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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the breaking news to whistle blower julia and assad's leads the us court on the pacific island of stipend, a free man after a judge except the play deal, he struck with washington. nevertheless, his legal team slammed us over, pursuing journalism as a crime. shows the fact united states pursuing celebrations or rocks outside the us consulate and sydney with people praising julian, assigns of freedom and await his return home. while ken perrera decries the courts,
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verdict appreciative was sick for discharging and conviction. public journalist for doing that job. it's the sort of thing we'd expect you to know. 3rd, terry, and to tell it harry, in country it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like the strike. here's the deal for that is a for this key. the police are using depth of w, that's with the source on the city before the 20th, or 15 in the car to well. and the deadly chaos and kenya were part protesters on the parliament. and so the key government buildings on fire that says anger boils over the approval of i am asked, pushed the tech sites the positivist finance bills. there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability of all taxes. we just want them to be accountable.
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the are. we are watching archie international live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble, breaking news, which we've been covering all the here on r t a judge has sentence week. he likes founder julie and assigns to time served as separate. he pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy in a deal with washington. the, the mr. hassan here is seen leaving the port room a free man after 14 years of legal persecution, with the saga. finally, over, he is on the way to his native us directly to spite a massive sense of relief and joy over sanchez released. his lawyer says the case has had a chilling effect with the us, pursuing journalism as a prime minister. assad reveal the truthful, important, and newsworthy information,
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including revealing the united states that committed or fives. and he has suffered tremendously in his fight for free speech, for freedom of the press and to ensure that the american public and the world community gets truthful and important news where the information that is cited states, the prison. that is, what has it shown today is the united states pursuing julian assigns as a free man now that he accepted a guilty plea and entered a guilty plea in the us federal court in the mariana island. now julia sanchez,
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attorney made clear that while he will comply with the requirement that he deletes certain sensitive information, the work of which he leaks will continue 62 months together. continue continue the government now in order for julian assigns to accept the plea, deal for time served no supervised release in order to return to australia, a free man. after 14 years of a legal battle, plenty of time and a british prison, julian hassan had to formally admit guilts and, you know, plead guilty to a criminal charge violating the u. s. espionage act. this is what was said in the tense moments in the u. s. federal court house, what can is it during this time covers my source to provide information that was
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set to be classified in order to publish that information. i believe the 1st amendments protected that activity, but accept that it was a violation of the espionage statute. i believe the 1st amendment and the espionage to act in contradiction with the child, the but i accept the would be difficult to win such a case given all the circumstances. it's been 14 years that you in a sanchez been facing off in a legal battle. and at this point, we see him on his way home after quite a bit of time, walled up in the ecuadorian embassy, quite a bit of time in british prisons along extradition battle. now around the world, many are looking on and seeing this is an example of hypocrisy on the part of us leaders who constantly lecture the world about freedom of the press, the protection of journalists, freedom of speech, etc. let's review everything that has happened to julian assigned over the course of this 14 year saga.
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the the, this appears to be the end of julia saunders 14 years saga, but it's not the last of wiki leaks. we were awaiting a statement from julian to sondra about what comes next. but at this point, many around the world who rallied in support of julian assigned protesting, making social media posts raising awareness, doing everything they could to highlight his case and the dangers it poses to freedom of information and journalistic protections. many people around the world
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are happy to see him free, though many are also worried about the implications of the guilty plea he entered in the us federal court house. a sanchez release has sparked celebrations in australia, people outside the us console, the general and sydney are holding on the banners and balloons. and demonstrators have gathered to praise po, come up the court hearing, and julian's return home to sterling law makers say there's thrill to sons' is on his way home, but are worried about the president. his case has sense or will or will flag the one allowing issue and that is today on us to recreate a pricing that was set for the charging and conviction. public journalist for doing that job. that is a really alarming priesthood. it's a sort of thing we'd expect you to know. 3rd period will to tell it harry, in country, it is not what we would expect from the united states or similar country like
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destroyer. well, i think it changed a chill down the spine of journal as world war that this price it, it has been sick and it means out there is more work to do to push for media, freedom and protections for journalist. so they can do that job. us right, our t correspondence table is doing this. me now in the studio for more on this is shay, as truly is representatives? not mincing words are the yeah, yes or no. i'd say it's important to consider the assigned issue in a wider context. of course australia, except important ally now of the united states and united states, the engine of this whole case against the assigned. and well, i'm afraid the lawmaker on his legal team and commentators can come out and say this is, you know, it's, it's a victory of sorts. but it's also a very concerning development for openness and journalism. the australian prime minister himself husbands condemned to the incarceration. he hasn't come out and
