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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 3:00am-3:29am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the breaking news whistleblower and julian assigns leaves the us court on the pacific island of side pan, a free man after a judge accepts the plea deal. he's struck with washington. nevertheless, his legal payments slams the us of are pursuing journalism as a crime. shows the united states pursuing celebrations erupt outside the us consulate and sydney was people praising juliet sanchez freedom, and the way his returning home. well camber us,
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the cries the ports verdict, titration it was c for the charging and conviction. public journalist for doing that job. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period will to tell it harry, in country, it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like destroyer. here's the deal for that is a how does the police are using? definitely bad use. it's with the source on the city, the 4th period star testing team, they got to well and deadly chaos in kenya, where protestors of storm the parliament and said she, government buildings on fire us as anger boils over the approval of am f pushed tax hikes. the positivist finance bill, there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability
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of all taxes. we just want them to be accountable for the the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching archie international. we start with breaking news, which we've been covering all day here on our tea. a judge has sentenced weekly, like founder julian assigned to time served. that's after he pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy in a deal with washington. the mirror mister assigns is leaving the court room a free man after 14 years of legal persecution, mississauga. finally over he is on the way to his native his trail am despite the massive sense of relief and joy over a sondors release, his lawyer. since the case has had a chilling effect with the us pursuing journalism as a crime, mister sanchez revealed is truthful, important,
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and newsworthy information including revealing this united states that committed or fines. and he has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech. for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets truthful and important news, where the information that is cited states prosecuted 17 prison. that is, what has it showing up today or decision showing the fact is the united states pursuing business of the 1st and last to julian assigns as a free man. now that he accepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in a us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez,
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attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he delete certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months to continue continue transparency. government now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments in the u. s. federal court house working as
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a joiner this time covers my source to provide information that was set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage act in contradiction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win such a case given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years so that you in a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julie and assigned you over the
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course of this 14 year saga. the . this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 year saga, but it's not the last of which he likes. we were awaiting a statement from julian assigned to about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian hassan protesting, making social media post, raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it poses to
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freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world are happy to see and free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea he entered in the us federal court house. well, sanchez relates to a spark celebrations in australia and people outside the us. consulate, general and sydney, are holding up banners and balloons. and demonstrators have gathered to praise the outcome of the court hearing. and julian's return home. mister alien lawmakers say they're thrilled, assigns is on his way home, but are worried about the president. his case has set a i will, i will flag the one allow me issue and that is to die on us 2 or 3. i present it was 6 for the charging and conviction of a journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know 3rd period will to tell it harry,
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in country. it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like and stria. i think it seems a chill down the spine of journalists world war that this president has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for lady afraid it meant protections for journalist, so they can do the job a spar. tate correspondence, they both joins me now in the studio for more on the shade. tell us about the reaction in the west to these latest development. when understandably, it's been mixed. and remember, of course in the united states in particular, and united states was the engine and has be the engine for the criminal case against julian assange. who is of course, this iconic symbol almost if you like, of a free press. and it's how this deal has been reached, which is the crux of the issue here today. so of course assange releasing 10000
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tables a very, very important moment in the history of journalism. if you like, i'm this, that machine was motivated against the 14 years of really punitive behavior, including almost imprisonment to the ecuadorian embassy for 7 years, and then a bell myers high security prison, murderous rapist, mass killers, terrace assange found themselves in there. so the reaction to this has been one on a human level, of course, of great celebration. all journalists, our colleagues, the sweeney in particular, and who's followed. assigned every step of the way for like attending his wedding, basically outside of the marsh prison and attending protest. so many journalists, i've myself, i've connected with the stella center. we are very happy to see this happening, but it's, it's why and how, what's happened, how the deal is the new. and that's the, the key issue here. now, in the us itself, marjorie taylor green, the fire brand republican crews held the house to account on many issues about the perpetual war particular new claim. she also came out and made her feelings very clearly,
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some of this and that's why many people see him as a hero. the harrison here in the united states, new york times for government information all the time, but it's only the information that the government secret, the americans yeah. so interesting stuff from marjorie taylor green and we've also had a presidential candidate to or f k, robert f. kennedy junior from this, you know, huge american political family now, and i would cite or of course,
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but he has consistently said that if he was elected as present, he would've released judy in the science on day one and he's spoken out against his incarceration at the top of listen to of power or of chaos. the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info, which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison, but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and delta big blow to freedom of the press. so yeah, so or if k really bringing this to the crux of the issue where people celebrate outside the embassies where people feel this is a huge achievement in a victory. remember julian assigned a man who's ill and i think anybody objectively looking at him, he looks exhausted. he looks tired. this has taken its toll on me as hard problems . he has a young family,
