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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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for the breaking news with the lower julian, his honors emerges, a free man from the us port on the pacific island of site pan. after a judge accepted the play deal, he struck with washington. that's after 14 years of legal persecution showing the united states pursuing critics sending us argue that the deal is long overdue, and assange has been punished merely for exposing the truth
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of you for that is a fun, discreet surface with these are using deputy values. it's like the source on the 50, the, for the 20th, or 15 in the car to well and deadly k us in 10. yeah, we're protesters, storm the parliament and said key government buildings on fire that says anger boils over the approval of i am a 1st attack sites. amended the monthly before the end of the clean up the
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the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international. we're covering the top news stories from around the world. we start with breaking news, which we've been covering all day here on r t a judge has sentence that we can look founder julian his arms to time served after he pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy in a deal with washington. how's it feel to be a free man? the here you can see mister assad's leaving the port room is a free man. after 14 years of legal persecution assigns less the u. k. 's don't marsh prison on a monday, after spending a total of 1901 days behind bars. he then boarded an aircraft and flew from london to the northern mariana, islands and overseas us territory and the pacific ocean for the hearing. and is now expected to return to his native australia. here's what his lawyers had to say.
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mister sanchez, revealed is truthful, important, and newsworthy information, including revealing the united states that committed or fines. and he has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech. for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets to full. it important news where the information that is cited states from boston prison, that is what has it shown today is the united states pursuing to julian a sons' is a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and answered
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a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez, attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months together. now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the us espionage act. this is what was said in the
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tense moments in the us. federal courthouse working as a joint of this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the post amendments and the espionage act in concert diction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win. start your case, given all the circumstances. julianna's, andras lawyers made a point of calling out the united states for what they considered to be a war against journalism. and how the president said, in this case, where a citizen of australia can be charged for engaging in journalistic, worked by the american government and face prosecution of the hands of the american governments simply for publishing material that was made available to them. at this point. uh, it has its showing effect on the journalist work uh,
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all kinds of reporters around the world. here's what was said by julian hassan, his legal counsel about the case and its implications for the us, the bill of rights. the sense of dangers pre this prosecution should be without giving the institution free speech. anyone should stand again and again, it's one of the most powerful government and we encourage everyone to continue that. again. that has been a mixed reaction in the united states. but today's advance, we had mike pan's the former vice president and neo conservative republican saying
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that use out rapes to get divided administration made this deal. he wants more penalties for julian hassan. he thinks julius on got off too easy, that he's a dangerous for an actor and needs to be further out accountable. on the other hand, marjorie taylor green, a republican of the mazda and trump wing of the republican party. ah, she said that the way is on has been treated is outrages and it is not good for the united states to be known as a country. the treats journal is this way for publishing information. i think he was arrested and that's why many people here here in the united states government information all the time, but it's only the information
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it's been 14 years so that you in a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders across and we lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julie and assigns over the course of this 14 year saga. the
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. this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 years saga, but it's not the last of wiki leaks. we are awaiting a statement from julian assigned to about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian assigned protesting, making social media post, raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it poses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea he entered
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in the us federal court house. of apply of assange comes after a global year's long campaign to secure his freedom. protesters have not let up regular taken regularly taken to the streets to decry what they called the prosecution of journalism and fought tooth and nail to try to stop the whistle blowers expedition to the us. us independent presidential candidate, robert kennedy junior says the case, so it's a worrying president the bad news is that you have to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism at extending the jurisdiction globally. to norm citizens, julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying precedent on delta big blow to freedom of the press. let's discuss this further now with gulf state analytics research. you're alessandro, bruno,
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who joins us live from canada, alessandra it's great to have you on with us. of course the those images of julian assigned finally being free, are incredible to see. but he did have to plead guilty to a felony charge to secure his freedom. what kind of president do you think this sets? it's hello. thank you for having me. well, 1st apart from the president i it was very odd when i just covered the news. i was covering it and then i came across like lightning in a clear sky instead of happiness i, i felt the sensation of great anger because of this whole or d, o, y, on or through the journal is to marry revealed the truth. and it should be, why should he have been arrested in the 1st place or pursued? persecuted and so on. and in fact, i am concerned about what this release actually means. uh well, um,