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said that he did nothing on the 1st place. you should have been free all along. and he's me to just come out and said, you know, well look, it's a great day at the grace that day of celebration. because remember, australia, it's positioning in the pacific on, in the asia region as tensions around for, for china. australia doesn't want to step on the toes of uncle sam who's becoming more more influential in the neighbor or let's say it was the us after all that went after assigned for for years. what's been the reaction in the west when it's been mixed? of course picking to you as soon as you say it's, it's the united states has been the engine of this. remember assigned to an australian citizen uh, in a british prison, a spent 7 years, the ecuadorian embassy in london as well incarcerated there was spied on by the ca . we believe. we also believe, according to stella sands and their team, that there was attempts to assassinate him, all kinds of things being considered to get rid of this stone and issue of the
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western media. and why was assigned, you know, incarcerated in belmar as prison, and held in the embassy who was there for exposing american war crimes. now of course, a subsequent to this release. we've heard the american official america, the justice departments come up with a lengthy statement, essentially saying that he's a criminal. he has been convicted of a crime. it's a felony. and no one in the united states who is a guilty of the crimes which is essentially exposed, has been convicted of anything whatsoever. afghanistan, libby, rock, the list goes on and people like mike pins, it coming, it said it shouldn't have been a deal at from x v p. the shouldn't have been a deal with the, with the science whatsoever. biting is weeks, you shouldn't have done it. and there's a bomb now from the united states, a genius launch can never, nobody would want to. you would imagine he could never return to the united states again. yeah. as you said, no one has been convicted of the crime, said julian assigned exposed it. was julian assigned himself,
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that was the one who is a who is chased out for, for, for so many years. there must be people in washington who are critical of this 14 year prosecution. mm hm. yeah, there are voices of some of the and reason that a strange, many of these voices of sanity and reason, a line on other issues around american foreign policy and the oppression of freedom of speech. one in particular, marjorie taylor green, who's been very vocal in our opposition to the funding and the prolonging and the feeling of the war and ukraine. she came out with her abuse on the release of juvenile sized. some of this is the truth and that's why many people here send me here in the united states,
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new york times for the release of information all the time, but it's only the information secret us. yeah. so obviously on the human level, people are happy, the mind has a young family, he has health problems, his mental health was suffering, we believe a young wife. so on a human level, lots to celebrate and people are happy, but it's deep underground element of, of how when, why he was released. that is important. yeah, it is really heart warming to see him free after so many years. but what are the repercussions of this case when it comes to freedom of speech worldwide? yeah, well, this is the key point, this, the interesting point outside of the celebrations of the human element of him being free. and there are huge amounts of people who have invested a lot and platform in his case. now that you use free freedom has come out of price . essentially,
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julian assange has been forced to bend his knee if you like to accept a criminal responsibility and culpability which has a huge impact potentially for freedom of speech. remember, again, the reason assigned was imprisoned. the reason this case was the motivation for it was the exposure of american war, perhaps 10000 files, 10000 piece of information from hillary clinton's emails, various things which in virus and expose the mechanism by which the war machine operates. no one person in particular in the states has come out and really hit the nail on the head regarding how dangerous the mechanism by which julian has become free is and that's a for f k. the outside are now in the presidential race, but someone who has has some sense when it comes to evaluating the reality to some of the store of the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense info,
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which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens. julian had to take this. he has heart problems, and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and dealt a big blow to freedom of the press a. yeah, so of course why now the elections a stone out of the issue for the bind administration who talk about freedom and democracy and it's the mantra with which the, the ukrainian project has been pushed forward in a dictatorship, essentially in, in, in the ukraine at the moment another like the present. so this is a, it seems something which gets this off the table for bite and as he heads into the election would or f k has really so simply put the points here as, as to how this happened. assigned force to bend as the force except a criminal responsibility. while the actual criminals who are responsible for the death of millions of innocent civilians remain alive. and so many implications here
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are at our take correspondence shape. i wish i think you will say analytics research alessandro, bruno says, the us test at a dangerous precedent to making others think twice before publishing certain information. that information is not free that the, the media is not free in the united states, as it likes to pretend. i think many people will think twice about reporting. it's the kind of information that they may come across that is damaging to 2nd state interest and not just united states interests, but also any western country. any country under the u. s. natal umbrella, for example. i wouldn't be careful about publishing things in australia because australia, like many other countries, is under the us. some perhaps you won't be arrested again because he's sick,
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but anyone who follows in his footsteps might be arrested again this, this, unfortunately, the, his pleading guilty perhaps is the condition uh, under which the us agreed to release him because it sets a president and it keeps the people from. busy the reporting otherwise dangers, the information that might be dangerous or what, what documents consider dangers to, to keep things to, to keep the current status cool. to discourage the solver to can you know where several people have been killed by police firing live rounds. that protesters trying to storm the country as the legislature, as his anger boils over the approval of i am a push to tax hikes. local journalists can, that's a monday sentence, this report from the scene.
