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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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a place to learn about the great news here on, on the international julian, i saw names, they went to prison off the 5 id in confinement. it is on route to us $33.00 pacific. and so finalize a scene deal is reading. this is of riley and citizen. he was not a system of the united states. he was not in the united states when this felony is what i said. listen to his credit, he did not steal the information us on his homeland. the site expects him to return there off to the final us hearing close office who is concerned his helpless interior eating the papers with us long to add to the how would feelings published in numerous classified documents instigated in the us in the crime around
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the a very well and welcome to you from the entire all the international news. so you were coming to live from las go, that's taking a look at the top story this all right. can use here on august 8th, and i told you in an assigned at the found all the media organization works, evenings has been released, but is prison on float out of the country. also the living thing to the who baffled us on try is a great and to be guilty to a single criminal charge in the us to end his bible against expedition. according to where he leads us on the left, the case bell mos maximum security prison on monday. off this funding 1901 days behind balls. he then boarded an alcohol to fill out over london status. and apple assigned is set to the pages or us pools in the northern
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marianna islands on wednesday as. 1 as just landed in time and from there, he has to fly to the us, live unto his reading, the pacific ocean to appear before the thought he is excited to be credited for the 5 years. he is already served in prison and don't face any more jail time. let's take a look at the use case documents, least 2009 and continuing through at least 2011 and at a fence, begun and committed outside of the jurisdiction of any particular state or district to the united states. the defendant julian, paula sanchez, who would be 1st brought to the district of the northern mariana islands, knowingly and unlawfully conspired with chelsea manning to commit the following offences against the united states to receive and obtain documents, writings and notes connected with the national defense, including such materials classified up to the secret level for the purpose of
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obtaining information, respecting the national defense, hello, and very lucky to have to be joined by on. so you called us on donald cools the here in the see do is to talk about this case. there's an interesting though, what's going on. we've been talking about it for a while, but it seems that this decision to a full this please do think he took it on his own or does he with pressurized? well, i think it's a bit of a mix of both because, i mean, if we look at what the united nation says about solitary confinement, it's julie and assigns has literally been tortured in prison. and it's clear that his health has been deteriorating over his years. of confinement, so it's, it's a really understandable why join assigns would plead guilty to this charge of conspiracy. when the u. s. as essentially ready to let him walk after the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and
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extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and delta a big blow to freedom of the press. you know, sort of cool my eye, donald, is that the fact that the font is australian is on american? i mean, does it new mean, expedited to australia? well you would think, right? but because this involves the united states, washington's once again proving to the world that it feels like it can do whatever it wants, it can break whatever international norms it wants. it can completely disregard what is so called did so called rule of law that it always says it holds so sacred . i mean, this case that the assigns is going to go through this court cases, not even gonna take place on the mainland of the united states. taking place and overseas territory in the western specific called the northern mariana islands. and i think it's safe to say that if this situation or a situation like it took place with any other country in the world,
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this would all be going down a lot differently. this is a strategy and citizen, he was notices in the united states, he was not in the united states when this felony is what they say was, was credit. he did not steal the information. if the dissemination of this information is a crime, then every person where i now stand in the palm of the strategies of the site is on the way to the united states of america. because your printers and you know, that creates a mess of confusions. i didn't want to, i want to place in australia where if i offend the crown, i'm off to read. if i've seen the chinese communist party, most amazing. i or the strange citizen who has offends a lower in the united states of the north side unless he's in the united states. when he, when he commits it. and that's the case. that's a, that's a completely different issue. but from what i read and of course we're all very new to this it's, it's do a plea deal on a felony. a yes are interesting indeed. stalled timing wise, what, what do you make of it? well, a lot of people are saying that this is
