people were shouting your fire, your fire from all the neighboring buildings from the residential complex. people around with everything they could to put out the flames. moving to the pin a, we were at a hotel, we heard a siren and immediately began to gather. we ran for cover into a room. we had to run a long way. we heard a rumble and then ran under a beam for protection. i shouted to everyone to stand under the balcony and justin, the shards began to fall. could thank god no one was handed to the children were all safe. then i dropped them off at the hotel. we heard screaming, one boy was left alone in a room. i ran to him to calm him down. then his parents came and said there were
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a lot of injured people on the beach. i'm a medic, myself. i work in an ambulance, i ran there to the beach to see whether they needed medical health. i'm a that people went to the beach. they helped the victims as they could, is they took them to the clinic. people were dying. they simply could not survive those injuries. there was such a commotion. people were running screaming. if it weren't for the efforts of ordinary people, there would have been a lot more victims. actually, administrative defense is of course, place the blame on washington because this terrorist attack wouldn't have been possible without help from the us military and russian media is also reached out to the pentagon for comments. but they've since said that the officials, they're refused to say anything like this. so the us was involved in this strike directly below that. i mean, is that what the defense minister said? yeah. and was it, there's no reaction from the united states until well, there's been reactions from individual people. of course,
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many people in the west have seen the outrages. and if so, what happened? really, i mean, many are asking, could people imagine if russia launched a missile at miami beach? i mean, could you imagine how washington would react to that particular system of the reaction? this should not be happening. imagine as russia using a russian satellite, 5 cluster munitions on a florida beach. imagine the outrage, if a russian we saw with cluster munitions guided by russian satellite would kill americans on miami beach. that's what ball i didn't just did to russia. every american must understand the job identities, gambling with american lives. russia isn't nuclear power. people the thing that the momentous risk is evident from this tweet to was it all to keep a few totland pointless war going out of the who rules a few problem. susan, eastern ukraine, have completely lost any sense of rationality or sobriety. look at the do range game your playing. it goes without saying, this is more than just the us supplying ukraine with long range weapons and giving
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them the green light to hit russian territory. this is us military intelligence and us personnel being used to kill civilians on russian territory. it's not a crime that's not going to go on, answered by moscow as well as bring you some breaking news. now. russian foreign minister, i say, to get law bravo has said that there is no doubt to the us is complicit in the terror attack on the crimea. he made the remarks during his visit to minsk, where his meeting with his fellow russian conned upon both ministers and now addressing the press. let's cross live and thinking they simply get so good space, you know, russian colleagues share this view. and as you know, the speaker of the state duma which slough logged in the role she had been russian delegation durham. i am certain of the permit. and i will call duration, honest, historical memory, or to reduce and focus on petro educated cation and opposing attempts to falsify
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history justify not, says women defending because a member of all 4 or 5 that are so will only gain more attraction. thank you for your attention. most. yes, go ahead please. mr. robert, all full is less than 5 minutes. if there's an issue with that, you'll be sure to look at these. and that should be a little personal. i would like to buy a car the russian counter, far as for their host, it sounds april. the amazing organization of this official visits, the minister of foreign affairs, the rest of the duration. so their public, a beller, is actually had the seats in very woodson and some other sessional negotiations, which professionally wins and upfront of last year. he's only agreeing to enrich the rental. we covered the most typical, most of the items have been to the national agenda. sure. yes, me, this gives you my june talks about how strong on areas of international cooperation i have sort of a phone, including political coordination that i see. once again, we've reviewed the one that is still listed as a program called tonight to do
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a sections, interest organizational policy. since it's gonna take full extensive trans dislikes, improves by both presidents program, administer on consultations for the upcoming year. so you know, it's the beginning of this year. they haven't started saying rounds of consultations or excuse me, on the just be so you can minister of level when you're at the bottom of it. but your leaders integrate priorities includes just the external support. so that's integration, that stands to make the international versions of the united states for tons of a sign that goes freight, which the great going to celebrate on the april december of this year, we agreed to further above the level of, of corporation in the un. we didn't, but you know, i see and that she was the most of the world. so each other initiatives focused on key international european platforms, including i'm saying it was, it says to the region, she cannot make union. and the commonwealth of independent states where russia was confusing to consume, which russia is chairing this year. it's got
