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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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time because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, the breaking news right here with auntie international julian, a songs leads a bridge to prison after being held for 5 years. and he's very rude to a us territory in the pacific to finalize the plea, deal voice, freedom, us presidential candidate, robert kennedy junior, describes assigned as the confinement as criminalization of june. listen, the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose and national defense info, which means the us security states, succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to non citizens. this was interesting, riley and citizen. he was not a citizen of the united states. he was not in the united states when this felony is what they say was who his credit. he did not steal the information assigned his
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homeland australia, expects him to return there after the final us hearing. and that's of the serious concerns that his health was due to a rating in the k prison. the police use water cannon and tear gas to stamp out the mazda demonstration in kenya as the public speak south against the government, raising taxes to pay off debt to the us base. i am at the party of watching our team to national, reaching you from the russian and capital of michael quarter with the latest. now this is the latest photo of julia and assign, just skis en route to finalize, a plea bugging to secure his freedom of the founder of the media organization which
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it leaks has been released from the british prison. and i slowed out the 3 after a lengthy legal battle. now sanchez agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal, a charge in the us to end his bundle against expedition. according to wicker meeks assigned to the left, the u. k. is laws maximum security present on monday, after spending 1901 days behind boss. and he then boarded, had a cropped in 3, lots of london's don's dad at port. now sanchez landed in file and from there he is to fly to a us territory. here in the pacific ocean, the northern marianna islands to appear before court. he is expected to be credited for the 5 years. he has already served in prison and not face any more jail time. let's take a look at the us case documents from at least 2009 and continuing through at least
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2011 and the defense begun and committed outside of the jurisdiction of any particular state or district of the united states. the defendant julian, paula sanchez, who would be 1st brought to the district of the northern mariana islands, knowingly and unlawfully conspired with chelsea manning to commit the following offences against the united states to receive and obtain documents, writings and notes connected with the national defense, including such materials classified up to the secret level for the purpose of obtaining information, respecting the national defense. it seems that this decision to a full this please do think he took it on his own or do the with pressurized? well, i think it's a bit of a mix of both because if we look at what the united nation says about solitary confinement, julie and assigns has literally been tortured in prison. and it's, it's clear that his health has been deteriorating over his years of confinement. so it's, it's
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a really understandable why join assigns would plead guilty to this charge of conspiracy. when the us is essentially ready to let him walk after the back. do use is that he have to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and delta a big blow to freedom of the press. the font is australian is on american. i mean, does it new mean expedited to australia? well, you would think, right, but because this involves the united states, washington's once again proving to the world that it feels like it can do whatever it wants, it can break whatever international norms it wants, it can completely disregard what it so called. it's so called rule of law that it always says it holds so sacred. i mean, this case that the assigns is going to go through this court cases. not even going
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to take place on the mainland of the united states, taking place and overseas territory. and the western specific called the northern mariana islands, and i think it's safe to say, but if this situation or a situation like it took place with any other country in the world, this would all be going down a lot differently. this was a strategy and citizen, he was notices in the united states. he was not in the united states when this felony is what they say was, was credit. he did not steal the information. if the dissemination of this information is a crime, then every person where i now stand in the palm of astrology, the site is on the way to the united states of america. because your printers and you know that christ method confusions. i didn't want to, i want to place in australia where if i offend the crime, i'm off to read. if i've seen the chinese communist party off to badging or destroying citizen who has offends a lower in the united states of the north side unless he's in the united states, when he, when he commits that. and that's the case. that's a, that's
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a completely different issue. but from what i read, and of course we're all very new to this it's, it's do a plea deal on a felony. a lot of people are saying that this is a great development they're celebrating and to a certain extent it is. but we also have to remember that julian, a sons' already paid the price of for, for just being a journalist after over a decade of contending with the raft of washington. and it's, you know, this, this decision by the united states to do this really looks more than anything like a conveniently timed political play by the biden administration. because we've got only a couple days left before the upcoming debates between trump and fight and, and now it's, you know, by no doubt is hoping to look like some sort of merciful progressive fresh in the minds of the american people. it's great that julian assigns will finally be released in what smells like a desperate bite and gambit for libertarian votes. but it's shameful that he had to spend years writing and a for in prison for doing what other reporters do regularly. it all goes back to
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when again join us on received the materials from a former us army soldier, chelsea manning to receive sensitive materials that basically expose the us war crimes across the middle east. and for that, she was on the run from the law from the united states. again, even though he was an australian citizen, he had to uh, find refuge in the echo during the embassy in london for 7 years. he was confined there. um, and once the uh, government of ecuador to ended up changing hands, they ended up handing them over to the british authorities there. they spent the next 5 years in a maximum security prison being tortured in solitary confinement. so this is uh, basically, you know, why it looks like julia massage has gone through the saga just for receiving materials and doing his job as a journal. now the director of a center full count,