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a great development they're celebrating and to a certain extent it is. but we also have to remember that julian, a sons' already paid the price of for, for just being a journalist after over a decade of contending with the raft of washington. and it's, you know, this, this decision by the united states to do this really looks more than anything like a conveniently timed political play by the by and administration. because we've got only a couple days left before the upcoming debates between trump and bite. and now it's, you know, by no doubt is hoping to look like some sort of merciful progressive fresh in the minds of the american people. it's great, the julian assigns will finally be released in what smells like a desperate bite and gambit for libertarian votes. but it's shameful that he had to spend years writing and a for in prison for doing what other reporters do regularly to donald. you know, sondra has been involved in a long legal bass. so can you tell us
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a little bit more about that? right, well it all goes back to when again join us on received the materials from a former us army soldier, chelsea manning for receive sensitive materials that basically expose to us war crimes across the middle east. and for that, he was on the run from the law from the united states. again, even though he was an australian citizen, he had to find refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london for 7 years. he was confined there, and once the government of ecuador to ended up changing hands, they ended up handing them over to the british authorities there. and he spent the next 5 years in a maximum security prison being tortured in solitary confinement. so this is uh, basically, you know, why it looks like doing a sanchez gone for the saga just for receiving materials and doing his job as
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a journalist? yes, really is project, isn't it? well, let's hope it all comes to an end, and i'll take this opportunity. so thank you bill. i'm closer as always, great talking to you. thanks again. it doesn't address those, you know, sondra is 20 to show the world tomorrow. i've been doing coffee here on, on the include interviews with, here's what i need to have from a mess. so i left formal one time of a prison that was on vega and former ecuadorian president rafael. today i will be real glossing highlights from those programs throughout the day, and you can also find them on our website oxy dot com, the we said to human rights activist, i'm full, my u. k, i'm basses into is back, is not mr. craig, mary, who was part of the free songs campaigns in the southern, he should, his views on the recent developments and his own experience with western states
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oppression. of course, nobody really take seriously this a sea of guilty. it's all this to everybody business coolest. you know, this is the listen, he is being applied to plead guilty in order to save his life. and this is a cheap movement by the, by to uh, administration, a cheap move the claim, a little hollow victory. they had to pull themselves up at some cost to the motions, off of the steed them, and the public struck to $1.00 of the reasons why the justice department was motivated to uh, to be a deal and effectively the julian savings was they were quite likely to likes to lose the cycles heading and loved them. they had painted themselves into a corner by refusing to give them the assurance, but as a foreign national,
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who had been acting a bill. if julian would be able to complete the estimate and to make the 1st amendment defense, the united states wasn't able to get the insurance, which the quote that i've given. so when we come to the position of medicine bill possibility that they could actually lose the, the next part of the expedition process. so the justice department had that's incentive to uh, to put this debate and come up with this p deal, but the insurance is released. the the idea of that's a good list is that who's no danger to anyone, have to be in cost of h as in precisely the same conditions as bitten is, was ton of this entire thing inside the worst conditions is that he was kept for much longer even solid confinement, but been at the neighbors in prison for, to determine the day of the best. astonishing, absolutely, astonishing what and they haven't been convicted of anything. and he was held in
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the very worst of conditions. it has of course, you know, taking a huge physical mental told. but julian is a very strong and resilient person and i've go no types, but he will, he will recover fully in time and that he will go on to develop new things and some extent. but which leaks idea is by incorporated into the the main stream dealing with my goal is to develop something new. i don't know where he has a fantastic intellect, is one of the world's guys intellectuals. and he has a huge amount to contribute the deisel security and will always be in danger, particularly from the malicious forces of the c i a m, the united states. in that sense, he's a, he's a mocked mind. he's not the, the only person who lives in that way,
