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tv   News  RT  June 27, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the, the bolivia, a rest spelled carlita genuine, juan jose zuniga, and it's facing charges for terrorism on the, on the insurrection. the libyan president, health is people to stand against the military during and attempted to local is expressed on wavelength of polls because they go we are a flight in people and we will not allow any crew, especially against the constitutionally electric president, to the people who have started to out but they will do nothing to do produced by 90 speed of 2020 for 500 feet
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in a dramatic due to the canyon presidents scrap steak homes with the actual i. m. s. bond huntsville, the spots and deadly protest in the south african nation. the home at last, the juliet stones re unites with his family and takes his 1st steps on australian soils following a full team in long legal battles. but it was a blow, his legal team pulls the plea, deal strong with the us government a dangerous precedent. the is very welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news on the day time. so it's great to have you with us. and we begin in bolivia, westfield, carlita, general, one as a, as
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a negro has been arrested and charged with terrorism and on the insurrection that it was a vague. i had previously refused to go into retirements over his anti government position. on wednesday, the general let his troops to store the presidential palace and all the vehicle was used to run the gate. of the military police units were seen entering the building. but solomon 3 on the government's employees were evacuated from the area. and as long as these bro coffee co attends the bolivian presidents cooled upon the nation to stand against the public traces of the
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we attended a coup attempt here in the city of la pause. this is one of the gas bombs that the bolivian army fired, more or less at 3 in the afternoon, the commander general of the army, general one jose zuniga, arrived at plaza maria, at the government palace with military tanks. they have entered the government palace for 2 hours. they were pressed. the people with gases and bullets to president r say, has appointed new military authorities. he has given a speech with the vice president on the balcony of the government palace. general
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zuniga has been arrested yesterday. he made a statement to the bolivian television asking for the rest of the former president abel morales. the coup attempt has failed. thousands of people gathered during those 2 and a half hours around plaza. marie ok to defend democracy. we are a fighting people and we will not allow any cool, especially against the constitutionally elected president. we are defending a democratically elected government, and that is why we are here to support our dear president. hold on, it is outrages that there are male true man who still think that we are in time of the cat or the presence to ask for the whole country as well. following the storming of the presidential palace. but in general, said the negro health face to face talks with president, i'll say, so to show it was the bolivian president, ordering the military to return to the barracks. they refused. the meetings took place at the palace baseball, but lives leadership was able to a point, new military leadership. so they got was arrested soon. oscar destiny,
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se genuine is now claiming the president's orchestra to be insurrection himself, to boost his popularity. infiniti will. the president told me the situation is very complicated. this week is going to be critical. so it is necessary to prepare something to boost my popularity. so i asked, do we take out the armored vehicles, take them out? so on monday, not sunday night, the armored vehicles begin to defend lots, an american leaders were quick to condemn the attempted coo and voice best supports for the bolivian precedents. i don't know. so it is, it will say, just because we are aware of the events that are occurring right now in the sister, republican bolivia. we want to express our deepest rejection of any attempt to violate the rule of law. we hope that the full re establishment of constitutional order can soon take place. i reiterate in the sister nation of bolivia, from some of the month of the meal,
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we are absolutely aligned from the too late in states in defense of democracy. in bolivia, we condemned the attempt included tom. we called for the institutions to function for the constitution to be respected for the laws to be respected, and we hope that no one is injured under the legitimate government of president, luis all say, is maintained and can continue with the mandate given to him by the bolivian people him receiving and i am either from venezuela with the immense love we have for believe you, we call on the people of believe it to defend their democracy, their constitution and their president total. an absolute insolence of the army come under the pretense for keeping up the president to pretend street northeast legitimate authority. granted by election. only the people save the peoples, only the people save democracy title. let's discuss this further without a correspondent marina calls or is a join, you mean, asperity are right now likes to see marina. so it's been a dramatic start to that wakeful bolivia with this failed to we've heard from
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voices supporting the government. what's the reaction for most scribing? well, most golf course is outraged by this was like a board leaders that we've seen so far. and of course this is a close relationship. let's not forget that the bolivian president was in russian and all that long ago in june where he did meet with president vladimir fruits and they spoke about loose in economic ties and again, their principal all about solver and see. so of course, the most go is out by just by this and also has a warning, as we strongly condemned the attempt of military coups in the multinational state of olivia on june 26th. we warrant against the attempts of instructive for an interference in the internal affairs of bolivia and other states, which has repeatedly led to tragic consequences for a number of countries and peoples including in the latin american region. now tensions were a mountain in bolivia since april. if not earlier, regarding that interference of latimer, of which in this talking about this,