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had demonic studies, dumont his insides of while the case of victory for the campaign to free assigned. it's far from a waiting for. don't listen. it was a tremendous relief and i'm sure they'll be great celebrations as an australian. when he arrives he into his friends and family his campaign for so long for him. it is of course, a compromise deal with the bar, the ministration, trying to save face rehabilitate the reputation somewhat in an election campaign, but in the circumstance. so i think it's a, it's a good outcome. it might be a bad price, isn't in the sense that it, in a sense, gives that rob the staff to the the, the repression of journalism and publications that the us has done against julian. but more or less giving some, you know, back died of justification to the, the several years that he's already spent in prison to be taught to be considered as time. so it's not a degree for journalism. it's a victory for the campaign to release julian. but really the, by the administration, it's
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a continuation of the trumped up charges that compet administration put up. anyone who publishes information which is embarrassing to the us military, which is committing crimes across the world as we speak. and of course not least in gaza with the that the co commanding all said operation and guys are of the moment, those terrible mask. is there anyone who publishes, that's information which is embarrassing to the us as now likely to be in the governance of the us. um, just the system lead up to the selection for the buttons trying to polish often put some lipstick on on them, on the very likely reputation that he has going into this election. what an anticipation of a solid is eventual return to his home line in australia, his wife and the chief editor of wicked leaks. i've spoken out in praise of his years long, fide for press freedom, truth and justice. 12 years on i'm visiting join in a high security prison, but this, this period of our lives, i'm confident now has come to an end. and, and i think that by this time,
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next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course, has been to deprive of freedom for all these years in the bathroom for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, an incredible movement has been formed. a movement of people from all walks of life from around the world who supports not just join and not just us in our family, but what to in stands for truth and justice. by let's cross now live to host of going on the ground, the option of a tennessee who's joining us right now from the buy option is good to have you join me now that after years of court battles, the founder of we can meet is finally released what are your thoughts on this? on, on dissipated update?
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i think 1st of all, we've got to say the rules based on to the joe biden, the nato talks about has being shown to mean the guilty are innocent and the innocent have to say they are guilty because right now, assange is on his way to marry on the islands, they're famous in history. it's because the b 29 boomers flew to bottom, eros yuma, and i guess, i mean, how much more symbol that can you get at the faces that judge the 1st females federal judge pointed to the, to a us district good by barack obama or of old people the butcher of libya. i mean, that's why judy s on she's off to and sell us on saying she doesn't want to jeopardize anything. because to be a journalist in the nature, well, you have to say you're guilty, but you can be killed at any moment because they will kill you if you don't to
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commit to your guilt that has been established by the plea bargain and the australian government, australia, of course all corresponded as nuclear deal with the united states already saying just data resides, kick of us $500000.00. i wonder whether we can, thanks again to raise the $512000.00 demanded for the price of the jotted plane taking a science in the north. marietta islands goes paypal. mastercard, visa, all involved in the military. industrial complex just up with the leaks guessing funds on a strange, strange and odd situation. so was it suddenly the biden administration taking down all these other accounts a team counts now it's only one count that as on she was add to the guilty to. is it biting sudden you've seen the light? know donald trump, who's going to is being persecuted himself. in the united states said that he was considering really missing assign gbc advocate president is expected in november,
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august k, junior deal, stein cornell, west julio. the candidate say that reading some of the press, the people, randy credit, co, the great actors in the united states who is being sending a board around washington dc talking imagine and so as the people in britain and in london to rain and showing that the courts protesting that britain we can get on to that they helped, but this in no way means to divide the ministration. and as long as it stands law, in order that committing genocide in guys only 24 hours ago, mike, we were talking about the american targeted attack on the russian beach that killed children. that alone what they suspected of doing. and doug, as done against the synagogue and the restroom judge, and what they mean doing and doing yet, as they burned down and assaulted the russian church and the restroom and russian culture and don't yet this is in a symbolic day. but of course,
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i'm happy as not just free and to live. yeah. as the same goes for lots of journalist from around the world following his development. now the u. s. government went after essentially he is. why do you think they're offering him a? do you live this time? what's the significance of this? oh yeah, you're with me. i mean, we have various sources to the golf course. i've. i've known julia sondra over the years. people which are interviews that are banned by youtube, about hillary clinton's devices and forced to manipulate directions in the united states. the role of google, the role of silicon valley and manipulating elections in the united states. all of these different issues. it was during the, it's in the, the, your 2024 to one of them and people are calling me and i was thinking, the, sorry, because i wasn't going to say it over the phone and people are too terrified. we've been speaking. we don't remember. but as you say, why now,
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because of all this public pressure, even from family own newspapers, propaganda sheets like the new york times in the amazon washington post. that was obviously part of it. but the tried to kill him, mike pulling, pay over the full man of this the i is on the record for say here of the, the spanish case which showed a company directed to the trump campaign involving the surveillance and the ecuadorian embassy way being given a silent be turning and the ecuadorian government. this is huge. it means to every one house there is a journalist. this is the kind of these are the kinds of or do you have to fight to be a real journalist? you know, in britain they're not even showing it on the news, particularly they're showing some royal ceremony with the vassal stage of japan every year. and this must realize that they have to go through the kind of sacrifices that julian assigns has had to go through to be the best that they can. why else the north marietta islands?
