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tv   News  RT  June 27, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the, the columbia arrest failed coo, leader, and general juan jose is unique. he's facing charges for terrorism and armed insurrection. the civil of being president, hales is people for standing against the military during and attempted to local is express their unwavering a support for their governments. we are a fighting people and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president. judy, people are going to have started be that would be but they weren't with nothing to produce by non speed of 2020 for i've come feet and
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a dramatic you turn the canyon president scraps the controversial. i am a fax tax billed as part of dudley protest and the east african nation and the home at last. julia the sons reunited his family and takes his 1st steps on us truly in soil. following a 14 year long legal battled with a whistle blowers legal team calls to play deal struck with the u. s. government a dangerous the . i'm rachel ruble live in moscow here watching r t international. we began in bolivia where failed to later general juan jose zuniga has been arrested and charged with terrorism and armed insurrection general is unique. i had previously refused to go into retire and over his anti government
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position. on wednesday, the general let us troops to storm the presidential palace. an armored vehicle was used to to round the gates. the military police units were seen entering the building, but parliamentary and government employees were evacuated from the area in advance . as news broke up, the 2 attempts of the bolivian president called upon the nation to stand against the perpetrators the
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we attended a coup attempt here in the city of la pause. this is one of the gas bombs that the bolivian army fired, more or less at 3 in the afternoon, the commander general of the army, general juan jose zuniga, arrived at the plaza, maria, at the government palace with military tanks. they have entered the government palace for 2 hours, they were pressed. the people with gases and bullets to the president are se, has appointed new military authority. he has given a speech with the vice president on the balcony of the government palace. general zuniga has been arrested yesterday. he made a statement to the bolivian television asking for the rest of the former president, evil morales. the coup attempt has failed. thousands of people gathered during
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those 2 and a half hours around plaza. marie ok to defend democracy. we are a fighting people and we will not allow an income, especially against the constitutionally elected president. we are defending a democratically elected government, and that is why we are here to support our dear president. hold on these outrages that there are meals for a man who still think that we are entitled to extend our presence to drop for the whole country. and i'm following the storming of the presidential palace general is unique. ahold face to face talks with president, our se footage shows the bolivian net present in ordering the military to return to the barracks, but they refused the mean into place of the palace before bolivia. as leadership was able to appoint new military leadership, the niga was arrested the soon after this meeting, the general is now claiming the president orchestrated the insurrection himself to boost his popularity. infinity with the president told me, the situation is very complicated. this week is going to be critical,
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so it is necessary to prepare something to boost my popularity. so i asked, do we take out the armored vehicles? take them out? so on monday, not sunday night, the armored vehicles begin to defend certain. daniel shaw, a former professor of latin american and caribbean studies at the city university of new york says there's division and the current bolivian government was different factions trying to take control in general. so need goes a long time in myra, of the coolant terms of the past, of what was call. i get to see there are different fractions within the believe in it leaves in the start the cruise area area. we've also seen in the past 18 months, the divisions within the party, within the movement towards socialism. this is something that does not bode well. unity of the do for producing sectors view is extremely important as we hold
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this moment. this moment of attention. this moment of the showdown of the different class force in the country brings back both present in high city and the former and probably future president able to show unity mass protests are expected throughout the day with demonstrators already on the streets of 10 young people are calling for the countries president to resign despite the tax hike bill withdrawal. all right, let's cross live now to local journalist kenneth a monday. it kind of talk to us about the current situation on the ground. are there many demonstrators in place on the streets? the well, thank you. uh, so this morning what you're witnessing today is that how being um, that'll be he's on a busy day is that is not uh, 40 behave of up duties,
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but coming from the cvd from the copy don't c t. we have seen that it's no big thing, is a lot of shots, uh close there, cause people are expecting a mazda quote, is a made up rotate actually today. um they use um do you know they, they didn't the agenda the, the young people who i been protesting over the past few days ago saying to date, you said by months of that brought this on, you know, depression of that we have seen police. oh, he's us stop being deployed everywhere. right now what you're seeing here uh behind me here is uh i have the police little piece of uh, deployed the uh, the, the interests of that house. they asked me for saying that, um, do i reject team the finance below which was the fullest by the government to come on. but, you know, try to collect some money to try to collect more taxes, to pay for the loans that, you know, the, the big that cabinet for the international community. i need an update on a monetary organization. so that was the,
