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tv   The 360 View  RT  June 26, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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the, the breaking news whistleblower is usually the phones in the it is a free man for me. us polls in the pacific on and the 5 time of to a judge except the plea deal. he's 12 with washington pass off the 14 years of legal past 6 years. the predicts, in the us argue that the deal is long overdue, and the saw,
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as has been published merely for exposing the truth. the truth is the field for the to the front discrete stuff with with these are using deputy them use it's with the fluid on the floor of the 20th talk. this being able to do well sadly, tales in tenure where protest is still on the palm, the loan to the said p government buildings on fire. sound good boils over the approval of the i. m. s. first tax hikes amended the is on the plane of the
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the very will welcome to you. this is all taken to national with the very late as well. these on the date as always it's great to have you with us. so thing was breaking news, the ssl, which we've been covering all day here right now to the judge has sentence, we could expand the to the songs to a period of time sub stuff solve that he's guilty to a single charge of conspiracy to deal with washington the, the we don't see mr. his own leaving the cold room is a free man. off the 14 loan. he is of legal persecution. as sounds less the case bell last present on monday office sending 1901 days behind his office. he then bowed, isn't as locked in sleep from london to northern mariana islands and the seas, us territory. the pacific ocean for the hearing on the is now on the slides.
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heading back to his native australia is what his lawyer is. has to say. mr. sanchez revealed is truthful, important, and newsworthy information, including revealing the united states that committed or fives. and he has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech, for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets truthful and important news where the information says a showing for us is the prosecution. united states today, determined by mr. sanchez, we know that we know that they were every major media planets and we know state
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prison. that is, what has it showing today is the united states pursuing the 1st and last to julian, a sons' is a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and answered a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez, attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months to continue
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continue government now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man after 14 years of a legal battle. plenty of time and a british prison julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments and the u. s. federal courthouse working as a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendment protected that activity, but acts out that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment of the espionage act in contradiction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win. start your case given all the
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circumstances. the julian as andras lawyers made a point of calling out the united states for what they considered to be a war against journalism. and how the president said, in this case, where a citizen of australia can be charged for engaging in journalistic work by the american government and face prosecution of the hands of the american government simply for a publishing material that was made available to them. um, at this point uh, it has its showing effect on the journalistic work of all kinds of reporters around the world. here's what was said by julian hassan. his legal counsel about the case and its implications for the us, the bill of rights, the sense of dangers, present. these prosecution without giving anyone to
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stand again. and again, it's one of the most powerful government lucas and we encourage everyone to continue that again. that there's been a mix reaction in the united states to today's events. we had mike pants, the former vice president and neo conservative republican saying that he's outrage to that dividing administration made this deal. he wants more penalties for julian hassan. he thinks julius on got off to easy that he's a dangerous for an actor who needs to be further out accountable. on the other hand, marjorie taylor green, a republican of the mazda and trump wing of the republican party. ah, she said that the way is on has been treated is outrages and it is not good for the united states to be known as a country that treats journal is this way for publishing information.
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and that's why many people see him as a comparison here in the new york times for government information all the time. it's been 14 years so that you in a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons, a long extradition battle. now around the world,
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many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 year saga. the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga,
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but it's not the last of wiki leaks. we were awaiting a statement from juliet us onto about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian assigned protesting, making social media posts raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it poses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea. he entered in the us federal court house. the point of as long as comes off to a global yes loan campaign to secure his freedom protest as of no less hop regularly taking to the streets to decry what they called the public, the persecution of journalism. and for 2 sons now to try to stop the whistle blowers expedition to the us, us independent in presidential time today. well, but it's kennedy julia, so he's the case that's worrying. preston. the,
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the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press. independent journalist on commentary to charlie boyles says his take on how biased the coverage of the songs case has been in west and media. very interesting in us until a few days ago. you guys don't even impose them seventy's just a racist basically like he wasn't charge to commit to the referencing. and now now it's as it stands to, oh, this is absolutely terrible as that. she's never been in prison folders years address, but that's all i get here. with the very high security, very tough prison,
