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tv   Documentary  RT  June 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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it's all we going to let that stay. the breaking news was a blo due to the sons and the just a free man from the us goals on the pacific on ends of sy, tons of good judge except the p. d. o. he's from washington. as of the full teen years of legal past 6 years in the us all gaze, that detail is long overdue, and a silence has been punished merely for exposing the truth.
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beautiful. that is a phone discrete. the police are using wu. it's with the source on the 50 before the 2015 game of the car to well under details in tenuous protests to stone, the parliament and the said t government buildings on fire passes and go boils over the approval of ion that's pushed, the amending the the the, the, the a very warm welcome to you. this is auntie international with the latest. well, these out stages though, it is great to have you with us. it was also with breaking news. the sound we've
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been covering this old day here on out. see, the judge has sentence, we could expand the junior massage to a period of time. it was a bass off the he plaid due to, to a single charge of conspiracy and a deal with washington. we now see mister hassan leaving the corner where it was a free man, also of 14 loan views of legal persecution. as long as the last few cases, belmont prison on monday, off the spending 1901 days behind vas event or didn't ask for often slaves from london to the northern mario and the island. so though this easiest territory in the pacific ocean for the hearing and is not expected to return to his native australia and he's what his lawyer has, has to say further here. 62 months. continued
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a less cross live to a corresponding caleb multi. now caleb, get to see you so that we have it to of 14 hiring is laser into the songs has left the us course and is now a free man. what do we know about the hearing? well, the hearing took place in the us, mariana islands, the federal court house, and we saw the judge accept a guilty plea from julian assigned and gave him a sentence of time served no supervised release. he was able to walk out of the court room and he's on his way back to his native australia. however, it's important to note that before julian hassan could ultimately get his freedom, he did have to enter
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a guilty play and confessed himself to be guilty of the crime in the federal court house and on easy moment where we heard these words from which he leaks founder julian assad, here's what he said. what can as a june of this time coverage to my source, to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st commandments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in contradiction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win. so suitcase given all the circumstances. and i say that the sentiment to the us uh towards the saw and has always been divided. what's the reaction being like? of the j, juliet assange has been the subject of debate in america for quite some time. let's not forget that wiki leaks revealed us war crimes in iraq and afghanistan revealed
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all kinds of us classified diplomatic tables. and also show that the democratic national committee was working to rig the primaries against bernie sanders and secure the nomination of hillary clinton back in 2016 now in response to the, the ruling and the deal that was made with the department of justice. and julian, his on his legal team, we had mike pants, a conservative establishment republican. we add him saying that he was outraged. that binding would make such a deal that biden's department of justice would arrange as on his freedom. do you want him to harsher sentence? he wanted more account ability for juliet assigned the views, do let us onto the hospital, actor, etc. however, marjorie taylor green also were republican, but from the trump ma go wing of the party. she views julia sanchez, the victim of unfair government persecution for his projected speech as a journalist, here's what we heard from marjorie taylor green. and
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that's why many people see him as a hero. they see here here in the united states, new york times for they released government information all the time, but it's only the information that the government secret now it's important to know julian hassan just not a us citizen. in fact, he's never been working for the us in any capacity. he's an australian and legal scholars are looking on and saying that today is guilty plea and sentencing of julian assigned while it allowed him to walk as a free man. sets the president of the united states once again,
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declaring they have jurisdiction over the entire world. and then in australia and who engages in journalism and publishes information that's been provided to him by sources can be prosecuted by the american government. people are raising questions of sovereignty. in addition to that, uh wow, the espionage act may forbid this kind of thing. there is also the 1st amendment in the united states, which refers to the freedom of the press and the right of journalists to engage in their work. and people look on and say the kind of secrets that julia massage was publishing were secrets that journalist have a responsibility to make available to the public to hold government accountable. so people are looking at this case and saying it points to a lot of hip hop proceeds on the part of western leaders. we're constantly talking about the wonders of open and free society, the wonders of human rights, etc. but had no problem. just bringing the hammer down on julia and assigned for doing what is supposed to be protected in an open society. this is
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a review of everything that has happened and gone down. in the case of julian hassan over the past 14 years what he's been subjected to for his journalistic work . the so the 14 year saga of julian hassan seems to be coming to an end. he's on his way home to australia. the international community is looking on and trying to process
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everything they've seen wiki leaks. the us government's reaction to it. the holding of us on the 1st and the ecuadorian embassy and then in the british prison. and now everything that is just going on in the court room, this is quite a telling moments that i will be hearing more about this in the future. i'm sure. absolutely. and we were still waiting for a statement from a song to as well. i'm so he needs some time to process everything. this test that he's been through in the past few days. he's on the slides as you say, heading to time right now. so hopefully in the coming days he'll be ready to give us a c was for now caleb really appreciate it. thank you. the se correspondent kind of open what the flights of a solid is, comes off to a global, his long campaign to secure his freedom's protest. as of no less up regularly taking to the streets to decry will say, called the prosecution of journalism and for tooth. and now to try to stop the whistle blowers expedition to the us us and depends in presidential candidates.
