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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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terrace, the chinese cars are still more competitive than the repeal ones. so that's the 1st point. second point is that china is thinking ahead of europe. there's one thing that nobody's discussing now, but guess what? china is investing billions of dollars in the factories. guess where in the roku, you know why more roku? because more roco has a free trade agreement with europe. so maybe in a couple of years we're going to have houses of chinese eaves go into europe 0 terrace because they are made actually m a roku. so at this point, there's no way you can compete with chinese electric cars. why the thing that the chinese print me, i did not want to meet with minutes. that how big issue are some of the show at the high level as how back and you go to another country and you criticize this country to say, oh, you guys are, are doing too much trade with russia. this is best for us. i mean,
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you hear chinese complaints about germany supporting a massacre of how this guy and right now trying to is not happy with the war in ukraine. china was a peaceful solution. germany, the whole natal united states are supporting you print what now more than $300000000000.00 already as we know. so, what's the, what's the point? i mean, you don't go to the country increase size. uh the country's policy in that way. so very, very little diplomatic, i think mr. how big was as not as how the news is shaping up this house, but the day is still young. so to check back in late for more stories coming your way now was touching a punch. it is direct impact with rick sanchez, the, the barber buddy. i'm rick sanchez,
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and this is the weekend review. i think, is, the lensky is, may be the greatest salesman, or of any politician that you have a live, as a trustee, or as long as that's where you're from. i can navigate on what we need to be able to talk about what scientism does to the public opinion without being familiar with the mc. somebody bears to drop says what most well, mr. by the attacks are friendly for some reason. and many hassan does a mike drop on israel. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it. the okay layer is how much to talk about. and we have the perfect panel with which to discuss these things. joining me to drill down on the weeks, big stories that are mostly ignored under reported or missed reported by the
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corporate media are gall and nixon and dr. wilmer lea, uh these guys have their own show on sputnik radio, which is called the critical hour. in fact, um, you can google it to watch it if you want and listen to their latest show using that right. the critical, our just put it in and you'll be able to listen to their show and it's good. these guys are entertaining. most of the time, they're really smart to president. now they're put these guys up on cam. i want to see the reaction after i said that. all right, let's see. see yeah. that, no, i'm kidding. all right, let's start with president put and he is continuing his world tour in vietnam. but before that, he was in north korea had been there by the way, since 2000. is it really going there because he likes to have a lot of people who are forced to applaud a blog for him? now, not really, but nonetheless, here it is. it's impressive. the
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. it is key to look at that. i mean, we usually can't get 3 americans to do it. anything and unit said, but anyway, here's mr. brewton and north korea leader came down there. they signed a comprehensive strategic pack there, pledging to have each other's box. if they're attacked. i think they both need a new taylor, but that's besides the point. interestingly enough, the us state department put out a method criticizing the 2 countries for sharing weapons and ammunition, which is kind of weird. but us state department is criticizing north korea and russia for exchanging weapons, which is exactly what the united states and nato are going in ukraine. yeah, can't make this stuff up. so anyway, look over. what do you think of business? i think the visit is a brilliant and strategic move as russia is very concerned about the united states
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. expanding the conflict in ukraine, as of north korea, is very concerned about the united states. expanding the conflict in the pacific. both of these countries who also have an adjoining border, our ship are providing the covering the backs of each other and the manner in which they've structured this agreement, i think, is incredibly brilliant. they differentiate between being in a state of war, paint versus being invaded. either party can and can engage in a 3rd party agreement that challenges the sovereignty of the other. and it calls for constant constant negotiation and dialogue between the 2. i think it's a brilliant well, you know what i think i think it has nothing to do with a meeting to go to north korea. i think has nothing to do with the agreement. i think it has everything to do with what i think mr. brewton is trying to do and