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but the others like, don't care the echo to example, even myself who, who also suffer from these, these constants attentions, i was detained, the tears. my cuz i think i'm in the unlikely to this, but i'm just taking the section 7 of the titles as a back. i was told that i might have known dikes to remain silent avenue, going to a lawyer. but i had to say in full any question, but to me i'm not to answer would itself be of interest in the bull offense. i had to give up my electronics and give up any code words and passwords. and again, not to do that would be an invisible offense. now this is x, georgia nowadays telling me on legislation, but the skips away protections and explain your teen the used against journalists and discipline journalists increasingly of the subjects to
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this kind of absolutely liberal, absolutely. detroit methods and all of dealing with the position, but that's certainly an example of the way the western democracies are basically going and refusing to tolerate descent. high last cost allowed to auto go see is a just on c o, the net with one media consoles. and so he's doing this from the day. thanks so much for joining us today. i know, you know, it's interesting times we're witnessing here as both of us as just as well. but when you 1st heard that, as soon as long is finally going to be released, what we'll thoughts. and i says happy. and because of this release has come on a day in india and in 1975, but the then prime minister indeed on the side imposed emergency in india, 2nd to the media that they climbed on massively on the press in prison that it
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was for motors were incarcerated, so it was incredible dying. so now on this day that julian assigned to being treated sense, very positive signal is uh not only able to walk, but in india, there is a lot of celebration on social media, but of been coming to me, but say i felt very happy. i felt that it was an indication of what he thoughtful and the way he was incarcerated, believe tortured it. it has to be the terrible saga into the has on and is, is, looks good, but it's coming to an end. but let's look at a little bit about why and who you have a display is of public out quite units on his own and now being, but he's towards the end of just biden's presidential. so now your opinions are how will this affect biden's legacy and more immediately the upcoming from biden, the bates, i don't mind me is running out of space. he's running out of cards. and already
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there is a massive of surgery in the united states, as you really wouldn't know, which is coming in from the extreme right forces led by donald trump. in fact, someone who within the trunk camp at some point device prison, my fence, he infected his eyes by them, then he said this would never have happened. and the us cannot back a decision like this. so the deep schism of the divide is very, very open in the united states. well, biting this is of just a card for the elections to try and manage and the wind, but he's a very shaky position. and i don't really know how much this will impact is john says, but like you, your sense indicated that this is, this, have to be done and decided to use the point of motor done otherwise. if magenta sandra died in prison or done something was to himself, then this would be a bigger stick mountain. the joe biden administration. speaking of his house and perhaps the robina. good. do you think that the assad chose
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not to say so? i'll in an american court, i mean, i mean his day is part of the territory. so do you think that he would have to go to the trial if the inside had gone all the way back to the united states, the dog, the or what or how the how does that drive it? because we're going by the details of the key is the number of espionage cases against and going by the espionage act under which he was being a prosecutor. if he had landed in the united states for trial. and he was facing a minimum of a 175 years sentence. so in those circumstances, and after already being in, in prison for so many years, almost like a dozen years, 7 of them spent a lot crampton, busy in london, which is also like a prison. and besides the afraid of being close to the targeted for i think that what he did was the was the right thing. that has to be a escape act. and although he might be criticized by some point,
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it was that this is a bailout, but i see he chose that i thought, yeah, you know, wrong way out. okay, now the end of the day, uh 5 is in a 2 by 3 blocks. in essence, with the sunlight, with no, no fee of a 23 hours of the day. it certainly would bring anyone to the bring, but he's australian out of the not in the day he's on american is not even from the u. k. do you think his homeland should have done more to the system and his legal defense of this? if you should have done much longer is only uh when the uh, prime minister albany is, it took charge of that he increased the piece of trying to free him. there was a lot of independent voices coming through australia, but the 2 then didn't all over the last, maybe a year or so. things had been pretty debated. so it's a lot of good. it should go to all really use it for a ramping up the campaign. and yes,