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i mean there's talk about weekly continuing, but what really went on to achieve the, the release. so the president, you know, has been, we've seen the president, the, the western media, not just the north, the north american, but throughout the west. and i know because they cover media every single day is completely controlled by and by the same people because i read across various language newspapers every day. and i see the same news. the very same news. but when more importantly, with a very same to find a perspective on that news. so it's all, it's only by digging and going to be going elsewhere. looking for alternative sources like we can lease is that you can get some real picture of what
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goes on. so i think the effect has been perhaps on one hand to frighten the journalists and uh, and to, to have a whole cohort of very subservient, very subservient for us. on the one hand, on the other. i think people angry like we might just blow up in the den at least $0.06 and, and continue to reveal the truth. so the us government has been after julian hassan as for years we're talking about 14 years here. what, what, why are you saying, please do they reach this plea deal now as well? this is very interesting how that was, what i was thinking about that most of the day. my conclusion is that we have a presidential debate in 2 days time between biden and trump. and i think of this is perhaps a, ironically enough, biden's trump card. you know,
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the 2 cheek that because it was after all, a trump who had a dream massage, arrested, even though it was president obama that launched the initial persecution. and in fact, we've seen the reaction and mike pants. trump's, the vice president was angry about the release. i don't know, i'm not going to speculate on what is in my experience head, but um it's, it's incredible. uh, also that within the same party in the united states, you have such a different opinion. so, um, i think the, the democrats will try to exploit this unfrozen in terms of face. in fact, the trump could have pardon assigns, and perhaps this could be why this is the, the logic that i can't came up with the best possible situation. and,
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and that's also why i wonder, what kind of agreement this is make to be a part from clean guilty. so that us to gets, it's found the place. but um the, the, the that has to be something else. and i wonder whether or not the units on may be allowed to continue or in, in the he's the work. incidentally, i discovered week unique many years ago because a friend told me that my name appeared on. so uh, that's how i 1st got involved. they found out about the situation of the you talked about the implication since for journalism, i'm just wondering if, if anyone can be silenced in this way. i mean, of course it, julian assigns being sought after by the us government for so long. i mean, what does this mean for the future of journalism if, if anyone could potentially be at risk for reporting the truth as well as usual,
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the journalism is to me in question. i mean, apart from julian, the time we have, the war in ukraine for example, has been a, you know, sometimes i wonder where the dream assigned was removed when he was. because the people behind the scenes and the so called deep states were planning various activities, including encouraging triggering this war and ukraine. and imagined student us on shouldn't be afraid to operate what kind of documents he could reveal. so i think we've seen a coming down to put it mildly of the media, perhaps since 911. i really noticed a huge might the big change the shift truly occurred in 2001 in the front. um, i, uh, once i used to even see a difference of opinions on cnn on the main stream, but after that that was,
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that was, that was gone. you had to, i had to start looking, i discovered alternative media after that time. and i think the phenomenon will, will only accentuate, we have that. and also then the other side of this phenomenon is that a lot of people, particularly young people, are not reading media. they get their bill of news, but they don't pay attention to to, to them it's, it's become a very lazy process. people don't think anymore when they hear a news. they just either assume that this is the fact or the few angry ones. the few steps that go and look for what's community behind it's like, uh, media is like an iceberg. you only see a little bit standing out. the danger is, well, have them underneath the surface. certainly they have to do your due diligence these
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days are right. we're going to live with a golf state analytics research, alessandra bruno, thank you. thank you. as well, after a day of firing chaos in a row, be the nation's president. william rudo has delivered an address claiming that radical elements have hijacks of the protests. it is not important, or even conceive of the criminals pretending to be peaceful. protest can bring tara against the people, elected representatives on the institutions to companies and to have a constitution and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident local
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journalist tennis of monday's, sent us this report from the scene of the protest. the now we'll do a p d point 3 development both of the puppy on it is the duty of reserve, the noise power surge or follow, but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i'll see it on up. but while we think that there's some stuff with the re,
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he's on the appeal for that is a for this thing the police are using the use. it's with the source on the city the for the 20th or 15 in the car to well, we'll do would do to do little, but i meant i need to do that with you today, the buddy to the right, not to but the default. and so you do need to reach us, it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not, but the roads that we don't we are that are be closed. that there was the plan that we did. these are people to be dropped off the internet too much. why does richard amelia, why in the manufacturing into autonomy to the people in the to the plane up there
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earlier my colleagues us did to. 6 discuss the issue with a national executive member of the most in beacon ruling party. he said, the policies of western institutions like the i, m f are not helping countries in africa, a breeze, kansas big guns is obviously because they're the ones who controlled this international institutions. and in this situation, a specific situation of kenya, i would say, actually in most of the kind of forgetting countries on the developed countries. we have a situation where these institutions come in and today preach a better and better mental improvement of lies. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean this, this, this decisions on aging and the discussed over the country. so if you
