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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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and i guess you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the breaking news on our t deadly trails in kenya. web post, test the storm, the parliament and sets the key buildings on fire. that's, that's, i'm the boils over the government's approval of i am f pushed tax hikes. not breaking news today, flying to freedom after 5 years incarcerated inside the maximum security present in the u. k. was the blog, judy, and assigned you some waste out of the country off the striking of the deal with the us. but not everyone's convince it's a when, when all around. the bad news is that he has to be guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense in which means the us security states had succeeded
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in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to non us citizens, and rubbing the rigs to pay for all the new agrees to use 1400000000 euros and profit from frozen russian assets to buy yet new weapons for you agree the i 63 of in moscow. welcome to the latest news update on our team to national i a michael porter. now we stopped what breaking news coming out of the canyon and capital based. our reports came up to 10 people who had been killed a dozens injured as riots, rage, and not ruby protest, as fewer as overt tax hikes have stormed the parliament building, setting parts of it on fire. the
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now this particular set to show protest is inside the parliament building, causing damage and ripping down slides. they then tried to break the way into the senate chamber at moments area and peas had voted to approve a controversial finance bill that would cease to rise in taxes. hundreds of m. p, 's were set to have taken refuge in the basement before being evacuated to safety. a protest, as i've also reached the city halls in narrow b. a flames can be seen coming from inside the windows, while a thick black smoke billows into the sky. in this footage, supreme court staff and the lawyers, i seen throwing bottles of water towards the prototypes. those reports would be trying to help them. and that's as the crowds were trying to break into the
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parliament building. an earlier in the day, people gathered on the streets in the city to voice their anger at the government stacks moves, or they will forward the se that'd be, are needed to help pay off the countries beds particularly to the washington base international monitor fund. according to a local report, their problems with internet access in the country. many locals have been outraged saying that they are already struggling to make ends meet the the
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. now with all the latest on those developing story here is our to use know to view will convey of the protest is overpowered to police who had the barricade to 6 exhausted, to hold one of the ministry so occupied by tens of thousands of pinions. it came out to 2, pressed lawmakers in parliament, withdrew the bull. you'd remember that earlier this morning, protest as we're attempting to access parliament to the have a full see a way into parliament to just shortly after that to bill was cost. this is also we offices, blocked axis and with the lawmakers debated and decided on the sign is full. but unfortunately, that has led to to several offer those protest as being sought to the did the
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protest which began last week. it was really an absolute to cool to prison, going to move towards the government's off guard, but couldn't indeed a said over the weekend that just was prepared to talk to the protest as well, praising the protest as for the a peaceful action. i am very proud of our young people. they have stepped forward. try bless. they have stepped forward, piece for, and i want to tell them we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation, so that together we can build a great uh, mission. so it was with did not make the situation any better. in fact, it said that this is the 1st time in the history of us can. yeah. is that purchased as a broken barry is an access inside the parliament despite to have the security and police. and just because we know that the, in the, off this protest use the i am, if so, that because outspoken for the tuition and lead us off the academy creed insights
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as to this, my lima has expressed support for kenya's and to find his full tween to 24 in a very strongly worded statement. my name my has faced that it is time for kenya to resist the influence of the i am if and the whole bag of, for she has accused of pocket straight to the drafting of the boat. this is therefore part of the broader problem faced by many developing nations under the yoke of the i m, f and world bank loans. the i m f and the world bank having a tory is history of funds in mining the sovereignty of developing countries through their oppressive loan conditions and treating african economies. like lab rats for neo liberal templates. my husband from that his thoughts, he stands in solid, dotted, see with the people of kenya, describing the whole proposal as exploitative. kenya is not the only one, most countries in africa facing and acute the cost of living prices and rises did the amount for content season off for suspend on interest payments. and i am as low
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as it is often higher than anywhere else in the world to get to there is no serious effort to be made to find the solution to the crisis. countries that have to go see $21.00 by one basis as if the fault is full day, is the people who end up pay the price. the whole of this tend to be those who have the lease and matches that even made was by the fact that african countries a still have very little say in decision making in the wolf. and as the item is, in other words, the i am if and these are the international institutions, are the enemies of progress, almost every developing country in the world. now let's return to all the breaking news which we've been covering all day here in r t and after 5 years locked inside the maximum security prison in the u. k. the week it leaks co founder duty and a sondors. finally, out of the cell, the jail and the country, you are the 1st images of the legendary, which the boy 81 has seen in he is about to this battle against extradition. the
