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tv   Direct Impact  RT  June 25, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

7:30 pm
as i'm all right, i have a bit of a cold, but i think that's a good thing because my voice is a good, sexy of the normal. when i have to compete, i the interesting science able to have a very interesting thing. well, i think your interesting time is a bit more interesting than my interesting time. i saw these videos of your rallies last night, so i think this is great, but i worry you're going to get blown up. so. so i hope your interesting time doesn't get anymore isn't yeah, the something other than just like, i mean i was, you know, when i set up this goes to the hospital. so i used to see the end of the 6 months later the recall. so i have a completely different life and you know what around for long so you might as well make the most of it. you don't realize the back to the with the lease made the the money. let me pause you
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a ma'am your your broken off for some reason with with just will see you for a minute. like i you, you're back again. the back to me what i saw, the way they exposed. all these do physical the dishes. you know, it was the same uh, environment, getting them how to do the, sucking up to them and giving complete humans and stations. and so it was a really, especially this one, really just this guy as a leader is really just law and he lives a doing if you need to become the prime minister, i'm whatever and need to consider the most and the american so anyway, it really exposed to him or on can you describe what,
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what are the big power affections impact of stones the i saw the army, is it the supreme court of the old families? how would you describe the basic power structure of pakistan or the sun just like in the middle east is office and in trainings status, what's on the on the system and the majority is one of the g. so what you see in the middle east is executive. this is the west looks upon most inside of this one would be one moment. this, the liberals slowing in fundamentals. actually this is really the divide it up in the list, which is why i was surprised by the spring. and the following. i had is the same model, same people weren't coming to them. at least people wanted to change an address to disclose the what is the status one by the mafioso
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bodies have no got to get there it is be. so this sort of this, this is a good book. this is a good sign, is that it him wrong? but if, if people are gathering around to oppose you, they, they must be skids of the because the last time in by the sword red is as big as the one in the, in the garage was 40 years ago. but as the father of that these sort of numbers don't, uh you slip, you just swear and you just go by the way, the best way that we research the way he makes cables from is why the bad to see what they said about you. and in 2007, the us ambassador said con,
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who's pci party is effectively one man shows as little to lose his credibility rest in his self created role. as a politician, he speaks to his principles, and he is popular with the pakistani intelligence here and elements of the diaspora . because he has never been able to turn his starring role as captain of pakistan's only team to read when the international cricket championship into an effective political party. that's obviously changed out. what's happened in the last few months. what did you, what was that the media from above the slide was we suddenly had a problem facing independent television jobs the most uh, the most programs to pick a good fit for you guys. so today he was on television. it's like having
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e, jeremy back at price. so you have these, these guys become a likes every box. you will have one on the me, a whole bunch of friends where you would before this is have a big brother in england or some sort of lower price. people want to watch programs such as the desire to understand the political situation of peoples, such as the interest that they are trying to do. i'm at the high school. sure. it's a what's happened in the past 6 months. i mean, there's really being a tremendous rise. the opinion polls that i've read, i have your popular support at something between 60 to 80 percent of the pakistani population said. perhaps you can describe this um how your potty has grown in size. um and my main to and what's it like in the foot,
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you're trying to manage this incredibly fast growing organization of the phoenix? because you know, these are named elections manipulated by the bush administration. they made to see the some cases, the other one additions that were given an amnesty by us. and this is the book and by the american that it was gone. the national reconciliation or in the name of reconciliation. americans go to sort of a busy together and go to the race in the latest drive. that's how i wish you were a bunch of got them together. and so so, so i and the part is we're going to phoenix because we felt that this
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was a report rate uh for a while back up and down because the students and the governments begin to mess up because one of the criminal records nicely. because when you're trying to place and so the way the people started remembering that i want every one minute support holding the election. this eviction is a, just as good as the people to it's only meant for the bush administration to remove one, whichever was struggling. so he was like to go the one to the government so they can proceed as one of the plumbing. yeah. so whenever we see the option, when the water has a bigger
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40000, you get it in the water. we have nothing to do with basic fee, but then the then the suicide x on the on my side assistance and all $70000000.00 as well. so i was thinking of these things and suddenly it was uh just resonated with almost 2 years ago. like the bigger the homeowners can see this days we are seeing uh, this is rushing to me. so people who are in the back, no, been honest with me that i, i heard that even, even most sarah tried to say to you, you, you pm me, president. it was, it was, uh,