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that is. 1 put his middle finger to the west and say, okay, so you want to send troops to attack my people, you give permission to ukraine, to use missiles on my people. you want to use proxies to attack my country. okay? to can play this game. suddenly he shows up with ships and have and next thing, you know, he's doing a nuclear military exercises. now he's doing exercises in the caribbean, and now he shows up in north korea the country that most of the west seems to fear and think is the booby monster. i think this is all about message sending garlic to yes and no. i agree with you, there is a message to be sent to you and that's definitely part of this is a response to the of all the, the, the recent news that we've gotten about the long range weapons being used against the russian federation. however, i also think that there's a practical perspective to be discussed here because the us that they,
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both of these parties understand that the u. s. as in but hasn't bark, the point of goal of world domination that the russia ukraine conflict is part of a greater plan. people need to refer to it as the ukraine project. gotta do this. we go after china, we go after other countries. so i think they realize that they have to build a and i'll use this term loosely, anti imperialist or anti hedge, a monic block. you protect themselves from an entity that has worldwide aspirations of domination. yeah, no, i think we're kind of saying the same thing. me being a communicator, i see everything is message building and message sending. and i think he's creating a message, but he's also something doing that. both of you mentioned is it's important to create alliances because if you don't then your one country going up against the west. here you are 4567 different countries going up against the west. and that's a lot more important points well met. all right, here's a shocker. ready? or maybe just a fake announcement. i can't tell, but a ukrainian ambassador,
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her name is katerina. the goal is on the record now saying that ukraine would be willing to attend the summit, sponsored by china. that would include russian officials, really, while here's a statement, i'm gonna read it to you. ukraine would consider participating in a bathing lead piece summit with both warning sides present. so long as talks are based on the rules and principles and try and in the un charter and international law. garland, are they bluffing? because if they do this, this would be akin to, to a real summit, as opposed to that sham thing they did in switzerland. i think. what do you say? my i, my argument is yes, i think bluff may be a good word for, for this reason. they're looking bad, they've said that the russians are unreasonable in the reference. just want to destroy your brain and tear at the bar. and, you know, take all the go all the way to the english channel,
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whatever. and the representatives of the russian government that have demonstrated that they are available to for discussion, that they are amenable to a diplomatic resolution. and i think you brain understands that they're looking kind of bad right now. the world's looking at them and saying, hey, these people are saying they want to talk and you're saying you don't want to talk . i think they add to say this, but i think if it came down to it, they would try and find a fight. find a way to back out of it quickly if you could. wilmer, the, what do you, do you think there bluffing or did you think in the end they'll just come up with some i don't know, i don't want to say talk a maybe, but i'll say it a, make me excuse. sorry we can't attend. we, we, we, we got a note from our doctor, whatever it is they are bluffing, but that doesn't mean that, that bluff isn't in attempt to try to find an angle out. this comes on the heels of president food and giving what he said. we're going to be his last. 1 demands is
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last to try to man is there is a story today that the united states is looking to abandon zalinski. so this could be, could be it, i don't doubt as a bluff, but that doesn't mean that your bluff left. yeah, i mean, just trying to go right and still go to the room. yeah. it's still significant that they're trying to show the world that they're willing to do it, even if they end up not doing it. that's actually, that's actually a great point. that's actually a great point. well done. all right, look, say what you want about donald trump flat, is that right? this guy always has his finger on the pulse of what deep down most americans i think, right? at a human say what most politicians won't even say when they know it's true. and and so it is mr. trump's recent comment that he just did this last weekend about i'm elected ukrainian strong man, but a lot of me are the one sky here. it is, i think, is the lensky is, may be the greatest salesman of any politician,