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assigned has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal, a charge of the us according to what can needs. he left, the u. k. is about last present on monday of the spending 1901 days behind boss. he then bought it and that crofton flew off of the off of london and he's expected to return to his medium australia, his wife, along with the chief editor of what could meeks have spoken out in praise of his years long, fide for fred press. freedom of truth and justice of 12 years on i'm visiting join in a high security prison. but this, this period of our lives, i'm confident now has come to an end. and i think that by this time, next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course, has been to deprive of 3 the for all these years in the bathroom,
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for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish a foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, i'm incredible. movement has been formed, a movement of people from all walks of life, from around the world who supports not just join, and not just us in our family, but what to in stands for truth and justice. on this long journey back home, the hayes jack stopped off in fine lines to refill is now taking off and headed to a remote us territory in the pacific ocean. the northern marianna islands flat, but we can be found a will appear in court. he's expected to be given credit for his time's big jail and officially set free when the proceeding is over. however, as you, as presidential candidate, robert kennedy junior says, the case sets wrong worrying a president. the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to
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conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. to be a journalist, again, the nature of weld, you have to say you're guilty, but you can be killed at any moment because they will kill you if you don't to commit to your guilt that has been established by the plea bargain. this is huge. it means to everyone out there is a journalist, this is the kind and these are the kinds of, or do you have to fight to be a real journalist, you know, in britain they're not even showing it on the news, particularly. they're showing some royal ceremony with the bashful state of japan every year unless must realize that they have to go through that kind of sacrifices
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that julian assigns has had to go through to be the best that they can. why else the north marietta islands? i know it's in euro stray area, but uh, a uh, grouping of colonial imperial us m bar islands known for the only known designation of nuclear weapons against civilian populations. we must remember that in any national state like britain, what today's plea deal means is don't be a journalist again, one of these about so states, there's no such thing as british justice because he'd miles down to us just as britain can at the orders of the united states just as development fully off the street, you don't have to be a us citizen, put you in the maximum security prison, the doc guantanamo of britain, mail, belmont, and until executive audit joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal, then you'll be free. absolutely. passing and a british court should be telling the law is to tell the judges in the case is
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dismiss them. the british britain is not a sovereign nation and brings entire justice system is a fraud. but to join this movement will be the same, and it's up to john list all around the, in the nature we area to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is onto the global south. those already there were lying about this guy. this time they were lying about it rock. they were lying about libya, they're lying about all the interventions. the plight of a song comes after 3 years long campaign across the world to secure his freedom, protest as deprive what they call the persecution of john, listen. i'm fought, tooth and nail to try to stop the wisdom doors. extradition to the united states are to steve sweeney. has more on this always being a very long emotional, but joyous at 12 hours. i've not slept really, since the news broke. i've been up all night speaking to lawyers speaking to
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friends of judy and campaign is active a send. we're all sharing with the this sense of disability. now, you know, we've spent the last 14 years in the pouring rain outside belmont springs and we've attended protests and riley's handed out leaflets. we've issued a petitions coating for a solid is to be released. we've even attended both a partings, boasting policies. i'm waiting said right. and so today's news is obviously extremely welcome saying judy and leaving the united kingdom on the airplane from style instead. apple now come pay. there's a game we've been discussing this for years now. really and, and the overall, i think this page is deeply political. it involves a really freedom of expression, press freedom, the rightful jordan is to publish information that are in the public interest and also for the right of the public to receive that information. but of course judy
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and faced the full force of the state, well, 2 states in fact, it particularly the united states and breast it. and now we understand that in my discussions over night that julian has agreed a plea deal. he's expected to receive a suspended sentence off to pleading guilty to less of felony charges. of course the united states wanted to expedite him to face charges under the espionage act, with at least a $170.00 is potentially behind balls. now, i've attended many cold cases over the years, a many of those julian didn't attend either due to his physical states or otherwise nitty over them with false it go. now, the last time i was in london, i spoke to status on his duty and his wife. and she told me that she fade for his live. she said that every time she goes to visit him, she fee is that it is going to be the last. she sited his pull uh, the physical house. his mental health was incredibly pool and she said she believed
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that he could commit suicide. now this was really the cool of his appeal against his expedition to the united states and his lawyers. his legal team argued that washington couldn't offer any guarantees to his safety. now this is something that was also echoed to me by amnesty international. the human rights group and i was, i spoke to naples, metals at the you in special rapids. so i for toto. and he told me again that duty is conditions inside belmont high security prison. he was catching a very, very small area and he said about the physical deterioration that he so each time that he visits it. and he said that this was a deliberate and this was a deliberate attack by the forces of imperialism against judah. and now again, the last hand in the united states, prosecutors said, well, we can guarantee judy and safety. but when they were pressed, they actually admitted that judy and didn't have any rights as an australian