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for example, in april, the bolivian minister of foreign affairs accuse the united states of conduct in hybrid warfare. with the aim of installing a government there in 2025. that would be at its service and apparently, and this is a forwarding to bolivian information agency. there was even a name for this plan. uh simon volleyball and, and also not the most 2 counts are asked us adversaries in the region who russia and china rick. so the a there apparently, according to this plan is to the stabilize the situation there. also there was that linked audio of the american consul in bolivia where she is saying, well, the united states of course have said that this is safe. but what she's saying in that recording is we have been working for a long time. so to change and bolivia, evil and our say even more all as the former presidents in bolivia and also the current president, they have to leave power in order for us to close that chapter. the u. s. embassy
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will become more involved in strengthening those because the allies organizations, collaborators, and their focusing on the young people to achieve that change. of course, she was summer and after that this is what the believe in uh for administrative have to say again because this continued to happen in 2 days before the could the bolivian foreign ministry have this to say, i do believe in foreign ministry. pause. that is some into us shows you that said deborah havior on monday to bring to her attention concerns and claims about a number of statements and actions made by employees of the us embassy. they are regarded as interference in internal affairs. so there you have it. so this is what they claim the us of course, denies those claims. they said that this is fake something we hear from them time and time again when something surfaces that they're very uncomfortable about. think it's that to say the us does have an interest in believe yourself. the 1st time is $22.00 inches fair and the countries internal affairs is that yeah,
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it's definitely not the 1st time that us since a few years. and this is why bolivians are aware of this, not only bolivians, but uh the world really because we've seen this happen time and time again. and just again, most recently with the election was one evil morales was out of the house and why was side? because that was due to vote, rigging claims that came from where an american organization that was there observing the elections. and this is not just one example we've seen this happen time and time again, which is why and bolivia has been wondering about this an urgent the united nations, for example, to pay attention is what is happening there and how they are seeing more and more interference from the us and here let's hear from the oblivion twice. and again, i believe this is from 2022 when he was warning. say, we have forces here getting involved in the region because they need something from us. excuse me. we oppose us any form of interviewing and any attempt to sabotage our country's democracy and stability for seeking to control our elite,
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the mineral resources. so this is the us south comes from under said months ago, and the us as targeting the so called wisdom triangles in latin america and america, which can see some believe you are just seeing a m shield. and so the united nations must take actions of those countries, so don't respect them. other countries over and see an interview in other countries appears need us. and so there you have it. once again, it's all about the natural resources. in this particular case, when it comes to bolivia, it's about lithium and apparently again, the whole big plan is to recall a noise. lots in america to act as advertisers to russia and china is becoming stronger in the region. this is what washington sees, apparently afford into this life. and this is how they're trying to tackle it. and in bolivia, what's interesting to them, let's look very intriguing. thank you. marina last spring in a chris evans now all taken tribute. so to get his take on increased great to see you as an it came moreno in the studio. so you to take on why the here with you so interested in bolivia as well. i think as,
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as marina actually points out that there's, there's a, there's a crime for the prime example as to why they're moving sites thoughtfully. obviously the us as long how does monitor i adopt trim, which basically says that they have the legal right to regime change as many countries as they want to not to in america, but specifically seems right now is to do with the, the major literacy of miami agreements that the believe in government is coming to tested with bites. it's not like china uninstalled, i russia will say the fact that the baby and president as marine estates, it was a guest of honor at the same dispatch economic for him. he was out that on the plan to recession, which not a med page and speaking, and we talked about how he wants it's with the, the, the independence of his country on top of that. and then we looked at the, the political struggle in bolivia. we looked at the, the, the president's close ally, the ex president, everyone out as the us. uh, i've hated for a long time, even grounded. these are gonna probably be getting 2030 to choose the most of heidi edward snowden on the plan. so i think this is just, again,
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i'm trying to love you the notice of another country to not to the america and it by the looks of it, not succeeding. but chris, did you think that this isn't the way blackmail are saying? well, this is what will happen if we don't get what we want. so is this it sam saying once again, they saw that the bill of being present both in russia, perhaps they're seeing that partnership becoming stronger and stronger. and then we see the screw in bolivia. is it related in any way, shape or form or they're trying to make sure that bolivia stays away from the global south, closer to them. yeah, i think you're absolutely right marine. i mean, we'd be just seeing that with the side the so i'm just have to say can deal with the plates of basically the to it's always but the us just, this is what having the government is. what about the tiring people? right. so they may know that this may not the account by the, by the, by virtue of the fact that this happened is warning one of the other countries in the global south, specifically in latin america. not so joining breaks not to pull mr. lions not to, to do away with the exploitation of specifically the mining industry in the us and
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western companies in the region as a stay with the closest does that cover and beyond which is basically subjugation to the united states. chris, so many things, the spacing throughout the day, that's all they contribute to chris and so thank you to you to marie not cause we're back. thank you. once you have the news now mindset protests throughout kenya are expected throughout the day. with crowds already gathering in the streets of nairobi, people are calling for the country's presidents to resign the spots and can see the inter withdrawal, a confidential tax hike bill earlier, my colleague way to be able gotten more from local journalists and kenneth, and monday and all tea correspondence, none of the icon, gay, the station is already getting killed. they obviously for of what it is told me, they probably don't see on uh, what we're seeing right now is confrontational on active engagement. the to the young people on the, the security deposit and that's what deployed in the capital city here, but the police will because i'd be spot seeing them. the police of please us out of
