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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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is through their illusions, going underground? can the re key news on our to you rushes for administer said get lobrado says there's no doubt. so the us is compressed in the ukranian terror attack on premier as a mess. all packed with fox, the new nation kills children on the beach in crimea, a christian priest executed mazda, the police officers killed and assumed. i've got the child's audio test to be asked about the rates are attacked in that guest bad right now. as i said, the prayer goal is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text to
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at least 2 people are killed while 7 others may still be dropped inside an office building that's been in golf in flames. just outside of moscow. the weather is, is our teach an option of reaching you lots of my new center in moscow. i have mike called, quite chat with the updates. now let's bring it the breaking news. now roches for administer. i say get loud. rob has said that there is no doubt that us is complicit in the tire i talk in crimea. i had made the remarks during his visit to minutes where he's meeting with isabella ross in the concert on to thank you for your condolences over yesterday. star attack and some estoppel in parallel. there was another terrance atkins august on the water victims. the relative authorities are doing everything to establish those behind them as soon as possible. but the complicity of the united states and their ukrainian subordinates
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is not doubted by us wetlands, where use the, the u. s. provides to the ukrainian regime, which can not be used without direct participation of the us military. the artist, a sweeney, is here with me joining me to bring more insight into the steve. it's good to see you now. a pretty strong statement from the russian foreign minister. the take us through what and full. but he said, well, yes, i mean uh the for him and is this guy lover of certainly didn't minutes his was doing the press conference. he spoke about sundays, tell her attack in crimea. and he said there was absolutely no doubt that the us was behind the attack, which left full people including 2 children that. and he said that this was kind of lead out of the, it's been concluded that this was carried out by a us supplied a talk comes me. so i, one of the long range missiles which is now more, more being used all these long range missile of the modem, all being used against civilian targets that someone listen to what level said. and
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there are none, and cannot be any beaches, taurus zones, or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is certainly a foreign territory occupied by russia or fighting is taking place. and a full scale war is continuing the ferry war that russia unleashed solely for a genocidal and aggressive purpose. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to mask and cover with their own civilians who for their own part, our civilian occupiers. a part of meal. of course that was a link to the landscape a pull yet to essentially said that the all the only civilian occupies. and he said that these a kind of a tax all essentially justified. now these came on
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a very important day in the russian orthodox calendar. this was how the trinity day, this is the day supposed to be of celebration, but instead it's turned into a day of morning in fact, 3 days of molding how being declared. now we've seen an uptick in these kind of attacks. it was the british for the sec signal, david cameron, who essentially got the ball rolling in this so called essentially green lighting attacks inside russian territory. others in europe followed suit soon off, though that there was some degree of rest as in some, some of them, which some said that they could only be used with the missiles and weapons that they supply could only be used to strike a military target. so is that probably is it directs threats to you crying but time and time again. we see them civilian buildings. of course on sunday we sold this hara attack on the beach and crime a the that we sold the beach stream with children's toys, people scrambling and running for that lives. a lot of during this press conference,
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see a couple of range of issues. he condemned the escalations by the west in the middle east, for example, he spoke uh, he said that russia was doing on it, could to prevent spillover. this is off the as well seems to be preparing the, the ground for a ground attacked on neighboring level to cause. he spoke about the various peace treaties and negotiations that being put forward by russia over the age he went back to as far as 2014. and of course we know what happened with the, the minutes we agree with. this was a, an agreement guaranteed by france and germany, which was supposed to bring a sci fi on peace in that region. we now know thanks to anglo american funds. we're all on the respective johns through president of those countries that really the peace deal was, was no such data told it was really, i end up buying time for a ukraine to all myself. he was,
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i spoke about the also may by letting me put in on june the 14th. this was the head of ukraine's peace. so cold peace conference i would go to in, in switzerland to convince which ended in failure full, you crying. ready? 12 countries refusing to assign up to the final document. and of course, the elephant in the room is that russia was invited in the 1st place. so this, this kind of, uh, yeah, this collapse these negotiations. i end up bringing peace to the in the ukraine conflict seemed to be moving further and further away attacks such as, such as we saw on crimea on sunday, all a step away from peace and only bring more civilly invest sign. in fact, on following that to russia has maintain, that said that's would not go without the responds. and besides that, that we have had the president put in his set of the ready for negotiation. he has the emphasize this over and over again. all right, we have to leave you here now,
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and stevens with this the city. thank you so much for your time. now the ross inspect do my check claims of a tower cases in crimea, and douglas done. they believed these are in 2 main crimes. each of them is under investigation. it is possible that in both cases, the organizers will turn out to be the same. well, let's discuss best more on cross live to jointly starts, but make india. and so comes on. is mike to have you join me right now? i sell not the russian foreign minister says it varies no doubt that the us was involved in the attack in sylvester ball. as the weapons key of used cannot be used without us participation. does this, this prove us play, is that it's a crane that is choosing the pockets uh well, no. you know, so if you look at what it takes to, uh, choose uh at the targets and to uh,
