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tv   Documentary  RT  June 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT

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the board, the, the, the, i knew it, the, the stuck with the
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our share, the show as the hours is the way the
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the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the june, the me when you know book shows i was purpose tricity . all of them was a nation wide water who clearly to go to the show them when you thought of single shows of some of the fluids. busy so let me see what
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he's to that this is the one that will have the the, the only option of a your chest as to which has used a garden for children for the fellow different is the fresh. so what do you mean to blinker with the stylist? excuse me. just put the question that lucy, maria. sure. the doing but also says good news to me,
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but it's up to the i'm going for you just any way you can negotiate and you choose that would be the most similar. so with our, our farms as to the big deal is bloom, would you? it looks more, more dealership is as low as inclusive as well as we speak. i just want to let you know. so she's in the midst of the use of the tech. so by the way, you know, guy because of the, even though he's getting some crazy one part of it is easy to use it as well. thank you. and you don't know who's in the most of the 1st thing we're going to slow do. but this was due for
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a moment to see how soon we know what but stuff. so number of the, of the jesus mission, if the word from the loser, losing your presence is just but as far as you build it yourself plus both look good, good model. you just love. so your sister, somebody just was a girl. she missed a subsidy for them and for the purpose of should have after school isn't all you simply in the most, but who was there? said louis, your school go with them with that. i'm pretty me the just me
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the news because the only real stuff done a lot of stuff. bother just the phone numbers and yes, just that should be the purchase as a group of outcomes. info shows us one of the shows i shall give you a list of the issues of was a we were supposed to go to some of the above shooting. yeah, i want to quit in the midst of the size of
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the the, the data . so for see the. ready data lag, so go to. 2 the convention is a pretty good news, but for the the receipt number to show you some divisions are going to ship the chest on the dashboard. punch in the silver oh, soon to the lowest
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of divorcing. move a couple of years deal to one of the other 2, but also we've only 3. no, don't wait until the end to the way people know most one that's on the board of them. they do go to the school, go with the rules the loves to save them or the the the so the full for the
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so all right, so go to go to the one on the 2 or 3? sure, sure. no, i think that was the dad and his son wants to jump in. both sets of this goes to visit for future. give me just seeing if this was a bill. so is it good to know about most of the supervisor? but how much is the, what the issue is the
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the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusion going underground? can a rom just don't have to shape house to come after kids
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and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look so common ground. the 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like to explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month. no strings attached. use i have,
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i would like them maybe. i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, the lucky by chance uh somebody who is in the pull out of charge, the move on to something
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a little bit off for the, for the full insurance that are under the sun looks in the next year or so to remove a scene machine opinions typically when the deal with just
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a moment in the the of
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the beloved chest was motionless. the eastern you will be what's nice getting the donors and he's getting any sort of us. i'm was on the 1st as little as love me, that'd be the seen in most of the food and the mothers cooking shows the most of these all ahead of the said, forget the lulu correct and square to do the group for us. and also the show a movie for the rest of the project and size is not good. well for you is that like you to and i'm interested in the trustworthiness, whether it's been a number. so because it's not the solution for me,
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but you must get to come and give them the presumes or enough to to some, one of them is through let attendance going you a little bit before and you look the, the, the, this, what is the google google project so loose loose, but i'm convinced option is me see what is what this is across the shouldn't that the person for the state level to so they just don't is things that are coming to the corner
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of the street to feel something new and you. 2 2 know, going not to to do that to you, but the mature feeling was full to assist in your solar systems then? yes. okay. miss she actually was going to let you know when you put these people up just and $0.90 for minute billy the little boy. no grass and
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brushing and ashes of which the which the 2016 didn't go over. most most easiest way to show that the booty, the customer will see this good show the use of that isn't for this for me, right. the color of the for the demo. 5 as duke. so the,
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because the otherwise you need, so to see no, soon i don't mind the bill is when you go it's royce. know yet the muse through. so the blue on the uh huh. what do you have for the year? how is that? what is the more than the sports? i'm not seeing that on leave of of, of, of i was coming up, but yes, but also new medium is just in line with it as a bundle for you. but for the tv, just that one way is really good. cuz i haven't the most got them brand new. thanks for that from. yeah. and by the way, i'm just going to go with both sides. i'm sort of what you want and you are so you might have something that just was dizzy about that. so don't thing unless it comes to the 2nd best buy product
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or do i have not got to do a lot of might of those live, i'm not sure the size of the about the size of the about what i mean at my age. i'm pretty comfortable is what the fax is on the latest on those ridge
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the reset the near the expense on monday. and so would you believe that the will work shade that goes to that the was small and not lovely on
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the ground? yes. the bottom i'm on the
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of the day of the year. and so i bought a stay of some of the do not for me. park stuff was whoever the dude and it's for the fact of secure as a for search gives us abusive as a rule. go to football or you know, we still and a lot of stuff in the game room. we started the renewal of publishes and i'm not a sales guest so beloved all up. i mean i knew i was a new for me. oh oh the, so the problem for tittie going, i'm done with her or the system.
12:55 pm
mm hm. where is the there's a load on and they will go on the morning they see on the set up for you. it is have to find them all the shuttle and boost it off. i have them on the most so, but it gives it so i do want to been special to another by by city. which is this is a duty. it's the size of course. so what did a point 0 and that was pushed back. it's the
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sort of the use to get students, the student's name people or did you do some of the students for the 1st of the support in the you're so value of what, what the portfolio you know, what a 100 students. that means the reward team of that gives you on the other. and also particularly science of me by the supposed to take one is the best because the share because i was trying to find any additional do, but i just need another. so that was not by so quickly, was that the best thing showing what that is? that's what i'm saying. a lot of good news or what, but somebody on the computer. do you see deluxe prestone? she was fairly new political own installation, but it's almost like it was i thought it was and you said you knew was that this new the us and it was the she was just what it looks like tv the or
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was it v? i know the sky, remove all the notes from the for all right, we're still looking for you just and it was on the the, the, the, the, the ports where the toyota of, of service service one to, to confirm to jump on because i need this chest for you so much of course i just need to the senior so that the typical user below says no. usually she will see i see my
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liberty street. if that is eventually that the, the key, the viewers of this program have certainly come across the observation. ukraine is on its last legs. indeed, ukraine's battlefield situation is grand and worst. by the day, however, it needs to be asked whether nato is on its last legs. the answer is certainly the thing that would inform you took with them for the gifts. authoritative celia was this because it did just wouldn't care. to get a car through the new year for g, if i teach so i know for me teaching. so is that sure for you to do this? i'm going to last, i look forward to you with that the for, she's more, it's
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a washing machine. and when you're moving to move them on the stairs from 1st month to month, putting them on the glutter to move menu with the continuum will just take it. i as well as to the lowest quality unload. i wanted someone to study to the progressive rock and you see the sharp finish. this is just so just for good news, especially if wouldn't be something to do friday. use it until you origin up over people for over the for sure. interested in the 10, most of the intention to some of the we are in the rest of the southern regional on where the mighty volk flows into the caspian sea. forming the largest as to where are in continental europe. which means it's a great place to learn about the,
1:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the people of going to have. so it'd be that would be that there was nothing produced by non speed of 2024 feet per month. it could you turn the canyon president scrubs, controversial. i m s my tax build that sparked deadly protested the east african nation, all to


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