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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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on the, the headline stories this hour, at least 40 people are injured. after a passenger train, the real, the north western russia. we've got the details. plus the people of getting to have started the that would be that they will nothing to do with these non speedy. 2024. i can feet that dramatic. you turn the canyon presidents grow. so a controversial, i left the box tax film that sparked deadly protest in the east african nation. the
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home of the last julian, a son, re, unites with his family, and texas 1st eps on extremely installed. following a grueling 14 year long legal bob from the scenes come after a judge except of the plea deal struck with the us government, which the with the leaks fund or at least little choice, but to agree to that with of lower. so we go too much from washington for setting a dangerous precedent. in order to win he's freedom, joanne pleaded. guilty to a conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us for crimes. human rights abuse is the criminalization of generally the premier accounting. the program from today across the world. welcome to moscow until then use our on r t international. we begin the arrow with
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a developing story from north western russia where a passenger train has the real injuring of least 40 people. 3 of them are set to be in a critical condition. dramatic footage of the immediate aftermath of the crush has been posted by one of the passengers. what's happening here is awful. this is our real car. we managed to get out. several other cars are scattered nearby. this train crest took place in the north western russian republic of call me a going from bar code to, to and over cbs concurring uh, 215 people on board. so far, according to the local authorities. at least 20 people have been injured with 3 of them in critical condition. of course, the number of injured is still being confirmed. there may be more in the future as more information becomes available. this is as a result of glass and blunts trauma from basically beds and tables flying around in
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the train cars that overturn the n word the rail as a result of this incidents. but luckily, no debts have been reported. now, emergency services are working hard at the scene. they've set up so far to temporary aid points to assist the passengers affected by this crash. and we've also heard from local authorities that another for medical brigades are still on their way right now by train. and another to medical helicopters have been deployed to the area because it's essentially impossible to get there right now by any sort of car or land vehicle. now, in terms of what actually clause, this tragedy to take place, one of the main series right now is that the weather conditions created a situation in which the rails became so slippery, due to heavy rains that it caused the train to derail. but of course, we're gonna have to wait for the results of an in 5th official investigation to get to the bottom of what exactly happened to your voice. so big canyon people house
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being heard. those were the words of the countries president. so 9 thing, the scrapping of a tax hike bill about spark days of protests in the country. at least 22 people were killed on 160 more injured in the unrest. here's what else william root, so said about the i m f back bill during his concession speech hunting, dependent on the time to include the vision, but i ended up going to the end of the plan has to be 2020 for a listener. brody, people who have started the that would be that they were nothing to do with these non speed of 2024 feet. and therefore, i wouldn't want to sign the 2020 for 5 months, but and subsequently been with
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a drop off done on president a few days of chaos and divide as prison william who to has reduced to the testable while addressing the nation for the 2nd time since the protest broke out to the present state to the king, his data has reduced by a tremendous amount. this is, it has become quite evident that to members of the public still insist on the need for him to make more positions. she runs a government, but he also needs people and the people have spoken. those are some of his words asked me to see that she will not be signing the boat into move. what do you mean by this city became in parliament costs to be controversial. fine is full, what's what have it increased the taxes and price is a face of goods and as a says, so items following that protest of rock to the capital of nairobi and police open fire on crowds around parliament, some protest as even menace. to enter upon them in the
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also ball to keep their demonstrations going until the high schools and i missed those classes with and to ride police in the capital off can yeah, the medical association even confirm that's at least 13 people have been killed in that protest the move by the president could be seen as an attempt to try and de escalate tensions, but essentially, the presidency is kenya as in paul. to listen, it states good. we have pete. can those to be here the bit better as word and try to for us as the own dominic. yeah. a maiden. last installment of $500000000.00 last week today found out
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that button my lip. i'm not under the name of a country in front of the discount, but of that that full really aim to integers, unpopular tax proposals, and that's the reason for so much and the across the nation. the proposal consisted off with tax reforms and increases on monetize digital content creation. tax increases on digital payments less then transfers and digital money payments. we're talking increases on braid and visible, and those are particularly all key thing in the country. this quite reliant on the mobile mind me and this is the reaction from some of those citizens we out of here to the, to the problem. we want to to walk you through. this is the pause this finance bill. there will be demonstrations
