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tv   Going Underground  RT  June 24, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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it was awaiting the help, but unfortunately they couldn't wait long enough. apparently at 1st were heard that there were uh, 2 people who either jumped to the death or they were breland birds alive. and now we hear that that number has risen to 8 people. also, eye witness reports were heard from one person who apparently works on the 6th floor, all of this building and one of the offices of express tech service. and he claims that the buyer actually started there. he doesn't know how he doesn't know why, but that is what we heard from there. and also at one point, the ceiling structure collapsed on the 6th floor, which made the situation even worse. and as far as an emergency crews, as again are still working on the scene, trying to see if there were any more people inside. we can even see the breeze still falling as though they're trying to work on the location. and another report that we've got coming in is the fact that this building apparently did long go through the proper uh, safety, a fire safety procedure since 2017 interest again. right now we have another flight
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to arrive and that just keep arriving ambulances as well. because again, they don't know what to expect inside, but the building has been pretty much uh, burned down. i thank you for bringing us up to speed murant merrinac, a sort of a hearty correspondent of the scene of the 5. the now it was supposed to be a trip designed to ease tensions between the u. one, china. but it ended up what the big jump on a comics minister, letterman b, g, or the need to find alternatives to cole. of the mentors that have gone through china on the 3 day visit with hopes of reaching a consensus with badging. and a dispute over the trade towers that was shared your meeting with the chinese premier. it was part of our effort to achieve that, although it was cancelled without explanation. that the last minute rubber how big has him to do. he is a chinese kind of pod that they themselves are to blame for the care or anything
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relations because of meetings, continued ties with russia. the russian will of aggression and the chinese support for the russian government already damaging the trade and economic relationship between europe and china. and that is an important message that we must not confuse neutrality with, taking sides against the security interest of the country by the job, administer trip comments that may pop wranglings of a tire of the plans to impose on china and chinese is trying the cause from july arisen to europe in commission investigation concluded the b team was august fairly subsidizing subsidizing its vehicle manufacturers, making it difficult for europeans arrivals, to compete fine as branded the move protectionism and wanted to provoke a trade war. while the parties have agreed to hold negotiations,
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the use still intends to bring its duties into effect on the 4th of july. it's now for more on dyslexia across lives so far, cool. fernandez a research. i to try continental institute for social research and coordinator of junction. nice. it's nice to have you join me right now, marco, now what are your thoughts on why the job administers trip to china ended with no visible results as well. my thanks for having me here. great pleasure to talk to you again. so 1st of all, i think the, the whole issue about the terrorists of to chinese, these, it's, 1st of all is hypercritical. because what you repeat, as i say saying is that all china is subsidizing, it's easy. so this is unfair, so we need to impose terrace. but 1st of all, i mean, this is how global trade works. every country subsidize some,
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some sectors of the economy, even like the u, a. p s u a p. and you know, how much they, they spend those subsidies for agriculture last year, almost $60000000000.00. i mean, produce it for my country. brazil wants more space, more a market in europe, but they cannot get it because of the subsidies. so this is, 1st of all it's, it's wrong at the beginning. second, it's true that germany was a guess, this tariff since the beginning, because of course they have huge interest is in, in, in china. not only they auto factories like folks fogging, being dodge with mercedes base, but even like, huge companies like boss, the address abusing a 5000000000 dollar. huge factor in london and, and last year germany invested 13 beat in dollars in, in china. so of course, they are aware how much they depend on chinese market, especially have they lost the cheap energy from russia. so now they actually try to
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get some bad. it's about how bad, as always, they have to go there and criticize china and be it'd be rude as always. but let's see, i think now looks like there's a, there's some room for negotiations. now what, why the thing that the chinese print me, i did not want to meet with manage that how big this is a 1000000 dollar cash. i don't know. i have to ask the ministry. uh, but uh, i'm assuming that i mean if you are, if you show a high level as high back and you go to another country and you criticize this country to say, oh, you guys are, are doing too much trade with russia. this is bad for us. i mean, you don't hear chinese complain about germany supporting a mastercraft pa, this guy, and right now you don't listen to trying to shooting pin complain about. i mean, china is not happy with the war in your grand china was