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australia should have done much more. maybe the proximity to the united states give them choir, and julian assigns was becoming more and more like a sacrificial lamb. and at the end of the b o, even the questions were raised, that was the other was, he was more like an activist. he was, he was somebody who was exposing a multitude of secrets and implicating the united states, exposing their um, multi activities. and i've got a son in iraq, which and the intake was video of 2007 in which to the reuters news organization john is located in the, in that are attacked by the fact you any popped up. so all of that when it came to bring out, even the questions were raised about his credibility that he wasn't even a journalist. and since he had the access to this guy to meet the of the video footage and other surveillance of the night, stuff that was coming out. so it, it became, wasn't the sort of sense. yeah. it's interesting, you know,
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we were both just, we both work in media if something like that landed on my desk on your desk, isn't it our obligation to share it with the was it so it can be, is, it certainly is. yeah. so interesting. you know, um with what's going on or do you think journalism is being criminalized, being criminalized and uh, i want to make a quick lessons to what is happening in india also under the under the diesel over the last 10 years since he took charging 2014 so the media in india has develop deep schisms. so in the initial 5 years, the, the large part of the mainstream media data complete board, fos, and cause on means teen challenge started taking the light on became government school expose since the reason being given was that they needed advertising revenue to somebody. but that's a very quick on the only thing that remain independent with voices from the social
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media. and that is why off to the recent election and the how to chat them this earlier, also before the sort of nouns. because the b, b is considerably introduced. now, but still the uh, the app on the government within the lines. so the voices that had been dimmed are coming off. not so much in the mainstream media, an adult with a doctor that happened, but uh, on social media, on youtube and other platforms. a lot of independent journalism voicing that opinion, no way that one agrees on not is another question, but at least one should have the freedom of one is a join them is to say what your feedback are interesting, aren't you say the day? yes, we're here to give the news is up to the view of to decide and to do research as well. but they made every really need to see different sides of every story for the show. but when it comes to what the united states seem to sort of push and that's
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the upholding of the freedom of speech. if they uphold this rule over the root of law, the freedom of speech, uh no more. what does it say when, when you have a saw and it's just not being able to access or not being able to speak out, speak his mind assign job was basically pushed into a corner and with the we just see manning the was a we had to do by present the rock obama to a great extent, considering the, the numbers of the prison that she was facing. and it was cut down drastically. it sent a very strong message that assigned isn't outside the assigned, isn't all the heat and all the wrong things. and they said that you did not to the americans, that is, administration said that he did not access information. he stole the information,
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he hacked, he was a hacker and all those kind of, uh, ones we use until that uh, i just want to add that a lot of damage was done by truck. it is previous done. the way he teach into the, uh, the american media, the way he did the uh, the international media and press conferences. there was, does dns, it was content. yeah, he was mocking people. so that's sort of trained and biting as being surprisingly pride and touches the test it done and it isn't in, in the system. and i was pretty uh, shopped to see that expensive item to be more open. but, but that has not happened a, as an interesting, we'll see how things pot outlet see if indeed uh, is it an assigned? it's a little a ton of the full story. i'm sure there's a book coming, no doubt, certainly some interviews, but now let's hope you rest with this by me. but i'm familiar with that. oh gosh, journalist and ceo over the network, one media consultancy in new jersey. thanks again for your time. thank you. are now
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what he digs, i have a quote published in you must have classified a u. s. the who has implicating the american military. it will crimes on exposing the controversies. oh of course on arena costa right. that has the details also known as collateral murder. it's 2010 and which lakes release is classified us military floods. it's showing coma helicopters, conducting a series of attacks on baghdad, and this was in 2007, and they killed over a dozen people, including suv reuters staff thank you. a nice shoot them off buddy.