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a little provides filler. as you all supports to ensure that it's just the essential cause of this. let me send these little beaks, their attention to the video that i go version association is the video and breaks . we'll look into this. i can try and stipends plusher. without it the silk, we have to include the distributed ones. national platforms are highly value in the world to prepare the 1st joint statements initially, or ministration on the situation or to reuse the human rights they serve. these countries, the documents will be presented on the 3rd of june and in geneva. and on the 5th of july, the o. c. as each of these changed the names of the prospects of developing relationships, finally stays a little south on the east, but so states the majority started when you were reaffirmed our commitments. but he said additional that is an historical chose the disabilities. rewriting history is
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an extremely such and glorification of not says was throwing up songs. you may express some commitments with other companies and you know, actual sanctions and propaganda. fresh that seem is not a good investigator. the counsel productivity is about sizing and mandatory in my science. i think when you do know that because it makes and that, but it's like ties, let's see, all the notes of the boards. and so for me like me, it's a single thing. if there's a vicious muscle that was the single administrators, and so the military corporation, voice, special important, it says the departments of a joint complex. so you'd have to just go to the joint middle to remove it. and it takes a couple different complex. so complexes that's busy, so use defend our joint western voters according to the decisions made by the president. so the 2 states sips handlers reviews of the word on links to the security concept of the union statement. and the bi, let's show interest dates,
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agreements on collective, secure and safe in each school so that we spoke in favor of boasting our mill tray and sort of sounds like a corporation. we convince google reactions to control the list and kind of face lifts their training crisis and into the ultimate collapse. so the security for them come to your system in your mind, your customer. so it gives you a space on 0 atlantic approaches in the accounts about sadly paid special attention to for me, big rush, i accept the addition architecture of security in your ration and that's what we're playing by to book rates in this regard. all countries are never on confidence. those were assigned to the joints easy, you would just address green score and finally blocks and unions going up on them to support the development of the one ration shots, a processor. let's say the rest of the st. oh, good to go to the present century must finish importance. i'll search for it was, it was precise, but present person on the 14th of july to it is me saying that the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, as i said,
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this child. so i could not only outlined the basic principles of the european framework, ration time, limited space on international law. let's find out on this more widely outlined strategic name, your house. i paula world. when you're reflecting the new job, let's go really semester with lots of work on this documents. we have some good shows, just friends on csl. c o. c. i'm just gonna put a built at the for the nation, but we decided to continue working. so i'm not sure of that as a brother, simple as saying that their rights and i'm certain answers about citizens in both thing and then other important areas we agreed or continues and scope. and so helping each other in expanding also is also a presence. also my cousin with skill level skills was young celia particularly continue helping our sellers and friends of them go through. so i was going to get in all regards some pizza last year booted you. i've clicked on the general console
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this of this and i'll send you the re, katherine bergs at 20 shut off. this was open. we'll just keep the dogs and then this year locally. and could i get you else and the consulates and the rest of it on the other side when calling in good category to switch to the uh, i did a new customer just about the initial a little help. so been an embassy also in the process. we agreed to expedite messrs. necessary to ensure the full scale functioning other assembly open to general consultants. and i think the issue is that the ration right now, but i'll be outlines to schedule a little further contacts and put into 2nd mist conference on your end security. thank you. once again for this invitation. so i'm just going, i'm going to take it up. that's, that will be a great jim, bargain or ministries. what about the safe place and the full source of some systems, a folder that we are. you might say it's in our opinion that these negotiations
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have been very successful and productive. they've resulted in a joint statement. so using the key goals, the national policy of the but your information of russian dollars, less documents on the lines, the highest level of strategic trusts, the school in between our states and commitments to boosting side coordination. this concludes that the program of my business minutes, cuz most over yes, tomorrow having meetings will probably be the top of the shows of the republic. then i'm going to deliver a speech order she to the presidential academy of the republic, a billers order for me, some of them. so that's for today's and tomorrow's negotiations will be able to states that we're pushing into like the decisions you should have taken by our leaders. i think the best to.


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