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tv   Documentary  RT  June 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

9:30 am
a is waiting to update or 4 hours of the day. so check it out. the the the judges only saw a few smiles. there was another sneak, so no, i wouldn't want to compare as well. i'm just saying they'd be all right. it was for the undergraduate present the but always goes over that which
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shows that it's of just said you want us to it's of interest in that in mind. i know by walking on. so i think, but we don't want to go through it is i had to go to the web portal with that one and then you think these go so i was letting you use the shuttle so that gusto escapes to not deal. and then the problem the number is that has to be a source of these or something that's not the dosage that's on the smart tv nowadays. easy. so let me still on your cellphone. so as health systems do, you just need to be much need some nazi. yeah. so he's not, you know, that i'm with some of the really to, to, to the,
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to do with the, you know, the police, the middle uses for, for the for the my zoom in to do it is very so. so what else to do for them? a nice too much of this is bruce ocean. so don't know if that wasn't just signed up yet, but then most of your dishes because, but in my zoom in to do it, went to the delta v people. the snow near stood the lucid, smart tv, smart tv body. and you do, you, do you sort of see this as simple as it is, but it's in the way they use it to you. what's out in the
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photograph to you? what as a room, and you said friday using zeros in the team will be like those come the oh the when i was wondering what was the, the desk of the it doesn't because i'm so go to jump through because there was some, there is a saying that the people knew what the fees associated with some of the pool, much is that there was the federal, she's the head of do squint enterprise. so was just thinking, wow, i want to sell a truck to whoever it was. so the one of the ship,
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something you might see is the dog a small, you know, the, just the, what is it the lives down but goes to the port. i'm going to do louisa. my gosh of so the team go, we just want talk one years old. the 0, the exclusive to the
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awesome that you used to live on. awesome. which is part of the of the beauty of the most comfortable storage, which is the the, the you sure. so the,
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the, the, the
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this is the focus a month clicking the wrong way. i know
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that you know, the problem the doing the fundraiser, but i'm not sure that the scheme of why you should have videos so. so the chance to go to the junior, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, there's no, that was the, this is the the something i'm sorry them, daniels, those much done with the i'm going to is the answer to buy a new new brand new for me to go look for the song, i love it, the sims, in the bus, most of the nice thing is like a leisure nation. you for with superhuman excuse. this is the you should really good. this was in the let, you know, so we have this any the previous age to assist us searches the, the new for us. if you turn you have the chance to go through this no more. he
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does have super my new carpet, but so do really goods is just an overflowing color. yes. because a 100 is also the search committee. so why did you want to set you up with the 2 of these? and you said your me, that'd be the most of the which includes the food and unless somebody called up, i just didn't know if they still have it. but it's in the office with all the the the other stuff to but you to the surface, the rooms it be. so i'm sure it's not what you can show me as and like i said,
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when you step this nice thing is students coming from. and so we were a mere us for jump to the number that the they didn't do it, whereas the video yeah, we number, they were slow. so you question is i, i didn't get another solution. so i thought so ski the, understand what the but it's been, these are my gums. so again, it's because these are not yet to you. i was not, this is what you set
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that up in. you know, the, you're the on the side here, look at all of the the non choose the right
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spot book good for me to get ready to sun. god was being supposed to be a good idea. so in control on thursday, just that of you have it and you bring them up, give a show when somebody's could barely do the 30 much for holding with us as well as schedule, i'm sure it's sending good corvettes or what's your thought? i'm be sure those issues are older son, nat, bill electric, a search for the media space in the fusion. the awesome. so i'm hoping to sort of scott across the window for the gloss and use the new a previous visit. our church mark and some stuff, some of the less the less but another stuff that's kind of so be so so competing in the heart to call you 3, go to the dealing. bloom didn't be someplace of losing off touch as me my sometimes
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why you didn't find. yeah, that's the most of the look only of teach because a book at the savannah since it's through the process. see what are the tools to categories are going to start a custom build menu. it i'm looking for. i have to most of them use of just the the, what is part of or is this the last? is it a portable post? good. isn't the dfcs you of us in that, in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go back to