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then i'm in london, which is the one down the road from all the people that the these 2 guys are resorting. and so i guess as far as surprising, i think there's a lot of pressure from the various courses based reading. government understands. it's a very good job and account ending in australia i'm. i'm the opposed administrative but i think was really driving this is that, um, items obviously might be a huge mistake when it comes to gallagher. age lost a lot of things, youngster pools that he had over there. and i think he wanted to use the other to, to say, look, i am trying something. but it's traditional to the face, just a shame that he has to plead guilty. and it's um, it's a miscarriage of justice, but it is the best result, easter time slot. and julian, a songs were tons to australia, a free man. his plane was seen leaving the pacific us territory on the days course appearance on subsequent release. of do a day off by retail, se nairobi,
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the nation's president's william roots who has delivered an address claiming that logical elements of high jobs. the process is not in florida, or even conceive that criminals pretending to be peaceful protest. this can bring tear up against the people that elected representatives on the institutions to publish on the institution and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident, local journalists, kind of among the sensors. this report from the scene of the process. the
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now we'll do a p d point 3 development both of the puppy on it at the to the old reserve that it's going be at the start of homo. but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i'll see it on up. but while we're going to put some stuff with the re, he's on the field for that is a full discrete. the police are using the use, it's with the source on the city the for the 2015 in the car to well we'll do would
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do do model. but i meant i need to redo the baby buddy to the right not to but the default. and so you do need to reach us, it's most as do oh boy, you can remove records of whereabouts. but the rule that we don't want to quit, i thought i'd be closed. that there was the point that you did. these are people to be scrapped off into time that you don't much. why does retro emilia? why in the into autonomy to the people on the. 2 to the plane up early on we discuss the issue with a national executive number, often those on be kind of really routing policy. and he's at the policies of west
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and institutions like the i it, that's not helping countries in africa. the priest, kansas big guns, is obviously because they're the ones who controlled this international institutions. and in this situation, this increasing creation of kenya, i would say, actually in most of the kind of again, countries on to develop countries. we have a situation where these institutions come in and today preach a better and better mental improvement of lies. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean, this is this decisions on the aging and the discussed over the country. so the main, mainly the government with take decisions and the governance owners and the pressure from these institutions. they've taken the decisions. and now the people
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are the ones that have to pay for it. so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept and use this model for. and this has to change. i mean, obviously we've seen some mozambique and independence from portugal. we. so obviously, the british empire collapse needs the african continent. we saw belgium, we saw front fronts increasingly on. welcome on the african continent. how would you assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just all the field moves. i'm beat bruce of the continent as a whole is to very day different theme. frances do very big because we, it's the specific day mozambique. we achieve the independence. it goes police going to independence. we do not have an economic independence and we still striving and fighting to get the comic independence. and because of that, we see that very big influence from all these ex colonies and
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institutions. i called bank i'm asked and all of others solutions that page that support and help for the full for the country. but instead, those, those, the, that's how that comes a comes is entering the form of loans and increases that, that the countries has to, to do international community. please scenes on the streets of new tele donia as protests fled, once again into french overseas territory. this latest on the west was false by the rest of a number of pro, independent as active as to the pacific islands. they've been sent to france all to contribute to rachel mazda and has the story. there is more trouble now in the french overseas territory of new caledonia as 7 excuse pro independence acted as organizers of unrest that took place back in may who have been taken into custody were been sent to the other side of the world to mainland france from the south
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pacific officials of the local government in new caledonia, and called the high commission and aligned with french president a menu and back home said that they did that to be able to investigate the unrest in calm and peace. talk about an epic fail then in that case, i guess the figure that these guys were just kick back with netflix need to be or if they ever move to france instead, it's just giving them more reason to riot at home. which we are asking for is a little more consideration that people have reason out. i called them nice people . it's not a social movement. it's not the movement of striking workers. and that's something the french they didn't understand and still doesn't understand. that's why we demand the release of the prisoners as far as what concerns there's a political deportations and political prisoners. nothing more. nothing less. so bit of background here. all of this on russ kicked off back in may. when michael and his french government decided to push through and electoral reform and new
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caledonia that would add thousands more residents to the voting list effectively, di, leading the voice of the native, cannot people. now those opposed to my calls reforms were kind of scratching their heads at the time saying, look, we have so many problems right now in france with setting off another one with this issue really necessary right now. even though trees had expired and frankly supposed to get more power over this territory anyway, but there is a way to do it and there's a way not to do it. is what critics was saying. but um, starting unnecessary drama is kind of my calls whole brand. at this point he just reacted to a european parliamentary election last for his party in the beginning of june by dissolving the french apartment in atlanta and, and setting off a new national race. the 1st round of voting for that is set for this weekend and pull strongly suggests that not close parties on the verge of getting trouts by the right and left anti establishment with team mac hole. not even set to make the 2nd