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robert kennedy junior. so he's the case says a worrying preston. the much. the bad news is that you have to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. independent journalist on commentator charlie boyle shows his take on how bias the coverage of the assigned case has been in west the media. very interesting and us until a few days ago. you guys don't even impose them to and he's just a racist basically, because he wasn't charge to commit to the renaissance. and now now it's at this times to, oh, this is absolutely terrible as that. she's never been in prison folders years
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address. but let's not forget to remain as a very high security guard task prison, then i'm in london, which is the one down the road from all the people that the these 2 guys are resorting. and so i guess as far as surprising, i think there's a lot of pressure from the various courses based reading. government understands that a very good job and account ending in australia. i'm imposing australia, but i think was really driving this is that um i find it. and so this thing might be a huge mistake when it comes to gallagher. age lost a lot of things, youngster pools that he had over there. and i think he wanted to use the other 2 to say, look, i am trying something, but it's traditional to the face just to show him what he has to plead guilty. and it's um, it's a miscarriage of justice, but it is the best result eastern time. well, i'll take, i'll respond to the stakes when he breaks down how to wind down for mr. songs over the years. and now it's been a very long, emotional,
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but joyous at 12 hours. i've not slept really, since the news broke. i've been up all night speaking to lawyers speaking to friends of judy and campaign is active. his sons were all shaving really this sense of disability. now, you know, we've spent the last 14 years in the pouring rain outside by almost present. we've attended protests and ronnie's handed out leaflets. we've issued petitions coding for the songs to be released. even a 10 date boasting policies i'm waiting set of right. and so today's news is oversee explain the welcome c duty and leaving the united kingdom on the airplane from style instead, add port. now, campaigners, again, we've been discussing this for years, not really. and, and the overall items you is this case is deeply political. it involves uh, really freedom of expression, press freedom, the rightful jordan is to publish information that are in the public interest,
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and also for the right of the public to receive that information. but of course judy and faced the full force of the state. well, 2 states, in fact, it particularly the united states and breast. and now we understand that in my discussions overnight the julian has agreed a plea deal. he is expected to receive a suspended sentence off to pleading guilty to less of felony charges. of course, the united states wanted to expedite him to face charges under the espionage that with at least a $170.00 is potentially behind balls. now, i've attended many cool cases over the years. a many of those julian didn't attend either due to his physical states or otherwise i'd nitty all of them with finals that go. now the last time i was in london, i spoke to set a song student's life. and she told me that she said for his life, she said that every time she goes to visit him,
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she is so they started to be the last the sides. it is for the physical house. his mental health was incredibly pool. and she said she believed that he could commit suicide. now this was really cool of his appeal against his expedition to the united states. and this is lawyers, his legal team, all good that washington couldn't offer any guarantees to his safety. now this is something that was also told to me by amnesty international, the human rights group, and i was, i spoke to naples mel's or the you in special rapids. so for toto. and he told me again that duty is conditions inside belmont high security prison. he was catching a very, very small area and he said about the physical deterioration that he so each time that he visited. and he said that this was a deliberate attack by the forces of imperialism against a judy. and now again to the last head in the united states, post the key to the said we can guarantee duty of safety. but when they were
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pressed, they actually admitted that judy and didn't have any rights as an australian citizen, to the protection under the us constitution. so they, in effect, on the mind the whole case now in 2021 a y'all who used investigation uncovered an alleged port to assassinate street. in the psalms on the streets of london, they came out with all sorts of fun, simple. so now this one was a shootout on the street outside the ecuadorian embassy. the other was blowing up the wheels of an adverb plain. should he leaves for rushing out for assistance, huge use that or again, we discussed this and she said, well, how could a state that wants to move to judy and really h allstate, with his safety now take this shouldn't be huge. mean, it was a point to kill a world's most famous doing this on the streets of the 1st is profitable. but again, i covered it in my use paper. i work for the time on the go to the other topic. this story was the bbc, rather guy to the, to the small, the service. now, a guy,
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you know, i said i spent years covering the songs, taste, but i said yes, by think about it. what is more than that within my own union, the national union of jen, this ice, but he is really trying to get funding for a song. it was only ever met with a lukewarm response. there was some vague statements, but there was never any attempt to mobilize members, for example, that was cool. and i, i tended they would know and you type honors. i was no message sent out for people to attend and show the soldiers i received and support for judy and i spoke to many of the people that attended not having that come from the board from companies in europe and elsewhere. and they were almost ready, this lack of support and solidarity from inside britain, but not just from the national union of doing this the they saw to the lack of attendance from labor party members, an act of a sudden all the trade union is because they feel that this was a, you know, the,