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every day until the government gives us accountability or fall, texas. we just want them to be accountable. and we are going on to say, i'm through the government, the government, which kind of how people are not. we're not even close to the president. this constant tax increases in can, you know, one of the many reasons why the, by didn't administration the i am if and i, the international financial institutions were quite happy with prisons neutral. at the same time, he has consult between the competing demands of, of linda, such as the i am april, which have it's the government of kenya. to cut this is to obtain more financing and a hard to push population. so it will be quite interesting to see and hear how deluxe will be if it will react to, to this move. the just thing with a story, the kenyan president also said the government will adopt a security measures to slash spending. that includes the travel and hospitality
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sector as well as vehicle purchases ahead. all william root toes address must protest spread across the east african nation like this for they choose from the western, the city of nikoto, where demonstrators tried to enter the state house. police reportedly use tear gas canisters to disperse crowds as they attempted to block roads and hindered traffic . several people receive fatal wounds. the protesters could be seen carrying the body of a person reportedly shot by security forces. while we spoke to booker amolla, who is the national vice chairman of the communist party of kenya, he sees the i m f, and the world by which continue to pressure kenya to implement the controversial fiscal reforms. first, ultimate responsibility for the violence as really men uh menu, more complex, that must say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have the
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lot is in their hands. so i am in one bank that is continued to impose. they have policies on the email, sends king and population b. i am historically how the order is probably want to co interest, not just to qualify or you know, loans that i'm sustainable, but also use the leverage in terms of the financial capital to dictates our international, our internal affairs, and even to use them to money believe what it's going to keep this service. i am make sure that we don't wait for them to do that. elation i'm 11.
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our investment, your bill wasn't actually cute or this did want enterprises and discount please. one meetings on the i am a fund loveland for this. so this is up to for the bad for the, for the united states and canada, neo colonial. it has to be understood that even though the, that there is a position that's v i investment love bank is more violent because of the use of the file to try and, and minus our lead us to implement and the people on the state for policies. but yesterday, the very low non violence from the assault technique was actually a big sports industry. so i am, you know, on a p me and i'm from, it's the story called the behavior. it's the new approaches
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that they want to. one of the ones, most of the african countries, including kalia, to be some additions, to more lead on that. the objectives we must foster will be when it's done the or you just continue just on the net. all political disclose plus leads only in defendants. i'm from there, i'm now, but can people do shop on the, on distance after a 14 year long legal buckle on almost 2000 days behind bars. julian assange has 3 and there's no whole industry. this is the moment he was met by his family, a camera or. 6 the
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well, the wiki leeks funder meeting necessary pit stop on the remote pacific island where he appeared in court and said guilty to a single charge of conspiracy as poor a deal struck with washington the us judge there, sentenced him to time sir. the the, the. yeah, we heard it there, a sudden could be seen leaving the court room a free month after over a decade of buckling extradition to the us. and while his saga is finally over, his legal team saves the case. that's how the chilling impact showing the lens washington will go to, and it's at 10 to criminalize during was unprecedented in the
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united states to use the espionage act to criminally. prosecute the journalist for a publisher. it's in the more than a 100 year history of that law. it has never been used in this fashion. julian sprang yours and bill marsh. no one should spend a day in prison for giving the public news worthy and important information. in this case, information that the united states government had committed war crimes. underneath that, there's an issue of you know, how he changes for you. what do you have to do? how we have to bend his knee if you like, to accept a criminal conviction. and this goes to the heart of the debate now. um, you know, uh, the united states will maintain that. uh, julian hassan just noticed as the a 7, a criminal. uh, this has huge impact on journalism, on a global scale. the united states, of course, was the engine of the case against the julian assign,
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so it's understandable that amount with health problems with the young family who had spent you know, you know, almost 15 years, essentially imprisoned 7 years, the ecuadorian embassy, remember at, and then a bell marsh, while you security present, anyone who knows that the the bill of marsh, our security prison. this is a very green place, rapists and murderers and terrorist. it's a bit as secure a place. you could put anybody on the journey and essentially that you are listed with a gentle 9th. so this did so the max, the brutality of the whole engine behind this one of his lawyers and outlining the reality of the deal on the impact that this deal will have going forward on, on global journalism for years. the us government has claimed that these publications did great harm today in court of the united states. government admitted that there is not a single person anywhere that they can produce that was actually harmed buddies, publications. in order to when he's freedom,