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round of the 2 party run off in um that takes place on the 7th of july. again, totally unnecessary. chaos has been created here by mac home. but just when you think of back home might have finally reached the apex, the pinnacle of his drawing, making he, oh god, himself, and basically says vote for me. or there will be a civil war. i think that but the national riley, i'm the phone, seems to me is respond to real problems real and got real anxieties. those have the person who says they not responding to my security problem. the one who says, i know recognizing protected because i am mostly, but they respond badly in my eyes by increasing conflict and civil war. the opposition was quick to point out that it's nicole who is the fire starter from new caledonia to the french mainland. and the sounds like nicole, who will still be french president by the way, for 3 more years, even after the new french government is chosen,
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is laying the groundwork for evoking article 16 of the french constitution that allows the french president to consolidate all powers at all control over every thing, kind of like a dictator, basically in the event of grave and immediate danger to france. now this has been used only once in french history and jerry ad back when it was a french colony in the wake of a push. in 1961 by french generals who opposed then french president shock because support for algeria in independence. he proposed the appeal to august ago, 16. he was the one who started the civil war in new college on yet he is the cas, the dad as him, inflation is him. he's the records of public services, climates in action as him. there repression is him. speaking of civil war, emmanuel mac roland is once again using the strategy of fear. the country has never been so fractured the uprising in new caledonia urban riots. the yellow best prices,
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uncontrolled suburbs, we don't play dice in france. so this new caledonia fiasco is ready just a classic example of how that whole operates. he starts nothing around a nitroglycerin, great issue sense in french troops for some shock in oslo dollars off the lanes of foreign country for everything as adviser on of all places. and in this case, just because they happen to sympathize with the people's right to self determination, then dissolves parliament in a toddler tantrum which kills this new caledonia legislation anyway. but still decides to extradite activist france in a bid to calm the situation by way, giving off old school colonial lives. he's warning about chaos if he doesn't get what he wants in this next election coming up this weekend. but it sounds like really he has a huge problem on his hands, more than anything else. here. the desktop allows was into 21 from
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a series of terror attacks on churches and synagogues, and southern russia on sunday civilians. ons, law enforcement officers are among the most of the muslim victims as well as to christians. and this is a of my high schooler locals of java to say the final good byes. 2 adults killed while protecting the holy size. his funeral took place on a church tire train, which is to be restored off the terrace, destroyed one wall, and set 5 through the building. the russian president vladimir paysimple of all the security guards at the audit of courage, along with 20 other policemen. some of them post him, s me on the terrace, so have also talk to the a face harvest rather also talk you said a traffic police station in the city, resulting in the deaths of several offices as well as a synagogue which reported no title to is a warning, the following images, all graphic and in the bench to religious sites have been attached to
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the terrace talk to the priest of a local church in his house on the grounds of the shooting him. the attackers set the fire to the church, as in a gulf was also in the terrace cross, has was no worshippers there at the time. and the anti terror operation by authorities 6th terrace, were illuminated. we're supposed to say do my deputy limits, let's say, who is a leader of russians liberal democratic party. he didn't on see tire, it's icons august on labeling, at court, a deliberate publication to insight into s next disco, the traditional to do the appraisal. should've a monstrous tragedy occurred on sunday. the 23rd of june and august in yes, i believe that this was a deliberate provocation. that it was a deliberate act of terrorism aimed at and citing interethnic inter confessional discord in pakistan. this is not the 1st time that such a situation has occurred. we already remember another provocation when the rioters and the hodge claw. we're looking for jews who flew in from israel. these are all
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provocations that affect the minds of young people in particular. but you know, that russia, in general, in the north carcases, have a large safety margin in the trust in republic. this would not have been possible in principle and pakistan. unfortunately, we see that such things can happen. and at the same time, the potters of these terrace stacks are using those whose consciousness unfortunately can be influenced. the process though, the easiest thing is to assume that these terrorist attacks and dag a stand and set a stop or had a single center of coordination. but i can't say that both were staged by the same people on purpose. on the same day, i express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims, including father nicholas, who case 45 years of service to our mother church and her bent a man of colossal spiritual authority, heavenly rain in a tunnel memory. and to all those, regardless of nationality, religion age who died as a result of these hand is criminal acts,
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which is always great to have you company here and all see as all for me, for now my colleague rachel river will be here with all the latest in 30 minutes, the when i wasn't sure, they just don't the safe house. it comes to after and engagement equals the trail. when so many fund themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground. the only 41 percent of us adults have announced savings to cover
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a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossessed more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical that in america we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system you have to prove to the government that you truly need help. the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached use i have, i would like the main i don't know, i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserving. just by virtue of your being here, the russian
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states. never. i've started as i'm one of the most sense community best, most all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request for channel? the
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what is part of is it that the employee would post to is it the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without pieces. let's go out of the as i am julian, a sound strange editor of where he weeks would expose the world secret. these documents long united states government being attacked by the powerful united states wrong. we condemn the illegally son for $500.00 days. now i've been detained without charge, but that hasn't stopped us today and we're on a quick release. we're id is.


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