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tv   Documentary  RT  June 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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this is what it shows or so the nice too much of this is bruce osha's. not that that wasn't just signed up yet, but the most of your dish is because, but am i zoom in to do it on to the data via the subject actually on your smart tv, smart tv, buddy. and you do, you, do you sort of see this as simple as it is, but it's in the way they use that. you just what's out in the, i have bought a car deal as a room and you guys really using zeros in the team will do it on the new. okay. you know, when everybody was both of them for the,
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the that's good though it does it because i'm so go to jump through because there was suspicious ones that say that you pay for me what i see. but especially when you have some pool, much is as low as those lowest federal. she's the hurdle, so do squint enterprise source just reaching out to the truck to whoever it was. so the someone that has an shift from funding. why she is the small, you know, the, just the, what is it the government, the lives down, but gosh, now that i've looked at,
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but what i'm going to do lives of my that smell does have sold the gym. go we just what the, when years old the exclusive the awesome. awesome. so about the do you use to possible, i mean how much i need to figure out the beauty of the
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bose is the the, the to do so. so the the pretty good the
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of the right
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to go from the, to the size of us who for us to the phone. you know the, the thing i don't know if the good or
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not sure how fast the skis allow you. so it says it has videos, the sheriffs are going to do it. oh, the junior yeah . the the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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something i'm sorry them daniels stores much done with daniel to us the answer to buy a new new brand new for me to go look for the song. i don't know if it's a single, it's a new but some of the nice thing is like it leads you nation, you for. so, but you may have just, you can use the you should really good. this was done and that definitely enough. so we'll be able to send you that said in the previous stage to purchase the new products. you have the chance to go through it. there's no more use um do you just have super much new carpet but we'll give you the goods interested in the overflowing cuz that's basically the slice committed. so why did you want to set you up with somebody doing that? the 3rd will see you and you said you need that meeting this evening, most of which includes the food. and unless somebody pulled up, i just didn't notice the what else without the, the of the
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the, the, the little box know the surface, the rooms that the swim by shore. i mean, that's not what you can show me as and like i searching for new stuff. this nice thing is students coming to us from it. so we were near us for jump to the number sooner than that though they didn't do it. whereas the video video, yeah we number,
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they were slow. so the question was i, i didn't get another solution. so i thought so skip the show i want to buy into position my those. so again, because these are not yet a to you, i was not this is what you see it is that up in you know the the
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the i don't know that besides he just got out of the the lunch with the stopper. sounds good for me to get ready to sun because you may have specialist will be able to go to no i just so instead of going through this picture sort of you have it and you bring them up. different channel police court the 30 much for holding with the guns as well as schedule i'm sending the restaurant,
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which i thought we should the issue. i order center mann middle electric us. that's cool. sounds like you're going to get a fusion. awesome. so i'm hoping to sort of come across the, the gloss and use the new a previous visit, our church mart summer. so some of the less the less but another separate kind of just kind of so be so so competing in the where to. ready go to the feeling, believe me there be some political glued in austin, texas, and we want something where you can you find the most of the look only of each because a book at the savannah subjects, the process see what the tools to a categories are going to start a customer bill, the way i'm looking for i have to has to let them use of just the
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position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh, the bridges on the drain and put on your bill is us on the bottom, but most move dining probably now now a lot soon, but as to when you see it, all the owners will say that it will save you from esl classes, you know, valuable. so it is what i need to file a passcode as well as long as the vin. this loan is know if the guys on a source or sit on mushroom around noon, it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive to the something is active uranium,
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but still it's radioactive. it has toxic service to control the a laptop. you want me to kind of see, so this is again, let's see, the echo seats. the boeing that i don't, you know, those image mold was suggesting, we pharma fell great for a bill. cause i was, was the each, the the standard, it's godaddy. i do it for you. which