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julian pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing. evidence of us will crimes, human rights abuse, human rights abuse, and us wrongdoing around the world. this is general. listen. this is the criminalization of journalism. and while the plato does not set educational president, that's not a court decision. the prosecution itself fits a president that can be used against the rest of the media. freedom of the process in a very dangerous place. it's not, it's not evidence that it will move towards more protections, but rather less that would have been the is only good outcomes for the press in general. if, if the us government had to abandon this case entirely, nobody from the united states a culpable in the crime is the wiki leaks expose the julian assign. she has
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dedicated his life to expose it. nobody has been charged with anything. you've got, well over a 1000000 civilian dead in afghanistan, iraq, syria, libya, the, the list goes on and on and on. so the mind to expose the crimes is never criminal . the people try it out. the crimes which he exposed are completely blame is as it seems. so again, it's going to come back to the mechanism by which the max of taking their pound of flesh you feel like you most things you need to us your most accepted or criminal. and it's very difficult to see how anybody wouldn't have accepted this deal after such a long time in solitary confinement, most local conditions that he had to take the deal due to his health. but the big issue here is, what does this mean for global journalism? what does it mean for the pursuit of truth? meanwhile, a troop of some 40 for scholars and e mails plus on the wiki leaks website has mysteriously gone offline. just hours after duty massage was released. the
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files detail tyler leading us the democratic party figures conspired to support hillary clinton over bernie sanders for the 2016 presidential nomination. less pro 5 now to our new york correspond. caleb, nothing can have talked about timing a. i've noticed the leak team bills can still be accessed by an archive version of the page. so what do we know about their sudden removal from the live with the leaks website? as well as julia sanchez, 14 year ruling legal battle reached its conclusion. we now see that thousands of hacked emails from the democratic national committee have been removed from the website. if you go to the website and try to look at them, you'll see internal server error. that is the message that you will see. and these are emails that came from 2016 when wiki leeks revealed information,
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showing that the democratic national committee that leads the democratic party was not acting and partially, and was actively working to make sure that bernie sanders did not get the nomination. and that hillary rodham clinton did get it, and wiki leeks was provided with 19000 emails as well as 8 attachments to show that . and they've all gone missing. in the immediate aftermath of julian hassan being released and the 14 year long legal battle coming to an ap, now, you'll recall that it was shortly after these emails originally were published by wiki leaks. uh that hillary clinton is reported to have discussed killing julian a socks. let's recall. can we just brown this guy? clinton openly inquired, offering a simple remedy to silence a sound in some other week you weeks via planned military drone strike, according to state department sources. now there is quite
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a bit of outrage about these remarks in us media after all, she was calling for the extra judicial murder of a journalist. now hillary clinton denied that she made these statements and this happened as mainstream us media went into an overdrive saying that the packing of the emails had been akins be received from russia. and that julian assigned was somehow a russian agent. let's recall the media hysteria back in 2016. the n c was hacked, they believed by the russians. communications were likely seized by a group of tied to the russian government at cyber security experts are blaming the hack attack on the intelligence agencies of russian president vladimir potent russian state. actors broke into the dnc, stall these emails. now, no evidence was ever provided to prove that somehow russia was involved in the events or the julian assad was working for russia when he published. i'm uh,
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but these claims were repeated all across us media to see what became known as the roster gate narrative that hung over the trump presidency. much of which was completely and thoroughly debunked by evidence that continued the surface throughout the trump administration. now, after a 14 year long grueling legal battle, julia massage was forced to plead guilty to one count as violating the espionage acts. he is now selling in the united states, but he has been released to return home to australia and many people around the world are looking at the case as a pretty blatant example of hip hop proceed. when it comes to western leaders and their calls for transparency and human rights, and the protection of journalists and freedom of the press, etc, or to correspond to caleb up and breaking done all the 1st. thanks, caleb. okay, let's head to africa. and amid the withdrawal of us troops from nature and shot,
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washington is seeking to shift its military presence to other african nations. the opponent visiting botswana, depending on the top military commander said, there are plenty of locations where the us can make an impact on the company. and there's other countries in the region where we already have either a small presence or relationships. part of this is looking at how we continue to build them. those relationships which may provide the opportunities for us to posture. some of the capabilities we had in mid year and some of those locations a yeah, general charles braun jr. a touch don and gilbert early on monday. the move comes several african states are reassessing their relations with western powers, including the u. s. botswana is currently hosting an international conference of military leaders where the presence of foreign troops on the continent is on the agenda. the u. s. army chief safety event gives the pentagon a chance to show african leaders that washington wants to provide more military