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coordinate that with the drones and the satellites. and the technological equipment is on the ground. it's all done by the u. s. as it may be deep cleaning and guys they bring in. uh, i mean, uh, the coffee for, uh, uh, the american uh, the advisors in ukraine. but it's all done by the us now, the pentagon decided so where all the attack, but no more comments has followed that so far. uh, what's your take on that, and do you think that will be any further reaction from washington on this? you know, they have lost the war. the us has lost, there's proxy war. so the only thing they can do now is to do like an escalation and they have lost the ground war. and if you look at all the media over the last 2 years,
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there was always something that was going to be the game changer. you know, whether it was uh, uh, i mean, uh, the tech needs or does a mars or the shadow missiles from the friends and a do you gauge or the german, the leper tang. so, or the patriot missiles and on and on. and the rest of your team winning and they're able to utilize everything that the west and the need to have brought into you. great. so the only thing that uh do us can do now is just out of desperation is to provide a long range missiles which are very dangerous. and you can very easily escalate into something that we don't want to think about, you know, a very catastrophic war. but this is the desperation of the us,
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which has spent so much money and is prestige on this war against the russia. and rather than making peace, they just keep doubling down on these terrorist attacks and these very dangerous military escalations right now when the u. s. gave key of the permission to strike into a russian territory with its weapons. do you think it could say that this scenario like the one that happened on sunday? yeah, yeah, absolutely. you know, they've always been obsessed with the, the crania for beginners. and in fact, if you go back over the last 30 years or so, it is the cry. me, uh, that is the, at the center of all of this uh, conflict. uh because if you go back to the 19 ninety's brzezinski, he wrote a book,
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you know about the of the geo political chessboard. and in that he said, very specifically, he said, well, if we take away crimea, then russia would lose access to the black sea. and russia would lose its warm water naval base, and that would be at the end of russia. and he said that he is booked in written in the late 19 nineties. and then he also specified the pat for ukraine. he said between 20052010. we should start the path for the ukraine to become a part of nato. and ukraine should become a part of nato by 2020. so this was all about, you know, planned out and do us has been spending billions of dollars
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in ukraine. uh to uh, produce this uh, the propaganda and uh, the grassroots movement. uh, the new not to move meant was totally funded and armed and supplied by the us. and they started in the 2004 where the pro us candidate last ukrainian presidential election. and then with george soros is how they did the color revolution. and then they demanded a 2nd election, which led to a pro u. s. pop it is becoming the president of ukraine. and, and he stated the right away that he was not going to renew the lease for the
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russian naval base and crimea, which was to expire in 2017. and then what happened was 6 years later in now 2010. the same guy who lost the 2004 election that was a piano cove. h t one again in the ukraine. so do you as was uh, very uh, uh, disappointed that there uh, plans to get back there. i see and naval base was uh, floating apart. so that's why they did the might on cool in 2014. right. thank you for taking us. so you are that long explanation? no, no, but it's really important because all of us need to understand some of this history and the background to what's going on right now. now we now have a lot of means. the last key is adviser saying that all of crimea is
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a was own. and the people that are a civilian occupies why do t of officials feel it is appropriate to use such a label for civilians, especially as you collect used to consider them. it's citizens. yeah, you know, the 1st step in a war is to demonize the people. and once you demonize the people, then you don't feel bad about the killing thousands and thousands of them and for destroying. so uh, you know, so this is just, uh, i'll be going down to suicide, notepad, for ukraine. but i do us doesn't mind right now. the usa has already said we're going to verify address yeah, to the last ukrainian so that they don't care you up with 10000000 people in the ukraine die. the goal of the us is
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do we can rush you. now what do you think moscow us military response to this crime attack is likely to be uh, that i don't know, i'm not a military the expert, but i'm kind of surprised that put in has been very gentle with ukraine. because just imagine if some country doing this do, do us like say mexico, cuba, venezuela, if they are trying to do what, uh, ukraine is doing direct. yeah. i do. us were just uh, flat in the nation. right. so they would do a shock or not attack and they would just totally destroy the country. so from that point, we have to give a lot of credit to russia for having so much registering for having so much
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patients. and following the international laws of war to all right, that is from the starting point. what do you see as a pos, to find a resolution of this issue on the one hand puts in his said he is ready for dialogue. in fact, the way kentucky add been uh before my british prime minister, i have to come in and forward to that effort to afterwards. and we see the west is pumping. you create with all the weapons they can. but ultimately of course, we know that this conference can not go on forever, but what is your path to resolution from what you see. okay, so the most, uh, logical and uh, uh, the humane pat is do is to have a uh, piece negotiation. whereby russia gets to keep uh, um, cry me, uh and uh, for regions done box. and the other 2 regions that have already had referendums.