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my gosh. the footage calls outrage on one side and of course panic on the other. it was not the 1st search incident and definitely not the last but this time. not only did it involved the journalist, but more importantly, that was video evidence which was made worse, while the fact that the perpetrators was so adamant in the claims of innocence. we regret the loss of innocent life, but this incident was promptly investigated and there was never any attempt to cover up any aspect of this engagement. the words this kept forming on my lips were cold blooded murder. the u. s. military. they just, they lied to us, it was all lies. suddenly everyone knew about what felix and julie on the songs the thoughts as was social care. and it was picked up by most international media outlets. it may be, wes looked bad so the homes was on and eventually the source was exposed. and american soldier at the time called bradley manning and later chelsea after his
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transition or he leaks around $750000.00 sensitive military and diplomatic documents. mounting was court martialed and convicted of espionage among other charges and jailed by us authorities. 20 ton was a tough a year for the us as with leaks delivered at another bombshell. and that was very blue. the lead on the true scale of devastation caused by the american military's actions abroad, the iraq and i've done more diaries, became a sensation, the rock files revealing a huge stuff. so as well as cases of abuse and torture by us led coalition forces to the reports detail 109000 32 deaths in a rock comprised of 66081 civilians. 23984 enemy. those labeled as insurgents. 15196 host nation,
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rocky government forces and 3771 friendly coalition forces. the majority of the deaths, $66000.00 over 60 percent of these are civilian deaths. that is 31 civilians dying every day. during the 6 year period, there were nearly $400000.00 military logs. it was a mess. washington claim that which leaks was put in american soldiers in danger by releasing this information to learn. the songs, however, are due, but it was necessary to expose just how many lives were senselessly lost around the world due to us policies. what is the most single, damming revelation? the real story of this material is that it's for it's one damn thing, often another most of it, this is for our, for as a result of the every day scala for these leaks
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cover, the us military's actions during the war and of gun this dawn from 2004 to 2010. well, they revealed call listen forces attacks on civilians friendly fire incidents as well as, as gun forces attacking each other. and once again a much higher death. so including hundreds of civilians previously on reports of by the coalition. and here's just one example. marine then fired $56.00 me and made a round at the bus. there are 4 x coalition forces wounded in action to ex civilian killed, 13 next civilian injured. the main shop from the lakes was washington's cover up of the, the scale of civilian casualties from the media and the public with a staggering amount of attacks by colors and troops on ask and civilians. it does appear to be evidence of all crimes in this material. these files bring to light what's been a consistent trend by us and nato forces,
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the concealment of civilian casualties, despite numerous tactical directives, ordering transparent investigations. when civilians are killed, there have been incidents. i've investigated in recent months where this is still not happening. a 2011 brought new leaks and this time it was about those that changed at guantanamo bay. her to see of the u. s. department of defense. so 779 people were imprisoned. there from 2002, the eldest, been an 89 year old, african village are suffering from dementia and the youngest, a 14 year old, innocent kidnapping victim. some people were caged up for reasons like we're a cost fuel watch. themes suspicious apparently because there was use this timers by all call you to i was sleep deprived, i was beaten, didn't they broke my and i was not given food for
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a very long periods of time. i was situated, assaulted on multiple occasions, seem to provision the for 70 to is mostly an all to 0 reporter was obtained for 6 years to prove unknown, accessed the links between the news outlets. and i'll call you to, even if you put someone in how they are going to say it's great because they just left guantanamo. the media is not asking the real questions. how are they going to be reunited with their families? what are they going to live on once they are released, hundreds of lives destroyed in secrecy, with no fair trial and 0 regard for the law. now made headlines around the world and the world seemed grateful that a sounds had exposed how the us illegally the tape and even tortured innocence, people for years. the crucially, the files also contain detailed explanations of the supposed intelligence used to justify the prisoner's detention. the documents drawn the testimony of witnesses in most cases, the prisoner's fellow prisoners whose words are unreliable,
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either because they were subjected to torture or other forms of coersion, sometimes not in guantanamo, but in secret prisons run by the ca, or because they provided full statements to secure, better treatment in guantanamo us. authority is that all that they could to destroy with leaks and so islands. julian, his sons, who ultimately paid the heaviest prize for exposing their on the countable corruption and war crimes. well that around this use our will be back of the hall with more on this. so we'll see you then the the.


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