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i know it's in euro stream. yeah. it's uh, a, a grouping of colonial imperial us m bar islands known for the only known destination of nuclear weapons against civilian population. seeing or we can now somebody at least have set set. but this could also be in a 10 by the white house and president binding to boost the popularity ratings ahead of the november elections. the, do you see any link to this release now to the us elections coming up later in the so propagandized, the us electronical says no democracy in the united states school. the dial, one of the great guy says he, what do they give his global house book? the junior designs held as british police brought him out to the during embassy rates or political asylum, said there was no democracy in the united states. it doesn't matter to joe biden, but doesn't normally matthew, who's president of the united states, in any case,
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his popularity is an all time low. they might replace him, is being signaled by various propaganda droplets in the united states. so that could be the, could be the case, you know, had for jeremy and assigned you. it's not just those people like go, we dialed who said there was no democracy there any way. he'll come out to a world. he's come out to a world where he's mentor gavin mcfadden, a great mentor to me, i suppose, as well as to him is now dead. he didn't see a search for a movie in westwood. the fashion design didn't get to see designs free, and the great australian journalist who would be saying about this is us selection and the by the ministration. it doesn't match particularly true was interesting and it will to john build you. but don't build your help as on so much to these years of incarceration. in britain, we must remember that in any vassal state like britain, what today's plea deal means is don't be a journalist again,
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one of these about so states, there's no such thing as british justice that cause the bows down to us just as britain can at the orders of the united states justice department fully off the street. you don't have to be a us citizen, put you in the maximum security prison, the guantanamo of britain, male bell marsh. and until executive order, joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal, then you'll be free ads. reprocessing, and a british court should be telling that law is to tell the judge using the case has dismissed them. the britain. britain is not a sovereign nation, and britons entire justice system is a fraud. now we get leaks released evidence of us war crimes in iraq and of gattis done that one would expect that the western weld after holding the torch of democracy the floor you know, and so on, will enter into a legal battle against the united states of,
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of those claims instead of going after the messenger sides, but that wasn't the case. yeah. well, they killed them normally don't they? i just was moving. yeah. but you miles still alive then until ga, the native american is still in live live julian hassan getting out before is his birthday. i think uh because of julian, the son show many people in the global soutware illuminated it was an illumination of the propaganda model. the, the ruination of any kind of concept of human rights and true tara, that the washington military industrial complex wields around the world. and of course, since 2022 in russia's final attempt to save the people of don't. yes, because we an ends even stock or illumination. no one respects them anymore. they know f gattis time syria, iraq, a bully, all those for have a, was a deal with the united states gets up to and that's why that re aligning under bricks and the shanghai cooperation organization. judy,
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massages release of 10000000 documents was one part of that, and they tried to kill it. it's amazing that he got out. i go to tell you some very important john, listen very important. people told me they would kill him. so we're going to get fingers crossed. i said stellar is on says i don't want to jeopardize anything. is a press conference in the next few hours. he's in the plane on the way to visa, colonial islands, but to join this movement will be the same. and it's up to join the soul around the, in the nato area, to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is on the global south. those already, they were lying about at this time they were lying about it rock. they were lying about and it'd be relying about all the interventions while right, and we have to leave it here. now i've seen redundancy host going on the ground with joining us from the bye. thank you so much for your insight. thank. it's not we spoke to human rights activist, informa
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u. k investigator. this is becky stun, craig blu ray, who's part of a free assange campaigns in a circle. and he shared his views on the recent developments in his own experience with western states oppression because nobody really take seriously this a see of guilty. it's of this to everybody business coolest. you know, this is the listen. he is being a blogs to plead guilty in order to save his life. and this is a cheap move by the by to uh, administration, a cheap move to claim a little hollow big city a full themselves at some cost to the motions. off of to steve, him in the public. right. to know, one of the reasons why the justice department was motivated to, to be a deal and effectively the julian siblings was they were quite likely to likes to
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lose the cycles heading and loved them. they had painted themselves into a corner by refusing to give them the shirts, but as a foreign national who had been acting a bill, excuse me, and wouldn't be able to treat the estimate to make the 1st amendment defense, the united states was able to get the insurance, which the quote that i've given. so when we come to the position is a deal a possibility that they could actually lose. but the next part of the expedition process. so the justice department had that incentive to uh, to put this debate and come up with this p deal, but that's been to us is release the the idea that's a good list is that who's no den, just to anyone have to be in cost of h as in precisely the same conditions as business was 10 of this, and type in, in a slightly worse conditions of what he was kept for, much longer, even solid confinements, but been in the bows in prison for, to determine the day of the best. astonishing,