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that traveler. every time we come into our country, he walks away with $60000000000.00. and with time it comes to putting tre, i love this. i mean that there's something i'm just magnetic about him when he just pauses soul into a thought process. and this is a, this is an interesting thing because i, i went into the streets of miami and talked to people in restaurants here. most people agree with the guy okay, to show, by the way, the vast majority of republicans, the vast majority of republicans and a small majority of democrats all say they're sick and tired of sending all this money to your credit. so. busy do you think trump said this because he knows that or is it just once again being both garlic? one of the advantages that donald trump has over so many other politicians is that he doesn't have these boundaries,
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these rhetorical boundaries. you can't save this or that. yeah, or the system is going to attack you. he doesn't care. he understands the guy's an entertainer. he understands how to make the audience laugh or go along with the audience. and so he has a tremendous advantage. that's why i mean, at this point, i'd have to bet all things being taken into account. the donald trump probably weighs for reasons like that. he is speaking. what the polls say. people want to year. he doesn't have to play the rhetoric game or you can't say that or you're a box. yeah. and what's weird is you're right on ukraine. here's speaking what the polls say, any speaking, what's in the hearts of most americans on israel? he won't do that though. well he wilmer oh no big because he understands he understands very clearly which side of the bread his butter is on and whose butter it is. so he is, he is an incredible marketeer. he sticks his finger out the window. he understands which way the wind is blowing, and he speaks in that direction. but there is
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a difference between the trump rhetoric and the drum action and the trump policy. and this, what we are seeing, i believe, playing itself out in ukraine, has less to do with administration policy and more to do with the military industrial complex. and that is much power more powerful than any president allowed . dwight eisenhower would you say, would you say he learned is less than the 1st time around, but you don't mess with those people and he's willing to mess a little bit, but not fully is real. you don't mess with that. you don't mess with that beast. well, you didn't hear him say he was going to reverse the policy. i don't think he does that. he just, he just spoke to the sentiment of the electra. yeah. but he did not offer. he didn't say when i get there the next day the money is cut off because he loves to talk about the yeah, we'll do something with within 24 hours. so yeah, it's
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a great that. yeah, he did, he did. he said he would then by the time he moves into the. 5 house, he'll have this thing settled, but you're right. having it settled and saying, i'm not gonna send any more money. those are 2 different statements and i'm glad you, you, you, you mentioned that and broke that down or the difference between those 2 things. but when we come back we, we, we got to do this at sat, i don't like doing it, but it's sad, but, but we have to do it. i mean, this, we, more videos came out of joe biden. just, he's got an image problem, as he looks like a little feeble little old man. and there's, it's not me saying it it's, it's your eyes seeing it on video and now the whole country and the whole world is seeing it. and we're going to play some of these for you and talk about, you know, what's going to happen here, what's gonna happen with the white house? what are the democrats going to do? stay right there. cuz this is an important discussion. ringback
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the what is part of the, the employee would post good isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without teachers that stuff out of the the the, all right, welcome back. this is the we can review. i'm rick sanchez. mr biden has an image
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problem and it's kind of sad. now. whitehouse spokespersons are saying it's not an image problem and all this video that i'm about to show you is not true and we, me and others are just making it up. uh, but people are seeing it with their own eyes, americans and people all over the world. and what they're seeing is an older man who looks feeble. uh, who looks confused. and at times just, i gotta say it. i mean, my mother went through this. he looks like he's kind of losing it. all right, take a look. the, you mean you don't know if you could see everybody's dancing? everybody's reacting to the music. he's not, he just is like, and i think we got it too late because if you'd seen it earlier, you really would have been able to tell. this is this is really weird. this is at