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that's what was that successful. they didn't these for they have people who are parole, i've been processing oh, i've been protesting over the past few days. they think that they were rejecting the finance we did before because these finance being a lot of tax commissions, which would mean that the general public identity that i've been uh, you know, required to pay a lot of taxes to be able to find the government initiative but uh yes, i did the president on c did id said that he refused to us and they'd be too low. and this was a success for the demonstration that they all people have been having. so they said to date data, going to them once that need to be a big demonstration to the big process. what data anticipating too much to this to tell. so good thing here is a lot of the entrances of this, that house for the bucky a that he said to me below that hits the theater. it's called, if it does for a lot of police officers have been deployed on other areas that leads to this. it
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tells the voice of the police of please, that's how we do provide to them. and pretty said to top and he set up the president requested that big k d if they can. now defense forces be also be deployed to come on and hopefully meant what the police will be. those were supposed to provide internal security to company meant they've been trying to combat and try to fight about the youth for being processed. the, in the, in the presidential address, the president said that i'm seeing as much as he is. he allows the more politically, people to express their views, open the other people, that's the level of cleaning, or, or coming in and you know, uh, coming in together with the youth for protesting. so he never did, must leave a note that he said that he's not going to allow. he needs government people to come and do anything that these unconstitutional any criminal activity. he's not allowed the heavy protest that to be so young people broke the parliament because it is important them into with members of the problem into elected majority of the
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members of parliament voted in support of voted in favor of this board for washington for a month and a lot of people are seeing on even exports of saying that these 4 months been, it was not him and he's not in any way q. what he did is he says he's not in any way q already. the programs that you have having as a country, these taxes are not owned by as these, these students, these missions that'd be from that to what he's up for and not to be good. 24 belongs to i. m if below. but i think the national what to do in addition to that top in the face of that that not to be paying a lot of taxes, find books that have not seen any of them. because that say when you go to the hospital, you're not finding good. we're going uh, when you go to the find the, uh, i would need for a structure, you know, a country get people are paying a lot of taxes so that you go to the and got the most people on today. um,
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you know, for the dental insurance, we not only the young people, even dep finally said that that is what you're waiting to see. i don't see deep before the mistake that much of the statehouse right. journalist kenneth, a monday, joining us from nairobi and kind of thank you for the voice of the can and people has been heard. those are the words that the country is president denouncing the scrapping of that tax hike. bill that sparked days of protest in that country, at least 23 people were killed and 160 injured in the unrest. here's what else william router said about the i am a fax bill during his concession speech, or cutting the click on this one. it generally improve edition that island the content of the printer has to be 2024. i left the journey for the paper of going to have started. that would be that there was nothing to do with these by non speed of 2020 for i can feet
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and therefore i would not sign the 2020 for finance ability and chevron subsequently been withdrawn. the canyon president also said the government will adopt us there any measures to slash spending. that includes the travel and hospitality sector, as well as vehicle purchases ahead of land routes as a dress mass protest spread across the east african nation. the. this footages from the western city of not who, where demonstrators tried to enter the state house, please for part of the used sir gas canisters to disperse crowds as they attempted to blossom roads and hindered traffic. several people died from injuries sustained
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in the classes. the purchasers could be seen carrying the body of a person, reportedly, shots by security forces. while we spoke a to booker, i'm all a who's the national vice chairman of the communist party of kenya. he says, i am math in the world bank which continued to pressure kenya to implement the controversial system of forms. there's ultimate responsibility for the violence as really, ma'am uh, many more converts that must say yes to be in the streets. we must make it clear that they have the lot is in their hands. so i am in one thing that continued to impose the employees on the email sends king and population d. i am historically how the order is probably one co interest, not just to qualify you know, loans and sustainable,
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but also use the leverage in terms of the financial capital to dictate our international, our internal affairs and even to use the money police. but it's gonna be this, this sim i am. make sure that we do the only point them to do that. elation i'm 11. i'll invest in 2 bids. wasn't actually cute, or this did one enterprises and discount, please wait on that. i am in front of and so this is the as to for the bad for the, for the united states and get a new meal. it has to be understood that even though the, that there is a solution that the i am this is not because
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the use of the file to try and, and minus our lead us to implement unemployed people on site for policies. but yesterday, been very low, non violence from the a soft fall it technique was about to expose can discrete. so i am, you know, on the tv on, i'm from, it's a story called a behavior. it's some of the colonial um, projects that they want to run most of the african countries, including pena, to be some visions to it. we must foster the external interests that's continued to strongly met all political disclose flats, only the only defendants i'm from there. now the genuine people do shop on the on