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a peaceful solution. germany, the whole natal united states are supporting ukraine. we're now more than $300000000000.00 already as we know. so what's the, what's the point? i mean, you don't go to the country increase size. uh the country's policy in that way. so it's very, very little diplomatic. i think mr. how big was talking about russia now. another trip was expected to help reduce tensions between fine on the use, but instead we saw in german remarks on china's kind of policy and it's relations with, with the russia. why has the main focus shifted? and again, as i said, i mean at this point again, also let's be fair even of choice, which actually is it has a different approach choice. the prime minister with this concept doesn't have the same approach as how back, which is the device guns today, from,
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from green party shorts after the, the end of that failure conference in switzerland without russia even short said, you know, we should make another conference and invite rusher because otherwise there's no way we're gonna have a peaceful solution. so i mean, i don't, i don't understand what, what, how big is trying to do, but definitely it's not helping the peaceful solution at this point. not move while a us state department official has very to try not to use it. is leverage to bring russia to the negotiating table with ukraine. what. what are your thoughts on this call? the child has been trying to do this in the last 2 and a half years. my. i mean also, i mean maybe it's a good sign if such a high level fusion from us is again asking china to help. but china is trying
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to do this already. i mean, a few weeks ago when one e, the minister formulation of trying to met with self submitting, which is the special adviser for present lula. they met in the gene and both china and brazil agreed with a joined statement for a peaceful solution for negotiations between russian and your brain. and also they said we're not going to switzerland to approve a conference that does include russia. so, i mean, china doesn't look more if we can, so i don't understand why they had to ask again, i think maybe try that has to ask them, can you please help green to bring a great to the table, but we'd know that the decisions are not made in kids they are made in washington dc. yeah, you're right there right now. let's go back to the main topic yet. despite the start of negotiations in meetings protest, i've easy. we still said to increase tires on chinese electric cause starting in
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july, the 4th. what, what do you, if it will be the consequences to this? well, 1st of all, now it looks like there is some negotiations starting. so let's see, there is a chance that the targets are not going to be imposed on july 4th. but a few points might uh, 1st of all, um there is a, there was a report from the roger institute a like a couple months ago and actually financial times also deed uh, an article i published like, uh, 10 days ago. say, even with this parents, if it would be a noun, an impulse, even with the therapist, the chinese cars are still more competitive than the appeal ones. so that's the 1st point. second point is that china is thinking ahead of europe. there's one thing that nobody's discussing now, but guess what? china is investing billions of dollars in easy factories. guess where i'm
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a roku and you know way more roku because more roco has a free trade agreement with you. so maybe in a couple of years we're going to have houses of chinese eves go into europe 0 terrace because they are made actually m a roku. so at this point, there's no way you can compete with chinese electric cars. they say just because of subsidies, but that's not true. we know that what's happening, china now it's a resolution and a manufacturer of easy cars. there are more than 20 companies competing for the market. they had innovations every single day. and that's why right now they are the best cars and the cheaper cars in the world. so you should actually negotiate with trying to get some parts, like maybe some, uh, sell more air buses to china. maybe some more fancy drilling cars to china. because at this point, i don't think you can compete with chinese if he's anymore. and now it's generally claims that base tar if that's the bus to start in july. it is the rise of the i
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idea is not the punish china, but as a compensation. well, what would you comment on that? and again, they are making this, this allegations about the subsidies it show the subsidies for some companies a b, i did get that subsidies from, from china and state. united states just announced the last year last year as a so to major new new x, that's going to fall like hundreds of billions of dollars and subsidies for a star trek. i'm cheap manufacturing is to united states. so this is, this is normal and n f f, the end at the end of the day, like the countries that competed in the market. they have 2 seats and negotiate. and by the way, mike, where does the t o at this point? i, i, we missing something here to support all the countries as opposed to both of them
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to you and have this discussions. but unfortunately, we know that the white house and the last uses trump, white house has recording value to you as a, as a forum is a global for, for having this kind of the locations. so also, this is something that just increased increasing tensions between countries. all right, now as we see this pensions between euro d u and find out on this cause and so on. now, cause around the world are not made only in, in china or in the, the, you, the other, other countries making cars as well. now, if you does not succeed, like us saying that soft costs, the china is i had these thinking i had on here. do you see the possibility of a scenario where crowd manufacture as an e. u will begin to merge and collaborate with all the com money factor was around a lot of the parts of the world as well. maybe that would be
