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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the opportunity for the people to have started be that would be that there was nothing produced by non speed of 2024 by 10 feet and a dramatic utah. the kenyan presidents scraps, heat puncture loss, so i and that's that tax spelled that sparks dad, any protests and the staff for the nation also to cobb the home to the law, which he makes found that you're going to solve takes his 1st steps on australian soiled were united with his family off to a rolling team in long legal past the
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not all to a judge except to the p deal struck with the us government, which assault had little choice. but to agree to the with lowe's legal team slammed washington assessing a dangerous precedent. in order to win these freedom, joanne pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us will france human rights abuse. this is the criminalization of journalism, the kind of gone and 7 pm here in the russian capital for myself, and the whole team at ortiz, h q, a very welcome to the program. what our top story this our, the kenya and people have spoken. those are the words of the entries president to
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a swapped a tax hike bill, but sparks days of protests in the country, and these $22.00 were killed and a $160.00 injured in the chaos. here's what we didn't read so sad about the am a fact bill during his concessions be having to put on the 10 of january include the vision that island have gone at the end of the plan has to be 2024. i left the journey for the paper to have scope it out, but they were nothing to do with these by non speed of 2024 feet. and therefore, i would not sign the 2020 for 5 months because and subsequently been with a drop off an unprecedented few days of k. as in david revive. and his presence
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william brutal has indeed rejected the new textbook while addressing the nation for the 2nd time. this, since the protest broke out to the president states as that king has the, it has to choose to buy a tremendous amount. it says it has become quite evident that members of the public and can, you're still in the system on the need for him to run for government to but also leads people and the people have spoken. indeed, those were his words, as he was making it clear that she will not to be signing that to go into know what you mean by yesterday. the canyon parliament possibly controversial fine, is full, which would have increased the taxes and the prices of basic goods. and add that in so i terms into know a but also following that protest as a drop the capital of nairobi and police open fire on crowds around parliament, some protest as managed to into parliament and such a section of the building messiah. the also involved to keep the demonstrations
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going until the new hikes of texas, the code at mid those tests is with and to ride police in the capital. can use medical association confirm that's a piece 15 people have been killed in those quotas to the move by the president could be seen by many people as an attempt to try and de escalate tensions as can use planned a demonstration on thursday tomorrow, across the country the same dates of the prison was expected to sign the bull because the on his tone was a bit different from the recent statement that he has just made to have a listen to this. we have pete knows to be here, the one that a better word in 2014 the us as the own government, make my pay them napkins. government
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a $500000000.00 last week today, found out that by the much of that i'm not the number under the name of a country in front of the discount, but of that very southern utah. and indeed, that will really aim to, to introduce unpopular tax proposal. that was the reason for so much and go across the nation. the proposal consisted of tax reforms and increases on monetize digital content creation. tax increases on digital payments as well. we're talking increases on grid and visible oil as well. those are particularly hard to see things in the country. that's a reliance on mobile money and the country that's very moving in, approve it to you. and this is the reaction from some of those citizens in kenya. the
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we are here to the interest of our to the come we want to the to, to be is that this is a pause. this finance bill. there will be demonstrations every day until the government gives us accountability or fall, texas. we just want them to be accountable. and we had to bring on this phase. i'm through the government, the government, which kind of help people not even close until the president. well purchased, but beyond the capital of 9 very be region one across these house with a nation. so
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this footage on the western city of knock who demonstrates has tried to enter the state house. police report to the use take asked houses to discuss crowns, as they looked to block roads on hand to traffic. several people receive fatal wounds. these protest as could even be seen carrying the body of costs and report to the short by security. we spoke to book on the national vice chairperson of the communist party of kenya. he says that the i'm f and well defined, which continued to pressure kenya, to increment damaging fiscal reforms by responsibility for this violence. as really for me, uh, maybe even more complex that might say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have a lot is in their hands. so i am in one bank. the subject continued to impose their policies on the email, sends king and population be. i am historically how