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godaddy. i do it for you. oh, just to misquote. you the a full just the full list. that's pretty, you know, the only thing is that for no reason is the cause the because yes, of course. what was, what are some of the how did they do more because they keep things simple could be, should,
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could do. if you can just assume whatever you get you, i just thing is a bit. i'm cheapest full just to just be the last minute. so when i, when i showed you that more more than the season. mm hm. how's it was, let me put some sound the point of view. i'm the info the new lives can yes. that i read just bloody smart today. is there something good about you? yes. i was able to use it as me because she was the person who was in the football room. felicia, or i'm going to say this is one version or so it looks pretty much with the same one that as much i use it. so in the system or i have to get it to model to do much . and i just said that, and you said you funding supposed to do? what do you see me have a funny quality? it says why it wasn't supposed to do my and when it goes on the moody,
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i used to get them. so it was supposed to get me a new piece through for this. i've got thought it just all over the. so when you bought so much coupled, when you convert it on the initial board, i use 4 point in the month lease. so it will result of what you were you was we receive. you show me was any possibility of moving this way and we'll wait for it, but it's in the mean. yeah. if it, if it is a loss, it's really something to the bottom, the bottom i brought the venue minus the notice of the, from the see on the leave is all about monday who will dismiss? i know i brought the young wisdom see me. i just mean sort of more than practically much better
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choice because there's a new school bus and he has brought an appeal. and i do want you to be ready to put you out of the lake volume only to see what he put the stuff up again, cuz i was going dealers and he bought it is a much it was a producer of the companies uh disney. but since he's new, the but then which is lucidly to move really can use somebody to get yourself because of it's not a deal, but the recent class diploma to the proceeds indicates many bullying couldn't do it worked well. before i talked to the bugs up is what i'm done with, but i'd say, and i get pretty good about this, but bad good. i'm not busy. load the site or the skills there and you put
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a goal deficiency solution is always to give them your wasteful so all of us is blowing the of the home feels murder stubs that that 2 bones explain. most. most of i knew the keys on since saturday was a, a good so that they don't get it because it did. of course it can give it a lot of literally it's been a little while i need to do that because i'm going to send you you but to me. but the new mode, the to move. when is this of to be because you do
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you agree with the media video box to getting the good news? the really really just the, the the, the sites so most of the
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questions that i might ask them and utilize it was it was very strong and pretty soon, but that was the show me the photos of the, of the food i hey, is these, do this here but also the chief man. yep. we have, we gotta build a good deal if it always is. but the problem is there is no good for you. oh. and the blue is pretty, you know, the, the the,
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the, the, the sleep mode. so for the 1st ones based on the 2200 as low as 2 consultation a little less than that, i know that i just woke up with the
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to the new principal. so the washing is the full. so i was the shortest because most of most of the
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the the, the, the wrong guy use the wash is best done on phones. you're going to go over to them. so get bunch of 92 bucks. you know,
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if you click on this on the go to the number i can give you like a quarter. so the nice thing is that little, i guess for new york. so someone's interested because i'm the one that you saw, the above i got the zoom is billy sooner the more money to pay on was it done? go to his right to get a hold of zillow? was it because she was out? she wants to go to the youngest well that, that thing somebody a bill and nobody even interest you something before i go to a world of. busy the girl
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who's fine. yes i do for because i took them. 2 to go to there's like back to show the building on the smallest, but i'm more of the lessons that are so many of services that are i'm sick, give this a little. no it is. it was a buzz back. i wanted moved into the got to the assembly, but the most most i'm used but watching
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the the, the, the is going to go to what you are the but david by the 3 do the know me. i don't know that, but i must have just dealing with some of the issues supposed to be true, which are near the shuttle. yeah. as long as it is close to the village, the store to stretch it
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a little bit familiar with the village church is just to display machine info community to the the
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10:00 am
see the beautiful that is a fun discreet. the police are using the new x with the pull it on the city. they for the 2015 in the car to president, very tired declines to sign the controversial call items fill. the fox 5 receives into details throughout kenya the days and that has been boy leg over the approval of i am asked pushed type side if the positivist finance build, there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accounts ability of all taxes. we just want them to be accountable the
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