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a possibility. i mean, let's remember what china did, 40 years ago after the reforming opening up, which i did try to attract all the repeating in the merit american and japanese manufactory. they proposed joint ventures with chinese. so we use trying to escape companies and they learn a lot. and of course, i mean try a visa or a different technology, but we can forget that china has a 40 years of, of learning with your learning related space learning with japan. and now they are in this point and they are the leading of innovation in the, in the globe. um, so i mean, you appeal companies, maybe they should be more creative, maybe to propose. i don't know, partnership with american companies, with latin american companies, even maybe with offers and companies. but again, i don't think what, what europe was doing in the last weeks was just increase tensions in a moment that we have enough tensions because of the way to grade because of the
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massacre in palestine. so, but let's see, looks like, looks like they are waiting to discuss to negotiate. so let's see the next chapter of this the story. all right, we have to leave you here. now monica fernandez, research a lot to try continental the institute for social research and co editor of don't chinese, thank you so much for your insight. as to the meat leaves now 2 ships had been attacked by the yeah. many who visa and the red sea and the indian ocean, according to the group spokesperson, the ships belongs to companies. the valley to the bad on entering is ready port. now, one of the ships attacked was a cargo vessel which was plug it in and the red sea with the stuff is drone or the us many treat the suffered motor it damage. now the 2nd vessel attack was attacked in the indian ocean with the number of cruise myself, but a while from
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a congress man who run pool hesitate doubt that at washington's efforts in the red sea branding them of feel. according to wall street journal, the pentagon spend more than a $1000000000.00 come back in the who these, but it's failed to cope with this. stop the attacks or restore full navigation in the right. see? now it's not only washington's efforts in the right see which have provoked the ross of the us politician. he also called out the $250000000.00 spent on building a temporary repair off the coast of guys a to deliver the humanitarian aid. but just 10 days after opening stormy weather cost it to break apart, they have to be towed to israel for repair of the cost of more than $20.00, maybe on us dollars. a former republican virginia state senator, which had black believes of the situation in the red sea, shows us in fluids in the region is waiting. as the many forces have been
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able to target shipping. coming through the straits report, cardboard as they have sunk a number of vessels and, and made it very difficult for shipping to flow through there. they really have a controlling influence over there, but the stray of hormones. it is a major problem. the west, i don't think will, will re gain a complete control of the straight food farmers. the united states has stationed a jury or task force in the area. they have responded. they've shot down a great many of the drones that the, that the hudy's had used. but they have not been able to completely control the situation. as a consequence. it the, the cost of insurance for the ships are carrying guards from
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formulas right on the porch is very, very high. and so it is, has created a, a real drag on me is wrong with your economy. now israel's face a barrage of criticism after a video image of it, so just dropping an injured policy of mine to the front of a military jeep. i happened during a raid on the west bank city of janine a wanting that the disturbing images are just ahead. so that with this footage you can see in these ready vehicle driving through the streets with the man on the funds. now the idea said its troops came on the fire and the suspect was wounded. have admitted the soldiers had validated military protocol and type of the incident will be investigated by the un special rep it to a cold. it's a human shielding inaction. the while in gaza,
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pablo student, due to the, has been released from an he's ready press and suffering from extreme mental health problems in an interview to r t. his father claim based on all of his had issues by the touch of heat and your behind bars. i'd greatly investigated the situation while we're looking at is that his mother suffered with his mental health for the psychological illness, wasn't the main issue. the shock and torture made his condition. wes, this imprisonment of his was no small mass. so look at how his legs, arms and neck have been tortured for this. what affects him in the future. and now he needs treatment as well. because now we have to start from scratch to treat him since he was better than this before, from his head to his hands and legs, the old, mutilated but now even yesterday, when he saw the dogs, he started running a search on the ground because he has developed a severe fit and anxiety. now he has more disorders than before. he wasn't like
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this idea when he sort don't get nights will normally not run away. now he runs away and all of this intensified because of the detention and torch up. now bought a delay and a 29 year old palestinian is one of many guys who have been detained by his right new forces since october 7th, he was arrested in the south of a policy in an enclave and spent a month behind boss. his father said that's 4 weeks he didn't know about his son's detention a lot of the nation and most of the we didn't know. he was detained to the we informed the red cross, the hospitals. we searched for him on the streets. i lost all the kids to spread out. some went to do how those went to the i likes the hospital of his to nasty hospital. we wanted to find out if he was date or in life, because we'd lost him for 20 days. so we finally said off to 20 days, ok, he might be dead. we lost type. honestly, if the soldier had thought he had psychological issues, he wouldn't have done this to him. they wouldn't have mutilated his hands and legs