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citizen to that protection under the us constitution. so they, in effect, on the mind the whole case now in 2017 the c i a was a, so we 2021, a you all who use investigation uncovered in the alleged port to assassinate judy and the songs on the streets of london. they came up with all sorts of funds of also now there's one was a shootout on the street outside the ecuadorian embassy. the other was blowing up the wheels of an airplane. should he leave for rushing out. cool. is this with shoes you stand or a guy? we discussed this, and she said, well, how could estate the ports to move to judy and really be trusted with his safety? now again, this should have been huge news applause to kill the world's most famous doing this on the streets of the pers, these capital. but again, i covered it in my use paper. i work for the time on the other. the other, the carry, the story was the bbc who read the guy to the,
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to the somali service. now a guy and i said, i've spent years covering this on the case of us that years writing about it. but it's more than the uh, within my own union, the national union of jen, this, i spent years really trying to get fucking for so and it was hardly ever met with a lukewarm response. there was some vague statements, but there was never any attempt to mobilize members, for example, the last quote here and i, i attendant, they would know, and you type on those. i was know message sent out for people to attend and show. they sold his advocacy and support for judy and i spoke to many of the people that attended about having to come from abroad, from companies in europe and elsewhere. and they were golf ready. this lack of support and solidarity from inside britain, but not just from the national union of doing this the. they started the lack of attendance from labor party members, an act of a sudden all the trade union is because they thought that this was a you know, the, what was most important case one around uh, press freedom. now, of course,
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assange posed a threat to the establishment of, we've seen, oversee the exposure of the war funds committed by the united states. and they saw him very much as a threat. but one of the key points i'm a gave myself that our lawyers can papers and others. we have to work very hard to pressure the press freedom groups. and the gymnast unions to watching, recognize judy and states as, as a june list. and also with the law and this took many, many years before they've reached the reach that i'll see you in political analyst and kind of make isabella zabeda and gave her comments on the matter saying that the bottom administration made this deal to say face. and so the 3 of the universal campaigns that kept united and whole heartedly in one voice get screaming for the free demo. julian, our song shot victory over a over fascism. the new way of passion,
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which tried to shut them up. also the people who, who to shut the mouth of the freedom to show the amounts of people like judy and i saw who were trying and bravery to tell the truth about fascist regime about did you monic powers were trying we're just thinking, taking over other nouns, other resources, without giving or any, any kind of consideration to the lives of a cdm it's, it's a deal to save their faces because they have many commercials. they have many, they have a boss test page which 5 to suite of suppressing free to harvest page, suppressing journalism and after their to just have been exposed on and on and on. they just want a safe space. they just wanna go out of this, like it's like a monkey trying to get out of a tree with a dignity. so they just want to get out of this trouble with dignity because they
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know it's been wrong with the 1st time they've captured tens of 1000 episodes of judah, unassigned is 2012, show the well tomorrow have been bored. casper and our teeth of a include interviews with has the lead done house, and that's where i live. and for my for during president rafael korea, i will be broadcasting highlight from those programs throughout the day here on our team. the now the european piece facilities spending money on the war at the you has agreed to use 1400000000 euros installed in profits from frozen russian access to by boat weapons for you. great. as a comment this morning and the waiting for pro fish caught me in from josh, you and i switched roles and you knew that not dash itself will be use in the safe to as possible man of for the benefit of ukraine. $1400000000.00 will be
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available in the course of next month, and another 1000000000 by the end of the year. and these will be uh, allocated to ukraine. but for these 3 purposes of defense, i'm one issue. and that's reporting of the new canyon industry to now the decision was made despite opposition from hungary, with, with the past, against the scheme to buy weapons for you. trade with the prophets generated by russia as frozen assets of the hong area. and foreign minister spoke out against the who move seine cross to create a red line for you on each um and indeed it was announced today that the european union will use the title of 1400000000 years from the european piece. facilitate to finance alms deliveries, to ukraine, despite congress, disagreement by completely disregarding european laws come great was simply left down to the decision making process. this is a clear red line that has never been such shame, dis, disregard,
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and violation of common european rules. the full right of it is precisely those who advocate for rule of law procedures at full volume and speak about the threat to democratic values for violating european regulations by let's cross live now to eliminate as percentage follows football, greek, and bassett. a and diploma is nice to have you join me right now and baset of the what's your take on the use decision to use profits from frozen ross and nonsense for ministry support to ukraine not for you claims, recovery and reconstruction. as was stated before. yes. well, this is something that is quite serious and the issue again is undermining itself. but what it is doing, 1st of all, if this world was a civilized world, you would need a decision of the security council or a,
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a decision of the international court of justice. to go ahead and take such as measures. but this party and get the national law, they are illegal. now that's what the is. that's what way they are undermining themselves. the 2nd thing is that they are undermining the state unity under which states are, are protected. for example, a germany is protected for its sec, grimes that it committed during the 2nd world war by immunity. but there is a court international court decision on this, so they are undermining their old position by that. the 3rd thing that's happening is that the whole global economy is being undermined by such measures.