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assistance. but some nations aren't buying it last summer major as military government ordered the american fruits to leave washington as a great to pull all of its soldiers from the west african country by mid september in 2020, free from withdrew all of its military personnel from nature after local authorities prompt and military packed with horace shod has also told us troops to leave and are base in the country. however, washington has described that withdrawal as temporary so don't forget the political commentator and author kim eller spoke to the program earlier. and these are the views, the u. s. has always pursued its own interest in africa, not charlotte, small ones either. i think this latest a conference in botswana is in
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a desperate attempt by the united states to gain subtraction in the continent without increasing the least will come to america. have sold the mis that they are here for the wellbeing of african nations. but america has never been about cooperation, which in the wellbeing of african nations, 1st, it's always about their own interests. and that, that is emerging more and more. so at the, at the cost of the conference is american imperialistic interests. they want to be a watchtower across africa, and i think they're going to find that they're not going to be very successful. because if we look at some surveys that have been done in my citizens in these countries, we see that russia and china are very well perceived, and america is declining significantly. now, the european court of human rights has play. moscow is responsible for
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a string of violations in crimea, since 2014, that was when inhabitants of the peninsula voted to re unite with the russian federation of moscow, withdrew from the e. u court in 2022. the ruling was based on report solely from the premium government. here's the take of rti contributor rachel marston. so we know that the european court of human rights just issued a judgement against russia, accusing it of committing human rights offense has been crimea. so russia withdrew from the same court in 2022 effectively ending the relationship with big, which basically means that this judgment is kind of like your ex, bad mouth, and you're behind your back after break up and it carries about the same weight. frankly, there are 2 sides to every story, and rushes is totally missing here because it don't have any relationship with this court. it didn't even allow anyone in front of the court, any investigators to set foot on its territory,
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including the territory in question here, crimea. so what it sounds like the court did is just take the applicant countries version and credit like a great score, who is in a bit of a hurry to get his assignment done. so we can go play video games with his bodies. and well, 3 guess is the applicant, country was the government submitted the following v about violations, namely the ruthless dumping down of any attempt of the corinthians, citizens towards the board for the great independence for its pro western political choice or the non acceptance of the on the law for an extension of, for me or with all the might of the repressive criminal law machine has no tyria purpose of creating an atmosphere of the or, and repression. this is being done in order to suppress any political opposition to the policy of the kremlin in russia, and to intimidate the koreans inside ukraine to force them to abandon their pro european anti tyrant and not a corruption choice they made in the revolution of dignity. so what exactly does
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the report accuse russia of doing the details? well, 1st of all of banding, neo nazi groups like the ride sector and the step on palm dera, all you for any an organization which is not adhere to these quiet even though it sounds like one which must be the only time in recent memory by the european court has defended the cause and human rights of neo nazis to neo nazi ukraine. drew the court's attention to the issue of political prisoners in crimea. you think they have with maybe one on laid low on that one. since even united nations, observers have reported on ukraine's persecution of citizens, including russian for political reasons, the court, excuse us, russia of band and ukrainian media and crimea. what about the use own straight up banding of russian media platforms in the you, in the absence of any due process for the largely western journalists in these
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european countries who happen to work for these platforms and are providing a voice by then the court also cut and pasted from keir again, which told the court that russia was intimidating and attacking non russian journalists in crimea. project much kias banned rushing media, opposition, media and whatever was left over from all that. it's just outright nationalized. and finally, the court a to use russia of for bidding non russian pres, from carrying out shirts, services, and crimea, forcing them to either obtain russian citizenship or be deported, which actually sounds like the blueprint that t a is following right now, confiscating and reading moscow linked ukrainian orthodox churches, the for any in parliament also voted to outright band these churches in the fall of last year. so really, it sounds like the european court just out source, this whole report to the lensky. maybe it gave him something to do on all those
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long flights, all around the world, begging for cash and weapons when the flight attendants run out of crayons and coloring books for him. i know it's a mid week visit to the direct impact studios next couch rick. sanchez, i'm guess for that then i'm back up the phone with all the stories affecting your world today. the same rom just don't have to shape house because the application and engagement equals the trails when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground,
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the the hello, everybody on bins one in for rick sanchez. it is an image, many thought we'd never see join a song she walks free. would you like found or striking a deal with us authorities bringing it in to an over 10 years long, legal battle. but there has to be a catch. what is the motive behind this? unprecedented move by the white house. we're digging into all the details. this is direct impact. the again, julie and as long as it is free, that is the headline today, the founder of which he leaves set to return to his home country while still yet very soon following his release from a u. k. prison. on monday a san show shot to world wide fame in 2010 is a legit.


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