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the now we'll do a p d point on page and the 3 development both of the puppy on it is the to the old reserve that destroying the surge of homo. but yeah, i'll be more talk on those data. didn't keep it the like, put it like what he did on that. but while we're going to put some stuff with the we, he's on the appeal for that is a for this thing the police are using the use, it's with the source on the city. they for the 20th or 15 in the car to well go
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through with the to do a little but i meant i need to, uh, that went through today. but i told the right not to go through the default. and so you do need to reach a 5th notice, do i believe to remove the notes, but the words that we don't want to quit or that are the chrome that there was when we did the default to be dropped off the internet too much. why does richard amelia, why in the winter time between the people on the plane of the opinion, president lam ruta claims that radical elements have hijacked the protests and announced that the national army will be deployed across the country. to help with
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qual, the unrest ortiz, none of the you can get, it brings us more to the home of korea commodity. the chairman of the national assembly is fine, is and planning come and see who has been at the center of the storm over this tax proposals with particularly for his support of the new texas. and as far to the police as if it's the situation at his house, almost 5 was out of control from 2 calls for reinforcements to secure his visit is kenya has now deployed the military units to support the police across the country in response to the emergency caused by the violent protest as a protest also targeted the item if but mostly kenya's, president william who to who will dislike to be loaded in washington has become deeply unpopular at home young can use we'll see you as an associate who is that the president is strictly, as hearing to the i am is model and as false in the textbook and onto the country is cool, but to, to a has come out holding the protein. i'm treasonous,
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noting that it is government. wilson provides a response to the situation and that it is not in florida, or even can see pip, that criminals pretending to be peaceful protest. this can bring tara against the people, the elected representatives on the institutions to publish on the constitution, and expect to go for free. we must isolate crime from democratic expression on separate criminals from people exercising the freedom of expression and type ident. meanwhile approaches says one, the government to abandon the plan tax hikes, which they all to will choke the economy and raise the cost of living for can news already. so i'm going to make ends need so this is not the 1st time a sign in school has been met with such resistance from citizens in canyon last
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year. it was the same story. so can you up with us? yeah. can use the say the will not stop until they get what be what we out of here to the best interests of our to the we want to walk you through this. what is the pause this finance bill? there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability or fall, texas. we just want them to be accountable for reading or let's say i'm through the government and government, which kind of how people real close to the presidents taking us government is now quotes between i m. s. a detached which off it's in governments to cut the deficit and the population, the reading from cost of living increases both $1.00 by inflation and steve tax
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increases. and the protest is have evolved to space mess approaches across the country a gain. so this fine is bull if nothing is being done right, the defense minister has worn his american counterparts that us arm supplies to key of risk, further escalation. that's who held a phone call on tuesday, which washington is said to have initiated. the conversation comes as rest as deputy foreign minister, sir gabriel. cobb said there's a growing risk of a direct armed conflict between the 2 nuclear power as well. this statement follows a ukrainian astray that targeted targeted the beach and the southern russian city of some estoppel on sunday. according to local authorities for civilians were killed including 2 children and more than $150.00 were wounded. as a missile, armed with cluster munitions exploded over the city,
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the russian defense industries at washington was responsible for the attack as americans attack them as missiles were used in the strike. i says, lot of results gives adviser one as far as to call premier and civilians occupiers . there are none and cannot be any beaches, taurus zones, or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is certainly a foreign territory occupied by russia or fighting is taking place and a full scale war is continuing the very war that russia unleashed solely for a genocidal and aggressive purpose. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets, which the russians are cynically trying to mask and cover with their own civilians who for their own part, our civilian occupiers. the calves allies in washington were quick to support the attack with the us state department spokespersons. a new crane is receiving us arms