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disk. after a 14 year long legal battle, and almost 2000 is behind bars. juliana sanchez's a free man and is now home and his native as early on asunder. his wife and lawyers visited australia as parliament to think the countries lawmakers there his legal team said the case should not have been criminalized in the 1st place. it is a case that never should have been brought, and i hope that we never have another case like it. the united states has never previously prosecuted. somebody for publishing classified information, in this case, information that was put in the news where they and in the public sent for us to know information, the field for crimes by the united states government. that is not just journalism, that is journalism at the highest level. and it absolutely should not ever again be a crime. i believe the legs found or made a necessary pit stop on a remote pacific island, where he appeared in court and pleaded guilty to
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a single charge of conspiracy. as per a deal struck with washington, the us judge there sentenced him to time served. he is now home in australia. this is the moment he were united with his family. i can vera airport. the it was us maintaining on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating a julian plans to swim in the ocean every day. he plans to sleep to sleep in a real bed. he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom. so sondra is release ignited jubilant. celebrations across the street, la crowd funding the streets of 10 barrow waving posters, flags, and balloons,
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and joy of celebration of his return after and during 14 years of relentless us government persecution for exposing their crimes. many still can't believe he is finally free. cries for our homes are being, you know, we think campaigning. he is really wonderful. has taken such a long, long time. never forget julian aside and never did anything wrong. he reported the truth and the whole american administration, and all, no yaks, or even saw the new ministration guy spend the time lying, shooting, and deceiving. they got caught out by to leave a message say i didn't believe it. to be honest with you. so i saw a news clip also, now this is i hope's. well, despite his arms pleading guilty to one espionage charge, the court ruled that his actions did not in danger. any one. however,
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it seemed matthew miller missed that memo, as he insisted during the heated news briefing, the sanchez actions had cause harms, though even the state department spokesperson couldn't quite pinpoint who exactly had been harmed. but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the justice department spoken that i don't have anything to add. obviously the, obviously the, the master put down the statement that said, we're happy to work with our streaming colleagues on it. and that remains the case . i do think it is important when we talk about julianna's ons to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he is now planned. guilty, your actions to put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq. i actually did talk to the state farm bank and i don't remember there being any public. there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources
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who might have been quoted was there actually any, did you ever. ready discover anyone who was the injured killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so a few things about that one. i can't give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time in so much time and the hold on. so the man, let me finish, i have a full answer on it. one, i can't speak to that because we some years ago and i don't have a 4, you know, accounting of what happened. but number 2, the state department did an extraordinary amount of work. when we found out that these cables were going to be published to get people out of harm's way, to go around and look at what might become public and take action. so people that would be put in danger, that would be put out of harm's way. but 3rd, you know, if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill some one doesn't get you out of the uh, of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens and
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it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right. well i, i, i don't think that it does, but the fact the matter is that the state department has been leased as far as i know and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been, as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or killed, or, you know, if a pointed as head of the european diplomacy is tonja and prime minister kind of colors will maintain a more extreme stance than her predecessor that's according to the russian foreign ministry spokesman, it was under burrell that the complete collapse of ease, diplomacy, as a profession, skill and field of activity began to be vividly demonstrated. i believe this trend will continue. there is no doubt that the degree of absurdity will increase. but the trend was set by burrell or comments, comments that you prepare as to a point? a stone and prime minister kaya kyla says the blogs, new hi representative for foreign affairs and security policy. german chancellor,
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all i've shown says already praise to the anticipated nomination, calling it a positive step for europe's future, or to contributor rachel marsden delves into other tell us truly lives up to that statement. so your piano rates have been focused on choosing the next leaders of the block in the most super democratic way possible. they've been gathering secretly in back rooms to really deal among themselves. it's shaping up to be a real who's who of european politicians who have managed to magically fail. of course, when they fall from grace at home, they lined safely in a pile of power and cache in brussels. queen ursula, the all powerful queen of the european commission bureaucracy, who was an absolute disaster as the german defense minister under former chancellor angular merkel leaving german soldiers to practice their war exercises using grooms . maybe from her personal sash instead of guns is a prime example. and now there's