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the loving care, goes to them out of uh, you know, using the blank uh, the blank. uh the so, i mean, i mean, did they, using all the people say con, to, to be able to discuss this utah from engaging. so i think the strategy that the young people have no uh the, the used to be using is that they are talking from different phones that i talk to you from different phones the other way. um, right behind there we've seen young people coming from that place and the number for the bottom of them already been out of it said that putting the police trucks. uh some of them out of out of that that came from a different faith. so that is what i tend to be a senior right now. i am a has responded to the protest in kenya. let's have a listen. we are deeply concerned about the tragic events and kenya in recent days, inside and by the loss of lives and the many injuries. our thoughts are with all the people affected by the turmoil in the country. well, people that's to alter as even as a statement from the item if was issued by the direct to off communication,
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was issued to receive the ongoing situation and reiterating the army of commitment and supports to kenya. but with all of that, one can help at all. what exactly does the item if needed, when it says it will continue supporting the acadia? could it be more financial support considering that to the plans, i'm not working all to 10 years because those same people that are still making noise. i know that in the past years this seen the government taking altima billions of dollars in did many ordinary citizens. a claim that to the support and aid in the form of data from the item, it does not before they me fix. it doesn't mitchell to improve their living conditions. and the main reason can yet is still experiencing such loud news from you citizens is because more and more people are getting wise to the effects of the item. if you understand that the cost of living and the taxes that are rising, it's because of, for the low was that government is taken from the item. if they are starting to see
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that this must be repaid. and the item is, has we emphasized that kenya should and must reduce its fiscal deficit, including by raising those taxes. we know that the purchase which erupt it in many parts of the country with spock to buy a wide spread dissatisfaction with economy conditions, government policies, and the presidents. but in a southern reversal present, who to has said that would not sign the finance bill that she had long said was mississippi to stabilize the countries academy. have a listen to this. having to click on this, one of to include position that i ended up going to end up. that plan has to be 2024. i left the drawing for the paper of cutting down to have started piece out that they will nothing to do with these by non speed of 2024 feet. and
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therefore, i would not sign the 2020 for 5 months because us and subsequently been withdrawn that this moment some say it is not. that's prison. who told not for the for southern realizes that he had been wrong to push for the tech types of what's cool, so much and the question yeah. in fact, he's again, she's addressed to the nation with quite a robust and very detailed explanation of exactly why she believed those tests heights will need us. but overall, the present that has highlighted that to be government had made significant probably in managing the countries that have we have turned out to be the ones that that are in the world and try to for us as the own government make a maiden last installment of $500000000.00 last
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week today, found out that by the 5th of october, under the name of a country in front of the discount of debt president route to allow in chains to balance the books by introducing a new program of popular stay which exploits saved the if the government to rather to present a band is this proposed tax. it will eventually have to cut the public spending. they by deepening the price of those already and the strain if it proceeds and the prices i said, it starts the crop towards his phone and look towards this lease. and you know, that to which was administration has been increasing rates and introducing misses to make canyon this reliance on borrowing in line with the school reforms agreed upon with the item if, of course, but this time he seems to not be caving flat before the kenyan president sofas of
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the government with adults those stairs he measures to slash spending, and that includes the travel and hospitality sector as well as vehicle purchases ahead of william re toes address must protest spreads across the east african nation. facebook page is from b western city off and the route to web demonstrates is trying to enter the state house police. reportedly you tear gas canisters to discuss, crowns, and say, attempting to blow roads and hand the traffic. several people died from injuries sustained in the clashes. the protest as could be seen carrying the body of a person were forcibly schultz find security forces african union advise that, talked a boat mendoza stays the protest, smoking new era, and the continents politics and the government should be wary of this new generation. this is to us whether it will be the limit to
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add that to the civil society, that the producer design goods. this is to me that the main objective of the demonstrations varies and presented in the epic guys or was this is you could have been a homeless genius in got it. there is no way as there's been people that do i move packages have been the close of much surface trace in if you go with this is up in southern africa in those involved with them via lo be with the same kind of consequences. but in those cases, the, the use have not been as, as proactive as they've been in case you didn't get to complete. it makes it a, in product it's, you know, in or in the country that the, the state to navigate has to be wary of this new generation