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orderly is probably one co interest, not just to qualify you know, loans and sustainable, but also use the leverage in terms of the financial capital to dictate our international, our internal affairs and even to use them to manipulate politically this december i am made sure that we don't wait for them to do the installation and 11, our investing news was actually cute or this did want enterprises in this country is what victims on the i am a fund allotment for this. so this is a to the new millennium,
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the for the united states and neo colonial. it has to be understood that even though there is a solution that the item is not biased because the use of the file design and minus our lead us to implement unemployed people on the table of purchases. but yesterday, the very low non violence from the assault fall, it technique was actually posting discrete. so i am, you know, on a p on, i'm from, it's the story called a behavior. it's under the colonial. um, because it is that's the $1.00 to $1.00 of the most of the african countries, including pena, to be some visions to it. we must positive on
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the external inches that's continued on the middle of political discourse. lived only independence. i'm from there now, but genuine people do shop on disc off a 14 year long, legal baffled, and almost 2000 days behind false julian assaults has worked for a taking his 1st steps on home soil. his how he was met by his family. come, bradford, of the boys for town home comes off to a pit stop on a remote pacific island where he appeared in court. i'm tired of guilty to
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a single chunk of conspiracy as a deal struck with washington to us. the judge, the sentenced him to time ready soft the, the psalms could be seen leaving the court room a free mine off to birth decade of back in the expedition to us. and while his solve his finding the over his legal team says the case number last has had h an impact. so in the leg, washington will go to and it's attempts to criminalize john the from a point highlighted by his noise at wednesdays press conference. unprecedented in the united states to use the guys act to criminally, prosecute the journalist for a publisher. it's in the more than a 100 year history of that law. it is never been used in this fashion. it is
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certainly our fault that it will never again be used in this fashion. julian spent years in bill marsh. no one should spend a day in prison for giving the public news worthy and important information. in this case, information that the united states government had committed war crimes. i think the sense here with the whole a home coming is of course, one of human joy. people are really happy to see judy and assigned released. but underneath that, there's an issue of you know, how he changes for you. what do you have to do? how we have to bend his knee if you like, to accept a criminal conviction. and this goes to the heart of the debate. now, you know, uh the united states will maintain that julian assigned. just notice as the a 7, a criminal. this has huge impact on journalism, on a global scale. the united states, of course, was the engine of the case against the julian assign. so it's understandable that
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amount of with health problems with the young family who had spent, you know, you know, almost 15 years essentially the imprisoned 7 years, the ecuadorian embassy, remember at, i'm then a bell in marshall you security prison. anyone who knows that even failed march or a security problem. this is a very green place, rapists and murderers and terrorist. it's a bit as secure a place you could put anybody have julia and such as a journalist with a gentle mind. and so this did, so the demarco, the brutality of the whole engine behind this m. let's listen to jennifer robinson and his, one of his lawyers at outlining the reality of the deal. and the impact that this deal will have going forward on, on global journalism problem with the espionage act is there is no 1st amendment defense in the espionage act. it does by its terms, not matter. the reason why you, you publish of us for years,
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the us government has claimed that these publications do great harm to day in court of the united states. government admitted that there is not a single person anywhere that they can produce that was actually harmed buddies, publications. in order to when he's freedom, joanne pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us will crime, human rights abuse, human rights abuse, and us wrongdoing around the world. this is journalism. this is the criminalization of journalism. and while the plato does not set a traditional precedent, that's not a court decision. the prosecution itself, that's a president that can be used against the rest of the media for the process in a very dangerous place. it's not, it's not evidence that it will move towards more protections, but rather less that would have been the,
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the only good outcome for the press in general. if, if the us government had to abandon this case entirely. you know, i think very quickly the debate will turn from the, the human story, the joy and the celebration around the world for anybody and everybody who stood on the side. besides that, on the side of justice, the right to report the truth. very important to remember, nobody from the united states a culpable in the crime is that we can leaks expose the judy and assign she has dedicated his life to expose it. nobody has been charged with anything. you've got well over a 1000000 civilians dead in afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, the, the list goes on and on and on. so the mind who exposed the crimes is never criminal. the people carried out the crimes which he exposed are completely blame is as it seems. so again, it's going to come back to the mechanism by which the max of taking their pound of flesh, if you like, you, most things you need to us your most accepted or criminal i'm. it's very difficult