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to defend itself, as well as gain control over crimea, that we provide weapons to ukraine, so it can defend it, sovereign territory against army aggression. that includes in crimea, which of course is part of ukraine. and russia could stop this war today and in the suffering caused by the war russell launch today, if it would stop its occupation of sovereign ukrainian territory and south launching attacks on civilians. all right, let's discuss this further with the end of all like human and labor rights lawyer and author of the plot to escape go. russia who is here with me in the studio done great to have you in the studio with me this morning. i want to talk about this language that ukrainian or stories are using in terms of this attack, referring to the civilians on the beach, people of premier as occupiers. is this an attempt to justify the attack and set the stop of what is a whitewash? is that this, these types of crimes? well, obviously they're trying to justify. i mean, in truth easy, you know,
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they accuse rush of genocide been infect calling civilians who have lived in crime in their entire lives. occupiers. that's genocide of language, right? i mean, what they're suggesting is that the people, the civilians there some how don't have a right to be there. and of course they absolutely do. and they want to be part of russia. by the way. i was incredibly actually last may and uh, you know, i witness for myself. people are very happy there. actually, there was a time magazine article, i think, from 2020 that concluded that the cry means we're very happy being back part of russia. they're not occupier, they're human beings that live there that want to be there. but you know what the other i or any of the of it is, is that, um, you know, ukraine claimed it once the crime is part of ukraine. and it once probably be a back, the weather is not exactly trying to win over hearts and minds. are they right? they don't treat those people is if they're people that they want to citizens. and
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that's the irony of all that. and i just got back from blue gone skin, the don bass and it's similar. they are, they don't want those people either. i guess they want the land and not the people . hm. um, but yeah, i find that language uh, quite disturbing. eventually. um then washington decries any attacks on civilians, but then at the same time it's back ukrainian stripe on that beach and some estoppel saying that kemp has a right to defend its sovereignty. why do you think the us is trying to portray these tourists on a beach people just out trying to enjoy a lovely day at the beach as a threat to kill of sovereignty? yeah, because of, well, they have to because if they don't, it goes against the narrative. i mean, the narrative is that ukraine or the good guys that rushes the bad guys, and the fact that ukraine is just wantonly murdering civilians on beaches, doesn't fit into that narrative does so. so the us has to spin it in
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a way the true, the put you crane into good. like, i don't know how they can do that. i believe some children died in that attack. i don't know how you justify that. um, but the but they're trying very, very hard to do that. mm hm. the president, a former president, trump has a portal. they handed a plan to hold us military aid to key of and less the engages and peace talks with moscow. so i might be wrong here, but that to me, that implies that arm supplies will resume once q of enters piece talks with moscow and meets for negotiations. how would resuming shipments of arm supplies effect? so suppose the peace talks, well, i think that they would interrupt peace talks. i think that they would make peace more difficult us and we have to remember, you know, 1st of all this war was, was avoidable, had the us been, will, and nato been willing to address the russians, very reasonable security concerns. and we also have to remember that there was
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a peace deal already agreed to in march of 2020 to the us and u. k. intervene to stop in as i understand the deal would've allowed ukraine to keep all of its territory. you know, which is probably not going to happen now. so the us is blocked piece, you know, all along the way. and again, trumps suggestion is kind of a non piece piecemeal. right? yeah. the russian defense minister recently warned has american counterparts that us military support to key of mainly to further escalation of the crate in complex . do you expect washington to take this warning seriously? no, because sadly, i do think those who are in charge in washington want a war with russia. me and me, i say that very regretfully and sadly. but i do think that that's the fact they,
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they've done everything they can to provoke rush and they seem to be willing to do anything to provoke russia. this attack on crime, in which the us apparently provided some sort of intelligence for some sort of assistance for could reasonably be interpreted by russia as an attack by the united states on rush. just as john f. kennedy said in 1962 and attacked by cuba with us, with the soviet union weapons on the u. s. would be construed as an attack directly by the soviet union upon the united states. and so the u. s. is courting confrontation, the us is courting war. it is the most you responsible in a position and uh that i've ever seen in a u. s. and ministration have, you know, it was always the assumption is bad as the us presidents have been since world war 2 of them at least viewed, one of their main tasks is to prevent nuclear war,
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to protect their citizens from world war 3. this'll ministration seems to want that me and that's very scary. his it is scary indeed. all right, then cuz i like we're gonna leave it there. thank you so much. you've been a lawyer then come about like thank you. all right, and that's going to do it for now, but do stay with us. i'll be back in the city with much more news in about 30 minutes time by the just the list down, but go to the port. i'm going to do louisa. my gosh of so the team go


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