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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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it is this idea that everybody does deserve it and then suggests that virtue absorbing here the breaking news on all the deadly pale sit in kenya web prototypes to strong the parliament and set key government buildings on file size. angle boils over the approval of a m s. pushed tax heights and all the breaking news today, flying to freedom after 5 is incarcerated inside a maximum security prison in the u. k. the width of the change in the psalms is whisked out of the country after striking a p deal with the west to not everyone's consensus. so when, when the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense in which means to us security states,
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succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. the . this is all attempt to national. we all live on the russian capital. thank you for choosing us this tuesday. the 25th of june was shaping up to be a very busy day. i'm going to start with some breaking news coming out of the canyon capital. the sour reports claiming that up to 10 people have been killed, thousands injured as riots, rage in. no, i robi, now protest as furious sort of attacks heights have assumed the parliament building such an parts of it on fi the well this split to it just said to show,
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demonstrate is inside the apartment building causing damage, whipping down snags. they then try to break the way into the senate chain box movements. uh yeah. and he's had to go to to approve a controversial finance bill that would see a state prize in texas. hundreds of little make cause was said to have taken refuge in the basement, the full being of actuated to safety protest as opposed to reach the city who in i wrote, the claims can be seen coming from inside the window as well as thick black smoke pillows. into the sky. one of these images supreme cool start off on noise. it seemed from forces of water tools to protest as opposed to trying to help sutton outside of the house and trying to break into the parliament. so that in the day, people gathered on the city streets to voice that i'm good. the government taxes deal far to say that i needed to help us pay off the countries that take to lead to the washington face the international monetary fund. according to the quotes that
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all problems were incident accessing the country many local, 15 out way of saying they are struggling to make ends meet the in the will. the latest on this developing story has all t's and auto plants. and, you know, the protest is overpowered to police,
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who had the barricade to 6 is us to, to who won, also ministry to occupied by tens of thousands opinions of came out to, to press the low me cuz in parliament to do the bull, you'd remember that earlier this morning, protest as we're attempting to access condom to the have a full see a way into parliament to just shortly after that to bill was cost. if this is also we offices blocked axis and with the lawmakers debated and decided on the sign is full. but unfortunately, that has led to several offer those protests as being sought to the data as approaches to which began last week. it was really an absolute to cool to prison with them who to is the government's off guard, the canyon need a said over the weekend that was prepared to talk to the po, just as well, praising the purchased as for the a peaceful action. i am very proud of our young people. they have stepped forward.
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try bless. they have stepped forward, piece for, and i want to tell them we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation. so that together we can build a great uh, mission that was with did not make the situation any beta. in fact, it said that this is the 1st time in the history of us can. yeah, that quote is broken, barry is an x is inside the parliament despite to have the security and police. and just because we know that the enemy off this protest use the i am, if so that because outspoken petition and lead us off the economy, freedom sizes to this med, lima has expressed support for kenya's and to find his full tween to 24 in a very strongly worded statement. my has faced that it is time for kenya to resist the influence of the i am. if i'm to go back to school, she had to choose a fox history to use the drafting possible. this is therefore part of the broader
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problem faced by many developing nations under the yoke of the i m, f and world bank loans. the i m f and the world bank having a tory is history of funds in mining the sovereignty of developing countries through their oppressive loan conditions and treating african economy. while we're just breaking into the program of the canyon, a president, william rich was right now addressing the nation, admit the scales that system. namely
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we used to be
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the easiest or even want to see that i think we might from
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i said i'm sure you know
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we should of the events that we had from the county and president william very sorry just very quick. if you've joined us, we have seen, well, some of putting a dog day in kenya. protests lodge here in the capital of nairobi though it is getting to night for the moment. and there are reports that the parliament area protection has been cleared up. there's something done, fi was hard, and these are people who have come out and that hundreds and thousands because they are incredibly for straight out. the tax heights is financial