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to see how anybody wouldn't have accepted this deal after such a long time in solitary confinement, most brutal conditions that he had to take the deal due to his health. but the big issue here is, what does this mean for global journalism? what does it mean for the pursuit of truth, charity and assault, and spend almost 14 loan that he is? an epic legal boss will have to. he released details all the us military atrocities in iraq and afghanistan. 12 of those years was spent fighting extradition from the united kingdom to the united states, as just remind ourselves of what was the went through before finally stuff and so on. i'm sorry. the
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challenges release has sparked celebrations and australia. people outside the u. s . consulate general in sydney held savannah's and balloons demonstrate as gathered to tell us the outcome of by court hearing, and of course, as long as along the way to time coming. that's a states side. politicians slammed the government for criminalizing janice that he was arrested. and that's why many people see him as a hero. here's here
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in the united states, new york times for a release of information all the time. but it's only the information that the government government secrets, the american the bad news is that he had to plead guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense in so which means the us security states succeeded in criminalizing journalism and extending the jurisdiction globally to norm citizens, julian had to take this, he has heart problems and he would have died in prison. but the security state has imposed a horrifying president and built a big blow to freedom of the press. i spoke to human rights, the side of gelatin, why? he says that a sanchez case expose the us is double standards when it comes to freedom of the press on democracy that we could not leg dollars
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a sort of bully and harass journalism and journalist into you know, a not really using information as the street. it's quite difficult as we know to come across information and you use when i go here to deal with these, especially in this case of war crimes are concerned. and this, you know, is basically the hypocrisy that people across from the point out that you don't, if you always go across the world being the policeman. and then you doubt that you will, we have freedom that then you go and you harass journalists like this. and for work, he explored the truth. he was the reason why the, what kinds of are all gonna want us on and what donald into light and the whole persona of the united states being this, we go, oh, that finished basically at that point in time. and julian finally has reached kendra and, you know, he's now a free citizen. but at what cost to you and i to right now what
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a fire has ravaged the done. but the trojan refinery of near the city of law goes from the country, southern coast. well, explosions, what reportedly heard in the area earlier today, you can see from this footage, christine shows huge pains of black smoke rising above the industrial site. local official, say the fi it has to be contained and there are no recorded injuries. so far, the refinery is strategically important than i, syria, which is the largest oil. it's 4 to only out for couldn't content. well, joining us now larger and correspondent, tennessee of us who in the west african countries capital. i'm timothy, just put you talk us through what we know about the incident and it's significant. yes, the scale now is the damage the refinery has confirmed, but indeed there was a fire in students today, wednesday, june 26. but the company said that it was a minor incidents and you know,
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it had been contained kinda odd. there was no harm done to anybody about patients of continued in the refinery of what sand bank statement did not say, you know what? the costs of the firewall said they are going to investigate, fall back or anything like that. but then this is coming, you know, just stays outside the vice president of orland, gaps business. i've done with a group of, you know, accused of western oil companies. okey doke delhi briefly inflate an oil prices and a big to stop the refinery. of course, the raw materials that he needs. i'm so afraid, you know, early uh, the local media reported accounts from witnesses will stress, i learned about based on social media saying that same, you know, a heavy be on black, pre owned, just, you know, storing into the atmosphere. and also that, that was followed by loud explosion. you know, and um, you know, that of setting up an alarm system in the area started as
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a stream stop incident happened to stay and we're staying a very strict reaction from my gerry on social media. you know, a spark plug in debates before talking about it right now on social media. and um, i mean, some people, you know, the critics, you know, would say out saying that, you know, it is beginning to, you know, look more off, you know, i mean, the best talking about my dress ability to be able to refine it from feel, you know, i'm so many sabotage study to store fat and stuff right in the past. now just saying it's beginning to look, you know, more like a database incident entities. um, i've actually like the base diameter refineries. very important for my jewelry. i like them apologies for years, something trying to, you know, promote local, refining a for out what band but has not been, you know, as i can't seem to, to be, you know, until that time with the refinery jim age of the picture earlier last year. service