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main, mainly to go visit with take decisions at the governance owners, the pressure from these institutions, they've taken the decisions. and now the people are the ones that have to pay for it. so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept. and these, these models are for, and this has to change. i mean, obviously we've seen some mozambique and independence from portugal. we so obviously the british empire collapse needs the african continent. we saw belgium, we saw front fronts increasingly on. welcome on the african continent. how would you assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just all the field moves. i'm beat bruce of the continent as a whole is to very day different theme. frances do very big because we can see specifically wasn't big. we achieve the independence, it goes police going to independence. we do not have an economic independence and
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we're still striving and fighting to get taken on the independence. and because of that, we see that very big influence from all these ex colonies and institutions that called bank i'm asked and all of others solutions that pledge that support and help for the full for the country. but instead, those, those, the, that's how that comes a comes, is entering the form of loans and increases that, that the country has to, to do international community. the russian defense minister has worn his american counterpart that us arm supplies to kiev risk, further escalation, the to hold a phone call on tuesday, which washington is said to have initiated the conversation comes as it rushes, deputy foreign minister started a rehab. tom said that there is a growing risk of
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a direct armed conflict between the 2 nuclear powers. it is equally with those that the prima cove readings form, what we have come to the conclusion that today there is a risk of a direct arm conflict, including from the killer powers. we have come to the conclusion that there are questions regarding how the classical concept of nuclear deterrence works. we also concluded that we need to think about what's next and how to minimize the risk of a direct confrontation of the professional conversations on this topic must be continued to the official lines. our opponents are putting forward, obviously unacceptable conditions for such a dialogue. that is, they propose, in fact, to get away from the entire hospital policy that nato led by the united states is pursuing towards russia and return to dialogue in line with patterns on those platforms and in those formats. as it happened before, the beginning of the current phase of the most acute crisis and relations between russia and the collective west. this isn't possible. i think that both political
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science circles and officials in the west do still in their heart of hearts understand the questions being raised and the impossibility for us to sacrifice fundamental security interest. just to avoid an acute conflict with the west side. us national security advisor james sullivan, previously authorized kids to use some western weapons for strikes anywhere that russian forces are coming across the border. they're being used in moscow's new offensive and ukraine smart to have region where having fighting is currently ongoing. as ukrainian troops are seeking to dislodge russian positions and successful drone operations have become vital artesia years down of visited a u, a b squad with russia's ok mot. special forces unit and filed of this report. the info chomsky ukraine is on a desperate quest for revenge cube has a mast thousands of troops in the bid to keep the enemy back. we are imbedded with a rush and unity health droned pilots on admission to deny ukraine the opportunity
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to strike a little of the frontier and you've got the enemy's movements were detected to them and they had several attempts to storm the private sector to get behind our allies, we detected everything and fired at it, so in some places with that p b. drones. once the rival force is posted, it is pursued relentlessly, either until they surrender will meet the bitter end. a brutal rule said accepted by both sides just as the brutal sending out the what's that what we found them in some places. so it's not just that you bomb ones and they retreat, you know, they hide and holes and basements that go to the, come on the over this month's special forces units known by the call sign. that translates as bob barry and says, their main goal is to paralyze any movement of ukrainian troops in the town. if they come to maneuver con, carry out soup rotation and evacuate their wounded. q forces have no other option
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but to sleep. so i thought about the way we operate pretty fast. the pilots are close to the enemy. some days later, the enemy left the positions. they tried to take a key cause. the drone, by its very definition, is an expandable item. you need many, many thousands of them and what the special forces obama have established here. it's a full cycle manufacturer for you, for the rest of the night of the there's a projectile preparation going on of the coordinator here in the dropping systems. is that going to fuses high explosive project, 1000 people instead of a fragmentation project house value. and i was good to hear. we have thermal barrack munitions for special purposes. paid them. i bought a i knew what the weight is probably. and if you look at a 3.5 kilograms in here, you have sub munitions, right? that's that, that's right, that's right. the bottom of that is that sub munitions for enemies, manpower,
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very effective such as you to the cy, overall child, is never blind. always vigilant, always lee. so the other one is just the, that's a here's the live situation in the town. the enemy doesn't operate actively during the day because it's dangerous. not only for health, but for life. the sky is so dense with the russian and ukrainian you waves drone dog fights, have become a common sight. seeing you mateo, and then was we have videos, we shut down the enemy's magic. drawn with ours are survived. we put it above there so that, and then you will ukrainian to mount is holding back. no resources trying to open them, but the russians by an order of magnitude. but where one might see a problem varvara and his men see an opportunity for us to show what's up, i take yours, but you have to bring more, the more we have the more drones we hit, it should be this way. not like,
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oh there are so many of them. i will not go there. no, the other way around. you will not miss optimism is needed for you to look at that . a philosophy that seems to be the foundation of the smart special forces. i'm a guess done of reporting from the russian ukraine border. c r t and russ cosmos, are launching a joint project star about. it's a direct line to the international space station and allows people from bricks, countries who are passionate about space to communicate live with russian, cause malott's r t will moderate the program from us moscow studio with 5 episodes planned instead of candidate to one of the brooks countries, the program will feature information about space projects, prospects for space development and exclusive footage from the i assess along with it. content on famous space and thursday is in the block countries the
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right to stay with our to international up. next you can watch our documentary, siri.


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