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a form that has been imposed by the government that was a voted today, which has based not only been in the posts for about 2 years. but since then, he has been increasing taxes on the country, which is driving through economic troubles, living cost of living, a crisis that happened $10.00 reported death stay fall, but we're to see him. don't seem to time to continue the part of the policy. he's set out a lot you to pay to by the i m f and world bank. and he said that it's very possible we'll have to pay for security on the streets off in mid report. so the defense forces happening deployed to help police. so the cutting president argument that he's not going to give into criminals as he describes some who have hijacked these legitimate protests. they will implement that reform town as they toys intended and criticizing the those who had to turn this conversation national conversation. finally, we all keep a across out that was the latest. uh and uh,
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yes, equipment here of my correspondence as well. so stay tuned for one of that well, in the meantime, local a john this to kind of, i'm wanting to actually sent a support for the scene of those protests earlier today. the now we'll do a p d point, the vision between to the puppy and it is the duty of reserve the noise. yeah, that's the whole noble. yeah, i'll be more talk on those. i data didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i did, i know. but a while you think i did some stuff with the re he's the appeal for that is
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a for this thing the police are using definitely the use. it's with the source on the city, the for the 20th or 15 in the car to go to would do to do little but i'm it on me to uh that me through debate. anybody to the right, not too good with the full and see to be to reach of the most is do i believe the bill records of were not, but the roads that we don't like we are that are be closed. that there was a plan that we did. these are people to be dropped off into time that you must pay . why does richard, amelia, why in the amended until the end of the month before the end of the claim of
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a professor at the united states international university of africa said b, i m f and well defined policies are destructive not only in kenya, but around the world so far the policy has been very, very destructive because then i mean smoking something you can think of just to be, what do i do to help me for the bunk and i miss the teach. what is to be done? the end of the, the, the copy to, to the government to really to deliver services. so right now this, which kitchen system is collapsing. but because of why was the name of the months is health services. i also, we budget, then we can be attributed to the month by the have what bunker and then the price is the height, the braces, obedience,
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commodities associated with that. so then let's defect these 2 ph and boulevard. because factory left, the investors are running. uh we and a, we are running, are we doing local doctrine and easy to do for a veteran? the lowest bid. she's good to really under develop, getting into flight into policy because when they had me from the one day to introduce my claim, the i hope in the country, but they have to be a public multiple people. it doesn't get to you for not driving. searching through the country and then they end up making the key look like me up it's instruction. so it's important for lending maybe to be a tourist you. but being the i see to be just responding before in the month the month of because of course i've got to talk to through some other breaks and use
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which we've been covering to hit on all t. i'm not to is that off to 5 years locked inside a maximum security prison in the u. k. the which leads co founded to it in the song . it is finally out of his cell in jail. and the country has a sound of the footage of the legend. drake was about on board his se well to end his vassal, that he has to end his boss of the games. expedition to solace has agreed to pay the build fee to a single criminal charge in the us according to which he makes. he left the u. k. 's belmont prison on monday of just funding 1901 days behind falls. he's on for just now for off to throughout of london, he is expected to return to his native astray in his wife along with the chief editor of which leaks have spoken out in praise of his yes, wrong flight for well, just press freedom but will say truth and justice. 12 years on,
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i'm visiting julian in a high security prison. but this, this period of our lives, i'm confident now has come to an end. and i think that by this time, next week join will be free. the cost of julia and of course, has been to deprive of 3 the for all these years in the bathroom, for journalistic freedom. freedom to publish the foundation of democracy. throughout the years of julian's imprisonment and persecution, incredible movement has been formed. a movement of people from all walks of life from around the world who supports not just join and not just us in our family, but what to him stands for truth and justice. on his long johnny back home has jet stopped off in thailand to refuel. he's now taken off and headed to a remote us territory in the pacific ocean. that's the north mariana items which he