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designs to bring us up to speed on that story. we'll see. and date of virus file pam. sure investigate. just are at the scene outside during corresponded timothy abusive. thank you, timothy the. well, the european court of human rights has claimed moscow is responsible for a string of violations in crime is since 2014. that's of course the. yeah. and when the pen instead of voted to reunite with russia as most go, withdrew from the new quote back in 2022. the ruling was based on one side, different quotes from the ukrainian government, archie contributor rachel lofton waste. so we know that the european court of human rights just issued a judgement against russia, accusing it of committing human rights offense, has been crimea. so russia withdrew from the same court in 2022 effectively ending the relationship with big, which basically means that this judgment is kind of like your ex bad mouth. and you're behind your back after breakup, and it carries about the same weight. frankly, there are 2 sides to every story,
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and rushes is totally missing here because it don't have any relationship with this chords. it didn't even allow anyone in front of the court, any investigators to set foot onyx territory, including the territory in question here, crimea. so what it sounds like the court did is just take the applicant countries version and credit like a great score, who is in a bit of a hurry to get his assignment done. so we can go play video games with his bodies. and well, 3 guess is the applicant, country was the government submitted the following v about violations. namely, the ruthless, don't bring down of any attempt of the corinthians citizens towards the board for the credit independence for its pro western political choice, or the non acceptance of the, on the law for an extension of coordinator with all the might of the repressive criminal law machine has no tyria purpose of creating an atmosphere of the or, and repression. this is being done in order to suppress any political opposition to
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the policy of the kremlin in russia and intimidate the corinthians inside ukraine to force them to abandon their pro european anti tyrant. and not a corruption choice they made in the revolution of dignity. so what exactly does the report accuse russia of doing the details? well, 1st of all of banding, neo nazi groups like the ride sector and the step on palm dera, all ukrainian organization which is not adhere to these quiet even though it sounds like one which must be the only time in recent memory by the european court has defended the cause and human rights of neo nazis to neo nazi ukraine. drew the court's attention to the issue of political prisoners in crimea. you think they have, with maybe one on laid low on that one. since even united nations, observers have reported on ukraine's persecution of citizens, including russian for political reasons, the court, excuse us, russia of band and you training media in crimea. what about the use own straight up
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banding of russian media platforms in the you, in the absence of any due process for the largely western journalists in these european countries who happen to work for these platforms and are provided a voice by them. the court also cut and pasted from keir again, which told the court that russia was intimidating and attacking non russian journalists and crimea. project much kias banned rushing media, opposition, media and whatever was left over from all that. it's just outright nationalized. and finally, the court a to use russia of for bidding non russian pres, from carrying out shirts, services, and crimea, forcing them to either obtain russian citizenship or be deported, which actually sounds like the blueprint. the t a is following right now, confiscating and reading moscow linked to the training orthodox churches,
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the training and part of that also forwarded to outright band these churches in the fall of last year. so really, it sounds like the european court just outsourced this whole report to zalinski. the gave him something to do on all those long flights, all around the world, begging for cash and weapons. when the flight attendants run out of crayons and coloring books for him, fall before we leave you breaking news from the north western russia, a passenger train has the rails and the academy of a public emergency services all at the seed. as you can see so far, that is a no for sure. what about the number of casualties? and it's wanting me to say what actually caused the incident. but of course we're bringing the latest on this developing story as it comes in from us for this. how it is i thought you could buy for me for the day. take care of at the top unit o. neill i will
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it's just the what is it the government the lives they own, but gosh, what the portal was their deliveries of my that no, that's of so the team go we just want talk one years old. the the the, the,
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the report to rick, i better go my sister, i'm assuming that you sure that the sure i did them and i got the com where i'm assuming
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the the .


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