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a stony in prime minister kaya callous reportedly now the front runner to take over from your zip burrell. as the block steep diplomat, she is so obsessed with russia that even has some block officials worried that she might reduce morales the garden to the size and about a postage stamp. i see the logic of getting an eastern european top job, but we need someone who talks also about africa or south america, and not just about russia about the only one who gets a free pass from callous on russia is her own husband outed for a treating with russia and basically blowing off is prime minister wise anti russian sanctions, like they were the 10th time she was telling him to take out the garbage or walk the dog. it's no wonder he tuned her out. imagine being at home and having to listen to this all the time. the sonya of my own country went through rushes quantization an occupation for almost half a century up until 1991. so witnessing the continuation of versus color. now let's
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take line for a policy today, and ukraine is a heartbreaking reminder of how history can repeat itself and versus the feet is not a bad thing because the then you know, that could be really a change in, in the, in the society and, and you know, there are many different nations the right now part of russia as well. i think if you would have a more like small nations it's, it's not a bad thing. give you, if it, the big power is actually much a smaller ukraine has to win the war, and russia must understand they last, this is our plan a, b, and c. so normal people who don't spark concern among block officials might risk on russia a bit, maybe negatively. then switch it up, demonstrate a bit of versatile of the instead of coming off as a one hit wonder,
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particularly someone who wants to blocks top p r job, which ideally should involve a bit more sophistication, prices countless can't even hold down the fort in estonia with a reform tardies for showing in 3rd place in the european elections, sparking opposition calls for her to find another gig. it also doesn't help that for all her talk about the need to defend ukraine or defense. some industries permanent secretary, who's the song failed on wednesdays, citing a 1600000000 euro spending shortfall at home. that leaves estonia without the basic level of immunization to fill its own defensive needs. callous reacted by sounding like she forgot that she was the prime minister of estonia and not of you frame. what i mean to say is that we have taken all national defense priorities seriously, which i can demonstrate in more than words by producing figures to show that they've gotten what they've asked for every time. that is why i feel like these
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allegations have been blown out of proportion, and i do not really understand their purpose. we have not been able to discuss the 1600000000 in question to address these very matters as well as tony in defense as begging for a piddling 1600000000 euros. some change right? estonia was pushing back in march for 100000000000 euros for you frayne, through europe, bonds and you tax payer's cash. she also doesn't think the escalation is any kind of a real risk with russia. because as she explains, if you're stupid enough to send troops to ukraine and they get killed, well, that is just really a matter of fact, oh, fool, around and find out. i can't imagine that if someone gets hurt, they're those who send their people will say, this is article 5. let's bond brush up. it doesn't happen like that. it doesn't happen automatically. so these fears are not grounded. if you send your people to
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help ukrainians, you know the country is at war and you're going into risk zone. therefore, you're taking a risk, someone's got to die and you trained to stick it to food in but callous figures that the stupid moran to actually go and do. the heavy lifting for her against hootin are pretty much on their own. nato is not going to go bomb rusher for you. she says, maybe try calling your mom to come and pick you up. her lucky hobby arvo holic gets to listen to this every single day. meanwhile, he owned the stake in a company called start logistics. that he and tell us say was helping another assuming company called meta prince tickets to put in by winding things down in russia, i guess accidentally having 17000000 zeros worth of russian cash for sales of good things like non alloy, white steel seats, or black steel products just kind of magically land in the company's pocket as
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a claim to be running out the door from russia is a nice little bonus. i wonder how that happened. well, this all apparently took place between 2022 when the free and conflict popped off and the following november, calluses response, one face with a phone of no confidence over the scandal slips. my bad that been is the way i'll go. first and foremost, i want to say that i deeply regret that such a situation has arisen. i sincerely apologize to all those who were affected, but i spent by the moral judgments i made assumed to leave the author, reading and brush or maintaining relations with russian during the full scale war is morally wrong. this needs to stop and i urge o stone and businesses to see such activities. my position on this matter has not changed. i will continue my work as prime minister. of course, the opposition has the right to propose a vote of no confidence together enough boats. and that is there for, i'm gonna have maybe to power players and brussels. she just skip all this back
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from dealing and have a stand up comedy front desk to see who replaces burrell. calif seems like a very strong contender for the crown tens. next official p are representative on the world stage. to do say, with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes. see you then the just the, what is it the government, the lives down, but gosh, well the, that i've looked at the portal because of the lives of my that know that's of so the team go we just was talking on one years old the
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the the the process, you know, my sister, i'm assuming i'm pretty sure that the.


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