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makes found will appear improved. he's expected to be given credit for his time served in jail unofficially set free when the proceeding is. however, as us presidential candidate robot to kennedy junior says the case now less of a worrying press, the bad news is that he has to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. to be a journalist again, the nature, oh, well, you have to say you're guilty, but you can be killed at any moment because they will kill you if you don't submit to your guilt that has been established by the plea bargain. this is huge. it means
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to every one out there is a journalist, this is the kind of these are the kinds of or do you have to fight to be a real journalist, you know, in britain they're not even showing it on the news, particularly. they're showing some royal ceremony with the actual state of japan. and we do, i list must realize that they have to go through the kind of sacrifices that julian assigns has had to go through to be the best that they can. why else the north marietta islands? i know it 0 straightly, but uh a uh, grouping of colonial imperial us m bar islands known for the only known designation of nuclear weapons against civilian populations. we must remember that in any vassals, state like britain, what today's play deal means is going to be a journalistic in one of these bass the states. there's no such thing as british justice because he'd miles down to us just as britain can have the orders of the united states just as development fully off the street. you don't have to be
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a us citizen. put you in a maximum security prison. the dock one time to move from britain mail, belmont and until executive audit joe biden says, yeah, we can come some deal, then you'll be free. absolutely passing. and a british court should be telling the law is to tell the judges in the case is dismiss them. the britain. britain is not a sovereign nation, and britons entire justice system is a fraud. but to join this movement will be the same, and it's up to generally sold around the, in the nato area, to finally throw off the shackles and understand the importance of julian is onto the global south. those already, there were lying about this guy. this time they were lying about iraq. you were lying about libya, we were lying about all the interventions. let's just briefly remind ourselves that we're to junior massage has in good of the s the, the
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applied to the song comes off to his own campaign across the well to secure his freedom. protest as have consistently been to crime what they called the prosecution of john. it is meant for tooth and nail destroyed to stop the width of those expedition to us on his pc has always been a very long emotional, but joyous at 12 hours. i've not slept really since the news broke. i've been up all night speaking to lawyer speaking to friends of judy and campaign is active.
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his sons were all sharing with the this sense of disbelief. now, you know, we've spent the last 14 years in the pouring rain outside almost present. we've attended protests and riley's handed out leaflets. we've issued a petitions coating for a songs to be released. we've even attended both a partings posting policies. i'm waiting celebration. so today's news is obviously extremely welcome saying judy and leaving the united kingdom on the airplane from style instead, apple now come pay. there's a game we've been discussing this for years, not really. and the override in this case is deeply political. it involves a ready freedom of expression, press freedom, the right for jordan, this to publish information that are in the public interest and also for the right of the public to receive that information. but of course tedium sized the full force of the state. well, 2 states, in fact,
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it particularly the united states and breast it. and now we understand that in my discussions overnight the julian has agreed a plea deal. he is expected to receive a suspended sentence off to pleading guilty to less of felony charges. of course, the united states wanted the extra the item to face charges under the s b and all jacked with at least a $170.00 is potentially behind balls. now, i've attended many cold cases over the years. a many of those julian didn't attend either due to his physical states or otherwise a nitty over them with false it. cool. now, the last time i was in london, i spoke to set up a song students wife, and she told me that she feared for his life. she said that every time she goes to visit him, she is. but it is going to be the last few sites, it is for the physical house. his mental health was incredibly pool, and she said she believed that he could commit suicide. now this was really at the
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cool of his appeal against his expedition to the united states. and his lawyers, his legal team, all good that washington couldn't offer any guarantees to his safety. now this is something that was also echoed to me by amnesty international, the human rights group. and i was, i spoke to naples, metals at the you, in special rapids. so for toto and he told me again that's duty as conditions inside belmont high security prison. he was kept in a very, very small area and he said about the physical deterioration that he so each time that he visited and he said that this was deliberate. and this was a deliberate attack by the forces of imperialism against judy. and now again, at the last him in the united states, prosecutors said, well, we can't guarantee a judy of the safety. but when they were pressed, they actually admitted that judy and didn't have of any rights as an australian citizen, to the protection under the us constitution. so they an effect on the mind the
