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tv   Documentary  RT  June 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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for, you know, our companies are allowed to exports the best oil and on the bank about my jersey. i continue for some issue. you know, i'm saying fort rises. it's 2 companies that, you know, are import of such standards. diesel, the age of the country works best. it's not the 1st time that they seen a challenge, you know, with the international restaurant or companies i'm, you know, with my julia or even the 1st time my direct is suffering from being part of, you know, some of the activities of these companies will see decades of 5 off will be shot, your devastating lives in the market. or we just, you know, from the activities on from some of these, um, uh, companies and these are, you know, in the past and the competitors are, are, see laudable. like to hide football cases in ports i guess to your we saw in january this year, sabrina saw giant shaw. i'm nice product. you know,
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she was even it's on shore um. besides the democrats focus on more comfortable shop agencies and about an osman street? i, you know, respond to some pretty to say that the company is basically trying to, you know, leave behind us some of our, uh, for the somebody that costs. and this is from a given us some of our commercial properties or so trying to make your way out of the country. and um, you know, we, we bought unnecessarily stressing completely some of the challenges that have been raised by, by environmental use and active use on some of these local communities that have been affected. and i also use our key not exporting the raw material to their home countries, creating employment and wealth for their countries, adding to a very g, d, p, and dumping the expensive, refined products into nigeria, thus making us dependent unimportant products. this is exploitation,
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pure and simple. unfortunately, the country is also plain into their hands by continuing to issue import licenses at the expense of our economy and at the cost of the health of the nigerians who are exposed to carcinogenic products. so the company is saying that unless somebody changes from the way it is, it will continue to struggle to be able to have access to, you know, not a problem of raw materials. i'm talking about food or appear to be able to eat some refineries and that they're done with the refinery. taken off in my diary, i use largely expect to reduce our prices for the best of to use to happen then bob. uh 5 um, idea about this might reduce or process might more comp them any time soon? well, that's good. no colonialism live on on. wow. that was the correspondent, tennessee of yes, thanks timothy. i'm not is off the back of the top. see you then the
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of the the work i'm not i'm having read now when you say no, now why, why why, why being can you labeled on monday? the only problem about week of told me
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to the landowner the on the on the
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order the the the, the, the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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the with the, the young lady, the pain on. uh oh i the you could give you my boy. yeah. can you you can come with the computer. hold on. can you mind
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you go literally every single day now. the the, the dumb dumb,
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norton. i don't want to know mad. no. she's already made the co go. no but yeah go go there. you will lose company. i don't. i really don't worry about how to resolve it. yeah. they love the way i might template so they can do that and yeah that yeah, yeah,
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yeah. yeah. i mean, i know. yeah. come push samantha . yeah, i know. i know that mazda of the young monday night, navigating pop, know, fine, the that sounds a lot coming to my, you know, long time ago basically now the lot the i'm going to be awfully got
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a lot. would he be on top of his on how to die says all of them to why the why the way that yes, on the label give me a mountain gets off and the company the loss is on i guess the gum. yeah. yeah. when you see by now yeah, didn't when the phone gone you hi, i'm calling you i telling you the got phones i told them how may he made a phone call? yes, i need those. i don't need them. oh no no, no. yeah. welcome, coughing. that sounds, that sounds like a real honest lot began in the late 1950 is the republic of vietnam, has had
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a little trouble in retaining control of the great urban centers. but the central highlands, the long zone corner of the era, are a mountain most largely jungle covered region. remarkably like those mountainous regions in spain, where the term gorilla was born. here everything favor is unlikely. arms fast moving your regular and it is here that the struggle for vietnam, my ultimately be decided into this remote almost impenetrable region. the communists of north vietnam have infiltrated a steady stream of agitators, terrorist and professional gorillas. o e n b a k y k, a dot net from you.
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its yeah, to know how we met when moment. yeah. no, no, no mo, like, no, i hate to something does no the the the, the the,
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yeah. the movie. was that what we get? no big deal with that. oh well you, how long gone west comes awesome. cnn. well, we have the no, no no, no. yeah, no friends,
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small size costs flat lee. quite my teeth. so now let's see how wow you, if you'll call me back, as soon as i've done that, it's
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the increasingly now americans are functioning directly in the fight for freedom. in this far, far on the corner and as president johnson has pointed out, it is up to us. we intend to convince the common this said we cannot be defeated by force or by superior. i have asked the commanding general general westmoreland. once more,
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he needs to meet 1st mounting aggression. he has told me and we will meet the black or
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the hello and welcome to the cost of full force. here we discussed the wheel in the my but we have no no no no guide our got it. all right. for the way what he said. so
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the crane. my who? no one, no my check stub. quite how and in this yeah. yeah, it's, i'm day wait to get the
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or the mm the
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. 2 the 910 the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you've done the local by comma created on this i guess. yeah.
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my daughter, malia. so i'm really now says you move late late of the day. how hold up that i'm you. oh think i'm with them. no more than via when you come right. but they're not on the sound right now. we how people uh, hook up. yeah, i'm well yeah, look and see him down right now. google few that give them way be redeemed at villa . hey, i'm not in law. down with the model number. let's see. so basically the weight seems to be coming down one another. the how we invested people allow for,
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for the young that jumped up into the finding the name of what the call center for gum leon are now to comes on the holiday night. if you come down, let me know. don't we have all the yeah. know yet those
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are not the way to the time when. yeah. okay. so when do you at the end of january 1968 side on was a live with a festive spirit. and everyone prepared for the 10 for the people of vietnam is both a joyous and the sacred time of the year. is was to be the 1st spring of the 2nd republic of vietnam, the temperance proposed by the communist. the north vietnamese seemed to promise the people of safe holiday for you from the ever present. anxiety of war leaves the new year. families praise the they offer there and i pray that he might be restored to their home. this year, however,
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the traditional fire tankers of this have generation became the by over the me
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all day guys, all the right. you did the oh yeah, that's a good thing. it's nice bunk on black book. don't want to convey the boat, don't weigh more dollars. my god got them yet, but i'm going to wait. lucky if i can come. probably a good time. really a young be coming up. does all that job? do you get hold on the site at night. oh yeah. no, no,
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no. come on the the one to let you know that right now. so i do have you at the top from when you come some phone number here. yeah. be certainly be on the number they have to really
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crazy. and then to say he took the class, come up the way it all snuggles and goals that come from florida. and then the involved that you might look you go how high the i met with, you know, you might go back to,
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you look up and then we go back to 99. my mortgage again. the see about how
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to go through the dental um ended. so sometimes they do the blogs on this hand wash says top zip and lots of things you asked was complicit. then a ukrainian miss silas has some prime met much less to chosen. a christian prius executed at loveland police officers kills out a set of gold pans house on t assessment the aftermath of the terror attacks inside of stones. now, as i said, the prayer hole is almost completely destroyed. all that's left of these birds sacred text on the absolute me shame the south. how hungry describes


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