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the g 7. you'll see the guys doing the next look at button. now he just kind of walks off. he's walking away from the jesus, other world leaders. so the prime minister of, of, of italy, maloney has to go and grab them like she's his granddaughter or something. and bring them back to the crowd like okay, we're over here. you know, it's, it's, and we're just showing you collapse and we saw the whole thing. you'd probably see for an impression for yourself. now, take a look at that. see, here's another one. this is the president. this is a white house event where everybody who comes in is super check, high security. all the attendees have been handpick. they're all friendlies. there's nobody there who's going to be in tag a mistake with the president. no reporters are there couple of social media personalities, this guy who, who he comes up to, for example, is a tick, tock guy. and the guy as i'm a reasonable question right about what's going on in his real watch. biden's nonsensical response to your typical press
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here as far as that's where you're from, i can navigate. all right, but my point is the day very clear. i have to do the interview. i was gonna cut off so once again, his aids have to come in and grab them and, and walk him away by the way. but he just said makes no sense. he said, i, i trust you as far as i can throw your phone. but by the way, i got a great arm and i can throw the phone along way. well, what? um, i don't know wilma, um, look, look,
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i had to deal with this and my family with my dad and my mom has read. i. yeah. and it, and it's, i'm, i take no joy or comfort in showing these videos or talking about them, but he's the president of the united states. ma'am, it's not a good look because it's not a good reality. it's bad optics because it's a bad reality. it's, it's, it's a cognitive decline. yeah. which is not going to get better overtime. cognitive decline only gets worse. i don't know how the president is going to be able to make it through the debate with no prepared notes. in fact, one can only wonder, is this really a set up? and i'm not being conspiratorial here. what are they trying to lay the groundwork where he is embarrassed and to where to has to step down. yeah,
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says this makes no sense. it is the hard to watch and see here is spokes person recently say that this is all fake news in fake video. then we're all setting this stuff up and showing man, i gotta tell you that's a stupid statement. i'm sorry, don't believe you're lying on. yeah it's, it's like he's really filled with them and visual or is it just saw him at home? he's running the mile and come on. oh, well, here's the other part side of it, rick. it makes it obvious question. who's running the show? yeah. you know, he's the president clearly, i mean, you know what a reasonable person looked at joe biden, and it's obvious that he is not a bit. he does not have the ability to make, you know, important decisions to understand the details of these situations. and in and make no, no, yeah, which means it's blinking, it's solid that these people are very, it's very scary people. and again, you know, to me,
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i feel like the ruling elite to some extent are marking us their marketing the voters to stick joe biden. and don't even get me started on campbell harris. yeah, the only person who probably isn't worth physical or cognitive a shape in joe, but it's kind of what eric did. she doesn't even have the excuse of age. we can go there just yet, but we're planning some shows on that as well. by the way, i said this a long time ago. you guys remember? i said this back in march, joe biden. come november. we'll not be the candidate for the democrats. he will be switched out my opinion and we'll see what happens. did you? i've been saying it for you. i've been saying that for a year and a half. yeah. i, i agree. yeah. all right, let's do that. and so let's do that. and so i want to, there's another video i want to watch. i want you to watch what watch this next video it's, it's, it's many kasan. this is the guy who was fired by m as nbc. just like i was fired for cnn kind of for the same reason, by the way, telling the truth of, by the way,
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they liked him when he was an agreement with all the stuff that reported him as nbc, an agreement with the us state department points like for example, ukraine regardless this take down by many hassan of is really commentators at a debate which apparently has not been seen by millions and millions of people. this is, this is pretty epic watch. so let me just deal with something you just said. you talked about the bunks and propaganda festival. you kind of thing is really propaganda straight. these are the government's own security agencies. shouldn't that investigated what you're just settings? and no, we found no evidence. the work is from guys that were involved in the october some of the time. so let's talk about it is amazing that every human rights group in the world including is really human rights. who love best selling do sure, yes, but it's always documenting this stuff. but you guys think it's all imaginary. so then it tells you about what sign is is this is not about some abstract ideology.