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i just don't understand what's happening because he's on the site is going to fix it on the face. he doesn't realize the situation is, is, can be different to be the biggest light, the light he's responsible for them. this is the one who give them industry the criminal nor to do with that. and the just selections again and secondly, this morning. so he's responsible if you look at, say, the soviet union, which also had a lot of corruption. the table said, well, while it at least the black market is a market, so you're going to have some kind of trading and helps you get around regulations, which are impeding business. what is the problem with corruption in pakistan,
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wise wise corruption bad for pakistan? just to give you another sophistic history of 60 cumulative. but isabel was quite in just full years. the data is going on from by so we are now, boy do so is that. so if the debt is 800000000 bits of a 2nd, 680000000 people have 200000000 east left. so clearly. so in a rush, uh they can still go and guess we're looking at the atlas we're, we're looking at
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a slowing down the rate the countries heading to kill us. we don't have money to run the country road shipping. we don't have money to do a to generate so because we cannot seem sort of watching this $1.00, there's no electricity before they know today as i and the interruption, impact is done the, the tax evasion is one thing for the, the stealing of money from the treasury, how much of that ends up back in packets dawn, it's just taking from the poor of the middle class and transferring it to the origin that gets done. this is how much of the money is taken out of practice dawn and stashed into london banks. so splashed into swiss banks or u. s. companies. so do things,
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no big go. we do not have money to get finest 10 ration. the country does have a little electricity for 14 to 15 on the date that the file has gone wrong. a do. but as to what are the products that is not losing the mass of unemployment on the commission? so that's one aspect of the 2nd is that most of the money ends up in this was the most of us or was made is money on site. and i have everything in boxes by then in my name a box for me to leave this. but the counsel grow their properties abroad and to so to clear. so this money most of this money ends us to come. but let's
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move on to the us. so tell me about this assassination of a summer being lot of impact is dawn. what was the feeling and unpackaged on the i so i was hiding. it's always been a lot in the diary confidence. why was it solid? been a lot of the impact of stone do you didn't want, you must understand that some up in the street by the bias. i am the one on the 3 by the z. i and i saw about 20 years. so this, this, uh, these people as the guys financed by the, by the end for a long time, these groups that they close the association with the, by the secret agencies. now suddenly i need to be decreased.
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i mean, we'll shut off but the way except this because here with people job this in this case it means by the patient. so to convince them having indoctrinating not only these benefits but also you want agencies to them by the information is. ready is a religious judy by the, by some subset in the i s i. some people perhaps who had dealt with him and the policy was still loyal people to find another form of commission with just now this is also of course, it is possible. is there a feeling that the us is helping clean out new incidents in pakistan, or is there a feeling that it's a violation of pakistani sovereignty?
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the here's a country which is the most about 35000 people fighting americans. and as i said, the country is most in terms of loss has been given to us. so, and the government looks like it's a $70000000.00. 820000000. so this here's a guy that's supposed to be sacrificing for the us. and then i and i the stuff and actually came and jo, someone on own. so it was that 2 factors combined either sacrifice and secondly, is it the with the so forget about what the government doesn't want to be put on the country. we didn't really know what was going on because was the army was being choose the only way to get them. oh yeah.
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oh, why do we go visit either way in dues, but what about so there was, there was a very strong reaction last evening. and do you think that, you know, the us argue that someone be loading is a terrorist responsible for the death of many americans. so they have a right to, to go in and take them out. what i'm saying is that one is not, is some of the confusion is that you went on to buy homes and you actually want to, there's one with the, with the lines of the if you lose that was, this is, there is no way, i mean more and i did, it was 80 is like it's a site that it was what my name is. he is not
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a solution. we have for 8 years. you met one of them. one of the do not much different. and as i asked, i'd say is doing the same thing over and over again and it was, but it's sort of the, there's no military solution. only ways for them to the solution by the solution. we do not have one additions look here. so you need elections, and hopefully we will start to take a dialogue as the methods in an exit started. this is the one who we are in run. we discovered a table in 2009 from the design of a bad embassy. 5 minutes to go jani and interior minister miller back went into the embassy sands,
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offered to share, nedra, that is the voting record system for viruses. impact is done. and a front company was set up in united kingdom, international identity services, which was hired as the consultants for an address to squirrel out the natural data. all of that gets done. it's, it seems to me that as a 5th of some national treasure of packet style in the entire packets, donnie database registry, all of its peebles, julia, it's search in the country is really full, was better, never had to betray the people as much as this. at least and it will shut off the toners. they have be gone. i'm ro rebooted with disappear
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all suspicion of the use of people room by the sort of handed over to the americans. as one of them is a oh then be modern. some people have disagreeing, people that eliminate suspects are eliminated, so go to task. and the suspect the wife fidgeted. the name was the head of an agent . never has any working for these people. this isn't all. no, yes, ever be wrong, but it's one that has to be up in bones. country as i said is the most beautiful history never hasn't come into the betrays people. so let us go, including a need, a whole bunch of benefits because of the fact that comes across their money like abroad. and guess what?