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and they're all basically make russians. they want to be with russia. they don't want to be with the nazi ukraine. so just let them go, you know, that's a self determination and that's a very fundamental international law. so just let those regions go back to russia where they belong. and then, uh oh, ukraine says we will not join nato. we will, but get rid of all the nazi ideology and then we make peace with russia. and then if this, i mean, and then if they want to join the europe in union, that's okay. they just can, are joining nato, so they can focus on the economy and prosperity and peace. that would be the easiest and the most logical solution. but do you guys will not let that
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happen? okay? because it's going to be a loss of phase for the us. if this happens, the whole world will realize that the american empire is sort of a paper tiger and a do us once. we next to win the wars in the middle east and is already planning for a war in the south china sea against china, and to use uh uh, with taiwan and the philippines as the geo political ponds to fight china. a body of russia wins in this war, then die on. and if so, the beans are going to have a lot of 2nd thoughts here, like code on the crate and god totally devastated, totally destroyed. and then they lost that the so we don't want to follow us. so this is the danger, you know. so, um, uh, the global south has to find
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a way for us to save its phase. and then to achieve these negotiation and ukraine. all right, we have to leave you here now. thank you so much. so 10000 in june list that split, begin the thank you for your insight. thanks. a lot of the moving ahead now 20 people are now known to have died following a series of terrorist attacks on churches and synagogues in southern russia, on sunday to christians were among the victims. while the rest were muslims, including the police officers, ford back against the attack, as 5 terrorists were also killed about foot that shows the aftermath of the horrific attack on the church in my house. cala vehicles pumped outside, and now the dogs rex. while the territory of what's supposed to be said create place. now it resembles the bottom of the field, were heard from
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a priest to manage to barricade the doors and protect people inside the building. i closed the church yesterday. some people were running around the territory. i brought them into the deacon has checked everything we stayed inside for 4 hours. the regions had, has fitness visited the orthodox church in box color to express his condolences. that's what it shows its walls and windows peppered with bullet holes. are these women costs are reports from pakistan? they were at least 20 worshippers of this church and much come out on sunday evening when they were celebrating the holy trinity today on a sunday. now, the terrorist attacked late in the evening. as you can see, the buildings here, the church, or were written with a bullet holes. now that service were killed, but before that they killed a security guard who was fine to protect the worshippers from their attacks. that
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security guard came to the door, it was open another time, which deed was closed, and the terrace continue shooting. i can see this door is also riddled with bullet holes. now the security guard, his name is me, how you was killed and he died instantly after he was shot. this is what's left of the prayer holes in the synagogue in the city of their events, in russia's republic of the stone, according to officials, the terrorist gardens, the synagogue from the backside. i killed 2 security guards as they walked in and then said this prayer hole on fire. thankfully the word no worshippers there, that sign, but some number of casualties. could it be much harder because the, the, the prayer on sunday was suppose to start for the minutes after the terrorist attack the synagogue. now, right now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds
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sacred text, honey, let's just start suddenly. they came from over there and killed the security comp, then carried molotov cocktails and gasoline hit, killed the other gun and wounded the placement, the placement called a swap table. from here we can see where the shooting occurred. that was the moment, the terrace, fred, all the people of doug, a son of russia with us. remember what happened. he must go reason, they don't know what's going on. people have been killed. god created people for want to live in bravo, the way we all together. we will be together and we will never surrender. what didn't have a couple of those thoughts? who did it and it's there only a few of them in the republic. it's happened before and it's never had any impact on the overall situation and on our unity unless we defeated them and we'll continue to defeat them. so some of that level that they want to scare us, but it won't work for them. there is a project to build and most a church and the scene they go up and up and i don't even know how to cause these
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thoughts. there is nothing like that in the must have religion. it's some group of people controlled by someone for happy people street. so that's the name given to this pedestrian area in their bands, by local residents because for them, it symbolizes peace and unity for the multitude of nationalities that reside here. it is also at home to this monument over here, so we have a representative of judaism, christianity, and islam. and up until sunday, all of these people were alive, however, the terrorist and are bent, they attacked a church and killed a priest. his name was nikolai. concerning the gulf and that he's been here for 40 years. changing judges parish. this people here injure bents have been bringing flowers to this monuments all for out month they had. it doesn't