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all get to people trying to settle the land in front of it, but i didn't get into it. it was an argument to be having the $194030.00 for the zine and today is what the policy indians are enduring on a daily, nightly basis. in the, in the west bank in these through some in is ran itself. i mean, razor of that tells you everything about why we need to be able to talk about what scientism does to the public opinion without being familiar. it doesn't seem to me like you hit all the points and it goes on for quite some time. we had to cut it down for the sake of the show, but it's undeniable most of the stuff, the st garland as well. absolutely. and i think he does a brilliant job of, of, of demonstrating something that is, that look, scientism is a political ideology and that people, i mean, in america, you know, i've gone to uh, you know, numerous protest and they are often laid by jewish americans that yeah, they get so that the issue of jobs of zionism is not an issue of judaism and that unfortunately the political entities are using julie to if the jewish people and
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i'll just be such as human shields. yeah. scientists. and he exposes that any brilliant discuss my career by the way. and you know, this is interesting. wilmer, i don't know if you want to share an opinion on this because you know, the people that i'm talking about because we share some staff members and we know some of the same people. but some of the guys on my team and gals told me, don't run this, do not run this story. this guy's a fake and a phony. he's been pro state department when he worked at m as nbc, where he was cheering on the ukraine war. and all of a sudden that's something he cares about. so suddenly he switches over and it becomes a voice for against israel and palestine. i said, no, i mean we can't control what people think they can't always be right. so i, i thought it was important to run those. what do you think a better the tauriel decision? i'm glad you ran it because what many said was right. so that shows you that even
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a blind squirrel can find a force sometimes. what, what this, what this tells us is, or what this demonstrates is another example of the greatest fear of the zionist. they have lost control of the narrow it. yeah. i keep going back to the washington post story where new york may or eric adams. they have a what's app, uh, chat stream of, of, uh, millionaires and billionaires. i'm telling eric adams, you have to go into columbia university. you have to take down that encampment because we are losing control of them. they're exactly their eyes don't work any more. and to your point area. yeah, yeah, i was just gonna say when do your point a lot of the people who are taken down, which is exactly. yeah, exactly. it's exactly not scientist. do. right, right. all right,
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so we can talk a lot here on the show about the corporate media. so this is interesting because you know, john stewart and not have a history together. we, we, this has to do with my firing. and so you that by the way and job stewart since then have become friends and we talk, but leave it to john stewart to explain this. jon stewart, he recently quit apple media when he realized that they wanted to control what he said on his show. he's got enough money that he didn't need a job, so we quit. so here's now how he describes what it's like to be a member of any media entity today in the united states. go. when you work for a corporate entity, that's part of the deal, like even a comedy central like the deal is i get to do what i want until they think it's going to hurt their beer sales or whatever it is that they want to sell. and that's, that's the deal we all make. nobody is owed a platform. and when you're in somebody's house and they want you to take your shoes off, you take choose off or you go to somebody else's house. yeah. so someone for free
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space, right? here's one of the most trusted people in the media and the united states like the media and united states is not free. garland, are you shot? not at all. i think we all understand that, and that is in fact what we, one of the things that we see one of the dynamics that we often see is we'll see only one of these. a huge defense contractors advertise like a $100000000.00 fighter on cnn or m as in dc or something. but certainly we know that the people that are watching are going to buy that playing the right, but right dollars. but it allows them to be in control what that particular outlet says, because they don't want to upset their, um, they don't want to upset their, you know, the advertising finder. so there's, it is not dynamic. if that ends up with a cnn or m. s, in dc that claims to represent the so called left or democrats, or whatever in reality, when you look at the polls, they're trying to influence and control the so called left the democrats,
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as opposed to represent the and let me just say, and maybe i close with this as a long time journalist who's been in this business, who as you know, i worked at cnn, i worked at fox, i worked at m assembly. see, i worked in local news. i worked in spanish television. i worked in radio, it's gotten worse. i mean, there was a time when there was a sense of ethics and dignity, at least this is always happened. but in the past, if you're a sales person and you walked into the newsroom, the news director had the right to, to your ass out. and i even saw a news director punch the lights out of a sales person for coming into the newsroom. and telling reporters what brought the art. well, today, common place. that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box truths. don't live in boxes. it's been a pleasure talking fellows, i appreciate the conversation. i'm with sanchez and we'll see again next time the,
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