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the americans going about becomes the money. so i don't know for me how, how would you reconfigure the pakistan on relationship with the united states? where do, would it be a complete severance? what would you do me a try and strikes what kind of intelligence, cooperation, what, what would you do in practice? as a, have a relationship based on this of this thing. so it shouldn't be a relationship. it should not be a relationship with black box foundation to anyone was being made to get better. it's not, it's a relationship space. it's nice to deliver to the people to buy the deliver to the man, the only thing that the medically simply dollars that they wouldn't be doing. but
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you're going to do that if you seem to be a studio or you can then deal with the dentist on the minutes and simply get a job. so they say that the, the so the moment was this job. the moment we lived in this cost, $50.00 the rent and within a month and then we get into the site. so the one step has to be put on that as well. normally we become a solver and independent state. and the relationship with the us to be good and surface normal. a plan must relationship your your you give a good description of how the, the more on terry impact has done has been counterproductive. it's crated and
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humans. he towards the pakistani government. 35245000 pack of studies have lost their lives. why do you think the united states disuse is agenda it's during, during the strike impact is done. if, if the us ambassador even is writing back saying that it's counterproductive. what is the the driving forces from us of the thing? it's because the, the, just like us, the policy in us as being driven by is the, is the all wheel drive. this was, it was only of minutes. people model ministry citizens. if you look at a new list of to was a genuine mega tomorrow. so i just remember to say we're back in late sixty's that we've done the more a few moments, a few more moments and just some general things like that. one final
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question in run. have you met a q come and what do you think about the father of the pakistani nuclear bomb or maybe the, you know, a lot of recently a couple of years ago. but i went to years because he gives me the 1st 2 days when i started filling the guns. awesome. he was one of the info and he is in ease ease here, washington august. because by the someone who do my security, in other words, the same isn't given by these writings that they need at the bottom because just sit on a host i. this is the same one which is 7 times the size of the box.
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and there's a lot of insecurity in the country, and this is the guy that's supposed to be able to join us. so from the easy, which is what i think i don't really know what's the more further information on the points of view. why don't you know by the americans i'm sure the other is safe to uh give one evidence of that. i there was no i the team in bridget on television as it was a lot of it, but he said he was forced to that. so i the tools behind julian bus but totally which was being new to a new, to the where the situation is a people with the ever since we've had quite me to weapons,
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even though the dentist shouldn't be comfortable. but there has to be no one would be bucks and before and you would see was yeah, so people from that point. okay. iran thank you very much and thank you done a great what. ready gives you the information is the most important thing, because we basically control withholding information. this is video and as i said i, the biggest benefit is going to be these love deals with just important information . like you would never have had a coming tomorrow. ok. so thank you. thank you. thank you, and we're on good luck. the
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the man or
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the the
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position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain. that on your bill is us an obama dining room? probably now, and they'll walk soon, but it's done when he is here. all the youngest will say that it will save you from us for classes, you know, the middle of it is what i know well past most, most, most of our thoughts in this one is not as a guide on a source or sit emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive to the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive, as talks instead of the kid killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so he's of us here. again, let's see the echo seats. the boeing good,
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i don't know those. usually the mold was suggesting we pharma fell great the bill cause what was the sheet around? is life kaleidoscopic? isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the
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breaking news off the 5 years behind balls and a maximum security prison? it'd be due to a whistle blower, julie, the songs please still say the us holes on the pacific on and assign part of this to i can get pleaded with washington, but not everyone's convinced system when the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense insight, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. the deadly chaos in kenya with protests. as de paula.


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