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seem to stop as people here realize that only unit so you can prevent morse terrorism, which is a national vice, so very sorry of all per se. so yes, you had no him since i was a child. it was a good contest. and what's happening is wrong, and i want to say that the attack is only a small fraction of people in the caucasus. the rest of the stand that it is wrong, which is people didn't give life. so they don't have a right to take it to. they say there are muslims, but there is nothing in this, none that it would allow me to or impose something on all those new store. anybody who looked most of them, nothing can divide us. whatever happens where decent citizens living in a friendly way in one city and having our own mentality, we understand everything and separate nationality from terrorism and every 4. so we can try to influence the situation from the outside, and i can say that they will not succeed as
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a monument and the bent of which represents the unity of 3 religions has become a focal point of the local grief. it's now adorned with flowers and candles, as if it goes depicted a rob i orthodox priest and a buddha based on the real on real people. of the priest in the center was one of those killed father. nikolai could tell the cause. now the russian chief, rabbi burrell laza, said that the terrorists are trying to instill fear in the public. our entire community is shocked by the despicable crime of the terrorist attack and august on our entire community mullins with the relatives of the victims. i am sure that the integrity of multinational and multi confessional, russia is with the people of tag a stone. today. sometimes terrace cover themselves with nationalist, separate to store even religious slogans. but the aim is always the same. to kill
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as many innocent people as possible and to so fear and distrust in the hearts of others. they had all been russian institute for political studies set. a good model called believes that the attack was an attempt to stare up religious valids in russia. this is uh, is your, uh, kind of, uh general setup for the subject was or the buyer and it comes from you as soon as it goes was, is that taking hostages or by taking cut off police station or non government, out of the shows. but you still subtract it, gets the present a vote. and now is that religious as a russian orthodox priest? positive nicolai's. that's a big keel size. you set up for the biggest found church building for us as you've been symbol or was that perhaps should be 3 in is long and i was all set get a static. so the main goal was just set us up. that was to a cottage on
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a mazda in our girls' restrooms, seats, and zahn, to use energy, or uh, the pricing between the, of those pretty jeremy to and that's a must him. so was the using called a level. did he just, where is it? all right, and 32 is in coal, fox news on people who can come to us as he said, to reset the network. so it's a bit be surgical phases. it says from each state grow or to be some dollars. that'd be good if i need crafts out again, specialized crap jump craft on new. so i and some of those that i was as of but possibly it's also based on medicaid or breach of since that is a service to quotes. thrown the company with somebody to go through some use goals . i see the janitors or the e for minute comes on, but he just walked to guess it was so difficult to find me a sort of a student that said, why is there a goodness that did a whole sector,
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casual janitor would ask this question? now let's take you to the developing story we've been following. at least 2 people have been killed after a huge fire poor through an office building in the moscow region stolen. so local governor reports that one passing has been rescued. file 7, all those new remain dropped. to the building of the search and rescue operation continues the fi golf to be off a part of the buildings reading from the 5th to the 8th floor. a warning that you might find some of the images we're about to show you a disturbing. now a video 2nd, a thing on social media shows the mind jumping from one of the upper floors of the blaze rages on the budget. so teams working augustine
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now let's get more on this from our t for responded martin. that costs are about joining us from the sea. martin is good to have. you told me now what's the situation where you are right now of the whole, the building has been pretty much destroyed and burned down. and if you can see behind the firefighters are still trying to extinguish the fire of what remains in the building, the situation is being made much worse by the fact that there are apparently lots of gas cylinders inside. so they have to be really careful because a little earlier, there was a gas cylinder explosion which spread the flames even further and go for some 5000 square meters. now when the fire originally broke out in the early afternoon, were heard reports that there were 9 people trapped on the upper floors, then were heard that one person was rescued who is currently in intensive care. then we started seeing, not only video emerging over, some people jumping others even being a burns alive as they were trying to escape the flames awaiting the help. but
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unfortunately, they couldn't wait long enough. apparently at 1st we heard that there were 2 people who either jumped to a death or they were broken, burned to live, and now we hear that that number has risen to age. a people also eye witness reports were heard from one person who apparently works on the 6th floor. all of this building and one of the offices of express uh tech service. and he claims that the buyer actually started there. he doesn't know how he doesn't know why, but that is what we heard from there. and also at one point, the ceiling struck for a collapse on the 6th floor which made the situation even worse. and as far as when the emergency crews, as again, are still working on the scene, trying to see if there were any more people inside. we can even see the breeze still falling as though they're trying to work on the location. and another report that we've got coming in is the fact that this building apparently did long go through the.


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