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what was most important ties one around, uh, press freedom. now of course, assange posed a threat to the establishment of we seen oversee the exposure of the war funds committed by the united states. and they saw him very much as a threat, but one of the key points and i gave myself that our lawyers term papers and others . we have worked very hard to pressure the press freedom. and the gymnast unions to actually recognize judy and states as, as a june list and also whistle, blah. and this took many, many years before they reached a reach that the author day of barbara k. all say 9 very be nation is president william root. so has delivered an address claiming that radical elements of hijack the process is not important. or even conceivable. that criminals pretending to be peaceful protest, this can bring tara against the people that elected representatives on the
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institutions published on the institution. i'd expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident, local journalist, kind of among the sensors. this report from the scene of the process. the
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now we'll do a p d points on vision, the 3 to the middle to the puppy. and it is the duty of reserve, the noisy. yeah, that's the whole, but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i'll see it on up. but while we're going to do some stuff with the re, he's on the appeal for that is a for this thing the police are using definitely the use. it's with the source on the city the for the 20th or 15 in the car to well, well, who do we do do model, but i meant i need to redo the baby buddy to the right. not too good for the full. and so you do need to reach us, it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not, but the words that we don't want to quit or the, or the quote that they want to point us. we did, these are people to be dropped off into tell me too much. why does retro
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emilio, why we on the into autonomy to the people in the. 2 to the plan of all of these things on the streets of new caledonia as protests fled, once again into french overseas territory is latest on the west with sparks by the rest of a number of pro independence activities. so in the pacific islands, they've been sent to france or to contribute to rachel most and has the story. there is more trouble now in the french overseas territory of new caledonia as 7 accuse pro independence activists organizers of unrest that took place back in may
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. who have been taken into custody were been sent to the other side of the world to mainland france from the south pacific officials of the local government in new caledonia, and called the high commission and aligned with friends present a menu and back home said that they did that to be able to investigate the unrest in calm and peace? talk about an epic fail then in that case, i guess i figured that these guys were just kick back with netflix need to be or if they ever move to france instead, it's just giving them more reason to riot at home. which we're asking for is a little more consideration that people have reason out. i called them nice people here. it's not a social movement. it's not the movement of striking to walk us. and that's something the french they didn't understand and still doesn't understand. that's why we demand the release of the prisoners. as far as we're concerned, there's a political deportations and political prisoners. nothing more, nothing less. so bit of background here. all of this on rest kicked off back in may
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. when michael and his french government decided to push through and electro reform and new caledonia that would add thousands more residents to the voting list effectively, di, leading the voice of the native, cannot people. now those opposed to my calls reforms, we're kind of scratching. there hasn't been time saying, look, we have so many problems right now in france was setting off another one with this issue really necessary right now, even though trees had expired and frankly supposed to get more power over this territory anyway. but there's a way to do it and there's a way not to do it is what critics was saying. but um, starting unnecessary drama is kind of my calls whole brand. at this point. he just reacted to a european parliamentary election last for his party at the beginning of june by dissolving the french parliament in atlanta on this and setting off a new national race. the 1st round of voting for that is set for this weekend and pull strongly suggested maxwell is party is on the verge of getting trouts by the
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right and left anti establishment with team mac hole, not even set to make the 2nd round of the 2 party run off in um that takes place on the 7th of july. again, totally unnecessary. chaos has been created here by mac home, but just thinking back home might have finally reached the apex, the pinnacle of his drawing, making he, oh god, himself, and basically says, vote for me or there will be a civil war. i think that by the national rally i'm the phone, seems to me is respond to real problems real and got real anxieties. those have the person who says they not responding to my security problem. the one who says, i know recognizing protected because i am mostly, but they respond badly in my eyes by increasing conflict and civil war. the opposition was quick to point out that it's nicole who is the fire starter from new caledonia to the french mainland. then the sounds like nicole,