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because after this war is over, many countries will be very, very reluctant to make investments in other countries knowing that their investments may be frozen at the moment. notice, such was the case with the bureau government when the united states can boast. these kinds of freezing of assets of 2019 as the general government went by court, had got somebody back for exam was it was the case it or to do what they received. the body that was frozen by, uh, uh, by the, by the portuguese will start this up on instructions from the united states. and it was interesting to notice that the associate level was in the
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wasn't but as well a few a few days ago, where they discussed this issue and how they would go about it bilaterally. now via you made the decision to buy 5 hunger raise opposition? boot up. as has said, this has crossed a red line. what are your thoughts on this issue? yes, i totally agree with the with the to get insight. that means they are absolutely right. that it, that it has crossed the grid lines and i presume that or bottom would raise the issue at the european council that will be held in, in a few days. because you could not see the, the argument used by the other states was that it's, it's hungry, does not participate in, in these matters, that they cannot block it. but that's ridiculous. i mean, you can do this for every single one of the reasons that you still function is
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because if there is a serious consideration by what a member states on issues like sanctions think that can be blocked. now if we, if, if we do away with it, that's undermining in another way a get the european union. right. the other thing that you use move this one we're talking about right now to show that private property is not safe a new way. and in the you, if you don't for the in line, that's true this ad and does, this undermines the euro and european government bonds as a store of values for other central banks in the world. this will reduce it the near future investment from other countries like the brakes. and again, as i said at the outset, you with these barriers. the only thing that it succeeds in doing is undermining
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itself. and we should, we should also not forget that the moscow has transit also ways to react. since i remember a few, a few months ago, there were about $700.00 airplanes that were private, private range, confiscated, belonging to your private companies. and they had been confiscated in the restaurant. so so, but the issue is that we should be looking for peace and not for aggravating the situation. now if the go ahead, the way they have said, what presidents it, will this be selecting from your assessment? it's well, 1st of all, i mean, i think that's the getting and position should be series should be seriously taken into consideration. if it's not taking into consideration. i would not be
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surprised if we see a tendency of, of, of hungary to leave the european union. because it is a very serious matter for all countries, not only for poor to, for hungary, for, for my country also. i mean, if we cannot book a decision that's against our national interest, there's no need for the meeting. you repeat junior, so that's, that's what they get. the other thing it creates a very serious situation for the global economy. since many countries wouldn't be afraid of investing large amounts of money to you countries, basically we have to be here now learned as presentable as a former greek ambassador diploma to thank you so much for your insight. it was nice big year. right. great. well, actually all babies, our most story is coming your way up the top of the are by now
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the time julian assigned it, sort of where he weeks would expose the world secret of these documents blown united states government being attacked by the powerful united states strong we condemn illegally shoot the sun for $500.00 days. now i've been detained without shots. that hasn't stopped us today. well, and equipment for revolution ideas the can change the world tomorrow. this week i have 2 visitors. both in big wasn't present for use in guantanamo as an l k. this of it off the pressure from the u. k. d was released without charged in 2005 together with the same correction, a former corporate lawyer,
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now campaigns for other war ontario detainees with the organization cage presented the rule of law and due process a central to the campaign. and i want to know how this fits in which to re eval is the muslim people formed a soup of state. what would the legal system look like? when you, when you signed the confession was owned and prepared to fight alongside the taliban arcade against the us in dollars. and eventually you are treated to tora, bora, to flee from us. forces went out for lights, collapsed knowingly provided comfort and assistance. okay, to members by housing, their families, to distribute okay to propaganda and received members from terrace combs, knowing that certain trainees could become okay alternatives and commit acts of terrorism to get started states to that. that language. is that how you normally see um no, i don't normally think it's.


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