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of, to a 14 year long legal baffled, and almost a 1000 days behind phones. julian of songs is a free man, and he's now home and his native australia, as long as his wife signs lawyers have visited australia, is parliament to thank the countries little may cuz that his legal team said that the case but should not have been criminalized in the 1st place that is the case that never should have been brought, and i hope that we never have another case like it. the united states has never previously prosecuted somebody for publishing classified information, in this case, information that was put in the news where they and in the public send for us to know information that field work crimes by the united states government. that is not just journalism that is journalism at the highest level, and it absolutely should not ever again be a crime that we can be found to make the necessary pit stop on the remote pacific
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islands where he appeared in, quote, unplugged guilty to a single charge of conspiracy, as a deal struck with washington, the us judge that sentenced him 2 times subs. he's not home in australia. this is the moments he re united with his family, a tumbler apple. it's. and it was us maintaining on the tarmac, but it was the entire world who was celebrating a julian plans to swim in the ocean every day. he plans to sleep to sleep in a real bed. he plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom. as long as it's release ignited jubilant. and since celebrations across to
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australia, crowns flooded the streets of cambro waiving posters, flags and balloons. enjoy a celebration of his were ton of wind during 14 years of woodland bliss, us government persecution for exposing back crimes. many still companies. he's fine and a free lunch cried for hours. i've been you know, we've been campaigning. he is really wonderful. has taken such a long, long time. never forget julia decided and never did anything wrong. he reported the truth and the whole american administration, and all, no yaks, or even saw the new ministration. spend the time lying, shooting, and deceiving. they got caught out by g o u s h c. i didn't believe it. to be honest with you. i thought i saw a news clip also. now this is i hope's will, despite the song stating guilty to one espionage charge,
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the court ruled that his actions did not endanger any one. however, it seems not to mila missed that man, though, as he insisted through under heated press briefing that a sanchez options had caused tom, though even the state department spokesman and couldn't quite pinpoint who exactly had been homed. but are you satisfied that the case is over? so look at the justice department spoken that i don't have anything to add. obviously the obviously the uh, the master put down the statement that said um we were happy to work with our sterling colleagues on it. and that remains the case. i do think it is important when we talked about julia sons' to remind the world that the actions for which he was indicted and for which he is now plead guilty or actions to put the lives of our partners, our allies, and our diplomats at risk, especially those who work in dangerous places like afghanistan and iraq, i actually did talk to the state department and i don't remember there being any public. and there was a public concern that was raised about the potential security risk. those 2 sources
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who might have been quoted was there actually any, did you ever. ready discover anyone who was injured, killed had to go into hiding. so because of them, so a few things about that one. i can give you a definitive answer only because i wasn't here at the time and so much time and the hold on. so the next 5 minutes, let me finish. i have a full answer on it. one, i can't speak to that because it was some years ago and i don't have a 4, you know, accounting of what happened. but number 2, the state department did an extraordinary amount of work. when we found out that these cables were going to be published to get people out of harm's way, to go around and look at what might become public and take action. so people that would be put in danger, that would be put out of harm's way. but 3rd, you know, if you drive drunk down the street and get pulled over for drunk driving, the fact that you didn't crash into another car and kill some one doesn't get you out of the uh,
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of your direct was actions and endangerment that you put your fellow citizens in and it's the same thing. same principle applies here, right? well i, i, i don't think that it does, but the fact of the matter is that the state department has been leased as far as i know and maybe i'm wrong. but there's been as never been able to point to anyone who was compromised or to. ready or, you know, always a pleasure to have you with us here on the international. and we will of course, be back with more in just a few minutes. see that the,
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in the 1870, the colonial expansion of the british empire and the nile valley in greece. the british decided to get complete control over sudan. however, the deeply religious people of that country did not want to obey 4 laws. the unceremonious intervention of british officials, legs of people's discontent, is spokesman was the theologians mohammed all thought the drug blamed himself, the marty. the design began to gather an army against the invaders. by 1884, most of the sudanese cities were in the hands of the modern great britain decided to intervene directly. but the troops of ahmad gave the invaders at drubbing in $1885.00. the rebels, the capital car to the feet of britain was totaled only by the very end of the 19th
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century. after the death of ahmad, the british were able to regain their control of sudan. unable to defeat the living body, the british took revenge on the dead. what his remains were drawn out of the mazda liam, and thrown away into the nile. ahmad said, was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of africa against the colonial afresh, and remained at dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the what is the part of is it that the employee would post good? isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word or is it something deeper,
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more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of the everybody on bins one in for rick sanchez. the are just some of the stories we're talking about today a day like no other ukrainian force and strikes civilian areas of crimea with the power of american weaponry. so what does it mean? we'll break it down for you. this is direct impact. the and we begin today in southern russia where ukraine launch strikes sunday, targeting the city of a sub, a skillful at least 4 people were killed, including 2 children over a $150.00 people were left injured. eye witnesses managed to record the most.


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