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whole case. now in 2017. the see i was a so we 2021. a you all who use investigation uncovered an alleged port to assassinate judy in the songs on the streets of london. they came out with all sorts of funds of olsen. i'll be as one was a shootout on the street outside the ecuadorian embassy. the other was blowing up the wheels of an airplane. should he leave for rushing out? of course this was use use that or a guy we discussed this and she said, well, how can estate the points to move to judy and really be trusted with his safety. now taking this should have been huge news applause to kill the world's most famous doing this on the streets of the pacific capital. but again, i covered it in my use paper. i work for the time and the only other outlet to carry this story was the bbc who ran a guy to the, to the small, the service. now, a guy and i said,
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i've spent years covering this on the case of i've spent years writing about it, but it's more than that within my own union. the national union of jen, this i spent a year is really trying to get fucking for so and it was already have a met with a lukewarm response. there was some vague statements, but there was never any attempt to mobilize members, for example, the law school and i attended, they would know. and you type honors. i was no message sent out for people to attend and show. they sold a diversity and support for judy and i spoke to many of the people that attended about having to come from abroad, from countries in europe and elsewhere. and they were, dost ready? this lack of support in solidarity from inside britain, but not just from the national union of doing this the they started the lack of attendance from labor party members. an act of a sudden the trade union is because they feel that this was a, you know, the, what was most important type is one around, uh, press freedom. now, of course, assigned poses
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a threat to the establishment of it. we seen oversee the exposure of the war funds committed by the united states, and they saw him very much as a threat, but one of the key points and i gave myself that our lawyers can pay those and others. we have to work very hard to pressure the press freedom groups and the gymnast unions to actually recognize judy and states as, as a june list and also whistle, blah, blah. and this took many, many years before they reached a reach that on to contribute to tar read, says the u. s. has set the precedent for punishing john this for publishing the truth. it is a bitter sweet time because she published war crimes. so she told the truth and he was punished so harshly. and now this precedent has been set on by the us to have the long arm of the law reach across the world to punish journalists and publishers for publishing the truth. and you know,
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wall street journal, right. and i, a washington post new york times. they reprinted some of the weekly leaks revelations at the time. some of the mainstream media, even one prizes for that right off the back of julian assigns. and then when he was in need of their support of their protection, they turn their backs on have western media, turn their backgrounds, you mean a song. so you know it's, it's an interesting time, it's that war mongering sector. the unit party of the united states that why keep the narrative on their side, they want to commit war crimes and secrecy. and would you into sons did. and that's what, how to remember. it is one of the greatest journalists of his generation as he review those war crimes. he didn't let them go in secrecy. it's transparent, right? it's transparent, timing fighting is desperate to try to get his approval ratings,
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which is lower than 37 percent out of the bucket and try to get some approval from the youth which he's lost on fine. if the ssl would be you are paying a piece, facility is a spending money on the rule that you has agreed to use $1400000000.00 euros and stone and profits from frozen russian assets to buy more weapons for ukraine as a comment this morning and the waiting for pro fish coming from joshua nice, it shows any new to not dash itself will be use in the safe this possible manner for the benefit of ukraine. $1400000000.00 will be available in the course of next month. and another 1000000000 by the end of the year. and these will be uh, allocated to ukraine. but for these 3 purposes,
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air defense i'm one issue. and as reporting of the new canyon industry, 12 out of the decision was made despite the hungary, as of position with the foreign minister criticizing the blocks of crossing a to rach line. so we don't use mind. indeed, it was announced today that the european union will use the title of 1400000000 years from the european piece facilities to finance alms deliveries to ukraine, despite humphreys disagreement on the bi, completely disregarding european laws. com great was simply left out to the decision making process. this is a clear red line that has never been such shane, dis, disregard and violation of common european rules before all righty. but it is precisely those who advocate for rule of law procedures at full volume and speak about the threat to democratic values of violating european regulation laws for the full, not great time, bassett on debt probably in a disc present. the us believes that morals comments undermine europe.


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