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and caused such injuries. if i had known, they would have released him earlier. so let's take a closer look at how published unions are treated in these ready jails and detention centers about quoting to a multiple reports and testimonies from x present as well as t as a subject. it detaches and beatings, he's running a 4th is risk free for the student and from full we in the water and off on blindfold. the report at me, at least for the part a scene is, have died and he's ready and military detention centers and 16 in prison over the past 8 months. now since the beginning of the woman gas at the number of arrests, so part of the team is by is where the 4th is, has increased. now, according to the policy and present as decided more than 9000 policy names from the west bank, i read, he's ready to present some of them. women and children arrive them. but in the presence one 3rd of the total number of prisoners held on their administrative
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detention without trial at these present as can be held for 6 months without charge . and the period can be extended any time. now human rights activist agenda abuse, apple has now said that these will use this present touch as collective punishment of palestinians. the sun. well, we have been documenting since after october 7 got a lot of instances and a lot of acts of furniture are being implemented and practiced against the policy and preserves the sense the start of october 7th as a form of collective punishment against charleston, eugene hughes. so it is very likely that this man, as he mentions as well as himself, was subjected to many different various forms of torture. starvation policies as well are being practiced against a policy and prisoners teaching use are being subjected to multiple beatings
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several times in the day. a lot of the hips are in at the head in order for the occupation to insurance the most and months. amount of damage and injuries to prisoners, and they undergo psychological torture as well. not just a physical torture, but as well as psychological torture, in the sense that they place prisoners in isolation for, for long periods of time, they will use fear the, the chinese family members, i guess the meaning that they will threaten their family members as well. um, so they do really subject pos and you can use too many different forms of physical and mental torture as well. so the human brain can only take so much. i to 5, that's all for me now my colleagues saw sky taylor will be with you at the top of the aisle with more stories and updates. by now, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the aeroplanes under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for independence broke out,
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both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill urge the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own there held a border. the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to size paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the media build girl d paid off. the result was cross, however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle, the 1st as the king, a rack, and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via racket.
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revolt marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the weight of the final independence. the russian states. never as one of the most sense community invest. i'll send some of the same assistance, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia, routing and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the question did you say they requested
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the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to the cost of boulevard. here we discussed some real in
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the cars they already see here because they kept the scroll. so i did that and then use email futures. great if and then to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons really well, you know, thing to do list. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment you're looking for the beatles going to send me an approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff suddenly level it shifted utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the size of it as close to the youngest. i mean, you know what the firm in disease forced labor to achieve by the warden super mutually giving up on the lot that it also need, you know,
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lots of people to you that the institution almost human off with those who put in his name push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he does because of those thousands of testament of crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look i hear, you know, wanted to do to speak. it's not even a good idea. yeah. for the good, i see it are really stop on me. they decided to do it, but this is danielle. i was booked at the middle of the as a what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to safe house to come to advocate and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will
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support. we choose to look for common ground the the plot to own it's so rough as top tip not says the u. s. was complicit in a ukrainian misaligned attack on crime male which left to children that christian priest executed. most of them police officers kills on the synagogue, and the fun touts on tss is the aftermath of the terror attack. and august on the right. now as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that slipped by these birds


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