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who will still be french prizes and by the way, for 3 more years, even after the new french government is chosen, is laying the groundwork for evoking article 16 of the french constitution that allows the french president to consolidate all powers at all control over every thing, kind of like a dictator, basically in the event of grave and immediate danger to france. now this has been used only once in french history in algeria back when it was a french colony in the wake of a push in 1961 by french generals who opposed then french president shock because support for algeria in independence. he proposed the appeal to august ago, 16. he was the one who started the civil war in you college on yet? he is the cas, the dad us him. inflation is him. he's the records of public services. climates in action is him there with russian as him speaking of civil war. emanuel mac roland
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is once again using the strategy of fear. the country has never been so fractured the uprising, a new caledonia urban riots. the yellow best prices, uncontrolled suburbs, we don't play dice in france. so this new caledonia fiasco is raises the classic example of how that coal operates. he starts knocking around a nitroglycerin. great issue sends in french troops for some shock in oslo dollars . office lanes, a foreign country for everything as adviser on of all places. and in this case, just because they happen to sympathize with the people's right to self determination, then dissolved parliament in a toddler tantrum which kills this new caledonia legislation anyway. but still decides to extradite activist france in a bid to calm the situation by way, giving off old school colonial lives. he's warning about chaos if he doesn't get what he wants in this next election coming up this weekend. but it sounds like really he has a huge problem on his hands more than anything else here. so let's go back to our
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top story now. as the judge has sentence, we can expand a duty to songs to a period of time. serves us off day. he is the duty to a single challenge of conspiracy and a deal with washington. it is official cheer. the sons is a free man. let's discuss the issue on cross slide t. miriam was that for my age to ask dentist on national security adviser to look into his live at from washington d. c. many thanks for joining us on the program. so of the use of cause bottles, the founder of which helix is being released is all the play now heading back to australia. just how surprising is this development t? well, it's certainly a surprising, surprising turn of events. i mean, his release marks a significant moment and the contract again, highly contentious legal side that brings relief to supporters who have long argued that his detention was unjust and politically motivated. however,
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the terms of his release, particularly if it involves a pre deal, the deal may still raise a concerns about the implications for press freedom in the precedent. it's that's for future whistle blowers and journalists. yeah, that's exactly want sir. robert kennedy junior has said he's a big deal just might not, might not be as sweet as it looks. now, when we come to the timing of this deal, because we know the us government is being off the wrestling sprig is now all of a sudden there's a deal on the table and it's been accepted. why also him a deal now? is it purely because it's an election year and people are trying to school brownie points? so could that be most of us? i mean, it could be more to it, it could be political or diplomatic. additionally, there could be growing pressures from the international human rights organizations and media advocacy groups. it's all possible that the, the deals of the strategic move just by this administration for the election that
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you mentioned. and give this decision itself is going to divide lawmakers in best and across the account. republican policies, isn't it? do you think it could stir up some trouble? absolutely. resolving a high political case, a can generally be a favorable public opinion, and that completely starts of trouble, especially when it comes to political phrase. what he likes, as we know, opened our eyes to the evidence of us will crimes in iraq. and i've done hist on the, the $1000000.00 question is why didn't the west and well, the answer is where legal boss with against the us of those claims. instead of going off the songs. well, this is a complex issue. the regulations of bi weekly leaks were undoubtedly embarrassing and damaging to the united states government, and which likely prompted a strong reaction against the founder. i think governments often focus on
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prosecuting those who disclose the information rather than those you are disclosing information of and additionally challenging the us directly on its actions might have been diplomatically sensitive and interesting um detail about the condition of the deal of the to a songs is that a song was ordered to instruct, we kicks to destroy information as a condition of the deal. not if true, what precedents would that set for journalists across the well, i mean, would it be journalism is what the precedence that they're send uh same at this moment. receiving information, covering information and withholding information from the public public is not any
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form of democracy or a freedom of information. it is an arc in my perspective, what if i'm speaking so this is i really appreciate your time and your inside has been nice and marian was out for a to i've gotten stones national security adviser many thanks. thank you for joining us. it on all the international. we always appreciate your company if you'd like to keep up to date on all of us stories and do have 12 websites all t dot com. i'll be back in 30 minutes with we'll see you then. the time julia signed by the editor of where she weeks would expose the world secret. these documents blown, united states government being attacked by the path of united states strongly condemned.


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