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a wife know would deny him his freedom. but the key issues are raised by or f k a. well, how was this deal done with the mechanism by which was done on a centrally assigned. and everything he represents was forced dependents need to the us legal machine, except that he's a criminal, it's a felony charge. so he is now seen as a criminal, and it's, that's a president in the american and potentially the international law system about journalists who seek to raise the truth exposed, approved. i don't remember, well, well assigned just now a criminal and nominally, according to the us, the people who we expose the war crimes in iraq, afghanistan, and the legality of these wars, brutal boards of occupation and legally started and carried out murderous campaigns . millions of people are dead. none of them have been charged with any crime. none of them have been convicted of any crime. and on top of that, judy massage have been bombed from entering the united states. and they're also
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voice is remarkably, from the american political. it leads to also, so he should have never been released in the 1st place. they should never been to deal with the people like mike pence, donald trump's x vice president. so it's about the mechanism by which this deal was done. what was the motivation? is it because joe biden is about to face? uh, you know, uh, an increase me skeptical public in a vote, but he can say, we released them. what, how it was doing this to keep those at the roles. the ability for journalists to tell the truth and what sort of precedent for success. so many of our patients him writes are to shape to say thank you. a john carry out to the host of the whistle blowers and former us intelligence officer says assange locked in for a because his release benefits the biden administration, the head of the selections. well, that was the sticking point. and it's been the sticking point for at least 6 or 7 months. now. the justice department was adamant that that they would negotiate
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a plea for time search or so long as that goes, we sure took place on us soil. they want to julian to 1st the expedited to the eastern district of virginia, but then they would agree to the police, and then he could go, he touched fairly, he didn't believe that they would be true to their word. i wouldn't believe it either. and he stuck to his guns at the same time, you know, this, this case was a, an acre around the neck of divided the distribution. they couldn't win with this case. and so they wanted it to go way. it's an election year. we have elections for president and jessica, a few months before this was, this was better for joe biden to this thing just to end. the russian foreign ministry spokesman has mocked and american state department official who is accused moscow of oppression for banning western media. after russia responded to media sanctions, the west has imposed for years because they are afraid of their own people. hearing
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the truth and hearing the truth about russia's actions inside, rest of the actions by the government to repress their own people about russia's actions to invade a neighbor and illegally occupied neighbor. uh and so we've seen them cracking down on journalism for some time. and unfortunately, that continues, what does this arrogance stupidity or both united by the concept of liberal democracy? the measures are a response. they haven't been introduced due to the ban on the russian media in the you. but the state department is blaming russia again. it's earlier the russian foreign ministry announced moscow is banning a total of $81.00 european media outlets. well, this is a response to the blocks repeated canceling and for us and media outlets accusing them of lock. in an alternative point of view, international attorney kline preston says the west has essentially created a blackout for diverse perspectives. if it's a fact which is contrary to the narrative of the united states state department,
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this propaganda by its very definition, the under western so called journalism rules which actually take issue with the fact that there is even such a thing as western journal. i think it's been dead for a long time. about 2015. the blood said this thing occurred in the dawn bass. you know 62014 is not reported at all. and with 15000 innocent people died. you know, um, not, not too bad. were killed by you printing faxes, whether be the right sector or you bringing or me or not for your time. and it was i was talking with and just recently what we're saying here, we only know about what happened in sub estoppel over the weekend. we only know that because of international news and news come out of russia we, we certainly don't load from the news in the united states. there's a simply
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a total blackout on any information like that. so it's pretty consistently been the very one sided, the accounting of what's happening in the print over to canyon now, where several people have been killed by police firing live rounds of protesters trying to strongly countries legislature. and that's as anger boils over the approval of i'm a push to tax hikes, local journalist kenneth amante's sent us this report from the same
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the, now we'll do a b, b clinton, victory to the puppy. and it is the duty of reserve the noise via the 3rd to of homo. but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like, well here i'll see it on up. but while we're going to put some stuff with the re, he's on the appeal for that is a full discrete. the police are using the use, it's with the source on the city, the for the 20th, or 15 in the car to well. so it will do what do do model, but i'm it on me to uh that went through today the buddy to the right, not to but the default. and so you do need to reach us. it's most is do i believe to remove records of we're not, but the roads that we don't want to quit or that are be closed. that they want to find that you did. these are people to be dropped off into tell me too much. why does retro emilio,
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why in the into autonomy to the people on the. 2 to the plan up to 10 in president land route to announce that the national army will be deployed across the country to help 12, the protests are 2 valuable you can get brings us more. several people were killed and hundreds injured as thousands of demons for you to storm the king is parliament to purchase a controversial, tactful, those injury. protest is up on the storm parliament, but also the home of korea commodity. the chairman of the national assembly is fine, is and planning come and see who has been at the center of the storm over this tax
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proposals that particularly before the support of the new taxes. and despite to the police, as if it's the situation at his house, almost 5 months out of control from too cold, awful reinforcements to secure his visitors, kenya has now to avoid the military units to support the police across the country in response to the emergency caused by design and pro to says, approach is also targeted. the item is, but mostly king, as president william who to who despise to be loaded in washington has become deeply unpopular at home. he's a routing call to push through with this textbook criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression, and type ident hope in the meanwhile approaches says one, the government to abandon the plan tax hikes, which they all to will choke the economy and raise the cost of living for can news already, so i'm going to make ends need so this is not the 1st time a sign in school has been met with such resistance from citizens and can yeah. last