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is the exclusive i will get you the a full just the full list. that's pretty you know. the only thing is that for no reason is the cause of i tell you, i said what was, what are some of the how's going to do more because it was you think should be, should, could it to a single mom we just spoke assume some less closer you get you just thing isn't good i'm. she was full just to just be the last minute. so when. uh huh. and so to that more more of the season. mm hm. how's it was, let me put some sound the point of view. i'm doing very positive,
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but the new lives can yes. that i read this lady. some of the additional go down to me because you. yes, i was able to use it as a media and because she was the person accused for some time, but still not football. i'm felicia board. i was good. this is bloomberg. would you like show with the same one that as much i use in the system or i have to get into model dimension. i just said that, and you said you funding supposed to do what you see me have a funny question is why it wasn't insisted tomorrow and we had to go home. i pulled up the wrong with it. i used to get them to associate with most the musical to cut you to slip it is. i've got thought it just all over the problem with the so when you bought so much, couple of them, you can find it on the solution. you should the new spot point in the month lease so it won't result in what you was receiving. show me was any possibility of moving
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this way and we'll wait for it, but it's in the minneapolis, it is a large display. so if you look the bottom, the bottom i brought the numerous 1000 the notice of the, from the, from the, from going to by monday will be doing and i'm watching soon. i will dismiss, i know i brought up the, the, it wasn't sent me. i just mean sort, i'm going to impress the motion. i'm sure there's a new school bus that has brought in a few weeks. i do want you to be ready to push it out of the make volume. only to suit your best interest. stop the government ears. and you bought it is a natural, was a possibility dump,
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but this one is, but since you know, the but done which is loose, the wheeler can use, somebody said to yourself, because of it's not a deal. and they put the recent class diploma to the teaser sheets menu, boy and can't do it worked well before taxes. uh but the zip is but i'm with that you clicked on what, but i'd say and i get pretty good about this. but background that busy load the site or the go on doing us better the fields there, and you political divisions that goes to a solution is always to give them your racial. so all of us is the of the home feels murder stubbs, that, that to bones explain most most of i knew the use of sad to use it scags so that they don't get it. most of it, of course,
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it can utilize your, most of the stuff that i need to do. i'm gonna send you but you but the new mode, the team. we will need this up to be because you do have kids who you include the menu, then you'll want to get in the good
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news, the type of 2000000 to just pull it because the the, the sites so most of the questions that i might ask them and you're the same, what was the 1st song or so, but that was the show me just a photo to the food i hey, is these do this to you but also
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the multiplan. yeah. where you have where your bill is. good. you know, if it always is becca bonus, there are no good for you. but it was pretty, you know, the, the, the, the, the, the please. so for the 1st 30
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days, most of the troops as low as the consultation level. notice i just woke up with the the
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the washing of the full so i was the shortest because most of the the
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the, the wrong guy use the most of the best bombs on funds to go to the list of them. so japan, should i need your bus now, did you click on this on the go to the number i told you. oh, go go to. so the little guess someone's interested because the one that you saw the is billy sooner
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the for the more money to pay on was it done go to his side. i think it was on the zillow. was it because she wants to go to the yeah, well the gym that somebody a bill and nobody even interest you something people like to watch the waterfall portion squeezed by yes i do for those i took them. 2 to go to the nurse, i bought the show,
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the form did not small as the sewage of the farm said if there's a blue lloyd is there was a bus be back on monday and moved into the got the additional come, i didn't really reassemble it, but the most most i'm used by the watching the the,
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the, the, is going to go to it. you are the but david, by the 3 do the, you know, mean you, i don't know the mostly just dealing with something and this is supposed to be true. which any of those oh yeah, yeah. as long as you have to go to the system village mostly the store to stretch it a little bit familiar with the village church. this is this place to live on the machine and the
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the 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossessed more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in
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america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way and like explain the basic income is that is like social security for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month, no strings attached. okay, so hey about our life. then maybe i don't know, i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, the we are in the rest of the southern region of us for a fun, where the mighty folder flows into the caspian sea forming of the largest as to where in continental europe, which means it's a great place to learn about the
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