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absolutely. astonishing what they haven't been convicted of everything empty was held in the very worst of conditions. it has a cause, you know, taking a huge physical mental told but julians of a strong and resilient person and i've go no types but he will, he will recover fully in time and that he will go on to develop new things. i mean, some extent the wiki leeks idea is by incorporated into the the main stream dealing with my goal is to develop something new. i don't know where he has a fantastic intellects, is one that but will space intellectuals and he has a huge amount to contribute the deisel security and will always be in danger of typically from the malicious forces
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of the c i a and the and the united states in that sense, he's a, he's a mocked mind. he's not the i'm the only person who lives in that way, but, but the others like uh to me, to the cool things on whole, even myself who most of the stuff i felt these, these constant tensions was detained, the tears. my kids, i think i'm in the unlikely to this, but i've just taken the section 7 of the time it is like i was told of the back. so i have no dykes to remain silent and then they're going to a lawyer. but i had to say in full any question, but to me i'm not to answer would itself be of interest in the bull offense. i had to give up my electronics and give up any code words and passwords. and again, not to do that. would it be an invisible offense? no, this is extraordinarily just telling me in legislation, but the skips away protections and it's been retained the used against
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journalists and disciplines. journalists increasingly, subjects to this kind of absolutely liberal, absolutely. detroit a method of, of dealing with opposition. but i'm not, that's certainly an example of the way the western democracies are basically going and refusing to tolerate descent. now what does an episode of gina unassigned is 2012 show the well tomorrow web board costs on r t. i will be broadcasting highlights from those programs throughout the day for now. here's a quick preview of one of the episode square assigned to the, to the, for my president of a quite all about latin american us relations and more of learning. i lived in the us for 4 years. i have 2 academic degrees from the article. and while i love and the maya, the american people, a great deal for your, believe me,
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what the last thing on the be is anti american name, of course. have however, i will always cool a spade a spade. i perfect and if they're all international, us policies would be more because i thought that you meant to to our country or even to that to relax in america. so normally i will denounce them strongly and i will never ever allow my country solvency to be affected by the main thing. if even the united states itself is being financed by china itself, you know how wonderful it is that a funds that could do for united states wonderful, that it provides funds for oil extraction for through mining hydro, electric power station. so we're not only getting chinese funding, but also attracting investment from russia. pizelle. we have expanded all markets and funding sources. i want to look at where you think ecuador is going in the long term, and where south america is going in the long term. it seems to some degree that
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there's, there's a lot of good things here. this great integration in south america. the standards of living have been increase the amount of influence that the united states and other countries outside latin american apply to it is also decreasing. but where do you think it's going and in 10 years, 20 is then each of those in the link for you who said the us influence is steadily decreasing and that's good to him. and that's why we have stated the lots in america is changing from the washington consensus to the consensus without washington a maybe with a sand full or consensus consensus. we sell it to washington. exactly. okay. now indian john list and seal network one media consultancy. our boss is convinced the sanchez made the right decision with the plea deal. now on this day that
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julian assigned her as being fated sense, very positive signal is uh, not only over the world, but in india. there is a lot of celebration on social media, but of been coming to me. but say, i've been very happy. i felt that it was an indication of what he thoughtful and the way he was incarcerated. bleed tortured it. it has to be a terrible soccer ball biting. this is of just a card for the elections to try and manage and the wind, but leaves a very shaky position. and i don't really know how much this meant. in fact is john says, but you didn't assign jet, died in prison or done something to was doing. so then this would be a big stick mountain. did you buy from the administration? i think back to what he did was the was the right thing that has to be a escape patch. and although he might be criticized by some photos that this is a bailout, but i see he chose the right box. not breaking news
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now this our protest is in can yeah, have reported re entered the parliament building had made lots of riots in the capital. and i will be here all video supposedly showing po test us trying to stay on the grounds of the parliament. momentarily a members of parliament had devoted to approve a culture of also finance bill that would see the tax hikes at the move, which is designed to help pay off the countries debt to the washington base international monitor fund. as for the wave of public outrage, the earlier in the day people gathered on the streets of the national capital and i will be to speak out against the government measures. now please use your gas in the water, count them to try to disperse the crowds,
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the menu local. this of decry the move to retrieve the taxes saying that they are already struggling to make ends meet the .


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