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year it was the same story. so can you up with us? yeah. can use the say the will not stop until they get what be what we are the best interests of our children. the problem we want to walk you through this. what is the pause this finance bill? there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability or fall, texas. we just want them to be accountable. we had to bring on this phase. i'm here the government the government who's kind of here to help people on the main clause until the president taking us government is now quotes between i a method detached which off uh thing documents to cut the deficit and the population, the reading from cost of living increase has both won by inflation and steve tax
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increases. and the protest is have evolved to space mess approaches across the country a gain. so this fine is bull if nothing is being done. earlier my colleagues, us get tell or discuss the issue with a national executive member of the most in beacon ruling party. he said the policies of western institutions like the i, m f, are not helping countries in africa. the research country is being conscious, obviously, because the lines of control these international institutions and in the situation is increasing creation of kenya. i would say actually in most of the kind of again, countries on the developed countries. we have a situation where these institutions come in and today preach a better and better mentor improvement lives. we service fully policies that do not exactly help those communities and the people in the country are not always consulted. i mean,
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this is this decisions on the agent and the discussed over the countries of the main, mainly the government will take decisions and the governments owners, the pressure from these institutions, they've taken the decisions. and now the people are the ones that have to pay for it. so it's very, very hard for, for them to accept. and these, these models are for and this has to change. i mean, obviously we've seen some mozambique and independence from portugal. we. so obviously, the british empire collapse needs the african continent. we saw belgium, we saw front fronts increasingly on welcoming the african continent. how would you assess the influence nowadays in 2020 full of western countries? not just solve this. you'll know some people, most of the continent as a whole is to very data different theme, frances do, very big because we seems to be here specifically mozambique. we achieve the independence,
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successfully screen dependence. we do not the comic independence and we're still striving and fighting to get to get on the independence. and because of that, we see that very big influence from all these ex colonies and institutions. i called bank i'm asked and all of others solutions that pledge that support and help for the full, for the country by the stand. those, those, the, that's how that comes. a guns is considered the form of loans and increases that, that the countries has to, to do international community i believe seems on the streets of new caledonia as protest flared once again, and the french overseas territory. the slightest. unrest was sparked by the arrest of a number of pro independence activists on the pacific islands. they had been sent to france. archie contributor rachel marsden,
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has the story. there is more trouble now in the french overseas territory of new caledonia as 7 accuse pro independence. after this organizers of unrest that took place back in may, who had been taken into custody were been sent to the other side of the world to mainland france from the south pacific officials of the local government in new caledonia, and called the high commission and aligned with friends, president a menu and back home said that they did that to be able to investigate the unrest in tom and peace. talk about an epic fail then in that case, i guess the figure that these guys would just kick back with me next likely to be, or if they ever move to france instead, it's just giving them more reason to riot at home. which we ask you for is a little more consideration that people have reason out. i called the nice people here. it's not a social movement. it's not the movement of striking workers. and that's something
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the french they didn't understand and still doesn't understand. that's why we demand the release of the prisoners. as far as we're concerned, there's a political deportations and political prisoners. nothing more, nothing less. so bit of background here. all of this unrest kicked off back in may . when michael and his french government decided to push through an electoral reform and new caledonia that would add thousands more residents to the voting list effectively, di, leading the voice of the native cannick people. now those opposed to mac holes. reforms were kind of scratching their heads at the time saying, look, we have so many problems right now in france was setting off another one with this issue really necessary right now. even though trees had expired and frankly supposed to get more power over this territory anyway, but there is a way to do it and there is a way not to do it is what critics were saying. but um, starting unnecessary drama is kind of my calls whole brand. at this point he just reacted to a european parliamentary election last for his party in the beginning of june,
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by dissolving the french apartment in atlanta on and setting off a new national race. the 1st round of voting for that is set for this weekend and pull strongly suggested maxwell is party is on the verge of getting trouts by the right and left anti establishment with keen mack hole not even set to make the 2nd round of the 2 party run off in that takes place on the 7th of july. again, totally unnecessary. chaos has been created here by mac home, but just thinking back home might have finally reached the apex, the pinnacle of his drawing, making. he does himself and basically says vote for me or there will be a civil war. i think that by the national really i'm the friend seems to me is respond to real problems real and got real anxieties. those have the person who says that not responding to my security problem, the one who says, i know, recognize and protect it because i am mostly,
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but they respond badly in my eyes by increasing conflict and civil war. the opposition was quick to point out that it's nicole who is the fire starter from new caledonia to the french mainland. and that it sounds like nicole who will still be french president by the way, for 3 more years, even after the new french government is chosen, is laying the groundwork for evoking article 16 of the french constitution that allows the french president to consolidate all powers at all control over every thing, kind of like a dictator, basically in the event of grave and immediate danger to france. now this has been used only once in french history in algeria back when it was a french colony in the wake of a push, in 1961 by french generals who oppose. then french president shock because support for algeria in independence. he proposed the appeal to also go 16. he was the one who started the civil war in new college on yet he is the cas,
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the dad as him installation is him. he's the records of public services climates in action as him. their oppression has him. speaking of civil war, emmanuel mac run is once again using the strategy of fear. the country has never been so fractured the uprising, a new caledonia urban riots. the yellow best prices, uncontrolled suburbs,


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